Adventure Mod Manual v2.2

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People, who played Age of Wonders 3 a lot, know that the starting settings also include several game
flow options: Apart from a balanced game flow you can choose between Empire Building and an Ad-
venture Mode – the latter leads you to a map with only a few cities but a lot of treasure sites.

For the standards of the Age of Wonders series, Planetfall offers already a lot of empire management.
Accordingly, this mod aims to shift this imbalance again a bit towards role play elements. While it
doesn’t reduce the complexity of city development (if anything it does the opposite), the number of
cities, the player has to manage, is usually much smaller. Instead the focus is on a few armies, clearing
the surroundings and getting stronger with each fight.

Collecting experience is extremly important for boths, heroes and units: Units are no longer limited by
an experience cap after reaching their fourth medal, but will be elevated in the rank of Veterans, and
finally even into the Champion ranks. These achievements grant them additional abilities, many of
them unique and comparable to the gold medal rewards in Age of Wonders 3. Heroes on the other
hand have access to a large numer of new skills. Overall more than 250 hero skills are present. When
reaching level 15, heroes can unlock a powerful ultimate skill that depends on their combination of
faction and secret tech.

Chapter 2 and 3 are about the new abilities of units and the development options for heroes. Chapter
4 covers the economical changes to limit unit and city spam.

2.1 Mechanics


One of the core ideas of the Adventure Mod is to make experience and unit progress more rewarding:
Combats grant units not only more health and damage but an additional „Prime“ ability and – even
more important –access to mod slots. At the same time, the experience cap is strongly increased, so
even Veteran units can still benefit from fights.

A regular unit can gain up to 12 ranks. The ranks are again grouped into three levels: Recruit (rank 0-
3), Veteran (rank 4-7) and Champion (rank 8-12).

A Wraith and a Shrike at Recruit, Veteran and Champion level

The level of a unit can be easily identified through the background color of the unit. Some units also
get a different shape when upgrading.

The following picture shows the special abilites a Mirage can get at Champion level: Delirium Projector
increases the Psionic strength of its ability to apply Halluzinating, Cloaking Field grants it a stealth


Apart from stat bonuses and abilities higher levels allow the units the use of additional mod slots:
Recruits can only use one mod slot, Veterans two and for Champions all three mod slots are available.

Recruit Veteran Champion

2nd mod slot 3rd mod slot

- - +10% damage +10% damage
-ability -ability

Iron +4 +4 +4

Bronze +5% +5% +5%

Silver +4 +4 +4

Gold [Level Up to Veteran] [Level Up to Champion]
+1 / +1

The additional abilites, the units get at Veteran and Champion level are listed in the chapters 2.2 and
2.3. Some of them are based on the original Prime rank abilites, some of them are new. The final de-
fensive bonus depends on the faction or secret tech of the unit: For example Amazon, Syndicate and
KirKo gain a shield bonus, DVAR, Vanguard and Assembly gain armor.

The table below provides an overview of the unit upkeep at higher levels:

Tier I Tier II Tier III Tier IV

Recruit 4 8 12 18 2
Veteran 8 14 20 28 2
Champion 12 20 28 38 2


Only faction and secret tech units – with the exception of Xenoplague – have access to Veteran and
Champion level. NPC- and wildlife-units don’t level up on Prime rank. Thus in the long run, they cannot
keep up with regular produced units but on the other hand they can start very strong having access to
all three mod slots from the very beginning. Due to higher upgrade costs it is expensive to rely a lot on
wildlife and NPC-units though: The cosmite cost for mods is increased by 50%.

Produced Units NPC-Units / Wildlife

12 ranks 4 ranks
1-3 mod slots 3 mod slots
Regular mod cost +50% mod cost

A DVAR Baron in Air Defense Mode

2.2 Faction Units


Veteran Ability Champion Ability

OWL Evasive Improved Detection

Trooper Improved Overwatch Agile Overwatch

PUG Combat Assist System Reconstruction

Assault Bike Evasive Flanker

Engineer Turret Upgrade: Range Turret Upgrade: Damage

Gunship Stagger Impact Plasma Missile

Laser Tank Range Overwatch

Walker AA Missile Improved Overwatch

Drone Carrier Firm Improved Drone Thrusters

Ability descriptions
Sends a drone to target unit that purges any negative status
Combat Assist System (active)
effects and provides 2 for 3 .

Reconstruction The unit reconstructs itself after destruction within 2 .

Launches a missile that deals damage in a 1 hex radius and leaves

Plasma Missile (active)
behind a burning hazard.

AA Missile (active) Launches a missile that deals heavy damage to a single Air unit.

Skirmish and Attack Drones are able to perform Evasive Maneu-

Improved Drone Thrusters
vers, increasing their evasion.


Veteran Ability High Guardian Ability

Shrike Evasive Improved Detection

Huntress Ignore Overwatch Evasive

Biomancer Regenerative Infusion Deep Sleep

Lancer Evasive Stagger Impact

Arborian Sentinel Precision Strike Manipulate: Reactive Shield

Harrier Flanking Maneuver Air Superiority

Bombardon Stagger Impact Toxic Fumes

Tyrannodon Killing Momentum Shrug Off

Arborian Queen Range Protective Growth

Ability descriptions
Grants target animal unit Regeneration for 4 , allowing it to
Regenerative Infusion (active)
heal 8 each turn.

Deep Sleep Manipulate: Sleep has +4 .

Precision Strike (active) Fires a laser beam with increased accuracy.

Manipulate: Shield grants up to 2 additional on taking da-

Manipulate: Reactive Shield
Grants Evasive Maneuvers but disables attacks this turn. Grants
Flanking Maneuver (active)
Flanker and Point Blank Shot for 2 .

Air Superiority Flanking Maneuver grants +100% damage against Air units.

Bio Cannon attacks create hazards that cause damage and -3

Toxic Fumes
resistance against biochemical status effects.

Killing Momentum The unit regains 1 action point upon dealing a killing blow.

Target friendly unit is Immobilized but gains 4 , heals for

Protective Growth (active)
10 and additionally for 25% of its maximum for 2 .


Veteran Ability Advanced Assembler Ability

Inspector Overwatch Improved Detection

Scavanger Comprehensive Assimilation Firm

Vorpal Sniper Bypass Cover Gauss Rifle

Electrocutioner Fury Improved Overwatch

Reverse Engineer Create Anti-Air Construct Reconstruction

Lightning Rider Ignore Overwatch Arc Overcharge

Wrecker Plasteel Armor Assimilate

Disassembler Firm Assembler Shot

Reaver Shrug Off Stagger Impact

Ability descriptions
The unit heals for 6 when attacking enemies. This ability re-
Comprehensive Assimilation
places Assimilate.

Gauss Rifle Concussive Shot has +4 to apply Concussion.

Each successful attack provides +5% damage. This buff stacks up

to 10 times.
Create Anti-Air Construct (ac-
Creates an Anti-Air Construct at target hex.

Arc Overcharge Arc Charge grants +100% additional damage.

Hyper Armor Defense Mode grants additional +3 and an extra

Plasteel Armor
level of Stagger Resistance.
Creates an Assembler Nanites Cloud in target area that repairs
Assembler Shot (active)
Mechanical and Cyborg units.


Veteran Ability Chief Officer Ability

Prospector Evasive Improved Detection

Trencher Flanker Deep Cover

Foreman Vigilant Heavy Kinetic Punch

Bulwark Superior Overwatch Quick Repair

Ramjet Ignore Overwatch Fusion Afterburners

Baron Neodym Battery Air Defense Mode

Excavator Tank Quick Repair All-round Awareness

Rocket Artillery Range Finetuned Targeting

Earth Crusher Shrug Off All-round Awareness

Ability descriptions
Deep Cover The unit gains +2 when in cover.

The unit can enter defense mode even if it has spent all its action

Heavy Kinetic Punch Kinetic Punch has +4 to apply Concussion.

The unit becomes 25% harder to hit, cannot be flanked and gets
Quick Repair (Defense Mode)
healed by 18 .
Afterburners grant +4 and an extra level of Stagger Impact
Fusion Afterburners
for Aerial Ram.
Nitro Battery grants Vigilant, activating the defense mode after
Neodym Battery
Converts the Barons backpack into a heavy Flak Cannon. Disables
Air Defense Mode (active)
all support tools.
Each successful attack provides +10% . This buff lasts until the
Finetuned Targeting
unit moves and stacks up to 2 times.


Veteran Ability Swarm Lord Ability

Unleashed Frenzy Improved Detection

Frenzied Sprint Total Frenzy

Transcendent Improved Regeneration Shrouded Rift

Hidden Backstab Shadow Step

Engulfer Critical Range

Barrager Range Stagger Impact

Ravenous Escalating Charge Metabolic Boost

Tormented Enraging Echoes Firm

Harbinger Firm Cruel Presence

Ability descriptions
Sprint (active, free) Increases the units movement radius by 12 for 1 .

The unit can reach higher levels of Frenzy. It lasts for 3 and
Total Frenzy
stacks up to 10 times.

Improved Regeneration The unit heals by +6 each turn in tactical combat.

Shrouded Rift (active) Teleports target friendly unit to a hex adjacent to this unit.

The unit deals +50% damage when flanking. This ability replaces

Shadow Step (active) The unit teleports a short distance.

Metabolic Boost The units gains Fast Movement.

Friendly units targeted by Echoes of Torment deal +100% da-

Enraging Echoes
mage on their melee overwatch attacks.
Kir’Ko units in the same army have Cruelty: They gain +200
Cruel Presence
each time they kill a unit in battle.


Veteran Ability Centurion Ability

Runner Evasive Improved Detection

Indentured Range Bypass Cover

Overseer Escape Module Absolute Discipline

Enforcer Crippling Strike Layered Shields

Guild Assassine Bypass Cover Marksmanship

Mirage Delirium Projector Cloaking Field

Wraith PsiTec Absorption Bypass Cover

Subjugator Secondary Shields Subconscious Control

Zenith Range Secondary Shields

Ability descriptions
Indentured in the unit’s army gain in total +20% critical hit
Absolute Discipline
Melee attacks have a 6 chance to reduce movement speed of
Crippling Strike
Biological and Cyborg units.

Layered Shields PsiTec Shields grant +2 in Defense Mode.

Marksmanship The unit has +10% and deals +30% damage against Air units.

Delirium Projector Hallucination Projector has +4 to apply Halluzinating.

Activates the Cloaking Field for 1 making the unit 50% harder
Cloaking Field (active)
to hit.
Attacks can apply Hindered or Hallucinating if an Enforcer or a
PsiTec Absorption
Mirage is on an adjacent hex.
Activates the secondary shield generator providing +3 until
Secondary Shields (active)
the unit moves.

