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班級:_______ 姓名: _____________

級別(B 卷)I-2_現在式(否定&問句)、現在進行式 國 中 英 文 評 量 卷 4. Her friend takes a nap every day. (請改寫成否定句)

一、 單選擇 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 3 分、共 18%)

( ) 1. Your mother ____________ milk now. 5. What do you do? (請改寫成現在進行式)
(A) drinks (B) drink (C) is drinking (D) is drink

( ) 2. Its house is small. It ________ big.. 6. Are your father and mother eating dinner now? (請用否定回答。)

(A) is not (B) are not (C) does not (D) do not
四、英翻中及中翻英 (每題 4 分、共 12%)
( ) 3. What _______ his brother ______ now?
1. Your teachers walk to school every day.
(A) is ; do (B) does ; do (C) is ; doing (D) are ;doing

( ) 4. ______ her sister watching TV now?

2. A: Does he listen to music every day? B: No, he doesn’t.
(A) Does (B) Are (C) Do (D) Is
( ) 5. A: What _____ your friend do? B: He is a student.
3. 你正在打電話給你的爸爸嗎?
(A) is (B) do (C) does (D) are
( ) 6. His brother ____________ breakfast every day.
五、克漏字填空 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 4 分、共 20%)
(A) isn’t eating (B) doesn’t eat (C) doesn’t eats (D) isn’t eat
Jane __(1)__ 12 years old. She likes sports, and she __(2)___soccer with her classmates every
二、 改錯 (將錯的地方圈起來,並將答案填入括號裡;每題 3 分、共 18%) day. Jane has a brother, Ken. Ken is a student in a junior high school. He ___(3)___ to play
例題: ( am ) I is his sister. baseball with his friends. He also joins the baseball team (4) his school. Jane and
( ) 1. My teacher like movies. Ken___(5)__ good at sports.
( ) 2. We aren’t walk to school every day.
( ) 3. Does your friend doing homework now? 補充單字: soccer 足球、classmate 同學、junior high school 國中、join 加入、team 隊伍、
( ) 4. They don’t drinking milk now. good at 擅長
( ) 5. A: Do you eat eggs every day? B: Yes, I am.
( ) 6. What does our father doing now? ( ) 1. (A) are (B) is (C) do (D) does
三、 句子改寫 (將句子依提示進行改寫;每題 4 分、共 24%)
( ) 2. (A) is playing (B) play (C) plays (D) played
1. I like to swim every day. (請改寫成否定句)
( ) 3. (A) likes (B) like (C) is liking (D)liked

( ) 4. (A) is (B) to (C) on (D) in

2. Does her sister drink Coke every day? (請使用 now,改寫成現在進行式)
( ) 5. (A) is (B) do (C) does (D) are

六、閱讀測驗 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 3 分;共 9 分)

3. Their brother is taking a shower now. (請放入 every day 並改寫為現在式)
Ben : What are you doing now?
Mike : I am playing a new computer game. It is exciting.
Ben : Do you play computer games every day?
Mike : Yes. My cousin has many computer games. Do you play computer games?
Ben : No, I don't have a computer.
Mike : What do you do after school?
Ben : I do homework and read books.
Mike : Wow, you are a good student!
exciting 刺激的;cousin 堂(表)兄弟妹;new 新的;after school 放學之後
1. ( ) Who does homework after school?
(A) Mike’s cousin.
(B) Ben.
(C) Ben’s cousin.
2. ( ) Who is playing the new computer games?
(A) Mike.
(B) Ben.
(C) Ben’s cousin.
3. ( ) Which statement(陳述) is TRUE(真實的)?
(A) Mike likes to play computer games.
(B) Ben’s cousin has many computer games.
(C) Mike does homework and read books with Ben every day.

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