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級別 (A 卷)I-3 WH 問句 國 中 英 文 評 量 卷 ( ) 姓名:2. A: Where is your friend?

_______________  班級: B: Nina is. [提示:

_________ Nina 女生名]
    分數: __
( ) 3. Which pencil do your sister have?
一、 單選擇 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 3 分、共 18%)
四、句子改寫 (請依句子底線的提示,用 wh 疑問詞造問句;每題 3 分、共 18%)
( ) 1. A: Which book do you like? B: ________.
1. We go to Taichung by train. [提示: train 火車]
(A) No, it isn’t. (B) Yes, it is. (C) That red one. (D) That girl.

( ) 2. A: ________ do you go to school? B: By bike.

2. Emily is my English teacher.
(A) How (B) When (C) Where (D) Which

( ) 3. A: What ______ it? B: It is a dog. 3. I eat dinner at 6:30 P.M.

(A) are (B) is (C) do (D) does

( ) 4. A: _______ is her name? B: Her name is Betty. [提示: Betty 女生名] 4. She likes that white dog. [提示: white 白色]

(A) Who (B) What (C) Where (D) When

( ) 5. When _____ you play computer games every day? 5. They are nurses.

(A) do (B) does (C) aren’t (D) are

6. I live in Taipei. [提示: live 住]
( ) 6. A: ________ does he like this car? B: He doesn’t like it.

(A) What (B) Who (C) When (D) How

五、克漏字填空 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 4 分、共 16%)
Susan: Hi, Jason. Come in.
二、配合題 (依題目的意思,將 WH 疑問詞填入空格裡;每題 3 分、共 21%) Jason: Thank you. 1 are you today?
提示 who/ which/ what/when/ how Susan: Fine. Have a seat.
Jason: Thank you. Your dog is so big. Hey, 2 is that girl with this dog in the picture?
1. A: does your son take a shower? B: He takes a shower at 8:00 P.M. every day. Susan: That’s my sister.
Jason: She is so cute. 3 does she do?  have a seat 請坐/ picture 照片/
2. A: is your sister? B: Judy is my sister. She is playing with her dog.
cute 可愛/ work 工作/ hospital 醫院
Susan: She is 4 . Now, she works in a hospital.
3. A: does your brother do? B: He is an engineer.
( ) 1. (A)What (B) Which (C) How (D) Who
4. A: is your dog? B: It is in the house.
( ) 2. (A) who (B) where (C) what (D) how
5. A: cat is your cat? B: That yellow cat.
( ) 3. (A) What (B) How (C) Where (D) Which
6. A: is this? B: It is a computer.
( ) 4. (A) good (B) a nurse (C) a student (D) happy
7. A: are your father and mother? B: They are fine.

三、改錯 (將錯的地方圈起來,圈對 2 分,答案對 2 分;每題 4 分、共 12%)

例題: ( am ) I is his sister.
( ) 1. When do you do? I am a student.
六、閱讀測驗 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 3 分、共 15 分) (A) Spot.
Kevin: Hi, Tina. Is this your dog? It’s cute.
Tina: Yes, it’s my dog. (B) Brown.
Kevin: What do you call it? (C) Tom.
Tina: I call it Spot.
Kevin: Where are you taking it?
Tina: I’m taking it to the park. I let it run in the park every day.
Kevin: Can I go with you? I like dogs.
Tina: Sure you can!

☆ cute 可愛的/ call 叫/take…to 帶…到/park 公園/let 讓/run 跑/can 可以/

with 和/sure 當然

( ) 1 Who has a dog?

(A) Tina
(B) Kevin
(C) We don’t know.
( ) 2 What does “it” mean?
(A) Tina and Kevin’s dog
(B) Kevin’s dog
(C) Tina’s dog

( ) 3 Where is the dog going?

(A) to go home.

(B) to go to the park.

(C) to go to see a doctor (看醫生).

( ) 4 Does Kevin like dogs?

(A) Yes, he does.

(B) No, he doesn’t.

(C) No, she doesn’t.

( ) 5 What’s the name about the dog?

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