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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,470,575 B1

Bong (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 18, 2016
(54) WATER-COOLED COPPER SHOES (56) References Cited
(76) Inventor: William L. Bong, Vallejo, CA (US) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 4,841,116 A 6, 1989 Kimura .................. B2k93
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,207,920 B1* 3/2001 Morlock .............. B23K9/0026
U.S.C. 154(b) by 298 days. 219,137 R
6.297,472 B1 * 10/2001 Bong ................... B23K9/0203
(21) Appl. No.: 13/342,367 2009/0294407 A1* 12/2009 Bong ..................... B23K25JOO
(22) Filed: Jan. 3, 2012
* cited by examiner
O O Primary Examiner — Tu B Hoang
Related U.S. Application Data Assistant Examiner — Thomas Ward
(60) Provisional application No. 61/429,382, filed on Jan. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Charles L. Thoeming
3, 2011. (57) ABSTRACT
(51) Int. Cl. A water-cooled copper welding shoe adaptable to Electro
GOIH IMO (2006.01) slag or Electrogas welding applications reduces weld volt
GOIH I/04 (2006.01) age, decreases the size of the weld nugget and, in turn,
(52) U.S. Cl. decreases the heat input from the welding application into
CPC. G0IH I/00 (2013.01); G0IH I/04 (2013.01) the work pieces is disclosed. A water-cooled copper welding
(58) Field of Classification search shoe embodiment adjusts in three dimensions to adequately
CPC ......... B23K9/18: B23K9/182: B23K9/184 contain the weld puddle and overcome miss-matched work
USPC ............ 219/125.12, 73, 73.21; 162/153, 156 piece surfaces.
See application file for complete search history. 8 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets

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U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 2016 Sheet 1 of 11 US 9,470,575 B1

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Fig. 1A
U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 2016 Sheet 2 of 11 US 9,470,575 B1
U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 2016 Sheet 3 of 11 US 9,470,575 B1

U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 2016 Sheet 4 of 11 US 9,470,575 B1
U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 2016 Sheet S of 11 US 9,470,575 B1
U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 2016 Sheet 6 of 11 US 9,470,575 B1
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U.S. Patent Oct. 18, 2016 Sheet 11 of 11 US 9,470,575 B1

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US 9,470,575 B1
1. 2
WATER-COOLED COPPER SHOES desired shape from pure Oxygen Free, High Conductivity
pure Copper (OFHC-101). When extruded into shape, the
CROSS-REFERENCES TO RELATED extrusion die must provide an interior passage for water
APPLICATIONS flow. A recess (0.125 inch deep by 1 inch wide) is designed
into the face of each shoe to shape the weld reinforcement.
This United States non-provisional patent application is Chamfered edges are provided where the copper makes
based upon and claims the filing date of U.S. provisional contact with the base material. These chamfered edges help
patent application Ser. No. 61/429,382 filed Jan. 3, 2011. the molten weld metal to wet against the parent material, to
provide a smooth transition between the weld metal and the
STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY parent material. On conventional water-cooled copper shoes,
SPONSORED RESEARCH OR DEVELOPMENT each shoe has an National Pipe Thread Tapered Thread
(“NPT) threaded hole on the input and output for connect
Not Applicable. ing water circulation hose couplings. Internal threaded cou
THE NAMES OF THE PARTIES TO AJOINT 15 plings are attached to the threaded holes and silver-soldered
into position to prevent water leaks.
Holes are drilled and tapped into the back face of each
Not Applicable. water-cooled shoe. These threaded holes are to capture a
steel, stainless Steel, or aluminum backing plates that can be
INCORPORATION-BT-REFERENCE OF attacked to the back of the shoe to reduce wear. The
MATERIAL SUBMITTED ON A COMPACT VertaSlag.R. Butt-Weld and Tee-Weld Shoes are provided in
DISC OR AS A TEXT FILE VIA THE OFFICE a variety of lengths and widths. The most common being
ELECTRONIC FILING SYSTEM (EFS-WEB) 3-to-4 inches wide and 3 to 24 inches long. Both Tee and
Butt Shoes can be made in a variety of lengths.
Not Applicable. 25 The Arcmatic(R) water-cooled Butt-Weld and Tee-Weld
shoes are used in pairs—one on either side of the welding
STATEMENT REGARDING PRIOR joint. When placed against the parent material, cooling water
DISCLOSURES BY THE INVENTOR OR A should always enter the copper shoe from the bottom and
JOINT INVENTOR exit from the top. Water flowing from bottom to top reduces
30 the possibility of “vapor-lock” which could stop the flow of
Not Applicable. Water.
To date the welding industry has preferentially used
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION water-cooled copper shoes to make electroslag welds. The
reason for this is that the molten Electroslag or Electrogas
1. Field of the Invention 35 flux puddle is at temperatures of approximately 3500
This invention relates to welding. More particularly, the degrees Fahrenheit during the welding operation. The mol
invention is related to water-cooled copper welding shoes ten steel being welded melts at a temperature of approxi
for use in welding, particularly for vertical Electroslag and mately 2300-to-2500 degrees Fahrenheit. Copper melts at
Electrogas welding applications. approximately 1900 degrees Fahrenheit. If some form of
2. Description of Related Art Including Information Dis 40 cooling is not applied to the copper welding shoes, the
closed Under 37 CFR 1.97 and 1.98 temperature of the molten flux and molten steel will melt the
The following U.S. Letters Patent are incorporated by copper.
reference as if full set forth herein: U.S. Pat. No. 6,297,472 Water-cooled Electroslag or Electrogas shoes do an excel
for Welding System and Method, issued Oct. 2, 2001 (the lent job in keeping the copper welding shoes from melting.
