Reading Diary Pride and Prejudice02

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Jane Austen was born in the rectory of Steventon, a small town northwest of Hampshire, England, in

1775. British novelist. Seventh daughter of a family of eight siblings. His father personally took care of
her education.

He wrote 6 novels, including Sense and sensibility and Pride and prejudice, the latter considered the best
of them, whose writing began in 1796, although it would not be published until 1813.

Jane fell ill and died in 1817.

Jane Austin's novels reflect the world of the English rural nobility of the time, as she herself lived it. Her
novels are frequently adapted for theater, film, and television. Jane Austen is now one of the best-
known and best-loved authors in the English-speaking world.

The characters from Pride and Prejudice are the following ones:

Mr. Bennet: head of the Bennet family, father of Elizabeth (Lizzy), Jane, Mary, Catheryn (Kitty),
and Lydia.
Mrs. Bennet: wife of Mr. Bennet, mother of Elizabeth and her sisters. She is kind of annoying.
Elizabeth Bennet: one of the main characters of the story, she is the younger sister.
Jane Bennet: older sister of Elizabet. She es very pretty.
Mr. Bingley: A new neighbor of the town and one of the main characters. He likes Jane.
Mr. Darcy: Mr. Bingley best friend. He is proud and a little annoying. He likes Elizabeth, but his
pride does not let him say that. Elizabeth sort of hates him.
Louisa and Caroline Bingley: Mr. Bingley’s sisters. One of them is married to Mr. Hugh.
Mr. Hugh: Mr. Bingley brother-in-law.
The Lucas: Bennet family friends and neighbors.

Pride and Prejudice tells the story of the five Bennet sisters Elizabeth (Lizzy), Jane, Mary, Catheryn
(Kitty), and Lydia and the tribulations of their respective loves. The story takes place in a rural area of
England at the beginning of the 19th century.

In chapters 1, 2 and 3 the characters are revealed, among them the Bennet Family and their daughters,
which is a family that has little money. Her mother, Mrs. Bennet, is interested in her daughters getting
well-off husbands, and when a rich young man named Bingley comes to town, she does everything she
can to get him to meet her daughters.

Finally, Mr. Bingley meets the Bennet sisters and his best friend, Mr. Darcy, who is also young, rich and
proud, meets Elizabeth, but initially does not think very highly of her.

Women were submissive, they always focused on marriage and had to marry wealthy or well-to-do
men, even though many of them were not in love. The ideal is to have a home, raise children. The men
were respectful and their hobby was hunting.

In the novel there is a strong division of social classes, and they had many prejudices. He did not take
women into account, their only role was to dedicate themselves to housework, being a mother and a
wife. That is why I do not agree with that situation because women were discriminated against and had
no possibility of improving their standard of living unless they had a profitable marriage with a young
man with good economic conditions.
Jane Austen nació en la rectoría de Steventon, un pequeño pueblo al noroeste de Hampshire, Inglaterra,
en 1775. Novelista británica. Séptima hija de una familia de ocho hermanos. Su padre se encargó
personalmente de su educación.

Escribió 6 novelas, entre ellas las más destacadas Sense and sensibility and Pride and prejudice,
considerada la mejor de ellas, cuya redacción empezó en el año 1796, aunque no se publicaría hasta
1813. Jane enfermó y falleció en 1817.

Las novelas de Jane Austin reflejan el mundo de la nobleza rural inglesa de la época, tal y como ella
misma lo vivió. Sus novelas son frecuentemente adaptadas al teatro, el cine y la televisión. Jane Austen
es ahora una de las autoras más conocidas y queridas del mundo angloparlante.

My reading Diary
Book Title: Pride and Prejudice
Author: Jane Austin
Chapters: I, II and III

Jane Austen was born in the rectory of Steventon, a small town northwest of Hampshire, England, in
1775. British novelist. Seventh daughter of a family of eight siblings. His father personally took care of
her education.

He wrote 6 novels, including the most outstanding Sense and sensibility and Pride and prejudice,
considered the best of them, whose writing began in 1796, although it would not be published until

Jane fell ill and died in 1817.

Jane Austin's novels reflect the world of the English rural nobility of the time, as she herself lived it. Her
novels are frequently adapted for theater, film, and television. Jane Austen is now one of the best-
known and best-loved authors in the English-speaking world.

Mr. Bennet: head of the Bennet family, father of Elizabeth (Lizzy), Jane, Mary, Catheryn (Kitty),
and Lydia.
Mrs. Bennet: wife of Mr. Bennet, mother of Elizabeth and her sisters. She is kind of annoying.
Elizabeth Bennet: one of the main characters of the story, she is the younger sister.
Jane Bennet: older sister of Elizabet. She es very pretty.
Mr. Bingley: A new neighbor of the town and one of the main characters. He likes Jane.
Mr. Darcy: Mr. Bingley best friend. He is proud and a little annoying. He likes Elizabeth, but his
pride does not let him say that. Elizabeth sort of hates him.
Louisa and Caroline Bingley: Mr. Bingley’s sisters. One of them is married to Mr. Hugh.
Mr. Hugh: Mr. Bingley brother-in-law.
The Lucas: Bennet family friends and neighbors.

En Pride and prejudice, se relata la historia de las cinco hermanas Bennet, Elizabeth (Lizzy), Jane,
Mary, Catheryn (Kitty), and Lydia y las tribulaciones de sus respectivos amoríos.
En los capitulos 1, 2 y 3 se dan a conocer los personajes, entre ellas la Familia Bennet y sus
hijas, quien es una familia que posee poco dinero. Su madre, la señora Bennet, esta interesada
en que sus hijas consigan esposos con buenas condiciones economicas y al llegar al pueblo un
joven rico llamado Bingley, hace todo lo psoible porque el conozca a sus hijas.
Pride and Prejudice tells the story of the five Bennet sisters and the tribulations of their respective loves.

In chapters 1, 2 and 3 the characters are revealed, among them the Bennet Family and their daughters,
which is a family that has little money. Her mother, Mrs. Bennet, is interested in her daughters getting
well-off husbands, and when a rich young man named Bingley comes to town, she does everything she
can to get him to meet her daughters.

Mr. Bingley returns to town with his sisters, his brother-in-law, and his best friend, Mr. Darcy, who is
also young, rich, and proud. Darcy meets Elizabeth but initially doesn't think highly of her. Lizzy knows
this but responds to his opinions with pride

En la novella existe una fuerte division de clases sociales, y tenian muchos prejuicios. No tenia
en cuenta a las mujeres, su único papel era dedicarse a las labores de casa, ser madre y esposa.
Por eso no estoy de acuerdo con esa situacion porque las mujeres eran discriminadas y no
tenian posibilidad alguna de mejorar su nivel de vida a menos que tuviese un matrimonio
provechoso con un joven de buenas condiciones economicas.

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