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Literature Practice Worksheets

A Doll’s House
by Henrik Ibsen
Your Complete Literature Practice Worksheets Guide (For Grades 7-9)

Multiple Choice Questions, Short Answer & Short Essay Questions,

Mid-Book & Final Test

Multiple Choice Questions

The Multiple Choice Questions in this Practice Worksheets Guide will test a student's understanding
of A Doll’s House. The questions are broken out into sections, so they focus on specific chapters
within the book. This allows you to test and review the book as you proceed through the unit.

Short Answer Questions

Short-answer questions are open-ended questions that require students to create an answer. They
are commonly used in examinations to assess the basic knowledge and understanding (low cognitive
levels) of a topic before more in-depth assessment questions are asked on the topic.

Short Essay Questions

Short Essay Questions listed in this section require a one to two sentence answer. They ask students
to demonstrate a deeper understanding of A Doll’s House by describing what they have read, rather
than just recalling it. The short essay questions evaluate not only whether students have read the
material, but also how well they understand and can apply it. They require more thought than a
multiple choice question, but are shorter than the essay questions.

Mid-Book Test (Easy, Medium and Hard)

Final Test (Easy, Medium and Hard)

Answer Keys

©2017 BR Inc.
Multiple Choice
Act 1 Part 1
1. When Nora first comes home, what does she ask her maid Helen to hide?
(a) a Christmas tree (c) gifts for the children
(b) a gift for Torvald (d) her macaroons

2. How does Nora check if her husband is in?

(a) She looks for his coat. (c) She goes to look for him.
(b) She listens at the study door. (d) She checks if his key is in the hall.

3. What is Nora's attitude toward the porter who helps her with her purchases?
(a) generous (c) condescending
(b) angry (d) pitying

4. Which of the following does Torvald NOT call Nora?

(a) little squirrel (c) little lark
(b) little kitten (d) little spendthrift

5. What brings Torvald out of his study?

(a) a desire to see his dearly loved wife (c) worry over what Nora has bought
(b) anger that Nora is late (d) a loud noise from the other room

6. What is Torvald carrying when he exits the study?

(a) a business letter (c) a Christmas ornament
(b) a pen (d) a gift for Nora

7. How does Torvald describe Nora's spending?

(a) inconsequential (c) astronomical
(b) reckless (d) modest

8. Why does Nora think they can spend more money?

(a) She is going to inherit money.
(b) Torvald is going to earn a large salary.
(c) She plans on winning money gambling.
(d) She thinks they can borrow indefinitely.

9. Why does Torvald not want to spend money?

(a) He thinks money is a corrupting influence on the children.
(b) He wants to save their money to take a trip.
(c) He wants to save up all their money for the future.
(d) They won't actually have more money for a quarter of a year.

10. What is Torvald's attitude toward borrowing money?
(a) Torvald believes in borrowing money whenever you need it.
(b) Torvald believes you should only borrow money if you know you can pay it back
(c) Torvald believes you should only borrow money in a true emergency.
(d) Torvald is against any borrowing whatsoever.

11. How does Torvald try to cheer up Nora?

(a) by dancing with her (c) by giving her a ring
(b) by giving her a kiss (d) by giving her money

12. What is the first thing Nora points out about the things she's bought?
(a) They are low quality. (c) They are good quality.
(b) They were expensive. (d) They were cheap.

13. What does Nora say about the doll bed she's bought for her daughter, Emmy?
(a) Emmy will be thrilled with it. (c) Emmy will soon break it.
(b) Emmy will never guess what it is. (d) Emmy will now have a pair of doll's beds.

14. Besides her children and husband, who else does Nora buy gifts for?
(a) the dogs (c) the neighbors
(b) the maids (d) herself

15. What does Nora ask for at first, when Torvald asks what he should get her?
(a) an expensive bracelet (c) nothing
(b) a new pot (d) a new dress

16. What does Nora finally ask Torvald for as a Christmas present?
(a) a dinner together (c) a dance
(b) macaroons (d) money

17. Who does Torvald compare Nora to?

(a) a bank manager (c) himself
(b) her father (d) her mother

18. What lie does Nora tell Torvald?

(a) She says she hasn't bought him a present.
(b) She says she hasn't gotten a Christmas tree.
(c) She says she hasn't eaten any sweets.
(d) She says she hasn't promised the children anything.