“’472 Patent); U.S. Pat. No. 7,038,159 for Electroslag 45 In addition to keeping the copper welding shoes from
Butt-Welding Expansion Joint Rails, issued May 2, 2006 melting, some welding engineers think it is necessary to use
(the “159 patent”); U.S. Pat. No. 7,148,443 for Consumable the water-cooled copper shoes for keeping the parent mate
Guide Tube, issued Dec. 12, 2006 (the “443 patent”); and rial from overheating. To accomplish this, the water-cooled
U.S. Pat. No. 7,429,716 for Modular Welding System, copper shoes are manufactured at a minimum of four inches
issued Sep. 30, 2008 (the “716 patent”). 50 wide for narrow-gap Electroslag welding (originally
referred to as NGI-ESW, now referred to as ESW-NG). The
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION popular theory is that this water-cooled copper shoe width
will keep the heat affected Zone (HAZ) much smaller,
Water-cooled copper welding shoes presently used for allowing better physical characteristics for a better quality
Electroslag and Electrogas welding applications keep the 55 weld.
molten weld metal and flux bath contained in the weld The 2010 addition of Narrow-Gap Electroslag or Elec
cavity. Water circulates through the copper shoes at a flow trogas welding (ESW-NG) to the American Welding Society
rate of approximately 2 gallons per minute. This flow rate is (“AWS) D 1.5 Bridge code requires that the input water
Sufficient to keep the copper shoes from melting from temperature that enters the first water-cooled copper shoe
excessive heat. In consumable-guide electroslag welding, 60 and exits the last water-cooled copper shoe can only rise a
the shoes do not move. For longer joints the shoes are maximum of 20 degrees Fahrenheit. To attain this standard
repositioned in a leapfrog manner, as welding continues requires a water flow of approximately 4-gallons per minute
upward. In non consumable guide-tube Electroslag or Elec flow rate to maintain the temperature within the narrow
trogas welding the shoes move vertically upward with the limits of the AWS D1.5 code for ESW-NG welding. This
Vertical Rate of Rise (VRR) of the molten weld puddle. 65 excessive cooling of the base material on either side of the
Arcmatic(R) VertaSlag R. Butt-Weld and Tee-Weld Water Electroslag weld joint also over chills the temperature of the
Cooled Shoes are either machined or extruded into the weld puddle. This over chilling of the weld puddle makes it
US 9,470,575 B1
3 4
very difficult to melt the edges of the parent material nearest age can be substantially lowered and still attain excellent
to the water-cooled welding shoes. wetting on the four corners of the parent material in the weld
To have the temperature of the parent material high cavity without causing any damage to the center section(s)
enough to melt the corners of the weld cavity requires of copper of the tri-part flex shoe. At the same time, the
excessively high Voltage levels. For instance, a typical water-cooled outer parts of the tri-part flex shoe are con
welding procedure for heavy plate may require 1000-Amps tinually cooling the parent material to reduce the size of the
at 38-Volts. Therefore, the total wattage into the weld can be Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) because, as previously men
expressed by the product of Amperage times the quotient of tioned, the weld voltage is reduced from 38-volts to
Voltage divided by the travel speed. If the weld is traveling 30-Volts. This is a reduction in total wattage into the parent
at 1.5 inches/minute (IPM), the heat input equation would be 10
material of 8000 Watts.
expressed as: This heat reduction will result in the ability of welding
((AmpsxVoltsx60)/(1000x1.5 IPM))=Total Kilo faster, with a smaller HAZ and far less base metal dilution.
Joules Input. A weld at 1000-Amps and 38-Volts will produce approxi
For example, for a 1000-Amps at 38-Volts: (1000-Ax38 15 mately 50% base material, while a weld at 1000-Amps and
Vx60)/(1000x1.5-IPM)=1,520 K/Inch, resulting in a calcu 30-Volts will produce approximately 30% base metal dilu
lated total of 1.520 Kilo Joules/Inch heat input into the weld. tions. Lower heat input, faster travel speeds, and lower base
The reduction in heat input reduces the size of the weld metal dilution will 1) result in a smaller grain structure in the
nugget, and reduces base metal dilution from 50%, to weld and a much stronger bond in the fusion Zone of the
approximately 30%. weld, 2) reduce weld voltage, 3) decrease the size of the
The Arcmatic(R) tri-part water-cooled copper shoes (here Electroslag or Electrogas weld nugget and, in turn, decrease
after referred to as the “tri-part shoe'), and for the tri-part the heat input from the Electroslag or Electrogas welding
articulated water-cooled copper shoes (hereafter referred to application into the work piece by means of the tri-part and
as the “tri-part flex shoe'), use water-circulation to cool the tri-part flex water-cooled cooper welding shoes.
two outer sections of the tri-part shoe and conductive 25 Other features, advantages, and objects of the present
cooling to remove heat from the center section of the tri-part invention will become apparent with reference to the fol
shoe as the weld puddle progresses vertically upward. The lowing description and accompanying drawings. These
two outside sections of the tri-part shoe come into intimate together with other objects of the invention, along with the
contact with the two pieces of parent material being joined various features of novelty that characterize the invention,
together with the ESW-NG welding process, and the single 30 are described with particularity in the claims attached to and
center section of the copper shoe only comes in contact with forming a part of this disclosure. For a better understanding
the molten electroslag weld puddle. of the invention, its operating advantages and the specific
While meeting or exceeding these efforts to reduce the objects attained by its uses, reference should be made to the
size of the weld nugget, and reducing base metal dilution attached drawings and descriptive materials in which there
from 50%, to approximately 30%, the tri-part flex shoe also 35 are illustrated preferred embodiments of the invention.
