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Question 1 to 6
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1. The carpenter hits the nails ____________ a hammer.

A. to
B. on
C. onto
D. with

2. Mr. Lim is very wealthy ______________ he hardly donates to the poor.

A. but
B. and
C. since
D. therefore

3. My dad ______________ to work in an office in the city.

A. used
B. doesn’t
C. do
D. didn’t

4. The girl is very pretty. _________ name is Mary.

A. Her
B. She
C. His
D. He

5. ________ is your parents coming home, Joseph?

A. Why
B. What
C. When
D. Where

6. Mr Tan is a ________________ . He sells meat in the market.

A. chef
B. doctor
C. butcher
D. fireman

Question 7 to 9
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat-tempat kosong dalam teks yang

Tina is my friend. There are six people in ____________ [7] family. Her favourite subjects
in school ____________ [8] maths and science. In her free time, she likes reading. Last
school holidays, she ____________ [9] a farm and a castle.

7. A. her B. she C. hers D. my

8. A. is B. was C. are D. were

9. A. visit B. visits C. visited D. visiting

Question 10 - 12
Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang sama maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10. Jodie will finish her work in a minute.

A. complete
B. continue
C. begin
D. leave

11. Siti Nurhaliza is a popular singer.

A. famous
B. amazing
C. unknown
D. interesting

12. The scouts are exhausted after the camping.

A. tired
B. moved
C. blessed
D. whimpering

Question 13 - 15
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.
Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

13. A. “May I borrow your badminton racquet Daud!” asked Tanna.

B. “May I borrow your Badminton racquet, Daud.” asked Tanna.
C. “May i borrow your badminton racquet, Daud?” asked Tanna.
D. “May I borrow your badminton racquet, Daud?” asked Tanna.

14. A. Does Roger know how to get to Kuching International Airport?

B. Does roger know how to get to kuching International Airport?
C. does Roger know how to get to Kuching International Airport
D. Does Roger know how to get to Kuching International Airport.

15. A. The Mount everest is the highest mountain in the world.

B. The Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the World
C. The Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
D. The mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

Question 16 - 18
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C.
Baca petikan dalam soalan. Pilih jawapan A, B atau C.

16. The weather makes the cat

A. too tired to move.

B. sad.

C. happy.

17. From the above, we know that we should

A. let other people take care of our luggage.

B. bring our bags with us everywhere.

C. not have others carry our bags.

Susan’s mom wrote the note to

A. tell Susan to feed the hamster.

B. inform Susan about her scholarship interview.

C. make sure Susan does everything she instructed.


Question 19 to 20
Choose the best answer to fit the situation shown in the picture.
Pilih jawapan terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.

A. Oh!
B. I don’t need any gift.
C. Why are you giving me flowers?
D. Thank you very much, dear.

A. No, he isn’t.
B. Yes, she is.
C. Yes, I am.
D. No, she isn’t.

Question 21 to 24
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Pilih jawapan terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

21. I was ________________ because the engine suddenly stopped.

A. surprise
B. surprises
C. surprised
D. surprising

22. The scream was ________________ .

A. terrify
B. terrifies
C. terrified
D. terrifying

23. The captain’s was red and he looked very ________________ .

A. embarrass
B. embarrasses
C. embarrassed
D. embarrassing

24. At first, it was exciting, but after a few minutes, I felt a bit ________________ .
A. worry
B. worries
C. worried
D. worrying

Question 25 to 30
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

Good morning teachers and my dear friends. On this special occasion of Teacher’s Day, I
am going to give a special speech on behalf of the pupils of the school.
First of all, I would like to shed light on when Teacher’s Day is celebrated. The World
Teacher’s Day recognized by UNESCO is on October 5th, and not 16th May as in Malaysia. China
celebrates this special event on September 10th. It is celebrated on different days in different
countries across the world.
Our country chooses May 16th to celebrate our Teacher’s Day. It is on the same day, in 1956,
when the Razak Report; a document of the Education Committee regarding education in
Malaysia was approved. The document was named after Tun Abdul Razak who was the
Education Minister at that time. Although Teacher’s Day is not an official public holiday,
celebrations are usually held.
Teacher’s Day is celebrated to praise the valuable contributions made by teachers to the
whole society by delivering knowledge and shaping up the future generation is fairly popular in
many countries across the world and it is even acknowledged by UNESCO.
Lastly, I would like to tell all of us that at some stage of our life, we have benefited greatly
from our teachers. So, celebrating Teacher’s Day is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to show
our respect, gratitude and appreciation towards our teachers.