19. Where does Torvald believe Nora got Christmas presents the last year?
(a) She made them herself.
(b) She bought them at an expensive store.
(c) She bought them at a cheap store.
(d) She had the children make presents.

Multiple Choice Key
1. A 11. D 21. C 31. D 41. A 51. D
2. B 12. D 22. C 32. A 42. A 52. B
3. A 13. C 23. C 33. D 43. A 53. C
4. B 14. B 24. A 34. D 44. B 54. D
5. C 15. C 25. A 35. B 45. A 55. D
6. B 16. D 26. A 36. A 46. D 56. A
7. B 17. B 27. D 37. D 47. C 57. C
8. B 18. C 28. D 38. A 48. D 58. B
9. D 19. A 29. A 39. A 49. D 59. B
10. D 20. C 30. C 40. C 50. C 60. D

61. C 71. C 81. B 91. B 101. B 111. B

62. B 72. D 82. B 92. B 102. C 112. D
63. A 73. D 83. A 93. B 103. C 113. A
64. C 74. D 84. C 94. A 104. C 114. A
65. D 75. A 85. A 95. C 105. A 115. D
66. D 76. D 86. D 96. A 106. B 116. D
67. C 77. A 87. D 97. C 107. C 117. D
68. A 78. C 88. D 98. A 108. A 118. A
69. D 79. D 89. B 99. B 109. A 119. A
70. D 80. A 90. A 100. A 110. B 120. B

121. D 131. B 141. D 151. D 161. D 171. D

122. C 132. D 142. A 152. C 162. C 172. D
123. D 133. A 143. B 153. D 163. A 173. B
124. B 134. C 144. C 154. A 164. B 174. C
125. B 135. B 145. C 155. A 165. A 175. A
126. A 136. A 146. C 156. B 166. B 176. B
127. A 137. C 147. B 157. C 167. A 177. B
128. C 138. A 148. C 158. D 168. C 178. A
129. D 139. C 149. D 159. B 169. C 179. B
130. B 140. B 150. D 160. C 170. A 180. C

Short Answer Questions
1. When Nora first comes home, what does she ask her maid Helen to hide?

