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Attention! Close the door and turn off your cell phone.

Take a couple of minutes for yourself and learn how to finally eradicate endometriosis forever. Guaranteed.

"At Last You Can Stop Suffering The Living Hell of Endometriosis Through a Gentle Healing of Natural Alternatives and Without Drugs or Surgery."

Quotation: Violet Rubinstein, health specialist and alternative medicine researcher, Reims - France, May. 2008: "All the efforts to send the "message" to the body of a women suffering from endometriosis to banish the malicious cells remain completely futile unless care is taken to..."

Do you fit one of these categories?

You have mild symptoms and you are still not sure if you have endometriosis. If you wait and go through the long diagnostic procedure until you take steps, it will probably be too late and you will be left infertile. You need to take immediate steps if you have the slightests doubts and mildest symptoms.

You have just been diagnosed and hope that it will just go away. Sorry, I thought the same but it doesn't work that way. Don't just wait around as this condition takes over your life.

You have severe endometriosis resulting in chocolate cysts and tissue scarring and you are experiencing a world do pain.

If you can recognize your situation in one of the three categories above, than this program is designed with your specific situation in mind.

Put a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door, take a deep breath and dedicate these moments to yourself while a health specialist who suffered from endometriosis herself shows you precisely how to:

Eliminate the 3 underlying triggers of endometriosis and get rid of the debilitating pain within 2 menstrual periods

Reverse the processes that lead to permanent infertility in 5 precise and controlled steps

Beat chronic fatigue and boost your energy levels using this groundbreaking holistic system Dissolve and eliminate the cysts and lesions that lead to a condition called "a frozen pelvis" which takes away all your chances of ever having a child or leading a pain free life

Eliminate the clutter of dead cells and toxic waste that endometriosis leaves behind using the only substance known to man that can dissolve the dead cells and not damage the live ones

Zoe Brown in her home, January 2010 by Zoe Brown - Nutrition Specialist, Health Consultant and former endometriosis sufferer Re: Healing Your Endometriosis Naturally

Fellow endometriosis sufferer, My name is Zoe Brown and I have beat endometriosis. I have beaten it by coming back from a place in time where endometriosis has completely shattered my life. I was born in 1970 in Paris to an American mother and French father, and I have lived in France all my life. While I was growing up nothing in the way I developed warned me about what was coming my way. A heavy period now and then and some spotting outside the period. Nothing that would stop me from enjoying my youth. Or so I thought. But what followed was...

My long gruesome Fight with endometriosis

I was a 32 year old happy woman in a healthy relationship, when I woke one day to what felt like some monster chewing on my womb from the inside. I cried like rain and I was rushed to the hospital. It was a sunny day in May 2002 when my life turned to a rollercoaster from hell. At one moment I was a vibrant healthy young woman with fun and love on her mind, in a healthy relationship and planning my marriage and honeymoon, with so many friends ...and very soon after that I was this wreck. A wreck without a job, single and lonely, with my life completely centered around my pain.

Debilitating, excruciating pain.

Let me share this - I can't remember the details about my prom, I can't remember my first kiss...but I can vividly remember every detail about the hot June day I was officially diagnosed with endometriosis. I remember the yellow chair in my doctor's office. I remember the color of the walls. I remember my doctor's glasses. I remember thinking how that particular pair made him look a bit like Woody Allen.

And I remember it all because the battle with endometriosis proved to be the most important battle of my life.

Then I began my long combat with endometriosis. As time went by I was increasingly frustrated with how little help I got from all my doctors. They obviosly knew very little and what frustrated me the most is that all the people around me basically told me that "It was all in my head" or "Just don't think about it". Endometriosis is still widely misinterpreted as plain menstrual pain. My relationship was falling apart and I was heavily underperforming at work. So this resulted in me loosing the man I thought was the love of my life at the time and loosing my job. I had no money. No love. No health. I was finished. I kept thinking of ways to withdraw from people and most of my "friends" was OK with that, since everybody want to be as far away from misery as possible. I was left to the support of my parents and 2 or 3 of my closest friends. All I could ever think was that there must be someone or something out there that can help.

Nothing I Tried Ever Worked!

