Statement of Purpose: Computer Engineering Is The Ideal Course That Offers Depth and Width in This Field

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Statement of purpose

The journey to engineering was destined when I showed great interest in mathematics, physics and
was pivotal to pursue engineering and specifically in the stream of electronics. It was my quest for
knowledge about the computing world that has enthralled me to pursue a bachelor’s in Electronics
and Communication Engineering.

In Bachelor’s, I was illuminated to the greatest invention of the computer age, an Integrated Circuit
(IC) and was enamored to realize how a device so tiny, yet so powerful is performing computations
in a fashion that was never thought of. I was introduced to 8086 microprocessors, a revolution of its
kind. VLSI taught how ICs are fabricated, while Embedded systems explained the application of
processors. Hardware and software go hand in hand and this holistic thought drove me to master
coding skills in C, C++, Java and Python coupled with experience in MATLAB. I have confidence and
great command over Verilog designing, MASM and embedded C.

Putting theory into practice, my first project as a freshman was to build an obstacle detection robot
using DC motors and four Infrared sensors that autonomously correct its course when obstructed,
which phenomenon is seen in autonomous driving vehicles. In the next project, my team designed a
passive infrared sensor-based smart energy-saving lighting system that lights the room only when
human presence is detected. My adeptness in Computer Networks, Embedded Systems and Arduino
IDE aided me to deploy an IoT platform and develop a smart hub, that houses a plug point and a bulb
socket. The appliances connected to the smart hub can be controlled remotely with the touch of a
button. Integration with Google Home enables the hub to be controlled via voice commands. In
another prominent project on air pollution control, I developed an IoT enabled air purification
system that relies on ambient temperature, humidity and air quality data. These parameters, in turn,
prompt the user to turn on the purifier.

“If 8086 microprocessors, a forty-year-old invention is still regarded as the greatest revolution, then
what would the latest creation be like,” this question is thrusting me to advance my knowledge in
digital electronics. Deep insight in computer architecture, processor designing and deploying this
learning in various computer-based applications takes me to further heights in digital electronics.
Computer Engineering is the ideal course that offers depth and width in this field. The synergy of
resources from the School of computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering and the
school of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering provides a citadel of learning. The plethora of
research areas at Arizona State University and especially Real-time systems, for its research
interests in Internet of Things; embedded systems and software, gives me the perfect environment
to acquire new skills in research and development of numerous computer-based system designing.
“Pen channels thoughts onto paper.” The abominable death of a group of students in 2014 moved
me to publish my first short story, “The last selfie” in a literary club, which received wide-scale
appreciation. Writing short stories has become an avocation since then. While reading the story of
an orphan, I was saddened by the plight and had an epiphany to contribute to their wellbeing.
Consequently, in a cultural fest at my college, I had the right circumstance to merchandize my
writings, donate the profits and urge people to contribute their might for an orphanage. In this
campaign, the smile on the kids’ faces gave immense pleasure. The inspiration is to create a
difference and I find ASU to be the perfect place for its 1000 plus clubs and particularly, Amnesty
International that strives to make the world a better place to live.

The Arizona State University is one of the top universities that provide world-class research
environment and career development opportunities to impart industry-oriented skills. Being ranked
as number one in the U.S for innovation, ASU is the launchpad to an array of research fields. Also,
the diverse cohort of students and the conducive atmosphere gives me an enriched exposure for
overall development.

I look forward to joining as a Sun Devil in this world-renowned university and expand my horizon.

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