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The Holy Name Is My…

The holy name is my lifeline because he saves me from the dangers of this world.

The holy name is my savior because he saves me from myself. it takes me to the spiritual world.

The holy name is my kidnapper because he abducts me from the clutches of maya.

The holy name is my beacon because it he sheds light on my path.

The holy name is my medicine because he cures the disease of birth and death.

The holy name is my only hope because he removes my deep seated anarthas.

The holy name is my guru because he gives me pure bhakti.

The holy name is my only true love because His love for me is pure and unconditional.

The holy name is my sacred key because he unlocks the door to the spiritual world.

The holy name is my life and because without him I would be spiritually dead.

The holy name is my real friend because he cares for me more than anyone else.

The holy name is my constant companion because he is willing go anywhere I go.

The holy name is my passport and visa because by his mercy I get into the spiritual world.

The holy name is my greatest gift because it revives my relationship with Krishna.

The holy name is my GPS because he gives me the direction when I'm lost.

The holy name is my spiritual food because he nourishes my spiritual life.

The holy name is my bath because he cleanses my mind and soul.

The holy name is my savior and shelter because I have no bhakti nor any good qualities.

The holy name is my vacation spot because it takes me out of the material world.

The holy name is my uplifter because it takes me to supra consciousness.

HG Mahatma Das Japa Retreat

The holy name is my gateway which opens the door to Krishna and the spiritual world.

The holy name is my friend because he listens to me and removes my distress.

The holy name is my only savior because I am drowning in ocean of birth and death.

The holy name is my letter because it helps me to convey my feeling to my beloved.

The holy name is my only hope because only the holy name can take me to the level of prema.

The holy name is my precious belonging because it helps me to reach my goal, Krishna Prema.

The holy name is my love.

The holy name is my medicine because it gives me hope and encourages me to do right things.

The holy name is my security because he reminds me of Krsna.

The holy name is my best friend because he is always there with me every time I need it.

The holy name is my therapist because he keeps me sane in this material world.

The holy name is my anchor because it keeps me stable on the path of bhakti.

The holy name is my protector because he frees me from my material miseries.

The holy name is my guide because I feel lost without him.

The holy name is my driver because He directs my heart and actions.

The holy name is my only treasure because without Krishna I am poor.

The holy name is my soul home because while chanting I am feeling like at Krishna's home.

The holy name is my soul food because it gives me satisfaction and energy.

The holy name is my strength because I am weak without the name.

The holy name is my lifeline because it helps me not to drown in the ocean of the material

The holy name is my only true friend because only He will be always with me.

HG Mahatma Das Japa Retreat

The holy name is my greatest asset because it is my only link to Krishna, who is my eternal well-
wisher and who loves me unconditionally.

The holy name is my only hope because everything else ends in frustration.

The holy name is my lifeboat because it saves me from drowning in Maya.

The holy name is my most precious jewel because he adorns my life with beauty.

The holy name is my pain reliever because he removes the miseries of material existence.

The holy name is my greatest and most valuable treasure because there is nothing material that
can compare to it.

The holy name is my friend because it helps me in time of need.

The holy name is my coach because he helps me fight with maya.

The holy name is mine because it is my only means to go back to KRSNA in Goloka.

The holy name is my heart specialist because he cleanses my heart of its dust.

The holy name is my 12 Step Program because he cures me of my addiction to sense


The holy name is my best friend because despite turning away from him he was always waiting
for me.

The holy name is my greatest gift because he makes me worthy to serve the lotus feet of Radha
and Krishna.

The holy name is my eternal freedom because he is my ticket to Goloka

The holy name is my guru because he always helps me to improve myself.

The holy name is my blanket because it make my relationship get warmer with Krishna.

The holy name is my soothing breeze because it cools the heart from the burning fire of
material desires.

The holy name is my therapy because he cures my mental diseases.

The holy name is my bodyguard because he keeps me safe and protected.

HG Mahatma Das Japa Retreat

The holy name is my life because without it I am spiritually dead.

The holy name is my deep security in an unsafe world.

The holy name is my ladder because He will elevate me to Krsna.

The holy name is my Mother & Father because they know the pain of mine and they will cure
my pain by supplying what is required to me to reach VAIKUNTHA.

The holy name is my most precious treasure because it can connect myself with spiritual
Master and Krsna.

The holy name is my only shelter because it is available to me.

The holy name is my only refuge because he knows everything about me and still completely
accepts me.

The holy name is my true love because he comes to me asking for an eternal loving

The holy name is my sugar candy because he cures my jaundiced vision of seeking happiness in
useless pursuits.

The holy name is my master weapon to blast away of maya.

The holy name is my mother’s milk because it sustains my infant like spiritual life.

The holy name is my mirror because it shows me who I really am.

HG Mahatma Das Japa Retreat

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