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Chapter 1501

Harvey York ignored those people and calmly said, "

Elder Bauer, I wouldn't dare to ask you to do
anything. But I'd like to ask: what was your original
intention when you decided to establish Longmen?"

Samuel Bauer realized something, but he still

smiled and replied, "To protect the country for the

"Of course, it's because of that!"

Harvey chuckled.

"Indulging the branch leader under you and arrogantly

bullying the citizens. You did all that in the name of
protecting the country?

"If you did, I feel like there's no need for Longmen at


Samuel remained silent for a moment, then

continued talking.
Chapter 1501

"Harvey, what happened exactly? I'll be sure to give

you a fair statement."

Harvey calmly replied, "Nothing much. It's just that

one of your branch leaders is planning to kill me

"Even though I wanted to deal with this myself, I

would still have to ask if you're supporting him,

"Because if you are, I wouldn't mind going to

Wolsing myself!"

Samuel then swiftly replied, "Brother York, hand the

phone over to Oliver if you can. I promise I'll give
you a reply."

"Alright then!"

Harvey smiled and threw the phone in front of

Oliver Bauer.

"Your boss asked you to pick up the phone."

Oliver picked up the phone while shivering to no


After a moment, a cold tone echoed from the other

side of the phone.

Oliver's entire body was trembling incessantly, and

then his face lost all color. Right after he hung up the
phone, it seemed like his spirit was sucked completely

Samuel did not reveal Harvey's identity.

But he only said one thing: if Oliver were to say

something that offended Harvey and did not get his
forgiveness, he would have to prepare for his own

After shivering for a long while under the gazes of

countless people, Oliver slowly bowed right in front
of Harvey.

"Master York, I was wrong. I should not have been

bullying the people. Please forgive me!"

Everyone was dumbfounded after hearing those

words. The people present were constantly rubbing
their eyes.

The extremely domineering branch leader of Mordu

brought a huge group of people to stand up for Hugh
Baker with a spectacular view.

But because of a single phone call, he immediately

kneeled and apologized.


Was Oliver too weak?

Or was Harvey's actual identity just too


No matter what, the fact that Oliver was kneeling in

front of Harvey was as real as could be.

What happened next was jaw-dropping.

"Kneel straight," Harvey said calmly.

Oliver subconsciously straightened up his body. He

could not come back to his senses just yet.
Chapter 1501


Harvey uncourteously swung his palm against Oliver

's face.

"This is for you, bullying people and tarnishing

Longmen's name!"


"This is for you, not being able to differentiate

right from wrong and covering up for your


"This is for you, preying on the weak and having no

care for the law whatsoever!"

Harvey was ruthless, swinging his palm and

backhand across Oliver's face a dozen times.

Those swings hit extremely hard. Even though

Oliver was quite an influential man, he was still
Chapter 1501

slapped to the point where his face was beet red and
his body swaying to no end. His gaze was filled with

Anyone could tell that Oliver was on the verge of

exploding. But because of the previous phone call, he
wouldn't even dare to retaliate.
Chapter 1502
The crowd was shocked, muddled, and terrified!

Longmen's branch leader was kneeling in front of a

junior and being slapped left and right. Nobody
would believe it if they weren't there to see it for

It did not matter what background Harvey York had

or who he called.

But victory had already been decided!

When Oliver Bauer kneeled, all of his pride and

dignity were already gone.

And all those thirty-six men were kneeling on the

ground as well without the courage even to raise their

It was safe to say that he was just as miserable as he

was domineering before.

The people that came to stand up for Hugh Baker

Chapter 1502

were all utterly terrified by the sight and then

quietly backed away.

Even though they couldn't get away, all of them

had the same idea, and that was to stay away from
Hugh and pretend that they were not acquainted
with him.

Hugh and Tristan Quinlan were filled with

resentment. They wanted to choke Harvey to death so

Why would crushing a live-in son-in-law be this


A hint of madness showed in their eyes for a second. It

did not matter who Harvey called.

But Hugh believed that with his godfather's

behavior, he would surely take revenge for what

Harvey should just wait for his death, just like the rest
of his family!
"You must feel dissatisfied about me using Samuel
Bauer's name to suppress you, correct?"

Harvey was just about done swinging his palm. He

was wiping his fingers while he spoke calmly.

Oliver's gaze was filled with vex. He was extremely

resentful. But at this moment, he could only lower his
head and reply, "Of course not!"

As the saying goes, "What goes around, comes

around". He had failed that day, but he would have a
thousand ways to pay back the favor soon after.

He should just give in at that moment. His

reputation was already tarnished anyway.

Harvey then calmly inquired, "But, how come I feel

like our dear Leader Bauer is still dissatisfied? If there
was a chance, you definitely wouldn't hesitate to end
me and my family's lives, right?"

Oliver stuttered, then quietly replied, "Oh, I wouldn' t

dare! I'm satisfied!"
Chapter 1502

"Are you now?"

Harvey chuckled.

"It's useless even if you are.

"Longmen represents the authority of the country' s

underground forces. People like you as the branch
leader prove that Longmen had already deviated from
its original intentions.

"If Samuel won't control you, then I'll do it! Since he

didn't kill you, I'll do it instead!"


Before the end of Harvey's speech, he suddenly

threw a kick right on Oliver's torso.

Oliver wanted to react, but his movements were

way slower than Harvey's.

Oliver felt like his stomach was rumbling strongly as

if a harnmer smashed him at the next moment. The
remaining strength in his body was all
Hmti if I +


He could not even kneel straight after that. He only

laid on the floor paralyzed, his gaze full of pain and

Oliver screamed at this moment, "Harvey York,

what do you think you're doing?!"

"Nothing much, just disabling you from using any of

your skills."

Harvey replied with a calm tone.

"If it weren't for Samuel's sake, you would've been

dead already!"

For Harvey, he did not care about people like this


But since he called Samuel, surely he must show

some respect toward the Elder of the Army.


Oliver exclaimed loudly. He struggled to get back

Chapter 1502

up, but he felt like he had no strength left in his

body whatsoever.

"Shameless! You're shameless!"

"Tyson, break their legs and throw them out of


"If they come back again, they will die."

Harvey did not even bat an eye toward Oliver and

sent Hugh flying with a kick.
Chapter 1503

Chapter 1503
At the Gardens Residence.

Harvey York carefully walked inside, about to take a

shower in the bathroom.

With a resounding click, the entire living room that

was as dark as night was lit up.

Mandy Zimmer and Xynthia Zimmer were wearing

pajamas on the couch, hugging their arms while
glaring at Harvey.

Master York, who just crippled a branch leader of

Longmen, felt like his head was going numb.

He had to force a smile and ask, "Mandy, Xynthia,

why aren't the two of you in bed yet?"

"What were you doing outside? And why did you

come back this late?"

Mandy was frowning.

Harvey replied, "It's nothing. I just went to have a talk
with Hugh's godfather."

"And then what happened?"

"And then, the father and son realized their own

mistakes. They promised not to step foot in
Buckwood ever again, then held each other's hands
and left," Harvey said, full of confidence.

Mandy and Xynthia looked at each other full of

disbelief, but they saw that Harvey was completely
unscathed. It seemed like he did not go out for a

Harvey then continued speaking.

"Right, you shouldn't be eating with strangers

anymore. Just remember to call me if things like this
happen again!

"And don't go outside for the time being. Just stay

indoors. Especially you! Stop going outside and cause
a big ruckus!"
Chapter 1503

Harvey glared at Xynthia.

"I'm not!"

Xynthia felt utterly disgruntled.

Harvey signaled Mandy to deal with Xynthia and then

went ahead to take a shower.

Harvey felt like Hugh Baker and Oliver Bauer's

appearances were only the calm before the storm.

Things would not be this easily settled.

Maybe it was just the beginning.


Wolsing, a thousand miles away from Buckwood,

Country H's political economy and cultural center.

Only Country H's strongest, the top group of

people, were allowed to thrive here.

Inside an ancient courtyard within Second Ring,

Wolsing, a man in a white robe, leaned against a
grandmaster's chair.

There was a charcoal stove in front of him, and rice

wine was being cooked in it. A faint smell of alcohol
was seeping out.

Right at this moment, a man wearing a suit walked

swiftly inside with a horrible look on his face.

"Master! This is bad!"

Longmen's leader, Samuel Bauer, calmly opened his

eyes and asked, "What's going on?"

His subordinate's expression frantically changed and

then whispered, "Oliver Bauer was killed in

A simple word was enough to make a big character

like Samuel freeze.

He then smiled after a while.

"Does Harvey not even care about my reputation


"It doesn't seem like the Chief Instructor's doing."

The messenger naturally knew who Harvey's actual
identity was.

"According to our sources, the Chief Instructor

only crippled Oliver. He did not land the killing

"Oliver was making his way to Buckwood's airport

when a sniper assassinated him.

"It was a one-shot kill. There were no leads on-


After Samuel was dead silent for quite a while, he

then replied, "Looks like someone's trying to deal
with our Chief Instructor here.

"Pass down my order: people from Longmen are not

allowed to march into Buckwood because of this

"If someone from my organization dares to go with

the intention to take revenge, execute them on the
Chapter 1503

The subordinate's expression changed.

"Master, why should we be so afraid of him?"

"You don't understand."

Samuel took a sip of wine while showing a calm


"Only the people that approach that man know how

strong he actually is.

"I stopped them from going only because I didn't want

them to send themselves to their own demise!

"Besides, even I might not be able to rival him..."

The subordinate's expression changed once again. He

was in total disbelief.
Chapter 1504

Chapter 1504
On the next day.

Harvey York had gotten word of Oliver Bauer being

assassinated early in the morning.

After giving a call to Yannick Bisson, Harvey then

went to a funeral parlor.

Oliver's status was too extraordinary. That was why

besides Yannick, Yoel Graham was there as well.

Inside the morgue, there was a body that was as

pale as a ghost. It was none other than Oliver
himself, but with an additional red dot on his

Harvey sized up the body and calmly asked, "What

happened here?"

Yannick took a deep breath and replied, "After

Oliver and the group left the parking lot last night,
they went to Edward Hospital to treat their injuries.
They then drove toward Buckwood International
Airport right after.

"About twelve miles away from the airport, Oliver

asked to open the car window right as they were
leaving the urban district. It was then a suppressed
bullet went right into his head. It was a one-shot

"The shooter's extremely accurate. No ordinary

person could've made that shot if they didn't train in
the military for years.

"We found what seems to be the sniping spot on a

residential building near the Buckwood Police
Station. From the looks of things, the shooter must' ye
assembled and customized his own firearm. It's not an
existing firearm. That's why it's hard to
trace the shooter's identity this way."

Harvey then calmly asked, "Are there any


Yannick was a big character, no matter how people

looked at it. Even though there was no Longmen
branch within Buckwood, at least a few branch leaders
from other districts would call him for more
information as soon as possible.

Besides that, not just Buckwood, Yannick had many

friends even within the entire South Light social circle.
There were a few calls for him just for him to hurry up
and crack the case.

Even though Yannick was the first-in-command of

Buckwood Police Station, he was ultimately passive in
front of those giants.

"Who's the biggest suspect here?" Harvey

continued asking.

Yannick hesitated for a while. He did not say a word.

Yoel, on the other hand, continued the conversation.


"People outside don't know your actual identity, but

they know that you had a conflict with Oliver at the
parking lot. You have the motive and the time to
take the shot."

Harvey then replied calmly, "A shame that I didn't

have the need to do so. I could've ended his life there
and then if I wanted to. Why would I look for this
much trouble?"

"That's true!"

Yoel was lamenting.

"Now Hugh Baker, Tristan Quinlan, and the others

are accusing you of his murder! They said that you
were settling your troubles once and for all!

"In their eyes, you're just a live-in son-in-law and a

consultant for the government. They think that they
got you dead now...

"I requested the Buckwood Police Station to restrict

their access to Buckwood. If not, there would be big

Harvey then calmly asked, "Am I in trouble?"

"No, I'm scared that I'll be in trouble because of all

those people dying here."

Yoel forced out a smile.

"Please show me some respect, CEO York. Please

leave them alive if some of these oblivious fools
decided to come back for revenge. If not, I might not be
able to keep my position!"

Yoel felt extremely helpless.

He was not scared at all if Harvey were to be in

trouble. But if those people were to look for Harvey
to cause more problems, they would all die in his

How could Yoel even tell his higher-ups about the

situation if people were dying like flies there?
Chapter 1505
Harvey York seemed indifferent.

Yannick Bisson, who was standing on the side,

suddenly spoke, "CEO York, what do you think the
killer's motives are for assassinating Oliver Bauer?"

Harvey calmly replied, "It's not for money, and it's

not for revenge. Then, it's most likely to cause

"It might not be against me, but the killer is at least

trying to shake things up in Buckwood for some
reason. No doubt about it.

"Buckwood is basically a metal bucket now, after all.

It's almost impossible for outsiders to just waltz in as
they please.

"But if they were to push me to the heart of the

struggle and the government of South Light had to
throw me out to give Samuel Bauer a fair statement,
then, they might have a shot to come in."
Without a second thought, Harvey continued

"If we think about it this way, the killer's motive isn 't
just to kill Oliver, and certainly it's not to deal with
me either.

"They wanted to take advantage of the situation while

Longmen is in chaos to reset their stance here.

"That actually means that they're coming for

Prince York, as well as the Chief Instructor..."

A smile as cold as ice leaked out of Harvey's face

after his speech.

Yoel Graham and Yannick looked at each other and

were astonished.

They thought that the opposition might be coming for

Prince York.

But they never once thought that they might even be

going for the Chief Instructor himself.

The people that would go against Prince York might

only be competition within the business circle.

But there might be even scarier things tied to the

people who would go against the Chief Instructor.

"Stick to the procedures and investigate the matter.

You don't have to deal with anything else. I'll
handle it," said Harvey calmly.

"Buckwood might be shaken up quite a bit recently,

but Buckwood must not fall into chaos!

"Arrest whoever 's causing trouble!

"If anyone has an opinion about this, let them

come and see me!"

"Yes sir!"

Yoel and Yannick stood straight with their hands


Since this man said the word, there was nothing

else to say.

Buckwood's situation would be worse than before.

It was the calm before the storm!

The trio went out of the morgue while they were

chatting. Soon, they reached the entrance.

Harvey was just about to leave.

Loud revving of cars were echoing not far away

right at this moment. Some cars then
domineeringly stopped right at the entrance.

There were about a dozen men and women that came

out of the cars soon after. They were all wearing
mourning garments with their expressions as cold as

Yoel looked at those people and slightly frowned, as

if he was surprised that they showed up.

Yannick's expression on the other hand was

horrible. He ordered people to seal off Buckwood's
ports of entry, but they still somehow got back

Obviously, they all knew who those people were.

Harvey did not say anything, he looked at the sight
full of curiosity.

A tall woman with a pretty face was leading those

people. Her hair was tied up while she showed a cold
gaze, an arrogant expression was clearly shown on her

She scanned her surroundings at this moment. Her

gaze then landed right onto Harvey, then coldly
exclaimed, "You're Harvey York! Prince York!"

Naturally, she knew quite a bit. At least she knew

about Harvey's identity.

But even if she did, a strong killing intent was still

exuding from her body.

Right when Yoel was about to speak, Harvey waved

his hand and calmly said, "Pm Harvey. Who are

"I'm Oliver's best disciple, Rachel Hardy!"

Rachel was glaring at Harvey with an icy gaze.

Chapter 1505

"Looks like Hugh Baker was right all along!

"You were using Longmen's name to scare my

master, then shamelessly crippled him and killed him
off later!

"If not, a thousand of you won't even be able to lay a

finger on him!"
Chapter 15o6
Harvey York then replied calmly, "Even if
everything that you said was true, what are you
going to do about it?"

Rachel Hardy hugged her arms and looked down on


"Let's cut the nonsense. Kneel and break your arms,

then we'll talk after you have kneeled for seven whole
days in front of my master's grave!

"If not, you won't be able to bear the


Rachel was domineering at this moment. There was

an unspeakable aura surrounding her.

It was apparent that this woman was at least

capable. It seemed like she had been to war before.

Her comrades were glaring at Harvey ferociously, as

if they would kill him in any minute.
Harvey calmly replied, "So, you're saying that you
won't be investigating the matter any further?"

"Investigate?! All of the facts are here, why would

there even be a need for that?!" Rachel retorted

"Even if you don't, do you think that you're worthy

enough for me to break my arms and kneel in front of
Oliver's grave?"

Harvey's expression turned cold as ice.

Rachel's face instantly got colder. She took a step

forward and released her killing intent.

"Harvey York, you better know what's good for you.

Don't make me angry!

"I've already restrained myself enough. If not, it

wouldn't be just your arms being crippled!

"I'll be taking your filthy head to greet my master by


"Don't even think of calling Longmen's master to

I ),

get out of this!

"I don't know what sort of relationship that you two

have. I don't even know if the phone call was real or

"But before I came here, I already quit Longmen!

"Even if Longmen's master were to stand in front of

us, he would have no right to command us!

In Rachel's eyes, Harvey would naturally have some

sort of support behind the scenes. He must've used
some sort of way to cling onto Longmen's master and
used his name to intimidate other people.

If they were comparing actual skill, a thousand

Harvey Yorks would not even compare to her!

Rachel wanted Harvey alive to make him kneel in

front of her master's grave. After seven whole days,
she would then put Harvey six feet under!

Harvey's expression was indifferent when he asked,

Chapter 1506

"So what?"

"So what?"

Rachel's pretty face was as cold as ice at that


"Harvey York, do you realize who you're speaking


"Do you know what kind of powerful being is

standing in front of you right now?

"Do you believe that I can kill you with one slap?!"

"Just one slap?"

Harvey coldly chuckled.

"I sure don't believe you."

The crowd of brothers and sisters behind Rachel were

coldly chuckling after hearing those words. All of
them were glaring at Harvey full of disdain.

`This bastard doesn't know when to quit! How dare he

talk to Senior Hardy like that?!'
'Senior Hardy is a legend even back in Mordu.
Nobody could even compete against her!'

'This bastard thinks he's invincible just because he

used the master of Longmen's name to kill off

'People like this that don't know what's good for him
will surely end up with a worse fate!'

'He doesn't know how big of a gap he has compared

to Senior Hardy!'

'Rachel is one of the top ten talents amongst all the

younger generation in Longmen!'

'A being like this compared to a small fry like

Harvey was like night and day!'

'A small character like this showing off, he's

looking to die!'

"Harvey York, you've successfully infuriated me!"

Rachel's gaze was icy cold.

Chapter 1506

"I'll cripple you myself! I'll cut off your filthy head to
greet my master in his grave!"

Rachel took a step out, ready to destroy Harvey.

"Rachel Hardy, don't do anything stupid!"

Yoel had to stand up for Harvey. He was the one that

asked Harvey to show mercy previously. When
someone came to Harvey to cause more trouble, he
was extremely bewildered.
Chapter 1507

Chapter 1507
Rachel Hardy sized up Yoel Graham and let out a
burst of laughter.

"You must be the first-in-command of the

government of Buckwood, Yoel Graham.

"You're nothing in front of me!

"The first-in-command of South Light's government

being here should be more appropriate!

"I'm telling you right now, nobody can protect Harvey

today! Harvey York, you're as good as dead!"

In the middle of Rachel's speech, she took out a red

license and threw it right at Yoel's face.

Yoel grabbed the license and took a glance. His

expression changed frantically after he saw it.

"The license to kill?!"

"It's good that you know about this. Even though I

already quit Longmen, my license is still here. Even
the sovereign grants special permission to kill first
before reporting!

"Even if you were to stand in my way, Yoel Graham,

I'll just kill you off too! Who would even dare to
stand up for you?!"

Rachel did not give a sliver of respect toward Yoel.

Her license to kill was her trump card.

Besides, she already gave Harvey a chance to break

his own arms, but he did not listen.

She could only cripple Harvey herself.

"Rachel Hardy, you're unscrupulous!

"This is Buckwood, not Mordu! This isn't

someplace where you can just act wildly!" Yoel
exclaimed coldly.

"Sheldon Xavier and Bellamy Blake might have the

right to say that, but you sure don't!"

Rachel swung her backhand against Yoel's face.

"Now, get out of my sight! If you stand in my way, I

won't hesitate to kill you!"

Yoel was boiling with anger. Harvey gestured with a

wave of his hand and said, "Sir Graham, they're here
for me. I'll handle this."

Harvey took a step forward after his speech.

Rachel glared at Harvey derisively and then said, "

What? You're going to beg for mercy when you
realize that Yoel can't even protect you?

"Let me tell you, it's too late!"

"Is the thing you have really that awesome?"

Harvey took the license out of Yoel's hand, then let

out a puff of air after flipping through the pages.

Then, with a pinch of his hands, he tore the license

that represents the sovereign's permission to
"Kill first before reporting? Permitted by the
sovereign?" Harvey calmly said.

"You would dare to represent the sovereign with your

lame martial arts? Are you even worthy?"

"You're looking for death!"

Rachel was infuriated!

The brothers and sisters behind her back were also


Even in Longmen, only a select few had the right to

have the license to kill!.

The license to kill represented praise and

affirmation toward the top talents.

But Harvey actually tore apart Rachel's license at that


In a split second, Rachel's manner changed


Her long hair burst out. Her aura was gradually

Chapter 1507

rising. Air currents were even visibly circling all

around her.

Rachel, at this moment, looked hysterical.

Yoel and Yannick Bisson were frozen in place. This

was the legendary ancient martial art that Rachel had
been training.

Without a second thought, the two then exclaimed,

"Don't do it!"


Rachel ignored the two and swayed her body

forward. She then flew straight in the direction of

It was quite a sight. Rachel seemed extremely

powerful at this moment.

Harvey took a step forward casually, then swung his

right palm forward.


Before Rachel could even reach Harvey, his palm

Chapter 1507

had already landed right onto her pretty face.

The next moment, Rachel was sent flying and then

crashed right into a wall...
Chapter 1508

Chapter 1508

Everyone was sluggish!

They could tell that Rachel Hardy was an

extraordinary top talent. She was going for Harvey
York with all her strength.

But in front of Harvey's palm, the all-powerful top

talent could not even withstand a single blow.


Rachel stood back up from a ruined wall while her

face was beet red and dust covering all over her. She
then shyly exclaimed, "Harvey, you're shameless!
How dare you land a sneak attack?!"

Her brothers and sisters froze over slightly, then

righteously pointed at Harvey while furiously
scolding him, "Shameless! Sneaking up on her like
"Is that so?

"Then, come at me again."

Harvey nonchalantly flashed the beckoning finger at


He was provoking her!

Harvey was showing no respect toward Rachel at all!

Rachel's expression changed frantically, then

waved her hand in the next moment. A sword box
inside the Hummer behind her slightly trembled. A
dagger that was three inches long then flew out
right into Rachel's hand.

"It's the Blood Dagger! Senior Hardy brought out the

Blood Dagger!"

"Not even bones are going to remain if the Blood

Dagger's out!"

"She's invincible once she brings it out!"

"Harvey's finished! He actually made Senior Hardy

bring out the dagger. Even his corpse won't

The brothers and sisters from Longmen's Mordu

branch were exhilarated.

The men were looking at Rachel admirably as if she

was their idol.

The women were looking at Harvey full of disdain

and derision as if he was already dead in their eyes.

Rachel steadied her dagger in front of her. If it weren't

for the palm print on her face, she would seem like an
actual professional.

She coldly said at this moment, "I was just careless

before, Harvey York Let me show you the killer move
of Longmen's Mordu branch!

"Blood Rush!"


Rachel was sliding across the ground immediately

after her speech. The gleam of light coming from
her dagger was shimmering brightly.


Harvey took a step forward nonchalantly and

appeared right in front of Rachel, then raised his hand
to give her another slap across her face.


Rachel was sent flying once again. The Blood

Dagger and Longmen's Mordu branch's killing
move was no match against Harvey.

Rachel crashed right onto the ground. The dagger in

her hand slipped away, and another palm print was
shown on Rachel's left cheek

"You're sneaking up on me again?!"

Rachel exclaimed shyly while full of frustration, but

Harvey did not give her any breathing room. He
walked forward and slapped her across her face

Chapter 1508

Along with the sound of a loud slap, Rachel was

screaming in pain while she was sent flying again.


"License to kill?!"


"Blood Dagger?!

"Longmen's Mordu branch's killer move?!"


"You let me cripple my own arms?!"

Harvey kept swinging his palm while insulting Rachel.

Her head was flung left and right, palm prints on her
face were stacking against each other.

One slap after another, Rachel was spurting blood

out of her mouth and nose. She was screaming

She was the top talent within Longmen's Mordu

branch and the top ten talents in the entirety of

Longmen. She was also the top disciple that Oliver
himself carefully groomed.

But she was like a drowning dog in front of Harvey' s

slaps. She had no strength to retaliate.

Harvey was only swinging his palm normally.

If it were any other killer move, Rachel would've just

accepted defeat.

But she could not bear the normal slaps going

across her face to no end.

She had been training for five whole years. She had
extraordinary talent, but she could not even block a
single slap!

"Come, Oliver's top disciple. Tell me."

"You and your lame martial art."

"How are you supposed to kill before reporting? How

are you going to use the sovereign's special
Chapter 1508

In the middle of his speech, Harvey kept swinging his

palms against Rachel's face.

At this moment, Rachel's entire speech was all just a

Chapter 1509

Chapter 15o9
Under everyone's gaze, Harvey York was giving slap
after slap across Rachel Hardy's face without even
thinking to go soft on her. He was not planning to
give any form of mercy either.

An extinct beauty such as Rachel was soon slapped to

the point where her face was as swollen as a pig. Her
brothers and sisters' jaws dropped while seeing the

Even Yoel Graham and Yannick Bisson, who stood

on the side, were shocked.

They knew that Harvey was powerful, but they

never thought that he was this powerful.

He was so strong to the point where Rachel, who

had the license to kill, was just mush in front of


After the final slap across Rachel's face, she was

then sent flying again.

After struggling on the ground for some time, she spat

out a mouthful of blood and tried to stand back up

Harvey walked forward and thrust a strong kick

right toward Rachel's torso.


Rachel was sweating profusely. She wanted to

dodge, but she had no strength left whatsoever.


The kick landed swiftly. In the next moment, Rachel

was incapacitated.

Rachel, who was sent flying once again, was filled

with utter despair and horror.

Rachel tried to get back up after crashing to the

ground again, but she constantly twitched after
coughing up blood.

Her brothers and sisters saw the sight and had lost all
color on their faces.

`Rachel was disabled?'

`This is hard to believe. She couldn't even avoid a

single slap from this man?'

`And then she got crippled just like that?'

They were all looking at Harvey, full of horror and

anger. They felt like they had seen something
unbelievable that day.

A being like that must've been terrifying.

At this moment, they understood.

Even without Longmen suppressing Oliver Bauer, he

definitely would not rival Harvey.

"This is all that Longmen's Mordu branch can do?

"You dared to talk to me about the sovereign's special

permission to kill before reporting with this kind of
"You can't even block a single hit!"

Harvey walked toward Rachel with an indifferent


Rachel was trembling to no end. She knew then that

Harvey was way beyond her league.

It was funny how she talked big moments ago,

demanding to cripple Harvey, telling him to break his
own arms, telling him to kneel in front of Oliver' s

But then it turned out this way.

The so-called top talent was just a joke in front of


"Harvey York, I'll admit defeat today. But even

though I've lost, it doesn't mean that Longmen's
Mordu branch also lost!"

Rachel tilted her head up while showing arrogance

and pride.

"Our men will rally and act upon revenge sooner or


Harvey took a step forward and looked down on

Rachel, then calmly replied, "The top disciple has
already been defeated. Who do you think would even
come out and rechallenge me?

"You're too weak! You can't even surprise me!

"But for the sake of you exacting revenge for your

master, I won't kill you today!"

Harvey was indifferent. Killing Rachel or not would

not affect the bigger picture.

He then gave a faint smile and glared right at the other

members of Longmen's Mordu branch.

"Are any of you prepared to give me a surprise?"

All those prideful people tilted down their heads

subconsciously. They would not even dare to look
Harvey straight in the eye.

Even the top disciple, Rachel, could not even block a

single hit and was utterly defeated. The others
Chapter 1509

would just be looking for their deaths if they went to


"If nobody wants to give me a surprise, then it's my

turn to settle the score!"

Harvey's expression was quite nonchalant.

"Are you all used to defying the laws of your country?

Accusing me of killing Oliver without any prior
investigation, then coming to kill me?

"I can already imagine how unscrupulous all of you

usually operate.

"For Elder Bauer's sake, I won't kill any of you.

Break your own arms and grovel. Get out of my
sight after you apologize!

"Or perhaps you want me to kill you myself?"

Chapter 1510

Chapter 1510
A bald young man said in dissatisfaction, "We're
brothers of Longmen, we're..."


Harvey York swung his palm across the man's face

and sent him flying.

"You think being a brother of Longmen is cool?!

"I'm beating all of you around right now!

"Even Samuel Bauer has to be respectful in front of


"Who do you even think you are?!

"Do it then!

"I gave you a chance!"

Harvey's gaze was cold, but his expression was even

Even his cold gaze at this moment would make those
people from Longmen's Mordu branch sweat

"Yannick Bisson, help them out if they aren't

willing to do it themselves."

"What about Rachel Hardy...?"

Harvey looked at Rachel without giving a clear


"Let her go. I said that I wouldn't kill her. Of course, I

wouldn't lay another finger on her."

Harvey kicked away the young man after his speech

and stormed away.

After half an hour, all the members from Longmen' s

Mordu branch were staggering while holding their

They were all high and mighty when they came, but
they could only leave after finding a substitute driver
for a high price. Because their arms were all
Chapter 1510

broken, there was no way that any one of them

could get everyone to a hospital.


Before even leaving the funeral home for a long

while, Yoel Graham called.

"CEO York, this is bad. Word spread about you

tearing up the license to kill.

"I've gotten news that someone's trying to use this

excuse to deal with you!"

"They're coming for me?"

Harvey merely chuckled.

"Do they know my identity?"

"They should only know that you're Prince York."

"Where are they from?"

"We don't know yet, but they must be prepared if they

dared to come at you during these trying
times. They sure are pretty bold...
Chapter 1510

"Please be careful."

Harvey hung up on the phone, then gave a call to

Bellamy Blake and Ethan Hunt.

Harvey was not at all scared that someone was

trying to suppress himself with the government's

He was only scared that they would go after Mandy

Zimmer and the others.

Since things like that had happened before, Harvey

had learned his lesson. He would not repeat the same
mistake ever again.


At Sky Corporation.

The moment Harvey strode into the hall, eight Land

Cruisers that were lying in wait immediately crashed
indoors. Even the access control system was sent

The cars then orderly blocked every single exit in

the building.

Nearly half of the men wearing black uniforms

came out of the cars like a swarm.

Murderous intent was seeping out of those men as if

the aura had a physical form. The feeling was
converging throughout the entire hall.

The air around the hall was sub-zero at this very


The ordinary staff could not even handle pressure like

this. Their eyes all blacked out, and they fainted on
the ground.

Harvey was nonchalant when he saw those men.

Inside the CEO's office, Yvonne Xavier, Ray Hart,

and Marcus got word and ran straight to the hall as
fast as they could.

But when they saw the sight, they gasped with

terrible expressions on their faces.

Right when Harvey was frowning, the car in the
middle opened its doors, and a man wearing a white
uniform walked out.

There were a few men and women with traditional

clothing as well. One of them Harvey knew full well,
it was Faye Goddard.

Faye pridefully glared at Harvey and squinted as if

she got Harvey dead.

Harvey looked at the people with traditional

clothing and said with a faint smile, "Matthew
Flynn's men?"

"You must be Harvey York."

The man leading the group wearing a white

uniform politely bowed while showing a warm

"Let me introduce myself. I am Sam Baker, the

Baker family's master from San Francisco. The
commander of Dragon Cell."
Chapter 1511

Chapter 1511
"Dragon Cell?"

Harvey York frowned slightly.

Country H had a few special organizations.

Dragon Guards were in charge of protecting every

important individual in Country H.

Longmen was in charge of the gangsters, keeping

order in the underground world.

Dragon Cell's primary function was dealing out

punishment, but they were different compared to
the regular police. They were in charge of the
country's safety, and maybe even worse cases.

Simply put, they would be in charge of cases that the

police wouldn't dare to touch!

They would catch the people that the police wouldn' t

dare to catch!
They would kill the people that the police wouldn't
dare to kill!

Dragon Cell was in a league higher than Longmen in

terms of special permissions given by the sovereign to
kill before reporting.

Sam Baker smiled and said at this moment, " judging

by your expression, you should know what Dragon
Cell represents...

"You're involved in Oliver Bauer's murder, the

branch leader of Longmen. So, this itself is quite a
big deal...

"Because of the serious situation and that the case is

extremely complicated, we'll be escorting you back to
Wolsing for further investigation.

"Once the investigation is done, you'll then be sent to

the Criminal Ministry if you are proven to be

"Master York, are you going to come without

causing trouble? Or are you waiting for me to do it for

Sam's expression was indifferent. He was showing a

faint smile while looking at Harvey.

Hugh Baker had suffered great losses because of

Harvey previously, but Sam did not intend to take
revenge for him.

Sam only took action this time because Matthew

Flynn asked.

Besides the billion-dollar contract, there was

another reason: Sam wanted to see what's so
special about this man that Queenie York could
never forget.

Harvey calmly looked at Sam and said, "The

commander of Dragon Cell? How majestic, how
intimidating. You can catch me if you'd like, but
where's your warrant?"

Sam chuckled.

"We don't have things like that, nor do we need it."

Harvey smiled.

"So, you're saying that you're planning to take me by

force without reason?"

"No, the sovereign permits it."

A playful expression was showing on Sam's face

while he looked at Harvey.

"People from Dragon Cell also have licenses to kill.

"Of course, maybe you don't care about these

things, Master York

"But it'll be the one suppressing you today!"

Faye Goddard hugged her arms while glaring at

Harvey, full of disdain.

`Showing off even under these circumstances? He's

about to die, but he still thinks he knows

`Does he not realize that his fate had already been

sealed the moment he offended Master Flynn?
`Prince York from South Light? Buckwood's top

`He's nothing in front of Master Flynn!

`Besides, with the commander of Dragon Cell, Sam,

right here, Harvey wouldn't dare to resist even if he
had the courage of the gods!'

Looking at Sam smiling while inching forward,

Marcus stood right in front of Harvey and said
quietly, "Don't you dare touch CEO York, if not..."


Sam pulled out his firearm and took a shot.

Marcus' thigh was shot. He screamed in pain while

blood was flowing out. He tried to cover up his
wound with an awful expression on his face.

The whole place was dead silent. Everyone was in a

trance, especially when they could see a pool of blood
on the floor.

In the past, no one would bring firearms, no matter

Chapter 1511

how they fought in this place.

But even though Sam was showing a warm smile,

nobody thought he was just a backstabber that brings
out his firearm like that.

Ray Hart frowned and walked forward, then

exclaimed, "Sam Baker, this isn't a place for you to
cause a ruckus..."


Sam waved his hand and fired his gun again, this time
on Ray's left shoulder.

Blood splattered all over the place.

Sam leaked out another smile on his face and

replied, "Would you believe me if I said that was a
Chapter 1512

Chapter 1512
The other higher-ups of Sky Corporation wanted to
do something, but then they saw the people from
Dragon Cell all taking out their firearms and
pointing them at their foreheads.

Harvey York frowned and waved, signaling the

people not to do anything rash.

Faye Goddard and the others saw the sight and were
chuckling out of ridicule and disdain.

Harvey was indeed powerful, but that was about it.

Under Sam Baker's absolute will, Harvey had no

strength even to resist.

Even if his combat prowess and capabilities were

immense, would he even dare?

With Sam's word, the people around Harvey would be

dead in a split second.

"So, Master York, are you going to follow me? Or do

you want me to force my hand?"

Sam shifted his gaze toward Harvey and said while

showing a faint smile.

Four of the men from Dragon Cell walked forward

while pointing their firearms at Harvey's forehead in
the middle of Sam's speech.

A few men were stationed far away while locked on

to Harvey, ready to fire at any time.

Sam was lightly chuckling.

`So what if he's good at fighting?

`So what if he's more capable than everyone else?

`In front of absolute power, these have no meaning.'

Yvonne Xavier's expression frantically changed. She

wanted to order someone to handle the situation a few
times already, but Harvey's gaze had constantly
stopped her.

The place had been under control by Sam. There

would be a lot of casualties if they were to go head-on
against Dragon Cell.

"I always thought that Dragon Cell was a weapon of

public service, not some sort of organization that
people could just use for their own benefits."

Harvey took a step forward and ignored the

firearms pointed at his head.

"Looking back right now, I must've been

overthinking. Absolute power comes with absolute

"Not just Longmen, not just Dragon Cell, it doesn't

matter what original intentions anyone had.

"A shame that in this generation, there are people

emboldened by arrogance and dominance.

"It seems like I should give a thorough cleansing for

Dragon Cell as well!"

"A thorough cleansing?"

A smile leaked out of Faye's face while she was


"Harvey York, do you really think that you're some


"Even the Elder of the Criminal Ministry might not

say something like this. How dare you be this

"If the higher-ups of Dragon Cell heard about this,

you'd lose your skin even if you don't die!"

Sam smiled.

"The outside world has their share of

misconceptions about Dragon Cell, but no matter.
To deter gangsters and the like is our greatest

((Alright, Master York Time to die."

Sam was calm and collected, as if he already had

Harvey in his clutches.

In his eyes, Harvey was already a dead man!

Right at this moment, a fleet of cars with

diplomatic car plates appeared at light speed and
parked right at the entrance of Sky Corporation.

Some of Dragon Cell's men wanted to stop the cars,

but their expressions slightly changed after seeing
the car plates. They did not do anything in the end.

Sam looked toward the direction with a terrible

expression on his face.

When one of the car doors opened, a short and

plump man with sharp eyes walked out slowly.

This man had been showing up on various financial

media. People with an interest in finances naturally
knew who he was.

It was none other than the representative of Star

Chaebol in Country H, Peter Lee himself!

Even though he looked like a middle-aged man, the

riches and authority in his hands were enough to let
quite many bosses consider him a very important

He looked at the men from Dragon Cell and showed

Chapter 1512

a derisive face.

Sam slightly froze over after seeing Peter.

"Representative Lee, you're..."

Chapter 1513
Peter Lee lit up a cigar and crossed his arms, then
coldly replied after having a puff, "Master Baker,
what are you doing here?"

Naturally, it was purely a coincidence that he saw

everyone ready to jump at each other's throats after
coming here.

He was prepared to bring an entire group to Sky

Corporation to pressure Harvey. He did not expect
that the place would turn out like this.

Faye Goddard naturally knew who Peter was. She

walked forward, gave Peter a look, and said, "
Representative Lee, Harvey York offended Master
Flynn. Master Baker's going to take Harvey back for
further investigation."

Sam Baker's expression slightly changed after

hearing those words. He was unsure if Faye said
those words intentionally or not. Those words must
not be said lightly.

Especially because Peter was a foreigner and a sly

fox, saying something like that in front of him would
cause big trouble.

But after careful consideration, Sam then quietly

said, "Harvey's involved with Oliver Bauer's
murder, the branch leader of Longmen. I need him
to come with me for further investigation."

He then continued speaking while sternly looking at


"Representative Lee, Dragon Cell is conducting

business here. It's not appropriate for you to be
here. Please step back"

Peter immediately understood.

Prince York, who had constantly been causing

trouble for Star Chaebol, had finally caused big
trouble this time!

Master Flynn from Hong Kong must've hated this

man to the core!

And Sam, the master of the Baker family from San

Francisco and the commander of Dragon Cell,
naturally did not intend to show any mercy.

A smile leaked out of Peter's face at this moment.

He calmly replied, "What a coincidence. I'm only
here to give Harvey a statement from Star Chaebol

"Not long ago, the deputy representative of Star

Chaebol in Country H, Roy Garfield, passed away in

"We have a reason to believe that Harvey was the one

that did it.

"Since Dragon Cell is going to take him away, I

humbly request you to put him on trial for Oliver and
Roy's cases at the same time in the name of Star

Peter, who showed up coincidentally, let out a faint

smile after saying those words.
man to the core!

And Sam, the master of the Baker family from San

Francisco and the commander of Dragon Cell,
naturally did not intend to show any mercy.

A smile leaked out of Peter's face at this moment.

He calmly replied, "What a coincidence. I'm only
here to give Harvey a statement from Star Chaebol

"Not long ago, the deputy representative of Star

Chaebol in Country H, Roy Garfield, passed away in

"We have a reason to believe that Harvey was the one

that did it.

"Since Dragon Cell is going to take him away, I

humbly request you to put him on trial for Oliver and
Roy's cases at the same time in the name of Star

Peter, who showed up coincidentally, let out a faint

smile after saying those words.
He was only here to test the waters against Harvey
this time. He did not have any intention to confront
Harvey head-on.

But since he bumped into a scenario like this, how

could he ever forgive himself if he didn't add oil to
the flames?

Everyone heard what Peter said.

Sam and Faye looked at each other, then secretly let

out a breath of air.

When Peter came, they thought that he was backing


It seemed like all of them had grudges against

Harvey. Everything was going in their direction.

Harvey coldly glared at Peter at this moment.

`Someone from Star Chaebol dared to enter


`It seems like someone turned a deaf ear to my


"You must be Prince York Even though it's my first

time seeing you, I must congratulate you.

"I heard that Dragon Cell has a lot of toys lying

around! You'll have so much fun there!

"To show you my gratitude, I'll greet the higher-

ups of Dragon Cell myself and let you have a slow

A cruel smile showed on Peter's face.

He obviously knew what kind of place Dragon Cell

was. That was why he earnestly hoped that Harvey
would enjoy his time there and not die after only a
few rounds of punishment.

Once Harvey was taken away, Star Chaebol would be

able to waltz into Buckwood's market without a care
for the world.

Without a second thought, Peter was feeling

Chapter 1513

This must be the light at the end of the tunnel for

Chapter 1514
Harvey York glared coldly at Peter Lee and said
calmly, "You can affect Dragon Cell's decision-
making with your status alone?"

Peter then proudly replied, "Why can't I? I even

used Dragon Cell to arrest quite a few business
competitors too. I'm quite familiar with the higher-
ups from the northern provinces!"

"You used Dragon Cell to arrest business


Harvey's expression was quite indifferent, but a flash

of murderous intent flashed before his eyes.

"Sam Baker, you people from Dragon Cell sure are


Sam smiled and replied, "Harvey, we're all people

with status here. There are some things that should be
kept hush-hush. Why would you even expose us like
: I'

"Even though Dragon Cell is powerful, we're not an

official organization. We need assets and resources to
expand too!

"Helping out foreign people sometimes in

exchange for assets and benefits seems pretty
logical to me!

"So, what kind of benefits will you be getting when

you kill me for Master Flynn?" Harvey asked calmly.

"Do you think you have the right to know?"

Sam chuckled.

"Alright, enough talk. Kneel and cuff yourself up,

Harvey York"

Sam took out handcuffs from his waist and threw

them to the ground after his speech.

Faye Goddard and Peter were intently watching, full

of excitement.

The sight sure was exhilarating, making Harvey


kneel and cuff himself up.

Harvey then calmly replied, "Sam Baker, are you sure

you want to do this?

"Are you sure you're capable enough to demand

this from me?

"Have you thought about it thoroughly?"

"Thought about it?"

Sam coldly laughed.

"Even if you're the CEO of Sky Corporation, even if

you're Prince York himself, you mean nothing in front
of Dragon Cell!

"If you spout nonsense again, do you believe that I' 11

just kill you off before reporting the incident?!"

Sam aimed the firearm in his hand right at Harvey's

forehead in the middle of his speech.

Harvey squinted his eyes, prepared to take action.

Right at this moment, a leg suddenly appeared,
landing right behind Sam's body.

Sam hmped quietly, then fell flat on the ground

after staggering for a short while.

He furiously looked back He did not expect that

someone would kick him in the back on an occasion
such as this!

Sam's expression changed frantically after seeing who

it was behind his back

It was Ethan Hunt, wearing casual clothing, coldly

saying, "If one of your men even moves an inch, I'll
kill you with my bare feet. Do you understand?"

Ethan then landed another kick in the middle of his

speech and sent Sam rolling on the ground.

"Ethan Hunt?!"

Sam's expression slightly froze over, then quietly

exclaimed, "Do you have any idea what you're
doing?! Even if you're the God of War in South Light
: I'

's military forces, have you thought about the

consequences of going against me?!"

"So, you know that I'm the God of War?"

Ethan walked forward and landed another kick, and

sent Sam rolling again.

"But don't you see that I'm wearing casual clothes right

"Did you forget that I have another identity?"

Sam's expression changed suddenly after hearing those


Ethan Hunt.

The Hunt family from Wolsing!

If Ethan were only the commander of Sword Camp,

Sam would naturally not fear him.

But he had another extraordinary identity, the

master of the Hunt family from Wolsing!

Sword Camp was once a place where rich playboys

Chapter 1514

would just waste their money on.

After Harvey had become the chief instructor of

Sword Carnp, those rich playboys were then trained to
be Kings of Arms, even becoming Gods of War.

Ethan was one of the men that had proven to be

outstanding. Many people would only remember him
as the God of War from Sword Camp but forget that
he was also the master of the Hunt family!
Chapter 1515

Chapter 1515
The Hunt family!

One of the legendary families with extraordinary

wealth and influence.

They were beings that surpass even the top families!

Ethan Hunt came from the Hunt family, and that was
enough proof that Sam Baker could not afford to
provoke him no matter what!

It did not matter whether he was using his status as

the master of the Baker family or the commander of
Dragon Cell.

Sam was shocked and terrified.

But he was quite a big character. After all, he still

wanted his reputation intact in the middle of the entire

"Ethan Hunt!"

Sam quietly exclaimed, "Are you sure you want to go

against me just for this man?"

Even though Sam did not know what kind of

relationship he had with Harvey, Sam also had
people supporting him behind his back He had to
remind Ethan of the consequences his action would

He wanted Ethan to think carefully.

He wanted Ethan to think if this so-called prince

from a bad land such as South Light was worth
offending a huge crowd of people.


Ethan did not even utter a single word and once

again sent Sam rolling on the ground with another

"What? Do you think that I'm not capable of going

against you?!"

' f I )

Sam did not think that Ethan would use his identity as
the master of the Hunt family to suppress him.

If he was using his status as a God of War, there were

many ways for Sam to deal with the situation.

Ethan would have to bear with the consequences of

simply obstructing Dragon Cell to do its job.

But how could Sam even retaliate against the

master of the Hunt family?


Ethan swung another kick right toward Sam's face,

then coldly said, "Who are you even? You'd dare to
show off in front of me?!"

Sam then furiously exclaimed, "Ethan Hunt, you

better not cross the line! Other people might be
scared of the Hunt family, but Dragon Cell isn't!"


Ethan sent Sam flying with yet another kick, then

 I'

coldly replied, "Dragon Cell isn't scared of us, but it' s

a shame that you don't represent Dragon Cell!

"A mere commander, a mere ant would dare to offend

the likes of CEO York? Have you thought of the

"Not only you, even if Matthew Flynn himself

showed up, I'll kick him around too!"

The sight had shocked everyone around that was


Ethan was the commander of Sword Camp and the

best out of all four Gods of War in South Light's
military force. Everyone knew about this.

Typically speaking, people from the military would

not dare to offend Dragon Cell.

But Ethan came here using his private identity this


The Hunt family!

Those words symbolized unlimited wealth and


Even Sam, who thought he had Harvey dead to

rights, never thought that Ethan would suppress him
using the Hunt family's background.

Faye Goddard was utterly shocked at this moment as


She never thought that dealing with Harvey would be

this much of a hassle!

Even with Dragon Cell deployed, he was still


Sam struggled to crawl up from the ground and said

bitterly, "Ethan Hunt, have you thought of the

"The higher authorities would never allow the

things you did today!

"You're the God of War in the military force, after all.

You should know better than I do about the things
that would happen to you if you were to go
against Dragon Cell!"

Sam was boiling with anger, but he still had some

strength left in him.

He did not believe that Ethan could just ignore all of

Dragon Cell's power and authority.

Even if Dragon Cell could not kill Ethan, he would at

least have this future ruined.

This was not a matter if Ethan was scared or not. It

was if all this was worth it for him.

"Consequences?! What sort of consequences are there


"Don't you realize who the man in front of you is?!

"Are you sure you know the true identity of this


"You best go back and think of a statement that you' d

tell the master of Dragon Cell!

"If not, you might not even get a burial spot when
Chapter 1515

you die!"
Chapter 1516
Ethan Hunt was looking at Sam Baker mockingly.

`Did he even think of the consequences of using

Dragon Cell's power against the Chief Instructor

Even though the relationship between Dragon Cell

and the military force had been bad, the military
might not be able to bail someone out of the clutches
of Dragon Cell.

But the man in front did not even need help bailing.

To a certain extent, the military might even need his


How could Dragon Cell even bear to offend

someone like this?


"What sort of identity does he even have?"

Sam snorted after hearing those words.

"Even if he's stronger than he claims to be, he's just

Prince York

"What could a mere prince even do to me?

"Ethan Hunt, I have suspicions that you have illegal

transactions with Sky Corporation! You're finished!

"According to the law, I have the right to arrest



Ethan once again sent Sam rolling on the ground with

a kick

"You know full well why you're here today!

"You're not even a good person. Stop pretending to be

a hero!

"Do I look like I need opinions from you people on

how I do things?

Sam was covered in dust and dirt after rolling

across the floor. He looked extremely miserable

"Lieutenant Colonel Ethan, Harvey York was

involved with Oliver Bauer's murder, Longmen's
branch leader, no matter what he said! Master Baker
is doing what Longmen's asking for too!

"Are you sure you want to protect someone that both

Dragon Cell and Longmen wish to be arrested?

"You as a God of War are protecting a murderer. Can

you even bear with the consequences?!"


Ethan walked forward and slapped Faye Goddard

across her face. Her face was already as swollen as a

"A vixen thinks that she's royalty now just because

she's called a princess?

"Bullying citizens and bludgeoning people at

random. If it weren't for me not being able to kill
women, you'd be six feet under by now!

"What right do you have to question CEO York?!

"Just because you're a vixen?"

Ethan did not give Faye a hint of respect.

"You dare hit me even knowing my identity. The

higher authorities will never let you go!"

Slap slap!

Ethan took a step forward and gave two more slaps

across Faye's face, making her extremely dizzy. Her
heart was filled with boiling anger along with vex.

But she would not dare to retaliate.

Not only was Ethan powerful, but the Hunt family

behind him was even more powerful.

Even Sam was beaten to a pulp. If Faye had more

connections and was more powerful, she would still
suffer significant losses.

"God of War, this world is governed by law. Your

unscrupulous behavior will bring your country the
biggest shame..."

Peter Lee saw the sight and said with an odd tone.

"I shall report this to the higher-ups. An environment

like this is clearly unsuitable for us to continue

"Because of your actions today, Star Chaebol will

undoubtedly lose money on investments next year in
Country H. Can you bear the consequences of your
own actions?

"Even the Hunt family won't be able to support you

now, can they?

Peter was a foreign guest, and he was the

representative of Star Chaebol.

Sam would be suppressed by Ethan's identity, but

Peter wouldn't.

"Since when did a foreigner have the right to act

tough in Country H?"
Chapter 1516

Ethan walked up to Peter and sent him rolling on the

ground with a kick.

Peter's expression frantically changed. He was

boiling with anger.


The four Taekwondo masters behind Peter

instinctively walked forward.
Chapter 1517
Bang bang bang!

With one fell swoop, all four masters of Taekwondo

were lying flat on the ground.

