CBT R Schmidt Design Document Complete

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Design Document for

MPTC Curriculum Development Process

By Rebecca Schmidt

Purpose of the Course The purpose of this course is to improve faculty compliance with new
curriculum development procedures.

Background In recent years, Moraine Park Technical College (MPTC) has shifted its
curriculum design process to use the Backward Design Model. With that
change, faculty have had to learn new procedures for their course builds.
This training will help bridge the gap in knowledge and provide scaffolding
for learners to successfully be able to complete each task in the curriculum
development cycle.

Audience Description The audience for this course is any faculty acting as content developers
during a given development cycle. The training will be required of all first-
time content developers. However, the training will be optional for
individuals who has participated in an undergraduate course building project
since 2019.

Faculty members who take this training course have varying levels of
experience with curriculum development, ranging from a year of experience
to 20+ years. All have the basic skills to navigate computers and use the
faculty LMS system SumTotal (internally named Cultivate U). Individuals
who are newer to MPTC will have an easier time transitioning to the new
development process. Several veteran faculty members have voiced
concern/disinterest with the curriculum procedure changing.

Audience Motivation This course will give faculty members the knowledge and confidence to be
able to develop their course builds. There will be less need for revisions
through the process when the faculty follow the expectations in the training,
which will result in better time management. Faculty are also paid for
successfully completing their course builds during a cycle.

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Task Analysis Refer to page 12 to view a task analysis for the curriculum development
process for content developers.

Major Course Upon completion of this training, learners will be able to:
Objectives (Terminal)
1. Design a course that has aligned competencies, learning activities,
and Performance Assessment Tasks (PATs).

2. Write clear course competencies for a given course that utilize the
MPTC guidelines.

3. Recognize the relationship between learning objectives and


4. Write learning objectives that utilize MPTC guidelines.

5. Develop PATs incorporate learning objectives as indicators of


6. Create learning plans that utilize activities and assessments that are
aligned to learning objectives.

Module Specific Upon completion of this module, learners will:

1. Write clear course competencies for a given course that utilize the
MPTC guidelines.

2. Recognize the relationship between learning objectives and


3. Write learning objectives that utilize MPTC guidelines.

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Module Enabling 1.1 Learner will identify characteristics of a course competency as
Objectives defined by the MPTC Curriculum Department.

1.2 Given a set of verbs, learners will sort verbs into the categories of
fuzzy and specific.

1.3 Learners will categorize course competencies based on whether they

follow MPTC guidelines.

1.4 Given MPTC guidelines, an unsatisfactory course competency, and

a list of competency sentence segments, learner can construct a
replacement course competency that meets guideline expectations.

2.1 Learner will explain the difference between competencies and

learning objectives.

2.2 Given a set of learning statements, learners will sort the statements
into competencies and learning objectives.

2.3 Given a competency, learner will select appropriate objectives that

break said competency into lesson level topics/skills.

3.1 Learners will identify the three parts of a learning objective.

3.2 Learners will identify the characteristics of a good learning

objective as defined by the MPTC guidelines.

3.3 Given a set of verbs, learners will distinguish (sort) between process
and outcome-oriented verbs/phrases.

3.4 Given a set of learning objectives, learners will sequence objectives

to correspond with course competencies.

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RLO Enabling 1.3 Learners will categorize course competencies based on whether they
Objective follow MPTC guidelines.

1.1 Learner will identify characteristics of a course competency as defined

by the MPTC Curriculum Department.

Learning Assessment No formal assessment will be given at the end of this course to indicate
for Course mastery of the content. However, the observational notes of the
instructional designer will be used to assess learner transfer of knowledge
and skills. Between each module, learners will be asked to complete the
course build document that corresponds with the recently learned content.
The instructional designer will provide the learner with feedback and
suggested revisions if needed. If the instructional designer notices that the
individual continues to struggle a note will be made for additional training.

In addition to completing the course build documents, each module will

contain assessment tasks to assess for mastery of enabling objectives.

Learning Assessment Two assessment pieces will be used in this RLO. The first will be
for RLO knowledge check consisting of 1 multiple-select question. The second will
be a sorting activity that utilizes drill-and-practice.