And nothing worked. Some things helped only temporary before endometriosis would come back with a vengeance. But then one day as I was shopping in the local supermarket, everything changed. I met an old high school friend and as always I started talking about my suffering with the endometriosis. When she said, "Hey, I know a girl in Reims that had that thing and there is a women there that helped her. She's great now..." I didn't think much of it then, but she went on explaining that the woman's name is Violet Rubinstein ad that she is a holistic and alternative medicine practitioner that spent her life specializing in "female problems". I was very skeptic as I always am, but I could not live with the dilemma...

What if this is the thing that gives Me my life back ?

I called her back that evening and got the phone number from the woman in Reims. I scheduled an appointment for the first thing next week. When the Monday came, I was getting excited as before a job interview. I remember getting into that car to go on that first 2 hour drive to Reims. Little did I know it was a drive to freedom. This web page is about spreading the TRUTH about endometriosis and the underlying causes. I want to tell you that you are not alone and I know exactly how you feel. I remember millions of thoughts and feelings mixing and tormenting me...I was...

Excruciated by the pain that sucks out your soul until you become a shadow of a person you once were

Tormented by the worry that you'll never be able to have children or a family. I remember just obsessing about the fact that 1 in every 3 women with endometriosis is left permanently infertile Always tired and unable to walk a block Never game for outdoors or able to plan having fun with my friends. You become a different person. Nobody understands and you can feel the judgment in the phone silences after you say that you are not coming to a dinner party, yard barbecue or a hike

Drained out by the insomnia and the night sweats, and frustrated by the "elephant in the room" after I would wake my boyfriend up for the millionth time. He said nothing then, but you could see it in the brisk moves as he adjusted hid blanket trying to go back to sleep

But then I found Violet, my sweet Violet, woman who spent her life healing women with endometriosis, researching endometriosis and perfecting her holistic treatment plan.

Six months with Violet and I was free.

No pain. No fatigue. No night sweats. No anxiety. I was a healed soul and a healed body. If you are still wondering what is endometriosis, let me try and put this simple. It is a disease that affects women and it is basically the mysterious process of the tissue from your uterus (endometrium) traveling around and ending up in pretty much any body part.

When it gets there it causes a living hell because it continues to bleed, stretch and rupture the way it does in the womb. You can imagine the potential consequences of getting this tissue in your lungs, kidneys, bladder or brain. It's devastating and still the conventional medicine offers no answers. But you can let out a sigh of relief now and keep reading because endometriosis is not such a mystery after all... It is then when I decided to follow her footsteps and do for other women what Violet did for me. I dedicated my days to endometriosis and the women suffering around the world. Based on my healing process and the research that I did after that I have developed what is now known as the Violet protocol. This protocol is based on 26 years of Violet's work and 6 years of my own work with thousands of women. It is now backed up with 32 years of continuous trial and error unril controlled and precise procedures for a permanent eradication of endometriosis were shaped. The Violet protocol is now recognized as a 100% guaranteed roadmap for endometriosis freedom. The only one in existence for that matter. It is a completely unique, one of a kind, 5-step system that woman use worldwide to beat endometriosis and stop the devastating pain that follows soon after the first symptoms. The process resulted in the publishing of my eBook "Endometriosis Bible & Violet Protocol". This is the only comprehensive reference book with 303 pages of every single piece of information on endometriosis you will ever need to permanently heal your body and mind.

At the moment, there is no system in the world that can come close to the results of the Violet protocol. Period.

Allow me ask you this: Are you tormented by the doubt whether you have endometriosis or not and terrified of the things you read about this horrible illness? If you are, take a moment and go through this list of questions and answer each of them for yourself.

Are you often tired and have low energy?

Would you say that your menstrual pain is more intense then normal?

Have you had issues with irregularity of your period?

Have you ever experienced bleeding outside your period?

Have you ever had abdominal pain outside the period?

If you said "YES" to at least 2 of the above 5 questions, then I have some bad news and some good news.
The bad news is that new research shows that as much as 40% of women of childbearing age develop some form of endometriosis. Many of them have no symptoms, but when some of the above signs present themselves, it is rare that the culprit is other then endometriosis. So, if you have 2 YESes then, statistically speaking, you are very likely to have endometriosis, and that's the bad news.

The worse news is that 1 in 3 women with endometriosis will be irreversibely infertile before they are even diagnosed!

