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I would like to extend my heartiest Congratulations to the City of

Cabadbaran and to my fellow Cabadbaranons in connection with the
Crystal anniversary of Cabadbaran’s cityhood.

Crystals are symbols of transition from rawness to perfection. As the

1st mayor of the City Cabadbaran, I witnessed how it hurdled its
adversities to transition to its present state – a city beaming with hope
for a wealthier and brighter future.

This celebration is made possible by the strong and steady leadership

of Hon. Judy C. Amante, her predecessors, and the hardworking
people of Cabadbaran.

On my part as your Representative in Congress, and to allow

Cabadbaranons to participate in the festivities in celebration of this
momentous event, we filed House Bill No. 1327 entitled “An Act
Declaring July 28 of Every Year as a Special Non-Working Holiday
in Cabadbaran City to be Known as the Cabadbaran City Day”. When
enacted into a law, it will give Cabadbaranons the opportunity to join
the celebration and reminisce the many triumphs of Cabadbaran every
July 28 without the need of a declaration from the City Government.

I wish Cabadbaran more victories in the future.

Again, Happy Crystal Anniversary of Cityhood!


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