Instructional Delivery This course will be delivered completely online as a self-paced

method for Course asynchronous course. The course will be broken into modules to be
(overall) completed prior to each task being assigned in conjunction with the course
build cycle. It will be accessed through our faculty LMS system: Cultivate

Instructional Strategy This RLO will use tutorials with drill-and-practice.

for RLO

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Media The RLO will use a combination of text, illustrations, icons, graphics, and
tables. The RLO will use synchronized audio to provide instruction on the
topic. To synchronize the audio and text/images, simple screen recording be
needed to provide a smooth transition among related topic. Closed
captioning will need to be provided for the audio, but will be able to be
turned off by the user.

Graphics/illustrations/icons will be created using Venngage or obtained

through the library provided in the design program (Storyline).

Graphics needed:

 Backwards Design Map

 Competency Characteristics Icons

 Acceptable vs Unacceptable Icons (for sorting activities)

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508 Accommodations Several areas of consideration are being made in this RLO for 508
accommodations. The first is that the audio will also have closed caption
with 99% accuracy.

Color Contrast will meet AA standards (but will strive to meet AAA
standards of 7:1 Contrast). Only the MPTC blue color in the logo will be
used as an accent color, since the green does not meet color contrast
requirements. The MPTC green logo color will only be used in the logo and
in the page header/footer as is required to provide consistency between all
the trainings provided by the MPTC Curriculum Department. Colors used
will be approved colors through the MPTC style guide.

When applicable, alternative texts will be provided for tables and images to
promote accessibility for screen readers.

Fonts will be approved list: Arial Narrow, Times Roman, Berthold Akzidenz
Grotesk, or Helvetica Neue LT Std.

Note: Only two to three fonts will be used from the list. Prototyping the
slide layout, the Curriculum Coordinator will give final approval on any
alterations needed (to another approved font).

Keyboard navigation will be provided in addition to mouse navigation.

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Course Structure This course will be broken into five modules, one for each critical area of
Description the course building process and one to give background knowledge about
the design model as a whole that is being used at MPTC. Each module is
made up of two to four lessons.
Module 1: Backward Design Model
- Backward Design Overview
- Benefits of Backwards Design
Module 2: Competencies
- Characteristics of Course Competencies (*RLO fits here)
- Developing Course Competencies
Module 3: Learning Objectives
- Relationship Between Competencies and Learning Objectives
- Characteristics of Learning Objectives
- Developing and Sequencing Learning Objectives
Module 4: Performance Assessment Tasks (PATs)
- What is a PAT?
- Aligning PATs
- PAT Expectations at MPTC
- Developing PATs
Module 5: Learning Plans
- Learning Plan Components
- Aligning Learning Activities to Objectives and Competencies
- Developing Learning Plans

Seat Time of Course 3 hours

Seat Time of RLO 20 minutes

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RLO Outline Analyzing/Categorizing Course Competencies
1. Identify Course Competency
a. Course-level outcome for students
i. Ask yourself “How will my students change as a result of
their learning in this course?”
b. Knowledge and skills that learner possesses as a result of
completing a course
c. Big picture of the course
2. MPTC Course Competency Expectations
a. Course-level outcomes
b. Outcome oriented instead of process focused
c. Student focused
d. Specific
i. Use action verbs
ii. Use words that have few ways to be interpreted
iii. Avoid fuzzy words like “understand” or “explore”
e. Measurable
i. Should be able to be assessed
ii. Focus on action verbs that can easily be observed
iii. Provide indicator to provide visual cues for any skill
that may be difficult to observe
3. Misconceptions
a. In the past, everything that was graded needed to be a PAT,
which meant it needed to have a competency directly
connected to it. That does not hold true anymore. So,
lesson-level learning concepts are not competencies (even if
they are assessed).
b. Number of Competencies needed in a course

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RLO Flowchart See page 18.

Screens/Pages in RLO Pages 14

Extra layers 10 (For feedback/help screens/navigation tracking)

Knowledge Checks or __0__Dichotomous (T/F, Y/N, etc.)