The good news is that with the recent developments in the field and one breakthrough in particular, endometriosis is not a mystery any more. Thousands of women are beating it every week and you can do it to, as long as you react on time and stop the vicious cycle of endometrial implants in their track before they make any irreparable damage. Endometriosis develops very fast and it is crucial that you react before you get to a stage where your only option is extremely risky surgery. Dealing with it without loosing a day, can mean the world of difference. On the other hand, if you have already been diagnosed you will be relieved to hear that the breakthroughs in the field now allow for it to be managed without the terrible risks that were associated with the conventional treatment as reported by official studies. Have you ever had your doctor tell you something like:

"I don't actually know what is causing your endometriosis, but here's a pill anyway..."

Well, let me tell you right now, it's over with living in the dark, desperate for answers. It's over with the hundreds of questions with no answers. It is now officially over with the randomness in the treatment of endometriosis. Breakthrough research have changed this once and for all, and guess what, it was all done by a woman.

One woman that dedicated 26 years of her life to the research of endometriosis. A woman that allowed me to regain control over my life and beat endometriosis. Her name is Violet Rubinstein and the protocol based on her holistic groundbreaking methods based on solid and controlled research is now known as the Violet Protocol. I have been in complete remission for 6 years now and since then I was an eyewitness of literally thousands of women beating endometriosis with the principles of the Violet protocol. Below are a couple of success stories that I found especially moving:

Success story no.1: Natasha Page, Sherman Oaks, USA "I was scheduled for a laparotomy that would leave a 10 inch long scar in November 2006. Then I found out about your book and the Violet protocol. I never had the surgery and you can see a little someone called Emma on the picture that I am sending you :)"

"Dear Zoe, ever since my teens I was battling with endometriosis. My life was always revolving around pain and my illness. I tried all there is to try. The side effects of some of the drugs that I tried are not be wished upon the worst enemy. I always wanted a family, but at the age of 22 my doctors told me that my fallopian tubes were so distorted that my chances for conceiving are almost non-existent. I have bought your book 3 and a half years ago and I am now in complete remission and I gave birth to a healthy little girl by the name of Emma 2 years ago, contrary to all my doctors' prediction." Natasha Page, Sherman Oaks, LA

Success story no. 2: Ingrid Boucher, Halifax, Canada

"I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you in the name of all the women that have been suffering in darkness and ignorance. I was one of them."

"Hi Zoe, my name is Ingrid and I have found your eBook when I was in a stage of desperation. I was on heavy doses of Lupron and life was punishing me with a vengeance. It was almost impossible for me to go to the bathroom, since I had severe pain with every bowel movement. I was taking Lupron Depot shots at 4m per months which gave me a terrible neck and back rash every time I had one. But my doctor insisted on it. He only stopped Lupron after I had an episode of breathing obstruction after the injection...long story short. I was skeptical about your eBook, I admit it, but I am not skeptical about how I feel now...8 months after I got your eBook. All the best from Nova Scotia" Ingrid Boucher, Halifax, Nova Scotia-CA

Success story no. 3: Betty Carrigan, Tucson, Arizona-USA "Last Christmas Eve I was rushed to the hospital after I blacked out from the pain in a shopping mall. Finding your website was the best thing that ever happened to me. A million thanks for your dedication."

"Dear Zoe, I remember that I cried every night at the beginning of my long history of endometriosis. I was just a girl that was supposed to enjoy her youth and most of the time I was just "nailed" to the sofa in a fetal position. After a while, I got used to the life of misery, depression and pain and did what nobody should ever do - I watched passively as my life was passing by and accepted that I'll never be better, have a healthy relationship or have kids and family. I read about your ebook in a newspaper and looked it up. That day changed everything. I healed both physically and mentally. Now, I am just your next door teacher. And I'm happy. May God bless you for giving me my freedom back." Betty Carrigan, Tucson, USA

Success story no. 4: Wanda Bailey, Brisbane, Australia "I have followed your 5-step system and after being tormented by the endometriosis in the bladder and on the ovaries for 11 years, I am pain-free ..."

