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English File

Intermediate 4th edition


C1PM Week 12
4 – 8 July 2022
Sahara Nankan - Slides
Ask your partner something interesting about
themselves! 
• Examples:
• Tell me about your most interesting holiday?
• Who is your hero/role model and why?
• Do you have any special talents?
• What’s the craziest thing you have ever
• Do you believe in magic?
• What is the best advice you have ever been

• See also,
Inventions can be interesting…
Do you know who the inventor is?
Work in groups…do you know who invented
these inventions?

Alexander Jobs
Graham Bell

In pairs:
 Who was Thomas Edison?
 Discuss this quote in pairs. What does it mean?
Who was Thomas Edison?
Watch the short bio and try to answer the following questions:
What is he famous for? The incandescent light bulb
When was he born? 1854
Which state was he born in? Milan, Ohio
How many patents did he acquire? 1093
Edison won which medal?  Congressional gold medale
…But did Edison REALLY invent the lightbulb?
• According to this video who else might
have also invented it?
Joseph Swan – created the patent earlier
than Edison
• Do you think that inventions can always
be credited to one person? It depends
The Rivalry between Tesla and Edison
Why were they rivals?
• Our system of electricity
• DC (direct current) Edison
Computer, smart phones
• AC (Alternating current) Tesla
Our homes

What subjects did these inventors master? Physics, Maths (Algebra), Engineering,
Chemistry, Science (generic subject),
Subjects that I enjoy…
Not everyone likes science! Let’s brainstorm some other subjects that
are important in our lives.

What subjects did you enjoy in school?

What subjects do you enjoy now?
What subjects would you like to learn?
The QI Show
• In which country do you think the show take place?
• Do you know who the host is?
• Stephen Fry
• What type of show is it?
• Comedy Quiz Show (funny) with famous people
• How does the show work/ how are points scored?
• Asking impossible questions (cant answer) – most
interesting answer
• What do you think QI stands for? QUITE Interesting!
• Does the show sound interesting to you? Why/why not?
According to Wikipedia QI is…

• 1. None
• 2. humans (Isaac)
(Brenda and Haluk)
3. 0 degree
(I), -20
degrees (B
4. White
Black or
(Isaac) Black
5. 50/50
6. 1.55
(Haluk) 1.52
7. The Molotov
8. Latin (Isaac and
Haluk) Roman
9. Egypt (Haluk,
Brenda, Isaac)
10. Margaret
Thatcher (Brenda,
Isaac, Haluk)
11. England
(Brenda, Haluk,
12. Ronaldo
(Brenda, Isaac,

• What does QI stand for?

• Upload answers to Teams
Upload Communication
Student A and Student B to
Create your own interesting quiz! 
• Choose 1 topic.
• Write 5-10 interesting questions.
• Write the answers. (You can use
multiple choice: a. b. or c.)
• Ask the other team.
• See how many answers they can get
• Which team answered the most
questions correctly?
• 1) The author of Dracula, Bram Stoker, was from
which country? 4) The word ‘English’ comes from which
• Romania country?
• England
• Ireland
• Germany
• Bulgaria
• France
• 2) In Singapore you can get fined 500-1000 dollars 5) Which country has the most metal
for committing which offence?
music bands per capita?
• Wearing jeans to a restaurant
• spitting out your chewing gum on the street • Switzerland
• holding hands with someone you are not married to • Finland
• 3) The capital of South Africa is?
• Bloemfontein
• Cape Town
• Pretoria
• All of the above
• None of the above
Intonation & Linking in exclamations

• Workbook p43
• How interesting!
• What a ridiculous idea!
Health and Safety!
• Watch the video and answer
these questions:
• What is the video about?
• Which workplace is it?
• Name 1 thing that the video
tells them to do?
 Student book p66
The World of Art 

Flower Thrower – Banksy

The Mona Lisa – Leonardo The Scream – Vincent van

da Vinci Gogh
Installation Art
• Watch a clip from this video and answer
the following questions:
• What type of art is the video about?
• What do you think about this type of
art? Is it artistic, do you like it? Why/Why
• The Kobe Frog
• Dutch / museum /
• B. Circle
• Richard Long /
heaven and earth
• C. Incommunicado/
The Cot
• Palestinian / Beirut /
• D. Pharmacy / stools
/ bowls of honey /
killing insects
• 1. look like  a comparison between modern art
and classical art
• 2. looks as if  not necessarily comparing 2
• 3. look at / see  slight difference with the
• 4. looking / seeing / look
• Senses: sight/ touch/ smell/ sound/ taste
• Touch – verbs: to feel, to touch, to hug, to grab
• Smell: to smell,
• Sound: to hear, to listen, whisper, shout, scream,
• Taste: eat, drink, taste, to savour the taste, to sip,
to gulp
Choose one famous Artwork and talk about it! 
• Research and choose one famous artwork e.g.
a painting, a street art, a sculpture.
• What can you tell the class about it?
• Find out as much information about it as
possible e.g. who is the painter/artist, what is
the artwork about, where is it, how much is it
worth etc.
• Why did you choose this artwork? Do you like
it? Why/Why not?
• Write about the artwork.
• Tell the class.
• If there is a short video about the artwork,
show the class.

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