22 - Pune - Saranagati

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22_Pune - Saranagati

27 June 2022 12:58

1. Bhakti is simple for simple

a. Tattva everyone knows - but tattva brama comes
b. We hear more - we get more doubts , but actually when we hear more more doubts
supposed to get solved
c. We make bhakti which is simple - very difficult for us
i. It is simple - but we are not simple
d. To make it simple - acarya anugatya is needed ,
i. It pumsarpita vishnum - bhakti cet nava lakshnam…
ii. We offer first then , service and bhakti with samarpanam - not that karma kandi
way - I do then offer.
iii. Svatantra bhajan is not bhajan..
2. Saranagati Meaning
a. Krtartam - comes here also
b. We need to learn what is saranagat - ? Why we need to saranagat?
c. Madhya 22.95
bhakta-vatsala, kṛtajña, samartha, vadānya
hena kṛṣṇa chāḍi’ paṇḍita nāhi bhaje anya
bhakta-vatsala—very kind to the devotees; kṛta-jña—grateful; samartha—full of
all abilities; vadānya—magnanimous; hena—such; kṛṣṇa—Lord Kṛṣṇa; chāḍi
'—giving up; paṇḍita—a learned man; nāhi—does not; bhaje—worship; anya—
anyone else.
"Lord Kṛṣṇa is very kind to His devotees. He is always very grateful and
magnanimous, and He possesses all abilities. A learned man does not give up
Kṛṣṇa to worship anyone else.
d. Lord is only Bhakta vatsala ..
e. Krtajna - is not just thank you .. But it is called rna . Feeling in debtful to guru,
acarya, devotees…
i. Caksudana dilo jei -janme janme prabhu sei…
ii. We supposed to goto naraka - but guru brought us here, in kaliyuga we get to
chant, eat, sleep facility. - still feeling for them we dont have
iii. First is grateful, then only bhakta- unless we are grateful we can't do bhakti
iv. Lord says he is debtful -
jalasya culukena vā
vikrīṇīte svam ātmānaṁ
bhaktebhyo bhakta-vatsalaḥ
"Śrī Kṛṣṇa, who is very affectionate toward His devotees, sells Himself to a
devotee who offers Him merely a tulasī leaf and a palmful of water."
v. How much we should be gratful - lord is provdng us everything
1) For little water, oxygen we pay …
2) But lord is providing us freely
vi. People are so ingrateful - they cant do DS , no grateful anyone
f. Samartha - ability to give anything ..

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f. Samartha - ability to give anything ..
g. Vadanaya - magnanimous
3. We have to do - Visvasyatmika bhakti - but we do samsayatmika bhakti
a. To relief from this - we have to do saranagati
b. But we don’t do it , we are not grateful - nither we are Bhogi, tyagi or Sevi -- just
become Ghost in between
4. Akrtajna devotee - lord is not interested
a. Lord doesn’t care much of such devotee - even after calling his name somany times
b. Why ? Bcz our nature and lords nature doesn’t match
c. Eg Mother not interested in sons acts, not gives much attention - even after son calls
d. Unless lord is interested in us - how we can keep focus on lords name.. He will not give
e. So act such a lord feels for us , his nature is like ours.
5. Lack of saranagati -- results in
(A) Lord is sarva mangal , his temple is mangal - staying there we feel Amangal - what kind
of devotee are we?
(B) Small things we feel it as very big problems.
(C) Keep gossiping about subject other than lord -
(D) When we don’t have saranagati - we don’t feel " I am Lords" - tadiyattvam
i. When we don’t feel I am lord - how lord will feel we are his?
ii. Initiation done - still we don’t feel we are lord - so internal happiness and bliss we
don’t get it
iii. Eg Husband wife - same house - cooking , even children -but internally not sso
happy and feelings are not satisfied
iv. Gopinath - tomara codiya samasasra bhogia - bhuliya amara dhana …
(E) We feel bhakti is just a imagination
(F) We feel its not practical..
i. "Who told its not, are you acarya? Did sastar mention this guru tattva not for
kaliyuga, its not software to get updated , every day , its sastra"
ii. Tattva , siddhannta - cant chagne , Acarya will tell us how to implement in our life
6. Saranagati - song 12 - Hankering for divine service
kabe mora sei din ha'be
mana sthira kori', nirjane bosiyä,
kåñëa-näma gä'bo jabe
saàsära-phukära, käne nä poñibe,
deho-roga düre ro'be
1) O Gurudeva! When will that day be mine? With a steady mind, sitting in a
secluded place, I will sing the name of Çré Kåñëa. The tumultuous pandemonium of
worldly existence will no longer echo in my ears, and the diseases of the body will
remain far away.
'hare kåñëa' boli', gähite gähite,
nayane bohibe lora
dehete pulaka, udita hoibe,
premete koribe bhora
2) When I chant "Hare Kåñëa" tears of love will flow and flow from my eyes. Ecstatic
rapture will arise within my body, causing my hair to stand on end and my entire
being to become overwhelmed with divine love.

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being to become overwhelmed with divine love.
gada-gada väné, mukhe bähiribe,
käìpibe çaréra mama
gharma muhur muhuù, virvarna hoibe,
stambhita pralaya sama
3) Faltering words choked with emotion will issue from my mouth. My body will
tremble, constantly perspire, turn pale and discolored, and become stunned. All of
this will be like a devastation of ecstatic love and cause me to fall unconscious.*
niñkapaöe heno, daçä kabe ha'be,
nirantara näma gä'bo
äveçe rohiyä, deha-yäträ kori',
tomära karunä pä'bo
4) When will such a genuine ecstatic condition be mine? I will constantly sing the
holy name and remain absorbed in profound devotion while traveling in the material
body. In this way I will receive your mercy.
7. When we saranati - what lord does -
(A) I will deliver them - tesam aham samuddharta…
(B) I will do posana - take care his need - ananya cinta.. Yoga kseman
(C) SB- tat te anukampa
8. Sadhu sanga mans
i. Sadhu asakti , then sravana asakti …
ii. With komala, Laukika sraddha - we cant stay in DS ..
iii. We cant be DS - when we are getting benefited materially we are happy , people
respect we are happy - when sraddha is laukika - we give DS - when we don’t get
such benefits
iv. Fear - means one doesn’t have faith in sastra
9. Indication of saranagati devotees is Sraddha ..
i. strong faith lord , sastra.
ii. Eg child sleeps, father sleeps - child is complete surrender to father - without any
anxiety sleeps. We should be like child for Lord - then no fear or anxiety

1. How to make Komala sraddha to drda sraddha
i. By sadhu sanga , reg reading of sastra
ii. By sanga - we get Viswas in process and faith increases
iii. Eg Hippies faith on SP
iv. Pray for it.
v. For that - we should have Asakti - even though personally Sadhu is not present
with us
i. Eg son to mother in village - thinks even though out of station
ii. Mamata for guru - we can follow him - even though he is not present directly
with us.
iii. Then paramatma will reciprocation when we have - I am lords, I am gurus,
mamata for lord , sense of possessiveness for lord. And his servants

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