is designed to fit tightly against two "mis-matched' sections
of parent material being joined together, and yet let the DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL VIEWS OF
multi-part center sections flex in the X axis, the Y axis, and THE DRAWINGS
the Z axis to keep the shoe aligned with the weld joint, while
simultaneously keeping the water-cooled section of the shoe 40 These and other features, aspects, and advantages of the
in close contact with the parent material to reduce the size present invention will become better understood with regard
of the HAZ and reduce base metal dilution. This tight fit of to the following description, appended claims, and accom
the tri-part flex shoe also allows the two end portions of the panying drawings as further described.
tri-part flex shoe to saddle against the miss-matched plates FIG. 1 is a drawing of the ESW-NG process and assembly
preventing leakage of the molten, 3500 degrees Fahrenheit 45 depicting a side view of the parent material, the molten flux
Electroslag or Electrogas flux puddle during the Electroslag puddle and the molten metal puddle, along with the location
and Electrogas welding operation. of the guide tube and welding wire in relationship to the
During the Electroslag and Electrogas welding process, molten welding puddles between parent material to be
the two water-cooled sections of the copper shoe remain welded together and the run-off sump.
below 200 Fahrenheit. These two sections of the tri-part 50 FIG. 1A is an enlarged view of the dynamics of the
flex shoe provide conductive cooling for the center section process and assembly of FIG. 1, depicting relative spatial
of the shoe. The tri-part flex shoe center section heats up to and positional relationships among the weld wire, guide
a temperature range of approximately 200 Fahrenheit to tube, molten flux slag bath, and molten weld metal within
1000 Fahrenheit while always remaining well below the the weld gap between parent material to be welded, and
melting temperature of copper. This differential in tempera 55 further depicting un-Submerged and Submerged weld wire
ture between the outer sections of the tri-part flex shoe and extensions in relation to the molten weld metal, and droplet
the inner section(s) of the tri-part flex shoe allows the two transfer from the molten flux slag bath to the molten weld
water-cooled sections to Subtract heat from the parent mate metal.
rial, while allowing the center section(s) of the tri-part flex FIG. 2 is an front top isometric view of an embodiment of
shoe to heat up. This heating action allows the molten 60 tri-part water-cooled copper Electroslag or Electrogas weld
electroslag welding puddle to maintain a temperature that is ing shoe 10, depicting generally a first water-cooled segment
hot enough to melt the outer portions of the four corners of 22 having a copper plug 60, a solid copper central segment
the weld cavity while the two section of parent material are 24, a second water-cooled segment 32 having a copper plug
being welded together. 70, and a plurality of copper connector bolts 100 connecting
If the center section of the tri-part copper shoes maintains 65 the three segments of the tri-part water-cooled copper Elec
a temperature range between 200 Fahrenheit to 1000 troslag welding shoe and securing the relative position of
Fahrenheit during the welding operation, the welding Volt each segment to the other two segments without interfering
US 9,470,575 B1
5 6
with the water circulation functions of the first and second NG weld cavity between the two steel plates, 300 and 310,
water-cooled segments, 22 and 32. being joined together with the Electroslag or Electrogas
FIG. 3 is a front elevation view of the embodiment of the welding process.
tri-part water-cooled copper Electroslag welding shoe 10 of FIG. 7 is a top view of the embodiment of tri-part flex
FIG. 2, depicting generally a first water-cooled segment 22, water-cooled copper Electroslag or Electrogas welding shoe
a solid copper central segment 24, a second water-cooled 12, depicting generally a first water-cooled segment 22
segment 32, and a plurality of copper connector bolts 100 having a copper plug 60 and a water outlet manifold 50, a
connecting the three segments of the tri-part water-cooled plurality of Solid copper flex shoe segments 42, a second
copper Electroslag or Electrogas welding shoe and securing water-cooled segment 32 having a copper plug 70 and a
the relative position of each segment to the other two 10 water outlet manifold 40. Dotted lines show the center pin
Segments. 44 in alignment holes 46 of the tri-part flex shoe segments
FIG. 3A is a top view of the embodiment of tri-part 42 that allows the tri-part flex shoe segments 42 to maintain
water-cooled copper Electroslag or Electrogas welding shoe alignment as the tri-part flex water-cooled copper Electro
slag or Electrogas welding shoe 12 forms against irregular
10 of FIG. 2, depicting generally a first water-cooled seg 15 surfaces on the X, Y and Z axes of two steel plates on either
ment 22 having a copper plug 60, a solid copper central side of a weld cavity.
segment 24, a second water-cooled segment 32 having a FIG. 8 is a front top isometric view of the embodiment of
copper plug. 70, a partial portion of plurality of copper tri-part flex water-cooled copper Electroslag or Electrogas
connector bolts 100 connecting the three segments of the welding shoe of FIG. 7.
tri-part water-cooled copper Electroslag welding shoe and FIG. 9 is an exploded view of the embodiment of tri-part
securing the relative position of each segment to the other flex water-cooled copper Electroslag or Electrogas welding
two segments, a backing plate 80, a plurality of copper shoe of FIG. 8.
connector bolts 90 connecting the backing plate 80 to the Is FIG. 10 is a top view of an Electroslag or Electrogas
backward faces of the three segments of the tri-part water weld, illustrating an embodiment of two tri-part flex water
cooled copper Electroslag welding shoe 10. 25 cooled copper Electroslag or Electrogas welding shoes 12 of
FIG. 4 is a right side view of the embodiment of the FIG. 7, on either side of the ESW-NG weld cavity. The
tri-part water-cooled copper Electroslag or Electrogas weld two-wire 372 insulated, VertaSlag R consumable guide tube
ing shoe 10 of FIG. 2, depicting generally a second water 370 is located between the two steel plates, 300 and 310,
cooled segment 32, a plurality of copper connector bolts 100 being joined together with the Electroslag or Electrogas
connecting the three segments of the tri-part water-cooled 30 welding process. The tri-part flex shoe 12 is designed to fit
copper Electroslag welding shoe and securing the relative tightly against two “miss-matched sections of parent mate
position of each segment to the other two segments, a rial being joined together 300 and 310, and yet let the center
backing plate 80, a plurality of copper connector bolts 90 portion elements 42 flex in the X axis, the Y axis, and the Z
connecting the backing plate 80 to the backward faces of the axis to keep the shoe 12 aligned with the weld joint, while
three segments of the tri-part water-cooled copper Electro 35 simultaneously keeping the water-cooled end portions 22
slag welding shoe 10. and 32 of the shoe 12 in close contact with the parent
FIG. 5 is a back elevation view of the embodiment of the material 300 and 310 to reduce the size of the HAZ and
tri-part water-cooled copper Electroslag or Electrogas weld reduce base metal dilution.
