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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night, everyone.

Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, Thanks to God for giving us health, so we can meet in this chance.

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Nisrina Alya Khoirunnisa Toha from Youth Red
Cross Wira of Central Java Province.

Here I am in front of you all, as a delegation, would like to present Indonesian Red Cross of
Central Java Province main programs for its Youth Red Cross. So, there are 5 main programs:

1. YABC (Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change)

2. 10 Steps to Creating Safe Environment
3. Indonesian Youth Red Cross Forum
4. Disaster Preparedness School
5. Exemplary YRC

Okay, I will explain it one by one. I start it from number one.

First, Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change. Youth is important for our country,
because they are the next generation who has to build our country to be better in the future. But,
if we take a look to our youth nowadays, the reality makes us sad. Our generation has tampered
by some factors, such as globalization. It’s tearing up our heart to see the youth has lost its
identity. As an Indonesian, we know that we must have good characters. But some youth
nowadays don’t implement it anymore. They imitate what people do from the other side of the
world, such as doing violence to the others, consuming drugs and alchohol, free sex, and many
more. It can impact to our country in the future. So we have to do the preventation.

As a caring youth, especially youths that join YRC, we are agents to save our generation, our
friends. We can be a role model for other youth. We should tell each other, which is right which
is wrong, which is nice which is bad. It can be started from our close friends who have been in
wrong way. We can tell them and suggest them to go back to the right way. But, it’s not stopped
just like that, we also should invite them to do kindness and prevent them back to their old

To support this program, Indonesian Red Cross of Central Java Province with Norwegian Red
Cross held a training with theme “Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change” for its fasilitator in
22nd-29th April 2013. It’s joined by 33 delegation from 33 regency/city. It aimed to improve the
knowledge and skills of the staff and volunteers of Indonesian Red Cross in facilitating YABC.
Second, 10 Steps to Creating Safe Environment. We know that nowadays, violent is
happened in everywhere, everytime, in our country. Recently, the most violent that mainly
happened is sexual violence. The doer not only adults, but also kids. It makes me sad to know the
fact. I think it’s because globalization. They can not filter something which is okay to do, which
is not.

Let me tell you some facts. There are 1,500 people died due to violence between individuals
everyday. One of three woman experienced violence in her life. 223 million children are sexually
assaulted. One of 20 adults experienced violence. Now you know, how sad it is.

To prevent this, we can implement 10 steps. First, understand the problem. Second, recognize
people’s vulnerability and resilience. Third, define protection instruments. Forth, create a
prevention team. Fifth, complete a risk assessment. Sixth, develop policies and procedures.
Seventh, educate adults, youth, and children. Eighth, respond to disclosures of violence. Ninth,
meet the challenges. And the last, maintain safe environment.

Indonesian Red Cross of Central Java Province held a conference for its YRC in 31st August – 4th
September 2015. It’s joined by 34 YRC Wira from 34 regency/city. It aimed to establish and
reinforce positive character in the prevention of violence involving teenagers, also to promote
this 10 steps to YRC in each district. This has been implemented in Semarang and Surakarta.

Third, Indonesian Youth Red Cross Forum. Youth Red Cross should have a forum to
discuss and share activities in every regency/city. To make this connection, Indonesian Red
Cross of Central Java Province held a conference with built a forum inside it in 31 st August – 4th
September 2015, along with giving lesson “10 Steps to Creating Safe Environment”. It’s joined
by 34 YRC Wira from 34 regency/city.

In this forum, we chose the coordinator first to lead our discustion, keep our connection, and
make some programs. So, if we had gone back to our own regency, this forum could keep
connecting us on doing programs. For period 2015-2016, the coordinator is from Wonosobo
named Radiktya Surya Pradana.

Forth, Disaster Preparedness School. Disaster is something that we couldn’t resist. It can
be occured naturally, or by human. Disaster can cause any damages and victims. Take an
example, earthquakes. Earthquakes can be caused by 3 factors, volcano activities, movement of
the earth plate, and mammock. Earthquakes can be said as the most dangerous natural disaster.
To prevent ourself to be a victim, we can do disaster preparedness. For earthquake, we can do
some prevention, such as run away from building to the wide hall, shelter under table or
wardrobe or bed, and many more. Another disaster like tsunami, we should know the signs first
like the winds blowing, there’s an earthquake, and huge waves. We should do prevention too,
such as run away to the high place.
Some disaster that can be doing prevention is earthquake, tsunami, volcano activities, flood, war,
terrorism, drought, and HIV/AIDS. There are 3 ways to implement this program. First, mapping.
We should mapping the school first to determine the risk every place in the school, also to make
a evacuation way. Second, planning. We should make planning what we do while the disaster is
happening, how to do the prevention for ourself, family, disable, kids, adults, the things that we
should prepare and bring when the disaster come. Third, mitigation non structural. It is kind of
prevention pra-disaster. I can’ be done by early assessment of the signs of the disaster,
simulation, socialization. Disaster Preparedness School has been implemented in Tegal, Cilacap,
Kebumen, Kudus, and Grobogan.

Fifth, Exemplary Youth Red Cross. Indonesian Red Cross of Central Java Province hold
an annual competition named Exemplary YRC. It’s to choose a school which is worth to be
example for other YRC in other school. There are 5 aspects of assessed: administration, school
environment, infrastructure, YRC activities, involvement YRC in decicion-making and
achievements. The judges are from Indonesian Red Cross of Central Java Province.

I thing it’s enough from me. Any question?

Thank you for your attention. Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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