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3125/0516 RANDOM SIGNAL ANALYSIS T.E. SEM V/ELTL/ NOV 2017 / 20.11.17 Q.P. Code: 23105 (3 Hours) Max Marks: 80 Note: 1. Question No, 1 is compulsory. 2. Out of remaining questions, attempt any three questions. 3. Assume suitable additional data if required, 4 |. Figures in brackets on the right hand: puleditteae full) ay QL. (A) State the three axioms of probability. (B) State Contral limit theorem and give its significance. (C) State various properties of mncongeae function and pos ak ; function, : (D) Define and explain Moment Geneang Function, 5 y Q.2. (A) Inacommunication esol zerois transmitted ai 04 and-a one 6. i ‘channel.a zero can be received as one with piobability0.1 and asa ze probability 0.9, similarly one can be received as 22r0 with probabil with probability bility that a. zero was transmitted? (B) Arandom variable has the folk F(x) = Kee Determine’ “the Yalu Q3. (A) cntial probability density function: ié-the corresponding distribution r je and-vériance 1.5. Using Central Limit sample such: ‘that the probability that difference population mean will be less than 0.5 is 0.95. ®) large numbers and weak law of large numbers. fd). pl spectral -density“function. State its important properties and = pl two.of thé property. ©) () M/GH. Queuing system. ii) M/M/I/ Queuing system, _of(CP write stort notes on the following special distributions, ; 4) Poisson distribution ii) Gaussian distribution. - QS. (A) State and prove Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, *(B).- A stationary process is given by X()=10cos [1002 + 0] where is a random variable with uniform probability distribution in the interval LILI. ‘Show-that it is a wide sense stationary process. EC6DASEB9DDC7E44E42060618B44230B (05) 05) ao) 0) ao) (05) (05) (10) (05) (05) (10) (10) P.T.O. ‘T3125 /T0516 RANDOM SIGNAL ANALYSIS ECSDASEB9DDC7E44E42060618B4A230B. Find the limiting probabilities? Q.6. (A) Prove that ifinput to LTI system is w.s.s. then the output i

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