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What was the impact of the French

Revolution on the European society ?

Analyse the impact of the French a.2.
Revolution on the European society.
() Restructuring the society: The French
Revolution opened up the possibility of

creating a dramatic change in the way in which

society was structured. Before the eighteenth
century society was broadly divided
estates and orders and it was the aristocracy
and church which controlled economic
social power. Suddenly, after the revolution,
it seemed possible to change this.
(i) Promotion of individual Rights : In
many parts of the
world including Europe
individual rights
and Asia, new ideas about
and who controlled social power began
bediscussed. In India, Raja Rammohan Roy
and Derozio talked of the significance of the
French Revolution, and many otherss
debated the ideas of post-revolutionary
views over the change : Not
(11) Different
everyone in Europe, however, wanted a
complete transtormation of society.
Responses varied from those who accepted

GREEN Self-Study In Soclal Sclence-9

Ans. Radicals were not against the private propery
whereas socialists were against the private


uestions (3 Marks each)

change w a s n e c e s s a r y wanted
that who
tor a gradual shift, to those
restructure society radically.
Some were
liberals or
conservatives, others

liberals ? What
a.2. Who were
political and social views
democrats. Explain.
Liberals were not
CBSE 2013,15]
wanted to
Liberals were the people
Ans. (i)
change the society. tolerated
nation which
(ii) Liberals wanted a

all religions. uncontrolled

Liberals also opposed the to
(ii) rulers. They
power of dynastic
the rights of individuals against
governments. elected
for a representative,
(iv) They argued laws
parliamentary government,
subject to
well-trained judiciary
interpreted by a
was independent of rulers
were not
'democrats. They
(v) However, they franchise,
did not believe in universal adult
vote. They
that is, the right of every citizen to
men of property mainly
should have
the vote.
(vi) They also did not want the vote for
Mention any four features of the
economy at the
beginning of th
20th century.
(CBSE 2013
Describe the economic condition
before 1905. Russia
CBSE 2013
(i) The vast majorityof Russia's people wer
agriculturists. About 85 per cent of the
Russian empire's population earned ther
living from agriculture.
(i) Industry was found in pockets. Prominer
industrial areas were St Petersburg anc
Moscow. Craftsmen undertook much o
the production. but large factories exisec
alongside craft workshops.
(ii) Many factories were set up in the 189%
when Russia's railway network wa:
extended, and foreign investment ir
industry increased. Coal productio
doubled and iron and steel outp
(iv) In the countryside. peasants cultivated mos
of the land. But the
nobility, the crown an
the Orthodox Church owned
large propert
and the
between the ideas of liberals
conservatives. [CBSE Sept. 2012]

() Liberals stood for free-
dom for the
() They were against the
als and
individu total freedom and
equality of all equality before law.
before law.
(i) They were against the (i) They were big sup-
uncontrolled powers porters of dynastic
of the dynastic rule. rule.

(i) They were in favour of (ii) They supported only

independentjudiciary autocratic rule.
and elected Parlia-
mentary government.
(iv) They were in favour of | (iv) Initially they were
a change. against any change.
However they opened
their mind for a
change after the
French Revolution.
Q.19. Differentiate between the ideas of
Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.

Bolsheviks Mensheviks
(Vladimir Lenin was the () Alexander Kerensky w wa
leader of the party. the leader of the party
i) Lenin thought that in a (i) This party was libera
repressive society like| and open to all.
the Tsarist Russia, the
party should be disci-
plined, and should con-
trol the number and
quality of its members.
(i) They wanted to trans-| (ii) They wanted to trans
form Russian society form the society throug
through revolution. education and reforms
among the workers.
What is meant by 'October Revolution' ?

CBSE Sept. 2011]

(i) It was the revolution which occurred in
October 1917. It was led by Petrograd
Soviet and the Bolshevik Party under the
leadership of Lenin.
(ii) Amilitary Revolutionary Committee was
appointed by the Soviet under Leon Trotskii
to organise the seizure.

The began on 24th October. Though

(ii) uprising
but the
Prime Minister Kerenskii resisted
seizure was complete within a day.
was renamed the
(iu) The Bolshevik Party
Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik).
In November 1917, the
() elections to the
conducted the
but they failed to gain majority
Assembly, the assembly
support. In January 1918,
rejected Bolshevik measures and 1
dismissed the assembly.
(ui) In the years that followed, Bolsheviks
full control over the
Russia became one party state.
Mention any three changes which e
introduced by the Bolsheviks after t
October Revolution. [CBSE Sept. 201
What were the three main change
observed after October Revolutioni
Russia? [CBSE Sept. 2011
Explain any three major effects ot
Russian Revolution of October 191
[CBSE 201
Russian economy.
(4) No private property Private prope
the means of production was abolished.
and other means of productionnat
declared the property of the enu
Labour was made compulsoyalsts l i s t s «

economic exploitation by capital

landlords came to an end.
Nationalisation of industrie,
Evaluate the circumstances
February Revolution of 1917.
to s
Describe any three events leading to t
February Revolution of 1917 in
CBSE Sept. 2010, 14
() First World War: In the First World Wa
Russia lost more than 7 million soldiers. S
there was a discontent among the masse
The war led to the destruction of crop
homes and industries. So over 3 million
people became refugees. Russian indust
was dependent on other countries, and wa
cut off from other suppliers of industrie
goods. There was shortage of workers a
most of the workers were sent to the army

