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M3 AT110 1G
11st FEBRUARY 2021


Introduction 2

Advantages of Fertilizer 3

Disadvantages of Fertilizer 4

Effect to environment 5

Effect to economy 6

Recommendation 7

Conclusion 8

Appendices 9


Fertilizer are chemical compounds that are dispersed or worked into the soil to enhance it is
ability to support growth. Fertilizer is the food needed by plants. It is one of the three
components that plants need to cultivate which is the other is water and soil. Besides, fertilizer is
any material of natural or synthetic origin that other than limestone that is applied to the soil or to
plants tissues to supply one or more nutrients essential for plant growth. There are materials used
to improve the structure and texture of the soil aimed at increasing soil moisture and soil water
resistance as well as controlling soil acidity that namely soil amendment, soil conditioner and
soil additives. Fertilizers are divided into two parts, which is organic fertilizers and inorganic
fertilizers or chemical fertilizers.
Organic fertilizer are natural fertilizers resulting from the decomposition process of animal and
plant waste. Organic fertilizers are environmentally friendly fertilizers because they are produces
without the use of chemicals. Among the organic fertilizers are processed animal feces such as
chicken manure. Livestock manure can be used as fertilizer and used directly or after processing.
Usually, the feces are separated from the grass and garbage. Feces are stored for 40 days to
undergo bacterial decomposition to produce compost. Fertilizer in dry form is often used because
it is easy to handle and has no odor at all. Next is waste of agricultural mills such as oil palm
waste. Waste of agricultural crops such as oil palm processing plants produce by-products such
as oil palm bunches and fillings. Rice processing plant produces rice husk. All of these crop
waste products can be recycled to make organic fertilizer by crushing it and processing it.
Besides, is the rest of the farm. Farm waste consists of crop waste and livestock waste. Examples
of crop waste such as corn stalks, damaged vegetables and cut grass. Livestock waste refers to
livestock manure. Food waste such as pineapple skin can also be used as organic fertilizer.
Inorganic fertilizers as known as chemical fertilizers are fertilizers made from inorganic
materials that are synthetically processed to incorporate one or more major nutrients. This
chemical fertilizer is the most widely used type of fertilizers in the world of crop fertilization
because it is precise, easy to use, continuous supply and also very practical. The nutrient content
of plants in high in chemical fertilizers. The release of plant nutrients from chemical fertilizers is
faster than organic fertilizers. This is because the nature of chemical fertilizers is easily soluble
and easily absorbed into the soil. Usually, chemical fertilizers are used at certain stages of
growth, for example on the 10th day after planting, flowering stage and fruit formation stage to
ensure that nutrients from chemical fertilizers are fully utilized by the plants at each phase of


Each fertilizer has its own benefits. Here I will explain more about the benefits of both fertilizers.
The advantage of using organic fertilizer is that organic fertilizer can improve the physical
condition of the soil by improving the texture and structure of the soil apart from providing
nutrients to the soil and plants. In addition, organic fertilizers contain many microorganisms that
are able to replenish the air cavities in the soil. This causes an increase in the rate of water
absorption as a result of the addition of micro pores in the soil. In addition, organic fertilizers
also contain microorganisms that can help decompose plant and animal waste. This is because
organic fertilizer is the breeding ground for soil microorganisms because it is a food source for
Next, is the benefits of chemical fertilizers. As I said in the introduction of this chemical
fertilizer, chemical fertilizers are more easily soluble than organic fertilizers. Therefore, the
nutrients supplied by chemical fertilizers are more available than organic fertilizers. Nutrients in
organic fertilizer are only available after the organic matter is decomposed by microorganisms
that are in the soil.
This makes the plant roots react quickly to chemical fertilizers. Transport medium absorbs all
nutrients in the soil. Nutrients will be transferred to all parts of the plant such as leaves, fruits and
stems depending on the rate of absorption and the process carried out by the plant. The stomata
in the leaf part will absorb the carbon dioxide content in the form of gas for the use of the carbon
cycle and the oxygen cycle in the process of photosynthesis. Each element plays its own role and
task to ensure the growth of the crop and provide support to the life cycle of a plant. Besides,
there are several types of fertilizers that have a function in supplying specific nutrients. For
example, urea fertilizer which only supplies one key element for crops. Element nitrogen to
accelerate growth and promote green leaf growth. while CIRP fertilizer is specifically for
accelerating the production of roots, flowers and fruits. The use of muriat fertilizer of potash
60% can supply nutrients for flower and fruit development. Next is chemical fertilizers can add
nutrients in the soil. NPK chemical fertilizers have complete nutrients. It can help the growth of
fertile and rich crops by adding nutrients needed by plants. The nutrient content in chemical
fertilizers can be modified according to the needs of consumers compared to organic fertilizers
that only depend on the source of the fertilizer.