ing shoe 10 of FIG. 2, depicting generally a first water FIG. 11 is a rear top perspective view of an embodiment
cooled segment 22 having inlet and outlet water manifolds 40 of the tri-part flex water-cooled copper Electroslag or Elec
50, a solid copper central segment 24, a second water-cooled trogas welding shoes 12 of FIG. 7, depicting the addition of
segment 32 having inlet and outlet water manifolds 40, a two brackets 120 attached on the exterior ends of the
plurality of copper connector bolts 100 connecting the three water-cooled welding shoe end portions 22 and 32 and
segments of the tri-part water-cooled copper Electroslag extending around the center portion 42 backward face, each
welding shoe and securing the relative position of each 45 bracket 120 comprising two positionally adjustable copper
segment to the other two segments, a backing plate 80, a bolt assemblies 130, 140 communicating with the exterior
plurality of copper connector bolts 90 connecting the back ends of the water-cooled welding shoe end portions 22 and
ing plate 80 to the backward faces of the three segments of 32, and further depicting the addition of a separate third
the tri-part water-cooled copper Electroslag welding shoe water-cooled welding shoe end portion adjustable bracket
10. 50 132 and copper bolt assembly across the backward face of
FIG. 5A is a bottom view of the embodiment of tri-part the water-cooled welding shoe end portions 22 and 32 at a
water-cooled copper Electroslag or Electrogas welding shoe point nearly equidistant from the two brackets 120 attached
10 of FIG. 2, depicting generally a first water-cooled seg on the exterior ends of the water-cooled welding shoe end
ment 22, a solid copper central segment 24, a second portions 22 and 32 and extending around the center portion
water-cooled segment 32, a plurality of copper connector 55 42 backward face allowing for lockable three-dimensional
bolts 100 connecting the three segments of the tri-part positions of the water-cooled welding shoe center portions
water-cooled copper Electroslag welding shoe and securing 42 with respect to the water-cooled welding shoe end
the relative position of each segment to the other two portions 22 and 32.
segments, a backing plate 80, a plurality of copper connector FIG. 12 is a top sectional view of an embodiment of the
bolts 90 connecting the backing plate 80 to the three 60 tri-part flex water-cooled copper Electroslag or Electrogas
segments of the tri-part water-cooled copper Electroslag or welding shoes 12 of FIG. 11 taken at “12-12, depicting the
Electrogas welding shoe 10. bottom bracket 120 attached on the exterior ends of the
FIG. 6 is a top view of an Electroslag or Electrogas weld, water-cooled welding shoe end portions 22 and 32 and
illustrating an embodiment of two tri-part water-cooled extending around the center portion end element backward
copper Electroslag welding shoes 10, on either side of the 65 face, each bracket comprising two positionally adjustable
ESW-NG weld cavity. The two-wire 372 insulated, Ver copperbolt assemblies 142 communicating with the ends of
taSlag R consumable guide tube 370 is located in the ESW the water-cooled welding shoe end portions 22 and 32, and
US 9,470,575 B1
7 8
a view of a pivot member 140 and spring loaded disk The Arcmatic(R) tri-part water-cooled copper Electroslag
member 136 of the separate third water-cooled welding shoe and Electrogas welding shoes (hereafter referred to as the
end portion adjustable bracket across the backward face of “tri-part shoe'), and for the tri-part articulated water-cooled
the water-cooled welding shoe end portions at a point nearly copper Electroslag welding shoes (hereafter referred to as
equidistant from the two brackets attached on the exterior the “tri-part flex shoe'), use water-circulation to cool the two
ends of the water-cooled welding shoe end portions and outer sections, 22 and 32, of the tri-part shoe 10 and the
extending around the center portion end element backward tri-part flex shoe 12 and conductive cooling to remove heat
face allowing for lockable three-dimensional positions of the from the center section 24 of the tri-part shoe 10, FIGS. 2-6,
water-cooled welding shoe center portions 42 with respect to 10
and the center tri-part flex shoe segments 42 of the tri-part
the water-cooled welding shoe end portions 22 and 32. The flex shoe 12, FIGS. 7-13, as the weld puddle progresses
plurality of Solid copper flex shoe segments 42 that include vertically upward. The two outer sections, 22 and 32, of the
two uniformly sized center portion end elements 43 and a tri-part shoe and the tri-part flex shoe come into intimate
plurality of uniformly sized center portion center elements contact with the two pieces of parent material, 300 and 310,
45, wherein each center portion end element 43 has a 15 being joined together with the ESW-NG welding process,
rectangular side extension size to be received and held by a and the center section 24 of the tri-part shoe 10 and the
rectangular recess within a water-cooled welding shoe end tri-part flex shoe 12 only comes in contact with the molten
portion to 22 or 32 side and a chamfered edge 47 on a center Electroslag weld puddle, FIGS. 1, 1A, 6 and 10.