Subconscious Control Deploy Cerebral Control Collars has +4 to apply Mindcontrol.


Veteran Ability Devastator Ability

Recon Evasive Improved Detection

Raider Critical Devastating Omni Rush

Infiltrator Evasive Advanced Holoshift

Deadeye Marksmanship Critical

Propagator Swift Holo Mend Stagger Impact

Firebrand Morphallaxis Killing Momentum

Tactician Shrug Off Regenerative Boost

Refractor Drift Engine Accumulating Ebb

Sonokarn Range Stagger Impact

Ability descriptions
Devastating Omni Rush The unit has +4 to apply Concussion when using Omni Rush.

Advanced Holoshift The unit can holoshift into Tier III units.

Swift Holo Mend The unit can use Holo Mend multiple times per combat.

Whenever Epimorphosis triggers the unit heals additionally for

6 from Morphallaxis.
Target friendly unit gains Morphallaxis until end of combat,
Regenerative Boost (active)
increasing its regenerative capabilities.

Drift Engine (active, free) Increases the units movement radius by 8 for 1 .

The unit deals additional damage with Sonic Ebb at shorter dis-
Accumulating Ebb
tances, up to a maximum of +30% at range 4.


Veteran Ability Knight of the Oracle Ability

Scryer Range Improved Detection

Aspirant Tireless Firm

Augur Gift of Renewal Immediate Providence

Protector Shrug Off Firm

Warden Oracle’s Favor Warden’s Protection

Watcher Plight Mitigation Ultimate Providence

Champion All-round Awareness Stagger Impact

Diviner Firm Immediate Providence

Exemplar Stagger Impact Shrug Off

Ability descriptions
When Gift of Adamance expires the targeted unit is healed for
Gift of Renewal
40 instead of 20 .
Immediate Providence (active,
The unit gains +100% critical hit chance for 1 .

Oracle’s Favor The unit gains Precognition on killing an enemy unit.

Warden’s Protection The unit and friendly adjacent units have All-round Awareness.

Target friendly unit has negative status effects removed and

Plight Mitigation (active)
gains Providence at the beginning of the next turn.
The unit provides additionally +100% when using Gift of Pro-
Ultimate Providence

2.3 Secret Tech Units


Veteran Ability Templar Ability

Light Bringer All-round Awareness Righteous Zeal

Assembly All-round Awareness Comprehensive Assimilation

DVAR Vigilant Righteous Zeal

Oathbound All-round Awareness Oracle’s Favor

Star Guide Soul Shield Shattering Light

Syndicate Soul Shield Secondary Shields

Ascended Teacher All-round Awareness Aura of Harmony

Ability descriptions
Whenever the unit is struck by an attack its melee damage will
Righteous Zeal
increase by 10%. This lasts for 1 , and stacks up to 4 times.

Soul Shield (active) Grant target enlightened unit Resurgence for 2 .

Blinding Light can additionally shatter units, removing 1 level of

Shattering Light
Stagger Resistance for 2 .

Aura of Harmony Units in the same army have +200 .


Veteran Ability Protector Ability

Purifier Sweeping Fire Point Blank Shot

Vanguard Sweeping Fire Overwatch

DVAR Sweeping Fire Deep Cover

Shakarn/Oathbound Sweeping Fire Firm

Aegis Tank Firm Shrug Off

Phoenix Walker Plasteel Armor Fury

Ability descriptions
Sweeping Fire This units Plasma Bombs create larger burning Hazards.

Point Blank Shot The unit deals +40% damage when targeting a unit within 3 .


Veteran Ability Master Ability

Initiate Consuming Strike Backstab

Kir’Ko Consuming Strike Total Frenzy

Syndicate Consuming Strike Flanker

Oathbound Consuming Strike Immediate Providence

Malictor Mind Breaker Inescapable Cage

Amazons Mind Breaker Killing Momentum

Herald of Oblivion Evasive Consuming Strike

Ability descriptions
Consuming Strike The unit regains 12 upon dealing a killing blow.

Mind Breaker Soul Seeker has +2 to apply Broken Mind.

Inescapable Cage Cage of Suffering has +4 to apply Psionic Cage.


Optimized Substructure
Veteran Ability Ability

Hacker Hyperintelligent Daemons Bypass Cover

Vanguard Hyperintelligent Daemons Range

Assembly Arc Charge Bypass Cover

Shakarn Quick Analysis Bypass Cover

Network Link Defensive Daemon Support Offensive Daemon Support

Avatar Upgraded Amplification Virus Cascade

Ability descriptions
Hyperintelligent Daemons Haywire Daemon has +4 to apply Disabled.

Charges the units weapon, causing its attacks to Stagger and to

Arc Charge (active)
deal extra damage for 1 .

Quick Analysis The unit can use Sonar Analysis for one action point.

Defensive Daemon Support Supporting Daemons in a 4 hex radius grant +2 .

Offensive Daemon Support Supporting Daemons in a 4 hex radius grant +10% critical chance.

Amplify Daemons boost additionally target unit‘s speed and

Upgraded Amplification
provide the ability Whirling Movement.

Virus Cascade Virus attacks jump to an additional target


Veteran Ability Inertialconverter Ability

Echo Walker Ignore Overwatch Stagger Impact

Amazons Evasive Stagger Impact

Kir’Ko Sprint Stagger Impact

Shakarn Morphallaxis Stagger Impact

Phase Manipulator Phase Shift: Teleport Overwatch

Rift Generator Stagger Impact Multidimensional Desync

Ability descriptions
Creates a link to target friendly light unit that grants it the ability
Phase Shift: Teleport (active)
to teleport a short distance.
Dimensional Desync is applied guaranteed for 1 . On a success
Multidimensional Desync
it is applied for 2 .


Veteran Ability Es’Teq Prophet Ability

Siphoner Harvest Transfer Master Harvester

Quintessence Arc Essence Reservoir Firm

High Lord Range Essence Reservoir

Ability descriptions
Harvest Transfer (active) Harvest Essence and bestow 1 Charge on target unit.

The unit can harvest 2 Essence Charges when using Harvest

Master Harvester

Essence Reservoir The unit can carry one additional Essence Charge.

3.1 Mechanics


The skill wheel is all about finding effective combinations of abilities, combat upgrades and army buffs.
To do this, the hero can choose skills from eight different segments; as these sections depend on the
hero’s origin, different heroes have different strengthes and weaknesses. Additionally, a hero can only
learn a limited number of skills from every segment.

As the picture below shows, from the eight parts one represents the faction and one the secret tech;
two correspond to the weapon groups of the faction. Finally, the remaining four segments are globally

Every segment – with the expeption of the weapon trees – has a primary skill that can be upgraded
two times, at hero level 5 and hero level 9. Each of these upgrades unlocks two additional subskills.
Heroes can learn up to three subskills, they have only one tier 3 slot, one tier 2 slot and one tier 1 slot,
though. However, a hero can still choose to take a tier 2 subskill in place of a tier 3 subskill or – alter-
natively – downgrade a tier 2 subskill-slot to tier 1.

After getting the first primary skill the hero can choose between the sub-
skills Renewal and Visual Acuity or take both instead of a tier 2 subskill.

Every faction gives access to a unique combat skill – either in the Ranged Specialist segement or in the
Melee Specialist segment. Secret techs on the other hand can unlock unique army bonusses that are
available in the Offense and Defense tree. Finally there’s a unique Ultimate skill that depends on both,
the faction and the secret tech. The Ultimate requires hero level 15.

The unique skill Killing Momentum, available for Amazon melee specialists

3.2 Faction Hero Skills


Launch Laser Drone I- Launch a flying drone to aid in combat. Defense and weapon
III damage of the drone increase with each level. [active, 3AP]
I Dig In The hero gains +2 resistance in all channels while in cover.
I Field Medicine Units in the hero’s army are healed for 6 each strategic turn.
The hero gains +3 Psionic resistance and immunity to Psionic sta-
II Iron Discipline
tus and hazard effects.
Martial Inspira-
II Units in the hero’s army gain +200 .
Grant all friendly units +15% and +10% damage for 2 .
III Battle Plan
[active, 3AP]
Allow friendly units to ignore morale penalities for 2 . [active,
III Rallying Cry
leaves 1AP]

Ultimates Secret Techs

Extended Intelligence The duration of Battle Plan is increased by 2 .

Martial Inspiration additionally grants +10%

Psionic Inspiration
critical hit chance and +50% critical damage.


Friendly units within 2 (3/4) hexes of the hero deal +10% (+20%/
War Cry I-III +30%) damage for 3 and their attacks reduce the resistance
against status effects by 2. [active, 1AP]
I Renewal Heal a Biological or Cyborg unit by 25 . [active, 1AP]
I Visual Acuity The hero gains +1 when in cover.
Biological units in the hero’s army gain +2 Biochemical resistance
II Biology Expert and are healed for 6 after each battle. Doesn’t require the
hero to be the army’s commander.
Animal and Mounted units in the hero’s army gain +5 and
II Animal Discipline
+200 .
Call a random tier II wildlife unit to an adjacent hex to aid in com-
III Call of the Wild
bat. [active, 3AP]
III Ranger Training Units in the hero’s army gain Forest Concealment.

Ultimates Secret Techs

Call of the Wild summons a random tier III or
Instinct Manipulation
tier IV unit.
Animal and Mounted units in the hero’s army
Dauntless Mounts
gain +10 and +2 Psionic resistance.


Heal a friendly Cyborg unit for 35 (50/65) . At level 2/3 it can

Reassemble I-III bring a light/any Cyborg or Mechanical unit back to life. [active,
I Stablilizers The hero gains 1 level of Stagger Resistance.
I Nanite Boosters Units in the hero’s army gain +2 resistance against status effects.
II Assimilate The hero heals for 4 per hit when attacking enemies in melee.
Battlefield Re- Cyborg and Mechanical units in the hero’s army are healed for
pairs 12 after each battle.
Stunning Deal damage to all adjacent units (10 ) with a chance to apply
Discharge Stunned ( 8) for 1 . [active, leaves 1 AP]
Cybernetic Over- Target friendly Cyborg or Mechanical unit has all its AP refilled.
drive [active, 1AP]

Ultimates Secret Techs

Perfect Assimilation Assimilate heals 8 per hit.

Cybernetic Overdrive grants additionally +20%

Electrifying Overdrive
damage and the Fury property.