Adapted from: and

25. The date recognised by UNESCO as Teacher’s Day is on ______________.
A. May 5th
B. May 16th
C. October 5th
D. September 10th

26. The phrase ‘shed light on’ means ____________.

A. notify
B. advise
C. enlighten
D. differentiate

27. What is the Razak Report?

A. Tun Abdul Razak
B. Malaysian Education
C. The Education Minister
D. The Education Committee document

28. Teacher’s Day is celebrated to ___________

A. give presents to teachers.
B. entertain teachers.
C. praise the valuable contributions made by teachers to the whole society.
D. get a public holiday.

29. When does China celebrate Teacher’s Day?

A. 5th October
B. 16th May
C. 25th December
D. 10th September

30. The statements below are TRUE except:

A. Malaysia celebrates Teacher’s Day on 16th May
B. The speaker is talking during Teacher’s Day celebration.
C. Teacher’s Day is not an official public holiday.
D. The world celebrates Teacher’s Day on the same day.

Question 31 to 35
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

MELAKA, Monday – A primary school pupil cheated death when she was trapped in
a fire that engulfed her family house in Bertam early this morning.
Eleven-year-old Faridah Hitam, a Year 5 pupil of SK Seri Murni, was sleeping
in her room when the fire started at about 4 a.m. Firemen from Paya Rumpai Fire
Station arrived at the scene 15 minutes after the fire started. They found Faridah
curled up under a wet blanket in her room. She suffered minor burns and was sent
to Melaka General Hospital in Bandar Melaka.
It was a miracle that Faridah survived with minor burns. The fire destroyed 90
percent of the house. Unfortunately, Faridah’s father, Hitam Osman, mother, Latipah
Harun, and twin brothers, Farid and Fauzi, died in the fire.

31. The phrase cheated death in the report means

A. lied about being dead.
B. seriously injured.
C. alive and well.
D. almost dead.

32. What time did the firemen arrive?

A. 3.45 a.m.
B. 4.00 a.m.
C. 4.15 a.m.
D. 5.00 a.m.

33. How did Faridah survive the fire?

A. She wrapped herself with a wet blanket.
B. She jumped out of the window.
C. She was saved by the fireman.
D. She put out the fire herself.

34. Where did this incident happen?

A. In Bertam.
B. In Seri Murni.
C. In Paya Rumpai.
D. In Bandar Melaka.

35. Based on the news report, which of the following statement is true?
A. Faridah’s injuries were not very serious.
B. Only a portion of the house was destroyed.
C. Faridah’s parents and brothers managed to escape from the fire.
D. Faridah was in the bathroom when the fire started.

Question 36 to 40
Look at the picture and choose the best answer.
Lihat gambar dan pilih jawapan yang terbaik.

Nasir has ______ (36) very exciting hobby. He likes to ______ (37)
scrapbooks. He spends ______ (38) free time looking through books ______ (39)
magazines for pictures and articles. He has made ten scrapbooks so far.
Sometimes, his mother helps him. He keeps all his scrapbooks ______(40) a box.
36. A. a
B. an
C. the
D. -

37. A. make
B. makes
C. making
D. made

38. A. it
B. his
C. him
D. their

39. A. or
B. so
C. and
D. but

40. A. at
B. on
C. by
D. in

Question 41 to 46
Each sentence has ONE error. Choose the wrong word in each sentence.
Setiap ayat mengandungi SATU kesalahan. Pilih perkataan yang salah bagi
setiap ayat.

I has got black hair and pointed nose.
A. B. C.

41. The girls was in the classroom when the fire alarm rang.
A. B. C.

42. My mother have two dresses in the same shade of pink.

A. B. C.

43. I cooks breakfast for my younger brother every day.

A. B. C.

44. Anisah is bathing she cat in the sink.

A. B. C.

45. Benny and Justin love they parents so much.

A. B. C.

46. My friend and I is going to watch a movie next weekend.

A. B. C.

Question 47 to 50
Identify fact or opinion. Choose the best answer.
Kenalpasti fakta atau pendapat. Pilih jawapan yang betul.

Choose a fact from the sentences below:
A. Thirty million people in New York had no electricity for 13 hours.
B. It was really scary last night.
C. The book is so exciting.
D. I think she was embarrassed.

47. Choose a fact from the sentences below:

A. I am frightened because the movie is scary.
B. There’s a great fire in the city of London.
C. I wouldn’t like to travel too far from my home.
D. She thinks dancing is a fun hobby to do.

48. Choose a fact from the sentences below:

A. Rainy days are sad.
B. McD tastes better than KFC.
C. Everyone should learn how to swim.
D. Dentists fix people’s teeth.

49. Choose an opinion from the sentences below:

A. Rainy season is better than hot weather.
B. The snow is white.
C. A boat floats in the water.
D. My dad has a black car.

50. Choose an opinion from the sentences below:

A. Cats have four legs.
B. Rain falls from clouds.
C. It would be fun to hop like a frog.
D. Halim is an engineer at Shell.

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