portion end element 43 forward face, and wherein the The tri-part flex shoe 12 is designed to fit tightly against
plurality of center portion center elements 45 comprises dual two "miss-matched sections of parent material being joined
bores 46, each bore 46 spaced equidistant from an end of together, and yet let the multi-part center sections flex in
each uniformly sized center element 45 and sized to receive both the X axis, the Y axis, and the Z axis to keep the shoe
and be positionally held by a pin or rod 44 sized to reside in aligned with the weld joint, while at the same time keeping
the bores for the entire width of the plurality of uniformly the water-cooled sections, 22 and 32, of the shoe in close
sized center portion center elements 45, whereby the center 25 contact with the parent material, 300 and 310, to reduce the
portion elements 42 are positionally variable in three-di size of the HAZ and reduce base metal dilution. For an
mensions with respect to the water-cooled welding shoe end embodiment of the tri-part water-cooled welding shoes 10
portions 22 and 32. for Electroslag or Electrogas welding systems depicted
FIG. 13 is a side elevation view of the tri-part flex generally in FIGS. 2-6, each tri-part water-cooled shoe
water-cooled copper Electroslag or Electrogas welding 30 provides two water-cooled welding shoe end portions 22 and
shoes 12 of FIG. 11. 32 having Substantially equal lengths, widths, and depths,
FIG. 14 is schematic of the distributed welding control one to the other, and each end portion further comprising one
system 800 for the ESW and ESW-NG welding method and copper buss bar comprising a forward face and a backward
system, including control over the temperature control of the face, wherein each copper bus bar further comprises i) a dual
embodiments of air cooled copper shoes, 10 and 200, 35 flow water channel comprising an upper section and a lower
including the operator's control panel 810 and liquid crystal section, ii) at least one water flow manifold 50 and 40,
display (LCD) 820, parallel input and output unit 830, respectively, communicating with the dual flow water chan
display interface 840, microprocessor control unit 850, nel upper section and lower section, and a copper shoe plug
operator interface program 852, network interface program capping each dual flow water channel upper section and
854, system supervisor program 856, and network interface 40 lower section 60 and 70, FIGS. 2-6. The temperature of each
860. water-cooled welding shoe end portion 22 and 32 is main
FIG. 15 is a planar view of the face of the operator control tained at a temperature range of between 150 degrees
panel 810 of the distributed welding control system 800 of Fahrenheit to 200 degrees Fahrenheit during the Electroslag
FIG. 15, including the liquid crystal display (“LCD) 820. or Electrogas welding operation. All channels, manifolds,
45 and plugs of each water-cooled welding shoe end portion 22
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE and 32 are fusion welded with electron beam fusion welds.
INVENTION The embodiment of the tri-part water-cooled welding
shoes for Electroslag or Electrogas welding systems
Referring more specifically to the drawings, for illustra depicted generally in FIGS. 2-6 further includes at least one
tive purposes the apparatus for tri-part and tri-part flex 50 welding shoe center portion 24, each center portion 24
water-cooled copper shoes for application in Electroslag and having a length and depth Substantially equal to the length
Electrogas welding systems and methods is embodied gen and depth of the at least two water-cooled welding shoe end
erally in FIGS. 2-15. It will be appreciated that the systems portions 22 and 32, and further comprising at least one solid
may vary as to configuration and as to the details of the parts, copper bus bar comprising a forward face and a backward
and that the methods of using the systems may vary as to 55 face. The temperature of each water-cooled welding shoe
details and to the order of steps, without departing from the center portion 24 is maintained at a temperature range of
basic concepts as disclosed herein. The apparatus for the between 200 degrees Fahrenheit to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit
tri-part and tri-part flex water-cooled Electroslag and Elec during the Electroslag or Electrogas welding operation.
trogas welding shoes for application in Electroslag and The embodiment of the tri-part water-cooled welding
Electrogas welding systems and methods are disclosed gen 60 shoes for Electroslag or Electrogas welding systems
erally in terms of welding Butt-Welds for heavy plate depicted generally in FIGS. 2-6 provides water-cooled weld
splicing, as this particular type of welding operation widely ing shoe end portions 22 and 32 and the welding shoe center
used. However, the disclosed apparatus for the tri-part shoe portion 24 connected by a plate 80 on the backward faces of
and tri-part flex water-cooled Electroslag welding shoes may the welding shoe, the plate 80 secured to the welding shoe
be used in a large variety of Electroslag and or Electrogas 65 center portion 24 and into to the at least two water-cooled
welding applications, as will be readily apparent to those welding shoe end portions 22 and 32 by copperbolts 90, and
skilled in the art. the assembly is further a plurality of copper bolts 100
US 9,470,575 B1
9 10
through the at least one welding shoe center portion 24 and water-cooled welding shoe 12 to flex in three dimensions to
the at least two water-cooled welding shoe end portions 22 compensate for any dimensional variations in the alignment
and 32. of parent material being joined together 300 and 310, FIGS.
The embodiment of the tri-part water-cooled welding 10-13.