Other Assessments or
__0__Multiple Choice
Practices for RLO
__1__Multiple Select
__2__Drag and Drop
__0__Custom – describe; if appropriate, supply flowchart in an
Appendix and reference it here.
__0__Other – describe

Rollovers/click events __2__Rollovers

__2__Click Events

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RLO Navigation A constant menu display will be located as a left sidebar.

A navigation bar will be located at the bottom of the window. A next,

previous, help, exit, and glossary button will be included in the navigation

Hypertext/hyperlinks will be used to navigate to support materials and

additional resources (or back to previous sections of the training) when
learners are branching to reteaching sections.

Audio bars will have user control buttons to play, pause, fast-forward, and
rewind. The audio bar will be visible and learners can click directly on the
bar to fast forward or rewind.

A special menu will be used to navigate the Competency Characteristics

section of the RLO.

Keyboard and mouse navigation will be utilized.

Screen Layouts for See pages 19 - 22.


Development Tools Authoring tool – Articulate Storyline

for RLO
Graphics Tool – Venngage

Audio Tool - Camtasia

Ownership Rebecca Schmidt will develop the initial course as an employee in the
Curriculum Department of Moraine Park Technical College (MPTC) and the
MPTC Curriculum Department will maintain the course. This course is
being developed for Moraine Park Technical College (MPTC).

Development Time of 75 hours (2 work weeks)


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Support requirements  Access to Venngage for the development of Job Aids and CBT
for RLO and course graphics

 Access to Camtasia and Storyline for the development of any

instructional videos needed

 Access to MPTC Curriculum manuals and instructional videos that

could be repurposed for this training

 Access to a SME with knowledge of MPTC competency


 Access to MPTC style guides to ensure CBT meets design

expectations for the college

Project Please sign below indicating agreement with the proposed course plan and
Sign-off [optional] approving start-up of the storyboard and development phases.

Instructional Designer Date

Project Manager/Sponsor Date

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Task Analysis

Below is the task analysis for the curriculum development process for a content developer.

1. Complete Course Overview form.

 Review information provided by the instructional designer for accuracy in the areas pre-/co-requisites, number of credits, number of hours, and
course modalities.

 Provide course description (Using WIDS or the Current Course Offering page).

 Provide textbook information (title, author, edition, publisher, copyright information, ISBN, and MPTC bookstore cost) and explain how
textbooks will be used.

 List supplies required by the learner to be successful in the course.

 List any course-specific policies that you plan to use.

2. Complete Course Competencies form.

 Identify course-level skills/knowledge/abilities students are expected to possess upon completion of the course.

 Write course competencies that follow MPTC expectations (observable, measurable, student-focused).

 Fill in table with course competencies (add more cells if needed).

 Review feedback and make revisions if needed.

3. Complete Learning Objectives form.

 Take one of the course competencies from step 2.

 For the selected competency, break it into smaller knowledge/skills/abilities that need to be achieved in order to successfully master said

 To do this, answer the question “What must the learner be able to do/know in order to complete this competency? What are the small steps that
break down a task or skill?

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 Write each learning objective for the course competency in its cell of the table following MPTC expectations (chronological order to build up
to competency, lesson-level, student-focused, observable, measurable).

 Repeat the process until you have completed a table for each course competency.

 Review feedback and make revisions if needed.

4. Complete Performance Assessment Tasks (PATs) form.

 Select a course competency from step 2.

 Determine your assessment tool you will use to determine mastery of the competency.

 Write a title that reflects the PAT task to be completed.

 Write a student-facing description (includes all information that the learner would need to complete the PAT –background context, description
of the task/instructions, any supplies needed).

 Review the learning objectives and make sure that every one for the competency has been addressed by the PAT.

 Adjust PAT to address any learning objectives that may have been when originally writing the PAT.

 Write the PAT scoring guide to indicate how each learning objective will be assessed for mastery in the PAT.

 Repeat the process for all remaining competencies to develop each of the PATs.

5. Complete Learning Plans form.

 Title your first learning plan. Title should relate to the topic or competencies being addressed.

 Write an overview to describe the first learning plan that introduces the learner to the topic to be covered. Overview should include the big
ideas in the learning plan and motivate the learner by explaining the relevance/importance of the topics being covered.

 Determine the learning activities needed to complete the learning plan.