"Dear Zoe, now that it's all behind I have no problem saying that I was a virgin for a very long time. Just how long will remain my little secret. And it was all because of endometriosis. I suffered from depression and had issues with anybody touching me. I was always tired...your book released me and now at the age of 30 I have 2 beautiful children and just occasionally think about the time when i was a local "weirdo"... Wanda Bailey, Brisbane - Australia

This groundbreaking plan is completely unique because it allows you to:

For the first time ever, pinpoint the underlying triggers of your condition and understand what is going on "behind the scenes". When you do this, you can start addressing the triggers rather than the consequences. A huge majority of women that get endometriosis are doomed to live with it for the rest of their lives. You can now be among the few percents of women that regain control of their life after being diagnosed with endometriosis.

Heal your endometriosis permanently. Once you learn about the overlooked chemical relationships that are causing your endometriosis, you can start the healing and the re-balancing of your body. In this eBook I will show you how to do it in 5 simple and easy-to-follow steps obeying the 10 "holy" principles of the Violet protocol.

Eliminate the lesions and the scarring that is causing the worst imaginable pain. You can wake up and take a deep full breathe knowing that endometriosis is in the past for good.

Take the road of gentle natural healing. If you have ever tried different diets and hormone replacement pills I am sure that you are aware that these are all just "a quick fix"before your pain comes back with a vengeance. Trying this sort of treatments is like pouring water into a hollow bucket - IT JUST WON'T HOLD. No matter how many pills you pop, you get nowhere and you only get sicker, more tired and tormented. Why? Because you haven't eliminated the causes of endometriosis. You need a plan. A holistic approach that will eliminate all the underlying causes and pave your road to remission.

Heal your endometriosis without the horrible side effects of conventional drugs. If you have ever tried the birth control pills in the treatment of endometriosis, then you know what I am talking about. It's hard to say whether you feel worse because of the disease of the medicine that is supposed to cure it. The fatigue, the anxiety, the night sweats, the weight gain (I gained 24 pounds in 2 months), the depression. The list goes on and on...but with natural alternatives, you experience none of this. None. Heal your endometriosis without dangerous and disfiguring surgery. In a vast majority of cases you can avoid surgery if you react on time and stop this thing in its track. Surgery carries grave risks and I know dozens of women that have been already scheduled for surgery that have reversed their endometriosis following the Violet protocol. And one more thing, surgery does not address the underlying triggers either and that is why IT IS ALSO A TEMPORARY SOLUTION before the lesions and the pain kick in again.

But how can this be Done?

By the end of this page I will prove to you beyond any doubt that endometriosis in easily beatable if your provide your body with the right tools to address the underlying triggers and eliminate the factors that are making the healing impossible. It's not hard for your surgeon to cut you open and burn and slice your tissue like a butcher. I am sorry if I am being blatant here, but I personally had a unnecessary surgery that left a terrible mark and it took months to heal. It is easy to say "Hah, these ovaries and fallopian tubes are stuck together, let's cut them apart". If this is all your doctor does, you might as well schedule another surgery right away for within 12-18 months, since I can vouch right now that you'll need it. I see it happening every day. The true competence lies in the fact of recognizing that the adhesions didn't just appear there and stuck the ovaries to the tubes together right away. They didn't.

Endometriosis is triggered on the cellular level.

I will not get very nerdy here, don't worry. I will just try and simplify how things work and why all those women out there have no true chance of beating endometriosis with conventional methods. What I said above means that when addressing endometriosis, conventional medicine misses a couple of stages of the disease and then addresses the symptoms rather then the triggers. The right way of addressing endometriosis corrects the errors on the cellular level that lead to endometriosis, provides an environment for the lesions, scars and cysts to dissolve (only one substance in nature can do this and it is one of the corner stones of the Violet protocol) and takes steps to avoid this horror scenario from happening ever again. Here, I want to share the most important corner stone of the Violet protocol. It concerns a constituent of our tissue known as the Extracellular Matrix (ECM). It is not a new concept and as Violet told me, she based most of her work on the Violet protocol on the work of a genius scientist Dr. Alfred Phisinger, who was the chair of the University of Medicine in Graz, Austria from 1936 to 1945 and was the author of one of the most important books in establishing the recognition of complementary and holistic medicine - a book named "Extracellular Matrix and Ground Regulation - Basis for a Holistic Biological Medicine". You can get more information by looking Dr Pischinger and his book up on Google.