Increase damage for this turn by +50% but decrease accuracy by

Furious Attack I-III
25% (15%/5%). Cooldown: 3 (2/1) [active, free]
I Incentivize Target friendly DVAR unit gains +400 . [active, 1AP]
Units in the hero’s army gain +1 resistance in all channels while
I Siege Master
in cover.
Hardiness Trai-
II Units in the hero’s army gain +2 resistance against status effects.
The hero gains Stagger Immunity and can walk through
II Juggernaut
III Armorer Units in the hero’s army gain +1 .
Target friendly Mechanical or Cyborg unit gains Fast Movement
III Nitro Battery and deals +20% damage; negative status effects are removed.
[active, 1AP]

Ultimates Secret Techs

Units in the hero’s army gain +1 and +4 re-
Plasteel Armorer
sistance against Kinetic status effects.
The hero gains +1 and immunity to status
Extreme Toughness


Light ground units in the hero’s army gain +1 (+2/+2) from

Echo of the Hivemind
Swarm Shield. At level 3 light and heavy ground units are both
Create a link to target friendly unit. Damage dealt to it is reduced
I Selfless Sacrifice
by 35% and is dealt to the hero instead. [active, 1AP]
The hero’s successful melee attacks trigger Frenzy, increasing
I Frenzied Assault
the hero’s damage by +10% per stack for 2 .
Teleport and spread a cloud of smoke in a 1 hex radius. Units
II Shadow Step
inside that area are 40% harder to hit. [active, 1AP]
Fury of the Units with Swarm Shield adjecent to the hero deal +20% da-
Swarm mage.
Grant units in a 1 hex radius +1 and +25% for 2 .
III Guiding Hand
[active, 3AP]
Invigorating Phe-
III Biological units in the hero’s army gain +5 .

Ultimates Secret Techs

Guiding Hand affects all units on the battle-
Guiding Presence
Frenzy stacks on the hero up to 10 times and
Total Frenzy
lasts for 3 .


Attempt to control target non-Mindless Infantry unit for 2

Deploy Cerebral Con-
(until end of combat/permanently as an Indentured). If this fails,
trol Collars I-III
the target is instead Disabled for 1 (2/3) . [active, 1AP]
The hero gains +25% damage on Overwatch attacks and +1 vi-
I Keen Sight
sion range.
I Subterfuge The hero gains Universal Camouflage.
II Shield Battery Units in the hero’s army gain +1 .
Strategic Operati- Operation strength is increased by 6 on operations that target
ons Support sectors with this hero in them.
The hero deals +25% damage when flanking enemies. Stacks
III Backstab
with Flanker.
When the hero‘s drop below 0, the hero automatically tele-
III Escape Module
ports to a random position nearby and heals for 15 .

Ultimates Secret Techs

The hero gains Agile Overwatch and Deadly
Overwatch and +1 Overwatch range.
The hero gains +3 vision range and units in the
Grand Subterfuge
hero’s army gain Universal Camouflage.


Enemies that attack the hero (Infantry units/any unit in the

Quaking Shields I-III hero’s army) from within 5 hexes have a 4 strength chance
of becoming inflicted with Concussion for the rest of the turn.
Domok Instruc- The hero gains +10% critical hit chance and +2 resistance against
tors status effects.
I Zardas Instructors The hero gains +10% evasion and Universal Camouflage.
The hero gains Deadly Overwatch, granting them +15% critical
II Deadly Sight
hit chance and +15% when using Overwatch.
Call upon a Sleeper Agent, which appears on an adjacent hex.
II Call Insider
[active, 3AP]
Domok Army Units in the hero’s army gain +10% critical hit chance and +5 .
Training Heroes are not affected.
Zardas Army Trai- Units in the hero’s army gain +2 resistance against status effects
ning and Universal Camouflage.

Ultimates Secret Techs

The hero does not leave ranged Overwatch af-
Deadly Ambush
ter it triggers.
A Sleeper Agent appears adjacent to target en-
Insider’s Insight
emy Tier I or II Infantry unit. [active, 3AP]


Oracle’s Protegé I-III The hero gains +5 (+10/+15) and +1 (+2/+3) .

If the hero has Precognition, they also gain +20% damage on all
I Intuitive Strikes
I Trailblazer While in a vehicle, the hero has Fast Movement.
II Oracle’s Favor The hero gains Precognition after killing an enemy unit.
Vehicles driven by this hero gain Regeneration. If destroyed, the
II Field Repair Droid
vehicle is restored at 50% at the end of battle.
For every level of reputation above Neutral units in a 3 hex ra-
III Glorious Leader
dius around the hero gain +200 . [active, 1AP]
Overload Power When in a Battlesuit vehicle, the hero gets the ability to deal
Core damage (20 ) in a 2 hex radius by destroying the Battlesuit.

Ultimates Secret Techs

Whenever the hero kills an enemy, they gain +4
Oracle’s Reward
damage (+2 for repeating attacks).
While in a vehicle, the hero ignores enemy
Siege Runner
Overwatch and and has Very Fast Movement.

3.3 Secret Tech Hero Skills


Units in the hero’s army gain +5 resistance in all channels for the
Justicars I-III
rest of the turn (for 1/2 ) when their HP fall below 40%.
Heal 20 and additionally 5 for each Enlightened unit in
I Cleansing Light
battle; dispel negative status effects. [active, 1AP]
The hero gains Enlightened and units that attack the hero have
I Revealing Soul
a chance of being afflicted with Soulburn.
The hero’s reflects 50% of the incoming damage back to the at-
II Empathic Link
II Aura of Guidance Units in the hero’s army gain +10% .
III Soul Shield Target non-Mindless unit gains Resurgence for 2 . [active, free]
Units in the hero’s army have +2 resistance in all damage chan-
III Deny the Wicked
nels against attacks from units with Soulburn.

Ultimate Factions

Celestial Shield Soul Shield lasts for 4 and has Cooldown: 1.


The hero quickly surges to another hex, creating a burning ha-

Phoenix Surge I-III
zard in the area. Cooldown: 4 (2/0) [active, leaves 1 AP]
Remove all negative and positive effects from all units in a 2 hex
I Purging Field
radius around the target location. [active, 3AP]
The hero gains immunity to Thermal Hazards and +2 resistance
I Resilience
against status effects.
Units in the hero’s army deal +20% damage against Animal, Plant
II and Xenoplague units. Doesn’t require the hero to be the army’s

II Fallout Protocols Units in the hero’s army gain +1 and +2 Thermal resistance.

Chemical Additi- Attacks from units in the hero’s army cause enemy Mechanical
ves units to explode on destruction, creating burning Hazards.
The hero gains +1 and the hero’s defense mode is replaced
III Hyper Armor
by Hyper Armor defense mode.

Ultimate Factions
Purging Field affects all friendly units on the
Purging Protocols
battlefield and heals them for 5 .


Units in the hero's army deal +10% damage for 2 (3/4) whene-
Dark Presence I-III ver a non-Mindless enemy is killed. The effect stacks up to 2
(4/6) times.
Non-Mindless enemy units adjacent to the hero receive -2 re-
I Sinister Chorus
sistance and -20% .
Attempt to apply Filled with Despair to target enemy. If this suc-
I Devour Hope
ceeds the hero is healed for 20 . [active, 1AP]
Inescapable Echoes of Despair under the control of the hero gain Fast Move-
Echoes ment and +10 .

II Sadism The hero deals +25% damage against units with low morale.

The hero regains 12 upon dealing the killing blow to an en-

III Consuming Strike
Anthem of the A- Friendly units gain +200 and +4 Psionic resistance for 2 ,
byss enemy units gain Broken Mind for 2 . [active, 3AP]

Ultimate Factions
Echoes of Despair gain an extra level of Stagger
Abyssian Echoes
Impact and the Devour Hope ability.


Grants the hero +1 (+1/+2) and +5% (+25%/+30%) critical hit

Synthetic Acuity I-III
chance with ranged weapons until they move. [active, 1AP]
Compromise Mechanical and Cyborg units in a 1 hex radius
I Disruptive Hack
around the target location. [active, full action continue]
Finetuned Targe- With every attack the hero's accuracy is increased by +10% until
ting they move. The effect stacks up to 2 times.
Attempt to mind control target Mechanical or Cyborg unit. [ac-
II Override Daemon
tive, 1AP]
On taking damage the hero will gain +1 at the start of the
II Adaptive Shields
next turn for 3 . The effect stacks up to 3 times.
Units in the hero’s army have a 6 chance to apply Electrified
III on their attacks. Doesn’t require the hero to be the army’s com-
III Assisted Breach Units in the hero’s army can bypass 1 and 1 .

Ultimate Factions
Compromising Sub- Units in the hero’s army have a chance to apply
routines Compromised on their attacks.


Applies Interference Effects to units in a 1 hex radius around tar-

Uncertainty Field I-III get location. Interference Effects reduce weapon range by 1
(2/3) and accuracy by 15% (30%/45%) for 2 . [active, 1AP]
The hero's ranged attacks ignore 50% of the penalties from
I Void Bullets
Teleport to target hex in a 7 hex radius. [active, full action con-
I Phase Shift
II The hero gains an extra level of Stagger Impact.
Instability Gene- Enemy units have -3 resistance to Kinetic status effects when ad-
rator jacent to units in the hero’s army.
Attempt to apply Dimensional Desync for 2 . If this fails the
III Stasis Field
duration is reduced to 1 instead. [active, 1AP]
III Shield Modulator Units in the hero’s army gain +1 .

Ultimate Factions
The hero’s ranged attacks ignore penalties
Void Rays
from cover and have +1 .


Create a Proto-Postule at an adjacent hex that can evolve into a

Xeno Growth I-III
small (medium/large) Xeno Plant. [active, leaves 1 AP]
Rapid Move-
I The hero gains Skitter.
Attempt to apply Stun and Parasitic Infection to target Biological
I Parasitic Spray
or Cyborg unit.
Biological and Cyborg units in the hero’s army heal for 15
II Spore Feeding
every time they kill a Biological or Cyborg unit within 3 hexes.
When a Biological or Cyborg unit in the heroes army takes dam-
II Intuitive Evasion age, it will gain +10% evasion for 1 . Doesn’t require the hero
to be the army’s commander.
Regenerative The hero heals itself and adjacent friendly Biological and Cyborg
Spore Cloud units for 8 each turn in tactical combat.
Cover a 1 hex radius area with an acid cloud that melts armor
III Caustic Smoke
and deals damage. [active, 1AP]

Ultimate Factions
The hero heals for 15% of its overall every
Rapid Regrowth
turn in tactical combat.


The hero (unit’s in the hero’s army) have a 4 (4/6) strength

Essence Protection I-
chance to apply Energy Drain and they gain +2 status effect re-
sistance for each Essence Charge they are carrying.
The hero can carry one additional Essence Charge when not in a
I Essence Keeper
I Essence Seeker The hero gains the Essence Harvest defense mode.
II Essence Shields The hero gains +1 for each Essence Charge they are carrying.
Es’Teq Enlight-
II The hero gains +30% experience from combat.
On death, the hero returns to life with 10 and an additional
III Deny the Void
10 for each Essence Charge they were carrying.
Exhaustive Har- Harvest Essence and bestow 2 Essence Charges on target unit.
vest [active, leaves 1 AP]

Ultimate Factions
The hero can carry 2 additional Essence Char-
Essence Grandmaster
ges and gains an Essence Charge each turn.


