Ahmed Saleem: Sqms Assignment#2 Batch: Bsche 19-23

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Batch: BSChE 19-23
Table of Contents
ISO...................................................................................................................................................... 2

ISO 9001 ............................................................................................................................................ 2

ISO 45001 ......................................................................................................................................... 2

ISO 14001 .......................................................................................................................................... 3

ISO 27001 .......................................................................................................................................... 4

How are they interlinked? ........................................................................................................ 4

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the world’s largest
developer of international standards. It was founded in 1947 and operates in
over 160 countries. The primary purpose of the ISO is to develop and publish
International Standards. The standards are technical specifications, which
are published on a need’s basis, and are intended to provide requirements,
guidelines or specifications for products, services, processes or practices.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a network of

standards bodies, which provides a platform for countries to collaboratively
develop and share a wide range of standards.

ISO 9001
The ISO 9001 Quality Management System is the most widely implemented
of the ISO standards, and is designed to help organizations to manage their
day-to-day business operations in a way that will deliver on their customers’
expectations. The purpose of ISO 9001 is to provide an agreed-upon
framework for organizations to improve their performance and increase
their long-term competitiveness. The standard can be used as a reference
framework, providing a set of best practices for organizations to follow.

ISO 45001
ISO 45001 is an internationally recognized occupational health and safety
management system that provides a framework for measuring and
improving an organization’s health and safety impact. It is the world’s
primary standard for occupational health and safety, issued to protect
employees and visitors from workplace accidents and injuries. It has been
adopted by governments, businesses, unions, and other organizations
around the world as a tool for improving safety and health on the job. This
guide will introduce you to the key concepts and terms contained in ISO
45001 and help you understand how it can help you improve your
organization’s safety and health.

ISO 45001 is an Occupational Health and Safety Management System
(OHSMS) that provides a system for measuring and improving an
organization’s health and safety impact. ISO 45001 is the world’s
international standard for occupational health and safety, issued to protect
employees and visitors from workplace injuries and illnesses. It is the most
widely adopted and validated occupational safety management system in
the world. It is intended to be a system of best practices and standards for
occupational health and safety management systems. It is a system for
continuous improvement and can be used to measure, monitor, and
improve an organization’s health and safety performance over time.

ISO 14001
ISO 14001 is an environmental management system (EMS) that provides a
system for measuring and improving an organization’s environmental
impact. ISO 14001 is the international standard that specifies requirements
for an effective environmental management system. As an EMS, ISO 14001
provides a framework for environmental management, including
environmental policies, environmental goals, and environmental
responsibilities. It also provides a framework for environmental
measurement, including environmental performance metrics and
environmental management systems (EMS) protocols.

It is the most common EMS used for environmental compliance

assessments and is one of the first steps organizations should take to
become more environmentally responsible. ISO 14001 is a comprehensive
EMS that provides a framework for organizations to measure and improve
their environmental impact.

ISO 14001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for an

effective environmental management system. An organization that has
implemented an EMS, such as ISO 14001, can improve the environmental
performance of its operations and reduce environmental impact. This not
only saves money but also improves the environment.

It is most often used as a baseline for certification by third-party
organizations such as the Green Rating Organization (GRO) and the Global
e-Sustainability Institute (e-Sustainability Institute). The ISO 14001 system is
designed to help organizations measure, improve and conserve their
environmental impact.

ISO 27001
ISO 27001 is an international standard for information security management.
It structures how businesses should manage risk associated with
information security threats. It defines a framework for testing and
evaluating the effectiveness of information security policies and
procedures. It also provides guidance on how to strengthen an
organization’s information security when required.

It defines the minimum requirements for a company to operate in a secure

manner. It focuses on identifying and reducing the risks associated with
information security threats, rather than solely on defending against them.
This helps to ensure that your company retains its ability to function,
regardless of any security incident that may occur.

