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級別(B 卷)I-1 Be 動詞、現在式 國 中 英 文 評 量 卷   5.

班級:_________   姓名:______________   分數:_______________
Your student / every day. (請放入 do homework 完成句子)
一、單選擇 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 3 分、共 15%)
( ) 1. My mother ______ busy every day. [提示: busy 忙碌的]
四、英翻中及中翻英 (每題 4 分、共 20%)
A. is B. does C. are D. do 1. My father takes a nap every day.
( ) 2. Your sister _________ TV every day.

A. watch B. watchs C. watches D. watching 2. Do you go to school every day?

( ) 3. A: ______ his brothers teachers? B: No, they aren’t.

A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are 3. A: 這是他們的狗嗎? B: 不,這是我們的狗。

( ) 4. Mary _______ John every day. [提示: help 幫忙]

4. 露西(Lucy) 是你的朋友嗎?
A. help B. helps C. helpes D. helping

( ) 5. A: Does your mother read books every day? B: Yes, she _____.
5. 他每天喝可樂。
A. reads B. does C. read D. is

二、改錯 (請將錯誤的地方圈起來,並將正確答案填寫在題號前方;每題 3 分、共 15%)

( ) 1. Your father usually eat dinner at home. [提示: usually 通常] 五、克漏字填空 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 3 分、共 15%)
A: Hi, Jane. __(1)___that your father? 補充單字:drive 開車
( ) 2. My teacher have three dogs. B: Yes, he ___(2)___ me to school every day.           toy company 玩具公司
( ) 3. They are student. A: Great! What does he do?                  children 小孩
B: He ___(3)___ in a toy company. He __(4)__ toys for children.
( ) 4. A: Is he play computer games every day? B: Yes, he does.
A: That is a great job.
( ) 5. Our brothers likes movies. B: Yes, my father likes the job, and I __(5)___ it very much. (資料來源:遠東新英文法基礎版)

三、句子改寫 (請依照提示改寫句子,每題 4 分、共 20%) ( ) 1. A. Are B. Is C. Do D. Does

1. My sister / to school / every day. (請放入 go 完成句子) ( ) 2. A. drives B. drive C. drove D. driving
( ) 3. A. work B. working C. worked D. works

Your brother/a student.(請加入 be 動詞並改成疑問句) (寫對 be 動詞未改寫成疑問句得 2.5 ( ) 4 A. makes B. make C. made D. making
2. ( ) 5 A. likes B. liked C. like D. to like
六、閱讀測驗 (請選出最正確的答案;每題 3 分;共 15%)
Part A
3. Her friend / four apples / every day. (請放入 eat 完成句子。) Cherry and Jane are good friends. They have different hobbies. Cherry likes sports. She plays tennis
every day.
 Jane is not good at sports. She often watches movies at home. She has many DVDs.
4. Amy is my friend. (請改寫成否定句)
different 不同的;hobbies 興趣(複數);sport 運動;tennis 網球;good at 專長;often 經常
1. ( ) Who is good at sport? Kevin : Hi, Tina. Is this your dog? It's cute.
(A) Jane. Tina : Yes, it's my dog.
(B) Cherry. Kevin What do you call it?
(C) Jane and Cherry. Tina : I call it Spot.
Part B Kevin : Where do you take it to every day?
I am Sara. I have a happy family. My father and mother are a doctor and a nurse. They like Tina : I take it to the park. I let it run in the park every day.
movies and watch movies every day. My sister and I are students. We read books every day. Kevin : Can I go with you? I like dogs.
Because my mother likes animals, we have five cats and three dogs. We are happy every day. Tina Sure you can!
animals 動物(複數);because 因為 cute 可愛的;call 稱呼;let 讓;park 公園
本文節選自專門替中國人寫的英文練習課本 本文節選自專門替中國人寫的文法練習課本
2. (
) How many dogs and cats do they have?
(A) 6 4. ( ) What’s the dog’s name?
(B) 7 (A) Spot.
      (C) 8 (B) Kevin.
(C) Tina.
3. ( ) Who does read books every day?
(A) Sara. 5. ( ) Which statement(陳述) is TRUE(真實的)
(B) My father and mother. (A) Kevin has a dog.
(C) My brother and sister. (B) The dog runs in the park every day.
(C) Tina and Kevin go to the park every day.

Part C

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