"Who cares if Star Chaebol wants to invest, or if you

're willing to stay or not?!

"Do you seriously think that Country H would be in

trouble without Star Chaebol?

"Let me be brutally honest with you. If it weren't for

past relationships, Star Chaebol would've been
deceived and bankrupted by now!

"You're only supported by a few useless people from

the northern provinces. Do you really think that you're
the emperor or something?"

Ethan Hunt was showing utter disdain on his face.

Even though Star Chaebol was powerful, the most

influential place for them was the northern

The northern provinces did not have many

resources because of the geographical environment
there. The assets were basically taken over by Star
Chaebol for the past few years.

That was why Star Chaebol was able to flaunt

proudly around those parts.

But in Wolsing, in Mordu, in literally any other place

from Country H, Star Chaebol meant nothing!

Peter Lee burst in flames after hearing those words.

"Ethan Hunt! I'll file a report against you!

"I'll make sure the Elder of the Army knows about


"A report?"

Ethan crouched and gave a few friendly slaps on

Peter's face, then coldly asked, "Do you really think
that's going to work?
"Don't you forget, you people from Country J were
beaten up like stray dogs three years ago at the Euro -
American Battlefield!

"You would dare show up in front of the Elder? Are

you not afraid that he'll just kill you on the spot?

"Besides, do you think you'll keep your job if the

Elder were to give a call to Country J?"

Peter's expression frantically changed.

Indeed, Peter was the representative of Star

Chaebol in Country H, but Ethan was stating the
facts too.

If Peter were to show up in front of the Elder of the

Army unscrupulously, he could be killed with just a
simple phone call.

Without a second thought, Peter stopped talking

despite his expression being utterly horrible at that

Losing the war was Country J's biggest nightmare.

"Get out!"

Looking at Ethan protecting Harvey York and Peter

suffering significant losses, Sam Baker's expression
had gotten progressively worse.

He knew that there was no way that anyone could

even lay a finger on Harvey with Ethan around.

"I'll admit defeat today, Harvey York! But there's

ample time in the future, just you wait!"

Sam turned around and left with a cold expression and

then said, "Leave!"

The men from Dragon Cell were prepared to turn

around and leave.

"Hold it," Harvey, who did not give a single

comment about the situation, suddenly spoke

"Sam Baker, who said that you could leave?"

At this moment, Harvey's aura had surrounded the

entire place.

Once Harvey walked out, just not anyone, even

Ethan would subconsciously stand still with his
arms folded while suppressing his aura.

Everyone else was looking at Harvey, full of

perplexity, unsure what he was about to do next.

If it weren't for Ethan, Harvey would've suffered

significant losses.

But Harvey would not just let things end here!

Sam halted his footsteps and turned around to look at

Harvey, then coldly said, "Harvey York, I've already
admitted defeat for the sake of the Hunt family.
What else do you want?"

Harvey crossed his arms and walked forward.

"I'm not interested in fighting you. Apologies do not

mean anything here either.

"I should even say that I won't be killing any of you

today because Ethan showed up to settle the dispute.
Chapter 1517

"But, I won't be easily letting you off the hook

because you injured one of my men and even tried to
arrest me!

"That's why if you don't give me a fair statement,

things will not end this easily here!

"Even if the master of Dragon Cell is here, things will

not end like this! I said so!"

Harvey's smile was really handsome, and his tone was

warm, but a faint murderous intent could be heard
between the lines.
Chapter 1518
The expression on Sam Baker and the others

Ethan Hunt's expression changed slightly as well.

Ethan came here as soon as possible when he got

word because he was worried that Harvey York
would have to deal with both Longmen and Dragon

Even if Harvey was the legendary chief instructor

himself, there would still be big trouble waiting for

But Ethan realized from Harvey's perspective, the

Chief Instructor was the Chief Instructor. Those
hooligans meant nothing in front of him.

"Harvey York! You better know what's good for

you! We stopped what we were doing for Ethan's

"You best know when to quit. If you don't and

Master Baker takes action, you'll die next year on the
exact same date!"

"The master of Dragon Cell?!"

"Show-off! You're still trying to pretend?!"

Before Sam could even talk, Faye Goddard had

already exclaimed with a cold look on her face.

"I urge you to quit when you're ahead before he

loses his patience. You won't even know how you
would die if you don't stop now!"

Naturally, Faye was here to make a fool out of

Harvey that day.

Harvey had given quite a few slaps across her face,

after all.

But she did not expect that Ethan would show up to

protect Harvey from Dragon Cell and Star Chaebol. He
beat every single one of them up to the point where
they lost a few teeth.

For someone as proud and arrogant as Faye, this

was unacceptable!

That was why she jumped out almost immediately

right when Harvey was challenging Sam.

In her eyes, Prince York of Sky Corporation meant


He offended this many people, and yet he was still

trying to be listed on the market? Was he dreaming?

Trying to bluff up a storm with Ethan's support? What

a show-off!

What was he thinking?

To Faye's knowledge, even Prince York himself did

not have the right to be on par with the likes of her
and the others.

"Know when to quit?"

Harvey chuckled.

If it weren't for Ethan showing up, those people would

already be a pile of corpses on the ground by
Chapter 1518


Did Faye not know that she was looking for her
death? Or was she just too arrogant?

Faye snorted coldly.

"Isn't that right?

"You're only using Ethan and the military's name to

scare us!

"Don't act like you actually have any capabilities to

back you up!"

"Do you not have any idea of the extent of your

background and abilities?!"

Harvey could not bear to hear her yapping any


"Alright, shut up. Talk again and I'll kill you first!"

Faye stuttered. She could not even say a word after

boiling with anger.

Harvey crossed his arms and calmly looked at Sam.

"For the Hunt family and the military's sake, I won' t
be taking your life today.

"Break off all of your limbs, and I'll let you go


Ethan sighed after hearing those words.

In Sam's eyes, Harvey was just using Ethan's name to

scare him off.

But in reality, Harvey was only showing Ethan some

respect. If it weren't for him, Sam would no doubt be
dead already.

"Harvey York, don't be ridiculous!"

Sam glared at Harvey and said coldly, "Without

Ethan, without the military, without the Hunt
family, I could kill you with the pinch of my

Harvey crippled Rachel Hardy with three whole

slaps previously.

But the news had not traveled this far yet. In Sam's
Chapter 1518

eyes, Harvey only got to kill Oliver Bauer because he

was bluffing up a storm.

As for the failures of Roy Garfield and the others, he

did not care at all.

Harvey was a prince, after all. He would be too weak

if he could not even deal with a foreign financial

But with Sam's judgment, Harvey could never

oppose a being like Dragon Cell, no matter how
capable and powerful he was.

This was the only reason why Sam would take

action that day.

Sam could easily kill off a thousand Harvey Yorks with

just one hand.
Chapter 1519
Harvey stared at Sam indifferently and replied
nonchalantly, "Okay, then I'll give you a chance to
fight me."

"I'll only use one hand. If I use more than one

hand, then I lose. This matter will end here."


Sam's expression was cold. He felt that Harvey was

insulting him.

"Since you want to get yourself killed, I'll grant

your wish!"

Sam did not give Ethan any time to react and

instantly humiliated Harvey.

Even if the so-called Prince York was so capable,

what could he do under these circumstances?

He kept messing with Sam again and again. He had

certainly acted recklessly!

Faye and others looked at Harvey with pity.

Prince York must be out of his mind!

Did he truly think that his identity as Prince York could

shield him?

Ethan had already come out and stabilized the

situation for him. Nonetheless, Harvey didn't know
how to step down and still wanted to fight against
Sam, who was from Dragon Cell?

If this wasn't akin to committing suicide, then what


Still, his actions were understandable.

South Light was too small. Here, Harvey held a high

position. Obviously, he wouldn't know that there
were many more powerful people outside South

Someone like Harvey would only know how to give up

when confronted with the possibility of death.
Chapter 1519

He would only see his ignorance and foolishness

when faced when he realized how weak and pitiful he

Harvey was just a prince from a family that had fallen

apart. Yet, he still wanted to challenge them, the rich
and powerful?

What was he thinking?

Peter flashed Harvey a malicious sneer.

`Harvey, Harvey!'

`Do you really think you can fight the Commander of

Dragon Cell?'

`You're just a businessman. How can you compare

with him?'


Sam launched a powerful punch.

After getting kicked by Ethan several times, his

heart was full of fury.
is:1la:pi e f H 5

Even if his punch couldn't kill Harvey, it could

certainly cripple Harvey!

"Go to hell, fool!"

Sam screamed.

In the face of his terrifying punch, Harvey remained


Any other people watching might assume he was

frightened stiff.


"So this is the man that you want to protect,


"He's just someone who knows how to brag! How

dare he attack Young Master Baker?"

Faye snarled scathingly, showing her open loathing

toward Harvey.

Peter and the rest exchanged meaningful looks. This

brat, ignorant of his limits, would soon pay a

huge price due to his arrogance!

However, Ethan didn't care. 'The Chief Inspector has

great skills!'

`How could Sam and his mediocre skills oppose the

Chief Inspector?'


Sam rushed toward Harvey, and as their distance

closed, Harvey finally made his move.

Bang, bang, bang!

The sounds of punches and kicks followed suit. The

speed from these attacks was such that no one
could see what had actually happened.

Seconds later, everything returned to calm.

Everyone gaped at the scene before them in shock

Sam lay on the ground, his face covered with blood.

His body was trembling, and he was moaning in

His limbs were all broken. Harvey placed a foot on

Chapter 1519

Sam's chest.

"How is this possible?!"

Faye and everyone else were utterly dumbfounded.

The amazing Sam Baker, Commander of Dragon

Cell, was lying on the ground like a beaten dog in
just a few seconds and couldn't resist Harvey at all?

The man they all despised so much was now

stepping on Sam's body, his posture very

The scene was like a dream.

Shouldn't the ending be the other way round?

Chapter 1520

Chapter 1520
"This...what the hell is going on?"

"How could Harvey have such skills?"

"I thought he was arrogant because he had Ethan as

his backer?!"

"How could he defeat Sam Baker?!"

Peter Lee was baffled. At this moment, realization

dawned on him.

Harvey must have been the one to defeat the late

Three Saints of Taekwondo and the Eight Heavenly

Now, Peter was extremely thankful that he had

requested Wallace Park, number one in Taekwondo,
to come.

Otherwise, he couldn't see how he would suppress not

suppress Harvey!
But as Wallace wasn't by his side at the moment, he
subconsciously took several steps back

The corners of Faye's eye twitched. She could not

believe what she was seeing.

Sam himself was completely bewildered.

Initially, he intended to get rid of Harvey with just a

single punch.

Yet in the blink of an eye, he fell on the receiving


Ethan sighed, his expression somewhat odd.

Sam Baker was really trying to get himself killed.

Had Sam backed down just now, he wouldn't have

ended up this way.

"York! I'm Sam Baker, from the Baker family of San

Francisco! I'm the Commander of Dragon Cell!"

"If you treat me like this, it wouldn't matter who is

supporting you! You'll definitely be crushed!"
Chapter 1520

The injured Sam who could barely speak uttered his

threat as best as he could.


Harvey then sent Sam flying with a kick.

Immediately, Sam coughed out blood and slipped into

"Go back and tell Matthew Flynn..."

Harvey went to pat Faye's face.

"Today's matter isn't over."

Sam and his subordinates fled in embarrassment.

Peter also left quickly with his men.

Ethan immediately arranged for the medics from the

Sword Camp to treat Ray Hart and others.

When the treatment was complete, Harvey turned to

Yvonne. "Sky Corporation will be going public in a
few days. Use this opportunity to renovate the
Yvonne nodded. The lobby was now badly damaged,
so they had to work overtime to renovate it.

Otherwise, the listing ceremony that would happen in

a few days would become a huge joke.

Harvey then motioned Ethan to come over.

"Ethan, aren't you going to give me an


Ethan smiled bitterly. "Chief Inspector, I got the

news before I came. The men from the branch of
Longmen, Mordu went crying to the Longmen
Association in Wolsing."

"All thirty-six branches of Longmen, with the

exception of the dead Oliver Bauer, and other thirty-
five branch leaders signed a joint petition requesting
for the investigation of Oliver's murder. You were
listed as the primary suspect."

"Sam came with the power of Dragon Cell. You don' t

want me to offend Dragon Cell again, do you?"
Harvey asked calmly.

"Yes," Ethan sighed. "Dragon Cell and the military

have always been at odds. Because you've retired,
Chief Inspector, the military may not be able to
protect you if Dragon Cell and Longmen happen to
join forces. That's why, I..."

"It's okay. You meant well."

Harvey smiled.

"But do you honestly think I, Harvey York, need


"If we're talking about backers, I'm my biggest


"If we're going to talk about background, I have the

biggest background."

Ethan's body trembled, and his eyes flashed.

He had almost forgotten the fact that Harvey had

destroyed thousands and single-handedly wiped out
the five powerful coalition forces during the
Chapter 1520

previous war.

Indeed, a man such as he didn't require any

background, backer, or power.

The words "the Chief Inspector" themselves were the

biggest background, backer, and power anyone could
Chapter 1521

Chapter 1521
In another courtyard, where Star Chaebol
temporarily settled at...

Wallace Park, number one in Taekwondo, sat on a

futon with closed eyes as he listened carefully to
Peter's words.

Although Peter's complexion was awful, he still

tried his best to recall the whole event as he
recounted the story to Wallace.

Peter dared not make any wild speculations before

Wallace. He showed no emotions, and only focused
on the facts at hand.

Wallace, who was sitting with his legs crossed, was

akin to a statue. He stayed silent the entire time, not
saying a single word.

Just when Peter's patience was about to run out,

Wallace finally opened his eyes. His gaze narrowed as
he asked, "According to your statement, Harvey
York, or Prince York, is a master himself?"

"That's right. Moreover, I think that the Three Saints

of Taekwondo Roy Garfield had brought over were
defeated by him."

Peter hesitated for a brief while, but continued to


"There's a high possibility that this is the case.

Unfortunately, the corpses were all destroyed. If they
weren't, I could have investigated something

"He's just a brat who barely has any hair on his

balls. No matter how strong he is, he's not that

"If he truly is that powerful, he would've become

famous all over the world long ago. How could he be
so unknown..."

Wallace spoke indifferently, sounding like a master

was evaluating his disciples.

His composure pleased Peter. "If that's the case,

then he's no match for you, Sir?"

Wallace's face was stern, but his words were calm. "
If he can still fight with me after three moves, then I
'11 write my name upside down!"

Peter was overjoyed at this.

"Then Sir, please tell me what to do next!"

Wallace said, "Didn't you say that Sky Corporation is

going public?"


Peter was taken aback for a moment. What did that

have to do with...?

A malicious look colored Wallace's face. "A

company going public is a big deal."

"How about turning this auspicious and beautiful

day into Harvey's memorial day? What do you

A smile appeared at the corner of Peter's mouth. "

Chapter 1521

You're very thoughtful, Sir. This is indeed very


Wallace continued, "Utilize all our connections in the

great Country H to blacklist Harvey and Sky

"I want Sky Corporation to be empty the day it goes


"I want Prince York to go down on that day!"

"I'll personally send him to hell!"

A look of ecstasy appeared on Peter's face. Wallace's

words had marked Harvey's doom!


At the same time...

At Buckwood International Airport, several Rolls-

Royce with Hong Kong license plates parked in the
designated spaces.

Matthew leaned on the car and narrowed his eyes at

the private plane that had just taken off.

Sam's condition was severe. Although he could be

considered stable at the moment, the surgery couldn't
be performed here. As such, he had to be sent to
Mordu or Wolsing for further treatment.

Sure enough, Dragon Cell would arrange for these

matters. Thus, Matthew didn't have to worry about

As Matthew watched Sam being taken away, he took

out a cigar, slowly cut it off, and lit it.

"What's the matter, Young Master Flynn? Having a


The passenger door of a Rolls-Royce on the side

opened. Lucas jean, with white hair, was sitting inside
with legs crossed.

He sat at an inconspicuous angle. No one could see

him except for Matthew.

Lucas was one of the Six Princes of Mordu. Even a

Chapter 1521

simple action of his exuded an unspeakable aura.

Chapter 1522

Chapter 1522
Matthew smiled. "I'm not responsible for what
happened to Sam Baker. Anyway, the Bakers of San
Francisco don't intend to investigate the matter any
further. As for Dragon Cell, they are also quite
considerate. They don't need me to worry about

"What about Harvey York?"

Lucas asked, grinning.

Matthew reached out his hand and rubbed his

eyebrows. "I have to admit, Prince York is quite

"At least for now, most of our little tricks won't

work against him."

"Killing him would require a lot of effort."

A trace of playfulness appeared in Matthew's eyes.

Haney had destroyed everything in his path,


ruining all of Matthew's arrangements along the way.

Although this gave Matthew a bit of headache, it also
aroused his curiosity about Harvey.

"That brat is full of surprises. Even men like

Quinton York fell against him. It's more than
enough to showcase his ability." Lucas said calmly.

"He has impeccable skills. He was able to

persuade the Judds to be his backer. Even Ethan
Hunt supported him and obeyed him, and that's
something beyond anyone's imagination!"

"Don't forget. Other than the Judds, there's still a

powerful person behind Ethan."

"The legendary Chief Inspector who lives in South


Matthew frowned. "I've checked. The reason why

Ethan respected Princ York isn't because of the
prince's abilities. It's because of Prince York's deputy,
Ray Hart."

"Ray Hart is a retired sergeant from the Sword

Camp. You should know that the Sword Camp is
special, Prince Jean."

"Ethan was willing to come out this time solely

because of Ray Hart."

" Harvey knows Ethan, but I assume their

relationship isn't too deep."

"It's impossible for Harvey to have persuaded the

judds as his backer all on his own. I found out that
before, Harvey had smashed a hospital in Buckwood
that belonged to the Judds."

"And how could a great man like the Chief

Inspector randomly support York?"

"He doesn't have the right!"

When Matthew spoke of the Chief Inspector, his eyes

were full of admiration.

Even a dandy like him knew that the legendary man

was an existence that he must look up to.

Lucas was indifferent. "Sure, that's what everyone


said. Regardless of Harvey's relationship with Ray

Hart or anyone else, it'll be quite difficult for Dragon
Cell or Longmen to kill him after Ethan's

"If we take Harvey's skills into account, defeating him

won't be an easy task."

"The Chief Inspector is living in seclusion in Buck-

wood. If we went too far and aroused the old man's
wrath, we'd get in deep trouble."

Lucas reasoned, frustrated.

Matthew lamented the same.

Harvey was just a prince from a family that had

fallen apart. He may look strong to outsiders, but he
was nothing in the eyes of people like Lucas and

Yet, Matthew never imagined that killing this

nobody would be so difficult!

A beautiful female secretary got out from one of the

Chapter 1522

Rolls-Royces, walked quickly to Matthew, and

whispered a few words to him.

Surprise colored Matthew's face. A faint smile soon


He sat down opposite Lucas and said, "We've got

interesting news."

"Peter Lee just announced that Star Chaebol had

completely banned Harvey and Sky Corporation!"

"Sky Corporation will go public two days later, too.

Anyone who dares to support Harvey will be
suppressed by Star Chaebol!"
C h a p te r 1 52 3

"If there is a cooperative relationship, then Star

Chaebol will terminate it."

"If there isn't, then they will be suppressed


"If you are from the government, it wouldn't

matter which hierarchy you are from. If there is a
single person supporting Harvey York, the Star
Chaebol branch in the Great Country H will pull
back all their investments immediately!"

"They'll even blacklist the local area, along with other

foreign companies!"

"Ordinary folks who dare to oppose will lose their

jobs. They won't be able to find a job even in their
next lives!"

Matthew grinned. "I thought we're the only ones who

hated Prince York. Looks like Peter Lee's the one who
wants him dead the most!"

- r-
Lucas's eyes brightened and he smiled. "This is to be
expected. Both of Peter Lee's sons died in Harvey' s
hands by chance."

"Peter Lee is known as the underground king in the

three northern provinces. Someone like him would
certainly succeed if he makes a move."

"Our noble Prince York and his Sky Corporation will

be going down soon!"

Apparently, Lucas and Peter were part of the same

social circle. Hence, they have met before.

Lucas knew that the short, chubby and friendly-

looking Representative Lee was in truth a very cruel

But this was understandable. If Peter wasn't the

way he was, he wouldn't be where he was today.

"It seems that Harvey's finished without us having to

do anything!"

"After Morgan Financial Group withdrew from the

Great Country H, Star Chaebol became one the best
of all foreign capitals. Once Peter gives the order, Sky
Corporation will be empty!"

Lucas smiled, as though he had seen Harvey's

unfortunate ending.

Matthew continued, "Not only that, I have another

delicious gossip. I'm sure you'd be interested, Prince

"Oh?" Lucas was curious. What kind of gossip

needed trails?

Matthew flashed Lucas a lopsided grin. "According to

my sources, the number one in Taekwondo, Wallace
Park, has arrived in Buckwood."

"The news hasn't been announced to the public but

since he was invited by Peter, it's highly likely that
he's coming after Harvey."

"No matter how strong Harvey is, it's as simple as

drinking water for Sir Wallace to kill him."

"Sir Wallace used to be the Chief Instructor of the

three armies under Country J. His status isn't as high
as the Chief Inspector of the great Country H, but he
certainly has the right to challenge him!"

"He isn't afraid of the Chief Inspector at all!"

"So that's it!" Lucas chuckled. "Then I have to

congratulate you first, Young Master Flynn. This
time, you can finally get rid of your biggest source of

"It still isn't enough..."

Matthew's reply was indifferent.

"Since someone's already taking action this time, we

can't just stand by idly and watch."

"Why not let Harvey die more tragically?"

"Pass the word. All four major families of Hong

Kong are blacklisting Sky Corporation."

"Whoever stands up for Harvey will be the enemy of

the four major families!"

Lucas nodded. "Whoever offends Young Master

Flynn comes to a bad end."

Matthew smiled. "Would you like to take part,

Prince Jean?"

Lucas replied casually, "I don't have much interest.

But the Zimmer family is a member of our clan, after
all. Harvey's wife Mandy Zimmer is a servant of the
Jean family."

"If the Jeans from Mordu send out an order stating

that the Zimmers will regain the right to return to the
clan, what do you think will happen?"

"Can Mandy suppress all the Zimmers' combined


"Also, wouldn't this game be more interesting if

everyone knows that Harvey is INDEED Prince

Matthew broke into an amused laugh. "Harming

people in subtle ways is the most deadly. Truly, I'm
not as good as you at this!"
Chapter 1524

Chapter 1524
At 5 o'clock in the evening...

Buckwood fell into chaos.

The news swept through the city and spread all over
the streets.

Harvey York was indeed Prince York!

Everyone didn't know who Harvey was, but they

knew who Prince York was.

Prince York of Sky Corporation, the top of South

Light and the number one person of Buckwood!

Who was Harvey?

A live-in son-in-law of the Zimmer family and an

icon of living-off women!

According to the news, the reason why Harvey could

start up Sky Corporation and become a prince of a
generation was because he took advantage of
the Zimmer family's connections and had sucked out all
the blood of the Zimmer family!

When the news came out, everyone was quite


Soon, Star Chaebol was the first to come forward and

informed the public of Harvey's horrid
character; that he joined forces with foreigners and took
down the Yorks of South Light due to his greed for
power and wealth. He stomped the corpses of the Yorks
just to establish Sky Corporation.

Star Chaebol was disdainful to cooperate with such

enterprises, so they decided to completely blacklist Sky

Anyone who showed support to Harvey on the day

Sky Corporation goes public would be instantly
regarded as Star Chaebol's enemy.

Immediately afterward, the Flynn family acted as

the representative for all four major families of
Hong Kong and issued a similar statement.

Blacklist Harvey York and Sky Corporation!

Several families and companies backed by the four
major families of Hong Kong and almost all foreign -
funded enterprises jumped out at the same time,
making it clear that they too would blacklist Harvey.

Sky Corporation had fallen into a spiral of

destruction in just an hour.

Several shareholders who were initially optimistic

about Sky Corporation's shares were now hesitating.

Thousands of people in the stock market have

canceled the application of the new shares because of

The netizens began to post scathing articles,

claiming that companies like Sky Corporation didn' t
deserve to go public.

That, and Sky Corporation should go bankrupt and

get out of Buckwood.

Harvey York or Prince York suddenly became a hot

Those who didn't know Harvey's identity were now
aware of it, due to the news deliberately exposed by
the four major families of Hong Kong and Star

Harvey's identity as Prince York which he had

concealed for a long time was finally disclosed!

Prince York, who was originally mysterious and aloft,

turned out to be a live-in son-in-law. This was
undoubtedly a huge joke for many.

Those who had feared Prince York in the past were


Prince York's reputation had fallen into the mud.

Judging from the current situation, Harvey had

offended too many major families.

For Star Chaebol and the four major families to Join

forces and trample Harvey would only be a matter of

Prince York, so what?

Sky Corporation, so what?

After all, it's just a company that hasn't gone public!

With the cooperation of these old top families and

chaebols, would Harvey still have a bright future?

just as the conflict surged throughout the entirety of

Buckwood, Harvey was casually returning to the
Gardens Residence with vegetables from the market.

As soon as he entered the living room, he could feel

that the atmosphere wasn't right.

There was not only Mandy and Xynthia, but Simon

and Lilian were also there.

Even Senior Zimmer, who had been away for a long

time, was present.

Behind him stood a beautiful woman. But when she

saw Harvey, anger burned in her eyes and she
looked as though she was possessed by an evil spirit.

Quinn Zimmer!
Chapter 1524

Harvey had never imagined these two, who he had

destroyed so long ago, would suddenly make an

Most importantly, many bodyguards in black suits

were standing menacingly behind them.

They definitely came with bad intentions.

Harvey couldn't help but smile.

Chapter 1525

C h a p te r 1 52 5

There was dead silence in the living room.

Mandy's expression was complicated, while Xynthia 's

expression was strange. She seemed to want to say
something, but couldn't.

Simon's gaze on Harvey was incomprehensibly


As for Lilian, her eyes bore incredulity, greed, and a

small trace of fear.

Quinn and Senior Zimmer were looking carefully at

Harvey. There was fear and hatred in their eyes, but
also immense greed.

Harvey smiled faintly looking at such a crowd. "So

you're still alive, old man. How come you have time
to come to our house today?"


Senior Zimmer picked up a teacup and smashed it

Chapter 1525

on the ground, his face grim.

"Harvey, how dare you!"

"Using the Zimmers' wealth and connections and

manipulating them secretly to establish Sky

"You even dare to tell the public that you're Prince


"If it weren't for Prince jean, you're still planning to

keep us in the dark!"

"I'm warning you! You must give us an explanation

on this matter!"

"If you don't hand over the shares of Sky

Corporation, I'll be coming after you!"

Harvey laughed at his words. "Old man, I haven't seen

you for so long, but you're still as shameless as

"Ask yourself. Can you Zimmers start up a hundred

billion group just with your insignificant
Chapter 1525

connections and abilities?"

"In the past, if it weren't for me..."


Senior Zimmer banged on the table fiercely. "

Scoundrel! Do you really think you're that amazing
just because you are a prince?!"

"You dare act so arrogantly in front of me?!"

"Some news came from the Jeans of Mordu this

morning. I'm now the head of the Zimmer family in
South Light. All the assets and connections of the
Jeans in South Light are under my charge."

"Soon, our line will be able to regain the surname


"I want you to return the things that belong to the

Zimmers to me! How dare you still spout

Quinn took a step forward, exuding murderous

She didn't say anything, but her dark aura made
Harvey narrow his eyes in caution.

Apparently, Quinn seemed to have grown a lot.

"Ancient martial arts."

Harvey looked rather bewildered.

He didn't expect Quinn would have the opportunity to

learn such a thing.

Based on Senior Zimmer's claims, the Zimmers

definitely belonged to the Jean clan of Mordu.

Simon raised his head and turned to Harvey. "A lot of

rumors are saying that you're Prince York of Sky
Corporation. Is this true, Harvey?"

Lilian also turned to Harvey and said greedily, "My

dear son-in-law, tell us the truth. Are you really
Prince York with hundreds of billions of assets under
your belt?"

Mandy's body was trembling slightly. She had

already understood everything without the need to
question Harvey.

Harvey York was Prince York

Now, many things that happened in the past could be


Why did Prince York want to protect her so badly?

Why did Prince York want to propose to her?

Why did Prince York treat her so indiscriminately?

Before, Mandy had her doubts. Now, all her doubts

had turned into facts.

Xynthia sighed inwardly. 'It's over! Brother-in-law' s

identity is out of the bag. I have no chance.'

Harvey stared at everyone and pondered for a while.

He finally sighed and said, "Yes, I'm Prince York..."

Lilian was the first to jump up and exclaim, "Good

son-in-law! You're really Prince York?"

"That's great! That's good to know!"

Chapter 1525

"Everyone's saying that Prince York got to where he

is today by squeezing out the Zimmers' power."

"I've been thinking about it. If you continue to hold

onto your assets, your infamy will only grow. I'll
certainly help you through your difficulties.
Transfer all your assets to my name, and I will
protect them for you!"
Chapter 1526
Lilian stared at Harvey with anticipation.

This was not a thousand dollars they're talking

about, but hundreds of billions of assets!

If she could acquire them, she wouldn't have to fear

being penniless!

Thinking of the glamorous life ahead of her, she

couldn't help but laugh.

However, her words stunned Simon. He tried to talk

her out of it. "Stop spouting nonsense. Those assets
belong to Harvey..."


Lilian immediately slapped Simon and screamed, "

Harvey's assets?! He used the Zimmers' power and
connections to get those assets! Obviously, they
belong to the Zimmers!"

"I didn't tell him to hand over everything. I just

said I'd keep it for him. It's for his own good! I'm
already giving him a lot of face here!"

"And you're still speaking up for him?"

"I understand now. You must have helped him

transfer the assets too, right?!"

Simon was helpless. He was the calmest person there.

He knew very well that the Zimmers' assets couldn't
possibly be worth hundreds of billions.

Wasn't it ridiculous to demand all of Sky

Corporation's assets from Harvey?

Senior Zimmer quickly interjected, "Harvey, you

may have taken the Zimmers' assets for Sky

"But if you transfer the assets to your mother-in-

law's name, then on behalf of the Zimmers, I will
declare that you will not be held accountable for

"We will also reward you with 2.4 million, so you

Chapter 1526

don't have to worry about the rest of your life. How

about it?"

Senior Zimmer put on a pitiful expression, as if he

had spared Harvey's life.

Quinn added coldly, "Harvey, you should be aware of

the strength of the Jeans of Mordu."

"Since Grandfather is now the head of the family

and has been acknowledged by the Jeans, then we
must reclaim everything that belongs to the

"Right now, everyone's asking you nicely. We're all

giving you a chance."

"But if you don't appreciate it, then don't blame us for

being cruel!"

Due to the Jeans' support, the Zimmers were full of

arrogant confidence.

Even if Harvey was the legendary Prince York, Senior

Zimmer felt that he now had the power to
crush Harvey completely.

Mandy couldn't stand it anymore and cut in. "

Mother, can you please stop?!"

"Since Harvey's Prince York, you should be aware

that many of his assets come from the Yorks. What
does any of it have to do with the Zimmers?"

"The Zimmers' assets couldn't even sum up to the

other's fraction! How could you still be so
shameless to claim otherwise?"

"Everything's clear now. If Harvey hadn't been

helping us secretly all the way from Niumhi to
Buckwood, we would've gone bankrupt a long time

"Now, Harvey's in trouble. Not only you aren't

helping, but you also want him to transfer the
hundreds of billions of assets to you? Do you still
have a conscience, Mother?"


Lilian had gotten carried away by the thought of

Chapter 1526

hundreds of billions of assets. "Mandy, I'm your

mother! What gave you the right to speak to me in
that manner?!"

"Isn't Harvey the Zimmers' live-in son-in-law?"

"Since he's our live-in son-in-law, isn't it natural for

him to transfer his assets to my name?"

"Have you ever seen a live-in son-in-law with

more than 155 dollars?"

Lilian then added, "Since he's Prince York from

Sky Corporation and has so much money and many
assets, isn't it natural for him to honor me with
Chapter 1527
Senior Zimmer said, "Yes, Harvey is the Zimmers'
live-in son-in-law. Of course he has to give all his
assets to us!"

Mandy looked helpless. She didn't know how Lilian

got involved with Senior Zimmer again. On top of
that, they were both teaming up, rendering everyone

"Well, Mandy. Now that things have reached this

point, there are matters that we have to discuss

Harvey stepped forward, looking down on Senior

Zimmer and Lilian. He announced coldly, "Sky
Corporation is worth hundreds of billions, but those
are my assets. I won't give you a cent!"

"Besides, are you sure you want my assets?"

"Right now, Sky Corporation is blacklisted by the

four major families of Hong Kong and Star Chaebol
T 1 I

of Country j."

"Aren't you afraid that these assets will become

negative equity if you get them?"

Lilian was taken aback for a moment. The next

instant, her face changed drastically.

That's right!

Sky Corporation was targeted by so many people as

of this moment. It might go bankrupt at any time.

If she or Senior Zimmer snatched Sky Corporation's

assets now, they'd only face bankruptcy.

Senior Zimmer's face also changed.

He truly wanted Harvey's assets, but on the other

hand, he had his share of hardships.

He was able to be in charge of all the assets and

connections of South Light with the support of Prince
Jean from Mordu. He got out of the abyss of poverty
solely because of this.

How would he make the decision so casually?

What if he got bankrupt again?

Senior Zimmer waved his hand, as if he was

shoving a terrible jinx away from him. "Just hurry
up and get out of the Zimmer family, Harvey! Don't
bring any misfortune to us!"

"Quickly get out! From now on, the Zimmer family

has nothing to do with you!"

Mandy hurriedly cut in, "Grandfather, you can't do


"Why not? I have just managed to rise again

recently. How could I go bankrupt again because of
this trash?"

"I don't care if he is the true Prince York or not! We

must come clean with him!"

"You two had better go through the divorce

procedures as soon as possible. Prince Jean has
specially asked for it! He will arrange for a young
master from a wealthy family to be your blind date,
Mandy. In the future, you can settle in Mordu."

"After you marry into a wealthy family, Prince Jean

will arrange to resurrect our surname."

"This is what we Zimmers have been waiting for


Senior Zimmer announced.

He would never come back to find Mandy and her

family after suddenly receiving the Jeans of Mordu' s

In fact, he would try to suppress them.

However, his newfound power came with a

condition. The Jeans of Mordu wanted Mandy to
return to the ckan and marry her off into a rich

After receiving that condition, Senior Zimmer

immediately came to find Mandy and her family.

He had long forgotten the previous incidents where he

came clean with Mandy's family and
subsequently drove them out.

Lilian, who had no principles, resisted Senior

Zimmer at first. But when she heard that he had
become the head of the Zimmer family in South
Light, she instantly addressed him respectfully and
called him Father.

The two even teamed up immediately when they heard

that Harvey was Prince York

"Marrying Mandy into a wealthy family? Is this the

Jeans' condition for letting you become the head of the
Zimmer family in South Light?"

Harvey stared at Senior Zimmer. He could smell a


It seemed everything was out for his blood, and

nothing was accidental.
Chapter 1528

Chapter 1528

Senior Zimmer didn't answer the question. Instead, he

just drove Harvey out as if Harvey was a plague.

Considering the current situation, Harvey didn't say


The little tricks of the Jeans from Mordu were

disgusting, but at present, the four major families of
Hong Kong and Country J's Star Chaebol were the
most troublesome.

The four major families of Hong Kong and the

Star Chaebol were giants. Everyone should weigh
carefully the consequences of their joint

Even the Naiswells, who were very determined in

taking Harvey's side, showed him a very ambiguous

After leaving the Gardens Residence, Harvey called

Chapter 1528

"Two things. First, list every single person who

blacklisted us."

"Second, we'll also state that anyone who opposes

Sky Corporation will be blacklisted by us in the

"Don't let them think that they could get a cent of

investment from Sky Corporation."



At nine o'clock in the evening, in the ancestral home

of the Yates family in Buckwood among the few
remaining broken walls...

Grandma Yates's hair was disheveled hair, and her

body emitted a foul smell. She held her phone and
laughed maniacally. "Harvey's finished! He's

Outside, a vehicle from the hospital stopped. Finn

Yates, who had been recuperating for several
months walked out in a suit. He stared at the
laughing in shock "Grandma Yates, what happened
to Harvey? What happened to him? I heard that his
identity is very significant..."

Before Finn could finish speaking, Grandma Yates

sneered. "Can you not speak of that?"

"I know that the fall of the Yateses of America, as

well as the Third and Fourth Master Yates are all
because of that unscrupulous traitor!"

"He is the Yateses' son-in-law, but all he did was

oppose us!"

"He deserves what's coming to him!"

Finn and the rest of the Yates also came over.

These days, they live a miserable life. However,

they suddenly received anonymous funding from a
kind person today. Even Finn, who had been
detained in the hospital, could be discharged.

Apparently, someone was helping the Yates family

fI "


Now, the Yates family knew that the biggest reason

behind their recent misery was Harvey.

When they discovered about the company

blacklisting, they guffawed.

Grandma Yates couldn't care less about her rancid-

smelling body. "Not only did he offend the Star
Chaebol, but he also offended the four major families
of Hong Kong! Now the two had joined forces to
blacklist Harvey's company! "

"The entirety of Buckwood is saying that Harvey, the

live-in son-in-law, is actually Prince York!"

"If this was in the past, his identity would be


"But now, it seems that he wouldn't be Prince York

for long!"

"Whoever dares to show him and Sky Corporation

support will be facing some tough times!"
"That unfilial fool has made enemies everywhere
since he arrived in Buckwood. Only one family
among the six first-class families remains because of
him, the Naiswells."

"Look at him, getting blacklisted by the Star Chaebol

and the four major families of Hong Kong. It's just
like the old saying: everyone pushes the falling

Finn listened to Grandma Yates, and then burst into

tears as he thought of his current life.

"Great. Harvey did have some high status. So what?

He's always acting so arrogantly, and he's always so
domineering! Now his retribution has finally

The rest of the Yateses laughed along. Moses Yates

immediately made a call to the Yateses of America.

The Yateses bore a deep resentment toward Harvey

for the humiliation he had brought upon them. The
fact they couldn't avenge themselves pushed them
Chapter 1528

into frustration.

Now that the four major families of Hong Kong

were taking action against Harvey, he would
definitely end up tragically.

The Yates family was looking forward to it. They

were all anticipating the moment Harvey went
Chapter 1529

Chapter 1529

"It would be best if Young Master Flynn can also

take part and trample this unfilial brat to death!"

Grandma Yates was looking forward to it. "If that

happens, we can think of a way to get his hundreds of
billions of assets!"

"Keith, hurry up and think of a way. Get in touch

with Lilian and tell her that she must start with

"They are husband and wife, and they haven't

divorced yet. As long as Harvey dies, then the assets
will likely fall into Mandy's hands!"

"If we could get Mandy, then those assets will be


Finn thought for a while and said, "Grandma Yates,

we can't be too rash. The Yates family's current
condition is no better than before. We can't do things
"We should wait for the day Sky Corporation goes
public. We'll go there and watch a good show!"

"Only by then should we decide!"

"If he really does get crushed, it won't be too late for

us to take over his property!"

Grandma Yates said, "No, I'm afraid that it'll be too

late. We still have to make preparations in advance."

"This time, I'm certain Harvey's truly finished!"

"So what if he's Prince York from Sky Corporation?

To fight against so many top-tier families, what is he

"We'll still have to go to Sky Corporation the day

after tomorrow. We're just there to see Harvey turn
into a laughingstock!"

"He hid his identity from us and didn't bother

supporting us when he was doing so well before. Did
he think that we're way out of his league?"

"If he's asking us to cling onto him now, none of us

Chapter 1529

are interested!"

The Yateses sneered, as if they were listening to the

world's biggest joke.


There were too many ridicules, sneers, and sighs from

the public.

For most, they assumed the living legend of South

Light, who had risen at an unimaginable speed Prince
York, would be doomed.

There was no other reason to think otherwise.

No matter how strong Sky Corporation was, its

power was only equivalent to a single top-tier

Sky Corporation's opponents included Star

Chaebol, whose strength was equivalent to five top-
tier families.

Adding up Star Chaebol's subordinates and

followers, Sky Corporation's enemies were beyond
one's imagination.

As such, all assumed that the day Sky Corporation

went public would be the day Harvey went bankrupt.

Sky Corporation, which used to have tens of

thousands of workers,emptied instantly in just a

Sky Corporation's high-level executives were gone,

leaving only four people: Harvey, Yvonne, Ray, and

The streets around Sky Corporation usually had a lot

of traffic.

But two days after the news of the corporation's

blacklisting was spread out, it had become quiet and
not even a single person was there.

If they didn't prepare the big gongs and safflowers in

advance, these things might not be available
right now.

On the day Sky Corporation went public, safflowers

Chapter 1529

were hung on the plaque at the entrance. The

company's door was opened, waiting for the
moment to be listed.

Yet only Harvey, Yvonne, Ray, and Marcus were

present in the company.

Ray and Marcus were in bandages, so it was a little

embarrassing to look at them.

Nine o'clock struck

Harvey's cell phone rang abruptly, the sound

echoing loudly in the empty lobby.

Harvey answered the call, and soon heard a pleasant

female voice from the other side of the phone.
Chapter 1530

Chapter 153o
"Dear Mr. York, Sky Corporation under your name
has successfully listed today. The stocks can be

"The closing price at three o'clock this afternoon

will determine the amount of your company's

"If your stocks go down, your company will face

bankruptcy. Your thirty billion cash that is
temporarily frozen will be compensated to the


The call ended.

A faint smile appeared on Harvey's face. "The

company goes public today and the stock price is
fifty. If the price becomes a hundred this afternoon
when the market closes, then Sky Corporation's assets
will double up."
"If it's lower than the original stock price, then we
will be left with nothing."

Yvonne and others all laughed after hearing what

Harvey said.

Ray turned on the phone and cast the stock market

on the screen in the lobby. Everyone held their
breath as they looked at the crosshairs that were
still in a static state.

At a quarter past nine...

The market began to bid.

Harvey stared at the crosshairs on the screen, his

expression indifferent.

Yvonne came over and gave the brass hammer to

Harvey. "CEO York, it's time to hit the gong!"

Harvey nodded and hit the gong with the brass


Dong, dong, dong...!

The crisp sound of the gong swept across the quiet
streets, which let everyone know that the Sky
Corporation's listing application had passed.

Today was the first day Sky Corporation went public.

According to the rules of the stock market in the great

Country H, there were no restrictions on the rise and
fall of the stocks on the first day.

This stock might become a hot one all of a sudden and

double the market value.

It was also likely to plummet even lower than the

original price, making the investors lose their money
and causing Harvey to go bankrupt.

Many luxury cars drove in on both sides of the

street almost at the same time the gong sounded.

They stopped by the entrance of Sky Corporation.

Loud, obnoxious honks sounded from these cars.

From ordinary cars such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz,

and the Audi to super luxury ones such as the
Porsche, Ferrari, and Lamborghini, they quickly
filled up both sides of the street.

Several men suddenly appeared.

The Yates family was leading the group, and there

were also several members of the Zimmer family.

They were all here to see Harvey turn into a

laughingstock, as well as to compete for Harvey's

As long as Harvey fell, they had a chance.

Other than that, the upper circles of Buckwood were

here as well.

They too intended to enjoy Harvey's presumed


How thrilling was it to witness the number one

person of South Light, the legendary Prince York
fall from the peak?

Who wouldn't want to see it in person?

An extended Lincoln stopped at the entrance of Sky
Corporation. Peter Lee walked out from the car,
dressed in a suit. His hair was so nicely combed, so
much that even flies couldn't stand on it.

The representatives of the overseas financial

groups all greeted him in unison. "Good day,
Representative Lee!"

Seeing so many people present, Peter was

immediately full of spirits and filled with pride. He
then stared coldly at Harvey, who was standing not
very far away.

However, Harvey didn't spare any of them a single

glance. Instead, he looked up at the screen in the

"Harvey! Prince York, I want to see..."

Peter Lee was looking at Harvey contemptuously.

"Star Chaebol and the four major families of Hong

Kong have all spent huge sums of money to short
Chapter 1530

your stocks!"

"I want to see, how will you survive today's


Peter looked vicious.

The women behind him also shot Harvey looks of


Normally, people of their status didn't have the

right to approach Prince York..

However, he was a prince who would soon go

bankrupt. It wasn't worth it for them to approach
Chapter 1531
"Oh? Has the company been listed already?"

Right at this moment, another car came out of the

block right at this moment. The door opened to
reveal a figure many hadn't seen in a while, Karl
Quinlan. He hobbled out clumsily, bandages and
casts covering all over his body.

His followers behind him were carrying white

wreaths, looking incredibly out of place at such a
happy event.

Yvonne and the rest narrowed their eyes when they

saw Karl, unsure why he was here.

Harvey, on the other hand, shifted his gaze from the

display and sized up Karl with a smile.

"Master Quinlan, are you prepared to make a

comeback for yourself?"

"That's right!"
Karl's expression was filled with arrogance and
dominance. His fear toward Harvey had dissipated
since then, and only his rich playboy tendencies still

He strutted towards Harvey in the hall and snarled

haughtily, "I still remember everything that
happened in the hospital and the car park!"

"Everytime I dream, I only see you kneeling in

front of me!"

"All of my limbs were broken by you, after all!"

"But rest assured, I am a civilized man. I won't

cause you trouble on such a big day..."

"I came here for two things. I'm here to watch you
make a fool out of yourself and Sky Corporation
today, and give you a hefty gift!"

"You were the one that let me off the hook before,
which was why I'm able to see you fail today!"

Karl's face was full of hatred.

When Karl discovered that Harvey was actually
Prince York himself, he thought he would never
have any chance for revenge in his entire life.

Never did he expect that God would answer his

prayers. As it turned out, Harvey was about to meet
his doom very soon!

Karl clapped his hands. Immediately after, several

men in suits exited the car.

They took out a bunch of laptops and opened the

trunk of the car. Soon, a mobile office was

Harvey, however, simply watched the whole thing

with an indifferent expression.

His expression drove Karl into gleeful laughter. "

Come, let me introduce you! These are the financial
geniuses I got from Wall Street!"

"I got them here for one and only one reason: to use
their superb technical skills to control Sky
Corporation's stocks!"

"These geniuses are paid a million dollars every

single day, but I paid them double to get them here,
just for you. Consider it a small gift to congratulate
you on your company's listing! How is it? Are you

"Are you satisfied with my gift?"

Harvey replied calmly, "You hired a few Americans

just to short stocks? Are you out of your mind?"

"Of course not! For example: I'll invest 7.6 million

dollars right now to buy a short!"

Karl waved his hand and took out his phone to

transfer the money.

The financial geniuses began to type furiously on the


Almost at the same time, the red line on the graph that
was gradually increasing on the hall's display
suddenly turned green and plummeted all the way
I I'

down. Seconds later, the line dropped by nearly ten



"Harvey York! I've already shattered ten percent of

your company's market value with only 7.6 million
dollars. Are you happy? Are you filled with joy?"

"Come! Place an order here if any of you want to

smash the market even harder. We'll all get rich
buying shorts anyway!"



But before Karl could finish talking, Harvey took a

step forward and suddenly appeared in front of him in
a split second.
Chapter 1532

C h a p te r 1 53 2

Karl subconsciously wanted to take a step back, but it

was impossible for him to be faster than Harvey.

Before he could react, Harvey was already in front of


He blurted out in panic, "Harvey, we're all civilized

people here. You...!"


Harvey's left hand held Karl's neck the moment

Karl spoke. Immediately, Karl could smell death
then and there.

Karl knew full well that if Harvey did so much as

squeeze his hand even slightly, Karl would be dead.

Karl was unwilling to be felled by a man who was so

close to getting destroyed.

His eyes twitched, but he still forced out a smile and

said, "What? Are you going to kill me, Prince York?"

Karl chuckled coldly.

"Do it, then! I'm sure you'll be able to kill me with

just a squeeze of your hand."

"But when I die, the Quinlan family from Georgia

will never let you off the hook!"

"If you don't end my life right now, I'll take

advantage of the people around you sooner or

"I heard that both your wife and your sister-in-law are
beautiful ladies."

"I've been quite interested in women lately!"

"If you don't kill me right now, I'll send people to take
care of them tonight!"

"I'll eat a hundred blue pills and make their lives a

living hell!"

Chapter 1532

Karl persisted in agitating Harvey.

"Do it then, you filth! Kill me!"

"Aren't you bold?! Kill me in front of the entire

crowd if you have the guts to do so!"

"On the first day of Sky Corporation's listing, the

CEO immediately choked someone to death. What do
you think of this news headline?"

"When that happens, I'm afraid you'll be finished

even without Master Flynn and the others' help."

Karl was so arrogant, pointing a haughty finger at


Harvey's left hand tightened slightly.

"CEO York!"

Yvonne took a step forward the moment she

noticed the murderous intent coming from Harvey.
She was worried.

However, it wasn't out of Harvey potentially killing

I I'


Too many people with recording equipment were

present. If Harvey caused any major casualties, it
would be disastrous for Sky Corporation.

Their market value had already dropped by ten

percent. If they kept going, the value would drop even

"Karl Quinlan. Since you want to play, I'll play with


In the end, Harvey did not kill Karl. Instead, he

threw Karl to the ground.

"But rest assured, I'll be settling the score with you

after today."

Karl's eyes twitched at Harvey's intimidating glare.

His mouth turned as dry as a savannah. He wanted to
upset Harvey more, but he could only fall back into
the crowd with a slightly wretched expression.

"I didn't think Harvey could tolerate this much.


Even after all this, I wasn't able to make him burst

into flames."

Karl gripped onto his broken arm and sighed.

"No matter, Master Quinlan. That was only the


"The main show hasn't even begun yet!"

"Today, Sky Corporation is destined to be delisted

from the market!"

Faye glared coldly at Harvey from a distance.

"Master Quinlan, their value dropped by ten

percent while you're only playing around. When
Master Flynn and the others get serious, who
knows how much money they'll have left?"

"Today, Harvey is destined to go bankrupt!"

The female companions beside Faye all smiled

scornfully after hearing those words. They shot
Harvey looks of ridicule.

Gold diggers like them disdained the poor the most!

Chapter 1532

The name of Prince York held a lot of power before, but

now, he was facing Master Flynn.

He was opposing Master Flynn in the financial

market, too!

Didn't he know that Hong Kong was the financial center

of the entire far east district?

If Master Flynn willed it, he could come up with a

hundred ways to short shock Harvey's company!
Chapter 1533

Chapter 1533

Almost at the same time, a pink Rolls Royce

Phantom appeared.

Its appearance attracted every single person in


The car was parked at the entrance of Sky

Corporation. When the doors opened, two people
walked out.

Both were clad in red. One looked gentle and

graceful, the other was youthful and enchanting. But
no matter how people saw them, they were both

They were none other than Mandy and Xynthia.

"Who are these pretty ladies?"

"How dare they come and support Sky Corporation

I .'

like this?"

"Are they mad, or do they have powerful


"That one's Mandy Zimmer, the daughter of the

Zimmer family of South Light. Harvey's her live-in

"The other one must be his sister-in-law!"

"They look so beautiful, it's a shame that they're

brain-dead. Haven't they heard of the saying?"

"Husband and wife are like birds, they'll fly their

separate ways when big trouble comes."

"The Zimmer family from South Light recently

established a family again, I heard that Senior
Zimmer is about to rise again with his family!"

