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2075 Tenth Semester 5 Year B.A. LL.B. (Maj.-Min. System)/B.B.A. LL.B. Duration : 3 Hours Instructions : Q. No. Q. No. Q.No. Q. No. Q. No. Q. No. 3. 4. 6. ZT: Examination, September 2021 (June 2021) LAW OF EVIDENCE (New) Max. Marks : 100 . Answer Q. No. 11 and any five of the remaining questions. 2. Q.No. 11 carries 20 marks and the remaining questions carry 16 marks each. 3. Answers should be written either in English or Kannada completely. Explain the relevancy of facts forming part of the same transaction. wotde Salaidetor qportmendbs! sissy stwlotrivecyay Seton, . Define Admission. State the persons whose admissions are relevant. BRIPUNGT2 m,A,DA. caw aygnd.naypsie> Aoronedeendadtoubsh 268, What is dying declaration ? What are the conditions for its admissibility as evidence ? shored aeodoboeridea 2 etek, meson Ayetorion achat aay ones) 2 Who is an expert ? State the circumstances in which expert opinion becomes relevant. degglocd cine ? deig eganobrkh sxouaori aoede rive, BORD. . Define Estoppel. Explain the different kinds of estoppel. ‘Quow RBARAr Oo Twine Owognvay, axon, Explain the circumstances in which secondary evidence relating to documents may be given. maenday tessesabsn Osco 7g ay, dedomomd Rotige ries, QO’. Explain Examination-in-chief, Cross-examination and Re-examination. moos), Qemdrs, mmeke-Ammen abe shdddendeirivah, DBR Marks : 16 Marks : 16 Marks : 16 Marks : 16 Marks : 16 Marks : 16 Marks : 16 P.O. 2075 Q. No. 8. Q.No. 9. Q. No. 10. Q. No. 11. Define Evidence. Discuss different kinds of evidence. Marks : 16 mag Say SYMYANO. DAG oes mag ries, HOA wir a0. Explain the provisions relating to privileged communication under the Indian Evidence Act. Marks : 16 mmdsech me, whacbsbdaobd avet sovadd wr} ods eosiwogrivad D020. ‘Write short notes on any two : Marks : 8x2=16 odnaemnda adalf oto mrs wdo00: (a) Confession by Co-accused. Re dered expat (b) Hostile witness. Beno me. (c) Alibi. egg ammo. ‘Answer any two with reasons : Marks : 10x2=20 mUrarivacOr conade Ag evZOAO: (a) ‘A’ is charged with travelling in a train without a ticket. denies the charge. On whom the burden of proof lies 7 ‘A’ dD ides aor gore, soins snamyor SRDQRENG. ‘A’ ad Bi etciaay vyrodueys. coaomss qed ound sbeos 2 (b) The question is whether ‘S’ was the legitimate son of ‘F’? Is the fact ‘S’ was always treated as such by the members of the family relevant ? ‘Sab 'P'd macho sbrite ? aahaycd mz odmecia ahoord ag@rortiemd BE amar wiwowd Adc ararise ‘S'Beh morte orietactes, oaigich xoroueste' 7 (c) ‘X’has obtained a decree for the possession of land against “Y’. Y's son ‘Z’ has murdered ‘X’ in consequence. Is the existence of decree relevant ? ‘Xa 'Y' 8 debe gece mQedsod as adored acid Bormadaon “YS sbrimed 2’ a 'X’ day tacos, @goinncdascs xxoweisie 2

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