2. How does Nora check if her husband is in?

3. What is Nora's attitude toward the porter who helps her with her purchases?

4. Which of the following does Torvald NOT call Nora?

5. What brings Torvald out of his study?

6. What is Torvald carrying when he exits the study?

7. How does Torvald describe Nora's spending?

8. Why does Nora think they can spend more money?

9. Why does Torvald not want to spend money?

10. What is Torvald's attitude toward borrowing money?

11. How does Torvald try to cheer up Nora?

12. What is the first thing Nora points out about the things she's bought?

13. What does Nora say about the doll bed she's bought for her daughter, Emmy?

14. Besides her children and husband, who else does Nora buy gifts for?

15. What does Nora ask for at first, when Torvald asks what he should get her?

16. What does Nora finally ask Torvald for as a Christmas present?

17. Who does Torvald compare Nora to?

18. What lie does Nora tell Torvald?

19. Where does Torvald believe Nora got Christmas presents the last year?

20. What does Torvald believe happened to last year's presents?

21. How does Torvald say he felt when Nora was busy for three weeks?

22. What does Torvald like about his new job?

23. What does Torvald say to tell any callers?

24. Is Torvald expecting Doctor Rand?

25. Does Nora recognize Mrs. Linde?

26. How did Mrs. Linde travel to the area?

27. How does Nora say Mrs. Linde looks?

28. How long ago did Mrs. Linde's husband die?

29. Did Nora write to Mrs. Linde when her husband died?

30. What does Mrs. Linde say her husband left her monetarily?

31. How many children does Mrs. Linde have?

32. How many children does Nora have?

33. How does Mrs. Linde feel about her husband?

34. What job has Torvald just accepted?

35. What was Torvald's previous profession?

36. Why didn't Torvald make money at his previous profession?

37. For Nora, what will having "heaps and heaps of money" mean?

38. What type of work has Nora taken on to make ends meet?

39. Why did Torvald leave his office when he married Nora?

40. What made Torvald ill?

41. Where did Nora and Torvald travel to cure Torvald's illness?

42. How long were they gone?

43. How much did the trip cost?

44. Where does Nora initially tell Mrs. Linde she got the money for the trip?

45. How often does Doctor Rank visit?

46. Why did Mrs. Linde marry her husband?

47. Who has Mrs. Linde had to support?

48. What was Nora actually doing, while Torvald thought she was making presents the
past Christmas?

49. What game does Nora play with her children?

50. How does Krogstad re-enter the house unnoticed by Nora?

51. What is Nora's attitude toward her children?

52. Where does Nora send her children so she can talk to Krogstad?

53. Who did Krogstad see walking with Torvald?

54. What does Krogstad ask Nora about Mrs. Linde?

55. What does Nora tell Krogstad about how Mrs. Linde got the job at the bank?

56. What does Krogstad ask Nora to do for him?

57. What does Nora threaten to throw Krogstad out of the house for?

58. How long has Krogstad known Torvald?

59. Why isn't Nora worried about Krogstad?

60. What led Krogstad into questionable businesses?

61. Why does Krogstad want his job at the bank?

62. What does Nora think Krogstad is threatening her with?

63. What does Nora say will happen if the loan comes to light?

64. What did Nora sign to get the loan from Krogstad?

65. Who else was supposed to sign the document?

66. How does Krogstad know the second signature is faked?

67. What does Nora do when Krogstad confronts her about the fake signature?

68. What does Krogstad compare falsifying the signature to?

69. Why does Nora believe what she did was not a crime?

70. What does Nora tell her children about the "stranger man"?

71. What does Nora try to do after Krogstad leaves?

72. What does Nora ask the maid to bring to her after Krogstad has left?

73. What does the nurse say is wrong with the costumes?

74. Who does Nora say she wants to come help her with the costumes?

75. Why doesn't the nurse want Nora to go out?

76. How are the children feeling on Christmas Day?

77. What happened to the nurse's own daughter?

78. What is Nora's relationship with her children's nurse?

79. Why does Mrs. Linde come by Nora's house?

80. What does Nora want Mrs. Linde's help with?

81. What is Nora going to the costume ball as?

82. What caused Doctor Rank's illness?

83. What inconsistency did Mrs. Linde notice in what Doctor Rank said?

84. What conclusion does Mrs. Linde jump to about Doctor Rank?

85. What idea does Mrs. Linde inadvertently put into Nora's head?

86. Why does Nora say she is sending Mrs. Linde away when Torvald comes back?

87. What does Torvald initially think is the reason Nora wants him to let Krogstad keep his job?

88. What reason does Nora give for wanting Krogstad to keep his job?

89. What is Torvald's real reason for wanting to fire Krogstad?

90. What does Torvald give to the maid after his conversation with Nora about Krogstad?

91. How long does Doctor Rank think he has to live?

92. Why doesn't Doctor Rank want Torvald in his sickroom?

93. What does Rank say he will send Nora, when he knows he is about to die?

94. What does Nora pretend was Rank's father's sin?

95. How does Rank say Nora and Torvald will respond to his death?

96. Why is Doctor Rank jealous of Mrs. Linde?