"But then someone in the family decides to come

here and stand up for her husband. Does she not
know the consequences of offending Star Chaebol
and the top four families from Hong Kong?"
-[ 1-f

Mandy and Xynthia's appearances had changed the

mood of the place.

Right as Mandy stepped forward to the entrance of

Sky Corporation, she turned around and calmly
looked at everyone behind her.

"I've decided to use all of Regency Enterprise's

assets to increase Sky Corporation's stocks."

"Effective immediately!"

Mandy took out her phone and gave a call in front of


After the phone call, everyone's gaze shifted

toward the display. Sky Corporation's stocks that
were being suppressed and shorted suddenly had
millions of dollars of inflow funds.

A flat line immediately skyrocketed on the display.

Sky Corporation's stocks instantly turned red after
millions of dollars were invested. They had increased
by five whole percent!
' ' f

It was a battle of who invested more money, and

Mandy clearly threw in much more money than Karl.
No matter how many stocks Karl shorted, Mandy
would just buy them back up.

The crowd's expression changed at the sight.

Millions of dollars worth of investment meant

almost nothing!

A fifteen percent increase did not affect anybody.

The absolute authority and suppression Star

Chaebol and the four top families from Hong Kong
formed together was immediately torn apart by

The investors of the stock market would naturally

be extremely greedy. If Sky Corporation had no
chances of their stocks going red, the investors
would not hesitate to follow suit and buy short.

But since stocks for Sky Corporation had turned red,

there would naturally be investors that bought
Chapter 1533


Simply put, Harvey's sure-fail strategy had failed.

Peter and Karl's faces went as dark as night.

Karl's spending of 7.6 million dollars was for


Within the crowd, Quinn flashed a cold smile at the

unfolding events.

Several Zimmer family members beside her were

gritting their teeth.

"Are those two still a part of our family? Don't they

know of Prince Jean's orders?"

"How dare they stand by Harvey York? They're


Naturally, the Zimmers feared that Mandy would drag

them down with her.

Quinn, on the other hand, simply stood there with a

cold expression. She had feared if Mandy would rise
Chapter 1533

up the ranks again, but she wouldn't dare oppose

Prince jean's desire to have Mandy married to his
family in Mordu.

And now, the opportunity has presented itself to

Chapter 1534
At the hall of Sky Corporation...

Harvey looked calmly at the stocks that were

turning red on the display.

"Brother-In-Law, aren't you moved?"

Xynthia held Mandy's hand while setting an exquisite

flower basket on the side of the entrance, smiling
warmly at him.

"Sister and I had prepared for three whole days in

secret to support you today!"

"Sister was dealing with the Zimmer family, acting as

if she wanted to break all ties with you once and for
all. But in reality, she was figuring out ways to
transfer all of Regency Enterprise's assets to you!"

"We did everything just to stand up for you today!" "If

Regency Enterprise were to go bankrupt

Chapter 1534

suddenly, then you're responsible for taking care of

us, Brother-In-Law!"

Xynthia's smile widened.

"Don't you worry, I'll make sure to take care of you


Harvey returned the smile. His gaze then shifted

towards Mandy.

"This isn't that that big of a deal, you didn't have to


"The moment you knew your husband's identity, you

should've known that nobody could even lay a finger
on him."

Harvey really hoped that Mandy did not come here

that day.

The waters run deep, after all.

Harvey had reasons to do everything by himself.

Matthew and the others would surely give
everything they've got, whether it be for personal
Chapter 1534

grudge or for Buckwood's market.

Not to mention, Star Chaebol, Dragon Cell,

Longmen, and the Jean family were behind all this.

Any hasty movements, and they might be reduced to


Even the identity of Prince York might not

guarantee a win.

"Being married for a day brings a hundred days of

grace, being married for a thousand days brings love
deeper than the ocean floor..."

Mandy chuckled.

"If I didn't come here today, would I have the right to

stay as your wife?"

Mandy glanced at Yvonne, standing not too far

away from her. Yvonne shot a confused look in
return. Right after that, Mandy went to stand next to

This was her husband, and he was so outstanding.

If Mandy didn't stand by him, there would be a sea full
of others that would do so.

Xynthia revealed an odd expression at this, but she

simply sighed quietly and said nothing.

It was unclear if Mandy saw through her sister's

mind, but she reached out her hand to rub Xynthia' s

Lilian had finally arrived and was standing along

with the Zimmers, all the while covered with
expensive jewels from head to toe. Her objective
that day was simple, and that was to see how
Harvey would end up.

It would be fine if Harvey were to go bankrupt.

If he didn't, then she would need to think of a plan to

get his billions of dollars worth of assets under her

When she saw Mandy and Xynthia stand up for

Harvey, her vision went black. She immediately

Finished! We're finished!

We're done for this time!

Peter and the rest stared at the two lovers before them,
full of intimacy and respect.

Because of it, their faces turned icy.

Peter snorted, "It seems Prince York has used all of

his resources at hand. To think he would sacrifice his
wife and sister-in-law for a petty reputation!"

Peter made a phone call. "Transfer the hundred and

fifty million dollars!"

"Hammer the market! Do it now! Give no mercy!" At

the side, Karl grinned slyly.

"As expected from Representative Lee's

ruthlessness! Throwing out a hundred and fifty
million dollars at once!"

"Even though my 7.6 million dollars were up in the

Chapter 1534

air, it seems like Mandy's money is about to turn to

ash as well!"

Peter chuckled coldly.

"I've prepared more than a billion dollars worth of

backup assets. If someone dares to salvage the
situation, I'll just hammer the market again!"

"I'll allow no mercy for today's big show!"

After Peter was done talking, the line on the display

immediately plummeted again and lost about thirty
percent of market value.

The crowd bore smiles of ridicule at the sight.

Chapter 1535

Chapter 1535
As the display showed the downpour of the market

Sounds of another car's roar echoed from the street

once more.

A very old car was seen slowly moving toward Sky

Corporation before parking at the entrance.

The car looked like it was about to fall apart any

minute. Faye and her people looked at it with

Harvey was actually desperate! His wife and sister-in-

law aside, he must've found no one else to stand up
for him.

He let someone that drove a car like that to support


What was this?

Was this a joke?

Disdain painted Karl and Peter's faces.

The next moment, an old man in a suit walked out of

the car. A handsome man and an enchanting lady
stood at both his sides: Avel and Rosalie Naiswell.

Shane Naiswell held his hands together and said, " On

such a big day, the Naiswell family would like to
thank Sky Corporation for their recent support.
This isn't enough to repay your kindness, but here are
three hundred million dollars as a small gift to
congratulate Prince York!"

With the snap of his fingers, the line on the display

skyrocketed once again.

The market value had dropped by thirty percent

before, but it was then increased by twenty percent!

Simply put, Peter's hundred and fifty million dollar

investment was for nothing!

The crowd gaped at the line that was fluctuating more

than a heart rate monitor, utterly shocked.
The people present were either rich or influential, it
would not be surprising that everyone here had at
least millions of dollars worth of assets.

They would usually do hundreds of millions worth of

trades as well.

But the sight of the money just dissipating into the air
was enough to shock their hearts and choke them

"How is this possible?!"

"Do the Naiswells have a death wish?!"

Peter and Karl exchanged glances, just as shocked.

They never expected that the only first-rate family

left in Buckwood, the family that had the most
chances to be the top family, would come and
support Harvey during such a dire situation.

Shane even transferred three hundred million

dollars worth of assets, way more than Harvey's
They were not just simply dealing with assets and the

In fact, their actions showed their stand against

Star Chaebol and the four top families from Hong

The others were numb with shock Nobody expected

that the Naiswells would come and help Harvey
when he was at the brink of bankruptcy.

Shane even brought along his two most important


Under everyone's gazes of disbelief, the family of

three walked into the hall.

"Prince York, the Naiswell family isn't able to give

you anything special for the company's listing

"Consider the three hundred million dollars a small

token of our appreciation. I guess that makes us one
of Sky Corporation's shareholders now. We're
Chapter 1535

basically family!"

Shane approached Harvey and they shook hands.

Rosalie glared at Mandy and Yvonne with severe

eyes, and then coldly stood by the side without saying
a word.

Avel walked toward Harvey and gave a deep bow.

"Prince York, I've turned the profits we took from

Flynn's Antiques into money, but we're not that
hasty to play. We'll see how they hammer the
market and follow suit!"

"It's all money from Flynn's Antiques anyway, I don't

really care how much of it I throw away."

Mel exclaimed frivolously, smug.

Chapter 1536
Faye's expression morphed into something
horrible at Avel's declaration.

She remembered what had happened at Flynn's

Antiques before. She wanted to tear off Avel's
mouth so badly!

Faye picked up her phone, her face icy.

"The Naiswell family's Antique Cities are suspected

to traffic fakes. Tell the people from the antique
management system to investigate them!"

"Another thing! Contact every medium to small

shareholder of the Naiswell family. Tell them that
we're buying off their entire stock!"

"Also, contact every single family that has

connections with Star Chaebol and the top four
families from Hong Kong. Tell them to blacklist the
Naiswell family from now on!"

"I want the Naiswell family to go bankrupt right


Faye was coldly issuing orders against the Naiswell

family, along with everyone that stood by Sky

The entire crowd listened to it in pity.. They then

turned to Shane, looking disdainful of him.

The Naiswell family would be history because they

stood by Harvey. Would Shane regret his decision

As expected; Shane, Avel, and Rosalie's phones

started ringing after Faye issued her orders.

After picking up the calls, their expressions

frantically changed over and over again.

Only Harvey remained calm. His expression did not

change at all.

Faye and her people smirked coldly at how Harvey

was desperately pretending to be fine.

A small man, intoxicated by a pathetic success!

Did he have no idea how he would end up that day? He
would dare defy God with this kind of capability?

Before three minutes even passed, the stock curve on

the display that was going up on a straight line halted
and turned sideways.

As seen on the display, the Naiswell family's assets

were intercepted and could not be used in the
market for the time being. Naturally, they had no
way to buy more of Sky Corporation's stocks.

Cold expressions once again appeared on Peter and the

others' faces.

With a wave of Peter's hand, another three hundred

million dollars prepared by Star Chaebol
beforehand were used to hammer the market.

Naturally, Star Chaebol would not stop until Harvey

had gone bankrupt.

Just then, a Wuling van drove toward Sky

Corporation. The van was decorated with many red
flowers, and seemed like a cheap vehicle.

Faye looked at the approaching van with prideful


"The old car before was an antique. It's Shane

Naiswell's car, so I understand."

"But I don't believe that the owner of this van

would be some sort of hot shot."

Moments after she said this, Oskar Armstrong

showed up. He was dressed in all white.

However, many people present did not know his


Oskar took a step forward, holding his hands


"I'm here to support you today, CEO York. It's a

shame I don't have that much money on me right now.
I can only buy fifteen hundred dollars worth of stock
This shouldn't be a problem, yes?"

Faye and the others froze after hearing those

Chapter 1536

words, then let out a wave of earth-shattering


"Fifteen hundred dollars?!"

"What use does that amount of money even have?!

That's a drop of water in the entire bucket!"

"Right! This amount of money wouldn't even form a

ripple in today's market!"

Safe to say, Harvey was just an idiot. Even if he

wanted to look for people to support him, he
shouldn't just drag in some random old man here!

How embarrassing!

Harvey ignored everyone else and walked forward

with a warm smile.

"Senior Armstrong, what brings you here?"

Chapter 1537
The crowd immediately fell silent after hearing that

Dead silence filled the air.

A major character such as this actually came to

support Harvey?

Even if it were just fifteen hundred dollars, who

would dare to waste his investment? Who would dare
to make him lose money?

They, or perhaps their family, might need his help to

recover when they fall seriously ill.

Oskar ignored everyone else and casually

approached the journalists with a light wave.

"I, Oskar Armstrong, am buying some of the Sky

Corporation's stocks. This shouldn't count as an inside
trade, right?"

The journalists all looked at each other. Seconds

later, the news spread like wildfire.

News from the stock market had such a big impact!

A large group of investors saw that Oskar Armstrong,

of all people, was buying a stock from Sky
Corporation. Like sharks that smelled blood in the
sea, they took immediate action.

The red line that was on the verge of plummeting

was once again skyrocketing at an unimaginable

There was immense strength in numbers. The

change happened in just a split second.

Under everyone's gaze, Sky Corporation's stock

value had increased from fifty to a hundred.

To put it bluntly, the value doubled!

The funds that were used to buy long were

immediately doubled in mere seconds.

Peter and the others' money, used to short stocks, had

all been for nothing.
Chapter 1537

The sight made Oskar smile.

"Oh my! I didn't know my beginner's luck in the stock

market was this good."

"I can't believe the stocks immediately doubled on my

first time buying one."

Harvey laughed.

"You must be joking, Senior Armstrong. It might

even increase tenfold sooner or later. I'll treat you to a
meal when the time comes!"


"Come in!"

Harvey and his people escorted Oskar to the

company hall's lounge.

Faye and the rest watched everything, all color

drained from their faces.

"How is this possible...?"

Peter was in utter disbelief.

Chapter 1537

This stock market tactic actually worked!

A random old man investing fifteen hundred

dollars was enough to skyrocket the value?

In fact, the value immediately doubled.

This made no sense!

What kind of reputation did Prince York have?

Even someone as renowned as Oskar Armstrong

came to support his cause!

Doing this meant that Oskar was boldly going

against the top four families from Hong Kong,
Mordu's Jean family, Star Chaebol, Longmen, and
Dragon Cell...

"Blacklist him! He has to be blacklisted as well!"

"The doctor's involvement is basically a death

wish! "

"His medical ethics are flawed!"

Previously, Karl was one of the shareholders for

Oskar's hospital. He knew how renowned Oskar was.

Forget your average Joe; all manners of wealthy and

influential people would happily cling onto that

He was a grandmaster capable of saving anybody,

after all!

Oskar was clearly standing up for Harvey. For Karl,

this was something that must not be allowed to

Karl was here to make a strong comeback and watch

as Harvey made a fool out of himself; not to watch
Harvey's worth being doubled in front of his very

Before everyone's shock had settled down, a row of

black cars appeared at Sky Corporation.

The cars were soon parked in front of the entrance.

All of them were Audi A6's.

They weren't new models, and some were even ten

Chapter 1537

years old. They could be considered junk

But upon seeing the plate number, the crowd fell into
another round of shock

"Buckwood 00001'1
Chapter 1538
Buckwood was a first-rate city. Many luxurious cars
and amazing number plates were around.

Some of the cars had number plates that came from

Hong Kong, Las Vegas, and even in inland cities.

But no matter how amazing these plates were, they

could not compare to the Audi A6 in front of the

The number plate was labelled "Buckwood 0000i"!

There was only a single number plate with this label

in Buckwood, no, the entirety of South Light. Only
one man was allowed to have it!

It was none other than the first-in-command of South

Light, Sheldon Xavier himself!

There were rumors that the first-in-command of South

Light would be transferred away.

Even so, as long as he was taking office, he would

still be king.

No matter how powerful a person was, they could not

cross Sheldon if they wanted to make a living in
South Light.

It was this very reason that everyone fell silent the

moment they saw the plate.

The door of the car's passenger seat opened soon

after. South Light government's top secretary then
walked out before respectfully opening the door at the
back of the car.

Soon after, Sheldon, clad in a stylish suit, appeared.

A man like him did not attend a lot of events such as

this, and the aura he exuded was terrifying. He carried
an unspeakable stature even though he was only
walking casually.

One by one, the car doors of the other Audi A6's


The first-in-command of Buckwood, Yoel Graham,

came out.

The second-in-command of South Light General

Police Station, Alex Swift, was here as well.

The second-in-command of Buckwood, Reign

Jackson, was also present.

Also included was the first-in-command of

Buckwood Police Station, Yannick Bisson, who came
along with other people that Harvey knew from the

Only Kyle Quinlan, South Light's second-in-

command, was not present.

But seeing that Karl was opposing Harvey, it was

natural that Kyle did not show up.

Since Kyle did not pick a side, Karl was unable to

represent the entire Quinlan family.

Karl must've understood this fact, which was why he

didn't look at all upset about it.

Looking at the appearance of the government

officials, Harvey welcomed them with a warm smile.

"Elder Xavier, Sir Graham, everyone. Are you all

here to buy a stock like Senior Armstrong?"

"Hahaha! You must be joking, CEO York"

Sheldon burst out laughing as he took a step

forward and shook Harvey's hand.

"Government officials aren't allowed to be involved

with the stock market. I'm afraid we won't be able to
invest today."

Peter and the others let out a sigh of relief after

hearing those words.

If Sheldon and the others bought some of Sky

Corporation's stocks, it would be useless for Peter and
the others to keep hammering the market.

But Sheldon and his men did not show up because

of this. A small team of government officials who
were looking for an opportunity to cause trouble all
backed up without making a single sound, then ran
off without a care for the world.

What a joke!

Even the first-in-command of South Light and

Buckwood were there to give Sky Corporation their

Would they even dare to cause trouble to Sky

Corporation any longer?

They would lose their jobs in a split second!

Sheldon continued speaking.

"CEO York. Even though we're unable to invest

anything now, Sky Corporation being listed in the
market is considered a massive event for both the
government of Buckwood and South Light."

"I sincerely hope that this listing will benefit the

entirety of South Light in the future, creating more
business opportunities for the citizens and
boosting our local economy."

"Today's listing isn't just an important matter to

Chapter 1538

you. It matters to me and the government of South

Light in its entirety!"

"If anybody were to disrespect you, they'd be

disrespecting me and the government of South
Light as a whole!"

Sheldon scornful harrumph and scanned the crowd

Chapter 1539

Chapter 1539

Sheldon was far away, but Peter and the others could
feel an unspeakable pressure heading toward their

This was the authority of the first-in-command of

South Light, Sheldon Xavier, who had worked for the
government for many years!

Not to mention, he was a part of the Xavier family

from Wolsing!

The Xavier family was one of the top ten families in

Country H.

Sheldon standing here represented his entire family 's

support toward Harvey.

At this moment, the pressure coming from Mordu's

Jean family had suddenly dissipated.

Everyone present hung their heads low, lacking the

courage to look into Sheldon's eyes.

Peter, Karl, and Faye especially looked woebegone.

They had to avoid Sheldon's scornful gaze no matter


Along with Sheldon's gaze, Yoel and the rest of the

government officials gave off a cold snort as they
scanned their surroundings.

They represented the government of Buckwood and

South Light. Sheldon and Yoel were especially

With the two here, who else would dare to use their
connections within the government to suppress
Harvey or Sky Corporation?

"CEO York, you can just come to me for help as long

as you abide by the laws here, even when I'm no
longer here in the future."

Not only did Sheldon's words represent his attitude

toward Harvey, it represented the entire Xavier
family's attitude toward him as well.

Yoel then added calmly, "There aren't a lot of

companies listed in the market from Buckwood. To
encourage the market and optimize the business
environment, the government of Buckwood had a
brief meeting when we gathered together this

"Everyone decided unanimously that we'll reduce

taxes applied to Sky Corporation by half as


Sheldon's encouragement was just surface level.

But Yoel's was the same, only that he did it with

real money!

The profits that a company would earn because of the

taxes halved was unimaginable!

When Yoel's words spread, the line on the display

once again rapidly increased soon after.

Within a few minutes, the red line had gone above the
threshold of one hundred and fifty percent!

The stock value was priced at a hundred and twenty-


It had only been a few minutes, but the price was

already way beyond everyone's expectations.

Peter and the others looked as if they had been

forced to swallow a bitter gourd whole.

How could they possibly buy short? How could they

hammer the market?

Even if they tried throwing in more money in these

circumstances, they'd only be burning the money for

"What is this? How is this possible?"

"It's understandable why Sheldon and the others

came to support the Sky Corporation. Sky
Corporation is a big company, after all. It would be
natural for the government officials to come if they
were invited!"

"But why did they halve the taxes so easily? This...

this...this can only mean that the two governments
think highly of Sky Corporation and will continue
supporting the company with no expense!"

Karl's Armani shirt was now drenched in sweat.

Many members of the Quinlan family from Georgia

worked in the Buckwood government. This was
primarily the reason Karl was considered to be a big
shot here.

A person born in a family like this would naturally

understand the government's plans after being
influenced by what he heard and saw.

Their officials' actions of halving the taxes

represented the absolute support coming from the two

That, and Yoel might just become the next first-in-

command of South Light after Sheldon retires!
With him clearly standing by Harvey's side, this
meant that all of Sky Corporation's businesses
would be unobstructed within the borders of
Buckwood as long as they don't break the law for
the next few years.

This was a massive benefit for the company itself!

And this was the main reason for the company's stock
value rising tremendously!
Chapter 1540
Karl could not figure out why Harvey had the
right to be supported by all the big shots of the

Star Chaebol was indeed quite wealthy, but at the end

of the day, Representative Lee was only a
representative in Country H. He was titled king in the
northern provinces, but that did not mean he had a
huge reputation in South Light.

The top four families from Hong Kong were

powerful as well.

Yet right now, none of them were present.

They would only think of coming if Flynn and the

others turned up dead.

If not, how could anyone even think of short

stocking the Sky Corporation under these
circumstances? How could they make the company'
s stocks plummet?
How could they make Harvey go bankrupt?

Karl's throat dried, and he turned to Faye. He then

coldly said, "Princess Goddard, what do we do now?
How will Master Flynn..."

"Shut your mouth!"

Faye's expression was utterly horrible. She

groaned, full of rage.

She shot Harvey a scornful glare and quickly sent a

text message, trembling to no end.

She was here to trample on Harvey and humiliate

him. She was here to bankrupt Harvey and let him
realize that they were in completely different

But Prince York had surpassed beyond any

imagination possible!

His shine had shot past all limits!

None of them could comprehend how a prince from

a rundown family had a bigger reputation than the top
four families from Hong Kong, Star Chaebol, and
Mordu's Jean family!


Karl, drenched in cold sweat, once again trembled.

His face was full of disbelief.

"Princess Goddard..."


Faye was incredibly frustrated, and slapped Karl


"You're the young master of the Quinlan family! Can't

you grow a spine?! I can't believe that you're scared of
a few people!"

"You're embarrassing your entire family!"

If it were any other day, Faye would naturally be

more polite toward Karl.

But there was no other way. Faye was boiling with

anger. She immediately lashed out and threw all
that hatred towards Karl.

Karl covered his face. He was stunned, unable to

react. If it were any other day, Karl would've thrown a
temper tantrum already.

While Karl stared numbly at the streets, he spotted

something and exclaimed in horror, "Princess
Goddard, look! There's another car coming!"

Faye, who was standing upright before, fell down out

of sheer fear.

Peter, who was titled as king of the northern

provinces, was bathing in cold sweat.

He was a powerful man, but there was no way that

he could continue suppressing the local

Sheldon was one of the most influential men in all of


Was there someone even more powerful supporting

rr. II rrir rir2Fri


Who could it possibly be?

Could it be someone on par with one of the top ten

families' patriarchs? Or someone with the likes of
the four masters of Wolsing? Maybe someone
equivalent to the six princes of Mordu?

It might even be someone more terrifying than all of

these people combined!

Peter subconsciously looked at the direction.

Faye subconsciously looked the same way.

Karl did the same as well.

Everyone else followed suit.

Two cars drove here from the direction of the street.

A Maybach was leading, while a Rolls Royce

followed behind.

The cars were driving fast, but the way the move
exuded extreme arrogance.
I -f

Right when Faye saw the number plates, she grew


"It's Master Flynn and Master York!"

"Two of the masters from Hong Kong are here!"

The others felt pumped up at those words.

The Four Masters from Hong Kong were united!

Master Flynn's presence alone could terrify

countless people.

Master York's presence exceeded anyone's wildest

imagination, too.

Everyone was curious. When did Master York

become a part of the Four Masters from Hong Kong?
Chapter 1541

Chapter 1541
The door of the Maybach opened first. Matthew
Flynn, dressed in a suit, appeared.

A thin and long unlit cigar rested between his


His casual stride exuded unfathomable dominance.

The door of the Rolls Royce opened soon after.

Quinton York, who was in casual clothing, walked

Quinton was originally one of the Famous Four of

the Yorks. Who in South Light wouldn't recognize

Yet, nobody expected that Quinton would undergo

such a massive change and become one of the four
masters from Hong Kong after the York family

His scheme shocked the entire crowd.

The two's appearances were enough to choke
Buckwood, maybe even South Light's authority to
the point where they could not catch their breath,
whether it be the well-renowned Matthew Flynn or
the newly appointed master from Hong Kong,
Quinton York

Karl's face brimmed with ecstasy, while Faye

trembled with excitement.

Harvey frowned. He did not think that the place

would get this crowded.

It would be fine if only Matthew showed up.

But then the fallen master, Quinton, showed up as


It sure seemed like Quinton was confident!

Harvey was displeased. Quinton was a careful man,

and he would not show up unless he was confident
that he could end Harvey's life.

Matthew was not in a hurry to talk Quinton, on the

other hand, looked around his surroundings and
finally shifted his gaze on Sheldon.

"Elder Xavier, it's been a while. Why don't you pay

me some respect and have some tea at my home

Sheldon narrowed his eyes as he looked at Quinton.

Then he replied calmly, "Little York, these words
might work if they came out of Melissa's mouth. As
for you, you mean nothing to me."

Quinton replied nonchalantly, "Then you should

know that Harvey is an abandoned master from my
family. Standing with Harvey means that you're
standing against the Yorks!"

"The York family has an immense background as

well. Don't you know how terrifying our family
actually is?"

"Offending an old family that's standing together

with the Judd family for one man, is it worth the

The people present fell into a trance at his words.

They pondered the circumstances, and came to
understand what the York family represented.

Within the ancient country of Country H, other than

the top ten families that were recently in power,
there were a few extremely old families that

The Judd family...

And the York family.

These families had been around for almost a

thousand years. No matter how the histories and
dynasties changed, they stood strong and tall.

An ordinary person had no right to know of a family

like theirs.

Even within the upper social circles, only

outstanding people could get information like this.

That the York family was actually an ancient family.

Everyone immediately understood how Quinton

could just transform himself into one of the four
masters from Hong Kong despite his defeat in

"Oh, Quinton. You're just like how you were before.

You only know how to bully people, you've made
zero progress."

Sheldon's expression was indifferent, and his tone

carried slight disdain.

"Only businessmen know if the cause is worth it or


"And for me, whether it be for the government or

the citizens, I'll stand by the law of logic and

"Not just you. I'll stand by Harvey's side no matter

what, even if the entire York family were here to
cause him trouble!"

"Doing things that won't make me regret my

decision has always been my bottom line!"

"You should know your limits, Quinton! If not, you

Chapter 1541

might just get destroyed by the prince again after you

barely managed to rise up."
Chapter 1542

Chapter 1542
"As expected from Elder Xavier, how domineering.
Truly, the lord of the city..."

Quinton clapped his hands and smiled.

"You are indeed quite powerful as the first-in-

command of South Light, but I'm also here today
representing my grandmother's will.

"From today onward, you and the family you

support will be the York family's target!"

"I'll even request the higher authorities to do the same

against you!"

"If they don't do as we ask, us Yorks will do it


The York family represented absolute authority and


Even if the Xavier family was one of the top ten

families of Country H, the Yorks were fully capable
of collapsing the Xaviers if they willed it.

"Since Master Yorkhad announced such news, I

should be doing the same..."

Matthew lit up the cigar between his fingers and

smiled, narrowing his eyes.

"Whoever stands up for Harvey or Sky Corporation

will be considered an enemy of the Four Masters of
Hong Kong!"

"And I!"

Peter chuckled coldly as he took a step forward.

"I represent Star Chaebol to announce that anybody

who stands with Sky Corporation will be opposing
Country J's will!"

"I do want to see who would have the guts to go

against this many of us at once!"

Peter's arrogance returned.

Previously, he was at a huge disadvantage before

LI +

Matthew and Quinton showed up. The aura of the

Four Masters of Hong Kong and the York family was
truly terrifying.

"Smash it! Use the rest of the funds to smash the

market! I want to see green today!"

Peter said, laughing maniacally.There were still

eight hundred and fifty million dollars left from
what he had prepared. The stock market would
surely be in disaster if he smashed the market with
this much money!

The line that had gone past the threshold of a

hundred and twenty-five then plummeted again.

People on Peter's side grinned proudly at the sight.

What did it mean to make someone bankrupt with a

single word?

This is exactly what it meant!

Matthew snapped his fingers and said, "Come! To

congratulate Prince York, the Flynn family from

Hong Kong shall be investing a billion dollars!"

Quinton nodded lightly.

"The Leo family from Hong Kong shall be investing a

billion dollars as well!"

"We'll invest a hundred million dollars!"

"We have seventy million!"

"I have 7.6 million!"

Soon, the people present shouted out their


Against billions of dollars of money buying short,

Sky Corporation's stocks were now nil.

The line that ascended to the heavens had

plummeted right to the ground once more.

The green line had fallen for a total of ninety

percent, getting closer and closer to the bottom line.

Only a single dollar was left in the company's stock

This meant that those siding with Harvey were to be
held up and forced to die. None of them would have a
chance of redemption.

Matthew breathed in a mouthful of his cigar as he

studied the graph. He said nonchalantly, "You see
that? Who could be Hong Kong's opponent when it
comes to dealing with finances from the far east?"

"Now, is there another oblivious fool that would

dare to oppose the Four Masters of Hong Kong?"


At this moment, a voice echoed from the streets.

It sounded cold yet composed, carrying a hint of


However, many did not sense this.

Only Quinton trembled slightly, his eyes filled with


"It's him? Impossible!"

Chapter 1542

A loud roar echoed from within Quinton's heart.

He hurriedly turned around to look at the direction of

the street.
Chapter 1543

Chapter 1543
"Which blind fool dares to challenge me?!"

When Matthew heard a daring voice daring to stand

against him during such a critical moment, he
exploded in anger.

"Show yourself!"

Quinton, who had recognized the unknown man, had

no time to stop Matthew.

"Show myself?"

"The four top families from Hong Kong? How

dignified! How domineering!"

"It seems like the four top families from Hong Kong
are kings of Country H now, even though I couldn't
care less for your presence!"

An elderly man in a green shirt appeared. He was

being escorted by another as he walked toward Sky
Corporation's entrance from the street.

The clothes he donned were extremely bland; his

movements were also quite slow, but he would only
take a dozen steps to walk a long distance of three
hundred feet.

Harvey narrowed his eyes and immediately

recognized the man. It was none other than the
master of Longmen, Samuel Bauer himself!

Harvey called Samuel the day before Oliver's death.

Nevertheless, he didn't expect Samuel to show up that


Samuel, whose arms were crossed as he walked,

looked like a king no matter the angle people saw him

The king of Country H's streets!

His movements were light, but an unspeakable aura

surrounded him.

The few who knew Samuel's terrifying identity

respectfully greeted him in unison.

"Master of Longmen!"

Quinton's expression was wretched.

He never imagined that Samuel was going to show up

and stand up for Harvey!

Didn't they say that Oliver died in Harvey's hands?

Why did Samuel show up, then?

Longmen was not an ancient family, but it represented

the government's authority from the underground

Samuel's identity was terrifying!

Before he retired, he was still the Elder of the Army.

This identity was enough to suppress everyone

Say that Sheldon's appearance had solidified Harvey 's


Samuel's sudden appearance would form absolute

pressure against Harvey's opposition.

Karl and the others frantically changed their

expression. They knew full well how terrifying
Samuel's background and identity was.

Faye, on the other hand,showed utter despair and


She never understood why killing Harvey would be

this hard.

As for the other social butterflies who did not know of

Samuel's background, they fell into shock after
everyone around them revealed his identity.

A character like Samuel, the master of Longmen, was

standing on the peak of Country H!

Small flies like them could not even compare to a

man like that!

What kind of power did Harvey have? What sort of

connections did he have?

Was this something any other prince could've easily



Even Sheldon, Oskar, and everyone who stood by

Harvey's side were perplexed.

They knew of Harvey's actual identity, but they

assumed that he didn't have any connections with
Samuel whatsoever.

The two may even have had some conflict because of

what happened to Oliver.

Yet, this man came to stand up for Harvey.

Sheldon had a guess, but he didn't say anything

because he thought that it was unlikely.

Now, the extremely arrogant Matthew had

frantically changed his expression.

The four top families from Hong Kong united

might not be scared of Longmen.

But Matthew's worth and identity, compared to

Chapter 1543

Samuel, was akin to night and day!

One was the master of Longmen, and the other was just
a master of the Flynn family.

Mathew had no power to go against Samuel!

Chapter 1544

Chapter 1544
Samuel calmly walked toward Harvey, and nodded
after looking him in the eye. He then turned around
and glared coldly at Matthew.

"Master Flynn, I showed myself."

"I wonder how you're going to punish me? How are

you planning to suppress me?"

Matthew trembled. His previous arrogance

immediately vanished and he bowed.

"I had misspoken, master of Longmen. Please

forgive me!"

Samuel's expression was as cold as ice.

"Apologize to Prince York right now!"

Everyone's eyes twitched at those words. Not only

was Samuel standing up for Harvey, he was also
boosting Harvey's reputation!

Matthew's expression changed frantically. He had

planned everything for quite a while and brought
along such powerful forces. How could he simply
give in?

He stood up straight and replied, "Elder, I..."


Samuel swung his palm across Matthew's face.


Blood seeped out of Matthew's mouth, but he dared

not show any signs of displeasure. He only quietly
stammered, "Elder, this is..."


Samuel swung his backhand across Matthew's face

once more.

"Did you not understand me the first time?!"

The crowd was dead silent. Who was that man?!

He was the head of the Four Masters of Hong Kong,

Matthew Flynn himself!

Yet he was being slapped in the face in public!

Matthew gritted his teeth.

"Elder, you and the ancestors of my family..."


Samuel moved his hand once again.

"Stop the nonsense!"

By then, Matthew's face was as swollen as a pig's.

Matthew took a step back and covered his face. "

Enough! Do you really think that it's worth it to hit
me for Harvey's sake?!"

Quinton's expression was horrible.

He always knew that Harvey was powerful, but he

had calculated every single trick that Harvey could
pull, Sheldon's appearance included.

Even then, he was still baffled by Samuel's sudden

appearance to stand by Harvey!

Normally speaking, Samuel should be against


One of the branch leaders from Longmen was killed

by Harvey, after all!

Karl and the others were utterly agonized.

No matter how Harvey managed to accomplish all

this, the conclusion was, they would surely be
suffering great losses that day.

Who among them dared to oppose Samuel Bauer



"As the head of the Four Masters of Hong Kong,

you should naturally be the role model of the
country. And yet, you have been constantly
suppressing others for your own selfish benefits!"


"As a citizen of Country H, not only did you not

think of the country's interests, you even came here to
represent Country j!"


"Harvey's Sky Corporation had been conducting

their businesses while thinking for the common folk
's livelihoods. Thousands of men's lives could be
saved because of him. But you don't care about any
of that! Instead, you're out here giving him a bad
reputation and condemning him of business!"


"As a master of a wealthy family, you possess

absolute authority. Even if you didn't use your power
for the people or the country, you must not abuse it
unscrupulously either...!"

Samuel reprimanded harshly, all the while

ruthlessly slapping Matthew again and again.

Every slap made Matthew spew blood out of his

mouth, forcing him into taking several steps back

"Since your family didn't educate you, I'll educate

you for them!"


"Kneel and apologize right now!"

Samuel did not bother sparing Matthew from any

embarrassment. He slapped Matthew until Matthew 's
face swelled hideously.

Matthew was boiling with anger. He wanted to

retaliate, but he dared not.

Quinton's eyes lit up as he readied to sneak away.

But Samuel's eyes fell on him. Samuel roared, "Who

said you could leave?"


"As someone from the York family, you deserve a

good beating for teaming up with outsiders against
one of your own!"


"I wouldn't care if this was only a family feud. But

Chapter 1544

you've been fanning the flames since you can't beat

Prince York on your own! How useless can you be?"


"Matthew is unscrupulous, but at least he came on his

own! You had to look for a timing to even show up,
you spineless coward!"


"Kneel! Apologize!"
Chapter 1545
Matthew and Quinton exchanged looks. What could
they say against someone like Samuel?

"You can choose not to apologize and get more


Samuel said calmly as he wiped his fingers with an

exquisite handkerchief.

"Let's see if the Flynn family and the Leo family will
come for your support."

Matthew and Quinton's faces morphed into a

wretched expression.


They had been planning to trample Harvey for such a

long time, but they still needed their families' help to
mediate the situation.

If word of this spread within their families, they

Chapter 1545

would hang themselves.

However, they were unwilling!

So much preparation, so much support...but it all

ended up like this.

Not only did they fail at what they set out to do,
they had to apologize to Harvey too! How could
they show their faces outside in the future?!

"Are you going to kneel and apologize, or what?!"

Samuel's expression was as cold as ice.

"Are you planning to die here, or do you want me to

take a trip to Hong Kong?"

Against Samuel's absolute suppression, Matthew's

expression grew worse. He could approach Harvey
with his head hung low.

"Harvey...I'm sorry."

Quinton's eyes twitched, but he followed suit.

"Prince, forgive me."

"Forgive you?"

Harvey chuckled coldly.

"Who said that I have to accept your apologies?"

"You know me, Quinton. You know what to do."

Quinton's expression changed. He slammed his knees

against the floor and said quietly, "Brother, I' m so


Harvey sent Quinton rolling on the ground with a

kick, then turned to Matthew with a cold glare.

"Quinton knows when to give in, that's why I won't

kill him. Why don't you learn from him?"

Matthew was still unwilling. He snarled, "Harvey

York, I'm the head of the Four Masters of Hong
Kong. You're lucky enough to even hear me
apologize. You better take what you can get!"

Harvey slapped Matthew's face, hard. The loud
sound resonated in the air.

"Indulging Hugh Baker to bully my sister-in-law, you

think an apology is enough for that?"


"Convincing Sam Baker to cause me trouble with his

men from Dragon Cell, you think an apology is
enough for that?"

"Taking a group of people to flaunt your wealth here

on the day of the company's listing, you think a single
apology is enough?!"


"Using billions of dollars to hammer the market to

the point where the stocks are only worth a single
dollar, you think an apology is enough for that?!"


"Master Flynn! Do you think that your one apology

can fix everything that happened?"

Harvey ruthlessly let out a flurry of painful slaps on

Matthew's face, to the point that blood was seeping
out of his every pore.

"Matthew Flynn! Don't assume I won't kill you off

just because Samuel showed up to mediate the
situation himself!"

"Today's supposed to be a good day today for Sky

Corporation. I wouldn't want to make a fool out of
myself to the foreigners!"

"You, you, you, and all of you..."

"I'm giving you all three minutes. Transfer all of the

funds to my stock and make sure the value goes up to
two hundred. For every penny less, I'll break a piece
of your bone!"

Sky Corporation's stock value skyrocketed after three

minutes. The threshold of two hundred was
immediately crushed.

Sky Corporation's stock value had gone up fourfold!

Chapter 1545

Matthew, Quinton, and the others' funds were all

spent for nothing.
Chapter 1546

Chapter 1546
The stock price jumped to two hundred.

With a single kick, Harvey sent Matthew rolling on

the ground.

Two out of the Four Masters of Hong Kong were now

kicked down by Harvey.

Faye and her people watched in shock Their faces

slackened in disbelief.

Those two were the Four Masters of Hong Kong!

They were basically kings in Hong Kong!

And yet, powerful figures such as them actually

turned out like this! How wretched!

If it weren't for the day being the day of Sky

Corporation's listing, Matthew and Quinton might' ye
even lost their lives!

"How could this be?"

Chapter 1546

"How did everything end up this way?"

Faye was about to burst into tears of rage. Never

had she expected that everything would turn out like

Master Flynn and Master York were the

protagonists of this world!

They should naturally have the final laugh!

How could a prince from a rundown family emerge


Yet the fact remained. Two of the Four Masters of

Hong Kong were beaten to a pulp! The Black Widow,
Faye, could not accept that fact.

Even though the Zimmers and the Yateses did not

come forward, they felt heavily pressured by the turn
of events.

The Zimmers were especially pressured. They

wanted to use this opportunity to snatch all of
Harvey's possession.

But after seeing what happened in front of them, they

realized that their well-thought plan was simply a
dumb joke.

The Yateses, on the other hand, looked incredibly

upset. Now,there was no way for them to exact

Mandy and Xynthia, who were standing beside

Harvey, stared at Harvey with perplexed gazes.

Even though they now knew how extraordinary

Harvey's identity was, they didn't realize that it was
this extraordinary. Things were clearly different
compared to back then!

"Good, good, good!"

"Harvey York, Prince York!"

"I'll remember everything that happened today!"

Matthew stood up with the help of one of his men. He

did not want to go against Harvey any further, but he
still pointed an angry finger at Harvey as he
roared, "With God as my witness, you will die by my
hand with no burial ground! Your entire family will
follow you too!"

Matthew looked completely insane.

Quinton's expression was horrible, but he had no

intention to talk back to Harvey. He immediately
turned around and quietly left.

He knew how Harvey behaved more than Matthew


Threats against Prince York were completely


Harvey, for his part, ignored Matthew and Quinton.

It was a big day, after all. Harvey would make a fool

out of himself if he killed a citizen of the country in
front of people from Country J.

Harvey then turned his gaze on Peter.

"W-what, Prince York?!"

"The master of Longmen is powerful, but he can

only control the people of Country H!" "The

citizens of Country J do not fear you!"

Peter swiftly sent out a text message, his face filled

with pride.

"I'm surprised that the master of Longmen is

actually supporting you behind the scenes. But if
you think you can scare me or Star Chaebol with
just this, then I'm sorry. There's no way!"

Naturally, Peter had to admit that Samuel was

amazing, and that he was a bit scared of Samuel.

But against a show-off like Harvey, he was not

afraid at all.

"Why would I scare someone who's destined to stay

in Country H forever?"

Harvey said, not bothering to give Peter a straight


"I must've warned you people Star Chaebol fools

many times already."
Chapter 1546

"I said that if any of you dares to return here, I'll kill
every single one of you!"

"I said it, didn't I? Even God can't save you now!"

"Now that you're here, you won't have to leave

anymore. Rest in peace!"
Chapter 1547

Chapter 1547
"I won't have to leave anymore?"

"Who do you think you are? The legendary Head


"You're stopping me from leaving South Light?"

Peter was still extremely arrogant, as if he had

discovered a greater support than Harvey's.

"Harvey York! You've been constantly going

against Star Chaebol, and you even killed two of my
sons. Do you really think I'll let you off the hook that

"I wanted you to go bankrupt and make your life a

living hell!"

"But now, I've changed my mind!"

"Aren't you amazing? Aren't you good at fighting?"

"Let me tell you! I invited the top Taekwondo

master Sir Wallace Park here! He can beat you with
just one hand!"

"Sir Wallace is almost here. He'll challenge you to a

duel himself!"

"To die in the hands of Sir Wallace is your


"As for the master of Longmen... He can protect

you, but do you expect him to fight for you, too?"

Peter was infuriated.

Matthew and Quinton planned to trample on

Harvey using the stock market that day.

But nobody expected that Harvey was able to fight


Since that was the case, then Peter was done

playing around!

He decided to kill Harvey then and there.

Without a second thought, Peter waved his phone

around in pride.

"Just a few minutes ago, I've already sent the

location to Sir Wallace."

"Harvey York, your death is near!"

The top Taekwondo master, Wallace Park?

Harvey could barely remember the name.

`Was he the chief instructor for three armies in

Country j?'

"Peter Lee, this is Country H. I suggest you leave now

and stop acting foolish."

"If Prince York decides to annihilate you, even I can' t

stop it."

Samuel advised, his tone calm and unhurried.

Peter's eyes twitched. He was not afraid of taking

back to Harvey, but he dared not offend Samuel.

This man's status was much too high! He could

even be considered the king of Country H!
PH, I ')-.•

A man like him could reduce Star Chaebol to dust

with just a single word. It was why Peter was
reluctant to provoke him!


At this moment, a Rolls Royce drove in front of the


Peter, whose face was as pale as a ghost, was

brimming with joy when he saw the car's number

"Sir Wallace! You're finally here to serve justice!"

"If it were"t for you, Star Chaebol would've been

bullied to death!"

"I've already challenged Harvey York for you!"

Peter was bouncing up and down, full of

excitement. Wallace stepped out of the car
nonchalantly, bearing the aura of a mighty sage.

Looking at Peter's exhilarated face, Wallace said

calmly, "Representative Lee, you're a man with a high
status in Country J. Where is your composure?"

"No matter who dares threaten or coerce you, I,

Wallace Park, shall be your shield!"

"Come, come, come. Tell me, who dares to cross Star


"Let me show that man that there are people more

powerful than him!"

Wallace crossed his arms and looked right at the

entrance of Sky Corporation.

Samuel was the first person he saw.

Wallace's eyes twitched.

`It's Samuel?!'

`Samuel Bauer himself?!'

Wallace knew who a man of that caliber was.

And he knew full well how hard it was to go against

the previous Elder of the Army from his
Chapter 1547

experiences before.

Samuel seemed to have seen through Wallace's

intentions and said nonchalantly, "You must be Sir
Wallace. Rest assured. Since Country J had requested
a challenge, I won't get involved."

"Do as you like."

Samuel stepped to the side. Wallace then glanced at

the man behind him.
Chapter 1548

Wallace nonchalantly looked the other way, about to

say something.

The next moment, his whole body shook. His face

turned awful.

`The Head Coach?!'

`How could it be him?!'

`The Head Coach who single-handedly slaughtered all

five strongest countries united?!'

He was every mercenary's nightmare, the most

feared man in every single country!

In fact, he was Wallace's greatest nightmare in all of

Country H and nobody else's!

Dear God!

`This moron Peter actually challenged the Head

Chapter 1548

Coach himself?!'

`And he claimed that I could beat the man with one



Before even saying anything, Wallace, the top

Taekwondo master, knelt immediately after coming in
contact with Harvey!

His demeanor as the top Taekwondo master had

vanished completely.

`He kneeled?!'

`The top Taekwondo master, Wallace Park himself,

kneeled without even putting up a fight?!'

`How is this possible?!'

The crowd looked at him, befuddled and


Wallace was a known legend.

He was the one who taught the Three Saints of

Taekwondo how to fight!

In fact, he single-handedly carried Country J's

martial arts world.

He was even the chief instructor of three whole


In spite of all that, a man of this caliber kneeled so


He kneeled without even causing a fuss about it!

Peter was bewildered. He grabbed Wallace's collar

and exclaimed angrily, "Sir Wallace! What's going
on with you? How could you just kneel like that?!"

"You're the top Taekwondo master!"

"You can beat that fool with just one hand!"

"Why are you kneeling?!"

"This is a fair fight! Nobody's going to stop you!

Stand up and cripple that man right this instant!"

Wallace, who was kneeling on the ground, was
boiling with anger. He then swung his palm across
Peter's face.

A single slap was enough to make Peter pass out. The

whole world fell into dead silence once more.

Harvey took a step forward and looked at Wallace

with an indifferent expression. After a brief while, he

"You came all the way to Country H?"

"Yes, it was presumptuous of me..."

Wallace shivered as he spoke. He was terrified.

It could not be helped. The man in front of him had

caused him too much trauma.

Wallace had no courage to even approach Harvey

during the Euro-American Battlefield. Naturally, he
dared not straighten his back in front of this man.

"I know that the Three Saints of Taekwondo and

the eight Heavenly Kings were your disciples and

"Why didn't you just stay put in Country j? Why are

you here?"

"Are you here to fight me?"

"Are you going to beat me with just one hand?"

Harvey's words sent Wallace trembling even harder.

He immediately grovelled.

"I was wrong! It was my fault!"

"I was tempted by evil!"

"I shouldn't have stepped in Country H!"

Wallace's body was bathed in cold sweat as he

grovelled. Hot air blew out of his head.

He was not feeling warm. Instead, he was

completely and utterly terrified.

At such an unbelievable sight, the crowd went

numb with shock.

Nobody expected Wallace to kneel out of fear, let

alone act this respectful to Harvey.

Yet the top Taekwondo master with the aura of a

mighty sage seemed like a mere stray dog compared
to Harvey!

"Since you wanted to beat me with one hand, I'll

give you one chance. If you can block one move
from me, I'll let you off the hook."

Harvey offered calmly.

Chapter 1549

Chapter 1549
"I can't! I don't dare to!"

"I don't deserve to fight with you!"

Wallace Park regretted so much at this moment and

was about to vomit blood.

If he knew he would have met with the Chief

Instructor, he would never have come to Buckwood!

People like them had no right to set foot in this


"This isn't about whether you are daring or not, but

you, of Country J, had already put a smack on my
face. If I just let you go like this, even the nobodies
would dare to come and mess with me in the

Harvey York stepped forward.

"Stand up, and take a blow from me."

Wallace trembled all over, and his face turned pale
after hearing what Harvey said. He knew very well
that Harvey was already showing him mercy.

Otherwise, with Harvey's identity, Wallace's

coming to Buckwood was already a dead end.

If he wanted to stay alive, he had to take this blow

from Harvey and must go all out!

"Sorry for offending you then!"

Wallace took a deep breath. After all, Harvey was an

existence of the master level. At this moment, he
slammed both his hands on the ground, and his whole
body leaped into the air, moving to a kick.

The number one person in Taekwondo of Country J

did have a particular ability. The strikes were as
powerful as thunder and storm.

Even though this seemed like an ordinary blow, it

contained unpredictable power when he struck it!

Chapter 1549

A strong wind blew in all directions from where

Wallace struck.

Even the stones and fallen leaves on the ground

were swept away.

The people around were forced back tens of meters by

this wave of air.

Peter Lee's unconscious body was also sent flying


"You're mighty, Master Park!"

Seeing this scene, several of Peter's subordinates all

spoke unconsciously at this moment.

They did not know what happened to Wallace!

They only knew that the current Wallace was very


Too strong!

Strong to the point that he seemed inhuman.

The bricks on the ground were all cracked at this

The sound of thunder broke out with this kick!


Just when this earth-shattering kick was about to hit


Harvey took a step forward and calmly landed a slap.


Wallace's kick never had a chance to land on

Harvey. Wallace was sent flying and smashed
directly on his Rolls Royce, leaving a human-
shaped imprint.

The number one person in Taekwondo of Country J

couldn't even defend against Harvey's slap!

This scene instantly frightened everyone who was

present at that moment.

Especially Peter, who had just come to, was so

Chapter 1549

scared that he wetted his pants at this moment.

"You're Peter Lee, Representative Lee, right?

"Do you still remember what I said?"

Harvey took out a tissue, wiped his right hand, and

spoke indifferently.

"Yes, I remember. I promise that Star Chaebol will

never set foot in South Light again from today

"I swear!"

Peter replied almost immediately.

"It's too late.

"I'll give you one day. If you can't give me a

satisfactory explanation before tomorrow...

"You know the consequences."


Matthew Flynn, whose eyes kept on twitching, and

Quinton York left in embarrassment after a while.
They were both shocked the moment they saw
Harvey slap the number one person in Taekwondo
to death.

As for Peter Lee, he also ran and fled the scene.

The other people who were initially there to watch

the fun were all rushing to leave. They were all
worried that Harvey would settle accounts with

In less than a few minutes, Harvey and his gang were

the only ones left on the initially lively streets.

Harvey invited everyone into the lobby of Sky

Corporation to take their seats. Everyone was
watching the rising red line while drinking tea and

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the stock market

was closed.

In the afternoon, with Avel Naiswell's billions of

funds entering the market, Sky Corporation's
Chapter 1549

stocks managed to reach the five hundred


Sky Corporation became popular with that one share.

Its market value had increased tenfold on the first day
of listing!
Chapter 1550

Chapter 155o
At this point, the listing of Sky Corporation had
been settled.