shoes 10 for Electroslag or Electrogas welding systems During the Electroslag and Electrogas welding process,
depicted generally in FIGS. 2-6 further includes at least one the two water-cooled sections, 22 and 32, of the Arcmatic(R)
distributed control system having at least one controller tri-part water-cooled copper Electroslag and Electrogas
module for regulating a countercurrent flow of water welding shoes 10, and the tri-part flex water-cooled copper
through the manifolds and water flow channels of each Electroslag and Electrogas welding shoes 12, remain below
water-cooled cooper welding shoe end portion, FIGS. 14-15. 10 200 Fahrenheit. These two sections of the tri-part shoe
An embodiment of the tri-part flex water-cooled copper provide conductive cooling for the center section of the
shoes 12, FIGS. 7-13, includes a welding shoe center portion shoe. The center sections, 24 and 42, heat up to a tempera
having a plurality of center portion elements 42, that include ture range from approximately 200 Fahrenheit to 1000
two uniformly sized center portion end elements 43 and a Fahrenheit while always remaining well below the melting
plurality of uniformly sized center portion center elements 15 temperature of copper. This differential in temperature
45, wherein each center portion end element 43 has a between the outer sections of the shoe and the inner section
rectangular side extension size to be received and held by a (s) of the shoe allows the two water-cooled sections, 22 and
rectangular recess within a water-cooled welding shoe end 32, to draw heat from the parent material, while allowing the
portion 22 or 32 side and a chamfered edge 47 on a center center section, 24 and 42, of the shoe to heat up. This heating
portion end element 43 forward face. The plurality of center action allows the molten Electroslag and Electrogas welding
portion center elements 45 comprise dual bores 46, each puddle to maintain a temperature that is hot enough to melt
bore 46 spaced equidistant from an end of each uniformly the outer portions of the four corners of the weld cavity
sized center element 45 and sized to receive and be posi while the two sections of parent material, 300 and 310, are
tionally held by a pin or rod 44 sized to reside in the bores welded together.
46 for the entire width of the plurality of uniformly sized 25 The embodiments of the tri-part water-cooled copper
center portion center elements 45, FIGS. 7, 9 and 12. As shoes I 0 and the tri-part flex water-cooled copper shoes 12
Such, the center portion elements 42 are positionally variable as herein described and disclosed are both readily adaptable
in three-dimensions with respect to the water-cooled weld to any vertical Electroslag or Electrogas welding operating
ing shoe end portions 22 and 32. In this manner, the tri-part using any welding shoe mounting assemblies known in the
flex shoe 12 is designed to fit tightly against two “miss 30 art such as, without limitation, U-shaped aluminum mount
matched sections of parent material being joined together ing brackets with a pressure adjusting screw assembly or
300 and 310, and yet yet the center portion elements 42 flex strongback and wedge bracket assemblies. Similarly, the
in the X axis, the Y axis, and the Z axis to keep the shoe 12 embodiments of the tri-part water-cooled copper shoes 10
aligned with the weld joint, while simultaneously keeping and the tri-part flex water-cooled copper shoes 12 as herein
the water-cooled end portions 22 and 32 of the shoe 12 in 35 described and disclosed are both readily adaptable to weld
close contact with the parent material 300 and 310. This ing shoe Sumps an d run-off tabs regularly employed in
flexibility of the center portion elements 42 serves to reduce Electroslag or Electrogas welding operations.
the size of the HAZ and reduce base metal dilution. The As the center sections, 24 and 42, of the tri-part copper
resultant tight fit of the tri-part flex shoe 12 also allows the shoes reach a temperature range between 200 Fahrenheit to
two water-cooled end portions 22 and 32 of the tri-part flex 40 1000 Fahrenheit during the welding operation, the welding
shoe 12 to saddle against any “miss-matched parent mate voltage can be substantially lowered and still attain excellent
rial 300 and 310 plates preventing leakage of the molten, wetting on the four corners of the parent material, 300 and
3500 degrees Fahrenheit Electroslag or Electrogas flux 310, in the weld cavity without causing any damage to the
puddle during the Electroslag and Electrogas welding opera center sections, 24 and 42. At the same time, the water
tion. 45 cooled outer or end sections, 22 and 32, of the tri-part shoe
An embodiment of the tri-part flex water-cooled copper and the tri-part flex shoe are continually cooling the parent
shoes 12 provides two brackets 120 attached on the exterior material, 300 and 310, to reduce the size of the HAZ. For
ends of the water-cooled welding shoe end portions 22 and example, a reduction of weld voltage from 38-Volts to
32, extending around the center portion element 42 back 30-Volts yields a resultant reduction in total wattage into the
ward face, each bracket including two positionally adjust 50 parent material of 8000 Watts.
able copper bolt assemblies 130 and 142 communicating This ability to control and greatly reduce heat reduction
with the exterior ends of the water-cooled welding shoe end provides faster welds, with a smaller HAZ and far less base
portions 22 and 32, FIGS. 11-13. The embodiment of the metal dilution. A weld at 1000-Amps and 38-Volts will
tri-part flex water-cooled copper shoes 12 further includes a produce approximately 50% reduction of base metal dilu
separate, third water-cooled welding shoe end portion 55 tion, while a weld at 1000-Amps and 30-Volts will produce
adjustable bracket 132 with copper bolt assembly across the approximately a 30% reduction of base metal dilution.
backward faces of the water-cooled welding shoe end por Lower heat input, faster travel speeds, and lower base metal
tions, at a point nearly equidistant from the two brackets 120 dilution will result in a smaller grain structure in the weld
attached on the exterior ends of the tri-part flex water-cooled and a much stronger bond in the fusion Zone of the weld.
welding shoe 12 end portions 22 and 32, and the backward 60 Accordingly, a method of controlling Electroslag or Elec
faces of center portion elements 42 allowing for lockable trogas welding applications to reduce weld voltage, decrease
three-dimensional positions of the water-cooled welding Electroslag or Electrogas weld nugget size, and decrease the
shoe center portion elements 42 with respect to the water heat input from the Electroslag or Electrogas welding appli
cooled welding shoe end portions 22 and 32 using a com cation into the work piece by means of tri-part water-cooled
bined pivot member 140 and spring-loaded disk members 65 cooper welding shoes, 10 or 12, in which to a pair of work
136 communicating with the water-cooled end portion 22 pieces 300 and 310 located in a vertical welding position and
and 32 backward faces, FIG. 12, allowing the tri-part flex defining an Electroslag or Electrogas weld cavity is imparted
US 9,470,575 B1
11 12
at least one pair of tri-part water-cooled cooper welding work pieces by means of tri-part water-cooled cooper weld
shoes, 10 or tri-part flex water-cooled cooper welding shoes ing shoes, 10 or tri-part flex water-cooled cooper welding
12, on either side of the weld cavity is disclosed and shoes 12, further includes at least one distributed control
described. system 800 having at least one controller module for regu
The method of controlling Electroslag or Electrogas weld 5 lating the countercurrent flow of water through the mani
ing applications to reduce weld voltage, decrease the size of folds and water flow channels of each tri-part water-cooled
the Electroslag or Electrogas weld nugget and, in turn, cooper welding shoe end portion, 22 and 32.