Once we know the benefits of both fertilizers. Let us recognize the side effects of the use of these
two fertilizers on the soil.
Seed seeds can contain organic fertilizers derived from animal manure and plant waste. When
used, the seeds will possibly germinate and plants will grow together. This triggers competition
to extract nutrients from plants. Next, the organic matter decomposition process produces heat
and causes the temperature of the soil to increase. This habitat is therefore very ideal for the
breeding of pests such as microorganisms and macroorganisms. In addition, organic fertilizers,
such as caterpillars, larvae, beetles and bacteria, may be pests. In organic fertilizers, pest species
can live and reproduce, allowing pest colonies to grow and threaten crop growth.
Many advantages are provided by the use of chemical fertilizers for crops. We need to pay
attention to the impact of the use of chemical fertilizers on a few items. Ammonium ions (NH4
+) and then dioxide to nitrate ions (NO3-) and hydrogen ions (H +) are decomposed in the soil
by acidic fertilizers such as ammonia sulfate. he pH of the soil would be decreased by hydrogen
ions. Repeated use can also result in the toxic accumulation of chemicals in the soil, such as
arsenic, cadmium, and uranium. The use of fertilizers can also impact the soil's pH. Chemical
fertilizers, in turn, speed up the production of agricultural produce. The downside, however, is
that chemical fertilizers do not preserve soil fertility and also do not encourage the life of soil
species that, in the long run, would help soil fertility. There are drawbacks to the use of chemical
fertilizers, such as nitrogen fertilizer that permeates and pollutes the source of water. Algae
growth would be encouraged by excessive nitrogen supply in water sources. This will cause
other aquatic plants to die if the growth of algae is excessive. Plant waste decay can reduce the
supply of oxygen. Furthermore, the risk of overuse will occur if the use of chemical fertilizers is
not regulated. This would contribute to fertilizer waste and increase the cost of the productivity


In acidic soils, excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers will result. Acid soils are non-fertile and can
lead to iron, manganese and aluminum poisoning. Nitrogen fertilizers, however, are also used to
improve yields. This is because it is really simple to find nitrogen fertilizers or synthetic
fertilizers, and the price is also fair. In fact, 80 million tons of carbon dioxide a year are currently
emitted by synthetic fertilizers. This will immediately, in large amounts, increase carbon dioxide,
which is not good for our atmosphere. (Nasrul, 2016)
Next, from reactive nitrogen, synthetic fertilizers are developed so that the plant can easily
absorb these fertilizers. However, reactive nitrogen, such as carbon, oxygen and water, travels
freely and interacts with other elements in the soil. The plant can consume 30-50 percent of
nitrogen from the soil from its approximate estimation, while the remainder moves freely in the
soil. This nitrogen will be lowered into the river when it rains which will result in river
Next point is as a product of contamination, toxins exist in the human body. These include food
pollution due to the widespread use in agricultural activities of chemicals such as chemical
fertilizers, particularly compound fertilizers, pesticides and pesticides. Excessive use of
compound fertilizers and pesticides can contribute to a very high level of chemical absorption in
the plant. Various types of chemical nutrients supplied through the fertilization process would be
consumed by the plant, which is essentially grown using compound fertilizer. Then, when the
plant is consumed, it can cause human poisoning. When infected food is consumed by humans,
the human body would be left with traces of toxins. When humans eat foods containing
preservatives, artificial flavours, additives, and so on, human health can get worse. This is the
cause of numerous diseases, such as tumors, cancer, migraines, beginning with the processing of
plants that use substances such as chemicals, and then the food is processed by adding different
preservatives and artificial flavors that cause different human diseases. Allergies, asthma and
gallbladder disorders are among the diseases caused by chemicals caused by infected food.


