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FINAL ASSESSMENT (9/2, 6pm-11/2 6 pm)


Choose one of the following titles. Analyze the chosen topic by giving sufficient elaboration and

1. How to overcome challenges in highly supplied imported agricultural product

2. The impact of flooding and soil erosion on agriculture sector and food industries

3. Effect of fertilizer application on sustainability on environment and economy



1. All reports must be readable by MS Word on a PC.

2. The report should be done in "Times New Roman-12" font, single-spaced with double-spaces
between paragraphs and headings. 5-10 pages.

3. Each report should have the following sections at the left margin

1. Front Page: Standard UiTM logo, Title of Report, Group Member and Class

2. Body:

2.1 Table of contents

2.2 Text (main body) with subsections*

3. Recommendations

4. Conclusions

5. References

6. Appendices

Students are strictly not allowed to copy-paste from the internet or any other publicized sources. Only
30% of similarity is accepted per checked by Turnitin.

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