3.4 Global Hero Skills


Units in the hero’s army gain +5% (+10%/+15%) and +1 (+2/

Defensive Tactics I-III
+3) resistance against status effects.
I Units in the hero’s army are healed for 6 every strategic turn.
Close Combat Units in the hero’s army are 20% harder to hit with melee atta-
Mobility cks.
Units in the hero’s army gain +1 when they don’t move during
II Fortification
their turn.
II Defensive Stance Friendly units cannot be flanked for 3 . [active, 1 AP]
Impact Counter- Heavy units in the hero’s army gain an extra level of Stagger Re-
measures sistance. Heroes are not affected.
III Shield Specialist Units in the hero’s army gain +1 .

Bonus Skills Tech

Units in the hero’s army gain +75% evasion against
Swift Retreat Mastery
melee Overwatch.
Interchangable Com- Units in the hero’s army are overall healed for 30
ponents Mastery every strategic turn.
Impact Countermea- Light units in the hero’s army gain an extra level of
sures Mastery Stagger Resistance. Heroes are not affected.


Units in the hero’s army gain +5% (+10%/+15%) critical hit

Offensive Tactics I-III
chance and +5% (+10%/+15%) evasion.
Units in the hero's army gain +200 at the beginning of a com-
I Battle Frenzy
bat. The effect lasts for 3 .
Melee Comman-
I Units in the hero’s army deal +10% damage with melee attacks.
Unpredictable At- Units in the hero’s army deal +15% damage when they move at
tacks least 3 hexes during their turn.
Friendly units deal +25% damage while flanking for 3 . [active,
II Lethal Stance
1 AP]
Melee units in the hero’s army gain an extra level of Stagger Im-
III Focused Attack
pact. Heroes are not affected.
Weapon Specia-
III Units in the hero’s army deal +10% damage with ranged attacks.

Bonus Skills Tech

Melee Commander Melee Overwatch from units in the hero’s army can
Mastery no longer be cancelled by Stagger.
Units in the hero's army deal +20% damage at the be-
Battle Frenzy Mastery
ginning of a combat. The effect lasts for 3 .
Focused Attack Mas- Ranged units in the hero’s army gain an extra level of
tery Stagger Impact. Heroes are not affected.


Close Quarter Specia- The hero deals +10% (+20%/+30%) damage with melee weapons
list I-III and gains +10% (+20%/+30%) critical hit chance.
I Fast Movement The hero gains Fast Movement.
I First Strike The hero’s melee Overwatch triggers before the enemy’s attack.
II The hero cannot be flanked.
The hero's melee Overwatch can no longer be cancelled by Stag-
II Counter Attack
ger and will never miss.
Devastating The hero deals +40% damage with melee attacks after moving at
Charge least 4 hexes.
III Tireless The hero does not leave melee Overwatch after it triggers.

Bonus Skills Faction

Ignore Overwatch The hero doesn’t trigger Overwatch attacks.

The hero gains +10% evasion for each adjacent enemy

Heroic Defense
The hero regains 1 action point upon killing an enemy.
Killing Momentum
The effect can only occure once per turn.
The hero gains +20% critical hit chance upon killing an
Battle Trance
enemy. The effect stacks up to 5 times.


The hero deals +10% (+20%/+30%) damage with ranged weap-

Ranged Specialist I-III
ons and gains +10% (+20%/+30%) critical hit chance.
I Flanker The hero deals +25% damage with ranged attacks when flanking.
The hero gains +15% with ranged attacks when fireing from
I Steady Aim
II Dead Eye The hero gains +10% .
The hero gains Overwatch on primary ranged attacks and has
II Watchman
+20% with Overwatch attacks.
The hero's attacks with ranged weapons deal +40% damage
III Point Blank Shot
when fired from a distance of 3 or less.
III Sniper The hero gains +1 .

Bonus Skills Faction

Critical Surprise The hero deals +50% damage on critical hits.

The hero automatically enters defense mode after ac-

The hero is always considered to have full action
Agile Overwatch
points when entering Overwatch.
The hero's attacks with ranged weapons ignore cover
Ignore Cover
and unit in the way penalties.


Certain skills within the global skill segments are only availably for specific secret techs or factions. All
of these skills require at least a tier 2 subskill slot.

Tech Cost
Robot Commander: Mechanical units in the hero’s army gain +1 .
Mechanical Mindless units gain additionally +5 . 3
Segment: Defensive Tactics
Mech Commander: Mechanical units in the hero’s army gain +1 .
Battlesuit units gain additionally +5 . 3
Segment: Defensive Tactics
Cyborg Commander: Mechanical and Cyborg units in the hero’s army
gain +1 . 3
Segment: Defensive Tactics
Spiritual Commander: Biological and Cyborg units in the hero’s army
deal +10% damage. Non-Mindless Infantry units deal +15% damage
Segment: Offensive Tactics
Psionic Commander: Biological and Cyborg units in the hero’s army
deal +10% damage. Psionic units deal +15% damage instead. 3
Segment: Offensive Tactics
Animal Commander: Biological units in the hero’s army deal +10%
damage. Animal and Mounted units deal +15% damage instead. 3
Segment: Offensive Tactics
Armor Integration: The hero gains +2 whenever killing an enemy
in melee. 3
Segment: Melee Specialist
Mounted Combat Expert: Ther hero gains Fleet-Footed when using a
vehicle, reducing movement cost in tactical combat. 3
Segment: Melee Specialist

Martial Artist: The hero is 30% harder to hit with melee attacks.
Segment: Melee Specialist

Firm: The hero gains one level of Stagger Resistance.

Segment: Melee Specialist

Thrust Expert: The hero gains an extra level of Stagger Impact.

Segment: Ranged Specialist

Experienced Guard: The hero gains +1 and deals +20% damage

with Overwatch attacks. 3
Segment: Ranged Specialist

Tech Cost

Evasive: The hero gains +15% evasion.

Segment: Ranged Specialist

Steamroller: The hero gains +100 whenever an enemy is killed.

Segment: Ranged Specialist


Apart from the skills below, heroes under the command of an Oathbound Leader still have access to
gouvernance skills. These are unchanged and not listed.

Level Cost

Basic Vitality: The hero gains +10 . 1 3

Superior Vitality: The hero gains +10 . 1 6

Archeology Adept: The hero and their army earn +50% experience from
1 3
anomalous sites and the resource costs in sites are reduced by 25%.

Archeology Expert: Choices in anomalous sites take 1 less and ano-

5 3
malous sites grant an extra research reward.

Archeology Master: Success chances in anomalous sites are increased by

30%, research rewards are increased by 50% and they grant an extra 10 3
energy reward.

Ancient Insights (Heritor Bonus Skill): The hero and their army earn
11 3
+100% experience from anomalous sites.

Piloting: The hero can equip Tier I and II vehicles. 1 5

Piloting (Advanced): The hero can equip Tier III and IV vehicles. 6 8

Personal Defense Expert: When not in a vehicle, the hero gains +1

6 4
and +1 .

Modular Extension: Allows the hero to equip an extra Mod. 8 5

3.5 Weapon Group Hero Skills


Elektromancer The hero deals +10% damage with Arc weapons and gains +1 .

Target friendly Mechanical or Cyborg unit's Shield gets increased

Shield Overcharge I-II every turn by 2 for 3 (4) (up to a maximum of +6 (+8) ).
Cannot target heroes. [active, 1AP]
The hero's attacks with Arc weapons have a 6 (8) chance (4
Stunning Arcs I-II
(6) for repeating attacks) to apply Stunned.


The hero deals +10% damage with Biochemical weapons and

gains +1 .
Target friendly Biological or Cyborg unit gains +12 (+24) and
Adrenalin Rush I-II ignores Overwatch for 1 (2) . Cannot target heroes. [active,
The hero's attacks with Biochemical weapons have a 14
Slowing Toxins I-II
chance (10 for repeating attacks) to apply (apply) Slow.


Chief Blaster The hero deals +10% damage with Explosives and gains +1 .

Creates a Spider Mine that can detonate to deal 20 to units

Deploy Spider Mine I-II in a 1 (2) hex radius and Stagger them. Spider Mines cannot at-
tack. [active, 1AP]
Immolating Payload I- The hero's attacks with Explosives have a 12 (16) chance (8
II (12) for repeating attacks) to apply Immolation.


Ballistic Specialist The hero deals +10% damage with Firearms and gains +1 .

Target friendly unit with Firearms gains +1 and it ignores 50%

Firearms Calibration I-
(100%) of the penalties from cover (and gains an extra level of
Stagger Impact) for 3 . Cannot target heroes. [active, 1AP]
The hero's attacks with Firearms have a 12 (16) chance (8
Flash Projectiles I-II (12) for repeating attacks) to apply Impaired Vision, reducing
the attack range by 2.


The hero deals +10% damage with Laser weapons and gains
LasTech Engineer
+1 .
Target friendly unit's Laser damage gets increased every turn by
Laser Overload I-II 25% for 3 (4) (up to a maximum of +75% (+100%)). Cannot
target heroes. [active, 1AP]
The hero's attacks with Laser weapons have a 14 chance (10
Charring Beams I-II
for repeating attacks) to apply (apply) Charred.


The hero deals +10% damage with Psionic weapons and gains
+1 .
Target friendly Biological or Cyborg unit is brought back to life
Psionic Revitalization
with 50% for the duration of the combat (permanently).
Cannot target heroes. [active, 1AP]
The hero's attacks with Psionic weapons have a 12 (16) chance
Mental Projections I-II
(8 (12) for repeating attacks) to apply Immolation.


The hero deals +10% damage with Sonic weapons and gains
Echo Fusioner
+1 .
Concentrated Sonic Apply Concussion to target enemy unit for 1 (2) .Cannot target
Field I-II heroes. [active, 1AP]
The hero's attacks with Sonic weapons have a 8 (12) chance
Impairing Waves I-II
(4 (8) for repeating attacks) to apply Impaired.


The hero deals +10% damage with Entropy weapons and gains
+1 .
Curse of Fatalism I-II Apply Fatalism to target enemy unit for 1 (2) . [active, 1AP]
Atrophy-Disruptions I- The hero's attacks with Entropy weapons have a 12 (16)
II chance (8 (12) for repeating attacks) to apply Atrophy.

