Muslim (Islam) : Cults 8

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Cults 8

Muslim (Islam)
1. History
1. Started by Mohammed in 570 AD
2. Mohammed see vision from Gabriel. (angel)
3. Mohammed preach, but had much persecution.
4. Mohammed moved to Medina City.
5. Mohammed later war with Mecca. Mohammed win.
6. Mohammed died in 632 AD

2. Muslim false Book

1. Koran


3. Muslim False teachings Bible True

Bible Bible
1. Not believe Bible, only Koran. 1. Only Bible true.. Ps 19:9

God God
1. Bible God only. No other gods. Exodus 34:14
1. Muslims say Allah is the only true god.
2. Trinity true. Mat 28:19
2. No Trinity
3. Bible God perfect and holy. Rev 4:8 2 Sam 22:31
3. Perfect & holy 4. Bible God love all people. John 3:16 1 John 4:8
4. Allah not God love. Allah angry and judge-
1. Jesus God. John 1:1
1. Not God.
2. Jesus more than prophet. John 4:25-26
2. Prophet.
3. Jesus first Important. Col 1:18
3. Mohammed more important than Jesus. 4. Jesus died for our sins. John 1:29 Romans 5:8
4. Jesus did not die for sins. 5. Jesus did die. Mk 15:39,44 Mt 27:54 Luke 23:46
John 19:33
5. Jesus not die.
3. Muslim False teachings Cults 8
Bible True
1. Works (do) Saved
1. Not by works. Titus 3:5
2. Five pillars (beliefs) Muslim
2. Not by works. Titus 3:5
1. Must say Shahada (There is no god but
3. You can know saved in Jesus. John 20:31
Allah and Mohammed is his prophet).
5. Heaven perfect. No sin. Rev 21
2. 5 prayers every day.
3. Give alms 1/40
4. Fasting – Ramadan
5. Visit to Mecca
3. No one can know if your good actions are
4. They believe Heaven is a place of pleasure.

Other Muslim Teaching

1. Churches are called mosques.

2. Jihad – holy war. If die can Heaven.

3. Muslims believe killing non-Muslims.
Muslim church
4. Two major groups Sunnis and Shiites.

1. M_____________________ started Islam.

2. Muslim book K___________________.

3. Muslim believe M_________________ more important than J____________.

4. Allah A___________________.

5. Saved by W_____________ (do)

6. Muslims believe in ________ things.

7. Muslims pray __________ times every day.

8. Muslim churches named M___________________.

9. 2 groups S_________________ and S_________________.

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