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A. Can you name the following delivery process?

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

Types of Delivery

Bringing a baby into this world is a monumental feat and cannot be achieved
easily. Although normal vaginal delivery is commonly referred as the typical way of
birthing, new techniques help laboring women in many ways, either by dampening their
pain or smoothening the delivery process. Advancements in medical sciences have
discovered various methods so that delivery can be made successful even in the face of
any complications or risks

1. Vaginal Delivery
When a baby is born through the birth canal of a woman’s body, the delivery is termed
as a vaginal delivery. It may or may not be assisted with epidurals or pain relieving
medication. The exact time of birth cannot be predicted, but most vaginal births tend to
happen in 40 weeks of pregnancy.
With vaginal deliveries, mothers can recover from the stress of delivery quicker and
return home sooner with their babies. The chances of infection in such cases are lower
than others. The baby too has a lower chance of suffering from any breathing problems.

2. Natural Childbirth
This is one of the types of birth that is steadily gaining popularity. In this method, there
are no medical procedures or invasive therapies involved, and the process takes place in
the most natural manner possible. Various exercises and positions are taken into
account while carrying out delivery in natural ways. A midwife usually stays with the
mother to ensure the delivery is successful and the mother is in good spirits. The
delivery can take place at the hospital or even at home, with all preparations done
Water birthing or pool birthing with the help of up thrust ( buoyancy ) pressure of water
can alleviate labor pain in this procedure. Water birthing is the most natural and painless
way of bringing new life to the world.

3. Caesarean Section
Things don’t always go according to plan. A mother might want to undertake vaginal
delivery but if complications arise, caesarean delivery is an option that might have to be
taken. In this method, the baby is delivered by opening up the abdomen of the mother
and surgically opening the uterus to remove the baby. The name is derived from the
Latin word ‘caedare’, which means ‘to cut’. Hence, this type of the cut is called a C-
section – that’s how the delivery method gets its name.

4. Forceps Delivery
This is a rather peculiar type of delivery method and is required in certain cases of
vaginal birth. This is an assistance to the usual vaginal delivery when the baby is on its
way via the birth canal but fails to fully emerge out. This could be because of small
obstructions, or the mother being tired and exhausted and hence being unable to push
the baby out.
In these cases, the doctor makes use of specially created tongs which
resemble forceps, and inserts them slowly into the birth canal. These are then used to
gently grab the baby’s head and guide it outwards through the canal.

5. Vacuum Extraction
Similar to the forceps delivery method, this delivery technique is used in the case of a
vaginal birth. For example, if the baby is on its way out but has stopped moving further
down the canal, the vacuum extraction method is applied.
The doctors make use of a specialized vacuum pump which is inserted up to the baby
via the canal. The vacuum end has a soft cup which is placed on the top of the baby’s
head. Vacuum is created so that the cup holds the head, and the baby is gently guided
outwards through the canal.

B. Answer the following questions

1. Which type of delivery do you think the safest way?
2. When are women suggested to get Caesarean?
3. What are the advantages of Vaginal delivery?
4. What do you think disadvantages of forceps delivery?
5. When do forceps and vacuum delivery need to do?
6. In what way is Forceps delivery similar to Vacuum Extraction?
If Clause Type 1

If S + V, S + will + V

a) If the baby is larger than normal size, the doctor will recommend
a cesarean section.
b) if you want to know the condition of the fetus, the mother will do
an USG check
c) if there is bleeding, the mother will immediately go to the
d) if you do cesarean, recovery will be much longer.
e) if you don't do cesarean delivery, the birth will be very difficult.

1. … we ignore the bleeding, it … be fatal.
2. If you think you had stomach disorder, we … make sure
you have healthy diet after this.
3. It will increase the risk of bleeding … you do excessive
4. … the mother feels fever during pregnancy, it … be due
to an infection.
5. The mother … be advised to have a cesarean section if
normal delivery is not possible.

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