Laguna State Polytechnic University: PA 501 - Theories and Practices of Public Administration

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Course PA 501 - Theories and Practices of Public Administration
Sem/AY Second Semester/2021-2022



At the end of the course, you should be able to

a. appraise the meaning, nature, scope and significance of PA

b. assess the relevance, responsiveness, accountableness, client-orientedness and adaptedness

of PA to a fast-changing society amidst technological and globalization period

c. analyze the crucial status of bureaucratic structures as working force behind government
and essential mechanism of PA

d. discuss the integration of moral values and ethical standards in administration of public
e. review public administration policies and examine the structure of organization for public
administration; explain the meaning and importance of comparative public administration and
narrate the different approaches to the study of comparative public administration


INTRODUCTION Public Administration In Perspective

Unit I. THE WHAT, ROOTS AND Module 1: Understanding Public Administration
GROWTH OF PUBLIC Module 2: Origin and Development of Public Administration
Unit II. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Module 4: Towards The Modern Public Administration
IN A FAST-CHANGING LOCAL Module 5: Profiling The Philippine Administrative System
Unit III. BUREAUCRATIC THEORY Module 6: Growth and Development of Bureaucracy

Unit IV. GOOD AND CREDIBLE Module 7: Accountability and Ethics In The Public Service
GOVERNANCE Module 8: Regulatory Functions and Processes

Unit V. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN Module 9: Executing Public Policy With Strategic Management
IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES Module 10: Comparative Public Administration


The main references of this course are the following:

LSPU COURSE GUIDE: PA 501 - Theories and Practices of Public Administration

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited
a. Lazo, Ricardo, S. Principles and Practices of Public Administration in the Philippines.
1st Edition, Rex Bookstore, Inc., 2011.
b. Leveriza, Jose, P. Public Administration, The Business of Government. 2nd Edition
National Book Store, Inc., 1990.
c. Lorenzana, Carlos, C. Management, Theory and Practice. Rex Bookstore Inc., 2003
d. Tendero, Avelino P. Theory and Practice of Public Administration in the Philippines,
Fical Administration, Mandaluyong City Metro Manila, 2000.
e. Weston, Anthony. A rulebook for arguments. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 2001.


Week Date/Period Activity

1 April 30 Self-Introduction
Discussion of House Rules
Course Orientation(Course Syllabus) and Introduction
2 May 7 Module 1: Understanding Public Administration
Module 2: Origin and Development of Public
3 May 14 Module 4: Towards The Modern Public Administration
Module 5: Profiling The Philippine Administrative System
(Midterm Exam)
4 May 21 Module 6: Growth and Development of Bureaucracy

5 May 28 Module 7: Accountability and Ethics In The Public Service

Module 8: Regulatory Functions and Processes
6 June 4 Module 9: Executing Public Policy With Strategic
Management And Benchmarking
Module 10: Comparative Public Administration
(Final Exam) Administration


As LSPU students, you know that for the most part you will be studying on your own. Do read/view
the resources, guided by the Course Syllabus. This way you will be able to keep up with the
discussion, assignments and other requirements.

A. Participation in the Discussion

Theories and Practices of Public Administration is a flexible learning course. Class discussions will
be online through the discussion forums in the Google Classroom learning platform using the
Learning Management System.

Please participate in the online discussion since this is an opportunity for you to clarify what you
have learned on your own not only with your tutor but also with other members of the class. It is
also a good way to learn from one another. Depending on the size of the class, a tutor other
than myself, may facilitate online discussions.

LSPU COURSE GUIDE: PA 501 - Theories and Practices of Public Administration

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Your contribution to the discussion boards will be graded. Your postings should answer the
discussion questions in a concise way and with as much insight and reflection as possible. There
are usually no right or wrong answers to the questions, only honest and well thought out ones.
And please be guided by the following marking scheme (middle values may be given).


Answer to Guide Question Score

The answer shows a deep understanding of the ideas in the 5 7 10

course materials.

They reflect an incisive analysis of theory, practice and 5 7 10

personal experience.

They are well supported by valid arguments, appropriate 5 7 10

examples/illustrations/details and relevant personal


The reactions/comments reflect understanding and analysis 1 3 5

of the DB postings concerned.

They are reasonable and well supported by theory/practice/ 1 3 5

personal experience/logical examples/illustrations.

The postings are timely/up-to-date (i.e., contributed within 1 3 5
the assigned schedule/time frame).

Organization and Mechanics

The postings are organized, clear, concise, and grammatically 1 3 5


B. Performance Tasks Accomplishment

This course requires performance tasks assigned in each of the modules. For Online Activities,
you may refer to the assigned Google Classroom intended for this course. For Offline Activities,
you can accomplish your tasks either saved in a flash drives or writing on the printed modules. T

Submission Guidelines. Activity Sheets may be submitted online as email attachments in the
LMS or with the designated email address of the Faculty-in-Charge.

Online submissions: Activity sheets submitted online as email attachments to the designated
LMS. This should carry this file name:

LSPU COURSE GUIDE: PA 501 - Theories and Practices of Public Administration

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Examples: ePA501_Week1_DelosSantosR.doc


C. Final Exam/Major Performance Task

Two major exams performance tasks are required in this course:

Following are the allotted points for each course requirement. The table shows the transmutation
values for the final course grade.

Attendance ………………………..10%
Class Participation: Report, Recitation, Paper Works
ILO 1:
ILO 2:
ILO 3: 50%
ILO 4:
ILO 5:
ILO 6:
Examination: Midterm 20%
Finals 20%

TOTAL 100 %

1. Participate actively in each discussion to maximize your learning

2. Try hard to follow the Course Syllabus.

3. Submit activity sheets on or before their due dates. You will be duly informed and reminded
about the deadline for each activity sheet. Late activity sheets will be accepted, provided
there is a valid reason for the delay. However, they cannot be awarded the highest
possible score.
4. Activity sheets should be written in English or Filipino. Be grammatical. Write as effectively
as possible (i.e., with clarity and coherence, organization, as well as conciseness).

5. Do your activity sheet assignments yourself and observe the ethics of scholarship. You may
discuss your work with each other (for example during online study sessions or in a study
group off schedule).

If you “borrow” or use an idea from another source (meaning someone other than yourself),
be sure to cite that source (or sources). Enclose quoted material in quotation marks or use
italics and write the source. But as much as possible, paraphrase, do not lift. Be reminded
that as per LSPU policy, plagiarism can be grounds for suspension or expulsion.

LSPU COURSE GUIDE: PA 501 - Theories and Practices of Public Administration

Republic of the Philippines
Laguna State Polytechnic University
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Province of Laguna
Level I Institutionally Accredited
Acknowledge sources and make a bibliography of them at the end of the assignment
following APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines. You can consult for the APA formats.

6. Always keep a duplicate copy of your activity sheets in your files just in case you need to
resubmit them (e.g., they are lost in transit; or there is a technological glitch).

7. SMS and phone calls should be kept to a minimum, should be sent/made only when
necessary, and only between 9am and 9pm, Monday to Saturday.

I am your Faculty-in-Charge. There is more information about me in our course website in LMS. You
may reach me at:

Rolando R. Cruzada, Jr., DPA

Laguna State Polytechnic University
Siniloam Campus
Siniloan, Laguna

Technical support contact information:

Student support contact information (Dean’s Office):

Dean/Associate Dean
College of ____________________
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Campus Address:

LSPU COURSE GUIDE: PA 501 - Theories and Practices of Public Administration

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