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GE 304 -

Remote Sensing

Answers to the
Course Deliverable Manual


Student No.: 2018-01782

I. Satellite Image Pre-processing
Conversion of Digital Number (DN) to Top of Atmosphere (TOA) Reflectance
• Take a screenshot of your map view and include it in your report

• Attach a screenshot of the DN spectral signature (previous) and the TOA spectral
DN Spectral Signature (previous)
TOA Spectral Signature

• Describe the difference between the two spectral plots.

In bands 1 to 4, bare soil has low pixel values, while in bands 5 to 7, it has a little
increase. A similar remark can be made about the built-up land surface type.
Water, on the other hand, predominantly reflects bands 1 and 2, but at a low
intensity, before gradually decreasing from bands 3 to 7. On the different bands,
the type Vegetation shows an odd behavior. It gradually falls from bands 1 to 4,
then peaks at band 5, with a large increase in strength, before abruptly
decreasing at band 6 and further towards band 7. Among the four types of land
throughout the eight kinds, both bare soil and built-up share similar tendencies
various bands or wavelengths In the spectral charts, the buffer refers to within
a ROI in terms of the highest and lowest pixel values (intensities) each and every

Atmospheric Correction
• Attach a screenshot of the spectral signature of the DN, TOA, and Surface Reflectance
(Atmospheric Correction).
• Describe the differences of the three spectral signatures.
TOA radiance is the measurement of all light that reflects off the earth as observed
from space.
When viewing the planet from space (or when an instrument sensor takes an image),
you can see what's on the surface, but it's cloudy and bluish. This is due to the fact
that you see (or the sensor registers) a mixture of light reflected off the surface and
off the atmosphere. In reality, in the blue area of visible light, the atmosphere
contributes more light than the surface.
The method of atmospheric correction is to try to reduce the influence of only that
fraction of light reflected off the atmosphere on the image while preserving the part
reflected off the surface below.

• What is the benefit of converting pixel values from DNs to Surface Reflectance first
before processing and analyzing Remote Sensing (RS) images?
The use of DN directly to compute environmental information is not recommended
because they are mathematical values or representations of spectral data without
physical magnitudes. As a result, we must convert DN to TOA (for example) to convert
unphysical units to physical units and have a better representation of objects spectral

Pan sharpening
• Change the color composite to RGB (4-3-2). Zoom in to any built up area (preferably to
areas that you are familiar with). Attach a screenshot of both images (pansharpened and
original image) side by side and include it in your report.
• Compare the pansharpened image and the original band stack. Describe the difference.
A panchromatic band produces black and white images with a spatial resolution of 15
meters per pixel when used alone (Landsat 7 & 8). Its primary goal is to aid individual
spectral bands in becoming "sharper." A panchromatic image outperforms its
multispectral equivalent when it comes to identifying brightness variations. This is
owing to the fact that multispectral bands have less light energy accessible than the
Red, Green, and Blue bands. Multispectral detectors must sample wider regions to
compensate for the lack of brightness, which results in larger pixels and, as a result,
lower spatial resolution in a picture.

• Inspect the histogram of the pansharpened image and the original image. Attach a
screenshot of both images side by side.
• Describe the difference.
It has a high-resolution grayscale image that contains information about shapes,
features and structures, and a multispectral image at lower spatial resolution.
II. Calculating Spectral Indices
Calculating the Normalize Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) using the SCP
• Take a screenshot of your map view and include it in your report.

• Click on different parts of the image corresponding to each land surface type. What are
their NDVI values?
Surface Type NDVI Value
Bare Soil 0.253635
Vegetation 0.78349
Built-up 0.401806
Water 0.0243598

• How does NDVI assist in the identification of different land surface types?
reflected light in the visible and near-infrared bands to detect and quantify the
presence of live green vegetation. Simply put, NDVI is a metric that measures the
density and health of vegetation in each pixel in a satellite image.

Using NDVI for detecting changes in Vegetation Density

• Take a screenshot of the NDVI_2001 and NDVI_2020 then add it to your report.

NDV I_2020
• What can you infer from the differences between the two NDVI images?

Using Raster Calculator for Change Detection

• Take a screenshot of your map view and include it in your report.
• Take a screenshot of your map view and include it in your report.

• What is the most dominant classification? (Hint: see histogram)


• Describe the changes in NDVI value in your image.

While water and built-up regions will be represented by near zero or negative values,
the NDVI of a highly vegetated area will lean toward positive values.

• What do you think is implied by the positive changes in NDVI in water bodies?
An increase in NDVI might indicate either increased coverage or "greener" vegetation
(with the same coverage) (with the same greenness). Naturally, this applies to
terrestrial areas, but NDVI has a different connotation for water surfaces.
Numerous other elements that alter the optical characteristics of water can produce
an increase in negative NDVI over water (suspended solids, chlorophyll, other
pigments, etc.).
For the purpose of detecting changes in land cover, I suppose the paper implicitly
assumed that you were working on land (NDVI > 0).
III. Unsupervised Classification
Unsupervised Classification Using SCP
• Take a screenshot of your map view and include it in your report.

• If the resulting number of classes your classification is less than what you indicated,
what does this mean?

Refinement of the Output

• Take a screenshot of your map view and include it in your report.

• If the resulting number of classes your classification is less than what you indicated,
what does this mean?
IV. Supervised Classification
Performing Supervised Land Cover Classification Using QGIS and SCP
Creating the Training Data
• What is the difference between Macro Class (MC) and Class (C)?
In SCP, land cover classes (and ROIs) are defined with a system
of Classes (Class ID) and Macroclasses (Macroclass ID) (see Classes and
Macroclasses) that are used for the classification process; each Macroclass
ID is related to a Macroclass Information (e.g. macroclass name) and
each Class ID is related to a Class Information (e.g. class name), but
only Macroclass ID and Class ID are used for the classification process.

• Change the value of Dist to 0.005 then click the refresh button. What happens?
There’s changes in polygon. become smaller.

Assess the Spectral Signatures of ROIs

• What happens when you untick the box? What do you think is the meaning of the value
of the line and the area?

• Attach a screenshot of the spectral signatures of the classes.

• What can you observe from the spectral signatures? Are there any classes that have
similar spectral signatures? If yes, what are these classes?
They have same. Yes. All the classes.

• Include in your report a screenshot of one (1) of the results for the following:
o Bare soil vs Bare soil
o Vegetation vs Vegetation
o Water vs Water
o Built-up vs Built-up
o Bare soil vs Vegetation
o Bare soil vs Water
o Bare soil vs Built-up
o Vegetation vs Water
o Vegetation vs Built-up
o Water vs Built-up

• What can you observe on the values in the results?

• Take a screenshot of your classification result and include it in your report.

• Describe the output of your classification. Are there any areas that were misclassified?
Why or why not?
V. Accuracy Assessment
Reference Data
• Hide everything except the reference data. Take a screenshot and include it in your

• List down the results of your Error Matrix, Overall Accuracy (%), and Kappa hat
classification in tabular form and include it in your report.

Additional Task
• List down the results of your Error Matrix, Overall Accuracy (%), and Kappa hat
classification in tabular form and include it in your report.

• What can you observe on the results of the three classification methods? Are there any
similarities? If so, what part?

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