4.1 Overview


Economically the Adventure Mod has mainly three purposes:

• Reduce the city count and increase the importance of city planning
• Extend the impact of strategic structures for the production of military units
• Improve the contrast between economical playstyles of different factions


In the base game it’s much more important to get many cities as soon as possible than to find a valuable
sector to colonize. A high city count typically beats a thoughtful city positioning – and that’s because
the player will sooner or later annex all the sectors in the area anyway.

With the Adventure Mod it’s much harder to get additional cities. Thus it’s usually not the best choice
to settle in a safe location close to the headquarters but to find a place that offers access to Cosmite,
Landmarks or good terrain features. For production cities Exploration Sites are extremely important as
well (see below).

The Adventure Mod limits both, the neutral settlements and the founded colonies: Colonists are more
expensive to produce with a starting cost of 30 Cosmite and 150 Energy.

Colonizer No. 1 2 3 …
Cost 150 30 250 40 350 50 …

Settlements are by default absent on random maps and in Galactic Empire Mode. Of course they can
be added manually for random maps. In Galactic Empire Mode the trait No Survivors is replaced by
Plenty of Survivors that includes settlements.

Due to the overall reduced number of cities the remaining ones have to be planned carefully. The
terrain has to be considered (see 4.4 Terraforming) as well as strategic structures (see 4.3 Landmarks
and Exploration Sites) and finally building options that particularly benefit specialized cities (see 4.2
City Structures and Doctrines).


As described in chapter 2, higher mod slots and additional abilites get unlocked when units reach Ve-
teran or Champion level. This is why a city, that can produce units with several starting ranks, provides
a huge advantage.

In the base game, Military Innovation Centers in research sectors grant these additional ranks. Because
this would make research sectors overall too powerful, in the Adventure Mod the rank bonus is shifted
to strategic structures instead, precisely to Exploration Sites and Landmarks. Whenever a city annexes
a Landmark or an Exploration Site, it enables a rank upgrade for a specific unit type. By choosing ap-
proriate sectors, bigger cities can even produce Veterans directly. Depending on the structures, some
cities may be especially suited for Biological Specialist units, and others for Heavy Elite units. In any
case, the colony placement and the choice of sectors have increased importance.

The exact changes to strategic structures are listed in chapter 4.3.

An arctic
DVAR empire


Similar to the way Amazons like Forests, in this mod other factions have terrain preferences, too – and
a unique option to terraform sectors into their favoured type. For one thing, this gives empires of all
factions a particular flavour: Kir’Ko have benefits when spreading fungal spore clouds all over their
territory, while Oathbound transform everything into arcadian gardens.

On the other hand this makes it harder for all factions to collect resources that don’t fit to their prefe-
red terrain or climate: For example terraforming Fertile Plains into Forrests destroys some of the sec-
tor‘s technological potential and makes it instead more suitable for production. This leads to more
distinct strengthes and weaknesses between the factions – some of them have especially difficulties
with technological progress, some with the growth of their cities.

More details about terraforming and the corresponding benefits can be found in chapter 4.4.

4.2 City Structures and Doctrines


To encourage economical specialization of cities, the Adventure Mod includes four Advanced Central
Structres. Each of these buildings requires a corresponing sector linked to the city – for example the
Research Nexus requires an annexed reseach sector. Only one Advanced Central Structure can be built
per city.


Dilithium Energy Transmitter: Provides +10 for every energy sector

linked to the colony and +5 for every water sector linked to the colony. 300
Required Tech: Advanced Processing Plants
Hydroponic Farms: All filled colonies' food, energy, production and re-
search slots produce +1 of their respective resource for every food sector
linked to the colony.
Required Tech: Advanced Processing Plants
Molecular Forge: Generate Energy and Generate Knowledge convert
+15% (to a total of 40% of the cities' ) to or . 300
Required Tech: Resource Optimization

Research Nexus: Provides +10 for every research sector linked to the
colony and +5 for every water sector linked to the colony. 300
Required Tech: Advanced Processing Plants


Several new buildings enable a rank upgrade for produced units. Only one Training Ground can be built
per city. (The Elite Academy does not count as Training Grounds.)


Skirmisher Training Grounds: Skirmisher and Core units gain +1 rank.

Required Tech: -

Specialist Training Grounds: Specialist and Core units gain +1 rank.
Required Tech: -

Elite Training Grounds: Elite units gain +1 rank.

Required Tech: -

Elite Academy: All units gain +1 rank.

Required Tech: Resource Optimization

Vanguard units can’t benefit from Traning Grounds because they start with this bonus already when
recruited. They still have an edge as they don’t need to choose which unit type should be promoted.


The access to rank upgrades though the Military Innovation Center would lead to balance issues, giving
colonies with a large science potential too much benefits. Instead it now provides a faster experience
gain for produced units. Due to changes in the happiness mechanics (see 4.4 Terraforming), the Bota-
nical Garden gives a bigger flat bonus instead of additional happiness slots.

Military Innovation Center: Increases military research by +10% and
+5% for every level above 1. On level 3 (4/5) produced unit gain +20%
(+40%/ +60%) experience from combat.
Required Tech: Research Development I

Botanical Gardens: The colony gains +12 income.

Required Tech: Colony Infrastructure


Four additional doctrines can be unlocked in the economical research tree. They support specific em-
pire-wide strategies.

Development Focus: Mobility: Forward Bases cost 50% less to build.
Additionally all units with Amphibious or Land Movement gain Expedited 50
Movement reducing the cost of moving through difficult terrain. 6
Required Tech: Expansionistic Agenda
Development Focus: Knowledge: Unit unlocking technologies up to tier 6
cost 25% less . Additionally newly-recruited Elite units start with +1 50
rank. 6
Required Tech: Protectionistic Agenda
Development Focus: Power: All Skirmisher and Specialist units gain +20%
experience from combat. Additionally newly-recruited Skirmisher, Special- 50
ist and Core units start with +1 rank. 6
Required Tech: Expansionistic Agenda
Development Focus: Wealth: Sector specializations cost 40% less to
build. Additionally every sector specialization provides +5 income of the 50
corresponding resource. 6
Required Tech: Protectionistic Agenda



Expansionistic Agenda (Tier III): Unlocks Development Focus: Mobility, De-

velopment Focus: Power, Hazard Removal

Protectionistic Agenda (Tier III): Unlocks Development Focus: Knowledge,

Development Focus: Wealth, River Exploitation

Advanced Processing Plants (Tier V): Unlocks Dilithium Energy Transmit-

ter, Hydroponic Farms, Research Nexus

Resource Optimization (Tier V): Unlocks Elite Academy, Molecular Forge 800

4.3 Exploration Sites and Landmarks


The role of Exploration Sites in the Adventure Mod is shifted towards military support. They don’t
provide the same amount of resources as in the base game but instead additional rank upgrades for
units. These bonuses only refer to specific unit types, though. As a result, it can make sense to create
different production cities – e.g. some specialized in Skirmisher units and others in Specialists.

Broadcast Station: Mechanical units built in the linked colony gain +10% on their
attacks. Additionally these units start with +1 rank.

Cosmic Manipulation Complex: Flying units built in the linked colony gain +20% on 2
their attacks. Additionally these units start with +1 rank. 5

DNA-Vault: Infantry units built in the linked colony gain +5 . Additionally these units 5
start with +1 rank. 5
Heavy Weapons Factory: Heavy units built in the linked colony gain +1 . Additionally
these units start with +1 rank.

Imperial War Monument: Skirmisher units built in the linked colony gain +200 . Ad- 5
ditionally these units start with +1 rank. 5

Paragon Barracks: Light units built in the linked colony gain +1 . Additionally these 5
units start with +1 rank. 5

Psi-Shrine: Core units built in the linked colony gain +2 Psionic resistance and +1 . 5
Additionally these units start with +1 rank. 5
Ressonance Halls: Specialist units built in the linked colony heal for +5 whenever
they use a non-damaging ability. Additionally these units start with +1 rank.
Terraforming Outpost: Ground units built in the linked colony gain +2 resistance
against status effects. Additionally these units start with +1 rank.
Therian Alteration Lab: Animal and Mounted units built in the linked colony gain +2 5
Biochemical resistance and +1 . Additionally these units start with +1 rank. 5


Landmarks provide additional ranks as well. The affected unit type depends on their level:

Landmark level Bonus

Bronze +1 rank for non-Elite units
Silver +1 rank for Elite units
Gold +1 rank for all units

Two Landmarks are changed further, they provide – apart from resources – only a rank bonus: The
Learning Center, unlocked by the Imperial Research Center, and the Imperial Training Center, unlocked
by the Government Palace.

In the base game the Learning Center grants an increased experience gain to produced units. As this is
transfered to the Military Innovation Center (see chapter 4.2), the Learnung Center boosts non-Elite
units with a +2 rank increase instead. The Imperial Training Center gets a similar buff:

Landmark structure Bonus

Learning Center +2 ranks for non-Elite units
Imperial Training Center +3 ranks for all units

4.4 Terraforming


Factions in the Adventure Mod have noticable strengths and weaknesses from an economical point of
view: Every faction has easy access to resources that correspond to their preferred terrain or climate
type. Settling in an area that is considered as unfavourable or even disliked terrain, causes happiness
penalties in the colony though. In these cases it has to be carefully evaluated if the benefits in income
outweigh the discontent of the citizens.

DVAR, Kir’Ko and Syndicate have preferences with regard to the climate zone:

Prefered climate Arctic Fungal Arid

–2 Arcadian Arcadian Arcadian
Arid Arctic Arctic
Fungal Arid Fungal

Oathbound have a prefered climate type as well – Arcadian – but unlike DVAR, Kir’Ko and Syndicate
no disliked climate. Their terraforming operation is by far the most expesive though.

Prefered climate Arcadian

–2 Arid
–4 -

Terrain types don’t have an effect on the population happiness for these factions.

Amazons, Assembly and Vanguard are not influenced by climate but have different preferences regar-
ding terrain:

Prefered terrain Forests Ruins Fertile Plains

–2 Mountains Mountains Mountains
Fertile Plains Fertile Plains Forests
Ruins Forests Ruins

Mountains cause less penalties but also cannot be terraformed through the factions‘ unique operati-

Shakarn don’t have particular preference for sector types. However, as they come from an ocean
world, they have a general -4 happiness penalty per colony due to Dry Air. Annexing additional sectors
doesn’t increase this value, though it can help to integrate water and river sectors when using the
Homeworld Reminescence doctrine.