decrease the heat input from the Electroslag or Electrogas The welding process and the welding procedures for
welding application into the workpieces by means of tri-part tri-part water-cooled copper Electroslag and Electrogas
water-cooled cooper welding shoes, 10 or tri-part flex water 10 welding shoes 10 or tri-part flex water-cooled copper Elec
cooled cooper welding shoes 12, includes the following troslag welding shoes 12 including, but not limited to, the
steps: “Water-Cooled VertaSlag R. Butt Welding Shoe.TM can be
a) providing at least two water-cooled welding shoe end pre-programmed into the Arcmatic(R) programmable, com
portions 22 and 32 comprising Substantially equal puter controlled integrated welding system, FIGS. 14-15.
lengths, widths, and depths, one to the other, and each 15 The Arcmatic(R) distributed welding control system 800
end portion further comprising one copper buss bar provides fully automatic control over the water-cooled cop
comprising a forward face and a backward face, per welding shoes and related welding process from the
wherein each copper bus bar further comprises i) a dual operator's control panel 810. The automated control of the
flow water channel comprising an upper section and a water-cooled copper welding shoes components includes a
lower section, ii) at least one electron beam fusion single pendant controller that provides overall system con
welded or silver brazed one water flow manifold com trol for a number of discreet motion control networks
municating with the dual flow water channel upper including microprocessor modular distributed control of
section and lower section through the backward face of each welding torch, each welding torch slide assembly, air
each of the at least two water-cooled welding shoe end circulation through the copper shoes, each wire feed conduit,
portions, and (iii) an electron beam fusion welded or 25 each high current welding cable, welding power Supply, and
silver brazed copper shoe plug capping each dual flow each Electroslag and Electrogas weld within each welding
water channel upper section and lower section; cavity through a system Supervisor program 856, network
b) providing at least one welding shoe center portion 24 interface program 854, and an operator interface program
or 42, each center portion comprising a length and 852 of a microprocessor control unit 850. Accordingly, the
depth substantially equal to the length and depth of the 30 welding operator for any disclosed method and system of
at least two water-cooled welding shoe end portions, welding using water-cooled copper shoes principally needs
and further comprising at least one solid copper bus bar to be a skilled operator capable of setting up the weld and
comprising a forward face and a backward face and two running the pre-qualified welding programs. The same weld
chamfered edges 47 on the ends of the at least one solid ing control system and methods used for Arcmatic(R) Ver
copper bus bar forward face; 35 taSlag R welds of the 019 application and/or the 297
c) providing adjustable means for securely connecting the application, and/or the 472 patent, the 716 patent, and/or
at least one welding shoe center portion to the at least the 159 patent, are used to operate and control the method
two water-cooled welding shoe end portions; and and system of welding including, but not limited to, auto
d) providing means for controlling the temperature of the mating the water-cooled copper shoes “on the job’ in the
water cooled copper shoes. 40 field.
The above disclosed and described method of controlling Therefore, the foregoing is considered as illustrative only
Electroslag or Electrogas welding applications to reduce of the principles of the invention. Additionally, since numer
weld voltage, decrease the size of the Electroslag or Elec ous modifications and changes will readily occur to those
trogas weld nugget and, in turn, decrease the heat input from skilled in the art, it is not desired to limit the invention to the
the Electroslag or Electrogas welding application into the 45 exact construction and operation shown and described, and
work pieces by means of the tri-part water-cooled cooper further, all Suitable modifications and equivalents may be
welding shoes 10 or tri-part flex water-cooled cooper weld resorted to, falling within the scope of the invention.
ing shoes 12 includes an assembly wherein all channels, I claim:
manifolds, and plugs are fusion welded with electron beam 1. A water-cooled welding shoe comprising:
fusion welds or silver brazed. 50 a) at least two water-cooled welding shoe end portions
The above disclosed and described method of controlling comprising equal lengths, widths, and depths, one to
Electroslag or Electrogas welding applications to reduce the other, and each end portion further comprising one
weld voltage, decrease the size of the Electroslag or Elec copper buss bar comprising a forward face and a
trogas weld nugget and, in turn, decrease the heat input from backward face, each copper bus bar further comprising
the Electroslag or Electrogas welding application into the 55 i) a dual flow water channel comprising an upper
work pieces by means of tri-part water-cooled cooper weld section and a lower section, ii) at least one water flow
ing shoes 10, or tri-part flex water-cooled cooper welding manifold machined into the backward face of each
shoes 12, further provides maintaining the temperature of water-cooled welding shoe end portion and communi
the tri-part water cooled copper shoe end portions 22 and 32 cating with the dual flow water channel upper section
at a temperature range of between 150 degrees Fahrenheit to 60 and lower section, and a copper shoe plug capping each
200 degrees Fahrenheit during the Electroslag or Electrogas dual flow water channel upper section and lower Sec
welding operation. tion;
The above disclosed and described method of controlling b) at least one welding shoe center portion, each center
Electroslag or Electrogas welding applications to reduce portion comprising a length and depth Substantially
weld voltage, decrease the size of the Electroslag or Elec 65 equal to the length and depth of the at least two
trogas weld nugget and, in turn, decrease the heat input from water-cooled welding shoe end portions, each center
the Electroslag or Electrogas welding application into the portion comprising at least one solid copper bus bar
US 9,470,575 B1
13 14
comprising a forward face and a backward face, and ward faces of the welding shoe, the plate bolted into the at
each center portion comprising a plurality of center least one welding shoe center portion and into to the at least
portion elements, the center portion elements compris two water-cooled welding shoe end portions, and further
ing two uniformly sized center portion end elements comprises a plurality of bolts through the at least one
and a plurality of uniformly sized center portion center welding shoe center portion and the at least two water
elements, wherein each center portion end element has cooled welding shoe end portions.