** EVERGREEN Self-Study in Soclal Sclence-

i) Impact on industry : The war also had a Q.29. WT
severe impact on industry. Russia's own n
industries were few in number and the
country was cut off from other suppliers of
industrial goods by the German control of
the Baltic Sea. Industrial equipment
disintegrated more in Russia than
elsewhere in Europe. By 1916 railway lines Ans.

began to break down. Able-bodied men

were called up to theAs a result, there


were labour shortages and small workshops

producing essentials were shut down. Large
sent to feed the army.
supplies of grain were

For the people in the cities, bread

and flour
became scarce. By the winter of 1916,
shops were c o m m o n .
at bread
Strike by workers : In February 1917,
(1) felt in the
food shortages were deeply
The winter was very cold
workers' quarters.
frost and

there had been exceptional

22 February, a lockout
heavy snow.
took place at factory on the right
workers in fifty factories called
The next day,
sympathy. In many factories,
a strike in
w o m e n led
the way to strikes. On Sunday,
25 February, the government
the Duma.
. What social changes were seen in the
society after industrialization?
CBSE 2013,15]
How did industrialization change the lives
of people in Europe? Explain. (CBSE 2013/
Explain any three changes brought about
by industrialization in Europe.
(CBSE 2012]
ns. ()Working Class : Industrialization brought
men, women and children to factories.
Work hours were often long and wages
were poor.

(1) Problem of Unemployment and

poverty: Problem of unemployment and
poverty was rare in the countryside but
this became a common phenomenon with

Soclal Sclence-9..
Unemployment was
times of low
common, particularly during
demand for industrial goods.
Problem of Housing and Sanitation
migration to cities lead to
housing and problem.

Trade Unions : Workers in England and

Gemany began forming associations
fight for better living and working
conditions. In Germany, these associations
worked closely with the Social Democratic
Party (SPD) and helped it win
parliamentary seats. By 1905, socialists and
trade unionists formed a Labour Party in
Britain and a Socialist Party in France.
(w)Socialism Trade unions and worker's
union lead to idea of socialism. The
development of the idea of socialism changed
the political
scenario. These trade unions
stared demanding share in political power
(io) Formation of Soviet : By that evening a.9
soldiers and striking workers had gathered
to form a soviet or council in the same
building as the Durna met. This was the
Petrograd Soviet.
(v) Formation ofProvisional government
The very next day Tsar abdicated. Soviet
leaders and Duma leaders formed a
Provisional Government to run the
country. Russia's future would be decided
by a constituent assembly, elected on the
basis of universal adult suffrage.
a.8. Explain the collectivisation policy of

ICBSE Sept. 2010, 2011, 2015)

What were themajor changes introduced
in agriculture by Stalin ? Explain.
CBSE Sept. 2010, 2011]

Ans. () The collectivisation policy was introduced

by Stalin who came to power after the
death of Lenin.
(ii) It was argued that grain shortage was partly
due to the small size of the holding.
(ii) To develop modern farms, and nun them
along industrial lines with machinery, it was
necessary to eliminate kulaks', take away
land from peasants, and establish state-
controlled large farms.
(iv) From 1929, the government forced all
peasants to cultivate in collective farms

(kolkhoz). Peasants worked on the land,

and the kolkhoz profit was shared.
(u) Enraged peasants resisted the authorities,
and destroyed their livestock. Between
1929 and 1931, the number of cattle fell
by one-third.
(ui) Stalin's government allowed some

independent cultivation, but treated such

cultivators unsympathetically.
(vi) In spite of collectivisation, production did Ans.
not increase immediately.
. a.9. Explain the impact of the Russias
Revolution on Russia and the World.
CBSE Sept. 2012, 13
What were the impacts of the
revolution on Russia ? (CBSE Sept. 2010
Ans. (0) Industrial Growth and
Development: The
new govenmer
followed socialisin. A New Economic
was adopted in1921. Under the
was decided to develop the
through Five-Year Plans. All the means o
production were nationalised.
(1) Removal of poverty: With the
of industrial and agricultural
poverty started disappearing. and the
country moved on to the path o
(i) Emergence of Russia as a World
Power: The new govermment
adopted the
policy economic development. The nes

policy promoted nodern technology. I

gave a boost to industry and agriculture
Economic and social policies adopted by the
government made Russia not only a majo
power of Europe but of the whole workd
(lu) Promotion of Socialism and
Communism : The Russian Revolutior
helped in the spread of socialism an:
communism in the world. The communs

in most cuntries ot the

parties were foned
world. Communist governments we
established in many countries like Polan
East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria an
(o) Redeflnlng of Democracy : After t
revolution. it was felt that mere polifico
democracy has got no meaning witho
social and econonic equality

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