Mandy Zimmer sat next to Harvey York with a

somewhat complicated expression. She sighed and
said after a moment, "It turns out that what you said
all this while was true.

"You really are Prince York!"

At this moment, Mandy's voice was

unprecedentedly gentle, and she also had a new
understanding of Harvey.

In the past, she always felt that her husband was good
at everything except for talking big.

However, she finally realized that everything

Harvey said was true at that moment.

If she believed him in the first place, their

relationship would have already gone by leaps and
Chapter 1550


"What prince? It's meaningless.

"I will always be the son-in-law of the Zimmer

family in front of you."

Harvey drank a cup of tea and looked calm.

"But you deeply misunderstood me back then. I don' t

blame you. After all, I was indeed penniless when I
was bugging out to Buckwood, although I did have
many arrangements.

"So, no pressure there.

"As for Sky Corporation, since you like to do

business, I'll leave it to your capable hands in the


Mandy was startled. Her gaze fell on Yvonne Xavier

with a bit of jealousy. She said, "If I take over Sky
Corporation for you, your beautiful secretary
wouldn't have any problem, right?"
c I la ter I 5 50

Mandy pinched Harvey's thigh secretly while


Before, she only thought that Yvonne was just

being kind to Harvey, so Mandy was naturally very
concerned about Yvonne due to a woman's

Now that Mandy knew that this beauty was her

husband's secretary. At this moment, Mandy was
insanely jealous.

Feeling the intensity coming from Mandy, Harvey's

eyes twitched. Enough, although he had solved a
problem, it seemed that a bigger problem was

It seemed that Yvonne had sensed the ambiguity

between Harvey and Mandy. She then walked over
with a cold expression.

She bowed to Harvey and then produced a resignation

letter that she had prepared a long time ago and
handed it to Harvey, whispering, "CEO
York, I wanted to resign before, but since the group is
about to go public, so I didn't mention anything about

"Now that all has been settled, I am officially

sending in my papers!

"I have already taught Ray everything about the group.

He'll be able to manage Sky Corporation very well for

Yvonne handed the letter, turned, and walked out of the

lobby of Sky Corporation without giving Harvey a
chance to respond.

Looking at this scene, Sheldon Xavier seemed to show

a bitter smile. He then bowed to Harvey and said,
"CEO York, there is a matter within the family that
needs to be dealt with. That's why she
resigned. I hope you would understand her

Sheldon quickly walked out of the lobby after he

finished speaking and disappeared.

Mandy was slightly taken aback while looking at

this scene.

Harvey also slightly frowned.

Yvonne suddenly tendered her resignation as soon

as Sky Corporation went public. He felt that
something was wrong.

"Why? Are you sad because that little secretary is


Mandy looked at Harvey with a half-smile.

Harvey was outrageous. He initially wanted to go up

to Yvonne and ask what really happened, but
obviously, he could not.

Otherwise, he would be finished if Mandy got

extremely jealous instead.

Moreover, there was still a person with an unknown

purpose at the scene, Samuel Bauer. Harvey could not
just leave things as is.

Samuel only stepped forward when the people were

almost gone. He smiled and said, "CEO York, may I
Chapter 1550

have a word with you in private?"

Chapter 1551

Chapter 1551
At the rooftop garden of Sky Corporation.

Samuel Bauer stood with his hands behind his back

while looking at the heavy traffic below. His
expression did not change at all.

Harvey York also stood beside him. He only said after

a long time, "Master Bauer, aren't you going to give
me an explanation on today's matter?"

Although Harvey and Samuel were acquainted in the


However, Harvey had caused Oliver Bauer to be

crippled recently, after all. Therefore, the entire
Longmen thought that Harvey was the one who
killed him when Oliver was reported dead.

By right, Samuel was here today to make trouble.

Nonetheless, he came to support Harvey, and there
was something unreasonable in it.

After Samuel looked at Harvey for a moment, he

suddenly smiled vaguely and said, "Chief Instructor,
young hero, you really didn't know why I'm here

Harvey did not speak but looked at Samuel

indifferently from the side.

The aura exuding from Samuel suddenly became out

of control.

In the next moment, a terrifying aura of nobility

spread from him.

At this moment, even with Harvey's nature, he also

slightly frowned.

This was because the current Samuel gave him a very

powerful feeling as if he could control the life and
death of everyone at this moment.

Including Harvey.

Then, Samuel chuckled and said, "Chief Instructor,

you will have to take my lethal shot first!"

After speaking, Samuel's figure moved, and he

threw a punch forward.

Harvey's expression changed, but he did not step

back at this moment. Instead, he took one step
forward and also threw a punch toward the
direction of his move.

Slap, slap, slap!

Soft noises came out. It was as if both of them were

playing like children. The noises made were not as
loud as imagined.

However, in the next moment, there was a strong

wind in the void. Both their clothes were flapping,
making noises as they exchanged their punches.


Almost simultaneously, all the glasses on the roof

shattered and turned into powder at this moment.

The two of them immediately separated once their

bodies touched one another. Harvey returned to the
original place and did not have much movement.
'f I

As for Samuel, he stepped three steps behind and was

very surprised after their initial exchange.

Apparently, he did not expect that the legendary

Chief Instructor's prowess would still be so
terrifying even after years of retirement.

Usually, not many people in this world could accept

his shot head-on.

"Indeed, Chief Instructor is a heroic young man. Your

skills haven't diminished at all, although you have
been dormant for several years. It seems that I have
underestimated you."

Samuel stared at Harvey and smiled.

"Gavin Bauer is right. You are indeed a once-in-a-

lifetime genius of the great Country H.

"You're indeed the living legend and the pillar of the

great Country H."

Harvey slightly frowned. Gavin Bauer, who Samuel

mentioned just now, was currently the Elder of the


Samuel was the former Elder of the Army, so it was

expected that the two knew each other.

However, Harvey did not continue on this topic. He

then said indifferently, "What's your purpose in
coming to support me today, Master Bauer? You have
to make it clear, right?"

Samuel smiled and said with his hands on his back,

"My intention is straightforward.

"Firstly, to send a gift to Chief Instructor to show my


Harvey said nonchalantly, "Even if you don't show

up, Matthew and Quinton won't get any benefits."

"Of course, with your means, there are many ways for
you to deal with them, Chief Instructor. But you don't
want to reveal your identity, right?

"In this case, I went out of my way and offered you a

little help. It can be regarded as doing a little favor
Chapter 1551

for you, can't it?"

Harvey did not admit nor deny the statement made by

C h a pt e r 1 5 5 2

Samuel Bauer continued, "Secondly, I want to see if

the retired Chief Instructor is still as good as
mentioned in the legend.

"Thirdly, it is to seek justice for Oliver Bauer. After

all, he is my subordinate."

Harvey York said indifferently, "If you want to die, I

can kill you at any time."

Samuel smiled. He shoved his right hand, and a

token that seemed like jade landed in front of
Harvey. He said calmly, "Fourthly, I have been
planning for the branch of Longmen for a long time.

"Regardless of whether Oliver was killed by you, but

it is undeniable that he died because of you.

"As soon as Oliver died, everything in Mordu was a

mess. I want the Chief Instructor to take over the
branch of Longmen using this token to rectify the
affairs within a month."
'f I "

Harvey smiled, "Master Bauer, you must be

dreaming, right?

"Gavin Bauer repeatedly invited me to be the Chief

Instructor of the top nine troops, but I refused.

"Do you think that you can force me to become the

branch leader of the branch of Longmen using your
identity as the Master of Longmen?"

Samuel smiled, "You're overthinking it, Chief

Instructor. This isn't an order or coercion. But I
think you will eventually take up the offer."

He did not give Harvey a chance to ask questions and


"Since the rise of the great Country H among the

ranks of the nations in the world, Country H has
always been hostile to the five powerful nations.

"A few years ago, you swept the five powerful

coalition forces all by yourself in the Euro-
American battlefield!

"Since then, although there have been occasional

skirmishes on the frontier, there have been no more

"However, those powerful nations have never

stopped trying to crush us."

"And Mordu, a place with a mix of good and bad

people, has always been the bridgehead that
everyone would like to compete for.

"Not long ago, I got the news that there is a large

number of people from the Ninja House of Island
Nation lurking in Mordu, and their motive was

"I arranged for Oliver Bauer in Mordu to investigate

this matter.

"But now he is dead. So, I think you should bear this

responsibility, right?"

Harvey frowned. "Are you blackmailing me?"

Samuel laughed. "That's not the case. Originally, I

should handle matters like this by myself, but too
many people are staring at me. It's difficult for me to
make a move.

"Even if I want to send a new person to take charge of

the branch of Longmen, it's difficult for me to find
someone I trust at this moment.

"So, as a last resort, I came to invite you to take

over the branch of Longmen."

After Harvey pondered for a moment, he said

indifferently, "Apart from Island Nation, who else is
making their moves in Mordu?"

"So far, the solid piece of information that I have is

Island Nation.

"As for whether other powerful nations are in

cahoots, and what they are plotting is temporarily
unknown. We have to count on you, Chief

After speaking, Samuel did not wait for Harvey's

response. Instead, he turned around and took a step
forward. His figure instantly fell from the top floor.

However, after falling several tens of meters down, he

lightly touched the telephone pole with his left hand.
His body then landed on the ground steadily after
utilizing strength through the thin air.

In less than a moment, the Master of Longmen

merged into the crowd and disappeared without a

"Cunning old man..."

Harvey murmured and then took out his phone

after a while.


"This is indeed the token of the branch leader of the

branch of Longmen."

Half an hour later, Ethan Hunt, Bellamy Blake, and

Tyson Woods all arrived.

Bellamy held the token of Longmen and looked at it

for a long time. He said, "Chief Instructor, it seems
Chapter 1552

that the Master of Longmen is serious. He even

gave the token to you.

"But who does he think he is? He even wants you to

be his subordinate!"

Harvey said indifferently, "He never asked me to be

his subordinate. If I'm right, this time Samuel and
Gavin want to take advantage of the situation and
force me to come out of retirement."
Chapter 1553

Chapter 1553
Everyone present looked at each other upon
hearing that.

Ethan Hunt only whispered after a while. "Chief

Instructor, with all due respect.

"If things are really like what the Master of

Longmen said, Island Nation making a move in
Mordu, ordinary people surely couldn't solve the

"As for someone who could solve it, Island Nation

will most likely keep an eye on them. If they just go
there rashly, it's impossible to find out anything.

"As for you, you have been living in seclusion for

the past few years. Although your identity as Prince
York is now exposed, no one knows your true

"You're the best person to go and investigate this

"Moreover, you have been dormant for many years,
Chief Instructor. The brothers from Sword Camp
are waiting for you to come out of retirement

"We'll see."

Harvey waved his hand gently.

`The higher one climbs, the colder it gets. The

higher one stands, the greater the responsibility.'

Harvey knew this full well.

He finally retired. If he came out again, he had to go

to the "rivers and lakes", then he could not act freely
in the future.

Tyson Woods thought for a while and said, "Chief

Instructor, if you don't want to go, I'll go in your

"After all, it's just a few people from Island Nation

who are causing trouble there. Wanting to force the
Chief Instructor to come out just for this, he must
Chapter 1553

be overthinking!"

"Shut up!"

Bellamy Blake glared at Tyson.

"Mordu is a perilous place. The Six Princes of

Mordu, none of them are simple.

"Not to mention that the Bauer family now regards

the Chief Instructor as an eyesore.

"Even if the Chief Instructor goes to Mordu, it will

also be very dangerous, let alone you."

Tyson said in annoyance, "With Chief Instructor's

skills, who would he be afraid of?"

"What do you know? It's hard to guard against secret

conspiracies! Anyone could use any means in places
like Mordu.

"Moreover, the people from the branch of

Longmen hated Chief Instructor so much. Once
they appeared at random, they would be under
Bellamy let out a sigh.

He used to be the Deputy Commander of the

Gangnam Military. Thus, he also knew how
dangerous Mordu was.

Tyson said, "Commander Blake, do you think I didn' t

check on these things?

"I have already asked my brothers in Mordu about the

situation after I received the call from the Chief

"I heard that Oliver Bauer is dead, and after his

disciple, Rachel Hardy was crippled, the entire
branch of Longmen was plunged into huge chaos.

"The Bauer family is one of the six great families in

Mordu. Now, they're all vying to move up at the

"But several senior disciples of Oliver all wanted to

become the branch leader. Both sides had already
competed against each other several times.
"I think these people are thinking about how to
move up to higher positions and probably have no
intention in avenging Oliver whatsoever.

"The Chief Instructor used to resolve situations

without much difficulty.

"I think the Master of Longmen initially wants to see

if it's possible to shuffle the branch of Longmen
internally. Eventually, there will be a strong one
rising and taking charge of the branch of Longmen.

"But now it seems that either the Bauer family or

those senior disciples, none of them could really take

"Moreover, many darknesses are sweeping across

Mordu, and Island Nation is coming at us fiercely, so
the Master of Longmen couldn't sit back and
especially invite you to come out of retirement.

"Sure enough, there must be a reason why Elder

Gavin Bauer helps to push you along too.

"As long as you, the Chief Instructor, take part in

Chapter 1553

this, he won't have to worry that you will refuse the

post of being the Chief Instructor of the top nine
troops in the future.

"But then again, those b*stards from Island Nation,

aren't they afraid of us after being defeated in the
Euro-American battlefield? How come they still dare
to come and mess with the great Country H? They're
certainly asking for it!"

Tyson looked angry.

"Chief Instructor, f*ck them, let them know why the

flowers are so red!"
Chapter 1554
Harvey York leaned on the sofa and said calmly, "I
haven't thought about it yet. I just feel distraught after
being schemed by two old cunning foxes.

"Furthermore, even if it's to take charge of the

branch of Longmen, it doesn't need to be now.

"We'll have to wait for ten to fifteen days even if we

want to go. Wait until they have fought enough."

At the same time, Ray Hart walked in. He then

leaned forward and said, "CEO York, I have sent
someone to investigate Miss Xavier's matter.

"But nothing was wrong.

"She just resigned as a normal person would do.

"But this is the weirdest thing. So, I'm afraid that you
have to go and see for yourself. I heard that she will
take a plane to leave Buckwood tomorrow."

Ethan Hunt, Bellamy Blake, and Tyson Woods all

IcThi"1 i

looked down.

`This is the Chief Instructor's affair. Don't

intervene, don't intervene.'

Harvey rubbed his eyebrows, sighed after a

moment. He then got up and left.

Half an hour later, Harvey rang the doorbell of

Yvonne Xavier's apartment.

The door opened after a while. Yvonne walked out

with a bare but pretty face.

She was not in her usual professional attire but

instead wearing a loose nightdress since she was at

Although this hid her tall and slender figure, it was

partly hidden and partly visible, which made people
full of fantasy.

Yvonne should be waiting for someone. Thus, she

was taken aback when she saw Harvey at her door.
She was a little nervous, but she still whispered, "
CEO York, why are you here?"

Harvey smiled and said, "You have been by my side

for so long and have helped me solve so many things.
But you just resigned without giving me an
explanation. Isn't that bad?

"So, tonight, I'm here for an explanation.

"Of course, if there's anything that needs my help, you

can say it, and I'll do the best in my power."

Yvonne looked at Harvey seriously. She then

suddenly sat on the sofa and stretched. She said, "
Harvey, I'm not your secretary anymore.

"Saying these things to me, aren't you afraid that your

wife will mind?"

Harvey gave a wry smile instead. He could not

answer this. Something might actually happen if his
wife found out that he went out of his way just to see

Yvonne just stared at Harvey. After a long time, he

ic:pir -

whispered, "I'm from the Xavier family in Wolsing.

CEO York, you knew about this, right?"

"I know," Harvey replied calmly.

"But you may not know that I'm not welcomed in the
family due to my father's early death. Thus, I grew up
in the Smith family in Mordu.

"The Smith family in Mordu is my maiden home.

"A while back, the Xavier family from Wolsing

persecuted me in every possible way and wanted me
to marry Chris Leo from the Leo family in Hong
Kong. In the end, this matter comes to nothing.

"But my mother learned about this matter.

"My mother felt that I was wronged by the Xavier

family in Wolsing. Thus, she decided to let me go
back to the Smith family to develop there.

"Of course, this so-called development means that the

Smith family had also set me up on a blind date.

"Thompson family from Wolsing, Young Master


"Young Master Thompson is known as one of the

Four Young Masters of Wolsing. His status is noble
and terrifying, to say the least.

"Grandfather also agreed to this marriage, so they

have been calling recently and asking me to go back

"Even the Xavier family from Wolsing agreed with

them after learning about this.

"These days, these two big families have constantly

been finding me and applying pressure on me.

"A few days ago, they even threatened me that if I

disagreed, they would attack Sky Corporation
together with Matthew and Quinton.

"I was worried that something big might happen and

it would bring you a lot of trouble. So, I agreed to
their demands, provided that I would resign after the
group went public..."
Chapter 1555
Yvonne Xavier said all the things that she had been
suppressing in her heart those days in one breath, and
her whole person suddenly became very relaxed.

She then whispered, "CEO York, Sky Corporation has

just gone public. It is already very troublesome for
you to deal with the four top families in Hong Kong,
Star Chaebol and the Jean family of Mordu.

"Also, I don't want to trouble you any longer.

"The Smith family from Mordu is also one of the top

ten families, right?

"My grandfather is Jaden Smith from Mordu!" said

Yvonne as she let out a sigh.

"What?!" Harvey York was startled. "The richest man

in Gangnam, Jaden Smith?

"And that Young Master Thompson is from the

Thompson family in Wolsing.
1:11, ter

"Plus the Xavier family from Wolsing. These are

three of the top ten families!"

Speaking of this, Harvey could not help sighing

deep down in his heart.

Even with Harvey's identity, he also got a headache

after hearing about those three families.

It was evident that Yvonne had to resign.

After all, she did not want to bring trouble to him.

Knock, knock, knock..

Harvey had not finished sighing, and the door of the

room was knocked at this moment.

"Yvonne, open the door. I'm here to pick you up!" A

voice came from outside the door.

"It's my mother..."

Yvonne, whose expression was initially normal,

suddenly changed, and her body stiffened at that
f I -;

She asked Harvey to hide while looking for some

decent clothes to change into.

Harvey was speechless. He said, "It's just your

mother. What are you afraid of? You are my
secretary. I'm here because I'm concerned about you.
It's nothing, right?"

Yvonne said with a headache, "CEO York, you don't

understand how troublesome my mother is.
Otherwise, I won't be forced to resign."

Yvonne's eyes kept swirling around after speaking.

Unfortunately, there was not much furniture in her

room. It looked minimalistic. Even if she wanted to
hide someone, there was not a suitable place for

"This situation can't be explained. If I hide and end

up discovered, then we would really be in deep
trouble." At that point, Harvey did not care what
would happen.

"So, I'll meet with auntie.

f I -;

"If you don't want to go to Mordu, then no one can

force you to go!"

Harvey had decided to interfere in this matter after

hearing what Yvonne said.

No matter what the relationship between him and

Yvonne was, he just could not watch Yvonne
marrying someone she did not know at all.

Yvonne's body trembled when she heard it.

However, she was so anxious and did not know
what to do.

Outside, a majestic voice spoke once again, "

Yvonne, I know you're inside. Open the door
immediately. Otherwise, I will let someone break
the door!"

Yvonne was at a loss.

Harvey did not care about the situation. He then

walked forward and opened the door.

Yvonne's pretty face turned pale upon seeing this

f 1 5


It was over!

Outside the door, a few men and women were

wearing Chinese clothes standing at the moment. All
of them exuded an amazing aura.

The one who had the most terrifying aura among

those people was a lady in her fifties, with jewels and
extravagance over her body.

Her appearance was similar to Yvonne's, and she had

an inaccessible aura.

Moreover, the people behind her were not ordinary

people. They were just casually standing there, but
they had already blocked all of Harvey's ways out.

"Hello, Auntie!"

"Mother, why are you here?"

Harvey and Yvonne spoke at the same time.

Seeing a man present in her daughter's apartment,

Chapter 1555

Michelle's eyes were cold. She then said coldly, "

Yvonne, who is this man?!"
Chapter 1556

Chapter 1556
Seeing her daughter wearing a baggy nightdress,
covered in a coat. Her hot figure was quite revealing
at this moment. Michelle had the impulse to strangle
Harvey York to death.

Meanwhile, Yvonne Xavier hurriedly stepped

forward. She forced out a smile and said, "Mother,
he is my colleague. He came to do a handover with


"Work handover?"

Michelle's face was cold. "A male colleague came to

do a work handover with you in the middle of the

"And it can't be done during the day, so you have to

do it here?

"Do you think I will believe it?

f :)iEfff

"Tell me honestly. Does this man have any secret

relationship with you?

"Who is he?"

Michelle spoke with a cold voice, with an air of


She stared at Harvey at the same time. If her eyes

could kill people, this b*stard who had tarnished
her daughter's innocence had already died
thousands of times at this moment.

Yvonne was utterly speechless. She agreed to the

Smith family's request regarding the blind date just to
protect Harvey.

However, her mother ran into him today. Once

someone finds out about Harvey's identity, Sky
Corporation would be finished.

"Auntie, Yvonne is right. I'm her colleague."

Harvey said benevolently.

"But, I'm the CEO of the company. She is my

secretary. She suddenly resigned today. Therefore, I
came over to find out why.

"If someone persecutes her, or asks her to do

something unwillingly, then I won't allow it."

Harvey was extremely frank, and he showed that he

wanted to protect Yvonne.


Michelle's gaze instantly became fierce. "So, you are

the CEO of Sky Corporation, Harvey York!

"The man who's holding my daughter back?!"

"It's me," Harvey said.

"Good! You are great!"

Michelle pointed at Harvey's nose and was

speechless for a long time.

Then, she glared at Yvonne and said, "Have you

forgotten your promise?

"You can stay with him until the group goes public.
But from now on, you have nothing to do with Sky
Corporation and this man!

"You will listen to me and go on a blind date!

"From now on, you will be cutting all ties to this


"In this case, the Smith family promised not to

assist Matthew Flynn and others on the day Sky
Corporation went public!

"Now, they have fulfilled their promise. How about

you? Have you forgotten yours?

"If your grandfather learns about this, Sky

Corporation will go bankrupt tomorrow!

"If the Thompson family from Wolsing finds out, how

do you want me to explain to them?"

At this moment, Michelle's expression was full of

hatred. "Yvonne, you must give me an explanation!"

"There is no explanation. I have a clear conscience. I

have already resigned, and I plan to return to
Mordu tomorrow!"

Yvonne furrowed her eyebrows.

"But there is one thing you need to know. I promised

to go on a blind date, but I didn't promise that I'll
marry into the Thompson family.

"The so-called blind date is just two young people

meeting each other. The final decision still rests in my

"The CEO comes here to find me tonight, regardless

of what he is here for, you don't have the right to
control me, Mother. Moreover..."

"Shut up! Shut up!" Michelle shivered with anger,

pointed at Yvonne, and said, "I'm your mother! Your
father died early. You have suffered a lot in the
Xavier family in Wolsing. I was the one who brought
you to the Smith family and raised you!

"Your grandfather also gave you the best

environment and even gave you many
opportunities to experience to let you marry into a
Chapter 1556

wealthy family!

"Now the Smith family is in trouble. Your

grandfather is in danger. Only the Thompson family
can resolve this matter. So, isn't it natural for you to
sacrifice yourself for this?"
Chapter 1557
"Although your surname is Xavier, you are also a part
of the Smith family!

"The entire Smith family shall rise and fall

together. Since you have been growing in the Smith
family, eating and using the things there, then you
must bear the obligations!

"When the Smith family is doing very well, I don't

care what you want to do!

"But now the Smith family is facing a crisis, you must

come back with me to solve the problem!

"So, as long as your grandfather and I agree, you must

do it regardless of whether you are willing to marry
Hector Thompson or not!

"Moreover, the marriage with the Smith family was

already approved by the Xavier family in Wolsing!

"With the two top families nodding their heads,

you must carry it out unconditionally!

"Hence, you can just talk about it now. After

returning to Mordu, I don't wish to hear the same
words again!

"Otherwise, you know the consequences!"

Michelle was very stern at this moment, with an

unquestionable feeling in her voice.

Harvey York realized that Yvonne Xavier, who

had always been so strong and confident, had a
befuddled and helpless look on her face at this

After a while, she quickly turned her head. A few

tears fell, but she quickly wiped it dry.

Harvey unexplainedly felt heartache at this moment.

He knew exactly how hardworking Yvonne was.

She wanted to live her own life and pursued her

happiness. Thus, she always had her thoughts.

She left Wolsing and Mordu for this reason.

However, she still could not escape her fate in the

Coming from a big family, she was destined to be

devoted to the family.

Michelle was right in saying that she had to bear the

obligations of the family after enjoying the power of
the big family.

Michelle said coldly while looking at this scene. "

Don't cry. You should have known since you were a
child. For us, tears are meaningless!

"Today, I came to Buckwood to bring you back and

also tell you that the blind date is just a formality!

"Hector already looked at your photos, and he was

more than satisfied.

"Thus, you must get married by the end of this year!

"Return to Mordu with me immediately, right


Yvonne was taken aback for a moment. She did not

expect her own mother to say such things.

She hated herself for being a coward. She always felt

that it was enough as long as she could stay with that

However, it was too late to regret now.

"There is nothing worth holding on to in a place like


"How could the men in Buckwood compare to the

men in Wolsing and Mordu?!"

Michelle's face was full of disdain and contempt for

Harvey. "Even if it's the CEO of a listed company, so
what? After all, this company could only go public
because of the kindness of the Smith family!

"If not, he would be a man with a debt of hundreds of


"This kind of person is not worth holding on to!

"Only Hector Thompson, one of the Four Young

Masters of Wolsing, is worthy of your love!"

Yvonne felt helpless. Her mother was threatening

If she did not want to leave, it would not be too difficult

for the Smith family from Mordu to bring down a
group that had just gone public given the power of the
Smith family.

Everything she did before was to avoid getting

Harvey involved in the vortex of the top three top-
tier families.

This was because once Harvey was involved, even

Harvey might be crushed into pieces.

"Auntie, you want to take Yvonne away. Have you

asked me about it?"

Meanwhile, Harvey stepped forward and stood in

front of Yvonne. He said thoughtfully, "Not only is
Yvonne my secretary, but she is also my confidant.
No one can force her to do things that she doesn't
want to."
Chapter 1558

Chapter 1558
Michelle's eyelids twitched wildly, and her face
turned a little green.

She deliberately ignored Harvey York's existence.

She just wanted to cut the mess quickly and take
Yvonne Xavier away immediately.

However, she never thought that Harvey would

come forward himself.

Although Harvey was the CEO of Sky Corporation,

also known as Prince York of South Light...

Nonetheless, he was still a joke in Michelle's eyes.

How could such a barbaric land like South Light be

compared to Mordu?

The Six Princes of Mordu were the true princes.

Prince York of South Light was nothing.

Unexpectedly, this useless prince still dared to jump

out and opposed her. This made her feel that her
authority was being challenged.

At this moment, Michelle immediately took out a

check, wrote a series of numbers, and threw it
toward Harvey's direction. She said coldly, "I don't
care if you are Yvonne's CEO or her colleague, or
her man...

"In short, you don't deserve to be in a relationship

with her. You don't even have the right to be
friends with her!

"This is a hundred million. Take it and get out

immediately. Don't show up near Yvonne from now

Michelle exuded an invincible aura when she stated

this ultimatum.

Using money to lure people away was what the

Smith family was best at.

Harvey squatted down, picked up the check, and

looked at it carefully under Michelle's derisive gaze.
f E,

Michelle watched this scene with a victory sneer.

The CEO of a listed company, so what? Didn't the

Smith family manage to settle him using money?

After looking at the numbers on the check, Harvey

raised his head and said indifferently, "Auntie,
wanting me to leave Yvonne just with this measly
amount? I'm afraid it isn't enough."

"Not enough?!"

Michelle was stunned for a moment. The expression

on her face became even more mocking.

"Who do you think you are? Bargaining with me?

"I give you a hundred million for the sake of my


"You better get out with the money now. Otherwise,

you might not be able to imagine what the
consequences would be!

"I'm telling you, there is no comparability between

people. Even if they are from the same upper circle,
some people are destined to be the supporting roles
for life!

"The princess will only marry the prince. As for an

ordinary baron, he would never be able to touch the
princess's hair even after working hard for eight

"A toad could never swallow swan meat!

"Most importantly, Yvonne is already engaged!

"She will marry Hector Thompson soon and enter

one of the top ten families, the Thompson family!

"If you want to screw this marriage up or create any

trouble, I won't let you off the hook!

"Can you afford to provoke the Thompson family?

"Use your brain to think about it. Don't take

yourself, your family, and the group to a dead end!

"Take the money and the little kindness I have left.

Get away from my daughter's side!
Chapter 1558


"This instant!"

Apparently, Michelle definitely would not allow

anyone to screw up her daughter's marriage.

Even if it was the CEO of a company that had just

gone public, so what?

For the Smith family, he was nothing.

Michelle's bodyguard also looked at Harvey coldly.

He was agitated seeing this guy who dared to altercate
with his master.

"You think money is everything, is it?" Harvey said

while fanning the check

"Yes. Money is everything. If I let you go, you have

to go. If I let you leave my daughter, you have to
leave. This is the power of money!" Michelle pointed
at Harvey as she said in a cold voice.

Harvey slightly smiled. He also took out a check,

Chapter 1558

wrote a series of numbers on it, and then shacked it on

Michelle's face. "This is ten billion. Take it and get
out of here. Don't show up around Yvonne from now
Chapter 1559

Chapter 1559

Michelle trembled with anger. She did not expect that

Harvey York would dare to insult her like this.

Did this brat treat her like a fool?

Ten billion?


"Destroy him!"

At this moment, Michelle's face was cold, and she no

longer wanted to say anything.

"Boy, Madam is talking very nicely to you, but

you don't appreciate it. Then don't blame me for
whatever happens next!"

At this moment, an old man in a suit, who had been

standing behind Michelle, stepped forward and
squinted at Harvey.
Chapter 1559

"I'll end you now. Don't simply provoke other

people in the next lifetime!"

The old man shoved his palm in Harvey's direction

the moment after he finished speaking.


His palm shot gave out a sound as powerful as

thunder and storm.

Yvonne Xavier unconsciously exclaimed, "Handel,


Michelle was quick She grabbed her daughter and was

about to watch Harvey die on the spot coldly.


Harvey looked indifferent. He then stepped forward

and swung a slap forward.

It was fast and fierce. It arrived first, although it was

the latter.

f I

Handel, who was in the midst of delivering the blow,

contorted his face when he saw Harvey's incoming
palm. He had no time to evade that move. Then,
Harvey's slap instantly landed on his face.


With a loud noise, Handel was sent flying out and hit
on the wall of the corridor, clearing out all the
cobwebs of the wall.

At the same time, there was a red palm print

imprinted on his face.

He was holding his red and swollen face with his right
hand. Handel's heart was full of fear.

How could this be?

Even though he only used about fifty percent of his

strength for the strike just now...

However, his speed and strength were indeed not

something that a young brat could contend with.

Nonetheless, the outcome made everyone


The opponent just sent him flying with a slap!

He could only say that this brat was a very strong


At this moment, Handel's eyes, which were looking at

Harvey, were no longer disdainful but instead rather

The men and women in the Chinese clothes were all

shocked while looking at this scene.

They never expected that Harvey could throw

Handel away with just a slap.

It was important to understand that the Smith

family worshipped Handel!

He was truly a ruthless person with superb strength

and killing many people by using just his hands.

It was said that once, a karate master from Island

Nation came to challenge Handel, but he was beaten
to the ground by Handel with only one hand.
However, he was now suffering a loss under the
hands of a brat?

Michelle was also shocked. She was surprised that

Handel was sent flying just by a slap.

However, her complexion worsened at this

moment. She stared at Harvey and said, "Great, no
wonder you are so arrogant. It seems that you did
have some capabilities!

"But who gave you the right to fight back? Where did
your courage come from?"

Yvonne hurriedly stepped forward and interjected, "

Mother, Harvey didn't mean it. He just wants to
protect me!"

"Protect you?!"

Michelle looked disdainful. "Do you think that he

could really protect you just with those little skills
these days?

"In these years, those skills aren't enough to

f I

showcase the strength of men. The background,

power, wealth, status are all also very important!

"Anyone who can fight can protect you? No matter

how powerful a thug is, he is just a thug!

"Moreover, he only succeeded because he sneaked in

an attack when Handel wasn't paying attention. And
now you think he is invincible in this world?

"Ridiculous. If Handel fights seriously, even if there

were a hundred Harveys, it's still useless!"

Apparently, Michelle knew Handel's character very


Handel was very strong. Thus, he must be negligent

when facing nobody.

It was natural that he was thwarted.

Killing Harvey was just as simple as drinking water as

long as Handel handled it more seriously.
Chapter 1560

Chapter 156o
Handel shook his head when he heard the words. He
also felt that he was really careless just now.

He thought that the rival was just a junior, so he only

used fifty percent of his strength.

Now that Michelle had given him a direct order,

then he must go all out.

Handel sighed a little at this moment. This brat was

quite handsome. However, he might be in
smithereens after a while!

Handel sighed and said, "Brat, you make me angry.

But I'll try my best to leave you in one piece for Miss
Xavier's sake..."

His whole body radiated energy and his bones made

crackling sounds like fried beans while he was

'1 I

Harvey did not spout any nonsense. Instead, he

gave another slap with his backhand.

Handel's eyes slightly sank His expression was

solemn and he wanted to avoid Harvey's slap.

His speed was fast, but Harvey was obviously even

faster than him.

In the world of martial arts, nothing was

indestructible, only speed was eternally victorious!

Harvey's slap was so fast to the extreme!


Handel's figure turned a few times in the mid-air and

hit the wall of the corridor again.

This time, a palm print also appeared on his left


He covered both sides of his face and was trembling

in his boots.

How could this be?

'1 1

He was a master, but how come he suddenly became

so powerless?

Michelle looked impatient and said, "Handel, you

don't have to hold back for Yvonne, just go all out!

"Use your true strength. Teach him a lesson. Let him

know that there are some people he can't afford to
offend in his life!

"There are some circles that he doesn't deserve to set

foot in his entire life!"

Handel was frustrated. He had already used his true

strength. He had used at least eighty percent of his
strength just now!

Harvey looked at Handel indifferently and said, " Are

you convinced now?"

Handel's complexion turned horrible.

In the next moment, his figure moved forward

from the dark He put his hand together. "Crane
' ' f ')

Ninety percent of his strength!


Harvey gave out a slap again.

Handel's figure flew out again and hit the wall


The tiles on the wall were falling at this moment,

making Handel's face to be covered with dust.

The extremely powerful Handel felt something in

his chest at that moment and spurted out a mouthful
of blood.

Michelle trembled anxiously. She could not help

saying, "What are you doing?! What are you doing?!
Show them your true strength now!

"Teach this arrogant brat a lesson!"

Harvey looked at Handel indifferently and said, "If

you are dissatisfied, you are more than welcome to
come at me again."
Chapter 1560

Handel's face was cold and he was defiant. His

figure rushed out again in the next moment!

One hundred and twenty percent of his strength!

All his strength exploded at this moment.



Harvey responded to all strikes with the same

move, by giving out a slap.


Handel was sent flying again. This time, he hit the

ground and a trickle of blood appeared from the
corner of his mouth.


just too strong!

Not only was this brat in front of him fast, but he was
also very good at controlling his strength.
Chapter 1560

Handel was scared at this moment.

However, Michelle's face was so ugly as if she had

eaten sh*t and said, "Handel, hurry up and go all out.
Stop warming up!"

Harvey said indifferently, "Are you coming at me

once again?"

Handel struggled to recompose himself and finally got


Just when Harvey was about to give another slap with

his right hand...

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Handel quickly backed away. His eyelids kept

twitching wildly and he kept shaking his head. " Brat,
the fight is over. The fight is over. I give up. I' m

Apparently, he knew very well that if he continued to

fight, he would have been slapped to death by
Chapter 1560

A great master of a generation, he might as well just

commit suicide than to die because of a slap!
Chapter 1561

Chapter 1561
After hearing Handel's words, Michelle's eyes were
twitching along with a few others who had been
watching the two duke it out.

`He gave up?'

`He's convinced?'

`This is Handel we're talking about!'

`But this mighty man from Mordu's Smith family

was Michelle's very own bodyguard!'

`Wasn't he holding back for Yvonne Xavier's sake


`Why did he just admit defeat like that?'

Michelle and the others knew full well of Handel's


Not just the Smith family, people that were on par

with Handel were rare even in Mordu.
But such a big character was as swollen as a pig after
getting slapped around by Harvey York and then even
begged for mercy!

The sight was outrageous. Everyone could not

believe what they saw.

Handel took a hit because he was careless that one


After getting hit five times in a row, it was enough to

prove Harvey's terrifying strength.

Upon realizing this, Michelle's face had turned

utterly horrible.

She coldly glared at Handel and exclaimed with a

resentful tone, "Filth! You're useless!"

Handel showed a horrible look on his face. He did

not even dare to put down the hands covering his

He didn't want to beg for mercy!

But if he didn't, he might've actually been slapped

to death.

Harvey's slaps were getting stronger and stronger

each time. Handel knew that he would at least be
paralyzed even if he survived the next couple of

"It's good that you're satisfied."

Harvey looked at Handel with a warm smile on his

face. He then turned around to look at Michelle, who
was acting all high and mighty at this moment.

Harvey was just casually standing there, but the aura

surrounding him felt superior compared to the people
around him.

"Aunty, I already showed you what I can do to

protect Yvonne.

"So please don't make things harder for her!"

Harvey's tone was calm but full of authority.

"Not only is she my secretary, but she's also one of

my closest friends! She's dear to me!
"That's why nobody in this world is allowed to
make her feel wronged or unhappy, even if they
were her own family.

"Besides, the Smith family is one of the top ten

families, and Jaden Smith is also the richest man in

"What sort of difficulties can't be solved by the

Smith family to the point where you'd need to
sacrifice Yvonne?

"For me, this looks like just an excuse. I won't allow

the Smith family to ruin Yvonne's entire life just for
this dumb excuse!

"Not just you, I'll say the words verbatim even if

Jaden were here right now!"

Harvey's tone was peaceful, but his aura was


Michelle was forced back by Harvey's dominant

stand and subconsciously took a few steps back
Michelle was dissatisfied. She had only felt this kind
of dominance from the upperclassmen of the top ten

But Harvey's aura at this moment was even slightly

stronger than her father's.

Michelle was starting to doubt her existence at this


She had to admit that the man in front of her,

Harvey, was such a mysterious man!

After sizing up Harvey for a while, Michelle then

calmly said, "Young man, you do possess some
capabilities. I'll admit that I might have misjudged
you this time!

"But you should know that there is always someone

stronger than you out there!

"You think you're impressive just because you

defeated Handel.

"But you should know that in a place like Mordu,

Chapter 1561

Handel can't even compare to the others there!"

Harvey then calmly replied, "It'll be the same no matter

who comes for me. So-called professionals are just
rubbish to me."
Chapter 1562
Michelle snickered after hearing Harvey York's
words, then coldly said, "Young man, don't think that
you can start calling yourself king because you have
some capabilities. Let me tell you something, a person
shouldn't be overestimating their abilities!

"When you go to Mordu or Wolsing, you'll know how

much of a joke you are then!"

"Buckwood's full of shallow bastards. Do you really

think that you have an immense background just
because some people call you Prince? Do you really
believe that you have such authority or power?

"In Wolsing, in Mordu, your background and power is

just a joke!

"With your arrogant behavior and the fact that you

provoked the Smith family, you'll have a hard life
ahead of you."

Harvey calmly smiled without giving a straight


"Authority, background, connections, strength, these

have nothing to do with what happened today.

"But of course, if we were to compare all those, I am

the highest authority there is, I have the most
extraordinary background, I have the strongest
connections, and I'm the one with supreme

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, Aunty, but

these are solid facts!

"Only Yvonne Xavier has the right to tell me to

leave her. No one else has the right to do so, and
they don't have the capacity to do so either.

"Even if they were Yvonne's own mother, the Four

Young Masters of Wolsing, or the Six Princes of

"I will never let Yvonne feel wronged!"

Harvey's stand was out in the open. There was no

doubt about it.

Michelle showed a stern look, then shifted her gaze

toward Yvonne after looking at Harvey.

"Yvonne, are you sure you're going to break your


"And then you're letting this kid humiliate me all he


Yvonne's expression frantically changed, then she

finally replied, "Mother, I'll do as I promised!

"But I only agreed to see that man once. I never

even promised to marry him!

"If you're asking for this, then I'm sorry, I can't do


"As for the Smith family's crisis, the family has

already been listed as one of the top ten families for
so many years now! Why would you still be scared of
some killer organization?

"The family spent heaps of money just to destroy

them. Of course, we can do it again!

"Why do we even have to join forces with them?

"Don't you know how the Thompson family really

behaves? Do you really think it's that easy for them to
act against their own interests?

"That's why I can tell you clearly that I'll go on a

date with him, but I will never take his hand in
marriage. I'll fulfill my promise, but I sincerely
hope that the family doesn't make it any harder for

Michelle's gaze had gotten as cold as ice after

hearing Yvonne's words.

She knew full well that her daughter was a strong

yet stubborn woman. Since both sides had spoken
to this point, there was no need to continue the

Michelle then turned around and left without

saying another word.

But before she walked out of the entrance, she

looked at Harvey that stood on the side, and she
coldly said, "Harvey York, I'll admit defeat since I
couldn't take Yvonne with me!"

"But I still have to tell you, you're not worthy of

having my daughter! Even if you fight your entire
life, you'll never be a part of the Smith family!

"You know better what you should and shouldn't


"Watch your step!"

Michelle took a step forward and coldly exclaimed, "

Let's go!"

Handel and the others looked at Harvey with mixed

feelings apparent in their eyes, then followed
Michelle on the way out.

It was everyone's first time seeing Michelle, who was

extremely dominant, give in and compromise after so
many years.

Michelle got inside her Toyota Alpha and swiftly

Chapter 1562

gave a call after a moment.

"I want every information I can get on someone, and

his name's Harvey York!"
Chapter 1563
In the apartment.

Harvey York threw Yvonne Xavier's resignation letter

that he brought out back to her and said, "I'm not
keeping this. You're still the CEO's secretary of Sky

"Besides, I'll get Tyson to assign men for your

protection twenty-four hours a day from now on.

"If it's necessary, I'll also get the men from Sword

"No matter what, I'll be in charge of your safety!

Nobody's allowed to force you to do anything!"

Yvonne sighed secretly.

She had seen Harvey's dominant side again that day.

Not only was he extremely dominant, he even

utterly offended Yvonne's mother and left such an
Chapter 1563

arrogant impression of himself.

If Yvonne and Harvey were to stay together, they

would have to face a lot of troubles in the future.

But Yvonne could not tell what Harvey was thinking

anyway. She rolled her eyes and blocked the front
door, then chuckled.

"CEO York, I found a way to fix the problem once

and for all."

"What way?"

Harvey's eyes lit up.

"I'll do everything within my power."

"Oh, you'll be more than able to do this."

Yvonne let out a mysterious smile, then came

beside Harvey's ear.

"If you'll have me, that is."

Bang bang bang!

A string of loud noises echoed from within the

apartment. The window of the apartment restroom
opened, Harvey was then seen poking his head out.

Yvonne's quiet sigh could barely be heard. She did

not know what to say.

Harvey fell to the ground, then rubbed his temples

while being rendered speechless.

`It's not that I don't want to, but there's another one in
my house right now!

`I haven't even dealt with her yet. If I dare to hook up

with other people outside, she'll most definitely let me
know what my own blood tastes like!'

After giving a call, Harvey soon knew of the Smith

family's situation while on his way home.

It is safe to say that every family has its own


Mordu's Smith family, Gangnam's richest family.

The family was powerful. But twenty years ago,

jaden Smith met a strong opponent.
Not only did his opponent beat the Smith family
business-wise, but an old killer organization was also
even used to assassinate Jaden.

The young and vigorous Jaden was also quite

domineering. He threw quite a lot of money to hire
mercenaries to clean up the entire killer
organization's old base. Both sides were fighting
till their last breaths.

But in that fight, an important figure fled from the

killer organization.

And after twenty whole years, the exact figure came

back from the dead and sent word that the Smith
family would pay for what they did back then.

Jaden knew how powerful the killer organization

was. After lying in wait for twenty whole years,
nobody even knew the number of men the
organization had or how they had grown in

Besides, the organization's old base was only

 1 LI i''f

revealed because of an undercover spy.

And without an undercover spy this time,

eradicating the organization early beforehand was
definitely not a possibility.

Under those circumstances, the Smith family would be

met with cold-blooded revenge from the killer

That was why the entire family wasn't able to eat or

sleep in peace.

But this was all normal. Nobody could pretend like

nothing ever happened when they get targeted by a
killer organization anyway.

The Wolsing family agreed to stand up for them

and ultimately end the conflict once and for all.

But in return, they asked Yvonne to marry Master


Either way, Yvonne did not have a sliver of interest

toward that man. That was why there was a conflict
Chapter 1563

between the two families.

Harvey had a guess as to why Master Thompson

would choose Yvonne as well.

The Thompson family might be using the marriage

as an excuse to be involved with the Smith family
and maybe even rob them of their entire family's

Yvonne, who was all alone, would be easier to be kept

under control more than anyone else.

Yvonne also bore the blood of the Wolsing family.

If the marriage were to be made possible, the
Thompson family would be killing two birds with
one stone.
Chapter 1564
At the Gardens Residence.

Simon Xavier and Lilian Yates, who had been

staying here all this time, had moved out.

Xynthia Zimmer, on the other hand, went back to the


Only Mandy Zimmer remained in such a spacious

house. It felt empty.

Stacks of documents were piling up on the coffee

table. Mandy's frown had clouded her face after
flipping through the documents.

Upon closer inspection, those documents were all the

contracts that were declined, along with equity
transfer agreements.

All this happened so suddenly that day. The

Regency Enterprise's stocks that were

- r-
circulating in the market all ended up in hands of
South Light's Zimmer family.

And the business partners that agreed to work with

Regency Enterprise all canceled their involvement
within an hour.

Even if they knew that Sky Corporation was behind

Regency Enterprise, they would still cancel the deals
as they pleased. This was enough to prove that the
opposing forces were looking for trouble.

"The Zimmer family from South Light..."

Mandy was rubbing her temples. Exhaustion was

shown in her eyes.

She didn't think that Senior Zimmer, who had lost all
power before, could rise up once again with the help
from Mordu's Jean family!

Besides that, Quinn Zimmer had become quite

domineering after coming back from Mordu.

With her supporting Senior Zimmer, they had

Chapter 1564

already dealt with many problems within a span of a


They were getting ready to confront Mandy then.

Senior Zimmer only had one demand. He wanted

Mandy to divorce Harvey, then go to Mordu and let
the Jean family arrange the marriage.

As for Harvey, even though his identity as Prince

York had been revealed, why would Senior Zimmer
even care about that when the Jean family is
supporting him?

And Lilian, who was without standards, had

completely turned to Senior Zimmer as his

And as for Simon, he could only reluctantly follow



Right at this moment, the door was suddenly kicked

The person had quite the immense force, not having
any intent to knock. She went into the living room
and threw a document in front of Mandy.

Quinn Zimmer, who looked as wretched as she

could be months ago, was now brimming full of
glory. She seems like someone who practiced
martial arts at first glance, and she looked pretty
capable at it.

Quinn was looking down on Mandy at this very

moment. Only coldness and disdain showed in her
eyes then.

"I told you, Mandy. I'm very impatient."

"I have to accompany Prince Jean for golf later, so I'

m only giving you another half an hour. Sign the
contract obediently!"

"I told you that this is my own problem. Besides, I' m

no longer related to the Zimmer family."

Mandy replied with a frown but she did not burst

into anger.

A divorce contract was the document in front of

Mandy. She did not have any intention of signing it at

"No longer related to the Zimmer family? Mandy, are

you kidding me? As long as you bear the
Zimmer surname, you cannot break this bloodline

"I don't care what happened in the past. But since

Senior Zimmer gave the order, you as a Zimmer
should obey it effectively immediately!

"Mandy, you better follow orders obediently like your

parents before anything bad happens. They know
when to submit when the time comes. That's why
their lives will be smooth sailing from now on!

"And if you continue to be stubborn, your Regency

Enterprise will go bankrupt sooner or later!

"Even your dear Prince York's Sky Corporation will

follow suit!"
Chapter 1565

Chapter 1565

Mandy Zimmer frowned after hearing Quinn

Zimmer's words, then coldly replied, "Matthew
Flynn, Quinton York, and Peter Lee said the same
thing. What happened then?"

Quinn let out a puff of laughter.

"Mandy, do you really think that your cheap

husband is this patient and capable?

1 "Prince Jean already did a background check on him!

"Sheldon Xavier and Yoel Graham stood out for him

only because of Yvonne Xavier!

"Oskar Armstrong stood up for him because he

owed him that one time!

"As for the master of Longmen standing up for

him, that was even more of a coincidence!

"If we're talking about true strength, he would've

already been trampled to death by the four top
families of Hong Kong and Star Chaebol!

"He does know how to fight, but how would that be

useful in today's world?

"Background, connections, power, wealth, and

authority are the fundamentals of this world. You
could only be a fighter at most if you know how to
fight, am I wrong?

"Besides, Mordu's Jean family is one of the top ten

families. What good can you even get for provoking

"That's why you shouldn't be that naive, Mandy. Just

sign the contract already.

"Come with me to Mordu and enjoy all the wealth and

glory after you sign it!"

Mandy slowly tilted her head up and sternly glared at


"What if I say no?"

Chapter 1565

"Say no?"

Quinn lifted Mandy's chin up with her right hand and


"Of course, you can say no, but do you even have that

"If it weren't for your pretty face, I would've

slapped you till you're mush!

"I'll give you one last chance. Sign the contract before
ten o'clock the day after tomorrow. Don't forget,
Simon and Lilian are with us!

"If they get poisoned because of something they ate, I

wouldn't even know who to blame!"

An imposing smile leaked out of Quinn's face.

"You're shameless!"

Mandy was shaking in anger.

"Quinn Zimmer, how did you even turn out like this?
You were excessive before, but you weren't
Chapter 1565

this evil!"

"Me? Evil?"

Quinn chuckled lightly.

"I got to this point all because of you and your

Prince York!

"Rest assured. When I'm done dealing with you, I'll

go for him next. Heh heh..."

After Quinn had left, Mandy continued to frown

while holding onto the contract.


At Sky Corporation.

Because the company's stock value shot up tenfold on

the very first day of the company's listing, the people
working there were extremely confident. Low spirits
that were present for the past few days were
immediately gone.

Even though Yvonne had not gone to work yet, Ray

Hart was still there to ensure that everything was
under control. Everything was in order.

Harvey York was flipping through documents while

sitting in the CEO's office.

Thud thud thud.

Right at this moment, a beautiful front desk lady

walked in with her face beet red and quietly said, "
CEO York, there's a pretty lady called May Lee that
wants to see you. Would you like to see her?"

"May Lee?"

Harvey froze over. He could not recall anyone by that


"What does she do?"

"She said that she's from the Star Chaebol. She's here
to negotiate."

"Star Chaebol? May Lee?"

Harvey was intrigued.

Chapter 1565

"Let her in."

A woman that looked at most twenty-four years old

came in soon after. She seemed different compared to
the other plastic girls from Country J. This must be an
all-natural type of woman, and she looked quite
Chapter 1566
After taking a look at May Lee, Harvey York then
gestured to the front desk lady to leave.

"Talk. You better tell me something that I like to

hear. If not, you won't have to leave South Light

Harvey took a look at the Rolex watch on his wrist.