a rectangular side extension size to be received and 7. The water-cooled welding shoe of claim 1, wherein all
held by a rectangular recess within a water-cooled channels, manifolds, and plugs are fusion welded with
welding shoe end portion side and a chamfered edge on electron beam welds.
a center portion end element forward face, and wherein 10
8. A tri-part, water-cooled welding shoe comprising:
the plurality of center portion center elements each a) at least two water-cooled welding shoe end portions
comprise dual bores, each bore spaced equidistant from comprising equal lengths, widths, and depths, one to
an end of each uniformly sized center element and the other, and each end portion further comprising one
sized to receive and be positionally held by a rod sized
to reside in the bores for the entire width of the plurality 15 copper buss bar comprising a forward face and a
of uniformly sized center portion center elements, backward face, wherein each copper bus bar further
whereby the welding shoe center portion is positionally comprises i) a dual flow water channel comprising an
variable in three-dimensions with respect to the water upper section and a lower section, ii) at least one water
cooled welding shoe end portions to overcome any flow manifold communicating with the dual flow water
miss-matched sections of a parent material being channel upper section and lower section through the
welded together; backward face of each of the at least two water-cooled
c) an adjustable assembly for securely connecting the at welding shoe end portions, and (iii) a copper shoe plug
least one welding shoe center portion to the at least two capping each dual flow water channel upper section and
water-cooled welding shoe end portions; and lower section;
d) a welding control system and microprocessor control 25 b) a plurality of center portion elements comprising two
unit for controlling the temperature of the water-cooled uniformly sized center portion end elements and a
copper shoe. plurality of uniformly sized center portion center ele
2. The water-cooled welding shoe of claim 1, wherein the ments, wherein each center portion end element has a
adjustable assembly for securely connecting the at least one rectangular side extension size to be received and held
welding shoe center portion to the at least two water-cooled 30
by a rectangular recess within a water-cooled welding
welding shoe end portions comprises two brackets attached shoe end portion side and a chamfered edge on a center
on the exterior ends of the water-cooled welding shoe end portion end element forward face, and wherein the
portions and extending around the center portion end ele plurality of center portion center elements comprises
ment backward face, each bracket comprising two position dual bores, each bore spaced equidistant from an end of
ally adjustable bolt assemblies communicating with the 35
backward face of the water-cooled welding shoe end por each uniformly sized center element and sized to
tions, and further comprising a separate third water-cooled receive and be positionally held by a rod sized to reside
welding shoe end portion adjustable bracket across the in the bores for the entire width of the plurality of
backward face of the water-cooled welding shoe end por uniformly sized center portion center elements,
tions at a point nearly equidistant from the two brackets 40 whereby the center portion is positionally variable in
attached on the exterior ends of the water-cooled welding three-dimensions with respect to the water-cooled
shoe end portions and extending around the center portion welding shoe end portions;
end element backward face allowing for lockable three c) two brackets attached on the exterior ends of the
dimensional positions of the water-cooled welding shoe water-cooled welding shoe end portions and extending
center portions with respect to the water-cooled welding 45 around the center portion end element backward face,
shoe end portions. each bracket comprising two positionally adjustable
3. The water-cooled welding shoe of claim 1, wherein the bolt assemblies communicating with the backward face
welding control system and microprocessor control unit for of the water-cooled welding shoe end portions, and
controlling the temperature of the water-cooled copper shoe further comprising a separate third water-cooled weld
comprises at least one distributed control welding system 50 ing shoe end portion adjustable bracket across the
having at least one microprocessor unit for regulating coun backward face of the water-cooled welding shoe end
tercurrent flow of water through the manifolds and water portions at a point nearly equidistant from the two
flow channels of each the water-cooled welding shoe. brackets attached on the exterior ends of the water
4. The water-cooled welding shoe of claim 3, wherein the cooled welding shoe end portions and extending
temperature of each water-cooled welding shoe end portion 55 around the center portion end element backward face
is maintained at a temperature range of between 150 degrees allowing for lockable three-dimensional positions of
Fahrenheit to 200 degrees Fahrenheit during operation of an the water-cooled welding shoe center portions with
electroslag or electrogas welding system. respect to the water-cooled welding shoe end portions;
5. The water-cooled welding shoe of claim 3, wherein the d) at least one welding control system and microprocessor
temperature of each water-cooled welding shoe center por 60 control unit for controlling the countercurrent flow of
tion is maintained at a temperature range of between 200 water through the manifolds and water flow channels of
degrees Fahrenheit to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit during opera each of the at least two water-cooled welding shoe end
tion of an electroslag or electrogas welding system. portions for controlling the temperature of the water
6. The water-cooled welding shoe of claim 1, wherein the cooled copper shoe end portions at a temperature range
adjustable assembly for securely connecting the at least one 65 of between 150 degrees Fahrenheit to 200 degrees
welding shoe center portion to the at least two water-cooled Fahrenheit and the plurality of center portion elements
welding shoe end portions comprises a plate on the back at a temperature range of between 200 degrees Fahr
US 9,470,575 B1
15 16
enheit to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit during operation of
an electroslag or electrogas welding system.
k k k k k

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