Terrain terraforming is generally cheaper than climate changes but also more limited (as it cannot af-
fect Mountains). Each faction has it’s unique terraforming operation available from the start of the

Faction Cost

Darkening Industrial Fumes: Transforms the target sector 60

into an Arctic sector ( / ). 9

Fungal Spore Cloud: Transforms the target sector into a Fun- 60

gal sector ( / ). 9

Moisture Extracting Spices: Transforms the target sector into 60

an Arid sector ( / ). 9

Faction Cost

Utopian Gardens: Transforms the target sector into an Arca- 80

dian sector ( / ). 12

Reforestation: Transforms the target sector into a Forest sec- 40

tor ( / ). 6

Large-scale Excavations: Transforms the target sector into a 40

Ruins sector ( / ). 6

Extensive Clearance: Transforms the target sector into a Fer- 40

tile Plains sector ( / ). 6

5.1 Mechanics


To give the choice between different secret techs a greater importance, this feature aims to add new
strengthes to the secret techs depending on the faction they are combined with: Every secret tech
offers a unique upgrade for one of the usual faction units. These unique units are more powerful and
more expensive than their corresponding regular variants but they are usually not a straight upgrade
and come with some downsides as well.

Therefore a Vanguard player with the Psynumbra secret tech might for example have a strong early
game – as their unique unit is a improved version of the Vanguard Trooper. A Vanguard Voidtech player
on the other hand is probably more dangerous in the late game.


Apart from researching the corresponding tech (if necessary) the production of unique units requires
the construction of a secret tech building in the city. The production cost of the building depends on
the unit tier.

Below are four examples of the production cost for a Vanguard player. While other factions can get
the same buildings (if their secret tech matches) the cost will change if it unlocks a different unit tier.

Vanguard Building Dark Shrine Star Observatory Weapons Facility Genetics Lab
Unit Tier 1 2 3 4
Production Cost 50 150 450 600

A city can also get one of these buildings by annexing a silver landmark of the associated type. It can
then produce the unique units even if the secret tech doesn’t match with the players secret tech. Of
course in this case the building additionally provides its typical bonusses – e.g. +20% evasion from the
Dark Shrine.

5.2 Vanguard Units


Damage Type

Assault Rifle 9 7 90% Repeating

Telepathic Blackout Single action

8 9 100%
Stagger Impact Once per battle
Psionic Decoy
The unit has +15% evasion.

Evasive Agile Overwatch


Damage Type

Rapid Laser Cannons

15 5 90% Repeating
Targets: Air

Focused Laser Array

Targets: Ground 18 5 90% Full action
Stagger Impact, Knocks back light units

Psionic Draw
Move target light enemy unit to an adjacent hex. 3 100% Single action
12 Psionic strength to apply Soulburn.

Ignore Overwatch All-round Awareness


Damage Type

Es’Teq Shotgun
8 Entropy strength to apply Energy 18 5 90% Single action

Place Obelisc
Single action
Create an Obelisc at target loaction that attacks enemies and pro-
CD: 2
vides +1 range and +10% accuracy to adjacent units

Repair Tools
1 100% Single action
Heal target mechanical or cyborg unit for 30 HP

Improved Obelisc Range Imrpoved Obelisc Shields

Requirements: Engineering Corps Technology


Damage Type

Laser Sword
13 1 90% Repeating
Stagger Impact

Grenade (Flashbang)
10 Single action
Massive Stagger Impact, Demolisher 3 100%
(AoE 1) CD: 2
12 Kinetic strength to apply Blind

Assault Jump
Jump to target location and activate a forcefield 7 100%
that provides +3 shields for 2 turns.

First Strike All-round Awareness

Requirements: Air Corps Technology


Damage Type

Shock Cannon
16 8 90% Repeating
Targets: Ground

Arc Charge
Reinforce all attacks until the end of the next turn 0 100% Single action
by providing +50% damage and Stagger Impact.

Straight Shot
Penalties from cover and units in the way are doubled.

Range Overwatch

Requirements: Tank Corps Technology


Damage Type

Heavy Autocannons
14 6 90% Repeating
Stagger Impact

Point Blanck Shot Self-repair Systems

Requirements: Walker Corps Technology


Damage Type

Bio Repeaters
Stagger Impact
15 7 90% Repeating
12 biochemical strength to apply Para-
sitic Infection

Create Instable Pustule

Full action conti-
Create a Pustule modded with Plague Pods at tar- 1 100%
get location. The unit decays after 4 turns.

Hyper-Aggressive Pustules Parasitic Pustules

Requirements: Carrier Command Technology

5.3 Amazon Units


Damage Type

Psi Arrow 8 5 90% Repeating

Ignores cover penalties

Spirit Arrow
5 Single action
Stagger Impact 5 100%
(AoE 1) CD: 2
12 thermal strength to apply Soulburn

Ignore Overwatch All-round Awareness


Damage Type

Screeching Lance 12 5 90% Free

Psionic Channeling Full action conti-

0 100%
Increase psionic damage for this turn by 75%. nue

Dreadful Visions
The unit deals +30% damage against units affected by Broken Passive
Mind or Filled with Despair.

Visual Acuity Defense Mode: Evasion


Damage Type

Void Ray Cannon

Ignores cover penalties 10 7 90% Repeating

Manipulate Shield Free

5 100%
Grant target unit +3 shields for 3 turns. CD: 3

Dimensional Micro-Rift
Single action
Create a microscopic rift, teleporting the target 5 100%
CD: 2
and causing Massive Stagger Impact.

Adaptive Shields Shrug Off

Requirements: Arborian Commune Technology


Damage Type

High-energy Bio Shell
+4 per 5 90% Free
Targets: Ground, Demolisher
(AoE 1)

Entropic Gun
9 7 90% Repeating
Targets: Air

Essence Drain
12 entropic strength chance to apply Energy Drain. 5 100% Repeating
On success the unit gains an Essence Charge.

Emergency Shields Stagger Impact

Requirements: Harrier Commune Technology


Damage Type

Bio Cannon
Ignores cover penalties
18 7 90% Repeating
8 biochemical strength to apply Para-
sitic Infection

Plague Pod Bombardment

Targets: Ground, Stagger Impact
8 Single action
12 biochemical strength to apply Slow 2-9 90%
(AoE 1) CD: 2
and Parasitic Infection
Heals Xenoplage units for 12 HP.

Stagger Impact Firm

Requirements: Bombardon Commune Technology


Damage Type

Rapid Laser Cannons

15 5 90% Repeating
Stagger Impact

Shattering Roar
Single action
12 psionic strength to apply Shocked in a cone area 1 100%
CD: 3
(Shocked units cannot move)

Exhausting Sprint
Regain all movement. The unit cannot use any ac- 0 100%
CD: 3
tions apart from Defense Mode for this turn.

Shrug Off Killing Momentum

Requirements: Tyrannodon Commune Technology


Damage Type

Thermal Lance
25 3-7 90% Single action
Ignores cover penalties

Green Laser (Left Side Arm) 12 3-4 90% Free

Green Laser (Right Side Arm) 12 3-4 90% Free

Stimulating Subroutines
Single action
Friendly Integrated units in a 4 hex radius gain 0 100%
CD: 4
Hyper Focussed.

Range Firm

Requirements: Arborian Queen Commune Technology

5.4 Assembly Units


Damage Type

Plasma Stream
Stagger Impact 18 1 90% Single action
8 thermal strength to apply Incendiary

Claw Slash
10 1 90% Repeating
Stagger Impact

Phoenix Surge Comprehensive Assimilation


Damage Type

Arc Projector 9 7 90% Repeating

Quantum Echo Single action

3 100%
The unit splits into alternate versions of itself. CD: 4
Permanent Instability
The unit has -2 kinetic resistance.

Fury Point Blank Shot


Damage Type

Saw Blade Slash

11 1 90% Repeating
Stagger Impact

Single action
Heal target biological, mechanical or cyborg unit 1 100%
CD: 1
for 20 HP

Single action
Bring target light biological, mechanical or cyborg 1 100%
Once per battle
unit back to life with 50% HP

Create Construct Single action

1 100%
Create a Construct under the player’s control CD: 3
Universal Procurer
Heals biological, machanical and cyborg units after battle for 12HP

Advanced Bio-Reassemble Reconstruction

Requirements: Reverse Engineering Technology


Damage Type

Lightning Cannon
Targets: Ground, Stagger Impact 20 11 90% Full action
Ignores cover penalties

Range Arc Charge

Requirements: Harness the Storm Technology


Damage Type

Hammer Strike
15 1 90% Repeating
Massive Stagger Impact

Hypnotic Gaze
Single action
12 psionic strength to apply Sleep to a non- 5 100%
CD: 2
mindless biological unit

Firm Comprehensive Assimilation

Requirements: Destructive Means Technology


Damage Type

Gatling Gun
13 7 90% Repeating
Stagger Impact, Anti-Air

Entropic Disassembler Shell

Targets: Ground
Stagger Impact, Demolisher 2-9 90% Full action
(AoE 1)
12 entropic strength to apply Atrophy
Creates an entropic hazard in the area

Range Assembler Shot

Requirements: Disassemblers Technology


Damage Type

Dark Storm
Stagger Impact 15 7 90% Repeating
Ignores line of sight penalties

Raise Echo
Raise target dead non-mindless biological or cy- 5 100% Free
borg unit as an Echo of Despair under your control

Swarm Form
Single action
Split the Reaver into a swarm of devouring robots, 0 100%
CD: 1
restoring 25 HP

Shrug Off Killing Momentum

Requirements: Ultimate Form Technology

5.5 DVAR Units


Damage Type

Spike Gun 15 7 90% Single action

Shield Bash
Stagger Impact 8 1 90% Single action
Knocks back light units

Quick Entrench
0 100% Leaves 1 AP
Create a trench that provides cover, requires 1
Defense Mode
Grants additionally +2 armor, Stagger Resistance and +1

Tireless Deep Cover


Damage Type

12 7 80% Repeating
Targets: Ground

Movement Scan
Leaves 1 AP
Target enemy becomes 20% easier to hit by 7 100%
CD: 1
Synthesis units for 1 turn

Jump Leaves 1 AP
4 100%
Jump to target location CD: 3

Superior Overwatch Improved Overwatch


Damage Type

Chaos Bombardment
Stagger Impact 2-6 50% Full action
(AoE 1)
Chaotic, Demolisher

Train Weapons
Increase accuracy by 40% and range by 2 as long as 0 100% Single action
the unit doesn’t move

Rapid Reload Killing Momentum

Requirements: Aerial Division


Damage Type

Purifier Cannon
Massive Stagger Impact, Anti-Air
25 5 90% Single action
Armor Penetration
12 thermal strength to apply Soulburn

Reinforcement Kit
Single action
Heal target mechanical, cyborg or DVAR unit for 15 1 100%
Once per battle
HP and grant it +3 armor

Universal Recovery
Heals biological, machanical and cyborg units for 6HP each strate- Passive
gic turn

Shrug Off Vigilant

Requirements: Noble Division


Damage Type

Acid Accelerator
Targets: Ground, Stagger Impact
(2 hex 5 90% Single action
Demolisher, Armor Melt
12 biochemical strength to appy Slow

Defensive Shot
Targets: Ground
24 1 90% Single action
Massive Stagger Impact, Armor Melt
Knocks back light units

Defense Mode: Quick Repair Tireless

Requirements: Excavation Division


Damage Type

Arclite Cannon
Targets: Ground, Stagger Impact
(14 in 2-9 80% Full action
Creates a burning hazard in the area
AoE 1)
Only available in Siege Mode

Siege Mode
0 100% Single action
Deploy into Siege Mode making the unit immobile

Auxiliary Engines
Regain 12 movement 0 100%
CD: 3
Only available in Tank Mode

Range Improved Overwatch

Requirements: Artillery Division


Damage Type

Massive Stagger Impact 22 Single action
5 90%
8 kinetic strength to apply Dimensional (AoE 1) CD: 1

Defensive Cannons 15 5 90% Repeating

Create Contained Void Rift

Single action
Create Rift that can draw units to an adjacent hex 5 100%
CD: 3
and slow nearby units

Shrug Off Plasteel Armor

Requirements: Seismic Supremacy

5.6 KirKo Units


Damage Type

Rending Claws
10 1 90% Repeating
Stagger Impact
Deny the Void
On death the unit returns to life with 15 HP plus 10 HP per Es- Passive
sence Charge.