There was less than two hours of time that he gave
Star Chaebol.

May took a deep breath with no intention to spout

nonsense. She quietly exclaimed, "Prince York, my
name is May Lee, one of the successors of Star
Chaebol. The man that offended you, Peter Lee, was
just a collateral relative."

Harvey then replied playfully, "So, the master's

coming to bite me back after I beat up the dog?"

"I wouldn't dare! Star Chaebol isn't aware of

everything that Peter did. That's why he had
.)IC11 1

constantly fooled us. I got here as soon as I could to

mediate the affair after getting the news today along
with giving you a fair statement!"

May was showing immense respect during this whole

time. She then took out her phone and played a video
for Harvey to see.

In the video, Peter was thrown into an abandoned oil

barrel and then was thrown into the sea after being
poured full of cement.

It was apparent May orchestrated the whole


After taking a gander at the video, Harvey then

calmly asked, "You're not afraid of me sending you to
jail after you've given me this evidence?"

May let out a pleading smile and replied, "Prince

York, this is just a part of Star Chaebol's sincerity!

"Besides that, the Star Chaebol will treat you with the
utmost respect. We will never allow ourselves to
offend you from now on. I only beg of you to give
us a chance, and we won't disappoint you if you do!"

Naturally, Wallace's death had caused significant

losses for Star Chaebol.

Even the top Taekwondo professional was killed off

without a hassle. Star Chaebol would not dare to
continue provoking Harvey even if they had the
courage of the gods.

Killing off Peter and sending out someone from the

direct line of descent already represented Star
Chaebol's sincerity.

Harvey squinted and replied, "It's just Peter. I don't

sense any sincerity here."

May took a deep breath.

"Prince York, we shall do everything in our power no

matter the conditions as compensation for you!

"Even if you want me, I'll be yours right away!"

May was showing a provocative look after she was

done talking.
Chapter 1566

This was a honey trap!

May definitely was an enchanting and charming

young lady, bringing along the hospitality and
youthfulness of a citizen from Country J.

It was a shame that Harvey was disinterested!

Harvey slammed on his desk and calmly replied, "I

have three conditions!

"Number one, I don't want to see anyone else from

Star Chaebol walking around in South Light any

"Number two, I want half of Star Chaebol's assets in

Country H."


May's expression frantically changed after hearing

those words.

Most of Star Chaebol's own assets were in Country J.

The value of ten branches in Country H was worth
around a hundred and fifty billion dollars, Harvey was
definitely demanding a high price.

"You've got a lot of money, don't you?

"Do you think things will just be magically fixed if I

didn't make you bleed?

"Star Chaebol has been provoking me time and time

again. Do you really think that you'll get the lesson if
you don't spill some blood?

"Of course, Star Chaebol is allowed to pay with

stock shares if you don't have this much money.
Besides, I don't mind being a major shareholder.

"Don't blame me for asking such a high price. I'm

already quite generous. If I wanted to, I could've
just turned all Star Chaebol's assets in Country H to
Chapter 1567
May Lee was torn after hearing Harvey York's

Even though it was only money from Country H, a

big portion of the money was about half of Star
Chaebol's assets.

Giving Harvey half of Star Chaebol's assets in

Country H would mean that Star Chaebol would lose
one-fourth of their assets!

Harvey was obviously not just demanding a high

price then. He wanted Star Chaebol to suffer, and he
wanted to make their lives in Country H way harder
than it already was for them.

"Number three, I'll be in charge of picking who is the

representative of Star Chaebol in Country H from
now on.

"I'll be appointing you as the representative, and you'll

be in charge of one thing for me."
Harvey then continued his speech calmly.

"If you manage to fulfill all three of these

conditions, I'll pretend that nothing ever happened
between us before.

"And if you don't, there's still two hours for you to get
out of here. And if you don't get out of here and
would wait for me to force my hand, it wouldn't be as
simple as just making you suffer."

"What?! Making me as representative?!"

May, who was showing a horrible expression

before, looked at Harvey in awe.

`Did I hear that correctly?'

May was in the direct line of descent, but she was

never spoiled. If she were, she wouldn't be sent here
to clean up Star Chaebol's mess.

Typically speaking, May would be blamed by

everyone from Star Chaebol no matter what news she
brought back
She would even be used as a scapegoat to regain the
reputation Star Chaebol had lost.

But Harvey wanted May to be a representative.

This was the equivalent of letting her control

almost half of Star Chaebol's assets. If May were to
operate everything properly, she could even get a

Harvey calmly nodded and said, "That's right, you' 11

be the representative of Star Chaebol here. If you
fulfill these conditions, I can even make you into the
owner of Star Chaebol itself in the future."

May froze over.


Harvey calmly replied, "I don't know what status you

possess in Star Chaebol, and I don't even know if you
have any say in the group.

"But since you're sent here to clean up the mess, that

means a few things. Number one, you are a
direct line of descent that has the worth to be the
next successor. Number two, you're not spoiled.
Number three, you must be sent here because you'
re pretty capable of doing your job. Number four,
you'll always be the scapegoat no matter how the
situation turns out...

"It's safe to say that you're already a dead person right

when you come out here.

"But everything will be different if you become the

representative. Star Chaebol will be in utter chaos if
that happens. Nobody would show up in front of me
and be a nuisance in the future.

"Finally, and this is the most crucial part, you will

have no choice but to rise up in ranks when you're
constantly being pressured. And if you want to rise
up, you'll have no choice but to rely on me.

"And I, as a major shareholder, will be very pleased if

you're the one rising up in ranks."

"Prince York.."

May was looking at Harvey while full of burning

passion in her eyes. Her attitude changed after a
moment. She knew that Harvey was spot on with his

She came here only to be a scapegoat.

But Harvey gave her a choice, a new life.

May was instantly united with Harvey at this


"Thank you for your trust, but I still have a lot to

improve before I can even be the representative in
Country H..."

"These are my conditions. Go back and try to

persuade Star Chaebol."

Harvey gently lifted up May's sharp chin.

"Tell them that if they don't agree to my

conditions, they won't be able to bear the

May felt a bit shy, but still, she swiftly replied, "I
won't let you down, Prince York.."
Chapter 1568
Harvey York wasn't interested in money.

But the matter made him realize that things wouldn 't
go as he wanted if he only relied on his identity as
Prince York

Harvey had the idea to deal with Longmen's branch in


That was why he would have to make Prince York's

identity seem more important.

Star Chaebol was really troublesome, but it would be

interesting to turn Star Chaebol into Harvey's own
tool and use it against the Island Nation and America
in the future.

Harvey did not mind at all whether Star Chaebol

would agree to his conditions or not.

This was because they had no other choice. The

moment the top Taekwondo professional,

Wallace Park, was defeated, Star Chaebol's
backbone had already been broken.

And Country J's outlook remained the same,

extremely arrogant even though they're given a

But once their backbone gets broken, they would be

humble like servants!

Handing out half of Star Chaebol's assets in

Country H or turning all of their assets to dust.

Star Chaebol should know how to make their


Letting May Lee climb the ranks was also a part of

Harvey's plan. The plan was equivalent to informing
Star Chaebol that Harvey would only be able to
meddle with their affairs through May.

If that were the case, then Harvey wouldn't just take

away the shares as he pleased. This would also put the
higher-ups of Star Chaebol at ease.

That was why Harvey was confident that Star

Chaebol would eventually agree with his conditions.

As expected, May had already come back after

sending word. May had changed into her black
Chanel dress this time, and her make-up was
exquisite. She intentionally showed her gorgeous
body in front of Harvey with a respectful look on
her face.

"Prince York, my father and grandfather had agreed

to your terms."

Harvey did not reply. He sipped on his tea with a

calm look on his face.

"Right, I'll be the representative in the far east

district from today onward. In addition to Country
H, NI be in charge of affairs in Hong Kong, Las
Vegas, and the Island Nation."

May was exhilarated.

May's position was way higher than that of a

representative in Country H. She would be one of the
people in power within Star Chaebol.
She knew that this was Star Chaebol's way of
appeasing Harvey. That was why her gaze toward
Harvey had gotten more respectful then.

Harvey calmly nodded.

"Not bad. Congratulations, Representative Lee.

"Here is Star Chaebol's share transfer agreement. To

show my sincerity, I took it into my own hands to
raise your demand slightly. When you sign the
contract, you'll have thirty percent of Star Chaebol' s
shares in your control.

"The shares are all assets from Country H as well. It' s

safe to say that the northern provinces aside, you' 11
be in charge of all of Star Chaebol's businesses within
Country H.

"You're smart. So, you'll know how to keep more

cards up your sleeves."

Harvey smiled.

"Knowing what happened yesterday, Star Chaebol

would have a lot more variables to worry about if
they want to expand their businesses anywhere
other than the northern provinces that they already

"That's why they would rather just give away their

shares and assets as compensation for me. With me
here, the price of these assets will skyrocket in the

May could not see through Harvey's intentions. She

bowed and replied, "Should I go back and trade these
assets for foreign shares instead?"

"There's no need. This is just fine."

Harvey casually signed the contract. He did not

even glance at the contents.
Chapter 1569
"Prince York, are you not going to peruse the

May Lee was perplexed.

"Are you not concerned that we'll do something bad

to you?"

Harvey York then replied calmly, "Thirty percent of

Star Chaebol's assets are only worth ninety-three
billion dollars at most. It's just a number for me, and it
shouldn't affect me too much.

"But it's different for you. Without the thirty

percent share and me supporting you, your position
as the representative of the far east wouldn't be

"That's why you're more hopeful than I about the

success of this matter. You must've read it over and
over again before handing it over to me.

"After all, screwing me over would mean screwing

yourself over.

"I'll lose some money at most, but you'll have your

life taken from you. Am I wrong?"

Harvey was showing a playful expression at that


May's eyes were frantically twitching. She then

respectfully replied, "Rest assured, Prince York. I
know why I've been offered this position. I won't
disappoint you."

When May had left, Ray Hart then walked out from
the side and said thoughtfully, "You can't trust the
citizens of Country J. Look at her being all
respectful and obedient now.

"She'll stab you in the back when she gets the

slightest chance."

Harvey calmly replied, "No worries. She wouldn't do

anything funny before she rises up the ranks and
becomes the rightful owner of Star Chaebol.

"She's a smart one. She knows that my existence is

her guarantee to rise!

"If I die, she'll be eternally doomed.

"Her new position must've offended many people

within Star Chaebol, after all.

"Simply put, she's just a minister without any sort of

support. She can only walk down a lonely road till the
day she dies!"


Next, all sorts of news from Star Chaebol had

spread in a span of a day.

The representative of Country H, Peter Lee, was

seriously ill.

The direct line of descent, May Lee, was appointed as

the representative of the far east district. She would
also be in charge of everything in Country H.

Besides that, Star Chaebol announced that Sky

Corporation had acquired shares from them. The two
companies will be working together in the

Sky Corporation's stock value had increased by

another ten percent or so after the word spread.

There were only eternal benefits in the business

world, not eternal enemies.

And news of Star Chaebol working together with

Sky Corporation was the big news in the stock

And Prince York was the most sought-after name in

all of South Light.

Along with incidents that kept happening, Harvey was

running all over the place to handle everything in Sky

At this moment, Harvey realized how much more

important Yvonne Xavier was.

Yvonne would usually be the one handling most of

those matters. Even though Ray was lessening the
load, Harvey would still be the one making the
ter 1 56)

decisions for the important matters.

"There's just no way. I have to get that young lady,

Yvonne, to work as soon as I can, or I just might die
of exhaustion!"

Harvey packed his belongings while mumbling

incessantly, then headed over to Yvonne's

Even though they've already had an agreement the

night before, Harvey was ready to drag Yvonne
over to work He would even carry her to Sky
Corporation himself if he had to.

Harvey already thought of a few dozen scenarios to

act for Yvonne to get back to work While other
people were fighting to pursue a significant other,
Harvey was fighting back for his secretary.


Right when Harvey walked out of his car in the car

park, a few Benz Maybachs with number plates from
Wolsing suddenly drove over arrogantly.
Chapter 1569

A Rolls Royce then drove over soon after.

A dozen men wearing black suits then walked out of

the cars and blocked Harvey's every single path.
Chapter 1570

Chapter 157o
The men's waists were bulging. It seemed like there
was some sort of firearm being concealed.

Cold breaths came out of their mouths every time they

exhaled. Cold gazes were showing in their eyes.

Handel showed up after a moment.

Michelle appeared soon after and stood on the side.

Harvey York simply chuckled after seeing the two

people present.

"I thought we already had an agreement, Aunty.

What's the meaning of this?"

Michelle gave Harvey a faint smile.

"Harvey York, I didn't mean to make it harder for

you. It was Master Thompson that knew that his
woman was being stolen. He's quite the
domineering man too.

"That's why he sent a few men to see how his love

rival would fare.

"I'm just a bystander. You can't blame me for this,


A cold murderous intent was surrounding the place

after Michelle was done talking.

"Men from Wolsing's Thompson family?"

Harvey faintly smiled while looking at the men.

"Not quite. These people came from a special

organization," Michelle said calmly.

"You do have some capabilities, but you still don't

have the right for the Thompson family to send out
their men after you."

"Spending some money and hiring people to deal with

you is already giving you quite a lot of respect."

Harvey chuckled.

"Should I be thanking Master Thompson for this



Michelle naturally did not like Harvey's arrogant

behavior. She coldly glared at Harvey and retorted, "
Harvey, you little bastard. I'll be honest with you, I
already asked someone to do a background check on

"No matter how well you live, no matter how

capable that you say you are, you're just a live-in
son-in-law, if we're putting it bluntly!

"A live-in son-in-law would dare to force my

daughter to be beside him?! How are you this

"I only followed you here to give you one last

chance for the sake of my daughter!

"If you promise not to go any closer to my daughter

in the future, I'll pretend that nothing ever happened
in the past! I'll ask Master Thompson to stop
pursuing you too!
"If you don't, then don't blame me for not giving you
any respect."

Harvey chuckled without giving an answer.

"So, you're telling me that you've sent someone to

investigate my background?"

"So what?" Michelle coldly asked.

"Therefore, you should know how I do things."

Harvey's tone was tender and calm.

"Do you really think that your words could make me

back off?

"Besides, I understand what happened in the Smith

family. At the end of the day, it's just a killer
organization. Are they really that scary?

"And then you decided to sell out your very own

daughter and cause utter chaos while you're at it."

It might be Harvey's tone that agitated Michelle. She

snorted coldly and replied, "Harvey York, I told
you that you have no experience with the outside
world since this morning, but you're still so

"Killer organization? Easy for you to say!

"Do you know what these words mean?!

"Twenty years ago, the family was almost wiped out

because of this killer organization!

"And now, the only remaining head of the

organization that was lying in wait for twenty
whole years came back for revenge! This is too

"The heads of Smith family's higher-ups from the

Golden Sands branch were all gone in a span of a

"On the second day, their heads were placed neatly at

the entrance of the family's compound!"

Michelle was shivering to no end at this point. There

was an unspeakable fear that came deep from
Chapter 1570

her heart.

"The family spent a big deal of money just to hire a

few killer organizations that came from within and
outside the country to deal with them!

"And then what happened?! They agreed, then they

all died in their hideouts. Their heads were also sent
right to our doorstep afterward!

"Three whole killer organizations!

"If such dangerous opponents were to claim their

revenge in Mordu, the entire family will be dead
within half a month if we don't have enough
Chapter 1571
"The Smith family's direct line of descent is still
fine because the head of that organization is
waiting for the fifteenth next month.

"This is because that day... Is the day that we killed

the leader of the organization twenty years ago!

"She'll use the entire Smith family as offerings for her


"I don't have much time!"

"The Smith family doesn't have much time left!"

"That's why you better not get involved, Harvey

York. Not only are you unable to fix the problem,
but you'll also cause a great deal of trouble!"

The remaining head of the organization was called

Trisha Cloude.

She was the strongest killer within the organization

back then. She had been lying in wait for twenty
whole years. Nobody would know how strong she had
gotten. Nobody knew how much backup she had

Against a group of killers who would stop at

nothing to get what they wanted, money, authority,
power, support, and connections meant nothing to

If not, the Smith family at least had some dignity as

one of the top ten families.

Michelle had pride as well. If she had another

choice, a woman from such a powerful family would
definitely not use her own daughter as a bargaining

Besides, Michelle was not stupid either. Even

Harvey could tell that the Thompson family had
other ulterior plans. How could she not tell the

But sometimes, temporary fixes are the only means of

1.'1 I

Harvey frowned slightly. He could feel that Michelle

did not mean to be this ruthless against him or her
own daughter.

She must've felt utterly helpless too, going all out just
to deal with Trisha like this.

If not, she wouldn't have said things like this that

day. She could've just asked the men to do her dirty

Harvey secretly let out a sigh, then calmly said, "

Aunty, I don't think there's a need to repeat what I
said yesterday. I won't let you take Yvonne away."

Harvey then took a step forward and looked at

Michelle with a piercing gaze.

"But if it's just some killer, then I can help your

family to deal with this problem."

"Can you? You can handle Trisha Cloude herself?"

Michelle froze over slightly, then let out a sarcastic

smile after.
"Harvey York, I know that you possess some skill.
You've proven to be quite capable since you're able to
be titled Prince York. Even the top Taekwondo
professional, Wallace Park, could not last for one
move against you.

"I don't mind making you mad, but Taekwondo is

only just for show anyway. Big characters from the
upper social circle wouldn't believe such a thing!

"So what if you can beat Wallace? Ten of you can't

even compare to one Trisha!

"Not only is she mighty, but she's also a

professional killer!

"Firearms, poison, schemes, she'll use everything she

has under her sleeve!

"Only a professional killer on the same level can deal

with her! There's no way that other people can do the

"If it were a one-on-one fight, she only needs to

hide in the shadows. You'd have to be on guard every
single second while being unsure when she's going to
strike! You'll always be out in the open while she's
stalking you somewhere, and she'll end your life
without even making noise if you let your guard down
even for a single second!

"Harvey York, how do you think you can challenge

someone like that?

"What right do you even have to do so?!"

Michelle was showing an expression of utter

disdain. If it were only a competition of combat
prowess, why would the Smith family even be
scared witless as if they've met such a powerful

Harvey then asked calmly, "If you put it that way,

then what right does the Thompson family even have
to fix this problem?"

Michelle coldly replied, "Because they have

connections with the top ten killers. Trisha can be
stopped if any one of them were to take action."
C h a pt e r 1 5 7 2

Harvey York chuckled.

"If all I need to do is to call up a top ten killer on the

list to fix the problem, then even I can do just that.

"Because the top three killers all owe me a favor.

"I'll just get one of them to do the job."

Harvey was telling the truth. On the Euro-American

Battlefield back then, every powerful country spent
heaps of money hiring top ten killers to deal with

But almost half of them died off. There were a few of

them that Harvey had subdued for quite a lot of
obvious reasons.

Harvey had not contacted any single one of them after

all those years.

But if there were a need, a simple text message

would be able to bring one or two of the killers


Michelle chuckled without replying after hearing

those words.

"I'll admit that you have a bit of money and

influence, but I still don't believe you.

"Not even calling them back. I'll kneel if you can

name even a single killer from the list!

"Harvey York, big talk isn't going to fix this


"Are you still going to stand by your word even at this


Harvey did not immediately answer. He shifted his

gaze toward Handel, who had been quiet the entire

"Handel, Aunty doesn't know who's in the list of the

top ten killers.
"But you know, correct?"

Handel squinted slightly after hearing Harvey's

question, then quietly replied, "I do."

"Great, it'll be easy then."

"Trisha is placed eighteenth on the top killers' list.

Not bad, but not that good either. She had been
lying in wait for about twenty years, so I assume
that her strength could carry her into the top ten
list now."

Handel trembled slightly. He didn't know that

Harvey knew such secrets from the underground

Handel did not have the intention to hide anything at

this moment. He calmly replied at this moment, "
That's right. According to the Smith family's
information, Trisha could indeed be placed among the
top ten."

"Right, I'll just list her as the tenth then. I'll just
call Cora Lloyd, the third top killer on the list. She
should be enough to deal with the situation, right?"

Harvey turned around and left after he was done


"I can handle this with just one phone call. Why
would you even sell out your own daughter like

The men wearing black suits were prepared to

pounce forward when they saw Harvey's back
Michelle then waved her hand down and frowned
while asking, "Handel, is there really a person
named Cora Lloyd?"

Handel showed an odd expression, then replied

quietly, "Cora is one of the younger killers that rose
up during recent years. It is said that she's the most
talented one in this decade.

"And her standing is indeed in the third place.

"It's just that Cora would usually leave no traces of her

behind. Nobody knows which master or faction
that she learned from. She is also extremely random
with the missions that she chooses, only picking out
the ones that she likes doing."

"And he can call up someone like this?

"I don't believe it one bit!"

Michelle's eyes squinted. No matter whether Harvey

was lucky or merely spouting nonsense, at least he got
someone's name right.

That meant that he at least understood some things

about this kind of business.

Without a second thought, Michelle then said

sternly, "Harvey York, since you're so daring, I'll
give you a day's time! If you can even manage to
contact Cora, I'll leave Buckwood immediately.

"If you can't, then don't blame me for being

ruthless when you stop me from taking Yvonne
away again!"
Chapter 1573

Chapter 1573
Back in the Gardens Residence, Mandy Zimmer was
already asleep.

Harvey York did not disturb her. He came into the

study room and took out an ancient-looking phone.

After letting out a quiet sigh, Harvey then dialed the


"It's me."

Silence echoed from the other side of the phone for a

while. A gentle voice could be heard soon after.

"Chief Instructor, why are you calling me now?"

"I need you to protect someone," Harvey replied


"I'm a killer, not a bodyguard."

A cold tone could be heard from the other side of the

"Then I'll put it this way, I need you to follow a
person and kill every killer that would even dare to
come close to her to make sure she stays alive."

After a long silence, the person on the other side of

the phone replied, "Time, place, price."

"I'm unsure about the time and place, but you won' t
owe me anymore after you do this for me."


The person hung up the phone after her nonchalant


After being quiet for a while, Harvey then opened his

computer and wrote every single detail about
Michelle and the situation that she and her family was
in as an email and forwarded it.

The best way to fight against a killer was to use

another killer.

With Cora Lloyd taking action, Michelle would

surely be safe from that day onward.
In the afternoon the next day, Harvey came to W
Hotel, Michelle's temporary place of stay, after
dealing with some work in Sky Corporation.

Michelle was wearing casual clothing that day. She

also wore no make-up. She seemed a bit less fierce
and seemed more feminine.

But her high and mighty character had never left her
at all.

"I got it done."

Harvey leaned on the couch while speaking with an

indifferent tone.

"From today onward, Cora Lloyd, the third killer on

the list, will be ensuring your safety.

"All you need to do is survive until the fifteenth next

month. I'll head to Mordu to personally deal with

Harvey then continued his speech.

"Of course, maybe I won't even have the chance to

help. With Cora around, Trisha probably won't
survive until the fifteenth."

"You got Cora, the third killer on the list, to protect


Michelle looked at Harvey, full of perplexity and


"Harvey York, I'll admit that you're at least a bit

capable since you can name one of the killers!

"But you can actually get the number three killer to

keep me safe?

"Are you kidding me?"

Harvey knew some information about the killer

world. That was enough to prove that he was at
least not dumb.

But Michelle still did not believe that Harvey could

get a killer to protect her.

Killers were only adept at killing. Since when were

they good bodyguards?
Chapter 1573

Harvey then calmly replied, "If you don't believe me,

let's try it out!"


Michelle waved her hand and coldly exclaimed, "

Handel, bring it here!"

Handel was seen bringing some residual wine.

There was an indescribable smell coming from the
wine, anyone that smelled it would pounce in for a

"This is poisoned wine that killed one of the family' s


A cold tone was seeping out of Michelle.

"Since you said that your killer is really that

awesome and that she's here to protect me because
you asked, get her out here and make an antidote for
this. Only then I'll believe you."

Michelle was showing derisive expressions after she

was done talking. She obviously did not believe
Chapter 1573

what Harvey said was the truth.

"Or you can just drink the wine and let your Cora
come out to save you!

"That's a brilliant idea!"

Harvey suddenly took a step forward to grab the

wine glass, swayed his body to hold onto Michelle's
neck, and then poured the contents of the entire
glass in her mouth.
Chapter 1574
Everyone was dead silent.

Michelle exclaimed loudly in the next moment, " You

bastard! Are you trying to kill me?!"

Handel and the others came back to their senses

and rushed toward their master to help.

Some even had their firearms pointed at Harvey York

They would shoot Harvey to death if Michelle were to
be pronounced dead. Only then would they have
something to report.


Michelle was trembling slightly, and her pale face

turned black in the blink of an eye. Her whole body
started to tremble profusely afterward. She was
clearly enduring a lot of pain at that moment.

"If you don't do anything about this, the person that

you're in charge of protecting might just die

here!" Harvey calmly said.

In a split second, a waiter that nobody even noticed

suddenly rushed forward from the corner of the

Her face was extremely plain, and so was her figure.

Nobody would even remember her if she walked with
a crowd.

She swiftly came in front of Michelle and tapped

twice on her neck, then shoved a green pill in her

Michelle trembled and coughed out a considerable

amount of black blood. Her face that was as dark as
night, had recovered completely.

The waiter then glared coldly at Harvey and left

without a trace.

Handel and the others were shocked by the sight.

They thought that Michelle was actually about to die.

They never thought that someone would rush
out to treat her.

Not even Handel knew when and how the waiter

came into the room.

If this was actually the killer lying in wait, and if she

was about to end the lives of the people in this room

Without a second thought, Handel was getting

goosebumps while sweating profusely even though he
was also quite adept at fighting.

Harvey smiled while seeing the sight in front of him.

He crossed his arms without saying a single word.

Michelle went back to normal after a while. She was

calm, but a cold gaze was showing in her eyes.

"Harvey York, are you trying to kill me?!" Michelle


"Aren't you doing just fine right now?"

Haney chuckled.
1.'1 11) .

"I just want you to see how capable is the person

protecting you!

"You never felt her presence the whole time she

was here, right?

"To be honest, I didn't even know she was there the

whole time before I saw her rush out!

"The Woman with a Thousand Faces, Cora Lloyd. Are

you satisfied with your bodyguard now, Aunty?"


Michelle was boiling with anger.

"You're just a little brat! How can you make

someone believe you like that?!"

Naturally, Michelle felt like she was about to die


Having the poisoned wine down her throat was the

equivalent of being at Death's door.

But this did leave quite the impact. At least she

knew who she was up against.

And people that died once would not be that afraid of

dying again.

Harvey then calmly said, "Number one, a killer's

actual strength isn't shown through boasting. You' d
have to see it for yourself to know!

"Number two, I did this, so you know that Cora will

protect you twenty-four-seven as we agreed!

"Number three, you people from the Smith family are

already this afraid of Trisha Cloude to the point where
it caused you all trauma. If I don't deal with her
sooner, can you even last until the fifteenth of next

"You might even kill yourself before the day comes

because of all that pressure!

"That's why I made such a big demonstration just for

you today!"
Chapter 1575
Harvey York calmly looked at Michelle and sincerely
said, "People have been dying since the dawn of time.
Who wouldn't be afraid of death?

"That's why I don't blame you for being this scared.

"But now that you've been at Death's door and

confirmed that there will be someone protecting you
at all times, I don't think you'll need support from the
Thompson family now, do you?

"I can even guarantee you that even the Thompson

family aren't able to get someone as strong as Cora

"And with a trump card such as this, I'm sure you'll be

able to rise up the ranks immensely when you get
back to your family.

"Danger will always reveal new opportunities, am I


Michelle and Handel's eyes twitched for a moment.

:1 I

They never thought Harvey would actually say

something like this.

But they had to admit that Harvey was right.

After experiencing such an event and getting a new

killer as a bodyguard, Michelle wasn't as terrified of
Trisha Cloude anymore.

From another perspective, the crisis was an

extremely good opportunity for Michelle to rise up in

Without a second thought, Michelle was looking at

Harvey with admiration showing in her eyes.

"Alright, that's all I want to say for now. On the

fifteenth next month, I'll visit the Smith family
myself whether the problem is solved or not."

Harvey waved, then turned around and left.

Handel's expression frantically changed after seeing

Harvey leave. He then quietly said, "Milady, are we
still going to bring the young lady back?"
Chapter 1575

"Why should we bring her back?!

"Let her stay, she needs to connect with my dear son-


"She needs to kick Mandy Zimmer out of the way! "I

wouldn't give a son-in-law like this to anyone!" A

decisive look was showing on Michelle's face.


At the same time.

In the villa that the South Light's Zimmer family

recently bought, Senior Zimmer was caressing his
favourite iron throne and sat down delightedly.

He had been away from his throne for a few months

now, he would cherish it more since he finally got the
chance to do so again.

At the same time, Quinn Zimmer walked out from

below Senior Zimmer and calmly said, "
Grandfather, it's almost time. If Mandy doesn't
sign the contract, what do we do?"

Senior Zimmer's eyes twitched for a moment, then

coldly replied, "If we were to put it bluntly, Simon
Zimmer and Mandy are just abandoned people from
our family!

"The moment that they were kicked out, they were

already wandering ghosts to us."

Senior Zimmer seemed quite confident at this

moment. Mandy was the one who broke all ties with
the Zimmer family, but Senior Zimmer was saying


Senior Zimmer immediately changed the subject.

"Even if they're wandering ghosts, they sometimes

have uses of their own.

"Since Prince Jean is the one that wants Mandy to get

the divorce, she has to do just that whether she likes it
or not!"
i• 1')IcI

Naturally, Senior Zimmer felt powerful at this

moment. He felt that once again he could suppress

As for Harvey York, Senior Zimmer did not even

care about him.

Simon and Lilian Yates were standing below Senior

Zimmer at this moment, they wouldn't dare to even

But after hesitating for a while, Lilian then let out a

warm smile and said, "Senior, maybe Simon and I
should go and ask Mandy once again!

"She's our daughter after all. She'll listen to what we

have to say!"

Senior Zimmer squinted for a while, then replied, "

Alright, I'll thank both of you in advance!"

After Simon and Lilian left, Quinn frowned.

"Grandfather, even they might not be able to

convince Mandy!"
Chapter 1575

"It doesn't matter!"

Senior Zimmer smiled and clapped his hands


"Lady Snake, please go with both of them. If Mandy

doesn't comply, break every single one of her limbs
and drag her back here!"
Chapter 1576

Chapter 1576
Lady Snake was the person assigned by Lucas Jean to
protect Senior Zimmer.

She was quite powerful, a true professional.

This was also the reason why Senior Zimmer was this

An old witch holding a black snake in her hands

walked out at this moment. An evil smile leaked out
of her face, then retreated into the shadows.

After seeing the sight, even Quinn Zimmer, who was

considered quite powerful, felt numb in her head.

Lady Snake was scary. Not only was she mighty, but
her ways to control snakes also made her even more


At the Gardens Residence.


Simon Zimmer and Lilian Yates, who had left for a

long while, came back and prepared a lavish meal.
They asked Mandy Zimmer to get Harvey York back
as well.

After seeing her parents act this way, Mandy felt

that something was off, but there was no point
pointing this out. Mandy called Harvey back after.

Xynthia Zimmer was asked to come back as well.

The whole family was finally back together. It was a

lovely sight.

Xynthia thought of something after seeing Harvey.

"Brother-In-Law, one of my seniors became a director

after graduating. She's looking for a new batch of
students to film a movie in Mordu.

"She said that I looked like the female lead that she
had in mind and asked me to join her in Mordu.

"I didn't want to go before, but I heard that there's

good treatment there and decided that I want to
LI Tic:q IL.) :LI

give it a go!"

On the dining table, Xynthia was looking at Harvey,

full of exhilaration.

After experiencing quite a few things, Xynthia felt

that she was still just a child and could not help
Harvey in any way.

Now that she saw a chance to grow fast, she would

naturally want to try it out.

Xynthia was looking at Harvey intently, patiently

waiting for his reply.

Harvey slightly nodded, but Lilian immediately cut

him off before he was able to say anything.

"Brother-In-Law this, Brother-In-Law that, people

that didn't know would think that both of you
have had quite an intimate relationship!"

Xynthia looked at Lilian while perplexed. She felt that

her mother was behaving strangely that day.

Harvey smiled at Xynthia, then signaled her to talk

I I ')

on the phone.

"Harvey, I invited you back today because there's

something big that I need to talk to you about. I really
hope that you'll help me out with this!"

Lilian forced out a smile, then showed a serious

expression on her face.

Simon seemed quite anxious, but he did not say


Mandy felt strange. She was perplexed seeing Lilian

act like that, unsure what she was about to say.

Harvey frowned slightly, then chuckled after.

"Just say it to me straight, Mom. I'll do everything in

my power."

Harvey thought that Lilian was most likely

interested in his assets.

But his assets had their value doubled quite a few

times already, and he recently had a big share of Star
Chaebol. At that point, money was indeed just a
number for Harvey.

Harvey felt that there would be no problem if all

Lilian wanted was money. He could definitely
satisfy her demands.

But then, Lilian was not going to talk about money.

She looked at Harvey and said with a serious tone, "
Harvey, I didn't think that you were suitable for
Mandy previously. I was wrong about you!

"You are the Prince York of South Light! It's not that
you're unsuitable for her. She's the one that doesn't
suit you!"

Harvey chuckled and replied, "Mom, Mandy and I

have been married for years. There's no such talk as
suitability anymore."

"No! She doesn't suit you!"

Lilian then brought up her request while showing a

stern look on her face.

"That's why I only have one request today. I want

Chapter 1576

you to sign the divorce papers and give my

daughter freedom, is that fine?"


Harvey trembled slightly. He thought he misheard

what she said.

The food that Mandy held with her chopsticks fell off
after her hand trembled.
Chapter 1577
"Mother, the marriage is between Harvey York and
me. Can you stop getting involved?"

Mandy Zimmer knew full well why her mother said

those words. Mandy bit her pale lip and quietly
exclaimed her words at that moment.

"Stop getting involved? If I don't get involved, God

knows what kind of trouble both of you will stir up
because of this!

"Mordu's Jean family is the head of our family. The

prince shows you respect by asking you to get a
divorce and is preparing for you to develop in

"You've been rejecting the offer over and over

again. What for?

"Maybe you're saying that Harvey suits you now

because he's quite outstanding!

"But how long can this prince even last?!

"The top four families from Hong Kong were
against him!

"Who knows what kind of family would want him

dead next?!

"How safe can you even be if you follow a man like


"The most important thing is that the Jean family is

at least a thousand times stronger than this
rundown prince! You must listen to Prince jean
and be married into a genuinely wealthy family! It
would be even better if it were one of the top ten

"That way, our worth would skyrocket!"

Lilian instantly dropped her act and exclaimed


Following the Zimmer family and the Yates family's

bankruptcy, Lilian had been quite discreet.

But she stood out once again!

Simon Zimmer could not help but say something.

"This is between Harvey and Mandy. Can't we just be

peaceful about this?"

"Shut up!"

Lilian gave a slap across Simon's face, then coldly

exclaimed, "How can we possibly be peaceful about
this? Senior Zimmer already gave the final deadline.
Mandy's Regency Enterprise is about to shut down
completely because of this!

"Do you think there's still time to be peaceful about


"No matter what, Harvey has to get divorced


Harvey's expression had slightly worsened. He had

been too focused on Sky Corporation and Yvonne
Xavier for the past few days, but he missed out on so
many things that happened at home.

After putting the chopsticks down, Harvey then

calmly said, "Mom, you'd at least have to tell me what

"Looks like Mandy didn't tell you about this at all.

"I'll use the chance to tell you clearly then!"

Lilian then showed a solemn expression while

looking at Harvey.

"Not long ago, Mordu's Prince of the Jean family,

Lucas Jean, stopped by Buckwood. In this entire
process, he used every resource he had placed in
South Light to make Senior Zimmer the head of
South Light's Zimmer family. The Zimmer family
would even be reunited with the ancestors and be
renamed Jean, then finally rise as one of the top ten
families, Mordu's Jean family!

"But Prince Jean has a condition. He wanted Mandy

to marry anyone he asked!

"That's why no matter if it's for the rise of the Zimmer

family or reuniting with the ancestors, we have to
make you divorce Mandy!
Chapter 1577

"If both of you don't comply, the Zimmer family will

do it the hard way!"

"So, that's what happened!"

Harvey coldly chuckled.

"I do want to know how far they're willing to go,


Lilian sternly replied, "Way harder than you can even

imagine. I suggest you sign the papers right now and
get a divorce...

"And remember to give half of your assets to Mandy.

Of course, it wouldn't be bad if you send the money to
me either."

Lilian finally showed her true colors then.

No wonder she was so passionate. She was

interested in Harvey's money all along.
Chapter 1578

Right at this moment, the doors of the Gardens

Residence were kicked open.

Lilian Yates stood up and screamed furiously after

seeing the sight.

"Which bastard kicked down the doors?!"

"Don't you know that this is my property?!"

Simon Zimmer subconsciously looked over as well.

Around six people were seen at the entrance. Lady

Snake, who was leading the group, had a black
Python slithering around her neck

The people following her seemed extremely


But all of them were keeping their distance with Lady

Snake. Naturally, they were all afraid of the
black Python.

After seeing that the person who kicked down the

doors was Senior Zimmer's favorite person, Lilian's
arrogant and furious face instantly changed,
brimming with happiness. She then walked forward
and said, "You're here, Lady Snake! Please have a

"I was wondering why magpies were chirping

around the house in the morning!

"It was because of you coming and gracing us with

your presence!"

She furiously glared at Simon soon after.

"Simon, get Lady Snake a nice cup of tea!

"If you're even a bit slow. I'll kick you out of the

Simon's expression changed frantically, but he

could only go and make some tea.

Mandy Zimmer's expression had slightly worsened,

but she stood up and greeted the visitors anyway.

Only Harvey York was calm and peaceful

while drinking his soup with a spoon.

Lady Snake brought her followers into the hall

while looking at the extravagant decorations, then
calmly replied, "There's no need for tea.

"I came here for a specific purpose today."

Simon froze over while bringing over the tea, then

forced out an awkward smile.

"Why is it that you're here today, Lady Snake?"

Lilian then said, "Does Senior Zimmer have another

request for us? Rest assured, we are dealing with the
problem as soon as we can!"

Obviously, Lilian remembered her mission.

Lady Snake's aura was pressuring everyone here.

She then coldly replied, "Senior Zimmer said that the
divorce papers must be present when the time
"If not, I'd have to enforce family law!"

"What?! Family law?!"

Everyone was shocked.

"Mandy is without respect. Not caring for the Jean

family's benefits as a collateral relative while
constantly going against the ancestral family.
According to the family law, I'm obliged to break all
of her limbs to serve as an example!"

Lady Snake's followers were clearly taking pleasure

in the situation.

Mandy had been quite arrogant for the past few

days, resisting to comply time and time again.
Mandy was the best example of not giving in until
she stood in front of Death's door!

Now that Senior Zimmer called someone to break

all of her limbs, she would then know the
consequences of disobeying her ancestral family.

Simon could not help but say something after Lady
Snake's words.

"Lady Snake, we're already doing our job!

"Why are you here to break her limbs anyway?!"

Xynthia Zimmer stood up to protest as well.

"That's right! What did Sister even do wrong?! Why

does she have to be punished by family law?!

"Besides, the Jean family that came out of nowhere

and said that they're our ancestral family, and we' re
supposed just to believe everything they say?!

"Are you even kidding me?!

"Let's just say that they are our ancestral family.

There's absolutely no reason for them to be this brutal
against my sister either!"


Lady Snake's body swayed and immediately

appeared right in front of Xynthia, then gave her a
Chapter 1578

slap across her face.

"Who are you even?!

"What right do you have to speak to me?!

"You're just some money-losing goods from the

collateral family! How dare you even question our
ancestral family?!

"Mordu's Jean family isn't just some family that

you can decide if you're a part of it or not on your
Chapter 1579
Lady Snake was imperious and overbearing. She
hissed threateningly, "If you dare to talk nonsense
again, little girl, the next slap will distort your pretty

But Xynthia was defiant and growled angrily, "You'

re unruly and unreasonable...!"

Harvey put down his spoon and took out a tissue

paper to wipe his mouth. He then stood up.

"Xynthia, step back!"

Lilian stood in front of Xynthia, blocking Xynthia

from Lady Snake.

After all, Xynthia had yet to marry, and thus still very
precious. If Xynthia's face got ruined, how could
Lilian sell her daughter off in the future?

"Lady Snake, haven't I already asked Senior

Zimmer about it? I'll do Mandy's work, and I
promise to get the divorce papers. Why do you need
to hurt her?"

"If you hurt her, how will you explain it to the


Lady Snake was indifferent. "The prince's order is to

have Mandy divorce and force her to Mordu. He
never said we couldn't hurt her."

"Old Man Zimmer added that if she refuses to sign the

divorce papers when the time runs out, we can hurt
her until she does!"

"The time's up now. Where are the papers?"

"Since they're not here, of course I'll hurt her!"

Lady Snake looked at Mandy arrogantly. "Mandy,

are you going to come here and take your
punishment, or do you want my baby to help you?"

Lady Snake whistled. The black python wrapped

around her neck slowly stuck its head out, its cold
eyes locked on Mandy.
At this, Lady Snake's subordinates exchanged
hideous looks.

They had been following Lady Snake for many

years, and as such had seen too many meet their
end by the black python. Their perverse excitement
rose as they envisioned the sight of such a beautiful
woman falling prey to the python.

Mandy was horrified.

In spite of that, she still took a step forward. "Lady

Snake, isn't it?"

"Please go back and tell my grandfather that I have

nothing to do with the Zimmer family since a very
long time ago."

"As for the divorce, I'll never agree to it!"

"No, no, no! She will agree, she will agree to it!"
Lilian screamed as she hurriedly covered Mandy's
mouth. "Lady Snake, you must listen to me! I'll
definitely persuade her..."
Chapter 1579


Lady Snake slapped Lilian until her face was swollen.

"Do you think I need your explanation?"

"Have you considered where you stand? You don't

have the right to talk to me!"

"I have only one task today. If I can't get the

divorce papers within the limited time, I will cripple
your daughter!"

"You better get lost, or I'll break your limbs too!"

Lilian covered her face, fearful, and quickly backed

away. She dared not show her anger at Lady Snake.
Lady Snake was not only Lucas's confidant and
Senior Zirnmer's favorite, but she was also a great
combat master!

Even if there were a hundred Lilian, they still couldn 't

be Lady Snake's opponent!

Mandy's voice dropped into a low but defiant

Chapter 1579

whisper. "I'll say it again. I have had nothing to do

with the Zimmer family since a long time ago!"

"Also, I won't divorce!"

Lady Snake sneered, "This is the first time in many

years that I've met someone who dares to act so
arrogantly to me!"

"Come! Get her!"

Three of Lady Snake's subordinates rushed

threateningly towards Mandy. Lady Snake's black
python also sprang forwards to strike Mandy.
Chapter 1580

Chapter 158o
"If you dare to touch Mandy, I guarantee you'll
meet an unsightly death."

Just then, a cold hiss resounded, devoid of any


Harvey moved towards Mandy and sent Lady Snake' s

three subordinates flying with a kick. "Try me if you
don't believe it."

Mandy quickly pulled Harvey away. "Harvey, this is

none of your business!"

She knew that Harvey was strong, but the combined

combat prowess of Lady Snake's subordinates' was
nothing to sneeze at. Plus, the black python with her
made her even more terrifying.

"I, die unsightly?"

Lady Snake smiled. She had been a deity-like

existence for so many years. This was the first time
Chapter 1580

someone dared to threaten her in such a manner.

She flashed Harvey a wicked smile. "Harvey, it

seems you don't know how good I am..."

Her three subordinates grinned. Although they had

just been kicked, their faces bore identical
malevolent smiles.

This live- in son-in-law was indeed an insolent young

cub! How could he challenge a person like Lady

Harvey was quite the clown!

Lilian also butted in, "Harvey, don't mess around!

Lady Snake has the King of Snake with her, and it's
very powerful. If you keep on trying to be a hero, that
snake will kill you!"

She wasn't worried about Harvey's life. The

problem was, Harvey still hadn't transferred his
assets to her yet.

If Harvey died, how could she get his money?

Chapter 1580

Seeing Lilian frightened for Harvey's sake, Lady

Snake's subordinates grew ever more disdainful.

Everyone felt that Harvey's opposition against Lady

Snake was a reckless, foolhardy act.

They crossed their arms and threw Harvey dirty

condescending glares.

"Harvey, you are also a person of power. I'll give you

a chance. If you cut off one of your arms, I'll let you

Lady Snake caressed the black python's body, smiling

grimly. "Wait until Blackie makes a move. Your hand
won't be the only thing you'll lose. You'll lose your
life too!"

Harvey spat icily, "Get lost!"

"Get lost?!"

Lady Snake grew furious.

"Harvey! How dare you tell me to get lost?!"

Chapter 1580

"If I don't destroy you tonight, I'll be seen as a


Her subordinates looked at Harvey mockingly,

waiting for this pretentious guy to perish in the
black python's mouth.

"Blackie, swallow him!"

Lady Snake ordered. She then blew her whistle.

The black python instantly shot out like a black


Her subordinates watched the scene with

excitement. They were bloodthirsty monsters.


just as the black python shot out, Harvey moved his

right hand. He grabbed the most vital part of the
python, its heart, and squeezed hard.

The originally aggressive black python fell to the

ground, left with only the strength to curl up
Chapter 1580


"Blackie! How is this possible?!"

Lady Snake was stupefied.


Without waiting for her to react, Harvey appeared in

front of her in a flash. Without wasting even a second,
he struck a blow on her.

Lady Snake screamed in pain. Her body flew aside

from the impact and smashed against the gate

Harvey took out a tissue and wiped his palms with

disgust. He then gave Tyson a call. "Tell our
brothers that I'll be treating them to snake soup

"Don't prepare my portion, though. I have no


Lady Snake staggered as she struggled to stand back

up. She glared at Harvey, incredulous. "How dare
Chapter 1580

you hit me?!"

"And did you say you're going to eat my Blackie?!"

Chapter 1581

Chapter 1581

Harvey moved to slap Lady Snake, sending her

flying once more.

"What's wrong with me hitting you?"

Harvey stepped on Lady Snake's wrist, hard.


The sound of her breaking bones rang loud and

crisp in the air.

"You think I don't dare beat you up just because you

raised a snake?"


"You want to hurt your wife? Who gave you the

courage to do that?"

Chapter 1581

"Slapping my sister-in-law? Who do you think you



"Not only do you want to crush my limbs, but you

also want my life? What makes you think you can get

At every word he spoke, Harvey broke Lady Snake's

bones one by one.

When he finished speaking, Lady Snake's limbs

were all broken and she lay limp on the ground,
convulsing in agony.

Her initially grim and arrogant face was now

riddled with fear. Under the light, her whole person
looked appalling and extremely miserable.

The whole crowd was dumbfounded.

Her subordinates were even more dumbfounded.

They never imagined that Harvey had the courage

Chapter 1581

to fight back. He even destroyed all of Lady Snake's


Lady Snake was an important pawn specifically sent

by Prince Jean. She was a great master, one who
could fight against a hundred people alone.

Yet now, how could she fall into ruin so easily?

Lady Snake was depressed and yearned to fight back.

However, her speed could not rival Harvey's, and her
limbs were instantly broken by him.

She didn't even have the chance to retaliate.

Pain, frustration, unwillingness, anger...

Regret, fear...

All kinds of emotions surfaced within her, but it

was useless.

Lady Snake, who now had all her limbs broken,

could only be trampled on.

Seeing Harvey stepping on Lady Snake's old face,

Chapter 1581

ready to crush her with merciless abandon...

Lilian, watching from the sidelines, gasped in fright.

If she simply watched and did nothing while Harvey
killed Lady Snake, she might get into trouble once
Prince Jean looked into the matter.

"Harvey! Good son-in-law, dear son-in-law! Do me a

favor and please stop!"

The corner of Simon's eyes twitched. He then

stepped forward and said, "After all, this is our
house. Someone will die here if you keep on
fighting. We'll be struck with ill fortune!"

Mandy also added softly, "Harvey, forget it. Give her

a chance. After all, she is only following orders."

Xynthia also tried to dissuade Harvey from

continuing. "Brother-in-law, forget it. Just let her

Everyone was quite frightened. With Harvey's cruel

moves, Lady Snake might really die.

None of them knew that Harvey had long been

Chapter 1581

merciful. If it was his usual self, he would've ended

Lady Snake right then and there with a simple slap.

"Get out!"

Harvey restrained himself for Mandy's sake. He

stopped, and then kicked Lady Snake away. Her
subordinates screamed and rushed to help her.

Two thugs nearby walked in respectfully. They saluted

at Harvey and carried the black python away.

In South Light, snake soup was a great tonic.

The thugs instantly killed the black python. A pity for

Lady Snake, who had been raising the King of Snake
for so many years.

"Brother-in-law, you are really amazing!"

The watching Zimmers were stupefied, but Xynthia

broke the tension and reacted by squealing loudly as
she went to hug Harvey tightly, just like a clingy little

Harvey suddenly felt parched as he came face to

Chapter 1581

face with her youthfulness. He wanted to push

Xynthia away, but didn't know how.

It couldn't be helped. Sister-in-law was too clingy!

Seeing her young sister and Harvey so close

together, Mandy frowned. She then stepped
forward and quickly pulled her young sister away. "
Enough, you are an adult now. Stop acting silly!"

"Also, hurry up and put some ice on your face, lest

you won't see anyone tomorrow!"
Chapter 1582

Chapter 1582
Xynthia giggled and said, "I'm not afraid. Brother-in-
law didn't protect me just now!"

"If I'm disfigured, my brother-in--law will take


Mandy rubbed her temples in annoyance. "just do as I

say. Stop talking nonsense. You're a girl. Aren't you
ashamed to talk that way?"

"Didn't you hear what your sister said?! Hurry up and

ice your face!"

Lilian screamed in exasperation, jumping wildly.

Her eldest daughter had been screwed over by this

unscrupulous live-in son-in-law. If the younger
daughter was also taken by him, then Lilian might as
well commit suicide and jump into the river.

Having seen Lady Snake's terrible end at Harvey's

hands, she no longer dared to act so fiercely to
Chapter 1582

Harvey. She suddenly thought of an idea and said, "

Good son-in-law, thank you for tonight. If it wasn' t
for you, I'm afraid Mandy would've been badly

"I'm a mother. You have to understand, everything I

say and do is for your good!"

"So you mustn't be angry with me!"

Harvey could only smile quietly. Lilian's personality

had always been like this, and he had long grown
accustomed to it.

"Well, go and watch TV with Mandy. I'll clean up the

mess with your father." Lilian said, flashing him a
flattered smile.

The Zimmers were stunned. When did Lilian ever talk

so nicely?

Soon, everyone came back to their senses.

The scene where Harvey destroyed Lady Snake was

too appalling. No matter how fearless Lilian was,
Chapter 1582

she would still fear getting hurt. How would she dare
make Harvey do the dishes as she often did and
provoke him into anger?

After making such cruel moves that night, it was

obvious that Harvey was challenging Senior
Zimmer. Senior Zimmer wouldn't go down without
a fight. He would surely come to deal with this

If she washed the dishes obediently now, then she

could say that she was bullied by Harvey. With that,
she could shirk off her responsibility and pin the blame
entirely on him.

For the time being, no one could see her thoughts.

Everyone simply assumed that Lilian was afraid of

Seeing that Harvey and Mandy were actually going to

watch TV, Lilian sneered to herself.

Two hours later, Lilian actually urged Mandy and

Harvey to go to bed quickly.