97. What evidence does Doctor Rank believe supports his jealousy?

98. What does Nora say Doctor Rank can pretend about her dancing?

99. What item of clothing does Nora show Doctor Rank from her box?

100. What does Nora do with the item of clothing "to punish" Doctor Rank?

101. Why does Nora say she refuses to show him anything else?

102. How does Doctor Rank respond when Nora asks what he would do if she asked him
a huge favor?

103. What are Doctor Rank's feelings towards Nora?

104. What is Nora's reaction when Doctor Rank tells her his feelings?

105. What does Doctor Rank offer to do?

106. What confuses Rank about Nora's behavior?

107. Why did Nora like talking to the maids when she lived at her father's house?

108. What excuse does Nora give Doctor Rank about who has arrived?

109. How does Krogstad come to Nora's house, so that he's not seen?

110. What has Nora instructed the maid to tell Krogstad?

111. How does Krogstad respond to the maid's message?

112. What reason does Nora give the maid to keep Krogstad's visit secret?

113. What does Nora ask Krogstad to think of, to beg him for mercy?

114. Who does Krogstad intend to tell about the bond?

115. Would Nora's idea to get the money from Doctor Rank have worked?

116. What does Krogstad say he will do with the bond?

117. What's the first thing Krogstad suggests Nora is considering?

118. What are Krogstad and Nora talking about, that both considered but neither had the
courage for?

119. What does Krogstad say he has in his pocket?

120. How much money does Krogstad say he will ask Torvald for?

121. How long does Krogstad say it's been since he was involved in anything dishonorable?

122. Where does Krogstad put the document he's brought?

123. Where does Mrs. Linde propose to go, after Nora tells her what's happened?

124. What stops Torvald from coming into the room?

125. What does Mrs. Linde tell Nora to do?

126. What happens while Nora is dancing?

127. What is Mrs. Linde doing while waiting for Krogstad?

128. Why does Mrs. Linde want to meet Krogstad at Nora's house?

129. What is Krogstad's initial reaction to the fact that the Helmers are at a dance?

130. What does Krogstad think of Mrs. Linde?

131. What does Mrs. Linde say was her reason for sending Krogstad a harsh break-up letter?
132. What does Krogstad compare himself to?

133. What reason does Mrs. Linde give Krogstad for her coming to town?

134. What does Mrs. Linde say she has faith in about Krogstad?

135. What sign tells Mrs. Linde that the Helmers will be returning soon?

136. What final doubt does Krogstad have about Mrs. Linde?

137. Does Nora want to come home from the dance after the Tarantella?

138. What reason does Mrs. Linde give for being at the Helmers' apartment?

139. What criticism does Torvald make of Nora's Tarantella dance at the party?

140. How was Nora's dance received by the guests at the party?

141. What does Mrs. Linde almost forget as she leaves?

142. What does Torvald say about Mrs. Linde after she leaves?

143. What does Doctor Rank say he's gained from his "scientific investigation"?

144. What does Doctor Rank want from Helmer?

145. What does Helmer find in the lock of the mailbox?

146. Who does Nora say must have been tampering with the mailbox?

147. What does Nora tell Torvald about the cards from Doctor Rank?

148. What does Nora tell Torvald to do, after they've discussed Doctor Rank's impending death?

149. What does Nora put on herself, when Torvald goes in to read the letters?

150. While Tovald is reading the letters, what is Nora thinking of doing?

151. What stops Nora from leaving?

152. What does Nora say, when Torvald asks if she knows what's in the letter?

153. What does Nora initially tell Torvald is her reason for her wrongdoing?

154. What does Torvald call Nora's explanation?

155. What name does Torvald call Nora, after reading the letter?

156. How does Nora answer, when Torvald asks if she understands what she has done?

157. What does Torvald blame Nora's behavior on?

158. What does Torvald say he did for Nora?

159. How does Torvald say he will deal with Krogstad's demands?

160. What does Nora say will happen when she's "out of the way"?

161. What does Torvald do with the bond when he receives it?

162. What simile does Torvald use to describe how he will protect Nora?

163. Why is Torvald surprised Nora has changed her clothes?

164. When does Nora say she first understood Torvald?

165. What does Nora say they've never had before, as husband and wife?

166. Who does Nora say has wronged her?

167. How does Nora describe Torvald's love for her?

168. What did Nora's father call her?

169. What does Nora say about her happiness with Torvald?

170. Nora compares Torvald's relationship with her to her own relationship with whom?

171. What does Torvald say he will replace "playtime" with?

172. What does Nora say about her fitness for raising the children?

173. What does Nora say she must do?

174. What does Nora say she cannot consider?

175. What does Nora say she will take with her?

176. What does Torvald say are Nora's most sacred duties?

177. What does Nora believe she should be above all else?

178. What perplexes Nora about the law?

179. When Nora assures Torvald that she is well and that her mind is clear and certain,
what does he say the only possible explanation can be?