Sprint Total Frenzy


Damage Type

Psi Gun
16 7 90% Single action

Ignore Overwatch Sprint


Damage Type

Enhanced Reflex Bite

9 1 90% Repeating
Stagger Impact
Corrosive Bile
18 5 90% Single action
Armor Melt

Full action conti-

7 100% nue
Tunnel through the ground, avoiding Overwatch.
CD: 1

Stagger Impact Enhanced Claws

Requirements: Engulfer Caste Technology


Damage Type

Quantum Barrage
Targets: Ground
Stagger Impact, Demolisher
10 kinetic strength to apply Interfe- 2-7 40% Repeating
(AoE 1)
rence Effects
4 kinetic strength to apply Dimensional
Phase Shield Free
0 100%
Increase shields by +4 for 1 turn CD: 3

Stagger Impact Phase Field

Requirements: Barrager Caste Technology


Damage Type

Heavy Claw Strike

Massive Stagger Impact 24 1 90% Single action
12 kinetic strength to apply Bleeding

Combat Jump
Massive Stagger Impact 24 3 90% Single action
12 kinetic strength to apply Bleeding
Targets: Ground 16
1 90% Full action
Creates a burning hazard in the area Cone
8 thermal strength to apply Burning

Devastating Charge Shrug Off

Requirements: Ravenous Caste Technology


Damage Type

Abysmal Hate
12 psionic strength to apply Broken
24 7 90% Single action
8 kinetic strength to apply Turbulence

Shadow Step
5 100% Free
Teleport to target hex

Summon Shadow Anchor

Single action
Create an Anchor at target loaction that can tele- 7 100%
CD: 2
port psionic units to adjacent hexes

Shadow Walker
The unit moves by travelling through the shadows. It has no regu- Passive
lar movement in tactical combat.

Fury Greater Shadow Step

Requirements: Tormented Caste Technology


Damage Type
Psi Torrent
8 psionic strength to apply Broken 13 7 90% Repeating
Mind, Anti-Air
Cleansing Light
Single action
Heal target unit for 20 HP and remove negative sta- 9 100%
CD: 2
tus effects

Resurrection Single action

1 100%
Bring target biological or cyborg unit back to life. Once per battle
Guiding Presence
Full action
Grant friendly units +20% accuracy and +1 range 0 100%
CD: 4
for 2 turns
Embolding Presence
Full action
Grant friendly units +20% HP regeneration for 2 0 100%
CD: 4

Total Awareness Firm

Requirements: Return of the Harbinger Technology

5.7 Syndicate Units


Damage Type

Pulse Repeater 9 7 90% Repeating

Xeno-Stim Glands
Increase damage for this turn by 40% but suffer -2 0 100% Free
resistance in all channels until end of battle.

Range Bypass Cover


Damage Type

PsiTec Blade
Stagger Impact
12 1 90% Repeating
6 psionic strength to apply Slow Move-

Stagger Impact Layered Shields


Damage Type

Integrated Pulse Sniper

22 11 90% Full action
Stagger Impact, Anti-Air

Integrated Pulse Snapshot 11 9 90% Single action

Finetuned Targeting
The unit gains +10% accuracy every time it attacks. The effect lasts Passive
until the unit moves.

Bypass Cover Stagger Impact

Requirements: Enforce Control Technology


Damage Type

PsiTec Blasters
7 7 90% Repeating

Guidance Field
Create a field around the Arbiter that grants +30% 0 100% Single action
accuracy to friendly units in the area.

Celestial Sentence
7 100% Free
Apply Soulburn

Emergency Shields Celestial Guidance

Requirements: Force Projection Technology


Damage Type

PsiTec Cannon 12 7 90% Repeating

Phase Field Amplifier Single action

0 100%
Increase evasion by 30% for 2 turns. CD: 2

Phase Field
The unit can move through obstacles and is 15% harder to hit with Passive
ranged attacks.

Bypass Cover Reactive Shielding

Requirements: Covert Offensive Technology


Damage Type

Psionic Shockwave
Stagger Impact
16 3 90% Repeating
12 psionic strength to apply Immobi-

Power Transfer
3 100% Single action
Increase target unit’s damage by 50% for 1 turn.

8 psionic strength to apply Mind Control until end 5 100% Full action
of battle

Activate Reanimation Collars

5 100% Single action
Revive target dead Indentured.

Psionic Drain Sinister Chorus

Requirements: Cerebral Submission Technology


Damage Type

Essence Disruptor 25
2-9 90% Full action
Massive Stagger Impact +7 per

Defensive Pulse Cannons 13 6 90% Repeating

Heritor Choral Single action

0 100%
Grant all friendly units +2 essence charges. CD: 4

Reinforcement Zone
Full action
Restore Biological and Cyborg units in the area to 7 100%
CD: 3
full HP.

Range Essence Battery

Requirements: Illustrious Conquest Technology

5.8 Shakarn Units


Damage Type

Omni Carbine
6 6 5 90% Repeating
Close Assault

Omni Rush
Single action
Stagger Impact 7 7 1 90%
CD: 2
4 kinetic strength to apply Concussion

Short-distance Teleporation Leaves 1 AP

5 100%
Teleport to target hex. CD: 2

Critical Devastating Omni Rush


Damage Type

Plasma Repeater
10 7 90% Repeating
8 thermal strength to apply Burning

Plasma Pulse
Ignores range and cover penalties Single action
14 9 90%
16 thermal strength to apply Blind CD: 1
16 thermal strength to apply Burning

Marksmanship Critical


Damage Type

Reverberating Dagger
Stagger Impact 12 1 90% Repeating
8 kinetic strength to apply Reverb

Shapeshift - Harrier
0 100% Free
Transform into a Harrier.
Shapeshift – Swift Beak
0 100% Single action
Transform into a Swift Beak.
Shapeshift – Voradon
0 100% Full action
Transform into a Voradon.

First Strike Critical

Requirements: Propagator Deployment Technology



Damage Type

Omni Gun
Stagger Impact 8 8 5 90% Repeating
Close Assault

Inferno Armor
Enemies attacking this unit in melee suffer 8 thermal damage per Passive

Stagger Impact Killing Momentum

Requirements: Firebrand Deployment Technology


Damage Type

Sono Blast
18 7 90% Single action
Stagger Impact
Press the Advantage Single action
5 100%
Restore all action points of target friendly unit. CD: 1

Single action
Grant target friendly unit Ethereal properties and 5 100%
CD: 2
remove all negative status effects.

Dark Delirium Full action

7 100%
16 psionic strength to apply Catatonic for 1 turn CD: 1

Ethereal Rage Shrug Off

Requirements: Tactician Deployment Technology


Damage Type

Entropic Ebb
8 entropic strength to apply Energy 13
Drain. On success the unit gains an Es- 13 5 90% Free
sence Charge.
Removes 1 shield and 1 armor

Entropic Flow 10
Massive Stagger Impact, requires 3 10 7 90% Single action
Knocks back light units

Firm Essence Harvest Defense Mode

Requirements: Refractor Deployment Technology


Damage Type

Sonotronic Discharge 10
10 5 90% Single action
12 arc strength to apply Stunned

12 arc strength to apply Stunned to all 0 100% Single action
(AoE 2)
units in a 2 hex radius

Full action conti-

Jump Drive
15 100% nue
Teleport to target hex
CD: 2

Omni Pulse Stagger Impact

Requirements: Gama Supremacy Technology

5.9 Oathbound Units


Damage Type

Volt Pike
18 1 90% Single action
Stagger Impact

Tireless Shrug Off


Damage Type

Es’Teq Curse
8 entropic strength to apply Fatalism 20 7 100% Single action
Requires 1

Essence Drain
12 entropic strength chance to apply Energy Drain. 5 100% Repeating
On success the unit gains an Essence Charge.

Single action
Resurrect target friendly tier I or tier II unit with 3 100%
Once per battle
50% HP, requires 3

Range Essence Harvest Defense Mode


Damage Type

Volt Blaster
Stagger Impact, Anti-Air 16 5 90% Single action
Ignores cover penalties

Teravolt Power Blast Repeating

12 2 90%
Anti-Air CD: 1
Parallel Target Recognition
This unit’s ranged Overwatch can trigger multiple times per round.

Integrity Field
Friendly units in a 1 hex radius gain an extra level of Stagger Re- Passive

Superior Overwatch Warden’s Protection

Requirements: Warden Ranks Technology


Damage Type

Haunting Lash
Jumps to up to 2 additional targets
9 7 90% Single action
8 psionic strength to apply Haunting

Screech Single action

3 100%
10 psionic strength to apply Panic CD: 3
Aura of Determination
Friendly units in a 1 hex radius gain +10% accuracy.