She even took the initiative to put away Harvey's

Chapter 1582

bedding in the study room, and told him to go to the

bedroom instead.

In the bedroom, Harvey and Mandy looked at each

other. Although they were already a married couple,
they still felt somewhat awkward being alone together
like this.

After all, Harvey rarely entered the forbidden


Perhaps because it was due to the events that had

transpired earlier, but Mandy's delicate and pretty face
was flushed.

Harvey smiled and coaxed her gently, "Don't be

afraid. I won't do anything."

"Harvey, how about we consummate tonight..."

Mandy whispered quietly, her voice so soft it

almost went unheard.


Chapter 1582

Harvey was taken aback, and his breathing


He almost thought he had heard it wrong.

He looked at Mandy and saw her closing her eyes

slowly. Her beautiful long eyelashes were trembling.

If one looked closely, her delicate body could be

seen shaking slightly. Clearly, she was extremely

The passion in Harvey's eyes gradually dissipated,

replaced by affection.

Mandy said this, but it wasn't because she was


She was afraid that Harvey would really divorce her

because of the Jeans from Mordu. Thus, she was
forcing herself.

This was not what Harvey wanted.

"Don't worry."
Chapter 1582

Harvey embraced Mandy, pulling her into his arms.

"No one could make you leave me, not even if all the
top ten families are here!"
Chapter 1583

Chapter 1583
The two slept, fully dressed. None of them crossed the

Suddenly, at two o'clock in the morning, the

ringing of a phone startled them awake.

Harvey was shocked. He came back to his senses

when he realized that it was not his phone.

Mandy hurriedly answered the phone. Her

expression instantly changed in the next moment. "
What? Lady Snake and her subordinates are all

When he heard her, Harvey's expression changed just

as abruptly.

He didn't kill Lady Snake because he wanted Mandy

to have a way out.

Unexpectedly, Lady Snake still ended up dead.

It was a scenario all too similar to Oliver Bauer's

Chapter 1583


There was almost no need to infer the cause. Harvey

was certain that the other party was coming after

Unfortunately, Mandy was dragged along in this



Half an hour later, Harvey, Mandy, and her family

went to the funeral home.

There, many police cars and several luxury vehicles

were present.

The supposedly quiet funeral home was bursting with

noise. Many people were going in and out.

The center of focus was, undeniably, the late Lady


Her death originally meant nothing, but as it

involved the Jeans of Mordu, it exploded into a big
deal. Thus, the police had to deal with the case as
Chapter 1583

soon as possible.

When Harvey and co. entered the morgue, they saw

many people.

Even the members of the Zimmer family who had just

reunited were present.

Senior Zimmer and Quinn were there as well.

Senior Zimmer held an exquisite dragon head

crutch in his hands. He looked at Lady Snake's
corpse, fear and anger all over his face.

Fear, as he couldn't give a satisfactory explanation to

the Jeans. After all, Lady Snake was a deity-like
figure amongst the Jeans.

Anger, as someone had dared to kill Lady Snake

without giving him any face.

Without this great master by his side, he could no

longer enact his tyrannical ways.

As for Quinn, she stood with her head down,

wearing a heartbroken expression. Strangers who
Chapter 1583

didn't know any better would think that the corpse

was her biological mother.

However, it was just a shallow pretense.

Harvey ignored them and instead looked at Lady

Snake's corpse.

Her limbs had been broken by him. Even in death, the

fearful look on her face remained.

Other than that, there was a bloody hole in her


It was the same for the other corpses. Her late

subordinates also had bloody holes in their throat.

Apparently, the person who killed Lady Snake was

so skillful that even she and her men couldn't strike

"How is this possible? How is this possible?!"

"She is the deity of the Jean family! How could she

just die like this?!"

Senior Zimmer trembled all over, not knowing

Chapter 1583

whether to mourn for Lady Snake or himself.

"Grandfather, don't be too sad. Someone will pay for

this incident!"

"What we should do now is to find the murderer, not


Quinn sounded aloof, but there was a trace of

happiness in his eyes.

"Has Mandy and her family arrived?"

Senior Zimmer stomped his crutch and roared.

"Let them come out and see me!"

His anger could devour people whole.

Xynthia, who had just walked in, got so scared that

she attached herself to Harvey.

Harvey patted her shoulder and motioned her not to

worry too much.

"Senior Zimmer, we're here!"

"My condolences, Senior Zimmer!"

Simon and Lilian could only bite the bullet and step
forward after hearing Senior Zimmer's roar.

Lilian whispered, "Senior Zimmer, we didn't kill her!

I don't have the skills to actually do that!"


Senior Zimmer moved his crutch violently to smack

Simon and Lilian.
Chapter 1584

Chapter 1584
"If it wasn;t because you couldn't handle your unfilial
daughter, I wouldn't have needed to send Lady Snake
out to execute the family law!"

"If not for that, then she wouldn't have gone to

your house and there wouldn't have been any

"I don't know if you killed her or not. But you are
certainly related to her untimely death!"

"Lady Snake is the deity of the Jean family in


"Now, she's dead! You owe me an explanation!"

Senior Zimmer was going a little rough on them.

Simon and Lilian were afraid to avoid his blows, and
they ended up badly beaten.

"Grandfather, why beat people without clarifying

Chapter 1584

Mandy and Xynthia couldn't bear watching their

parents being beaten. They rushed to protect Simon
and Lilian.

"Go to hell!"

Seeing Mandy, a trace of fury flashed in Senior

Zimmer's eyes. He instantly brought his crutch
toward Mandy.

But just as the crutch was about to hit Mandy's



Harvey, who was standing in the back, stepped

forward. He grabbed the crutch with his hand and said
coldly, "Senior Zimmer, this is a civilized society
with laws. We have long passed the era of wanton and
reckless behavior of the past. It's illegal to hit people
for no reason."

"Moreover, I won't let you hurt Mandy in front of

Chapter 1584

Mandy and Xynthia couldn't bear watching their

parents being beaten. They rushed to protect Simon
and Lilian.

"Go to hell!"

Seeing Mandy, a trace of fury flashed in Senior

Zimmer's eyes. He instantly brought his crutch
toward Mandy.

But just as the crutch was about to hit Mandy's



Harvey, who was standing in the back, stepped

forward. He grabbed the crutch with his hand and said
coldly, "Senior Zimmer, this is a civilized society
with laws. We have long passed the era of wanton and
reckless behavior of the past. It's illegal to hit people
for no reason."

"Moreover, I won't let you hurt Mandy in front of

Chapter 1584

"You're just a live-in son-in-law! Do you really think

that you're that amazing? How dare you show
yourself in front of me!"

Senior Zimmer was boiling with rage.

"I won't talk about the past! But last night, you
injured Lady Snake!"

"You must be the culprit behind her death, right?"

"Me?" Harvey sneered.

"If I wanted to kill her, one slap is enough. I don't

need to spend so much energy to do such a trivial
thing. "

"After she left, I watched TV at home with Mandy.

Everyone can testify!"

"Even if you want to blame me, you have to show the

evidence, right?"

"You...!" Seeing that Harvey dared to refute him,

Senior Zimmer almost pounced him out of sheer
Chapter 1584


He glared at Simon and Lilia. "Now I can see why

neither of you can't complete the task!"

"You actually let a live-in son-in-law lord it over

you. Both of you are certainly trash among the

"Harvey, you've repeatedly provoked my dignity! Do

you think that Pm afraid of you?!"

"From now on, you have nothing to do with the

Zimmer family!"

"If you don't get out now, I'll kill you right this

Senior Zimmer still remembered the matter

regarding the divorce between Harvey and Mandy.
He spat out these words with a grudging look, fury
seeping out of his every pore.

Harvey was indifferent. "In the first place, I have

nothing to do with the Zimmers."
Chapter 1584

"But Mandy is my wife, and that can't be changed."

"Whoever dares to bully my wife will be against


"You..." Quinn was furious. "Harvey, this is the

Zimmer family's business! Anyway, we've already
driven you out! You are no longer the live-in son-in -
law of the Zimmer family!"

"What right do you have to interfere in our


Harvey replied nonchalantly, "Mandy and I have

already obtained a marriage certificate. Our
marriage is protected by the law."

"Thus, the Zimmers have no right to interfere in our


"That includes you. Even if you're lucky enough to

become the head of the Jeans of Mordu, your words
don't count; let alone now, when you're just the head
of the Zimmers in South Light!"
Chapter 1585

Chapter 1585
"What I said doesn't count?!"

"Even the words of the head of the Jean family in

Mordu doesn't count?!"

Senior Zimmer looked at Harvey with a sneer.

"York! Do you really think that you have the right to

act arrogantly in front of me when you're just some
prince from a fallen family?"

"Do you think I'm the same as I was before?"

"Since I've become the head, I'm not someone a

nobody like you can offend!"

"Come! Take Harvey down for me! Cut off his head
and use it as a blood sacrifice to Lady Snake!"

Senior Zimmer barked out an order, incredulous from


Several bodyguards flanked Harvey in an instant.

Chapter 1585

They were powerful men specifically arranged to

protect Senior Zimmer by Lucas himself. Not only did
they possess amazing skills, but they also acted
decisively and only obeyed Senior Zimmer's orders.

In a blink of an eye, they pulled out their guns and

pointed them at Harvey.


Mandy immediately pushed Harvey to the ground.


Five rays of lights locked on Harvey's location from

different directions, quick and accurate.

Harvey's pupils shrank. He automatically hugged

Mandy and rolled over.


The armed bodyguards instantly fell prey to

unknown blows. One by one, they fell to the
ground, clutching onto their throats.

There was a shuriken soaked with poison on their

Chapter 1585


Without waiting for anyone to react, a man dressed

like a police inspector rushed out. He performed a
wave and slashed his sword, the movement akin to the
curve of a crescent moon.


Several bodyguards who were in the way shook,

clutched their throats, and instantly collapsed to the

This strange inspector had swords in both hands. He

then quickly walked to where Harvey was.

However, Harvey retreated quickly, all the while

holding Mandy in his arms.

At the same time, he also protected Xynthia and

pushed her behind him.

The distance between him and the strange

inspector instantly grew further apart.

Chapter 1585

Senior Zimmer unconsciously yelled.


When the so-called inspector moved, he soared

upwards and covered several distances in an
instant. He raised his slender sword and held it
against Senior Zimmer's throat.

A shadow of death immediately shrouded Senior

Zimmer's body.

Senior Zimmer, who was initially very angry,

trembled in fear. He dared not say a word as he
knew that the other party might kill him any


"Get over here now!"

The inspector's Chinese was a little obscure as he

yelled at Harvey.

"Otherwise, NI kill this old thing!"

Chapter 1585

Harvey narrowed his eyes as he studied the sword in

his opponent's hand, then looked at the shuriken in the
throats of the deceased. He now knew the origin of
this strange new opponent.

Ninja House from Island Nation!

Harvey didn't know why the Ninja House from

Island Nation would take action against him. If he
had taken over Mordu, at least there would be a

But Harvey hadn't gone there yet, and still some had
come to kill him.

It seemed that Longmen indeed had internal and

external threats.

Samuel had just selected him, and someone had

sold him out!

Harvey's gaze sharpened, and a murderous intent

colored his eyes.

He initially didn't have much interest in going to

Chapter 1585

Mordu, but now his curiosity was roused.

"A murder! There's a killer on the loose!"

"Hurry up and protect Senior Zimmer!"

"Call the inspectors over here! Hurry!"

Chaos broke out. Some retreated to the door,

screaming their heads off. Some backed away from
the corpses.Already, a large number of bodyguards
rushed in from the outside. They pulled out their
firearms, ready to rescue Senior Zimmer.

They were sent to protect Senior Zimmer after he was

promoted. They couldn't just let him die!
Chapter 1586

Chapter 1586
Harvey grabbed Mandy and Xynthia and went to
Simon and Lilian. He then picked up the firearms
from the ground and threw them over to the four so
that they could defend themselves.

Harvey then stepped forward and walked to the

center of the field after doing that.

No matter what the purpose of the Ninja House from

Island Nation was, they were certainly coming for

Thus, staying with him at this moment would be


Harvey didn't know why the Ninja House wanted to

take action against him, but he was sure of one

Oliver and Lady Snake's deaths were the work of the

Ninja House.

"Idiot! Harvey, I'll give you three seconds. Quickly

Chapter 1586

come over and kneel immediately!"

The so-called inspector yelled, glaring at Harvey.

"Otherwise, I'll kill this old man!"

He kicked Quinn to the ground and stomped on her

with his foot at the same time.

Harvey's pupils shrank, but he didn't say a word in


The noisy room gradually became quiet. Everyone

present was focusing their gazes on the fake

The complexions of the bodyguards of Mordu's Jean

family worsened. They pointed their firearms at the
intruder, targeting all of his vital points.

"Let Senior Zimmer go!"

"Release Head Zimmer!"

"Turn yourself in now, or we will shoot!"

The bodyguards moved, exuding murderous aura.

Chapter 1586

They were about to shoot at any time.

Seeing this scene, Senior Zimmer felt very assured." I

don't care who you are, but you have to know who I

"I'm from the collateral line of the Jean family

from Mordu, the head of the Zimmer family in
South Light!"

"The Jeans of Mordu are one of the top ten families.

If you dare to touch me, Prince Jean won't let you

"The prince will kill your entire family and give you a
painful death!"

Quinn, who was lying on the ground, took the

opportunity to squeeze out a sentence. "These are all
our people. If you hurt us, you have a death wish. You
can't run away!"

The fake inspector, however, ignored their threats.

Instead, he stared at Harvey coldly, "Still not coming
over? Do you really want me to do it?"
Chapter 1586

Harvey took a step forward and said coldly, "Hey

islander, do you know who that old man is?"

"He is the honorable head of the Zimmer family on

South Light, the person I respect the most!"

"Don't you dare move. If you do, I'll kill you!"


The fake inspector didn't reply. Instead, he

immediately broke Senior Zimmer's left hand.

Senior Zimmer screamed in pain, his face morphed

into something awful. His whole body convulsed in

He never imagined that someone would dare treat

him this way just a few days after he had been

This was unthinkable!

The fake inspector looked at Harvey with a defiant

glare. "I hurt him. What are you going to do about
Chapter 1586


Harvey was trembling with anger. "If you dare to hurt

him again...!"


The fake inspector broke Senior Zimmer's right

hand. "I did it again. So what? What can you do to


Senior Zimmer let out a mournful scream. His

whole body was shaking, and he seemed close to

When had he been tortured like this in his life?

Harvey was so angry that he couldn't breathe. "

Islander, you are too shameless. You are simply
beasts! You have the audacity to kill an old man?!"

"I want to kill you. I must kill you!"

Chapter 1586

The fake inspector easily broke Senior Zimmer's

left foot with a kick. "Well? Aren't you going to
come over here? Believe it or not, I can kill him
right now!"
Chapter 1587

Chapter 1587
Senior Zimmer was in so much pain, his breathing
was all over the place. He could only take in big
breaths, unable to speak so much as a word.

He wanted to yell angrily at Harvey, but he didn't

have the strength.

The Zimmers took in the scene, stupefied. They

never imagined that the islanders could be so cruel
and refused to give either side any chances of

Normally, one wouldn't act so rashly.

A painful expression appeared on Harvey's face.

He looked at Quinn, slightly worried about her.
However, his worried look instantly disappeared
right after. He said boldly, "I can come over, but
you have to let Quinn go. She has nothing to do
with this matter!"

Quinn was startled.

Chapter 1587


Without a word, the fake inspector then broke Quinn 's

left hand with one foot.


Quinn screamed. It was true that recently, she had

been practicing martial arts and did have some
abilities. However, she wanted to take advantage of
the situation to kill Harvey and Mandy, so she didn' t
fight back.

She never thought her actions would be akin to

shooting herself in the foot. She convulsed with
pain, and let out a scream that sounded even
harsher than a pig being slaughtered.

The fake inspector became colder and colder. "Are

you coming over here or not?!"

Senior Zimmer glanced at the pained Quinn in grief,

then yelled at Harvey, "Harvey, come here quickly or
I'll kill you!"
Chapter 1587

Quinn also looked at Harvey with a bitter

expression on her face. She couldn't wait to choke
that man to death.

It was fine if Harvey didn't speak When he did, the

fake inspector would strike them with the intention to

Harvey's eyes were extremely cold, seemingly filled

with infinite anger.

He glared at the fake inspector and said coldly, "I

don't believe that you have the guts to kill the
members of the Mordu's Jean family in our turf, the
Great Country H!"

"The entire Island Nation can't bear the

consequences, let alone yourself!"

Quinn listened to Harvey in disbelief, trembling all



The inspector was as aloof as he had been from the

Chapter 1587

start. He turned the long sword in his hand and

instantly pierced Quinn's throat with it.

Quinn's body shook, her eyes protruding in shock.

She couldn't believe what was happening.

She had spent a long and torturous time cultivating

her skills in the forbidden area of Mordu's Jean
family. Initially, she wanted to showcase her skills
when she returned to South Light.

She had too many vicious plans, and many more cruel
ambitions. Yet, she never expected...

That she would die within two days after returning to

South Light.

With the way she died, her soul would never rest in

Endless resentment instantly solidified within her, and

then, her vitality was extinguished.

The whole crowd watched this scene, stunned and

Chapter 1587

Never did anyone imagine that this fake inspector

would actually kill Quinn in public!

Senior Zimmer couldn't believe his eyes. He shouted,

"Damn it! Damn it all! How dare you kill my

"I want you dead! I want you dead!"

Senior Zimmer was beside himself with rage. Quinn

was his second most important trump card on this

Without Lady Snake, he still had a chance. But

without Quinn, he might be finished!

"Kill! Kill him for me!"

Senior Zimmer's heart was filled with anger and

killing intent. In his rage, he slammed himself

The fake inspector's eyes remained as cold as it had

always been as he moved his sword.

Chapter 1587

The light of his blade flashed, and blood gushed out of

Senior Zimmer's throat.

He had an incredulous expression on his face.

Seconds later, he collapsed to the ground.

Senior Zimmer could not struggle, could not shout,

could not get angry. He was just in disbelief...

Did he...did he just die like that?!

His ambition had dissipated, and his dynasty's

hegemony was gone in the blink of an eye...
Chapter 1588

Chapter 1588
The rest of the Zimmers, as well as the bodyguards
present, froze in shock

Not only was Lady Snake dead, Quinn had even

followed suit. And now, Senior Zimmer was also

It could be said that all the arrangements the Jeans of

Mordu had set up in Buckwood and South Light had all
crumbled into nothing.

The fake inspector approached Mandy swiftly.


Harvey had long predicted the fake inspector's

actions. He moved forward and aimed a punch at
the man.


The fake inspector backed away, spitting blood as

Chapter 1588

he retreated backwards. However, he still managed to

kill three to five bodyguards who had pulled out their
firearms against him.


The rest of the bodyguards could only draw their

swords as they rushed towards the man.

Senior Zimmer was dead. Quinn was dead. If they

didn't kill that man, they'd be dead meat!

They rushed forward with raised power in their

steps, and the sounds of weapons clashing followed

Despite facing a deadly duel against the frantically

attacking bodyguards, the fake inspector remained
very calm and showed an extremely cold-blooded

He slashed his long sword, moving it quickly and

sharply against the bodyguards.

"Pfff, pfff, pfff...!"

Chapter 1588

Blood was constantly gushed out, and the battle

between the two sides entered the most intense

Corpses kept falling along with the slashing of the


The spurting of the blood turned the entire morgue

into a gruesome sight.

Nearly half of the dozen bodyguards died in a blink of

an eye. However, the fake inspector remained cold
and continued with his powerful strikes. He showed
no signs of stopping at all.

The vicious disregard he had for human life made

everyone present tremble.

Nonetheless, he had gained some small injuries.

After all, the space for the two sides to fight was too
small. The fake inspector's prowess hadn't reached
that point yet.

After a few more clashes, all the bodyguards fell to

Chapter 1588

the ground, dead.

The rest of the Zimmers were terrified. They

tumbled and staggering as they rushed out, trying to


"I want to kill you! I want to kill your entire family! I

want to kill all of you!"

The fake inspector had grown aggressive. He

simply wanted to kill everyone.

The Zimmers who couldn't evade fell to the ground

and screamed.

Harvey waited until Mandy and her family left the

room, then kicked a sword on the ground at the fake


Thr fake inspector's left hand was cut off by the

sword. He looked at his left hand in disbelief. The next
moment, he turned and left without hesitation.
Chapter 1588

Harvey didn't rush to chase him. Instead, he made a

call and asked Ethan to bring his men over

After that, he moved and blended in with the



In the outskirts of Buckwood, a bonfire was lit in an

abandoned manor.

A figure in a white suit stood in the dark, looking


There were more than a dozen people following him,

and the aura on each of them was very strong.

Meanwhile, someone took out the phone to answer a

call. He then said to the man in white, "Young
Master, the master sent by the Ninja House was
defeated. His hand was severed by that man."

"What shall we do now?"

The young master's face flickered in the flames. He

Chapter 1588

replied indifferently, "Let the people from the Ninja

House come here. I want to know the whole

"Yes, sir!"

After a while, an inspector with a broken arm

emerged from the darkness. His face was extremely

"Young Master Ward!"

He immediately kneeled on the ground.

Chapter 1589

Chapter 1589
Young Master Ward's eyes were icy. After a while he
hissed, "Did you take note of your whereabouts when
you came back?"

"Have you been followed?"

The fake inspector shook his head. "Don't worry,

Young Master Ward. We, the Ninja House have
always been cautious in handling things. Since we' ye
failed this time, I will ask my superiors to send
another master to remedy the situation. We won't fail
you a second time!"

"Fine, you may leave. Take this money to heal your

injuries. Remember not to let Harvey York discover
your hideout."

Young Master Ward took out a bank card and threw it

on the ground.

The fake inspector nodded and bowed. He then

reached out for the bank card.
Chapter 1589

At this instance, Young Master Ward's eyes

glowed with a sinister light. A firearm appeared in
the sleeve of his shirt, which he instantly pressed
against the fake inspector's forehead.

"Young Master Ward, why...?"


Without giving the fake inspector any opportunity to

speak, Young Master Ward immediately pulled the

His subordinates seemed to have grown

accustomed to such a scene. They were all

Young Master Ward looked at the fresh corpse on the

ground and spat. "Just an Islander. Can't even do a
small thing, and still he acts all pretentious. He
deserves it!"

"You're right. That Islander should be killed."

A casual-sounding voice rang out from a distance at

Chapter 1589

this moment.

Young Master Ward shook, shocked and terrified. He

automatically raised the firearm in his hand and
yelled, "Who?! Come out!"

In the darkness, a figure emerged, his hands behind

his back, his face nonchalant and uncaring.

Young Master Ward's expression changed. "


Harvey walked to the side of the bonfire and studied

Young Master Ward carefully. He then said calmly, "
You're from the branch of Longmen?"

Young Master Ward frowned, but he still replied, "

Yes, I'm Wyler from the Ward family."

"Sending someone to assassinate me, don't you

owe me an explanation?" Harvey asked easily.

"Explanation?" Wyler made a gesture. After

confirming that there were no other people around, he
continued haughtily, "Why should I? What kind
Chapter 1589

of explanation does trash like you need?"

"Harvey, I'll give you a chance. Kneel now and beg

for mercy. I'll bring you back to the branch in Mordu,
and I promise not to kill you!"

"But if you dare to resist, then don't blame me for

destroying you thoroughly before I bring you back!"

Several thugs gathered around Harvey.

Although Harvey appeared abruptly, they didn't take

it too seriously. After all, they were disciples of
Longmen. They were confident in their skills.

Harvey sighed, calm. "I'm curious. You knew that I

destroyed Oliver and Rachel. Why do you still have
the guts to clamor in front of me?"

A subordinate remarked arrogantly, "York, do you

think we don't know that you're trying to suppress us
using your connections with Master Bauer?!"

"But times have changed. Master Bauer has already

passed down an order. Whoever can kill you will be

Chapter 1589

the branch leader of the branch of Longmen. So, your

backer's gone now. Go to hell!"

One of the subordinates said, sneering.


Harvey said nothing. Instead, he gave out a slap and

sent the man flying.

With just a simple slap, the man slammed into a

nearby old wall. He coughed out blood, all bones in
his body shattered.

The other disciples of Longmen, initially all too ready

to gang up against Harvey, shuddered and
instinctively took a step back

However, Harvey spared no one. He stepped

forward again and struck out several more blows.
Chapter 1590

Chapter 1590
Slap, slap, slap!

In just a few seconds, a dozen subordinates flew from

the impact of Harvey's attacks. They fell to the
ground, blood gushing out of their mouths. All their
bones were broken.

"B*stard! You dare?!"

Wyler's face was icy. He pointed an angry finger at

Haney. "Do you know who I am?"

"Do you know the Ward family's status in Mordu?"

"Don't you dare hurt me!"

"Then I'll try it!" Harvey sneered, giving out

another slap. Wyler instantly flew away.

Harvey stepped forward and slammed his foot on

Wyler's ribs.

Wyler's ribs broke, and he rolled on the ground in

After that, Harvey turned around indifferently and

said, "Go back and tell Samuel that I'll give him one
day to give me an explanation. Otherwise, I'll destroy
all of Longmen!"


Harvey didn't kill Wyler as he wasn't in a hurry.

That, and he wanted to ascertain the true

mastermind behind this incident.

Wyler looked cruel and was an off-putting character,

but Harvey instantly understood as soon as he
fought against Wyler...

Wyler was just a pawn.

It was worth considering who was actually behind all

these incidents.

Sure enough, if the ignorant Ward family was the


one behind Wyler, then Harvey didn't mind luring

them out and solving everything all at once.

When he returned to the funeral home, the

Buckwood Police Station had already taken over the

A series of murders occurred in such a place.

Naturally, this was a major event.

Yannick Bisson personally presided over everything

at the scene. When he saw Harvey come back, he
didn't dare to ask Harvey about his whereabouts.

However, Harvey asked Yannick to send the rest of

the Zimmers back after taking their statements about
the case.

Harvey knew very well that the Jeans of Mordu

must have received the news by now.

Prince Jean must be furious as his arrangements had

been completely ruined.

Most importantly, the responsible party was

suspected to be the Ninja House organization from
Island Nation. Thus, Prince Jean would have to find
those associated with the Ninja House of Island Nation
in Mordu to settle accounts.

Harvey looked forward to it.

The Jean family in Mordu, one of the top ten

families, confronting the Ninja House of Island
Nation. This would be very interesting.

Meanwhile, in the villa recently purchased by the


The remnants of the Zimmers gathered together,

including Zack Zimmer, who was now half-disabled.

Everyone looked at each other in sorrow.

It had only been a few days since the emergence of the

Zimmers in South Light.

However, the brain of the family had died without

warning. Everything seemed bleak.

What should the Zimmers in South Light do now?

Sean Zimmer, Zack's father, walked out from the back
hall with a complicated expression. He then looked at
the rest of the Zimmers, his face was strange. "Prince
Jean has just called!"

"The prince said from this moment onward, Mandy is

in charge. She will be the head of the Zimmers in
South Light!"

"Quickly integrate the resources of the Zimmer

family in South Light and move to Mordu after a

"As for Senior Zimmer's death, the Jeans will ask for
an explanation. Prince Jean told us to ignore it!"

At this news, the Zimmers exchanged startled

looks. Both Simon and Lilian had incredulous
expressions on their faces.

They never imagined that things would develop to

this point!

Despite making such a huge scene, Mandy was put

in charge of the family.

Mandy's jaw slackened. She was confused, and was

unsure of how to go about this matter.

Everything happened so quickly, that none of them

could come to terms with anything.
Chapter 1591

Chapter 1591
When Harvey received the news, he was confused.

He had to admit that Lucas Jean, the prince of the

Jean family that he had never met before, was indeed
quite a big character.

Lucas was already planning to use Senior and Quinn

Zimmer to put South Light's Zimmer family under his

But after such a big incident, Mandy, who was

previously completely suppressed by Lucas, now
immediately climbed in ranks.

Indeed, this was the best move to salvage the


Senior Zimmer's death was good enough a

condition to prove Mandy's worth.

Whether everything happened because of pure luck or

something else, it was still a part of her strength.
Since the jean family planned to converge all the
power within South Light and move back to Mordu,
there must be one person to lead the movement.

Taking the Jean family's benefits into

consideration, letting Mandy rise up in ranks was the
best course of action.

The other members of the Zimmer family did not

have any strength nor the capabilities.

After Mandy rose up, she would have to integrate all

of her assets and head to Mordu.

Even when Mandy arrived at Mordu, Lucas would

still be in charge of everything that she would do.

Although Harvey saw through Lucas's nearly

flawless schemes, he didn't expose it.

For one, Mandy was indeed very capable. Harvey

was interested to see the heights Mandy would
achieve if she was in control of South Light's
Zimmer family.
Secondly, Harvey was worried about Mandy, as he
had to handle some things in Mordu. Since Mandy
had a chance to go to Mordu, Harvey would naturally
let her go.

He gestured at Mandy, telling her to do her best, then

turned around and left.

Integrating the Zimmer family and ensuring one's

own authority were matters that Mandy had to do on
her own.

Harvey believed that she would do a good job.

When Harvey reached Sky Corporation, Tyson

showed up with a face full of concern.

Haney was perplexed. "Tyson, what's wrong?"

"CEO York, we're late!"

"Wyler, the guy whose rib cage you broke, was

indeed a part of the Ward family in Mordu's
Longmen branch."

"Within Longmen, the Ward family commanded

f I

quite a significant authority. Wyler's father, Josh

Ward, brought a team over to Buckwood this

"He announced publicly how he wanted the master of

Longmen to serve justice, and demanded that you take
responsibility for hurting Wyler."

"CEO York, they're quite the menacing bunch.

Please be careful!"

Harvey chuckled. "The boss really did come out

after the small fry got beaten up. Interesting."

"Is Samuel still in Buckwood?"

Tyson replied, "Yes. The master of Longmen is

now staying in a courtyard on the hillside of
Silver Nimbus Mountain. Someone there sent
word demanding you to go to them and give a fair

"A fair statement?"

Harvey grinned.
"Let's go. Since someone wants a fair statement, let' s
give them one."

Soon, a Lexus LX570 drove toward the direction of

Silver Nimbus Mountain. There were only two people
in the car; Tyson driving, with Harvey in the backseat.
While on the road, Tyson continued to share

"CEO York, there are no ordinary people in

Longmen. These people have been involved in the
underworld for years on end. They're ruthless!"

"I've heard of Josh before. His strength is

extraordinary, and he's merciless. When Oliver rose
up in power, he was the only contender for the same

"But he failed to take Olilver's position, and then

resided as the deputy branch leader."

"Using his position, he cultivated the Four Great

Generals along with a group of personal guards. He' s
quite the capable man."
Chapter 1591

"It's also said that he has relations with the master of

Longmen himself. CEO York, you must be careful no
matter what!"
Chapter 1592

"We better find a way to apologize and compensate.

It'll be better if we try to deescalate the situation."

"CEO York, you have more important matters to

attend to rise up in ranks when you head to Mordu.
Josh would be a great support."

"Even if there's no way to solve the situation

entirely, we have to look for ways to lessen the

"If we don't, it'll be harder for you to take control of

Longmen's Mordu branch."

Tyson had been following orders to investigate

Longmen's affairs. But the more he investigated, the
more he came to understand the extent of power the
gangsters held within their underworld. The
information filled Tyson with fear.

The Head Coach was strong, but the master of

Longmen was none other than the previous Elder of
the Army.

Not only was he immensely powerful, his influence

was wide-spread!

Tyson also received news that Longmen excels at

covering up their mistakes. Taking Josh and Samuel' s
unusual relationship into consideration,
offending Josh would make the entire situation
quite troublesome.

"Apologize? Compensate?"

Harvey chuckled lightly.

"Tyson, do you still not know how I do things even

after following me for so many years?"

"Do you really think that I killed Wyler just to give an


"This... was wrong-"

Tyson trembled. He thought that Harvey was going to

show weakness.

But after hearing Harvey's words, Tyson

immediately understood. Harvey was there to ask the
Ward family for a statement.

If their words did not satisfy the Head Coach,

things would not be solved this easily.

Tyson's admiration for Harvey grew.

`As expected from the Head Coach! Nothing will

change his integrity, even when facing such
powerful opponents!'

Before Tyson could say anything, Harvey thought of

something and asked, "Tyson, I asked you to
investigate Longmen recently. What does the public
think of Samuel in general?"

Fear flashed before Tyson's eyes for a split second.

He then quietly said, "Strong! Dominant! Experts at
covering up."

"Because of him supporting Longmen, they would act

without any regards to the overall situation. The
people of Longmen would kill as they please, no
matter how the people feel."
' f

"Many families have collapsed because of Longmen' s


"But, I heard that the master of Longmen didn't mean

for them to be this unscrupulous."

"When Longmen was first established, quite a lot of

mob bosses were enticed to be a part of it. These
powerful characters were untamed, and their
backgrounds were quite extraordinary."

"It'd be quite hard for the master of Longmen to

suppress them. These things can't always be solved
with merely combat prowess, after all."

Tyson felt the same way.

His identity as the king of the streets in South Light

was truly invincible, but the longer he was involved in
this world, the more he struggled.

The pressure that came from every single person;

Tyson had to be careful with people, no matter their
rank or background, whether it was with someone
of a lower rank or gods with immense background.
The moment he said a wrong word would be the
moment he turned to dust.

"That's why the master of Longmen said that he

won't lay a finger on you to give Josh a fair
statement. After all, Longmen's stability is the
most important thing to him."

"Also, word has spread from Longmen's Mordu

branch that whoever could kill you will be made the
next branch leader. With Josh's way of doing
things, he'll use the chance to make someone else
do the dirty work for him."

"You must be careful, Head Coach!"

Harvey nodded.

"I got it."

A rich playboy like Wyler dared to hire people from

the Ninja House of the Island Nation to assassinate
Harvey. Yet Josh, the father, still demanded a fair
Chapter 1592

Harvey knew full well how this family operated.

Naturally, he would be on guard.
Chapter 1593
After an hour, the Lexus stopped outside a hidden
courtyard at the hillside of Silver Nimbus Mountain.

The courtyard was halfway up the mountain itself.

The environment was peaceful, and an
indescribable tranquility surrounded the place.

Previously, when the Yorks held control of the back

of the mountain, they had listed the place as
forbidden land.

But this courtyard was still standing despite those

circumstances. This was enough to prove the
strength and capability of the courtyard's owner.

The courtyard had Victorian style architecture,

surrounded by five to six other rooms. The
courtyard itself was far away. It exuded an aura of
old antiquity.

The name "Longmen" was placed on the courtyard,

announcing the ownership of the entire property.
Samuel invited Harvey to meet up at the backyard.

After examining the courtyard, Harvey saw that

there were quite a lot of luxurious cars with number
plates from Mordu at the car park It seemed there
were quite a lot of people present.

Clearly, the legendary deputy branch leader of

Longmen , Josh, had sent many people to request
Samuel here to give order.

Right as Harvey and Tyson got out of the car,

footsteps rang before they could even take a few steps
further. Several people had marched out of the

Both men and women were present in the group, all

wearing identical arrogant expressions on their faces.
They glared at Harvey with hostile eyes.

One of them pushed out a man on a wheelchair,

who turned out to be none other than the man
whose rib cage Harvey crushed: Wyler Ward
Wyler looked no different than a cripple, but the evil
gaze in his eyes was as clear as day.

"Harvey York!"

Wyler glared scornfully at Harvey, gritting his teeth.

"You dare send yourself to your own doom?!"

"Nobody can save you now! I've said so!"

Wyler waved his hand. Several of his subordinates

stepped forward, surrounding Harvey and Tyson
menacingly. They were prepared to take action at any
given time.

Their heads were lifted high, mirroring their

confidence. They were disciples of Longmen itself,
each possessing immense strength. They could take
on a few dozen opponents on their own.

Harvey' was indifferent. He said nothing in


Tyson took a step forward and quietly said, "You

must be Master Ward. You best not do anything
reckless. This is Longmen's courtyard, after all.
Remember, CEO York has been invited here by the
master of Longmen himself."

The disciples of Longmen's eyes twitched at the

mention of this. The arrogance in their haughty
gazes dissipated quite a bit.

Wyler gritted his teeth in frustration. He didn't expect

that Tyson would use the master of Longmen 's name
to suppress him.

"Tyson, just break the mutt's legs if he's getting in the

way. Don't waste our time."

Harvey calmly said. From the beginning, he didn't

even spare Wyler a single glance.

"Harvey York, you..."

Wyler boiled with anger. To think a proud and

domineering man like him would be called a mutt!

Wyler wanted to cut down Harvey then and there,

Chapter 1593

but he also knew not to be unscrupulous. If he were to

offend Samuel in any way, he would be in deep

"You hear that?! Good dogs stay out of the way!"

Tyson marched forward confidently after hearing

Harvey's words. He could sense Harvey's impatience
through Harvey's tone. As such, Tyson didn't dare
waste any more time. He started waving his hand, as
if he was shooing dogs away.

Wyler's eyes were ice cold. He then pulled out his

firearm and shot the surveillance camera in the corner
of the wall.

He hopped out of his wheelchair right after, and

slammed himself against the floor.

Chapter 1594
Dirt and dust covered Wyler's face. He even smashed
his head against the floor until it began to bleed

Seemingly dissatisfied with what he did, Wyler then

sat up and swung his plans against his face twice. His
blows were utterly ruthless.

Tyson was dumbfounded by the sight.

`Does he even need to go so far?'

`I only asked him to leave. He didn't have to resort to


`Is he planning to fake an injury?'

Before Tyson could say anything, Wyler smirked

before screaming, "Help! Murder! Harvey York's
trying to murder me!"

"He's unscrupulous! He's trying to kill me in

Longmen's courtyard!"

"Harvey York, you have no regard for the laws of the

country! You're disrespecting Longmen! You're
disrespecting the master of Longmen!"

"Save me!"

Wyler had shot the surveillance camera because he

wanted Harvey to take the blame for everything.

With so many witnesses around and no video proof, it

would be quite easy for the situation to worsen.

In a split second, several people then rushed out of

the courtyard before Tyson could come to his senses.
Men and women gathered in groups, their heads held
up high. All looked strong and ferocious.

It was as if Wyler had planned for all this from the

very start. With a new audience nearby, he
continued screaming his lungs out.

"Save me! Hurry!"

"Harvey York's trying to kill me!"

' f I )

"It's fine if he has no regard for the law!"

"But he's disrespecting the master of Longmen


Tyson finally snapped out of his reverie and

interjected, "We're all grown adults here, Wyler. Is
there a need to be this despicable?"

Tyson wanted to reason with Wyler.

But Harvey waved his hand and said calmly, "Let him
act if he likes acting so much. We'll just watch."

"Everyone must've been practicing for this entire

show for a while now. It'd be meaningless if he
couldn't play out the entire scene!"

Harvey remained nonchalant. Even until now, he had

never looked Wyler in the eye.

A kid's little play was just an insignificant joke in

Harvey's eyes.

"Who is this man?!"

f 1

"How dare he be this arrogant and cause a ruckus in

Longmen's courtyard! Doesn't he know that this is the
master of Longmen's resting place?!"

"I recognize this man. This must be Harvey York! It'

s said that he's related to Oliver's incident as well."

"Right, I remember now. Rumors say that he doesn'

t have a lot of strength, and that he's just a live-in son-
in-law who clings to powerful people. He must' ve
used his connections to acquire the master of
Longmen's phone number and suppress Leader

"It's fine if that's all he did. But he dared to cripple

Leader Bauer and hired someone to assassinate the
leader! He has no respect for Longmen at all!"

"Not just that! I heard that he broke Young Master

Ward's rib cage for no reason when he was
travelling around Buckwood last night...!"

"I didn't believe it before, but now, he actually

dared to hit someone at Longmen's doors! How
Chapter 1594

arrogant is this mann "

Chapter 1595
"Wyler? What happened to you?!"

"Move, step aside!"

The members of the Ward family within Longmen

showed up. A beautiful woman in an exquisite dress
was leading the group, an anxious expression on her
face. She appeared to be extremely distressed.

She was none other than Wyler's own mother, josie


But Longmen's branch leader from Mordu, Josh,

seemed quite calm. He did not even show up.

josie rushed toward the scene of the incident. She saw

Wyler, who was covered in blood, next to Harvey,
who was standing calmly. Her expression instantly

"Wyler, what happened to you?"

"Why are you bleeding from your head?"

"Why are there palm prints on your face?!"

Josie jumped up in anger.

"Whoever dared to hit my son, show yourself! I'll kill


"Mother, save me! Save me!"

A sly look flashed on Wyler's face for a split second

the moment his mother showed up, as if his plan was
a success.

"Harvey did this to me!"

"He was the one who broke my rib cage last night!"

"He came here to threaten me because he's afraid that

I'll tell on the master of Longmen!"

"He beat me up because I refused to let him off the

hook, and he even announced that he'll break all of
my other limbs!"

"He even said that he's the embodiment of law in this

"It doesn't matter if the Ward family or the master
of Longmen is in front of him. Everything's

"He'll beat me up and cripple me as he pleases! "

"Mother, he's too arrogant!"

"If you don't believe me, ask the others!"

The people around Wyler started to exclaim, "He's

right, Lady Lopez! Not only did Harvey beat Master
Wyler up, he also slapped Master Wyler's face!"

"Yes, yes, yes! He even said that the Ward family are
just a bunch of cowards, and that he can easily destroy
the entire Ward family!"

At this moment, the crowd was filled with ferocious

righteousness. They were all doing their best to
slander Harvey, trying to make him take the blame no
matter what.

Naturally, a large portion of the people present had

deep connections with the Ward family. The rest
were gangsters that had come to visit Samuel in

Under these circumstances, they would naturally say

whatever that was best for their stance. Thus they
had no qualms slandering the outsider, Harvey.

As such, Harvey did not feel pressured at all even as

these people helped Wyler to frame him.

Harvey crossed his arms as he watched the entire

show play before him. He did not mind a single

Tyson, on the other hand, was slightly worried. He

frowned and said, "CEO York. If they keep slandering
you, I'm afraid we won't be able to explain the
situation in the future."

Harvey calmly replied, "The innocent will always

remain innocent. Why should I explain myself?"

Wyler's eyes flashed with annoyance when he saw

Harvey's nonchalant look. He immediately hopped
into Josie's arms and wailed ever more loudly.
"Mother, he would've beaten me to death if you
were a second later!"

Wyler's elegant demeanor from the night before was

completely gone.

He looked like a poor orphan that was being bullied

Harvey could barely hold in his admiration for

Wyler's acting. It'd be a real shame if this man
couldn't secure a minor role in Film City with such a
magnificent performance!

Right after hearing Wyler's cries and the others'

support for his story, Josie's face went as dark as

Several authorities of the Ward family were fuming.

They wanted to choke Harvey to death!

`He's so arrogant!'

It was the Wade family's first time seeing such an

arrogant man, even when they had been
dominating the streets for so many years. Someone
Chapter 1595

actually dared going against them!

It was already bad enough that Harvey broke Wyler'

s rib cage and refused to confess to his sins. Now,
he had beaten up Wyler again in Longmen's

This man had no respect toward the Ward family!

Chapter 1596
The Ward family had seen arrogant people before
during their time back in Mordu, but even then, they
had never seen arrogance to this extent!

"He's so full of himself! He doesn't even care about

the law!"

"Even Sheldon Xavier wouldn't be this conceited!"

"Looks like he's not here to apologize today. He's here

to fight us to the death!"

"We must ask the master of Longmen to serve


"We should make people like him regret being born in

this world!"

Wyler grinned maliciously as he listened to the

crowd's constant insults against Harvey.

"Harvey York, you're too young to test me!"

i-f I •) 'IF

Harvey remained indifferent, never giving a clear

reply. Tyson wanted to reply in his stead, but he
simply smiled and stopped the latter, as if he was busy
enjoying a monkey play.

Wyler felt a shiver up his spine when he saw Harvey'

s faint smile. A gust of cold immediately rushed
toward his head.

Josie could not hold back her feelings any longer at

Harvey's infuriatingly calm demeanor. She pointed at
Harvey and screamed, "Harvey York!"

"Do you think you have the right to act this

arrogant in front of the Ward family just because
you're a CEO of some listed company?!"

"You hurt my son yesterday! Now, you dare to act all

bossy in Longmen's courtyard?!"

"Do you honestly think that the Ward family doesn'

t have any support?!"

"Or do you think that we're weak and are easy

subjects for your tyranny?!"

"Come, take this man down! If he dares to resist, kill

him on the spot!"

Josie was extremely domineering, and waved her

hand as she commanded the Ward family's

The Wards' authorities grinned and echoed her. "

Right! Take him down! Break his legs first!"

"Kill him if he dares to resist! Kill first, report


After all, there were already rumors within Longmen's

Mordu branch stating that whoever killed Harvey
would be made the next branch leader.

The Ward family wanted to rise up in ranks, and as

such, wouldn't mind killing Harvey then and there.

Even if they were to accidentally kill Harvey, their

family would still be credited for the achievement!

The most important thing was that this was

Longmen's courtyard. Samuel owned the place.

No matter how powerful and capable Harvey was, he

would never dare to cause trouble in such a place!

If he did, then it would mean he was trampling

Samuel's honor.

A few of the Wards had figured out that Wyler's cry

for help was an act, but they still pretended to be

After all, this was a rare opportunity.


At Josie's command, several Ward family members

pulled out their weapons and ganged up against


Tyson could not hold in his anger any longer.

He braved a step forward and stared straight at

Josie. "Lady Lopez, we were invited here by the
master of Longmen himself."

"CEO York knows common courtesy. No matter how

arrogant he may be, we wouldn't cause such a huge

"Wyler was the one who inflicted all the injuries to


"He was the one who destroyed the surveillance

camera nearby!"

"He's planning to frame CEO York!"

"He's trying to worsen things further!"

"Lady Lopez, I'm sure you're a woman of wit and

ingenuity. You should know that there is no good out
of us going against each other."

Josie laughed coldly. "You must be Tyson Woods. I

heard you're the king of the streets of South Light."

"Without the Longmen's branch in South Light, can a

nobody like you be crowned as king? What a joke!"

"Do you think that a so-called king like you have

Chapter 1596

the right to exchange words with me?"

"Do you really think that the drivel you spout has any
worth? Do you think we'll actually believe you?"

The rest of the Wards echoed Josie's laugh as they

shot hostile glares at Tyson. This so-called king of the
streets clearly had no class at all!
Chapter 1597

Chapter 1597
The Wards had already planned for this to happen.

Why would they allow Tyson's words, that held no

weight, to affect the bigger picture?

"Alright! Enough of this nonsense!"

Josie glared at Harvey and snarled, "Harvey York!

You must pay the price of daring to lay a finger on
my precious son. You have no choice but to admit
what you did, even if you refuse to!"

"I have no choice?"

Harvey chuckled.

"Lady Lopez, is your family alright? You have so

many people here making such a big scene just to
frame me for slapping Wyler and insulting the Ward

"Aren't you all just a little too narrow-minded?"


The crowd all froze. They couldn't understand the

implication behind Harvey's words.

"Why don't I help you out on this? Let's cause a

bigger scene! Then, you'll understand what it
means to look at the broader picture!"

"Listen, Tyson. I'll give you another lesson today.

Against bastards like them, it's useless to be

After Harvey was done talking, he moved his body

and dashed forward with the speed of lightning.

josie and the rest of the Wards' faces morphed into

stupefied shock.

Several authorities of the Ward family instinctively

pounced at Harvey, but they all missed.

Wyler's pitiful appearance had long vanished. He

yelled furiously, "He's trying to run! Don't let him get

"Catch hirn!"
Chapter 1597

"No, kill him!"

Before Wyler could finish his commands, his voice

stopped abruptly.

Nobody knew how or when, but when they noticed it,

Harvey's left leg was already right on top of Wyler's

Harvey was too quick, and he went for the offensive

instead of retreating. Nobody was able to react in

Numbness filled Wyler's head, and his whole body

turned as cold as ice.

"Harvey, you...!"

Josie glared furiously at Harvey, her eyes scornful.

"Harvey York! What are you trying to do?"

"Have you thought of the consequences of hitting my


"A small fry like you can't even begin to bear the
I f I HT'


"Let go of him this instant! If not, I'll slice you into


"This is the Silver Nimbus Courtyard! If you dare to

cause a ruckus here, Longmen will wipe out your
entire family!"

The Ward family guffawed maliciously as they

threatened Harvey. To them, Harvey couldn't
possibly have the guts to do anything reckless; that
is, unless he wants to get himself killed!

Wyler quickly snapped back to his senses. He sized

up Harvey and chuckled haughtily.

"Harvey York, you dare touch me? If you do, I'll

guarantee that your family will join me six feet


But Wyler was unable to finish his words when

Harvey stomped on his throat.
Chapter 1597

Wyler's body started twitching. Disbelief colored his

widened eyes.


Never had he imagined that Harvey would step on his

throat in front of his mother and the entire Ward

Yes, Wyler was stomped to death that easily!

As if he, the young master of the Ward family, was

just some nobody...

And that he was only worthy of getting killed with a

single stomp.

Harvey kicked Wyler's lifeless body to Josie and said

calmly, "See that? Now your family has a proper
reason to kill me."

"That's how you look at the bigger picture.


The crowd was dead silent!

Chapter 1597

Everyone felt a cold shiver run across their spines.

They watched Wyler twitch on the ground as his
life was drained out of him, all of them feeling
breathless to the point of suffocating.

This...this is what Harvey meant to look at the

bigger picture!

The scene sent goosebumps all over their body.

They began to tremble, so much that they almost
fell to the ground, paralyzed.

In their eyes, Harvey was no different than the devil


Wyler's jaw slackened, and soon, he could no longer

take another breath. He was dead.
Chapter 1598

Chapter 1598

"My dear Wyler!"

Josie came to her senses and started screaming her

lungs out.

"Damn you, Harvey York! Damn you!"

"Kill him! Kill him now! I want him buried with my


At this point, Josie had lost all rationale. She

immediately gave the order to the Ward family's

The crowd that had gathered there to watch a

spectacle swiftly fled at the sound of her order.
None of them wanted to be dragged into the
situation, should it escalate into anything much

Several high authorities of the Ward family

exchanged glances before pulling out their weapons
and immediately rushing toward Harvey.

Their blades glinted maliciously in the light as their

murderous intent suffocated the air. They were
prepared to cut Harvey down then and there.

Schwing, schwing, schwing!

The roar of the blades were everywhere. The speed of

the Longmen disciples was inhuman.

Tyson was unable to get closer to Harvey. "CEO

York, look out!"

Tyson took out his blade from the sheath on his

waist and flung it at Harvey.


Harvey caught the blade easily and swung it in a

ferocious attack As he did so, a silver crescent


The Wards' authorities all dropped their weapons as

Chapter 1598

a sharp pain attacked their wrists almost

immediately. They fell back, screaming and wailing
in agony.

Before the remaining others could retaliate, Harvey

swung his blade sideways. In an instant, all of the so -
called professionals' throats were slit and bled
crimson. They collapsed to the ground, paralyzed.

In a split second, the Wards' guards had all fallen.

"Go! Kill him!"

Josie barked out another order, her expression


What little remains of the Ward family were

terrified, but they still moved forward.


With just one swing from Harvey's blade, the

members of the Ward family were already
unconscious on the ground. None of them could
defend from even a single move from Harvey.
Chapter 1598

Harvey swung his sword once again, this time right

toward Josie's face.

"Harvey York!"

Josie's expression frantically changed as she

desperately tried to back away.

She was fast, but Harvey was faster. In a split

second, the blade of the sword pierced her throat.