Extracellular Matrix...WHAT ?? Don't worry, I'll not bore you with expert terms and complicated theory. I will just give you the tools to start understanding. Once you understand what is explained in detail in the "Endometriosis Bible" it will be a revealing experience. It will be like a curtain suddenly being pulled down from your eyes. A breakthrough to the other side. Some things surrounding all this will shock you but it will also confuse you by how actually simple the solution is. Prof. Alfred PISCHINGER You will be among the few % of people that actually KNOW. MD, 1899-1982

So, what is the extracellular matrix? The extracellular matrix is the defining feature of our connective tissue. It is the single most important feature our cells have when it comes to segregating tissue and regulating intercellular communication. It is not a part of the cell, but it consists of substances secreted by the resident cell in order to get the message over to another cell.

The Extracellular Matrix is our culprit

For many years, retrograde menstruation (backflow of blood through the fallopian tubes and into the abdominal cavity), has been the no. 1 explanation conventional medicine has to offer for endometriosis development. But it does not explain the appearance of endometriosis cells in the brain or in the lungs. And more importantly, it does not explain that retrograde menstruation is present in almost all women, and only a fraction of them get endometriosis.

What makes women with endometriosis so different?

It's as simple as this. The cells from the endometrium that go outside the womb should never live to "root' themselves where they don't belong and then make a living hell for the host. But, the ECM gets its signals crossed in women with endometriosis due to ONE VERY PRECISE REASON and never banishes the alien cell from the "neighborhood". The answer lies in the disturbance in the ECM. Resolving this and allowing the rejuvenated, now alien-aggressive cells to do what they are meant for, works miracles. Period. I'll try not to snap to judgment whether the revolutionary breakthroughs made by this man's scientific work has intentionally been overlooked in the treatment of endometriosis, but I can say that Violet told me that before she started implementing what she learned from his work and then adjusted it to endometriosis patients, she was just another alternative practitioner trying a number of things that had little or no success. Finding about Dr Pischinger and his work made a world of difference. After she implemented the principles revolving around eradication of errors in the ECM and unclogging the environment in the EC matrix, she became a holistic practitioner that did for women with endometriosis what no one else could. Simply no one else. I thank God every day for bringing her into my life. To my deep sorrow, Violet was taken heavily ill and passed away in September 2008. Good bless this gentle woman, I know she's in heaven. I simply know it with every cell in my body.

But what about the doctors? Do they know about this Groundbreaking Treatment?

I am a skeptic and have never been much of a "conspiracy theory" believer, but some facts that I learned over the years made me think again. In spite of the fact that the amount of money spent on endometriosis research is ridiculously low, there have been some great papers published in the last 10-15 years indicating that there is a direct connection between the extracellular matrix and endometriosis and that the solution might be simple. But, what happened? The research has been shut down and things left incomplete. great example and undeniable proof of this are the two researches conducted in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academisch Ziekenhuis Maastricht, The Netherlands and a very important study called "Extracellular Matrix remodeling in the endometrium and it's possible relevance to the pathogenesis of endometriosis" done by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Heidelburg Germany. After showing amazing and even shocking results, none of the studies was ever followed through and the women of the world just continued to suffer in silence. What are the reasons to this? Well, I believe the reasons are twofold:

Reason 1: It's still a man's world

I am disgusted and furious whenever I talk about this, but however equal we might think we are, we are light years away from equality. I am not and have never been a feminist, but facts speak for themselves - while dozens of billions are just injected in whatever condition that affects primarily man (just think about impotence and prostate disease research), a fraction of a percent of that money - yes, you heard it right - a fraction of a percent is invested in female diseases such as endometriosis. I bet you are furious and red in the face right now as well, girlfriend.

Reason 2: Cures cost the pharmaceutical industry billions of dollars

Women everywhere spend literally billions of dollars every year on endometriosis related products. I was gob smacked when I saw how some researches were shut down and when I read about how scientists and doctors that went too far were demoted and had their careers ruined. Of course I cannot mention names here, but let me ask you a simple question. Tell me if it sounds believable that the conventional medicine is using the same treatments for endometriosis it's been using for the past 50 years? Is this believable? If you ask me, that's a loud "No". I could just never buy it, and that is why I was always so proactive about my disease. The end result proved me right. So, what do we do? Do we go out and change the world with the painful cramps in our stomach that make it difficult to climb out of bed. Not likely. We, turn to ourselves. I thank God for women like Violet that dedicate their lives to mending the wrong. We gear up with knowledge and take charge of our own lives, refusing to stay ill and in pain just because some bastard decided that he wants to buy that third summer house in Ibiza. The most important thing now is - there is a WAY. And it is simple, too.