Plight Mitigation Evasive

Requirements: Watcher Ranks Technology


Damage Type

Heavy Dire Claw

24 1 90% Single action
Stagger Impact

Thunderstrike Full action conti-

Stagger Impact 9 100% nue
(AoE 1)
6 kinetic strength to apply Concussion CD: 2

Disruptive Thunderwaves
Non-Xenoplague units in a 1 hex radius have -3 range and -15% ac- Passive

All-round Awareness Evasive

Requirements: Champion Ranks Technology


Damage Type

Celestial Storm
Targets: Ground 7 Full action
7 80%
+3 psionic damage for each Enlighte- (AoE 1) CD: 1
ned unit in battle

Proclaim the Champion

Single action
Grant target tier I or tier II unit +2 armor, +2 shields 3 100%
CD: 3
and +25% damage for 3 turns

Gift of Precognition
7 100% Single action
Grant target friendly unit 1 stack of Precognition

Not Your Time

Full action
Resurrect target friendly tier I, tier II or tier III unit 7 100%
Once per battle
with 50% HP

Firm Heroic Champion

Requirements: Diviner Ranks Technology


Damage Type

Plasma Blade
30 1 90% Single action
Massive Stagger Impact
Helios Cannons Full action conti-
Targets: Ground, Stagger Impact 2 90% nue
(AoE 1)
Creates a burning hazard in the area CD: 1
Fallout Protection Shielding
Friendly units in a 1 hex radius gain +2 shields and +3 thermal re- Passive

Shrug Off Tireless

Requirements: Exemplar’s Vestibule Technology

I – AI


Colonisers are cheaper for Hard, Very Hard and Extreme AI:

Easy Normal Hard Very Hard Extreme

Cost Reduction - - -0.25 -0.33 -0.5


The AI gets each turn a certain amount of bonus income. Some of the values have been changed; the
original values are listed in brackets:

Easy Normal Hard Very Hard Extreme

Production 0 0 0 15 (0) 30 (0)
Research 0 5 (5) 20 (20) 40 (30) 80 (40)
Cosmite 0 0 10 (5) 20 (10) 40 (20)
Influence 0 0 5 (5) 5 (10) 5 (15)
Happiness 0 0 10 (0) 20 (0) 30 (0)


Hard, Very Hard and Extreme AI has access to two additional economical techs that provide additional
energy and cosmite income as well as a discount for research and for unit cosmite cost. The first tech
is Tier III, the second Tier VI. The table shows the boost each tech gives:

Easy/Normal Hard Very Hard Extreme

Energy - 10/10 30/30 50/50
Cosmite - 0/0 5/10 10/20
Research discount - -0.1/-0.1 -0.2/-0.2 -0.3/-0.3
Cosmite discount - -0.1/-0.1 -0.2/-0.2 -0.3/-0.3


Hard, Very Hard and Extreme AI has access to additional military techs that unlock units on Veteran
level; i.e. the AI can directly build Veteran units with these techs. This change is important because the
AI does not know how to combine Exploration Sites and Landmarks to stack rank upgrades and build
Veteran units this way. The AI cannot unlock champion level units through technology though (simi-
larly the human player cannot stack rank upgrades to build these units).

There are four additional techs in the faction military tree and two in the secret tech tree that unlock
these units. The third faction tech (Tier 8 or 9 depending on the faction) and the second one from the
secret tech tree (Tier 9) provide additionally each +150 energy as bonus income per turn.


AI priority to build Tier 3 and Tier 4 units is increased for all difficulties. There are minor changes to
build priorites for Tier 1 and Tier 2 units.

As Veteran and Champion level units are considered as new unit types for the AI, the maximum pro-
portion for units of one type that the AI can built is reduced to 0.15 (from 0.2).


The priority of the final doomsday tech is increased. The AI is now able to build doomsday structures
also in smaller cities. For Very Hard and Extreme AI the cost for doomsday structures and for the final
doomsday operation is decreased.

Easy Normal Hard Very Hard Extreme

Cost Reduction - - - -0.5 -0.9


Upgrading units with mods costs only cosmite but no energy. The purpose of this change is to make it
easier for the AI to mod its units even if it is low on energy. It applies also to human players, though.

II – Balance Changes


Champion level units are extremley valuable in the Adventure Mod. This makes abilities with instant-
kill chance too powerful. Thus for balancing reasons, most of these abilities and operations simply
cannot target Champion level units.

Some of the operations are handled differently though: Instead of killing the target they now apply the
new Incapacitated status effect. Incapacitated cannot be removed and works otherwise the same way
as Concussion; i.e. the affected unit can’t take any action for the duration of the effect. The operations
that are changed this way are listed below:

PsiTec Cerebral Execution: Target Biological or Cyborg non-Commander unit
Energy: 60
has a 16 Psionic strength chance to be Incapacitated for 3 turns. If this fails,
OP: 5
it is Incapacitated for 1 turn instead.
Expedite Doom: Enemy units in a 2 hex radius suffer 25 Entropy damage.
Energy: 100
Tier I, II and III units with Doomed, Fatalism or Adversity have an 8 Entropy
OP: 8
strength chance to be Incapacitated for 3 turns.
Dimensional Collapse: Collapse reality around the target. It suffers 30 Ki-
Energy: 60
netic damage and has a 12 Kinetic strength chance to be Incapacitated for 3
OP: 5
turns. If this fails, it is Incapacitated for 1 turn instead.
Mass Driver Cannon: The Mass-Driver cannon accelerates a particle to a
fraction of light speed. It has a 12 Kinetic strength chance to apply Incapaci- Energy: 60
tated to targeted unit in the center. Additionally, it deals 25 Kinetic damage OP: 4
in a 1 hex radius of effect and causes Massive Impact.


The increase in the experience cap makes abilities that allow units to gain experience faster much
stronger. These abilites are slightly nerfed:

Ability Experience Gain

Dream Sharing (Kir’Ko doctrine) +20% (+25%)
Advanced Wildlife Militarization
+30% (+50%)
(Amazon doctrine)
Record Keeper (Oathbound) +20% (+25%)
Veteran (Hero perk) +10% (+15%)

The Oathbound operations Elevate to Warden and Elevate to Protector can now only target Champion
level Aspirants (Knight of the Oracle Aspirants) and transformst hem to Champion level Wardens or
Protectors. The operation cost is increased to 80 Energy and 80 Operation Points.


Heroes and units require overall less experience to gain levels or ranks. The tables below shows the
experience required to get to the next rank:

Tier I - Iron Bronze Silver

Recruit 6 8 10 12
Veteran 8 10 12 14
Champion 10 12 14 16

Tier II - Iron Bronze Silver

Recruit 8 10 12 14
Veteran 10 12 14 16
Champion 12 14 16 18

Tier III - Iron Bronze Silver

Recruit 10 12 14 16
Veteran 12 14 16 18
Champion 14 16 18 20

Tier IV - Iron Bronze Silver

Recruit 12 14 16 18
Veteran 14 16 18 20
Champion 16 18 20 22

The following values describe how much experience is overall needed to reach a particular hero level:

Heroes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Level 1-10 0 8 18 30 44 58 74 90 108 126
Level 11-20 146 166 186 208 230 252 276 300 324 350


Commander loadout perks give the leader not only weapons or vehicles but also basic skills. With the
change to hero skills these perks are adapted as well. The updated perks provide mostly general buffs
rather than skills.

Basic Equipment -
Close Combat Equipment +5% damage with melee weapons, +5 HP
Assault Equipment +5% damage with ranged weapons, +5 HP
Sharpshooter Equipment +5% damage with ranged weapons, +5% accuracy
Assault Vehicle Piloting skill, +10 HP when in a vehicle
Support Vehicle Piloting skill, +10 HP when in a vehicle

III – Minor supplementary Changes


For several tactical operations the cost is decreased.

Operation Cost
Energy: 60 (75)
Resurgence (Celestian)
OP: 4 (6)
Energy: 60 (75)
Create Phase Echo (Voidtech)
OP: 4 (6)

Energy: 60 (75)
Xeno Containment Strike (Xenoplague)
OP: 4 (6)


The starting unit composition is more random. A standard size starting army consists of 2 scouts, 2
Core units (non-scout), a secret tech unit and another Tier II unit. This can be either the basic Specialist,
the basic Skirmisher or the unit that gets unlocked through the first unit tech in the faction tree.

The colony ship always lands on a sector that matches the factions preferred terrain or climate. Usually
some surrounding sectors are from the same type as well.


The tech Environmental Conditioning is no longer part of the economic tech tree. It’s upgrades are
distributed among the other techs in the same Tier (see chapter 4.2).


The Anti-Air ability of Reavers is transfered to Reverse Engineers. (The abilites Reverse Engineers get
from leveling up make them predestined for the Anti-Air role.) Mirages gain the Anti-Air ability, too.

Launcher turret mods for the Vanguard Engineer no longer remove its ability to place Gun Turrets.

The Laser Tanks particle and sound effects when fireing its Laser Cannon are redesigned.

IV – Modified Resource Packs


• Units_SpeciesFaction.rpk (Faction: Amazons, Assembly, …)

• Units_SpeciesSecrettech. rpk (Secrettech: Artificial, Celestian, …)
• Faction_Skills_TechGroups.rpk
• Secrettech_Skills_TechGroups.rpk
• Upgrades_Arc_UnitProperties.rpk
• Upgrades_Bio_UnitProperties.rpk
• Upgrades_Explosives_UnitProperties.rpk
• Upgrades_Firearms_UnitProperties.rpk
• Upgrades_Psionics_UnitProperties.rpk
• Oathbound_UnitProperties.rpk
• Tiers_UnitProperties.rpk
• SpawnSets_Strategic.rpk
• SpawnSets_Strategic_DLC.rpk (DLC: DLC04, DLC05)


• Definitions_SpeciesFaction.rpk
• Secrettech_Definitions_TechGroups.rpk
• GlobalHeroSkills.rpk
• HeroSkills_SpeciesFaction.rpk
• HeroSkills_SpeciesSecrettech.rpk
• Perks_Loadout_Leaders.rpk
• Perks_Loadout_Leaders_DLC.rpk


• Structures_Strategic.rpk
• ColonyDefinition_Strategic.rpk
• GlobalSettings_Strategic.rpk
• Economy_Skills_TechGroups.rpk
• SectorDefinitions_Strategic.rpk
• RMG_Sectors_Strategic.rpk
• RMG_Sectors_Strategic_DLC05.rpk
• ColonyUpgrades_Strategic.rpk
• RMG_Definitions_Strategic.rpk
• Definitions_Galactic_Empire.rpk


• StrategicAI.rpk
• AIPriorityDefinitions
• Secrettech_Doomsday_TechGroups.rpk
• Voidtech_Operations_TechGroups.rpk
• Oathbound_Operations_TechGroups.rpk
• Syndicate_Operations_TechGroups.rpk
• Firearms_Operations_TechGroups.rpk
• Assembly_UnitProperties.rpk
• Dvar_UnitProperties.rpk
• KirKo_UnitProperties.rpk
• Shakarn_Operations_TechGroups.rpk
• Upgrades_Laser_UnitProperties.rpk
• Entropy_Operations_TechGroups.rpk
• Heritor_Operations_TechGroups.rpk
• Oathbound_UnitProperties.rpk
• Celestian_Operations_TechGroups.rpk
• Xenoplague_Operations_TechGroups.rpk
• Perks_Background_Leaders.rpk
• Human_Figures.rpk


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