Harvey said calmly, "Do you get it now? This is how

you can be large-minded. This is how you make a

"Don't blame me for what happened."

"When the Ward family planned to kill me, you

should've already seen this coming."

"Only the strong survive, right?"

Josie was in disbelief. She never imagined that

Harvey would be privy to the Ward family's
Chapter 1598

This was why Harvey killed Josie!

josie's mind was numb with shock

But no matter how absurd she thought the situation

was, it was to no avail. She could only feel her life
draining away, bit by bit.

The crowd was thunderstruck. Their minds went

completely blank from sheer shock

`Harvey killed Josie?!'

`Things will surely worsen!'

"Harvey York! You bastard!"

A furious roar exploded from within the courtyard.

The shout carried an unspeakable hatred and
murderous intent.

Josh had appeared, the Four Great Generals right

behind him.

"I'm going to kill you! I'll definitely kill you!"

Josh, despite his classy suit, showed none of the

Chapter 1598

elegance his attire implied.

His right hand trembled as he raised it to point

angrily at Harvey. His expression was utterly
wretched, his eyes red like blood.

"Go! Kill him! Cut him into pieces!"

Josh was at the height of fury. He was without


He had already forgotten that the Ward family was the

one plotting against Harvey.

They had this coming to them all along!

Chapter 1599

Chapter 1599
Josh was filled with fury and sowwor. He desired
Harvey's blood to relieve his anger!

But Harvey was as indifferent as always, and he didn

't bother to give Josh a proper reply. "Then, I'll
send you to your grave!"

Two Great Generals rushed out from both sides

toward Harvey, aiming for the kill.

But as they appeared before Harvey, his sword

gleamed brightly.

An instance later, they fell unconscious to the

ground, clutching their throats.

Harvey stepped forward with ease and slashed


Josh pulled out a dagger from his sleeve. He

brandished the dagger and rushed toward Harvey.

Josh and Harvey clashed violently. Harvey remained
standing still, but Josh ended up coughing out a
mouthful of blood before he was sent flying a good
distance away.

The sight dumbfounded the crowd.

`How is this possible?!'

`Josh Ward, who claimed to have extraordinary

strength, can't even block a single hit from Harvey?'

Josh's face displayed an utterly horrible expression.

He was in disbelief. The dagger in his hand had
already shattered to pieces.

At this moment, he realized how terrifying Harvey

truly was.

"I'll admit that I underestimated you, Harvey York.

But I'll have your body in pieces for killing my wife
and son!"

Josh shot Harvey a hateful glare as he took out a

firearm from his left sleeve.

Josh's firearm went off.

He was quick, but Harvey was much quicker.

Right as Josh's firearm went off, Harvey had

already appeared right in front of Josh. Harvey
raised his blade.


There was a loud sound. Josh's left hand that held the
firearm fell off with a clean swing.

Josh's face had lost all color. He tried to step back, his
face was extremely wretched.

Even the crowd's faces paled when they saw what had
happened. Harvey was indeed frightening!

Even firearms were not enough to deal with Harvey.

Josh was like a mangled mutt crushed into nothing by

Josh glared at Harvey defiantly, but when he spoke,

his voice trembled. "You...who are you?!"

Harvey replied calmly, "You're quite impressive to

still be alive after taking three of my moves. You
should be proud."

"I'll give you a chance for your sake. Do you have any
final words?"

josh's eyes twitched profusely. Harvey was far

stronger than he had ever imagined.

The most remarkable thing was Harvey's

nonchalant behavior. It made Josh tremble even

An unspeakable fear surrounded Josh, freezing his

insides. If it weren't for his pride and dignity, he
would've already kneeled in submission.

He clenched his teeth and took a deep breath before

roaring, "I'm one of the founding members of
Longmen! You dare kill me?"

"If you kill me, the master of Longmen will...!"

Chapter 1599

But Josh was unable to finish his words as Harvey

pierced the blade into his throat.


Josh's body was nailed to the door. Utter disbelief

colored on his face.

"You...dare...kill me?!"

Harvey nonchalantly dug his ears and said, "You said

that Samuel's going to do what?"

Josh shook in anger after hearing those words, just as

his lifeforce slowly dissipated.

Harvey strode forward, still calm. "Last night, you

asked the Island Nations' Ninja House to
assassinate me."

"Today, you convinced Wyler to frame me."

"I always do things I wouldn't regret. If someone

does me wrong, I'll make sure to repay the favor
Chapter 1599

"And since someone keeps wanting me dead, I

wouldn't mind cutting down the roots."

"Today, every single member of the Ward family in

Buckwood must die."

"Since I've said so, even Samuel can't save you or

Chapter 1600

Chapter i600
Harvey moved his body and reappeared at the
centre of the crowd consisting of Ward family

This time, he did not use his sword. He would only

use his palm.

Soon, a string of slaps could be heard. The

remaining members of the Ward family were sent
flying, along with the Four Great Generals. When
they landed on the ground, they choked out more
air than they could breathe it.

The entire Ward family was no match against



Harvey's expression was as calm as ever.

"If the entirety of Longmen is without any talent other

than showing off and bullying citizens, like
this, it's better if all of them are destroyed."


Josh could hear not only Harvey disrespecting the

Ward family, but also the entirety of Longmen. As
a proud disciple of Longmen, he was so infuriated
what remaining blood he had started to flow

Blood started gushing out of his throat the next

moment. His head fell sideways, and he breathed his

The place fell into dead silence. Nobody imagined

that josh would die the moment he appeared.

"Kid, you're crossing the line! You have no regard for

the law!"

"Even if Josh and the others did you wrong, you

shouldn't simply kill them!"

"You've even insulted the entirety of Longmen!"

this, it's better if all of them are destroyed."


Josh could hear not only Harvey disrespecting the

Ward family, but also the entirety of Longmen. As
a proud disciple of Longmen, he was so infuriated
what remaining blood he had started to flow

Blood started gushing out of his throat the next

moment. His head fell sideways, and he breathed his

The place fell into dead silence. Nobody imagined

that josh would die the moment he appeared.

"Kid, you're crossing the line! You have no regard for

the law!"

"Even if Josh and the others did you wrong, you

shouldn't simply kill them!"

"You've even insulted the entirety of Longmen!"

Chapter 1600

A virtuous-looking elderly man stepped out and

reprimanded Harvey.


Without waiting for the man to finish, Harvey

slapped him. The elderly man was immediately sent

Harvey said calmly, "Stop yapping."

He knew full well how these people acted. They

pretended to be righteous, but they would surely add
insult to injury and beat Harvey while he was down if
he was defeated for being too weak

Harvey wouldn't mind dealing the final blow to

people like this if they continued making more

The crowd's faces were slack with shock Terror struck

them, filling their every pore. They dared not utter a
single word.

"Come, let's go meet Samuel."

Harvey said easily.

"Remember to bring Josh's head with us. We'll give this

to the master of Longmen as a meeting gift."

After passing the exquisite courtyard, Harvey

headed to the backyard.

Many disciples from Longmen showed up. But after

hearing what had happened at the entrance, they dared
not approach Harvey.

The backyard was filled with plum blossoms. There

were no fences surrounding the place, and the whole
place seemed like a work of art.

Because it was a mountain, a sea of misty clouds

could be seen floating under one's feet. You could
hear the soft whistle of the flowing wind, paving
way to a sensation of infinite vastness.

A man in a green shirt stood still, his arms crossed. An

ancient chess board was placed in front of him.
He held a black chess piece in his hand, seemingly
enjoying himself.

Around him were men and women dressed in

traditional clothing, all of them looking at him with
faces full of admiration.

These must be the higher ups of Longmen, or

perhaps important people of the underworld.

Different auras could be felt as soon as they realized

that Harvey went inside the room. There were also
murderous auras that were targeted toward Harvey. It
seemed that here, too, there were people lying in wait
for an ambush.

Tyson subconsciously trembled when he noticed the

elderly man with the green shirt. This man was a
legend within Longmen, after all.

Harvey shook his head at the sight. He then took a

step forward and said, "Master of Longmen. I didn' t
prepare much and came on my own accord. Please
accept this gift of a human head!"

With a wave of Harvey's hand, Tyson threw the

Chapter 1600

head he was holding in Samuel's direction.

The wretched expression was still there on Josh's

face. His unwillingness before he died could be seen

The crowd that looked at Harvey were divided: some

were full of fear, some showed disdain, and some
gave faint smiles.
Chapter 1601

Chapter 16soi
Samuel raised his head slowly. After sizing up
Harvey, he smiled.

"I wonder if you brought such a big gift today to ask for
my crimes, or if you're prepared to give me a fair

The aides next to Samuel shook in fear and awe at his


Naturally, they did not think that such a

domineering and headstrong man like Samuel
would be this casual in front of Harvey.

Harvey was the man who killed an entire family of

three outside, after all!

He had dishonored Samuel! He was trampling on the

dignity of the entirety of Longmen!

Harvey remained nonchalant about the situation.

He did not bother giving Samuel a proper answer.
I '1

"A fair statement? The Ward family joined forces

with the Island Nations Ninja House to frame and
assassinate me. Aren't you going to give me a fair
statement about this, master of Longmen?"

Samuel replied calmly, "I've already warned you a

few days ago, CEO York Mordu's in a complicated
situation right now, and someone from the Island
Nations is lending a hand."

"But as a disciple of Longmen, it is indeed a sin for

josh and his family to join forces with the enemy."

"I'll get a hold of every single member of the Ward

family. You may decide what to do with them."

The aides' expressions frantically changed at those

words. Now, they turned to Harvey and stared at him
in awe.

They initially assumed that Harvey was here to give

Samuel a statement.

But it turned out to be the exact opposite!

Chapter 1601

What sort of capabilities did Harvey have? Was he

using magic?

Even someone like Samuel was honoring him!

"No need. The master of Longmen can decide how to

clean up Longmen. I'll be going to Mordu, but I'll
only be dealing with my own set of problems."

"Still, if I discover that another disciple of

Longmen is joining forces with the enemy again, I
wouldn't mind crushing all of Longmen into dust."

Harvey said calmly.

All of the disciples of Longmen froze at his bold



`He's too domineering!'

`This might be the first time someone dared to

speak like that to Samuel Bauer himself!'

' f I

Samuel burst out laughing.

"As expected from CEO York!"

"If that's the case, then I shall leave Mordu's

Longmen branch to you. I'll be waiting for your
word in Wolsing."

"If you find out that there's another disciple of

Longmen scheming with the enemy, I'll give you a
fair statement about it."

Harvey frowned. He felt that Samuel was laying down

plans for him, suddenly asking him to deal with his
business in Mordu.

But since things had gotten to this point, Harvey had

to go to Mordu no matter what; whether it was for
Longmen's Mordu branch, the Smith family, or the
Jean family,

"Come, this is perfect timing. Are you interested, CEO

York?" Samuel asked, picking up a chess piece.

Harvey stepped forward and grabbed another black

chess piece. He then placed it on the center of the

There was a quiet tap, and all the white pieces that were
in a victorious spot fell apart.

Samuel flinched at the sight, then burst out

laughing once more.

"Spectators see the game better than the players

themselves. Interesting..."

Harvey wanted to say something, but then looked

behind him.

Samuel narrowed his eyes and looked in the same

direction as Harvey. Then he said calmly, "I didn't
expect to have guests this late in the hour. You're
absolutely correct, CEO York Longmen does need to
be thoroughly cleaned."

Shadows moved all around the place just as Samuel

was done talking. Countless disciples of Longmen

At the same time, a terrifying aura seeped out from

Chapter 1601

afar and covered the entire place.

A middle-aged man in a kendo robe, equipped with a

long and short blade strapped to both sides of his
waist, took a step into the backyard.

"Bastard! Harvey York, do you have the courage to

fight me to the death?!"
Chapter 1602
"An Island Nation swordsman?"

Harvey frowned.

Samuel grinned. "This man here is indeed an Island

Nation swordsman. He owns a kendo hall in Mordu.
He teaches kendo in public, but in secret, he's been
doing heinous things nobody was privy to."

"Did Josh hire him?"

"That's right. Look at it as two birds with one

stone. He planned to have this swordsman
challenge you to a duel to the death if I didn't kill

"If you lose, you die. If you win, you'll cause more
trouble for yourself and attract other Island Nation

Harvey narrowed his eyes without saying a word.

Five disciples of Longmen emerged from the

nth-711 i

shadows, all of them brandishing long swords.

The Island Nation swordsman touched the long blade

strapped on his waist. The next moment., a bright
light shone.

The disciples trembled. Seconds later they fell to the

ground, clutching their throats.

Their faces showed resentment and disbelief, as they

never imagined this man could be so powerful.

"Island Nation Kendo."

Harvey said easily.

This man was referred to as the Island Nation

swordsman, and he was using a long blade that
came from the Island Nations.

Mastering the Island Nation Kendo was no simple

feat. To be able to pull off such a move was proof that
this swordsman's craft was already at his peak.


The swordsman did not remain stagnant. He took a

Chapter 1602

step forward with his left leg and dashed forward right
in Harvey's direction.

The disciples of Longmen rushed forward as well,

forcing the two sides to engage in immediate hand-to-
hand combat.

The swordsman's expression did not change. He

slashed his blade sideways.

Schwing, schwing, schwing!

The professionals within Longmen were all mowed

down like grass. They knelt to the ground, clutching
their throats. A second later, their heads flew off their

The swordsman kept moving forward without any

delay, even after killing more than ten people.


His blade gleamed malevolently as the

professionals of Longmen blocking his way
stumbled down, paralyzed. The swings of his blade
were uninterrupted, as if there was no resistance at

Samuel watched everything and asked Harvey

calmly, "CEO York, do you know where he came

Harvey replied, "There are six strongest schools

within Island Nation's kendo techniques. The
Shindan Way showed up during the Island Nations'
Warring States Period. Their swordsmanship
crushed every single strong opponent there was."

"This man must be using the Shindan Way. Even

though he's still far away from the peak of his
swordsmanship, he's still quite capable."

"I'm curious, though. Josh can't possibly order around

a professional like this. Why would a man of such
talent work for Josh?"

Samuel replied, his composure never wavering, " The

whole world moves for profit. If Josh manages to kill
you, he'd be the next official branch leader."

"When that happens, he only needs to turn a blind

eye for the Island Nations to march into Mordu
without any form of resistance."

Harvey frowned again.

"If you know so much, why didn't you clean up the

place yourself? Why would you ask for my help?"

Samuel sighed.

"Number one: my subordinates are growing more

powerful than I am. If I force my hand, the like-
minded ones will sympathize with each other and start
working together."

"Number two: Josh is indeed related to me by blood,

which is why I had to act cautiously. Since I don't
have any solid proof, it'd be bad for me to take

Harvey chuckled in disdain. He studied his

surroundings wordlessly.

`Even the Island Nation swordsman is here, and you

tell me you're acting cautiously?'
Chapter 1602

Samuel continued speaking.

"If Josh died earlier and the swordsman was

desperate, he would've gone to your front door
instead of here."

Harvey's eyes grew cold at Samuel's nonchalant

Chapter 1603
The Island Nation swordsman exuded an aura that
could not be matched by even a thousand enemies.

The long blade that he held in his hand was like

lightning. Every time he swung it, the blade would let
out a terrifying shine.

Two disciples of Longmen, wielding longswords,

stepped forward at the same time. They clearly
looked like they were a league above the rest of the

Their swords shimmered brightly, as if locked on to

the swordsman.

The swordsman did not move away. Instead, he

swung his blade downward.


The two long swords immediately broke in half.

The two disciples backed away slowly as they
screamed in pain and disbelief. Very soon, they fell to
the ground, paralyzed.

The other disciples, who had been extremely

domineering, dared not rush forward anymore. They
and the rest all fell back to protect Samuel and

But anyone could tell that their courage had been

depleted because of the swordsman

Tyson frowned. He braved a step forward, then pulled

out the sword on his waist and demanded, " Who are

"Who am I?"

The swordsman's face was ice cold. He wiped his

blade with his sleeve and replied calmly, "I am
Kaito Yamaguchi of the Shindan Way. Mr. Josh has
done me a great favor."

"I will kill you for murdering his entire family

today, Harvey York!"

"Do you have the courage to fight back?!"

Chapter 1603

"Kaito Yamaguchi?!"

Tyson's expression changed frantically.

"The curator of Mordu's Shindan Way Kendo


Kaito said, "That is correct, it is I."

After seeing Tyson's expression, Harvey then

asked, "Tyson, what's this guy's business?"

Tyson turned to Harvey, his face stem.

"CEO York, this swordsman is listed as one of the

Top Ten Talents of Kendo."

"He's one of the best swordsmen of the younger

generation in the Island Nations. When he went to
open a Kendo Hall in Mordu, there were already
more than ten people from the underworld that
challenged him to a duel. All of them died."

"Rumors said that he publicly called the people from

Country H sick men from the far east, and that
none of us were a match for him."

`Sick men from the far east?!'

Harvey narrowed his eyes. This man from the

Island Nations was a little too arrogant.

All of the elites among the military of the Island

Nations were almost decimated back during the Euro-
American Battlefield.

But the Island Nations' thirst for battle and

arrogance had never changed, nor had it subsided.

That, and this swordsman still dared to show off in a

place like this. He did not have a sliver of respect
toward Harvey and Country H.

"I'll do it."

Harvey said, as calm as ever. Since this swordsman

was going for him, he wouldn't mind being the one
sending the swordsman to his death.

"CEO York, he's just a small fry. Why should you

even take action yourself? If we have to keep relying
on a guest like you to fight every time, Longmen
might as well go and open food stalls."

Samuel pulled Harvey down to his seat, then started

making tea nonchalantly.

"Come, try my Red Robe Tea."

Harvey chuckled and took the teacup.

The Red Robe Tea cost a few thousand dollars for a

single pound. If the tea was an offering to Samuel,
then a lot of things could be explained. After all, the
master of Longmen himself had been enjoying tea of
this caliber.

Right as the two raised their teacups, several

disciples of Longmen rushed forward again.

"Harvey York, you wouldn't dare challenge me! You


Kaito chuclded coldly.

"The Head Coach aside, all you people from

Country H are useless!"
Chapter 1603

The disciples were enraged. They swung the weapons

in their hands at the same time, causing great

"Useless filth grouped together will still be useless


Facing so many attacking him from all sides, Kaito

reached for the short blade strapped on the side of his
Chapter 1604

Chapter 1604

It was the Island Nation's kendo again!

Kaito did not direct his attack forward, but instead

drew a circle around him.

Suddenly, a bright halo surrounded his body.


The disciples were unable to react to his attack.

They were all sent flying, blood spurting out of
their chests.

This man was powerful!

Too powerful!

Kaito wielding a short blade was three times

stronger than him with a long blade!

One slash was enough to kill two dozen men!

Kaito marched forward, slashing everyone that
stood in his way. In the blink of an eye, more than
fifty disciples were lying unconscious on the
ground. The disciples protecting Samuel were
slowly dwindling in numbers.

Longmen's higher ups and the powerful characters

from the underworld felt parched at the terrifying

`He's strong!'

`This Island Nation swordsman is far too strong!'

With such a straightforward killer move, nobody was

able to withstand it.

Tyson pressed onto his sword, his eyes twitching


He asked himself how long he could hold out

against Kaito. But since Harvey did not give the
order, he dared not move forward.

The teacup in Harvey's hand suddenly bounced


away, flung right in Kaito's direction.


Kaito slashed the teacup with his blade,

immediately cutting it into half.

But his invincible aura dissipated. The terrifying aura

that was surrounding the entire place was gone like a
popped balloon.

Kaito's eyes twitched slightly, but he did not say


Harvey narrowed his eyes and glared at Kaito. "You'

re pretty good. It's just a shame that you can't kill me.
If you want to have a chance at that, you'd be better
off calling your teacher here."

Harvey was speaking the truth. If the Island Nations '

Sword Saint was here, then it might be a bit of a
challenge for him.

Kaito seemed truly powerful, but if Harvey truly

wanted to win, he wouldn't be able to take more
than three moves.

Kaito stared at Harvey before letting out a wretched


"It's just as Mr. Josh said. You don't have any talent
aside from bluffing up a storm!"

"If it weren't for these disciples protecting you, you

would've been dead a hundred times already!"

"Right, let me tell you this now that I'm here. After
I'm done killing you, I'll kill your entire family and
repay Mr. josh's favor with all of your heads!"

"What sort of favor did you owe him, if I may?"

Harvey asked, full of curiosity.

Kaito coldly replied, "Without Mr. Josh, there would

be no Kendo Hall in Mordu."

Harvey chuckled, then looked at Samuel in disdain.

As an organization of government officials within the

underworld, Longmen should've been dealing with
the enemy from the shadows. But as it turned
out, Longmen opted to act as Island Nations' guide.

What a joke!

The usual calm and composed Samuel made an

uncharacteristic frown. He glared at Kaito.

"You mean to say that the permit for your Kendo Hall
was arranged by Josh?"

"That's right! Mr. Josh knew that my country's

swordsmanship would definitely flourish in
Country H. Hence, he had no prejudice against me
and helped me obtain a permit."

Kaito laughed again.

"We from the Island Nations will always return the

favor bestowed to us. Kindness must always be

Samuel heaved a mournful sigh.

"The family is such a disgrace. I'm truly sorry that

you have to see this, CEO York"

"I shall take action myself today as a fair statement

Chapter 1604

for you. How does that sound?"

"Do as you please."

Harvey replied, not caring to give a straight answer.

He wanted to see how Samuel would handle the

Samuel nodded curtly. He then stood up and set his

gaze onto Kaito, who stood on the field
Chapter 1605

Chapter 1605
"You should end your own life now."

Samuel said calmly.

"If you wait for me to do it for you, you'll end up with

a horrible death."

"End my own life?!"

Kaito chuckled coldly.

"Who do you think you are?!"

"You people from Country H are always boasting

about your country's martial arts and it's long history,
but it's all just a facade!"

"What exactly gave you the courage to talk to me like


"Do you not know what death is?"

One of Samuel's aides walked forward with a cold

expression on his face and exclaimed, "To disgrace
the master of Longmen, you're looking for your

"The master of Longmen?"

Kaito's face was icy.

"A poor old man dares to show off nowadays?"

"You think any ordinary person can just act

arrogantly in front of the Island Nations' Shindan

"Nonsense! People from Country H are sick beasts

from the far east!"

Kaito's face was filled with scorn. He naturally

assumed that Samuel was a useless person who
pretended to be powerful.

"Sick beasts from the far east?"

Samuel smiled, amused.

"The last person from the Island Nations who said

the same thing was torn to shreds by me."

After he was done talking, Samuel moved his body

and suddenly appeared behind Kaito, as if he was a

The extremely powerful Kaito came back to his

senses, but his expression had changed frantically.

No martial art in the world is invincible. Speed is the

only way for success.

Even though Samuel did not exude a terrifying

aura, his speed was way beyond anyone's

The arrogant and domineering Kaito felt a cold chill

enshroud his entire body, and he felt as if he was
heading straight to purgatory.


Kaito instinctively moved his body backwards and

thrust his short blade under his armpit.

This was a terrifying move of the Shindan Way, the

Gutter Blade.

It was a fast and ruthless technique. The opponent

would surely be terribly injured if hit, but the user
would sustain heavy damages as well.

At the critical moment when the blade was about to

strike, Samuel used his right hand to grab Kaito's

Kaito froze stiff. He felt as if his body was struck by

lightning, and he could not even move an inch.

Longmen's higher ups and disciples found it hard to

breathe when they watched this.

`He's strong! So strong!'

Even Harvey narrowed his eyes slightly.

`The previous Elder of the Army, the master of

Longmen then does have some capabilities.'


"You say that the people from Country H are just

f I

sick beasts from the far east..."

Samuel chuckled, a cold expression on his face.

"Do you have any idea what that means?"

"It means that your teacher, the so-called Sword Saint,

will be paying the price..."

"Either he grovels in front of me and apologizes, or I

kill all the way to Kyoto and force the Shindan Way
to give me a fair statement..."

"As for you, you'll be going to Hell before your

teacher does!"


Samuel immediately severed Kaito's head from his

body the next moment. He then wiped his palm
leisurely with a handkerchief.

"Come, send his head to the Shindan Way and send

word. If nobody's coming to apologize in half a year,
I'll be making my way there."

After he was done talking, he looked at Harvey and


"CEO York, are you satisfied with this?"

Harvey replied calmly, "It's alright. I'll be heading off

to Mordu soon."

The two had finally reached a common ground.

Samuel ripped Kaito's head off to make the Shindan

Way give him a proper statement.

While Harvey was preparing to head to Mordu to deal

with other matters from Longmen.

The scene was swiftly cleaned up. Harvey did not

have the intent to stay any longer.

He was there for a statement, and he was quite

satisfied with what he had received.
Chapter i6o6
News spread not long after Harvey left.

One of the top talents from Island Nations, Kaito

Yamaguchi, tried to assassinate Samuel Bauer. Josh
Ward and his family fought valiantly against Kaito
and died in battle!

As such, Samuel demanded a statement from the

Shindan Way.

The spread of the news showed that there were no

traces of Harvey's involvement in the matter.

Harvey froze slightly before returning to his senses.

Samuel didn't want Harvey to be known throughout

Mordu before he set foot there.

It would be appropriate for Samuel to let Harvey deal

with matters in Mordu discreetly. This would be
beneficial for Longmen as well.

At this point, it was already set in stone that Harvey

would be heading to Mordu.

Back in the Gardens Residence, Mandy was busy

handling business regarding South Light's Zimmer
family and could not return home yet.

Harvey did not want to bother her, either. It was a

great opportunity for Mandy to have risen up in rank
Harvey was a step closer in letting Mandy establish
a wealthy family on her own.

Harvey asked Tyson to send information about

Mordu, then flipped through the pages while
waiting for Mandy to come home.

Ring, ring, ring!

When Harvey was deep in thought about Mordu's

business, his phone rang.

An unknown number called. The number came from


Harvey's pupils dilated slightly. Not a lot of people

knew of Harvey's personal number, other than the
ones close to him.

Right when he was about to head over to Mordu, an

unknown number from Mordu called...

Harvey stared at his phone without answering the call.

His hand knocked on the table a few times as he fell
deep in thought.

But the caller did not give up. The phone kept
ringing and ringing.

When the phone rang the third time, Harvey finally

picked up the call.

"Hello? Is this Harvey?"

An easygoing tone sounded from the other side of

the phone, awakening Harvey's long forgotten

He froze, then asked with a bit of hesitation, "Uncle


"Hahaha! You really are Harvey! I didn't call the

wrong number, did I? I've gone through quite a lot
of friends to get this number!"

"Do you still remember me, Harvey?"

Harvey chuckled. He remembered.

The person who called was named Kelly Malone, an

old friend of Harvey's father.

However, the Malones and the Yorks had not been in

contact for ten whole years.

Kelly said with a seemingly sorrowful tone, " Harvey,

you've grown so much in a blink of an eye. Our
families haven't seen each other for so long!"

"I've been living a pretty good life doing business in


"I already knew about your parents disappearing at the

foot of Keale Mountain. But don't you worry, I' 11
send more men to look for them..."

"I'll let you know as soon as I get more


"Come look for me in Mordu if you have the time.


Let's have a walk around together!"

Harvey's eyes flashed for a brief moment. He


"Thank you for your concern, Uncle Malone. But I'

ye already sent some men there to look for my
parents. There's just been no news at the moment."

"You sent men there?"

Kelly paused briefly, then chuckled.

"Oh, Harvey! Stop acting tough in front of me, I've

heard all about you. I know that you're someone's
live-in son-in-law, and that you were kicked out of the

"But don't be afraid. Uncle Malone won't abandon

you. If you can't survive in Buckwood any longer,
you can always come look for me. Understand?"

"It's fine if you get divorced your wife, too. Don't

forget! My daughter Hazel wanted to marry you when
you two were younger!"
Chapter 1606

"You can be my live-in son-in-law when you get to

Mordu. I'll take good care of you!"
Chapter 1607

Chapter 1607
Harvey did not have a single opportunity to explain
anything, even until Kelly hung up the phone.

Thinking back on Kelly's daughter, Hazel, a

helpless expression colored Harvey's face.

The lass had been constantly following Harvey

before. By now, she must've grown into a fine

But Harvey was not interested in being the Malone

family's live-in son-in-law.

Since Harvey had coincidentally reacquainted with

Kelly, he would definitely go meet Kelly's family
after setting foot in Mordu.

It was already nine o'clock at night, but Mandy had

yet to return.

Harvey was about to go out and look for her at the

Zimmer family's house, but a black Lexus suddenly
drove over and stopped in front of Harvey at the front

Ray came out of the car, a concerned look on his


"CEO York, Miss Xavier got a phone call an hour


"She handed over all the matters she had for Sky
Corporation to me, then sent a resignation letter and
headed for the airport!"

"She said that she'll leave for half a year at most, or

after a few weeks."

"I feel like Miss Xavier must be in big trouble! CEO

York, you have to help her!"

"Yvonne went to Mordu?"

Harvey frowned, his face darkening.

He had already dealt with Michelle's problem before.

He hsd promised to head to the Smith family
s house in Mordu on the fifteenth next month as

Logically speaking, Yvonne would at least tell

Harvey what happened to the Smith family before

Leaving so suddenly must've meant that something

out of the ordinary had happened.

Harvey pondered the situation for a while and

swiftly gave Michelle a call, but it was quickly

He called Yvonne's phone, but her line was not

within the service area.

Harvey's expression worsened by the minute.

Normally speaking, these two numbers were both

private and had dedicated communication channels.
They would not disconnect so easily.

But if both numbers did not pick up then, then...

Harvey narrowed his eyes in thought. Did

something bad happen to the Smith family?

"Right, I looked at Miss Xavier's room before

coming here. She didn't take anything with her. She
rushed away without preparing anything. She left
this here."

Ray took out a shattered crystal pendant and

handed it to Harvey.

This was a crystal in the shape of a cross; Yvonne's

personal collection that Harvey saw her carry
everywhere. The pendant, which was often in good
condition, was shattered in half. There was a hint of
blood in between the pendant.


Thunder struck from the sky at this moment. Clouds

covered the sun, and sudden rain started to pour

Harvey looked at the rain from the sky, took a deep

breath and replied quietly, "Use every power and
connection the Sky Corporation has in Mordu to
look for Yvonne's whereabouts."

"Check if anything happened to the Smith family, too.

I want all of the information within a day."

"If there's no news about this until the same time

tomorrow, I'll head over to Mordu myself."

"Of course!"

Ray dared not suggest otherwise. He bowed to

Harvey and immediately left.

Yvonne could be considered the backbone of Sky

Corporation. Suddenly losing her might cause
problems for the company's operations.

Amidst the heavy rain, Harvey looked at the sky and

narrowed his eyes.

Some sort of unknown, unfathomable power was

constantly forcing Harvey, telling him to head to


Harvey mumbled.
Chapter 1608

Chapter 1608
Early in the morning the next day, Ray and Tyson still
did not have any news of Yvonne.

Yvonne, on the other hand, sent Harvey a text

message. There were only two words: "I'm fine".

When Harvey got the message, his heart skipped a


When he called back, the phone was disconnected


Harvey finally decided that he had to head to

Mordu, no matter the costs.

Because time was of the essence, Harvey did not

have the time to inform Mandy about the situation.
Harvey let Ethan in charge of Mandy's safety and
help with the Zimmer family's integration.

Ray stayed to deal with Sky Corporation's

Harvey only brought Tyson along in the end to ride a
high-speed rail straight to Mordu.

George Zabel and Old Niner, Tyson's subordinates,

were put in charge of gathering intel in Mordu a few
days ago. They rubbed their palms together when they
found out that Harvey would arrive at Mordu soon,
prepared to make breakthroughs in their

Throughout his ride on the high-speed rail, Harvey' s

face was severe. There were too many things that he
needed to fix in Mordu, and he did not know where to

After being deep in thought, Harvey then took out his

phone and called a number from Mordu.

"Hello? Harvey? Why'd you suddenly call me?"

On the other side of the phone, a slight confusion

could be heard from Kelly's tone.

Harvey smiled and replied, "It's like this, Uncle

Malone. I have some business to attend to in Mordu
today. If you don't mind, let's meet up a few days later
and have a meal together."

Kelly froze before replying swiftly, "Are you

coming by plane or high-speed rail? When are you

Harvey looked at his ancient Rolex watch, then

replied, "I should be there by lunch today, but..."

Kelly immediately stopped Harvey. "I'll arrange for

my driver to get you, then."

"We have a gathering in the afternoon. You should


"Your Aunty and Hazel will be there, too!"

"It's been a long while since we've all met, so you

should really show up."

"Alright, it's settled then. I still have business with

some higher ups from Longmen that I've gotten close
to. When I get the business deal down, you'll
be getting rich with me! Hahaha...!"

Kelly let out a hearty laugh, then hung up.

Haney stared at the phone, frowning.

He suspected that Kelly was involved with the

sudden series of events that were happening
recently. But judging from Kelly's attitude, he was
just being passionate.

Of course, they would still have to meet before

Harvey can confirm his thoughts.

Harvey checked the time after the call ended. Then,

he went to a dining car for breakfast.

"Stop right there!"

Right as Harvey was about to enter the dining car, a

woman with short hair wearing a black suit appeared

Her looks were quite exquisite. Even though she

looked quite handsome in a unisex suit and short hair,
her beauty was still unmatched.
Chapter 1608

Looking at the woman, Harvey scowled. "What is


"Someone's having a meal in the car, so nobody's

allowed to enter!"

The woman with short hair said unapologetically. "If

you want to enter, you'll have to wait an hour."

The woman spoke with righteousness, treating

Harvey like he was just a bug.

Harvey replied coldly, "A dining car is a public area.

Whoever that wants to enter may enter. It's not a place
for you to bully people."

The woman's gaze turned colder immediately after

hearing Harvey's words. She swung her palm right
toward Harvey.

"Just get out of here when I tell you to! Why do you
have to make so much noise?!"
Chapter 1609
Harvey York remained indifferent. Then, the right hand
was about to shove toward him unconsciously.

At this moment, a gentle voice full of authority came

from the dining car. "Yona Lynch, don't act

"We were already in the wrong for occupying the

dining car. Hitting people at will is even more

The arrogance on Yona's face dissipated after

hearing those words. She then lowered her head
and replied, "Yes."

She then glared at Harvey with her big eyes after she
finished speaking and stepped aside reluctantly.

Harvey did not even look at her and walked straight

into the dining car.

There were not many waiters in the dining car,

there were only two people, and there was a table in
the middle.

The men and women standing there were middle-

aged men and women. Although their clothes were
not that gorgeous, they had a very extraordinary
aura with an aristocratic demeanor. They seemed to
be either rich or noble.

Only one middle-aged man was sitting in the scene.

There were more than a dozen exquisite dishes in
front of him, but he did not eat much. He just
picked up his chopsticks and ate some.

Harvey's gaze leaped over the crowd and fell on the

middle-aged man's face. He must be the one who
spoke just now.

The other party also glanced over calmly at this

moment, and there was no trace of nobility in his
eyes. Instead, he exuded an air of relaxed calm.

Harvey instantly knew that this middle-aged man was

the master of the field without needing any special

Meanwhile, catching Harvey's gaze, the middle-aged

man smiled and said, "Young man, it's our fault,
sorry for delaying your meal. You're a very
generous man. Please forgive our rudeness. You can
take anything you need, and it's all on my account."

Harvey nodded as a response to this middle-aged


Although he knew that this middle-aged man's

identity was extraordinary, with Harvey's identity,
there was no need for him to flatter anyone or rely on
other's power.

Looking at Harvey's attitude, Yona slightly

frowned, and she was distraught.

People like Harvey, dressed in ordinary clothes, the

watch on his wrist was undoubtedly an old model for
decades and did not know if it was still in working

However, he still dared to be pretentious here at this

moment, dressed up like this. He did not know
how to be polite when meeting some big shot. How
could such a person have the opportunity to be

If it had not been for this middle-aged man who

stopped her, she was confident that she could make
Harvey faint with a slap.

The middle-aged man did not bother too much about

the matter. Instead, he stood up and smiled gently at
Harvey. He then turned around and was about to

Harvey's eyes squinted slightly the moment the

middle-aged man stood up. Harvey then looked at him

Yona could not help but yell after seeing Harvey's

impolite demeanor. "My master is very nice to you.
What's with that attitude of yours? Do you really want
to die?"

Harvey just ignored Yona. Instead, he looked at the

middle-aged man with great interest and said
indifferently, "For the sake of your good attitude,
let me remind you.

"You're dying soon. Now go back and prepare for the

funeral before it's too late."

The whole crowd was dead silent when those words

were spoken.

The pupils of the middle-aged man suddenly

constricted and coldness exuded from his body. His
gaze looking at Harvey was full of seriousness and

Swish. The men and women in Chinese clothes

backed away in all directions, blocking all of Harvey'
s paths from all angles.

Apparently, those people had remarkable skills. Next,

Harvey would die if he said anything wrong!
Chapter 1610
Yona Lynch was the first to yell at Harvey York, "A*
*hole! How dare you jinx my master!"

The firearm around her waist appeared in her hand

when she finished her words, almost pointing at
Harvey's forehead.

Several men and women also pressed their hands

against their waists.

Harvey ignored this group of people and said

indifferently, "Those who want your life will come to
kill you for three days, at most. Even Hades won' t be
able to save you by then."

"Who dares to take Master's life?!" Yona's pretty face

turned cold!

"I don't care who you are. Using such words for
attention, believe it or not, I'll kill you in minutes.

"Do you know who my master is?

"In Mordu, my master may..."

Having said this, the middle-aged man glared at

Yona coldly, which instantly made her stop

She noticed that she had let it slip. She immediately

changed to another topic at this moment and said, "
Hurry up and apologize to my master. Otherwise, don't
blame me for killing you!"

While speaking, the safety on Yona's firearm was

released, and the gun was pressed against Harvey's
forehead this time.


Harvey's eyes were cold, and he gave out a slap.

Yona blacked out for a moment, and before she even

had the time to respond, she felt excruciating pain on
her face. Her whole body trembled and was thrown

Bang. She slammed into the wall of the dining car,

Chapter 1610

convulsing in pain.

The crowd was shocked to see this scene!

Yona's heart was filled with fear. She could not

believe it.

How could this ordinary guy be so savage?

She, Yona Lynch, was a well-known master among the

younger generation in Mordu.

However, she was sent flying by Harvey with a slap.

With such strength at this age was simply


At this moment, Yona felt a little regret. Why did she

challenge Harvey?

It seemed that she was wrong about him. This

young man in ordinary clothes was certainly not
like any other average person.

After seeing Harvey's actions, all the other men and

women in Chinese clothes pulled out their firearms.
Chapter 1610

"Stop, stop being disgraceful!"

Meanwhile, the middle-aged man spoke


"All of you stand down."

A couple of men and women in Chinese clothes

hesitated for a while but still put away their firearms.
Apparently, this middle-aged man had absolute

"Young man, I'm sorry. Yona regards herself too

high. So, it's inevitable that she sometimes acts
arrogant and overbearing. Please do forgive her.

"You're a big shot. You don't need to get serious with

a kid. Please pardon her rudeness."

The middle-aged man glanced at Yona, who was on

the ground, and said after he finished speaking. "

Yona covered half of her pretty face with an ugly

expression and said, "But Master..."
The middle-aged man said coldly, "I said,

Yona's eyelid twitched. After that, she walked toward

Harvey, bowed, and said, "I'm sorry that I offended

Harvey said indifferently, "Next time if I found out

that you pointed a firearm toward anyone's forehead
at will, you will be dead meat."

Yona initially refused to budge. However, she

shuddered all over while looking at Harvey's
indifferent eyes.

This was because she saw the tolerance of the

superior in Harvey's eyes.

Such a person was a man who kept his promises.

"It's my fault. I haven't been strict with her, allowing

her to do anything outside." The middle-aged man
saluted Harvey, "I'm Benjamin Lynch. I would also
like to extend my apologies, young
Chapter 1610


"That's very kind of you, Master Lynch."

Harvey restrained his body's coldness and said

nonchalantly, "This matter has nothing to do with

Benjamin smiled and said, "No, it does. You might

not know, young man. Yona is my goddaughter. It's
my fault that she has such a bad and violent
temperament. Please forgive me."
Chapter 1611
Harvey York glanced at Yona Lynch with a surprised
look, but he did not say much. This was other people 's
family affair, after all.

Benjamin Lynch invited Harvey to sit down. He then

smiled and said, "Young man, how should I address

Harvey said indifferently, "Harvey York"

Benjamin poured a cup of tea for Harvey and asked

earnestly, "Brother York, do you know any medical

Harvey replied lightly, "No."

"Then, do you know feng shui, or are you a fortune

teller, Brother York?"


"Then, why did you say that I won't live long,

Brother York?" Benjamin calmly reasoned as if he
had been accustomed to life and death. However, it
was a pity that the wavering in his eyes could not be

People could get used to the life and death of

others, but no one could ignore their own life and

Harvey said indifferently, "Someone wants you

dead. There have been at least three waves of
assassinations in the last half month, if I'm not
mistaken. Moreover, these three waves of
assassinations have left you at least ten wounds. It' s
just that you have hired a highly skilled doctor to
tend to your injury."

Benjamin was shocked.

"Actually, those doctors' medical skills are

excellent. They treated your injury problem
perfectly, but the wound here hasn't completely
healed yet, right?"

Harvey pointed his finger at the position of

Benjamin's chest.

"Every day at noon, you will feel ice cold there, and
every day at midnight, you will feel as if you are
roasting on fire on the exact same spot."

"Master Lynch, being able to hold on under the

torment of ice and fire for an extra week is already
commendable. In fact, I think you can only hold on
for at most three more days."

Yona and others gasped after hearing Harvey's


Everything Harvey said was true. Other than the fact

about the torment of ice and fire, other things were
also precisely right.

If she did not know that the other party was not
Chinese, she might already be taking action against
him now.

Benjamin looked surprised and said, "Brother York,

you are truly an expert. Since Brother York knows of
my current situation, could you offer me a little
help? No matter how huge the price is, I'm willing to

Harvey said indifferently, "I can help you, but the

price is probably not something that you can

Benjamin squinted and said, "Brother York, please

do. As long as it can solve my situation, then I
would certainly try my best to fulfill your requests as
long as it's within my ability.

"Anyway, the worst-case scenario is that I would die a

few days earlier. I can promise here never to hold you
accountable if you fail as long as you're willing to
treat me!"

Apparently, Benjamin was very clear about his

situation that he only had a few more days to live.

Most importantly, his current situation was beyond

the help of medicine.

However, knowing that he could only live for a few

more days did not mean he was unwilling to live
Chapter 1611


After all, a person in power like him most definitely

had his ambitions.

Who would want to die in the prime of his year?

After all, he still had too much to do.

Harvey said indifferently, "Don't worry. Since I've

decided to help, then I won't give you false hope."

"Then what do I need to prepare?" Benjamin said


"No need."

Harvey kicked Benjamin to the ground after he

finished speaking.

He then kicked toward Benjamin's chest.

Slap. Benjamin was sent flying out and slammed into

the car, coughing out a mouthful of blood.
Chapter 1612

Chapter 1612
"Master Lynch?!"

All the henchmen gasped when they saw this scene

and immediately surrounded Harvey York.

Yona Lynch also said while covering her cheek, "B*

stard, you are presumptuous!"

No one would have thought that Harvey's so-called

solution was to kick Benjamin away directly.

He certainly acted recklessly!

"Stop! Stop!

"Don't do anything rash!"

At this moment, Benjamin struggled to get up from

the ground and spoke to Yona and others.

"You can't be rude to Brother York!"

Yona and others were taken aback for a moment. "

Chapter 1612

Master Lynch, this guy hit you..."

"Hit? What? Brother York is saving me!"

Initially, Benjamin also felt that Harvey was just

messing around with him. Thus, he was very
annoyed. However, he instantly knew that he had met
a true master when he recovered.

Yona and others looked over. They were shocked to

see that Benjamin's complexion was obviously much
better than before.

Most importantly, not only was the blood on the

floor black, but it also gave out an unspeakable

There was no doubt that it was spurted out when

Harvey kicked him.

Did this also work?

Yona and others were a little dumbfounded. They

could not believe any of it.

Harvey stepped forward, took a box of matches

from the table, lit it, and threw it in the black

As the match fell into the blood, a thumb-sized

paper voodoo doll appeared from the black
congestion after a while. The paper doll was white.
It kept struggling at this moment and then burned
into ashes by the fire.

The black congestion instantly turned red after the

paper doll became ashes and the stench disappeared.

Benjamin's expression changed so much while

watching this scene. His complexion was the worst.

Harvey said indifferently, "Yin-Yang Technique

from Island Nation.

"I don't know who you offended. However,

someone put this paper doll into your heart wound
during the previous assassinations.

"Then the onmyoji of Island Nation will put a curse

on you every noon and midnight.

"But now that the paper doll is taken out, only then
is your problem solved."

Harvey had seen similar Yin-Yang Techniques on

the battlefield back then. He had to admit that the
people of Island Nation indeed had strange and
weird ideas in studying assassination techniques.

Benjamin's expression frantically changed after

hearing what Harvey said.

He felt a load off his mind and was very relieved.

The feeling of powerlessness that he had previously

had gone.

To put it simply, he won his life back

As soon as he thought of this, he said excitedly, "

Brother York, you are indeed a true master!

"Since Brother York is heading toward Mordu

through this trip, why not temporarily stay in my

"My house will treat Brother York with the highest

"No matter what Brother York wants to do next, I'll
support you fully!"

Harvey said nonchalantly, "No need. I will find you

when I need you.

"It's just that the request I will make at that time might
give you a hard time.

"I hope you won't refuse. What you promised me

must be done."

Benjamin quickly took out a business card from his

body. The card was gilded, and there was no title on
it. Only two words were printed, Benjamin Lynch and
a number.

"Brother York, this is my number. It is available

twenty-four hours. You can call me anytime!"

"Also, please leave your phone number. I will

prepare a small gift. I hope that you will accept it."

Harvey glanced at Benjamin with a half-smile. He

then took out a tissue paper and wrote a number on
Chapter 1612

it. "This is my number."

Chapter 1613

Chapter 1613
Benjamin Lynch carefully put away the number and
asked Yona Lynch to come over. He said, "Brother
York, you can let Yona help you with everything that
you want to do in Mordu.

"We, the Lynch family, are quite influential in our

turf, Mordu. I promise that everything will run

Apparently, Benjamin could also see that Harvey

York came to Mordu for a big deal, a troublesome

However, he was indebted to Harvey for saving his

life. Thus, he made it clear at this moment that he
would certainly stand by Harvey no matter what
happened next.

He was also trying to pull Harvey to his side.

After all, a master like Harvey was also worthy of his

Although Yona was cold-tempered and a little
wilful, she was not a fool.

From what just happened to Benjamin's attitude, she

understood that Harvey was a person who they had to

Yona said respectfully at the moment, "Brother

York, I'm sorry for being naïve and offended you
just now!

"If you ever need anything in the future, just let me


Harvey smiled and said, "Miss Lynch, that's very kind

of you. It's my pleasure."

He took Yona's name card while talking.

In any case, they seemed to be people with a strong


Although Harvey did not care about power and

connections, sometimes, there were indeed more
paths when there were multiple friends.
After all, his identity should not be exposed as one
pleased when he was in Mordu.

Seeing that Harvey did not mind making friends

with him at all, Benjamin laughed. He then let
someone take out a portable box and handed it to
Harvey. "I'm traveling a lot and don't have many
things with me."

"This is the medicine we obtained during this trip.

It 's a polygonum multiflora. I initially wanted to
use this fruit and see whether it could treat the
condition of my body. But now that I don't have the
need for it, I can offer it to you.

"Brother York, please accept it. Take this as a token

of my appreciation."

Benjamin opened the box while talking.

Inside, there was a palm-sized polygonum

multiflora, but it looked just like dried mushrooms.

Such a thing was very precious. Not only could it

detoxify, it could also prolong one's life, but it
would not help with Benjamin's previous injuries.

Seeing Benjamin's sincere expression, Harvey smiled

and said, "Okay, then I'll humbly accept it."

Harvey did not stay for idle chatter. Instead, he

turned around, took a bottle of water, and left.

Benjamin was still looking toward Harvey's

direction after he had left the scene, not knowing
what was on his mind.

Yona Lynch, who was beside him, looked a little

hesitant. "Master Lynch, Harvey did have some
ability. With such vision and means, he certainly was
no ordinary person.

"It's just that he is too powerful, so I suspect..."

Benjamin pondered for a moment and replied, "I also

suspected that the Island Nation sent him, but I
carefully recalled our encounter with him today.
Everything should have been all a coincidence.

"Next, he will be doing things in Mordu. Pay more

Chapter 1613

attention to his whereabouts. At the same time, as long

as it doesn't violate the law and the rules, you must go
all out while working for him...

"If he has nothing to do with the Island Nation, then

we must certainly lay hold of a master like him. It
would be great if he could become our family 's
Chapter 1614
After Yona Lynch hesitated for a moment, and she
continued, "But if he is from the Island Nation..."

Benjamin Lynch narrowed his eyes and said

indifferently, "This is highly unlikely. But if it was
confirmed that he was from the Island Nation, then
kill him after helping him three times and repaying

Yona slightly frowned and said in a deep voice, "


Benjamin looked at Yona's expression, laughed, and

said, "Why? Did you fancy him? Did you think that he is
certainly not a bad guy?

"I also think he isn't a bad guy. It's just that the
Lynch family is one of the top ten families in the
great Country H. Moreover, I'm the first-in-
command. Hence, we have to be careful about many
things. It's always right to be more mindful.
"In case we found out that we really misunderstood
him, we could give him a huge gift at that time. I
think Brother York will understand us."

Yona's face slightly flushed. She then lowered her

head and said, "Master, don't worry. I will take care of
this matter."

Benjamin slightly nodded and then said casually, " Oh

right, there is another important matter. You must find
out for who were the people who tried to assassinate
me previously."

"Other than that, I have to take a trip to Wolsing.

"Many people were eyeing my position upon

learning that I was going to die recently. Now that I'
m healthy and alive, I want to see what expressions
these people will make."


Just when the father and daughter of the Lynch

family were talking at home, Harvey York was
already preparing to get off the high-speed rail.

He could naturally guess the content of the

conversation between the two of them after he left.

However, he did not point it out.

He just happened to be there. Moreover, he was able

to point out Benjamin's injury and existing
problems. He even helped them to solve it.

Everything seemed to be too coincidental.

Unless Benjamin were a fool, otherwise, he would

certainly doubt his identity.

However, Harvey did not care about it. He knew that

Benjamin was a big shot at first glance. He should be
able to figure out his identity soon.

After all, the people who attacked him mainly were

from Island Nation. As long as he had nothing to do
with Island Nation, they could naturally be

As for what Benjamin could do, he still had not

thought about it yet. Nonetheless, he had a feeling that
Benjamin could help him a little when he was doing
things in Mordu.

The high-speed rail stopped at Mordu while he was

still deep in thought.

Harvey walked out from the exit facing the south

following the message sent by Kelly Malone.

A black BMW 7-series was parked in the direction of

the exit. A roguish young man was smoking while
leaning on the car door.

Harvey glanced at the license plate. He then walked

over and said, "You're Brother Malone, right? I'm
Uncle Malone's..."

Brother Malone raised his head and glanced at

Harvey. There was slight derision in his eyes when he
saw Harvey wearing plain clothing. He said coldly,
"You're Harvey?"

His name was Jeremy Malone, a distant nephew of

Kelly Malone, who had been working as a driver for
him those years.

However, people like him who had been around rich

people for a long time would regard themselves as rich
people too.

Thus, they always acted arrogantly.