 Place the activities in chronological sequence.

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 Identify the type of activity.

 Create a title for the activity.

 Write a student-forward facing description of the activity.

 Identify all learning objectives addressed by the activity.

 Attach/link any files necessary to complete the activity.

 If the activity is a graded task, complete the rubric template (identify criteria, grading scale, and description performance the students must
demonstrate to achieve each grade scale level of each criterion).

 Repeat the process for each learning plan.

6. Complete Course Grading form.

 Determine how the final grade will be aggregated (percentage of total points, weighted average of weighted grade categories).

 If you select weighted averages, determine each weighted category and the percentages for each category.

 Develop the grading scale for the whole course.

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Alignment Chart

Terminal Objective: Write clear course competencies for a given course that utilize the MPTC guidelines.

Enabling Objectives Assessment Absorb Do Connect

1.1 Learner will identify Knowledge Check CBT Slides Labeling Activity Knowledge Check
characteristics of a course Question Question
competency as defined by
the MPTC Curriculum -Multiple Select Question -Multiple Select Question

1.2 Given a set of verbs, Sorting Activity (Mastery) CBT Slides Sorting Activity (Mastery) Rhetorical Questions
learners will sort verbs into
the categories of fuzzy and -Learner can sort verbs and
specific. try the activity as many times
as they would like to master
the concept

1.3 Learners will categorize Sorting Activity CBT Slides Sorting Activity Job Aid
course competencies based
on whether they follow -Sort competencies into -MPTC guidelines
MPTC guidelines. “Meets Expectations” or
“Needs Revision”

1.4 Given MPTC guidelines, Knowledge Check CBT Slides Sentence Reconstruction Job Aid
an unsatisfactory course Question Activity
competency, and a list of -MPTC guidelines
competency sentence -Multiple Choice
segments, learner can Knowledge Check
construct a replacement Question
course competency that
meets guideline expectations. -Multiple Choice

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Terminal Objective: Recognize the relationship between learning objectives and competencies.

Enabling Objectives Assessment Absorb Do Connect

2.1 Learner will explain the Knowledge Check CBT Slides Sorting Activity Knowledge Check
difference between
competencies and learning Multiple Select -Competencies vs Learning Multiple Select
objectives. Objectives

2.2 Given a set of learning Knowledge Check CBT Slides Sorting Activity Knowledge Check
statements, learners will sort
the statements into Select all examples of Examples: Competency -Competencies vs Learning
competencies and learning competencies in a list of Tables Objectives
objectives. learning objectives and

2.3 Given a competency, Knowledge Check CBT Slides Competency Table Drag Knowledge Check
learner will select and Drop Activity
appropriate objectives that Scenario Questions with Examples: Competency Scenario Questions with
break said competency into Competency Tables Tables Competency Tables
lesson level topics/skills.
Rhetorical Question related
to Course Design

Terminal Objective: Write learning objectives that utilize MPTC guidelines.

Enabling Objectives Assessment Absorb Do Connect

3.1 Learners will identify the Evaluation Activity CBT Slides Labeling Activity Evaluation Activity
three parts of a learning
objective. -Are the examples good -Are the examples good
learning objectives and why learning objectives and why

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3.2 Learners will identify the Evaluation Activity CBT Slides Sorting Activity Evaluation Activity
characteristics of a good
learning objective as defined -Are the examples good Job Aid -Sort learning objectives into -Are the examples good
by the MPTC guidelines. learning objectives and why “Meets Expectations” or learning objectives and why
-MPTC guidelines “Needs Revision”
Job Aid

-MPTC guidelines

3.3 Given a set of verbs, Evaluation Activity CBT Slides Sorting Activity Evaluation Activity
learners will distinguish
(sort) between process and -Are the examples good -Process vs outcome-oriented -Are the examples good
outcome-oriented learning objectives and why learning objectives and why

3.4 Given a set of learning Knowledge Check CBT Slides Competency Table Drag Knowledge Check
objectives, learners will and Drop Activity
sequence objectives to Scenario Questions with Examples: Competency Scenario Questions with
correspond with course Competency Tables Tables Competency Tables
Rhetorical Question related
to Course Design

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