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Questions to understand content comprehension

The following questions address student understanding of the lesson

content and encourage them to reflect on their learning.

 How well do you do you feel you understood today’s lesson?

 What was the most important thing you learned in today’s class
and why is it important?
 What are two ways you contributed in class today?
 What is one thing you would like me to explain more clearly?
 What is one thing you would like us to review again in the next
 How could you apply what you learned today into real life?

b. Questions to assess the learning environment

These questions address the broader approach to learning and might

typically be used once per term to shift teaching approach per course or
learning module.

 What’s one change we could make to the way we learn in this

 What’s one thing you’d like me to START doing in class?
 What’s one thing you’d like me to STOP doing in class?
 What’s one thing you’d like me to CONTINUE doing in class?
 Did you value the group activity today? Do you think the activity or
task would have been better done alone?

c. Questions to encourage growth mindset

 What's one mistake you made in class today? What could you do
to improve
 Explain what you do when you do not understand a skill or
concept you
 What’s one change you made recently to become a better
 What goal are you currently working on with your learning?
 How did you make progress towards your goal today?
 Explain what it means to be a good learner in this class
 How much effort did you put into learning today?
 What would help you to put more effort into learning tomorrow?
 In what ways were you challenged today and why?

d. Questions to prompt student reflection

 What are 2 goals you have for your next project?

 What help do you need to achieve your learning goals?
 What are two ways you contributed in class today?
 How does something you learned in today’s lesson connect with
 What did you learn about working with others today?
 How can you apply what you learned today to your own life?
 How can you apply something you learned today to another class
or subject?

e. Questions for Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

 What is your mood for learning right now?

 How well have you been sleeping of late?
 How supported do you feel in our class? Why / Why not?
 What did you learn about working with others today?
 How do you feel about your workload right now?
 What helps you to get in a good mood when you're feeling down?
 What's one thing outside of school that you love doing?

f. Questions to get to know your students

 What’s your greatest strength?
 What’s your favorite activity to do outside of class?
 Explain what you do when you do not understand a skill or
concept you are
 Do you have a good working environment at home?
 What help do you need to achieve your learning goals?

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