Since Kelly personally asked him to pick someone up,

he initially thought he was either welcoming a rich
second generation or a wealthy businessman. He did
not expect it to be a poor guy.

judging from this brat's attire and the old watch on

his wrist, this guy must have come here to stay with
Kelly. He might even steal his job. Thus, Jeremy
was looking at Harvey with a bit of hostility at this
Chapter 1615
Jeremy Malone's expression became cold as soon as
he thought of this. He opened the car door with a
cigarette in his mouth and said casually, "Put your
things into the trunk Watch it, and don't dirty the

"Also, sit at the back Take off your shoes after getting
in the car and hold them in your arms to avoid
dirtying the car!

"The thing I hate the most is you, hillbillies, always

coming here to take advantage of CEO Malone. I'm
telling you. I won't give you a chance!"


Harvey York looked indifferent. He instantly kicked

Jeremy to the ground.

Jeremy was outraged. "B*stard, you're asking for


Harvey then slapped Jeremy in the face
backhandedly, and he was instantly sent flying out. A
red palm print appeared on his face.

Jeremy covered his face and was in disbelief. He

never thought that Harvey would dare to assault

However, people like him had always been cowardly

bullies. Seeing Harvey's indifferent expression, he
unconsciously shuddered and said, "Brother York,
right? Please, please!"

He was not as lofty as before after being slapped by

Harvey in the face.

Harvey then sat in the back row, ignoring Jeremy,

who put on a dark face at the moment.

Harvey certainly needed to teach a nobody like him,

who often looked down on people, a lesson.
Otherwise, someone would really think that he was an
important figure.

Harvey tried to call Yvonne Xavier along the way,

but it didn't go through.

He sent a message informing Yvonne that he had

arrived in Mordu. If there were no messages from her
in twenty-four hours, he would directly make his way
to the Smith family.

Harvey wanted to force Yvonne to come out. Only

then could he find out what had happened.

The city, Mordu, outside the car window, was

bustling with traffic.

As the economic center of the great Country H and

one of the world's largest financial metropolises,
Mordu was full of tall buildings, looking glamorous
and modern.

Many large multinational companies had their

headquarters in Mordu.

The most famous among them was the three-piece

building located at the estuary of Mordu.

Those were the three skyscrapers with more than

two hundred stories, each of which rose above the

According to the previously received information, one

building resembled a corkscrew among this three-
piece building that belonged to Oliver Bauer.

After Oliver became the branch leader of Longmen in

Mordu, he used his connections and resources to
establish a large company. Although it had not gone
public, it was already considered a huge enterprise in

This company dealt with security, finance, real

estate, and other industries. Its strength was
stronger than anyone could have imagined.

Except for the three deputy branch leaders each

holding ten percent of the shares, the Bauer family
accounted for twenty percent of the shares, and Oliver
himself held fifty percent.

However, it was said that Oliver did not hold the

fifty percent shares personally. Instead, he let his
disciple, Rachel Hardy hold it on his behalf. This
nth-711 i

was regarded as Oliver's "testament" to his


Sure enough, because Oliver was previously in

power, his death now had caused a chain effect on
all those reactions. It was said that the branch of
Longmen in Mordu had been in chaos since a long
time ago because all of them were competing for
the assets that Oliver had left behind due to his

People like Josh Ward, who went to bother Harvey,

were considered a courageous men among them. As
for the others, they only know how to fight
amongst each other now. They might even have
forgotten how Oliver died.

Just as Harvey was thinking about it, the BMW 7-

series stopped at the door of a luxurious hotel.

The three words, "Building of Peace", were written on

the huge plaque.
Chapter 1616
Harvey York was taken aback while looking at this

This was the famous restaurant in the estuary of

Mordu. It was said that it had a history of more than a
hundred years.

This place was of high quality and class. It had a

high-end atmosphere, luxurious and

Eating in such a place, a random dish could cost

hundreds of dollars. If one wanted to reserve a room,
it would cost at least two thousand and three hundred

The price did not seem intimidating, but the main

problem was that people from ordinary working-class
simply could not come to such places to spend.

Kelly had been doing very well over the years and
was already considered a successful person.
As for his wife, June Lee was rumored to have opened
a chain of beauty salons, and the business was doing
quite well. An annual income of hundreds of
thousands of dollars should not be a big problem.

Families like them could only touch the threshold of

the upper-class circle in Mordu at most, but they
were already more than eligible to come to this

"Brother York, please come in!"

Jeremy Malone already knew that this seemingly poor

relative was a ruthless person. He felt that he was
extraordinarily precious and unparalleled. He did not
need to go head-to-head with Harvey.
Thus, he brought Harvey into the Building of Peace
with a smile on his face.

"Lady Malone and the others have arrived early.

Besides, there are also a few friends who are big
shots in the upper-class circle present!

"CEO Malone and Miss Malone will also arrive soon


"CEO Malone just ordered to bring you over for

dinner first, and we will go home later."

Jeremy said respectfully, "Brother York, you can go

in. I'm just a driver. I don't want to cause a scene."

Apparently, he intended to let Harvey lose out, so he

deliberately did not lead the way.

Harvey saw through his plan. He did not say

anything, turned around, and just entered the
Building of Peace.

Such a minor character, not only did he know how to

be subtle, but if he wanted to misbehave, Harvey did
not mind giving him a lesson that he would never

Harvey walked to the door of the room while carrying

the luggage and the polygonum multiflora from
before. He then knocked on the door politely.

"It seems that Hazel and her boyfriend are here.

Wait a minute. I have to call Kelly and ask him to
come over quickly so as not to keep everyone

At this moment, a voice came from the room. Then, a

beautiful middle-aged woman who looked elegant
appeared in front of Harvey, as if she was about to
welcome a big shot.

However, her face suddenly stiffened the moment she

saw that it was Harvey who arrived. She then said,
"You are Harvey?!"

She was Kelly's wife and Hazel's mother, June Lee.

Harvey simply smiled and said, "Hello, Aunt Lee!"

Both parties were old friends and had known each

other many years ago. Thus, Harvey was still very
enthusiastic toward Aunt Lee.

Harvey glanced at the room when he was greeting

her. There were a few men and women in Chinese
clothes who seemed affluent.

However, Kelly and Hazel had not arrived yet.

June was surprised. She then said awkwardly, "
Harvey, why are you here?"

Harvey was taken aback for a moment and said, "

Uncle Malone asked Jeremy to send me here. He
asked me to eat here first before going home.

"A**hole! Is this a gathering that a country boy

could join?

"Didn't Malone use his brain to think while doing


June was furious.

She then whispered, "Harvey, this is a very

important gathering. All the people here are rich and
noble. This place is not suitable for you!

"Well, there are twenty-three dollars here. Go outside

and find something to eat. Don't bother us!"

June took out the money from her handbag while

talking and stuffed it into Harvey's hand as if she were
sending a beggar away.
Chapter 1617
Harvey York frowned slightly, and his expression
turned cold.

"Harvey, are you here?"

A calm voice came from behind at this moment.

Then a big hand stretched out and patted Harvey's


"Boy, you really have grown up. You're not the same
as before, but your face is still as gentle and delicate
as you were previously.

"I can easily recognize you even with a glance on the


Kelly Malone looked at Harvey with a sense of relief

on his face.

Harvey turned his head and saw a familiar face. He

smiled. "Uncle Malone, I haven't met you in more
than a decade."

"Well, well, you came at the right time. I was

worried about when I would see you when I called
you yesterday. I didn't expect you to show up here

"Since you're here, have some fun!

"There are many wonderful things in Mordu. Young

people should come here to broaden their horizons.
You can tell me where you want to go and what you
want to buy. It's all on me."

Kelly took out a bank card and was about to give it to


Obviously, he was very good to Harvey.

However, June Lee's face became cold when she saw

this scene. She then looked at Harvey with disgust.

`Just received a call from Kelly yesterday and couldn

't even wait to join him today?'

This was indeed a poor relative!

Harvey did not accept the bank card. Instead, he
smiled and said, "Thank you, Uncle Malone. But I
don't need it for the time being. I will let you know
when I need it."

"Good, good, anything you wish." Kelly did not

doubt it. "Come on in and have a seat.

"I was worried that you would miss this meal!

"The setting is just perfect. Let's have a meal

together. I will introduce a few business seniors to
you, by the way.

"Then everyone can help you when you work in

Mordu in the future!'

June's face instantly darkened after hearing this. She

stopped in front of Kelly and said coldly, " Malone,
are you out of your mind?

"Don't you know the purpose of the gathering at noon


"I invited Young Master Walker to come over!"

Kelly said coldly, "Young Master Walker? He's just
Steven Walker. He's not worthy of being addressed as
Young Master Walker.

"Moreover, I never liked this preening brat. I'm

telling you. Don't set Hazel up with him. I don't
want a sissy to be my son-in-law!"

June glared at Kelly and said coldly, "What do you

know?! Steven's uncle is the deputy branch leader
of Longmen. Besides, he is also the business
manager of the Kaizen Group!"

"Now the branch of Longmen has no leaders, and

Deputy Branch Leader Walker is most likely to
become the new branch leader! Once this is done,
we only need to form allies with their family
through affinity. Then, the business of Longmen
will all belong to us in the future.

"And also the business of the Kaizen Group. Just think

about it. What a huge market this is!

"Being able to get to know him is already lucky

enough. And yet you're despising him? Are you out of
your mind?!"

Oliver Bauer established the so-called Kaizen

Group, and it was located in the Corkscrew Building.

Kelly said coldly, "In short, I don't like him.

Moreover, it is still uncertain who is the new branch
leader of Longmen!

"In my opinion, Harvey and Hazel had been

engaged to each other when they were young. The
two of them are talented and a good match. They
will certainly love and respect each other after the

Harvey looked at Kelly with relief.

Uncle Malone was indeed Uncle Malone. What he

said was the truth.

The branch leader of Longmen was here!

As for the child betrothal, he would stay out of it.

Chapter 1618
"Harvey, come in and sit next to me. Your aunt is
always thinking about crooked ways all day. just
ignore her!"

Kelly Malone brought Harvey York into the room and

instantly ignored June Lee, who was outraged at that

June was so angry that the corner of her eyes

twitched. She wished she could slap Kelly and even
more, hoping to choke the shameless fellow, Harvey,
to death.

Harvey did not have the slightest intention to eat this

meal. He knew this meal would be bad since June
treated him with contempt.

However, since Kelly has been treating him nicely, he

could not bring himself to disappoint him.

"Everyone, let me introduce you to you. This is my

old friend's son, Harvey. He comes to Mordu to
 f I

work his way up this time. Please take care of him in

the future for my sake!"

Entering the room, Kelly introduced Harvey with an

enthusiastic look

He just called yesterday, and Harvey instantly came to

Mordu today. Thus, Kelly consciously felt that
Harvey had come to join him.

Nonetheless, he was not annoyed by this. On the

contrary, he felt a little relieved.

The guests present were all business partners of

Kelly. Although they heard the conversation
between the couple just now, all of them still did
Kelly a favor and greeted Harvey with a smile.

Harvey also shook their hands politely for Kelly's


Otherwise, those people would not even have the right

to kneel before him, let alone shake hands.

Chapter 1618

June sneered again and again after seeing this scene.

"Malone, what nonsense are you talking about?

Coming to Mordu to work hard? Can you not say it so

"A poor country boy comes to you. To put it

bluntly, he is after your money and connections. He
wants to act like a leech, encroaching on your power.
How could you still be so happy?

"Are you stupid? Or do you like doing charity?

"If you like it so much, go to Kaiyuan Temple and

donate a million. At least you could still get a

"Helping such a poor boy, maybe he will be ungrateful

and even bite you back in the future!"

June's words were brutal. She did not mind that there
were so many people in the room. She did not show
any respect toward Harvey and Kelly at all.

Harvey looked at this scene indifferently without

speaking a word.

However, Kelly frowned, and a trace of anger

flashed between his eyebrows. He slowly said, "
Enough, stop talking nonsense. Both our families
have known each other for generations!

"Since he came here to seek shelter from me as his

uncle, of course, I have to go all out to help him!

"That's it. If you talk nonsense again, I will really get


"Moreover, Harvey will become successful sooner or

later. We might even have to rely on Harvey in the

Obviously, Kelly was really good to Harvey and

treated him as his own.

"Heh, rely on him? If he could come to us lesser, we

would be so happy and burn incense!"

June was disdainful.

"Don't think I don't know. He was certainly a

Chapter 1618

disgrace for men! Not only did he become a live-in

son-in-law in Buckwood, but he was also even driven
out of the house.

"Can someone like him be successful? Old Malone,

can you stop being funny?

"Do you think you are watching a TV series? The

comeback of a poor guy? The Return of the King?"

Kelly's face darkened. "Shut up!"

At this moment, the other guests were all looking at

Harvey derisively. How dare a live-in son-in-law try
to get into their circle?

He was certainly a joke.


Just when the atmosphere in the room was tense,

someone pushed the room's door and strode in.
Chapter 1619
A man and a woman, wearing luxury accessories and
jewels, arrived together at this moment.

The man was 1.85 meters tall. He was handsome

and looked buffed. Other than that, he wore golden-
framed glasses and seemed very gentle. However,
his pale complexion and the faint fragrance
perfume from his body made him exude a feminine

This was the so-called sissy in the eyes of the older


As for the woman, she was about 1.7 meters. Her

face was as delicate as jade. Her clothes, bags,
watches, and accessories could sum up to ten years'
salary for an ordinary person.

Her clothes were unique, revealing her tiny waist,

which made people unconsciously want to touch it.

Those two people were Steven Walker and Hazel


"Isn't this Young Master Walker? I was wondering

why a magpie flew into our room just now! It turns
out that you have arrived. How kind of you to come in

June Lee, whose face was dark as ink just now, had a
smile on her face at this moment, flattering.

"Hazel, didn't you go to the Kaizen Group for an


Hazel smiled lightly, showing her charming side. "

With the help of Young Master Walker, the
interview is just a formality."

Steven also smiled and said, "Hazel has a good

image and good temperament. She is suitable for
the public relations department of the Kaizen
Group. I'll have to let her be the assistant supervisor
temporarily. If I have the opportunity, then I will
help to promote her.

"As for the monthly salary, I've informed them. It


"Isn't this Young Master Walker? I was wondering

why a magpie flew into our room just now! It turns
out that you have arrived. How kind of you to come in

June Lee, whose face was dark as ink just now, had a
smile on her face at this moment, flattering.

"Hazel, didn't you go to the Kaizen Group for an


Hazel smiled lightly, showing her charming side. "

With the help of Young Master Walker, the
interview is just a formality."

Steven also smiled and said, "Hazel has a good

image and good temperament. She is suitable for
the public relations department of the Kaizen
Group. I'll have to let her be the assistant supervisor
temporarily. If I have the opportunity, then I will
help to promote her.

"As for the monthly salary, I've informed them. It

will be four thousand and seven hundred dollars a
month. It should be enough for her to spend.

"We have just entered the Kaizen Group. So, let's

not draw eyes to ourselves. I will ask them to
increase her salary after some time!"

June showed a face of admiration upon hearing this.

"Young Master Walker, you are really good to Hazel!

"Hazel being able to know you and get your

appreciation. It's such a great thing for our family!"

"Aunt, that's very kind of you. For me, you're just

like my mother. I will certainly follow your

Steven's face was very gentle, and his zeal was


"I initially wanted to come early, but the Mercedes

Benz 4S store called just now and said that the
Mercedes Benz G-Class that I ordered half a year ago
has arrived. So, I had to go to pick up the car.

"You also knew, right? That the car has to be

Chapter 1619

bought quickly. Thus, I can only go there to go

through the formalities as soon as possible! If
someone cuts in the queue, I have to wait another half
a year.

"I'm sorry for being late!"

Steven looked very calm, but his actions were

extremely pretentious.

The eyes of the guests present brightened up after

hearing his words.

This guy was certainly young and promising!

Knowing such a person could certainly bring in a lot

of benefits!

Just a little something that leaked through his

fingers was already enough for them to eat!

Several coquettish women were winking at Steven

while looking at him. If it was not for the wrong
occasion, they all wanted to go up and sleep with
Chapter 1619

"Huh? Young Master Walker, why did you buy a

new car again?

"I remembered you just bought a Porsche


Steven smiled and replied, "Panamera isn't suitable

for off-road racing. I recently participated in an off-
road car club of the upper-class circle. So, I have to
buy it for a show!"

Everyone gasped after hearing Steven's words.

Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars just for the
show was impressive!

June also gasped. She then looked at Harvey with

disgust and said, "Look at Young Master Walker,
you are about the same age. But, this is what it
means to be young and promising!"
Chapter 1620

Chapter 1620
Harvey York looked indifferent and drank his tea.

This kind of showing off was meaningless to him.

Unless Steven Walker could buy an aircraft carrier

and place it in front of him, or else, Harvey would not
feel anything.

As for Kelly Malone, he was of a humble origin, so

naturally, he despised such behavior of showing off
one's wealth.

However, the problem was that Steven did not say

anything himself. Instead, it was June Lee who took
this opportunity to ridicule Harvey. Thus, Steven
could not say anything.

"Oh right, Uncle!"

Under the praise of the group of people, Steven

handsomely took out a gift box. He put it on the
table, smiled, and said, "Uncle, this is the liquid
gold that our Kaizen Group has been selling very well
recently. Please accept it! This is very good for your
health. It can prolong your life. Take this as a token of
my appreciation.

"It's not that expensive. So, please don't mind it."

Kelly frowned slightly, but he still said, "Thank


"Is this the legendary liquid gold used by the nobles in

the upper-class circle?" June was surprised while
looking at this thing. "It is said that consistently
drinking this thing can help to activate the cells and
maintain a young state for decades.

"This thing is said to have been sold out a long time

ago. Although the Kaizen Group set the price at
twenty-four thousand dollars for one. However, we
couldn't even get it at forty-eight thousand dollars in
the scalper market!

"And you bought ten bottles. That's so sweet!"

Steven slightly smiled. He was the business

manager of the Kaizen Group anyway. Sure enough,
it would not be difficult for him to get some of the
samples out.

At this moment, June Lee was looking at Steven as if

he was her son-in-law. The more she looked at him,
the more satisfied she became.

After looking at Steven for a while, she then looked at

Harvey with disgust and said, "You're so sweet,
Young Master Walker. You're certainly very
different from these country folks."

This was why comparisons were odious!

June was already very upset with Harvey even

before Steven's arrival.

Now that Steven was here, she certainly could not

wait to drive Harvey out of the room.

Nonetheless, Harvey was still very calm, drinking tea

on his own.

At this moment, Hazel Malone smiled and said, "

Mother, stop talking now. Young Master Walker has
made a lot of effort for me this morning. You must
treat him well today!"

"Okay, okay. I will surely give him the best meal!"

June waved her hand, and she was not stingy at all.

Meanwhile, Steven looked around the place. All

those people greeted him. Naturally, all of them
knew each other.

Finally, his gaze fell on Harvey. He frowned slightly

and said, "And this is?"

Actually, he already noticed Harvey the moment he

came in. Harvey was acting really nonchalantly when
he was showing off earlier, which made him very

Thus, he deliberately spoke at this moment.

"This is Harvey!"

June introduced with a smile, but her tone of

disgust could not be concealed.
"He is a poor relative of Uncle Malone. He got a call
from Uncle Malone yesterday and came to him
immediately today!

"Isn't this just a meal? Acting so bold and came

here just for the food! People who don't know will
think he is a hungry ghost that was set free!"

Hazel also recognized Harvey at this moment, but she

did not intend to budge to greet him.

She did not have any impression of Harvey's family

from a dozen years ago. However, the current
Harvey definitely looked like a bumpkin, totally
incomparable to Steven. She did not even bother to
look at him.
Chapter 1621

Chapter 1621
"Mother was nagging about it yesterday already,
saying that Father was trying to entertain some poor
relative again!

"I didn't think that it would be Harvey York!

"Where does he get the courage to attend the

evening banquet anyway? Compared to Young
Master Walker, Harvey's just a beggar.

"Why did I even think that he was handsome when I

was younger?"

Hazel Malone looked at Harvey and could not help

but let out a secret sigh, then subconsciously
compared Steven Walker with her childhood
sweetheart, Harvey.

She didn't know how appalling the comparisons were

until then!

Steven was exceptionally talented at such a young

age, being the business manager of Kaizen Group at
the moment. He also attended Mordu's off-road car
club and was the nephew of Deputy Branch Leader

Regardless of the connections, influence, or

capabilities, a character like this could be
considered the top man in Mordu already.

Compared to him, Harvey was not even worthy to

carry shoes for him.

As for Harvey and Hazel's childhood relationship,

she had gotten quite repulsive just thinking about

`I must've been blind when I was younger. I even had

the thought of marrying him too!'

But when Harvey saw Hazel, he only nodded

indifferently as a greeting. He paid no mind at all to
the beautiful and charming goddess of a lady.

Harvey's nonchalant gaze had made Hazel in a

worse mood.
A goddess like her had countless people doing
everything just to please her. People who were
benched by her would line up all the way from
Mordu's Pearl Tower straight to the Buckwood

There was never a man that could resist her looks and
figure. Even the young and talented Steven was
shocked by Hazel's charming appearance.

How dare Harvey not look up to her?

But Hazel came back to her senses soon after. She

thought that this was just the poor man's prideful way
of playing hard to get.

He was just a poor man, but he was still trying to grab

the goddess' attention by acting cold and aloof.

But deep inside his heart, he was just a dog that

clings to others.

Hazel despised people like this.

`Pretending to be cold like a rich, handsome man

when he can't even get his identity straight?

`What is he thinking?

`Is his brain stuck up his butt or something?'

Hazel felt like she saw through Harvey's tricks. Her

beautiful face was showing disdain and sarcasm at
this moment.

"What are you thinking, Harvey? Get over here and

say hello!"

When June Lee saw Harvey sipping on his tea, she

could not help but frown with her sharp eyes.

"This is Young Master Steven Walker. If he were in

the barren wasteland, South Light, his status would be
higher than the first-in-command there!

"Your entire family is blessed because you are able to

meet him!

"Why are you still sitting there? Get up and greet him

Harvey continued sipping his tea and merely

Chapter 1621

ignored June.

Steven squinted his long and narrow eyes, then

chuckled without moving a muscle.

"So, you're the disgusting toad who wants a piece of

gold that Hazel told me about... No, no, no, Harvey

"I'm Steven, pleased to meet you.

"For Hazel's sake, you can come and find me if you

need help in Mordu."

Steven extended his right hand with a gentle look

on his face. His tone further emphasized his
generosity and open-minded thinking.

The women that were present were showing

admiration at that moment.

`What defines an upperclassman? What defines an

upper circle socialite? This does!'

"You're not worthy."

Haney said calmly.

Chapter 1621

"You don't have the identity, the power, nor the


"People like you don't even have the right to shake

hands with me."
Chapter 1622
The crowd was dead silent after hearing those
words. Everyone was shocked while looking at
Harvey York

"Harvey, what exactly do you mean by that?"

June Lee's willow eyebrows frowned. She was


"Steven Walker gave you some respect for shaking

your hand. It's an opportunity for you. It's fine if you
don't want to shake hands, but you said that he has no
right to shake your hand?"

"You said that he has too low of a status, capability,

and identity?"

"And that he's unworthy to shake your hand?"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Longmen's deputy branch leader?"

Hazel Malone was dumbfounded when she stared at
Harvey in astonishment.

But she soon understood that Harvey, the live-in

son-in-law, must've had come to Mordu to be the
live-in son-in-law of the Malone family. This poor
man must've planned to have a piece of gold for

Seeing that Hazel and Steven came together must' ye

made Harvey quite jealous. That was why he started
to insult Steven.

At this moment, Hazel had immediately labeled

Harvey as narrow-minded.

Kelly Malone trembled. He obviously did not think

that Harvey would say something like that. He tried to
mediate the situation and said, "Young Master
Walker, Harvey didn't mean that. He's trying to say
that he's the one unworthy."

Steven ignored Kelly and sized up Harvey.

"I'm not worthy of shaking your hand?

Chapter 1622

"My identity, status, and capability aren't enough for


"Bastard, are you out of your mind?

"I'm giving you a chance to apologize for the sake of

Hazel and her parents! If you don't, you won't be able
to bear the consequences!

"Not just your job opportunities; you won't even have

a spot to beg for food if I say the word here!"

Steven crossed his arms while disdainfully glaring at


June showed a stern face and quietly exclaimed, "

Harvey York, apologize to Young Master Walker
right now!

"A man like Young Master Walker isn't someone that

you can insult. He's not someone that you can afford
to offend either!

"The Walker family are beings that you can never

"Not just us; even the first-in-command can't help you
if Young Master Walker doesn't forgive you!

"Hurry up! Kneel and apologize!"

June was showing righteousness on her face. Steven

only wanted Harvey to apologize, but June
immediately demanded Harvey to kneel.

The other guests were playfully looking at Harvey

when seeing the sight as if they were watching a
clown act.

In their eyes, Harvey actually dared to offend Steven

when he was just a poor relative that wanted to cling
onto Kelly.

He's looking for his death doing this!

"I am Longmen's branch leader. Of course, you

have no right to shake my hand."

Harvey nonchalantly said.

`He's the branch leader of Longmen?!'

The crowd subconsciously stared at Harvey for a



"Kelly, did you hire this man to do stand-up? Did he

actually claim that he's the Longmen's branch

"Hahahaha, this is hilarious! If he's Longmen's

branch leader, then I'm the first-in-command!"

June and Hazel were dumbfounded when they were

looking at Harvey. They clearly did not expect that he
would say something like this.

Kelly froze over. He could save Harvey before, but

there was no way after Harvey spouted claims like

`Harvey is Longmen's branch leader?! How is this


"Longmen's branch leader?!"

Chapter 1622

Disdain was showing on Steven's face.

"You better watch your mouth, you bastard. There's

not even a branch leader in Mordu for Longmen yet.
Even if there were, it wouldn't be a country bumpkin
like you!

"It's fine that I'm the one that heard about this! Do you
believe that you'll be fed to the fishes if you were
heard by anyone from Longmen?!"

In Steven's eyes, he was not interested in trampling

Harvey any longer at this moment.

Steven felt like he was degrading himself for

trampling on such a small fry.

Harvey sipped his tea and replied calmly, "Mordu's

Longmen branch does indeed not have a branch

"But, there is one now that I'm here."

Chapter 1623
Steven Walker sighed. He was too tired to even talk
with Harvey York any longer. He looked at Kelly
Malone and said, "Uncle Malone, I won't tell my
uncle, Deputy Branch Leader Walker, about this out
of respect for Hazel Malone and Aunty Malone.

"But, you best send this country bumpkin back to

where he came from.

"If not, even I can't help you if he were to spout

nonsense outside."

Steven let out a sigh, then turned around and left after
saying those words. He felt like he would be dragged
into the mess if he even stayed in the same room as

All the other guests had their eyes twitching, then all
of them stood up and showed forced smiles on their

"CEO Malone, I still have some business to attend

to back home, so I'll be leaving now. I'll treat you to a
meal next time! Next time!"

After a few words, the guests ran faster than rabbits

ever could.

With the crazy person, Harvey, spouting nonsense

here, the guests would also be in trouble if someone
from Longmen were to find out about this.

The guests were all sly old foxes. Who would offend
Longmen, the organization with big businesses and
families, for some man that they just met?

Soon after, the box bustling full of guests was only

left with Harvey and Kelly and his family.

None of the utensils were moved on the tables full of

food. The entire box felt extremely awkward.

June's eyes twitched frantically. She glared at Harvey

furiously and exclaimed, "Look at you! You' re just
full of bad luck!

"Young Master Walker left because of you!

"The entire crowd of guests is gone too!

"Are you here to cling onto us or destroy our entire


Kelly frowned and replied, "June, you can't just say


"Harvey is a young and vigorous man. He's only


"Besides, I wasn't interested in that sissy anyway!

Harvey pissing him off is just what I wanted!"

"Just what you wanted?!"

June was boiling with anger.

"Does that mean that you're the one who told him
to say that he's Mordu's branch leader of

"Do you not know what consequences we'll have to

bear because of those words?!

"I'm telling you right now. Our family has nothing

to do with Harvey from today onward!

"If you're still going to keep him here, I'll take

Hazel with me and file a divorce!"

June was already getting annoyed by Harvey, who

was here to cling to Kelly. She was terrified that Kelly
would waste money on Harvey.

She naturally dropped her facade after getting an

excuse to do so. She did not pay Harvey respect any

Kelly was enraged after hearing those words.

"Harvey's my nephew! If I don't take care of him, who


"I'm telling you, not only will I take him around

Mordu, I'll even let him work in my company and live
in the new villa I recently purchased!"

"Alright! I knew it! The villa that you bought and a

vacant position for one more higher-up, you did all
this for the man full of bad luck, Harvey, right?!"
June chuckled in anger.

"Bravo, Kelly Malone! How many times have I told

you not to entertain those poor relatives just because
you have some spare money?! You already forgot,
haven't you?!"

"So what if I welcome them?!"

Kelly slammed his palm on the table.

"Me and 01' York were practically family back then!

If it weren't for him and his family's help, we'd have
already starved to death by now!

"Now that Harvey isn't really doing well, what's

wrong with me helping him as his uncle?!

"I'm telling you right now, not only am I going to

support him, I'm going to make him our live-in son -

"You have no choice but to agree!"

"Are you out of your mind, Kelly?!"

Chapter 1623

June was trembling with rage.

"You want him to be our live-in son-in-law?! Which

part of him is even worth marrying Hazel?!"
Chapter 1624
"You'd still keep this live-in son-in-law that's been
kicked out of another family and insist on him
marrying our daughter!

"Kelly Malone, you're sick! Sick with madness!"

Kelly then coldly replied, "Hazel Malone and

Harvey York were childhood sweethearts. Both
families already agreed on the marriage back then. I'
m only honoring my end of the promise. Why? Is that


June Lee was so mad that she could not catch a

breath. She sat on the chair and glared at Kelly as if
she wanted to tear him apart.

Hazel frowned. She was getting more repulsed the

more she looked at Harvey at that moment.

Other than bluffing up a storm, Harvey was only

good at chasing after what he could not obtain.

It was because of Harvey that Hazel's loving and

caring parents were on each other's throats.

Her mother might even fall sick because of how

mad she was.

Steven Walker was so mad that he also left. It was

unsure what the family was going to do next.

Thinking about those affairs, Hazel felt more and

more derision the longer she looked at Harvey.

Harvey did not want the Malone family to continue

fighting. He stood up and stopped them at that

"Uncle, Aunty, stop fighting!

"This is all my fault!

"I already made arrangements before I came to

Mordu, and I also have a place to stay. I won't be
bothering you any longer.

"When I'm done with my business, I'll treat all of

you to a meal.

"I came here today to talk about old times since we

haven't met for a dozen years or so.

"You shouldn't fight because of me. I'll take my

leave right now.

"This is just a small gift for you, Uncle Malone.

Please take it."

In the middle of Harvey's words, he took out the

polygonum multiflora that Benjamin Lynch gave and
set it on the table.

He then took his own luggage and left.

`He left just like thatV

`He wasn't just pretending?!'

Hazel froze over. She thought Harvey was trying to

act out a whole show, but Harvey actually left.

"Harvey, don't go!

"Hazel, hurry and get him back! He's not even used
to this place. What if something happened to him?!"

Kelly said swiftly.

"Who cares if something happened to him?!" June


"Since he already has arrangements, we should just let

him go! Why are you still here trying to get

"Hazel, don't go!

Hazel hesitated. She didn't want to go after Harvey

either, so she remained seated on the chair without

Hazel and Harvey were indeed childhood

sweethearts. But if she actually went after Harvey,
the family would be in utter chaos.

Seeing Hazel sitting on her chair, Kelly instinctively

wanted to walk out of the box.

June immediately stood right beside the window and

coldly said, "Kelly Malone, I'll jump out right
now if you go out there!

"Let's see who's scared of who!"


Kelly was trembling in anger. He knew that his wife

was extremely stubborn. If he actually went after
Harvey, June might really jump out of the window
that moment.

For the time being, he could only send a text

message to Harvey.

June coldly chuckled, seeing that Kelly did not chase

after Harvey. She then looked at the box Harvey gave
full of disdain.

"A gift? What kind of gift can a country bumpkin

even give?

"Hahaha, a mushroom?!

"And it's all dried out too!

"Kelly, your dear nephew tried so hard just to give

Chapter 1624

you this gift. He must've left this under the sun all
afternoon too!

"For the sake of his generosity, I'll prepare some

chicken stew with mushrooms tonight and let you feel
the weight of this gift!"
Chapter 1625
Harvey York walked out of the Building of Peace,
then took a glance behind him without saying a

He was indeed Mordu's branch leader of Longmen,

and this was where he would be revealing his

Even though Kelly Malone and his family did not

believe Harvey, they would do so in the future.

Harvey did not have any intention to explain either.

He called for a cab and went to the destination that
Tyson Woods arranged them to be.

Harvey's phone vibrated at this moment. A text

message was forwarded.

Kelly urged Harvey to stay in a hotel for the time

being, then told Harvey not to chase after
unattainable dreams and remain realistic. He also
reminded Harvey not to talk big.
Harvey could not help but smile after seeing the text
message. Even though it had been a long time since
they met, Kelly was still indeed a fine adult.

Harvey felt that Kelly genuinely cared about him.

Harvey gave a thought about it, then replied

without providing much of an explanation saying
that he had other arrangements and that he'd revisit
Kelly once he's free.

After half an hour, the cab arrived at a high-end

private club around Mordu's estuary.

Harvey immediately came to room 777. Tyson Woods

and the others were already waiting for him.

After seeing Harvey come in, Tyson, Old Niner, and

George Zabel all stood up while showing respectful
looks on their faces.

After knowing that Harvey was in Mordu to be

Longmen 's new branch leader here, Old Niner and
George were dead set on pleasing him.
 f I

The two of them were the main forces that headed to

Mordu early to arrange matters and get more

Harvey casually looked for a place to sit and calmly

asked, "Why did you all pick a place like this? Now
that we're here to expand our horizons, shouldn't it be
better if we picked a better place to settle down?"

Tyson glared at Old Niner.

Old Niner chuckled.

"Sir York, we've already picked a place for us to

settle down. But because Mordu's a place with
complicated people around, there are powerful
people from different countries all over. Since we're
the outsiders, the place that we picked just wasn't
good enough.

"We felt that the place we picked before wasn't as

clean and that it didn't fit your identity. That's why I
got my brothers renovating the new place for the past
few days!
"We'll take you there once everything's all done. For
the next few days, we've already booked a
presidential suite for you.

"Besides, this private club's really discreet. It'll be

suitable for chatting and talking business.

"Sir York, you must have important business to attend

to since you're here in Mordu already. We can 't just
find any random place to talk business!"

Harvey slightly nodded, then shifted his gaze toward

George and asked calmly, "You're in charge of
gathering information. Since you've already been here
for a few days, how much do you know about
Longmen's branch here?"

In the middle of his speech, Harvey lifted a bowl of

porridge in front of him and started sipping from it.

George smiled and replied, "Sir York, I gathered quite

a lot of information for the past few days. But there
are too many leads. I couldn't put an outline together
just yet. Why don't you just ask me
anything you want to know, and I'll answer them?"

Harvey nodded.

"Sure. Let's talk about the situation now. Is there

anyone that seems at least capable in Longmen's
Mordu branch?"

"The situation has been stabilized for now, and the

shuffling of forces has now ceased.

"Let's talk about the Bauer family for now. Oliver

Bauer has around a dozen wives, but he has only four
sons. None of them are at least a bit capable. The
family was split into two factions, and they had been
fighting endlessly. People have constantly
died as of late..."

George pulled out his phone while in the middle of

his speech.
Chapter 1626
George Zabel respectfully opened a photo on his
phone, cast it on the television, and then started his

"Out of four sons from the Bauer family, the second

and third sons are both filth. There's really nothing
good to talk about.

"But the eldest son, Aiden, and the youngest son,

Marco, are quite capable people.

"Their decent combat prowess aside, they are

practically being supported by a few founding
members of Longmen's Mordu branch.

"Aiden previously formed an alliance with Deputy

Branch Leader Josh Ward while Marco joined forces
with Deputy Branch Leader Justin Walker.

"These two deputy branch leaders are quite

influential big characters, but they didn't just help
these two sons without any compensation.
"Both sides had an agreement, once the Bauer
family rose in ranks, they would have to support
these deputy branch leaders and make them official
branch leaders.

"The Bauer family has a lot of influence toward

Mordu's Longmen branch, after all. It would be
hard to rise in ranks without the Bauer family's

George opened another photo and continued


"This is the only deputy branch leader that

remained neutral, Drew Shelton. But this man
seems to have other motives. I'm not quite sure
what his plans are at the moment.

"In the outsiders' eyes, they think that he doesn't

seem to care about the affair of selecting the new
Longmen branch leader from Mordu."

Harvey reached out his hand to knock on the table,

then replied calmly, "Interesting.
"Simply put, number one, Aiden and Marco Bauer
have high chances of rising in ranks.

"Number two, Longmen's deputy branch leaders

from Mordu, Marco and Justin, both have other

"So, judging on this, Marco and Justin's alliance is the

strongest at the moment."

George then quietly reminded, "Sir York, you

forgot Josh Ward!"

Harvey did not say a word, but Tyson Woods calmly

replied, "There is no Josh Ward."

Those words had immediately caused George to


He had gotten word before that the Ward family

were trotting to Buckwood arrogantly. It seemed
like their fates had been sealed after that.

After digesting such shocking news, George

continued his explanation.
"Sir York, this means that Marco has extremely
high chances to rise in ranks. Once he does, it
would be quite troublesome since he's partnered
with Justin.

"Justin is also a sly old fox. He has been planting his

men within Kaizen Group for a few years already.

"Once he finds a way to have the company under his

control, he would be harder to deal with."

Harvey chuckled.

"In that case, we should focus our efforts to deal with

Marco and Justin first."

George replied, "That should be the plan. Although

we shouldn't underestimate Drew either."

Harvey gave a thought about the situation, then asked,

"Didn't Mordu's Longmen branch send word that
whoever killed me will become the next branch leader

"What, are these people tired of taking revenge and

started competing against each other now?"

George sarcastically snickered, then replied, "Sir

York, there's no way that these people have any
emotions tied to Oliver at all.

"It'll be a lot of trouble just to kill you off. Oliver even

died in your hands. How can they not be afraid?

"In their eyes, it would be easier to kill their own.

"If there's an easier way, why would they pick the

harder one?"

Harvey nodded, then replied calmly, "So, that means

the only person that isn't out of the picture yet is
Drew. We should think of a way to make sure that he

George then asked, full of enthusiasm, "Sir York, are

you going to take action?"
Chapter 1627
George Zabel and Old Niner had already prepared
quite a lot of things in Mordu. Both of them could not
wait for Harvey York to take action because they
would have a chance to perform as well.

Harvey gave a thought about the situation and then

replied, "It'll cost a bit too much if we take action

"Let them fight each other first. We'll clean up the rest
when most of their heads are gone.

"Is there any news about the Smith family?"

Harvey changed the subject.

"The Smith family..."

George had a stern look on his face. After a

moment, he then whispered, "Sir York, I was

"I've been trying to gather information from the

sources that I have, but the scouts that were
involved with the situation have all disappeared
without a trace. It felt like some invisible eye was
watching us.

"That's why after losing a couple of my best men, I

stopped them from continuing with the mission.

"Please give me instructions as to what I need to do


Harvey was slightly perplexed.

"The scouts that you trained didn't get any

information, and they all disappeared without a
trace, not knowing if they're dead or alive?"

George nodded.

"Interesting. The Smith family is in more trouble

than I thought. Don't let you or your men get
involved. I'll handle this."

George slightly nodded.

Tyson Woods then bowed and said, "I contacted the

God of War, Ethan Hunt, this morning. Your wife is
in good shape, and everything is working in order.
With my estimation, South Light's Zimmer family
would need approximately one week at most to move
to Mordu."

"A week at most."

Harvey squinted slightly.

"Looks like I'll have to deal with everything within a


Harvey definitely would not want Mandy Zimmer to

be in any danger. That was why his best course of
action was to kill off any sort of danger that could
pose as a threat toward Mandy.

But the waters were too deep in Mordu.

Longmen, the Smith family, and the Island Nations

were involved, among other variables. Only God
knew how things would progress.

Right when Harvey was about to ask if there were

any people from the Island Nations here, the door
that was sealed shut immediately got knocked wide

"No! Let go of me! No!"

A woman in a white dress stumbled into the box, then

fell down not far away from Harvey.

Tyson and the others were showing cold gazes

when they saw the sight.

They tried hard to look for a secluded space to talk

business, but they were still bothered in the end.

After a moment, about a dozen men in black suits

walked in from the entrance.

They grabbed onto both of the woman's arms,

prepared to drag her away.

The woman had messy hair at the moment, but her

beautiful face was still barely shown. Her figure
seemed quite nice as well.

Her body reeked of alcohol. She seemed so frail, as

if she had no strength at all.

Harvey and the others were experienced people. They

knew that the woman was drugged as soon as they
glanced at her.

"You bastard! You dare to run away?!"

"You think me and the boys are easy to fool, huh?!"

The fighter in front grabbed onto the woman's

hair, then gave her two slaps across her face.

"We told you to be obedient. Then you tried

sneaking your way out using the bathroom as an
excuse? Did you really think that we're idiots?"

The woman was screaming in pain after enduring hit

after hit. Harvey subconsciously raised his head after
hearing the voice. He recognized who she was.

`Rachel Hardy?

`Oliver Bauer's best disciple, the woman that I

crippled, Rachel Hardy?

`What a small world!'

Chapter 1628
"You're just a waste! Do you still think that you're the
best top talent in Mordu's Longmen branch?!

"Young Master Bauer treated you to a meal as


"You really don't know the meaning of death,

sneaking out halfway through the meal!

"You should've just gave in and give the shares that

belonged to Young Master Bauer, then you'll be able
to enjoy all the glory and riches that you could ever
have! All the good food and the nice dresses that
you'll have for yourself!

"But you don't know how to pick right from wrong!

Who do we blame for all this?!

"Come, bring her back! Young Master Bauer's


While the fighter leading the group was speaking,

he gave Rachel Hardy two more slaps across her face.
She seemed like she was about to faint after getting
terribly beaten up.

But Rachel still had some consciousness intact. She

subconsciously looked toward the direction of
Harvey York and the others, and then weakly
muttered, "Help me..."


The fighter slapped her across the face once again,

then coldly exclaimed, "Help you? Who would even
dare?! Who's willing to cross Young Master Bauer?!"

He pointed at Harvey after saying those words, then

coldly said, "Remember, you see nothing! You don' t
know anything either!

"If you don't obey, I'll take your life!"

The strong and domineering fighters were about to

take Rachel and leave after.

"Did I say that you can leave?"

Harvey picked up a teacup nonchalantly and sipped
from it.

"Leave the woman and pay for your damages, then I

'11 leave all of you alive."

Harvey casually glanced at Rachel after saying those


Rachel was the only one that would dare exact her
revenge publicly after Oliver Bauer's death.

She was extremely noble compared to someone like

Josh, that was why Harvey took an interest in her.

It was fine if they did not meet. But since they did,
obviously Harvey would take action.

The most important part was that he suddenly felt

that using Rachel to get involved with Mordu's
Longmen branch might have a more interesting
outcome than what he expected.

With the previous branch leader's top disciple

around, taking the man that was watching from the
-1 I

sidelines, Drew Shelton, out of the picture would be

so much easier.

In a single moment, Harvey had quite a lot of

thoughts formed in his head.

"Leave the woman here?

"Pay for damages?

"Leave us alive?"

The fighter leading the group let out a wretched smile,

then coldly exclaimed, "You bastard, do you know
who you're talking to?!

"Do you know exactly who you're provoking?!

"Let me tell you something, the waters here run

deep! If you want to pretend to be a hero saving this
damsel in distress, you better look for another one!

"If you get involved with our business, you might just
die any minute!"

While in the middle of his speech, he walked

forward and flipped the table with a strong kick.

Besides, he knew that Harvey and the others were

outsiders with just a single glance.

`These outsiders think they can just show off after

coming to Mordu, thinking that they're a bunch of big

`If we don't teach them a lesson today, they wouldn' t

know the taste of blood!'

Looking at the entire mess, Harvey said calmly, "

Other than the broken things, you'll have to pay for
the meal as well!

"Leave the woman here and compensate me a million

dollars, then grovel and apologize! Once you 're done,
only then can you leave!

"I'm very impatient!"


Before the fighter was even enraged, the door was

kicked open at this moment.
Chapter 1628

Around thirty men wearing black suits walked into

the box with a dozen men and women wearing
traditional clothes behind them.

The men looked handsome, while the women looked

charming. There was a man with long hair in the
middle of the group with his cigar in his mouth,
seeming like a frivolous pale man.

George Zabel's expression frantically changed after

seeing the man, then quietly exclaimed, "Aiden

Harvey squinted. What a coincidence!

Chapter 1629
After seeing Aiden Bauer, Harvey York understood
why josh Ward would want to form an alliance with

Aiden seemed like a wealthy playboy no matter how

Harvey looked at him. It would be easy to control
someone like him if he were the one to rise in the

josh would even be able to take control of Kaizen

Group through Aiden and maybe even the entire
Bauer family.

Josh had quite a good plan. It was a shame that he

offended someone he should not have offended and
paid with his life.

"Victor, why are you wasting so much time just to

bring back a crippled woman?"

Aiden walked forward and immediately gave the

arrogant fighter a furious slap in the face.
"Don't you know that if you're incompetent at
doing your task, you'd be served by the law of the

"I've already gotten my pants down halfway. Why are

you still wasting your time here?

"Are you playing around?"

Victor was so scared that his face had lost all color.
He immediately bowed and replied, "Young Master
Bauer, it's my fault, it's all my fault! I made you

"But I can't be blamed for all this! These outsiders

think that they're some big shot trying to save the
damsel in distress. Not only did they want me to hand
over Rachel Hardy, but they also demanded a million
dollars as compensation!"

"Oh? There are cocky people like this in this day and

"If I remember correctly, don't those people

usually get trampled to death by Longmen

Aiden showed a prideful and arrogant expression,

then squinted as he glared at Harvey. He then
exclaimed coldly, "Kid, you're blocking my men and
demanding my money? Who are you even?

"Do you really think that outsiders like you can just
run around Mordu while acting domineering when
you have a bit of money?

"You're saving the damsel in distress? Don't you even

know your limits?

"Let me tell you all, if I didn't kill off a thousand of

you filth, I'd make sure that I killed off at least eight

"Let me tell you another thing, Mordu is my turf! I

have the final say!

"Even God can't save you here!

"You're useless!"

Aiden wanted to poke his cigar right at Harvey's

face so badly.

His gaze was full of disdain at that moment. He

clearly made up his mind that Harvey and the gang of
outsiders were incapable of doing much.

All the men and women wearing traditional

clothing looked at each other, then showed
expressions that were eager to watch the show
unfold. All of them felt like Harvey was just
looking for his death.

What kind of character was Aiden anyway?

Not only was he about to be the patriarch of the Bauer

family, but he was also about to be in charge of
Kaizen Group and be the next deputy branch leader of
Longmen in Mordu!

An outsider could not even bear to offend a man

like this!

A few female companions pointed at Harvey and the


others with their noses. They felt that Harvey was

already scared witless, sitting on his couch.

"I'm giving you one last chance. Leave Rachel

Hardy and pay up!

"Grovel three whole times, and I'll spare your lives!

"If not, none of you are going anywhere tonight."

Harvey was speaking with a calm tone while he set

his teacup down to the side.


The female companions were snickering lightly

while looking at Harvey, full of disdain.

They had seen people bluff up a storm before, but not

while their lives were on the line!

`A few outsiders would dare challenge Aiden


`They don't know what death tastes like yet!'

Aiden was interested. He started at Harvey like he

was an idiot, then asked coldly, "You're threatening
me?! Are you actually threatening me right now,

"Do you even know who I am?!"

Aiden sat right in front of Harvey with his legs

crossed, then pointed at Harvey.

"Come, let me see how you'll deal with me! How are
you going to make me stay?!"

All of his companions burst out laughing after hearing

those words. They loved trampling on oblivious
people like those that did not know what was good for

Harvey did not make a single move. He looked at

Tyson Woods and said calmly, "I want them alive."
Chapter 1630

Chapter 1630

Tyson Woods did not waste any time speaking and

took a step forward, shoving some of the fighters
aside. He grabbed Rachel Hardy, who was lying on
the ground, and threw her right toward George

Old Niner walked forward and shielded Rachel

behind him without any command.

"You bastard! You dare go against us?!"

Victor was trembling in anger. He pulled out his

firearm and pointed it right at Tyson.

"I want you dead!"

Before Victor could even pull the trigger, Tyson

coldly chuckled and pounced forward. Before anyone
could even react, he was already in front of Victor in
a blink of an eye. Then with a swift
Chapter 1630

movement, the firearm was in Tyson's hand.

A small fry such as this did not deserve to be taken

down by Harvey York

They could not even get past Tyson.

"You want me dead?"

Tyson was nonchalant about the situation.

"When I was surviving in the underworld, you were

still playing in the mud!"

Tyson grabbed Victor's hair and slammed his face on

the marble table.


Along with the sound of a loud bang, Victor was

paralyzed on the ground with no strength to fight

Aiden Bauer and the others were shocked. They could

not come to their senses. They never thought that
Harvey would be accompanied by a bodyguard
f If

of sorts that would have this skill level.

This was their turf!

In their turf, one of the titans serving Aiden was

beaten down by a single man!

Where did their courage come from?!

How were they this bold?!

In the next moment, Aiden waved his hand while

showing an expression as cold as ice.

All the fighters beside Aiden pulled out their firearms

soon after, pointing them right at Harvey and the

"Kneel, or you all get shot!"

Along with Aiden's words, all the strong fighters took

off their safeties on their firearms.

Everyone was ready to jump at each other's throats.

The firearms would fire any second!

"Tyson, you're getting a little rusty."

Harvey slowly stood up from his couch.

At that moment, around a dozen firearms were

pointed right at Harvey's head.

Harvey surely wouldn't give them a chance to fire

their guns. He leaned his body and rushed forward at
extreme speeds. Before Aiden could even react to
him, they were already facing each other. Harvey
casually grabbed the firearm on Aiden's waist, took
off the safety, and then poked the barrel right on
Aiden's head.


The crowd of strong fighters came back to their

senses. They would not dare move in, seeing the
sight, but they could not just back off either. The
scene was quite awkward.

The men and women wearing traditional clothing had

cold sweats dripping down their necks. They
hurriedly avoided the scene.

Harvey then casually said, "Young Master Bauer, I'

m still going to tell you the same thing. Leave Rachel
Hardy here, pay up, grovel and apologize. Only then
can you leave.

"But of course, you could also choose not to leave!"

While Harvey was talking, he was poking Aiden

behind his head with the barrel of the gun a few
times, as if he was finding a good spot to rest the

Aiden's body was stiff. His unscrupulous behavior

was already long gone.

At this moment, there was no meaning in the identity

as a wealthy playboy or the young master of the
Bauer family.

Everyone was dumbstruck when they saw the sight.

They realized something.

The man who was behaving so nonchalantly, was the

ruthless one.

If anyone were to do anything rash, that man would

Chapter 1630

not mind pulling the trigger.

The few dozen fighters were glaring at Harvey

while they furiously exclaimed, "Let go of Young Master
Bauer! Let him go right now!"

"We'll kill you if you lay a finger on him!"

Harvey chuckled and gave a few light slaps on Aiden 's

cheeks, then Harvey smiled.

"I just laid my fingers on him. Are you going to kill me


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