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Hand of Pariahs is a 40k-heavily inspired tactical RPG involving an elite group of skilled infantry

soldiers traversing the unknown reaches of a dark world. With little knowledge of their
employers, The Ministry, these soldiers are about to put up against either the toughest foes
they’ve ever faced, or their fateful demise.


- AGI: reaction speed, movement speed, and reload speed. More agility means you don't
get to lose as much when faced with the VULNERABILITY attribute, and your turn
delays are reduced in the reload duration.
- VUL: chance of getting hit (while moving, while in cover)
- COMP: composure (morale) aka the sheer will of survival. Needed to counter the
- CON: constitution aka the amount of toughness in battle (determines starting HP and/or
HP regen per turn)
- DEF: armor rating. Prevents certain strikes.
- INT: Intelligence aka the amount of mastery over weapon usage and environment
tackling. Affects firing range from vantage points, assessing critical enemy weak points,
and technology proficiency boosts.

Hero Playable Units:

- Pariah Rifleman: standard Ministry soldier, veterans of many wars beforehand, armed
with a sanctified custom assault rifle. Most of them have received augments as trophies
from previous battles. Carrying tomes at their back inscribed with various Ministry litanies
that keep them motivated throughout their battles.
- Pariah Gospelcaller: zealous conscripts of the Ministry crazed with unholy rites that
boost their comrades’ capabilities in battle and also heal wounds mysteriously. They are
part of a cult of psychologically broken soldiers that have found their way to survive
through questionable ethics.
- Pariah Spectre: highly skilled killers in the battlefield equipped with mines and a sniper
rifle. Often dishonorably discharged due to their profane skills that oftentimes surpass
their employers’ disciplines.
- Pariah Ascetic: manipulators of cosmic powers, Ascetics conjure spells that stun and
open windows of opportunity for their comrades.
- Pariah Brigand: The Ministry’s most affordable skirmish infantry, Brigands are reckless
and equipped with battle stimulants that induce psychosis. Armed with melee weapons,
it is recommended to stay out of their way lest chaos happens. They are part of a
ruthless discipline called the Aggrovein, which claims that “all shall cherish the way of
destruction, be it by blade or bullet”.
- Pariah Crusader: walking tanks of the Ministry, they are heavily armored defensive units
who cover their comrades in the heat of battle. Armed with a heavy shield and heavy

Status Effects & Damage Types

- Armor Shred
- Critical Strike
- Basic Damage
- Slug Damage
- Energy Damage
- Elemental Damage

- Confused
- Blinded
- Stunned
- Pinned
- Desperate
- Possessed
- Intimidated
- Electrocuted
- Poisoned
- Aflame
- Frozen
- Energized
- Zealous (unique for Gospelcaller)
- Furious


- Kobold Warhunter: a fierce commander unit of the Kobold Enclaves, wielding a

chainsword and an SMG. Warhunters have red skin, which is caused by a mutation that
grants them capabilities that surpass normal Kobolds.
- Kobold Ghostmender: coming from a clan of superstitious kobold shamans, the
Ghostmender is one who has seen the unseen realm and tamed its power to haunt their
prey. The unseen realm being the eldritch realms. Can mysteriously reassemble fallen
Kobold units.
- Kobold Merkz: basic Kobold infantry unit. Fearsome warlike creatures that roam the
- Kobold Trophyhunter: an elite infantry unit of the Kobolds, they possess heightened
senses as they stalk their prey efficiently. Armed with a presence that confuses the mind
and spirit of their prey, and a double chainsword.
- Kobold Tangler: a highly skilled Kobold assassin specializing in slowing enemy units
using their snares and toxic concoctions.
- Kobold Miner Lord: the aspiring leader of the Kobold Miners Guild, he pushes his army
of miners behind enemy lines and boosts their speed and morale for surprise attacks.
Plus he is super rich.
- ‘Blin Tekwarrior: Tekwarriors are combat engineers of the goblins, wielding shotguns and
reactor cores at their backs that they can deploy as weapons of mass destruction.
- ‘Blin Khemist:
- ‘Blin Arsonists: suicide infantry units of the goblins. Self explanatory. They explode on

- Freak Priest: former Ascetics who have been corrupted by dark forces, they rally other
Freaks and support them with various cursed incantations.
- Freak Gunner: these are the masses who have surrendered their bodies to the dark
forces are now militants wielding submachine guns and equipped with grenades.
- Freak Mutilator: equipped with dual machetes, these mutilators are unstoppable in melee
- Freak Queen: a fierce commando unit of the freaks, this female Freak leads the ranks of
the Unholy Ones, wielding a massive blade and a rotary cannon. This surely is a great
threat and should be engaged cautiously as it can tear through armies fast.
- Freak Disciple:
- Freak Ranger:
- Fleshdrinkers: mortals who have undergone a terrible experiment gone wrong with the
Unholy Ones, these mutants are ravaged with an abhorrent disease that causes them to
inhabit vampiric tendencies. This disease have eaten their limbs and organs away, thus
their need for cybernetic enhancements.


The Tainted Universe features 4 gods that are primary antagonists.

Malrha, Serpent God of Greed

Born from a dying vortex of stars, they are the cosmos’ last effort of consuming space.
Gifted with insatiable hunger and a desperate urge for more. Malrha is depicted to have a
serpentine body with wings, wielding their signature Staff of Greed, which is the primary source
of the galaxy’s corruption. Their most devout followers are known to have serpentine features
protruding from their bodies, including developing reptilian flesh regeneration. Malrha inspires
their followers with the Code of Greed, which is, “Spare none, take all. Relinquish resistance,
plunder their souls.” Malrha has the ability to corrupt mortals and absorb living forces, which if
allowed to develop, allows them to consume whole star systems. They will commonly bestow
this power upon Paingivers. Malrha’s followers are known for their unforgiving sunder of sectors,
creating more and more destruction in their wake. Malrha Paingivers are known to be the most
ruthless Paingiver of all types, since their Greed knows no limits, as they will do whatever they
can to get more souls to reap.
Vhozrel, God of Vengeance

Vhozrel’s vengeance knows no bounds. Once banished from the pantheon of cosmic
gods and imprisoned within a galactic wasteland, his followers finally freed him and Vhozrel
immediately ripped through space and waged an eternal war against those who had done him
wrong. Vhozrel was born from a cosmic storm as the amalgamation to the universe’s insane
punishments to the defiant. Vhozrel is depicted as a four-legged humanoid with horns and
protruding fins around his head, and a set of bat-like wings. Vhozrel has the ability to create
thunder and oftenly demands his followers to electrocute themselves as sacrifice. Vhozrel
purposefully lets his followers live after being electrocuted to be used as a constant power
source for his onslaught. He is also depicted to wield a chain sickle that allows him to rip space
itself apart. Vhozrel will bestow his electrocosmic powers oftenly to his Priests, causing them to
inherit his horns and fins. His Paingivers will use crafted chain sickles in order to honor him, and
sometimes it can randomly be imbued by Vhozrel’s thunder, which symbolizes that he is
pleased with their services. This will cause the Paingiver to be awakened and achieve absolute
fanaticism and slaughter anyone in their path. His followers are also bound to the Vengeful
Oath: “For they shall suffer Vengeance truly for defying our blessings.”

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