180. What does Torvald say no man would sacrifice for his wife?

Short Answer Questions Key
1. When Nora first comes home, what does she ask her maid Helen to hide?

a Christmas tree

2. How does Nora check if her husband is in?

She listens at the study door.

3. What is Nora's attitude toward the porter who helps her with her purchases?


4. Which of the following does Torvald NOT call Nora?

little kitten

5. What brings Torvald out of his study?

worry over what Nora has bought

6. What is Torvald carrying when he exits the study?

a pen

7. How does Torvald describe Nora's spending?


8. Why does Nora think they can spend more money?

Torvald is going to earn a large salary.

9. Why does Torvald not want to spend money?

They won't actually have more money for a quarter of a year.

10. What is Torvald's attitude toward borrowing money?

Torvald is against any borrowing whatsoever.

11. How does Torvald try to cheer up Nora?

by giving her money

12. What is the first thing Nora points out about the things she's bought?

They were cheap.

Short Essay Questions
1. What example does Torvald give Nora, to try and show her why borrowing is bad?

2. What is Nora's reaction to Torvald's example?

3. Where is Torvald when Nora comes home, and what is its significance?

4. What do Torvald's pet names for Nora say about his attitude towards her?

5. What is Nora's attitude toward Torvald's rules?

6. Why is Torvald looking forward to the Christmas dinner?

7. Why is Torvald reluctant to give Nora money for Christmas?

8. Why does Torvald ask Nora to name a "reasonable" present?

9. Why does Mrs. Linde think Torvald might still be ill?

10. What is Nora's reaction to seeing Mrs. Linde?

11. How does Mrs. Linde feel, now that no one's depending on her financially anymore?

12. What does Mrs. Linde hope Nora can do for her?

13. Why does Nora confess to Mrs. Linde that her father didn't give her the money for the trip
that saved Torvald's life?

14. What is Nora's reaction to Krogstad's entrance?

15. What is Mrs. Linde's reaction to Krogstad's entrance?

Short Essay Questions Key
1. What example does Torvald give Nora, to try and show her why borrowing is bad?

Torvald asks Nora what she would do if she borrowed money and spent it all by
Christmas, and then before Torvald could start his job, he died.

2. What is Nora's reaction to Torvald's example?

Nora is horrified at the idea that Torvald could be killed and says that, if he were gone,
she wouldn't care about money at all.

3. Where is Torvald when Nora comes home, and what is its significance?

Torvald is in his study, working, and he doesn't want to be disturbed. Torvald focuses on
his work, more than being interested in his wife.

4. What do Torvald's pet names for Nora say about his attitude towards her?

Torvald calls her a little squirrel and a spendthrift. He is condescending to Nora,

considering her thoughtless and unable to face serious tasks or ideas.

5. What is Nora's attitude toward Torvald's rules?

Nora doesn't seem to see any harm in breaking Torvald's rules or lying about it, as she
does with the "no sweets" rule. She ignores the rules that seem silly or wrong to her
instead of confronting Torvald about them or discussing them.

6. Why is Torvald looking forward to the Christmas dinner?

The family has been going through financial hard times, and they are just on the brink of
being secure financially. Torvald is looking forward to a Christmas that didn't require
scrimping and hardship.

7. Why is Torvald reluctant to give Nora money for Christmas?

Torvald thinks that Nora will fritter away the money she gets, instead of saving it to buy a
present for herself.

8. Why does Torvald ask Nora to name a "reasonable" present?

Torvald believes that Nora is flighty and has no sense of financial responsibility, so he
feels the need to ask her to name a "reasonable" present instead of merely asking her
what she wants.

9. Why does Mrs. Linde think Torvald might still be ill?

Dr. Rank arrives at the same time as Mrs. Linde, and she thinks he might be Torvald's
physician because he is a doctor.

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