Among the benefits of fertilizer use to the economy is that farmers are easy to obtain
fertilizer. this is because Malaysia is the largest producer of organic fertilizer. For example, SA
BIOMAS trading company that produces its organic fertilizer, namely SA BIO-MASS fertilizer
28. As compound fertilizer is readily available, it is very beneficial and makes it easier for
farmers to carry out their farming activities. The market prices of compound fertilizers are also
lower than the market prices of more costly organic fertilizers. Modern farmers can easily carry
out agricultural activities by buying fertilizers or necessities for their agriculture online with the
ease of communication technology now. This is very popular since farmers no longer need to go
to the store to purchase agricultural products such as fertilizer. The material ordered would arrive
within two to three days after the billing period by simply clicking and making a reservation and
making a payment transaction. After that, farmers can do agricultural activities according to the
schedule they have set, such as fertilization. Therefore, in the agricultural sector, the country's
economy will strengthen.


I would like to suggest that farmers can practice rotational cultivation techniques once
I have deepened my knowledge of this subject. In turn, farmers will plant crops and vegetables
with various kinds of vegetables to sustain and maintain soil fertility. For instance, the soil can
be planted with legumes or corn after we plant mustard. To preserve the soil's fertility, this
process can be repeated. This goal is achieved because different plant types need different
nutrients and nutrients. In this way, by not sowing fertilizer for the next harvest, farmers can not
only preserve the productivity of the land but also save costs.
Planting hydroponically is another strategy that farmers can use. In order to replace the
soil, this process uses materials such as coconut fiber, sand, broken bricks and others. In
Singapore, for instance, the roofs of buildings are used as places to grow Pak Choy's vegetables,
mustard, spinach, all of which use hydroponic techniques due to lack of space. Hydroponically
cultivated vegetables, however, are not coated with pesticides and herbicides. Vegetables grown
hydroponically can therefore be handled without pesticides and insects. In short, it is sterile and
does not pollute the soil by growing vegetables hydroponically.
More productive ways to grow vegetables that are free of any chemicals are now
possible. This cultivation process is known as the method of "aeroponic". This cultivation
method is capable of growing vegetables of high quality without being tainted by any chemicals.
This technique can be used without using any herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers in
the greenhouse climate. In this way, the roots of vegetables exposed to the air are only sprayed
with a solution of certain substances containing the nutrients required by vegetables.


In conclusion, all parties, irrespective of anyone, should look more carefully at efforts to develop
this modern agricultural sector. Before the government decides to pay special attention only to
agriculture, all studies should be done. In order to ensure the fertility of the fund's soil, the use of
organic fertilizers needs to be increased in order to avoid pollution and various problems caused
by the use of chemical fertilizers. One of the important aspects of producing fertile crops and
vegetables is fertilization. Organic fertilizer is, therefore, more suitable and practical to use. The
use of organic fertilizers such as chicken and cow manure, in addition to farming in an
environmentally friendly way, can not only increase fertility but also contain all kinds of
nutrients required by crops and vegetables. In addition, organic fertilizer use will increase the
aeration of the soil and will not affect the composition of the soil. This is because the
environment has organic fertilizers that are natural. Organic fertilizer, apart from mixing the
dried leaves with other waste, such as animal feces, will help the organism in the soil move.

1. (Anem, 2019)
2. (Nasrul, 2016)
3. (Kadir, 2020)
4. (Dr.Hassan Alli, 2016)

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