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TOPIC: The Right Attitudes in Prayer SUBSTANCE

TEXTS: Matt. 6:5 & 7; Mark 11:22-24; 14:32,35-36; Luke Method: Question Hunting
18:10-13; James 1:6-7; 5:15 Instruction: Prepare the questions with treats and hide it in
different areas inside the classroom. Then let the scholars look
AIM: That the learners will have the right attitudes as they for it and answer the question that they have found.
come to the Lord in prayer every day. 1. What did Jesus want his disciples to do when they pray in
Matt. 6:5 & 7?
IN ADVANCE: Ans: Jesus wanted that his disciples pray NOT like
 Pray for God’s anointing on the learning process. hypocrites who love to pray standing in synagogues and on
 Pray for the scholars that they will be able to understand the street corners to be seen by men and they should NOT
and apply the lesson in their lives. keep on babbling like pagans do thinking that they are
 Read and study the passage and the whole lesson well. heard because of their many words.
 Prepare the needed materials. 2. Why do you think God does not want His children pray like
the hypocrites? (cf. I Sam. 16:7b)
CLASS SESSION Ans: For God looks at the heart not the outward
Greetings appearance.
Opening Song: I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my 3. How should we receive the Kingdom of God according to
heart Luke 18:17?
Opening Prayer: Ans: We should receive the Kingdom of God like a little
ENTRANCE 4. What did we do to receive God’s kingdom?
Method: Word Search Possible Ans: By communing with God through prayer day
Instruction: In advance, prepare a word search (written in a by day and moment by moment. Prayer is certainly an act
Manila Paper). Then present the word search to the class. by which we receive the Kingdom of God and it makes
Make sure that the only words formed in your word search are sense to pray not as an expert nor even as an adult but as a
the following: Humility, Sincerity, Faith, Prayer and Attitudes, little child.
but don’t let them know what are the words. Let your scholars 5. What do you think is the attitude of a child when he prays?
look for the words by encircling them. P.A: Simple, direct to the point, no pretense, sincere.

Transition Sentence: In our lesson today, let’s find out the

importance of these Keywords in a person’s prayer life.

(Introduce the Topic & Texts)

ASK: What do you think is our first main point? 13. What will happen if we pray having faith in God? Mark
I – Pray with Sincerity 11:22-24
Say: Jesus instructed his disciples to pray not like the Ans: Impossible things happen (we can say to the
hypocrites do but as a child who prays mountains throw yourself into the sea) and whatever we
wholeheartedly/sincerely. ask for in prayer we will receive it.
14. What will happen if prayers are offered in faith? James 5:15
6. What is the scenario in Luke 18:10? Ans: It will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise
Ans: The scene is there are two men went to the temple to him.
pray, a Pharisee and a tax collector. 15. What will happen to prayers offered without faith? (cf. Heb.
7. How did the two men pray? Luke 18:11-13 11:6; James 1:6-7)
Ans: The Pharisee prayed with pride and the tax collector Ans: His prayers will not please God because it is
prayed with humility. impossible to please God without faith and he won’t receive
8. Whose prayer do you think is accepted by God? Why? anything because he doubts.
P.A: The tax collector’s prayer because he humbled himself ASK: What is our last main point?
before God. III – Pray with Faith
9. What did the Son of Man (Jesus) do in Mark 14:32,35-36? Say: Faith is very important to have in prayer because only by
Ans: He prayed to the Father to take the cup from him but having it that we receive from God.
only if it is His Father’s will.
10. What attitude did Jesus display when he prays to the ASK: what are the lessons that you’ve learned from our
Father? (Mark 14:36, Cf. Phil. 2:7-8) discussion today?
Ans: Humility because even He is God, he did not consider
himself equal with God but he humbled himself and
became obedient to the will of the Father. GENERAL TRUTH
11. In Prayer, how can we show our humility? Prayers should be offered to God with FAITH,
Accept possible answers…then present the second main HUMILITY and SINCERITY.
II – Pray with Humility MEMORY VERSE
Say: Praying with humility pleases the Father and it is Hebrews 10:22
manifested by obeying and submitting to His will just like what Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance
Jesus Christ did when it comes to the answers of prayers. of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from guilty
conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.”
12. What did Jesus say in Mark 11:22?
Ans: To have faith in God. (Ask if they have any questions or clarifications or addition to
the lessons)
Instructions: Provide a chalk or any small object. Whoever Instruction: Make a scroll with the memory verse written on
has it must answer your question and they pass it on to the it and a space for the students to personally write their insights
other student of their choice for others to answer the regarding the lesson which will serve as a reminder for them to
same/succeeding questions. apply the values learned.

1. How do people approach God nowadays? Assignment: Don’t forget to memorize our memory verse
P.A: only in times of need; some approach God lightly; ect. and let us continue to cultivate the right attitudes of prayer
2. What do people usually do to show their faith, humility and every time we pray to the Father.
sincerity in prayer?
Ans: some pray with fasting; cry, thankful in every Offering:
circumstance, joyful even in afflictions, etc.
3. Here in MAABC, can you say that students have these three Closing Song: “I Give You My heart/This is my desire”
right attitudes in prayer? Why?
4. Are these three right attitudes in prayer vital when we come Closing Prayer:
to the Lord in Prayer? Why?


5. Do you cultivate these three right attitudes of prayer in your
6. Will continue to commit yourself to have these right
attitudes in prayer?

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