2011 Budget Newsletter

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A strong economy for all Western Australians

What is in the Federal Budget for your family?

Gary GRAY Working

for you

Unit 1/15 Kent Street, Rockingham WA 6168 | P: 08 9527 9377 | F: 08 9592 1361 | W: www.garygray.com.au

Whats in the Budget for Rockingham & Kwinana?

New measures mean young people who arent working and parents from jobless families in Rockingham and Kwinana will get more support.


Dear residents of Rockingham and Kwinana Although the Australian economy is improving, I know many local families have been finding it hard to meet living costs.
The Gillard Government is: Creating 500,000 jobs across Australia in the next two years nothing is more important than job security. Helping families out where we can by: 1 Increasing family tax benefit payments for 10,000 local teenagers (over 5 years) by up to $4,200 with over 5,000 families set to benefit; 2 Making sure low-income earners get more in their pay packets ($300 a year) rather than having to wait until the end of the year; 3 Giving the option of having child care payments paid fortnightly; 4 Extending the Education Tax Refund to cover school uniforms, meaning you can claim 50% of expenses up to $780 for primary students and $1,558 for high school students; and 5 Giving small businesses a tax break, they get a $5,000 instant write-off for cars, trucks and utes.


Rockingham and Kwinana will share in 130,000 new training places available as part of a $3 billion package to train the skilled workers our economy needs.

Anyone who watched the TV images aired on the ABCs 4 Corners program on Monday 30th May would have been shocked by the treatment of the animals shown. I certainly was. I have always been a supporter of the live animal export industry provided the industry was conducted humanely. What was shown was cleary inhumane. The Australian Government has acted quickly to suspend live animal exports to Indonesia. If you would like further updates on this matter please email me at gary.gray.mp@ aph.gov.au PS. Please dont forget to include your name and address.

Australia Suspends Live Animal Exports to Indonesia

The added pressure of having to find an extra $1,000 a year to pay for the Barnett Governments electricity and gas price hikes is unfair. The Federal Government is helping families by setting its spending priorities in order to take the pressure off interest rates, get people back into work and improve education and health services. As your local Federal Member of Parliament I will continue to ensure that Rockingham and Kwinana receive a fair share of services and support for those who need it.


Rockingham and Kwinana will get 14 new geriatric evaluation and rehabilitation beds and 10 beds for a new community psychogeriatric team.


Family Tax Benefit Part A rates will increase by up to $4,200 a year to help families with 16 - 19 year olds at school.

Same Sex Marriage

If you would like to make me aware of your views on same sex marriage please email me at gary.gray.mp@aph.gov.au PS. Please dont forget to include your name and address.

Hon Gary Gray AO MP Federal Member for Brand

If you want more information please go to www.garygray.com.au

Authorised by Gary Gray AO MP, Unit 1/15 Kent Street, Rockingham WA 6168. Printed by Parkin Print Unit 3/ 95 Dixon Rd, Rockingham WA 6168. This material has been produced by Gary Gray AO MP using his printing and communications entitlement.

A strong economy for all Western Australians

7/06/2011 4:25:32 PM

Gary Gray Budget_2011_Newsletter_A4 V5 Final - City.indd 1





Supporting senior Australians who want to work

A new Work Bonus for seniors over the pension age so they can now keep more of their pension while working part-time.

Revolution reaching local school facilities

Weekend Courier 22/04/2011 p. 17

$30 million to help mature age workers formalise their trade skills. A further $35,000 over four years to continue supporting five Broadband for Seniors kiosks in Rockingham and Kwinana to help seniors stay connected to family and friends through the internet.

The Budget builds on the Governments $115 million Building the Education Revolution program for local schools in Rockingham and Kwinana by: Providing reward payments for our best teachers. Around 25,000 of the countrys best teachers each year will receive a reward payment worth up to 10 per cent of their salary. Investing $200 million over three years to support students with disabilities, with new services, equipment and more in-class support. Supporting local schools and their communities to establish or enhance existing school chaplaincy services.

Arts centre music to their ears Sound Telegraph 01/06/2011 p.5

Student Councillors Ashlee Harris and Jacyn Stewart show Gary how to play the drums in Cooloongup Primary Schools new music room, built as part of the $2.6 million Building the Education Revolution (BER) upgrades to the school. More than $115 million has been invested in local schools through BER.

Red Shield Appeal 2011

Salvation Army Captain Barry Gibbons (left) and Gary Gray joined local volunteers to knock on doors in Kwinana, providing local residents with a chance to support the Red Shield Appeal. Your donations help the Salvos continue to provide high quality community services for Rockingham and Kwinana families in need. You can still donate by visiting salvos.org.au or calling 13 72 58.

Kwinana trial for work scheme

West Australian 11/05/2011 p. 5

Budget boon for training

Weekend Courier 13/05/2011 p. 10

This budget will invest $3 billion in new skills over the next six years, including: A Workforce Development Fund that will deliver 130,000 training places (over four years) directly tailored to industry skill needs placing industry at the heart of the training effort. Improvements to the apprenticeship system to allow apprentices to progress faster and mentoring support for up to 40,000 apprentices. A $1,700 Trades Apprentice Income bonus to encourage them to complete their qualifications.

Despite the mining boom, there are communities like that their children get a good start in life. Kwinana who are missing out on the bene t of the growing economy and the opportunities it brings. Part of the trial will include new measures to make sure that teenage parents nish school. Kwinana has been selected as one of 10 local government areas across Australia to trial programs Teenage parents will also be given extra support to to increase job-readiness and help families take help them meet these extra responsibilities. advantage of the boom. In addition, the Government is also extending the This will provide new services, opportunities and successful Local Employment Coordinators who will responsibilities to jobless families and teenage continue to work closely with local communities parents. In return, participants will be required to to help drive local solutions to local labour market develop their skills and education, and make sure problems.

A strong economy for all Western Australians

Gary Gray Budget_2011_Newsletter_A4 V5 Final - City.indd 2

A strong economy for all Western Australians

7/06/2011 4:25:54 PM

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