It defines the requirements for a minimum cybersecurity strategy for a

business, and provides a framework for assessing and improving
cybersecurity. It has been adopted by many governments and
organizations worldwide as a benchmark for best practice in cybersecurity,
and has become the de facto standard for organizations seeking to achieve
optimal cybersecurity.

It is the first step on the path to achieving a certification as an ISO 27001-

certified company. The standard focuses on the risks that organizations
face, rather than the specific technologies required to mitigate those risks.
This approach enables organizations to tailor their security strategy to the
needs of their business, rather than focusing on a single technology.

How are they interlinked?

The International Organization for Standardization, or ISO, is a collection of
national standards bodies that aims to promote international trade by

providing a framework for the formation, maintenance, and operation of
standards. Each country has its own national standard body, which is
responsible for the certification of products and services as meeting the
country's requirements. However, the ISO has the potential to link together
these national standards bodies and provide a single international
standard. This allows businesses to operate across multiple countries and
regions with a single set of standards, which is particularly beneficial in the
area of information security, which is of critical importance across the digital

Every organization that wants to call itself ISO-certified must first prove that
it has an Integrated Management System, which defines the systems and
processes that are used to achieve the organization’s goals. Over time, the
Integrated Management System has grown into a complex set of
interconnected processes and procedures that aim to guide organizations
towards more resilient business practices, including in the areas of quality,
environmental impact and occupational health and safety. This has made
the Integrated Management System a powerful tool for businesses of all
sizes, in both the corporate and the public sector.

Theses ISO’s have a lot of things interlinked such as:

• To Plan and document strategy, goals, and direction.

• To Take action to achieve goals.
• To Proactively execute and improve processes.
• To Inspect and update as needed.
• ISO's to ensure that the safety and security are maintained at every level.
Plan for the continued operation of the IMS operation under all
circumstances, even in the event of a pandemic or other crisis.
• Leading and monitoring the operation of the ISO in all four locations to
ensure safety and security, and the continued operation in the event of a
pandemic or other crisis. Plan for the continued operation of the IMS
operation under all circumstances, even in the event of a pandemic or
other crisis. Line up and communicate with other leaders of the ISO to
ensure a coordinated response, and provide the right resources when

needed. Orient new members, train them, and ensure their continued
education and training to be ready to respond in the event of a crisis or
pandemic; and report back to the leadership team when necessary.
• The ISO has a document management system that is used to control and
maintain information needed to control the management system. This
involves ensuring all documents are controlled, updated and
maintained. The document management system also involves tracking
the lifecycles of documents, such as the creation, approval, update and
deletion of documents. This helps to ensure the correct documents are
being produced, approved and updated.
• All four ISO branches have an IMS, and the purpose of the IMS is to provide
a single platform for managing ISO operations across the branches. The
IMS is also being used to create an IMSpolicy, which is a set of principles,
standards, and practices that will help to ensure that the ISO is delivering
value for money for governments and the public. The IMSpolicy sets out
how the ISO will operate, and it is being reviewed and updated as the IMS
evolves and new requirements are identified. This will include an overview
of the IMS, and a description of how the IMS is managed in each ISO. IMS
management system for each ISO, will be used to monitor and improve
the IMS. This will help to ensure that the IMS meets the needs of the ISO
members, and is being developed and maintained in a transparent and
open manner.
• The four major ISO's have a portfolio of standards and guidance, and they
provide a platform for organizations to create and make use of their own
standards. They also provide a series of tools to help organizations
implement the standards.
• Internal audit and Management Review programs are a fundamental
component of all four major ISO’s comprehensive auditing program. They
are designed to identify and control risks to the IMS and ensure the IMS is
operating effectively. Internal Audit and Management Review is an
integral part of the IMS Process; it is an essential element in ensuring that
our organization operates safely, effectively, and efficiently. Management

framework, which provides a means for identifying, assessing, and
managing risks throughout the information system.


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