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Case Study 4

What Makes a Leader?

By Daniel Goleman


 A person or thing that holds a dominant or superior position within its field, and is able to
exercise a high degree of control or influence over others.
 Somebody whom people follow.
 Somebody who guides or directs others.


 Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to monitor one's own and other people's emotions,
to discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use
emotional information to guide thinking and behaviour.

The Five Components of Emotional Intelligence at Work

Definition Hallmarks
Self-Awareness The ability to recognise and Self-confidence
understand your moods, Realistic self-assessment
emotions, and drives, as well Self-depreciating sense of
as their effect on others. humour
Self-Regulation The ability to control or Trustworthiness and integrity
redirect disruptive impulses Comfort with ambiguity
and moods the propensity to Openness to change
suspend judgement to think
before acting.
Motivation A passion to work for reasons Strong drive to achieve
that go beyond money or optimism, even in the face of
status a propensity to pursue failure
goals with energy and Organisational commitment
Empathy The ability to understand the Expertise in building and
emotional makeup of other retaining talent
people skill in treating people Cross-cultural sensitivity
according to their emotional Service to clients and
reactions. customers
Social Skill Proficiency in managing Effectiveness in leading change
relationships and building Persuasiveness
networks an ability to find Expertise in building and
common ground and build leading teams.
Can emotional intelligence be learned?

 Although some people naturally have many of the traits of an emotionally intelligent leader
that doesn’t mean that these traits cannot be learned. Goleman does warn that this kind of
development is not something that just happens overnight. It takes a lot of work to become
more self-aware, empathetic, or any of the other components of an emotional intelligence


 To be a great leader you need to have a high “emotional intelligence”

 As a leader you are expected to produce results from the people you lead. There are many
different ways that leaders go about achieving this goal. Some demand results and are very
direct, while others try to teach and develop their employees. The main point is that
whatever you do, it must produce the desired results.
 Important to emphasize that building once emotional intelligence cannot - will not – happen
without sincere desire & concerted effort. If your goal is to become a real leader, these
words can serve as a guidepost in your efforts to develop high Emotional Intelligence.
 Narcissistic leaders are good in that they are visionaries that can lead their employees
through times of change. They also are not afraid to take risks in order to get the job done.
These traits could benefit a company, but they could also cause damage if the narcissist does
not have a realistic vision of where the company should go.

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