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Model Music Curriculum

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser Listenin

in g o ry Develop pu g
Sin g
ro m m em
sf , quiet) 'My
pils’ share
, ch a nt s and rhyme ta rt , lo ud s to r ies
d knowled
ge and und
s o n g s (s to p, s , or igins, tradit
Simple u al d ir e ct io n s
m ions, histor erstanding
of the
p le vis u s ic they are lis y and socia
Follow sim cu ck o o tening to, l context o
, y o u r t urn.' r a ng e , s o -mi (think Listening t
o r e
singing and
f the
turn g a s m a ll corded pe laying.
songs us in compleme r formances
Begin with ou n c eL ow ).
nted by op
should be
w) Hig h, B a k ing in and ou s to experie
or nee-na r a n g e (e.g. Bounce r). t of schoo nce live mu
g h t ly w id er n ick er b o c ke l. sic
Then sli s (e.g . D r K h an d to
ong itc
nc lu d e p e ntatonic s h elp c o n t rol vocal p
I to
n d r e s p o nse songs Composing
Call a it h a c curacy.
pitch w
match the Improvise (make up on the spot) simple vocal chants- question and answer phrases.
Create musical sound effects and short sequences of sounds in response to stimuli,
Rhythm e.g. a rainstorm or a train journey. Combine to make a story, choosing and playing Pitch
Copycat rhythm classroom instruments (e.g. rainmaker) or sound-makers (e.g. rustling leaves). High and low
patterns Understand the difference between creating a rhythm pattern and a pitch pattern. sounds.
Repeating rhythm Invent, retain and recall rhythm and pitch patterns and perform these for others, Explore percussion
patterns (ostinati) taking turns. sounds to enhance
Word-pattern chants Use music technology, if available, to capture, change and combine sounds. storytelling,
Recognise how graphic notation can represent created sounds. Explore and invent own
Spi-ders run fast
Performing Respond to the pulse in recorded/live music through movement and dance- Stepping,
birds fly-ing high

jumping/ tip-toeing
Create, retain, Change the speed of the movement as the tempo of the music changes Follow pictures and
perform own rhythm Play repeated patterns using body percussion, tuned and untuned classroom symbols to guide
patterns. percussion (shake, scrape, tap) to maintain a steady beat singing and playing

Model Music Curriculum, March 2021, DfE

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