So, let us get back to gearing up with knowledge about endometriosis. It is important to know that endometriosis never goes alone. It causes all kind of disturbances in the normal functioning of the body as it initiates a vicious cycle of hormonal changes, enzyme disruptions and organ malfunctions.

If you have endometriosis you can turn into a professional patient within months, as you become Overwhelmed with life-altering symptoms.

Here is a chart from our record collected over the years that show the incidence of other diseases that endometriosis brings along.

So, you can see now that once endometriosis shows its ugly face, the rest of your life will fade into oblivion until endometriosis is resolved. It is as simple as that and if you thinking, "Yeah, this is not me..." let me just say that those were exactly my thoughts when I wasn't sure if I had endometriosis.

Until one day I woke up to what felt like demon claws yanking on my intestine. It was too late...

Yes, the pain of endometriosis - how do you even begin to describe it to someone that never felt it? I think that you can't. A couple of year ago I bought a great T-shirt online that said, "Rate my endometriosis pain on a scale from 1 to 10? Naaah...that doesn't really work for endometriosis."

That sums it up so well. Imagine what kind of pain you would experience in the later stages of endometriosis. Just imagine what is going on inside - organs literally sticking together and then trying to go their separate ways as you to move. According to some comparative analysis based on nerves electronic reaction...

Endometriosis pain in later stages is among 3 of the worst pain types known to mankind !!

And I have gone through it all and that is why I know exactly how you feel. I have tried every single thing that the conventional medicine offers during those long years of debilitating symptoms that changed my life. The vast majority of the techniques and so called treatments either made me feel worse, or simply didn't have any effect what so ever on my endometriosis and my infertility caused by the distortion of my fallopian tubes. But after I met Violet, it all changed. In spite of the fact that I was skeptic I followed her guidelines very precisely and I was thrilled when I started feeling much better only a week and half after the first day on the Violet protocol. As weeks went by I was starting to be my own self again. Life was good again. My pain was almost gone within a month. No spotting and no heavy bleeding. I was shocked at how fast the Violet protocol worked, and Violet explained that it is because of the fact that it addresses the underlying causes rather than just the symptoms. The violet protocol opened the door to the other side for me, a brighter and healthier side of my life.

After triggers of endometriosis are deciphered eradicating it becomes a simple task.

As Violet showed me, she keeps a diligent record of every woman that have ever asked for her help with the treatment of endometriosis. Also, I claim this based on the fact that this is the second edition of the "Endometriosis Bible & Violet Protocol" and I am in daily contact with many of the women worldwide that have used the Violet protocol to beat their endometriosis. All women that have used the Violet protocol report back the following:

They eliminated the debilitating pain within weeks and felt "reborn"

They naturally burned away the lesions and the cysts from their abdomen (I particularly like hearing about the looks on their doctor's faces as they realize that these women did on their own what they have been trying to do in years or decades)

They stopped the process that leads to infertility in it's track

They dissolved the clutter of junk and dead cells that endometriosis always leaves behind

They amended the damage that was already done on their organs

Their energy levels sky-rocketed and they defeated chronic fatigue for good

Their sexual urge and libido has increased drastically

The anxiety, nervousness and night sweats were gone

They felt a sudden boost of self-confidence

And these are not just words! It's actual officially proven results.

All the reported benefits have very precise and clear explanations in terms of their hormone and enzyme balance being re-established. The Violet protocol community is now a large community of women that have beat endometriosis using the Violet protocol. New women join the thousands that have already done so every day. The protocol that gave me back my life is now tweaked and fine tuned, so that the women that get a hold of the eBook are even in a better position that I was when I found Violet. That is why so many women all over the world (now officially in 24 countries) report back the dramatic changes and re-claiming their lives from the "beast" of endometriosis.

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