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CLASS : IT16101

DaNang, June 2022

Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit: CLOUD COMPUTING

Date received (1st sub-

Submission date 27/6/2022 27/6/2022

Date received (2nd

Re-submission date

Student name Student ID BDAF200040

Class IT16101 Assessor name TRAN THE XUAN LY

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the con-
sequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature:


Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1 D2
Summative Feedbacks: Resubmission Feedbacks:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

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TABLE OF CONTENT.............................................................................................. ii

LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES .......................................................................... iv

LIST OF ACRONYM................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER 1 CLOUD COMPUTING SOLUTION ................................................... 2

1.1 Analyze the development and basic concepts of Cloud Computing(p2) ....... 2

1.1.1 The Evolution of Cloud Computing ......................................................... 2

1.1.2 Definition of Cloud Computing ................................................................ 2

1.1.3 Some characteristics cloud computing ................................................... 3

1.1.4 Cloud Service Models............................................................................. 4

1.1.5 Cloud Deployment Models ..................................................................... 7

1.1.6 Benefit of cloud computing ..................................................................... 8

1.1.7 The appropriateness solution ................................................................. 9

1.2 Design an appropriate architectural Cloud Computing framework for a given

scenario(p2) ................................................................................................................... 10


1.2.2 EXPLAIN EACH LAYER MODEL DIAGRAM FOR ATN....................... 10

1.3 Deployment model of Cloud Computing ..................................................... 13

1.3.1 Public Cloud ......................................................................................... 13

1.3.2 Private Cloud ........................................................................................ 13

1.3.3 Community Cloud ................................................................................. 14

1.3.4 Hybrid Cloud ......................................................................................... 14

1.3.5 Compare deployment models ............................................................... 15

1.3.6 Deployment model for company hungle ............................................... 16

1.4 Compare the service models for choosing an adequate model for a given
scenario 17

1.4.1 Compare service models in cloud computing ....................................... 17

1.5 Programming language .............................................................................. 20

1.5.1 Overview of PHP: ................................................................................. 20

1.5.2 Web server ........................................................................................... 20

1.5.3 Database server ................................................................................... 21


COMPUTING SOLUTION(M1) ...................................................................................... 21

1.6.1 CONCEPT ABOUT CLOUD AND LOCAL SERVER ............................ 21

1.6.2 COMPARE ABOUT CLOUD AND LOCAL SERVER............................ 21

CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................ 23

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 24


Figure 1 Cloud computing ......................................................................................... 3

Figure 2Cloud Service Models .................................................................................. 4

Figure 3Microsoft Azure ............................................................................................ 5

Figure 4Google Cloud Platform (GCP) ..................................................................... 6

Figure 5VMware Cloud ............................................................................................. 6

Figure 6Oracle cloud................................................................................................. 7

Figure 7 4 cloud computing deployment models ....................................................... 7

Figure 8Diagram for ATN ........................................................................................ 10

Table 1Compare deployment models ..................................................................... 15

Table 2Compare service models in cloud computing ............................................. 17

Table 3Compare Local and Cloud .......................................................................... 21


Hungle Company is a company specializing in selling Headphones in many provinces

and cities

all over Vietnam. In Vietnam, Headphones are quite a popular item today. Hungle
Company aims to provide high quality headphones, meeting the needs of customers, at low
prices. Companies with sales over $200,000/year. Currently, each store has its own database
for store-specific deals. Each store must submit sales data to management monthly, and
management takes a long time to compile data collected from all stores. In addition, you
cannot view real-time stock information updates.

The proposed solution for the hungle company is to apply cloud computing to its busi-

I will explain and show the right deployment and service models for the hungle com-
pany. This report includes 1 chapter:

Chapter 1: Cloud computing solutions

In this chapter, I perform two main tasks:

LO1 Demonstrates an understanding of the fundamentals of Cloud Computing and


In this exercise, I cover the evolution of cloud computing and the basics of cloud com-
puting components. And architectural design for the company.

And finally I give reasons why companies should use cloud computing.

LO2 Evaluate the deployment models, service models, and technology dynamics of
Cloud Computing and validate their use

In this exercise, I outline the concept, benefits, and drawbacks of each deployment
model cloud. From there, compare these models and come up with the right model for the

Next, I compare the service models of cloud computing. Then pick out a suitable model
for the company. And finally give examples of these models.

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 1


LO1 Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of Cloud Computing

and its architectures

1.1 Analyze the development and basic concepts of Cloud Computing(p2)

Cloud computing is a technology that has created a lot of innovation in today's network
system. In this section I will briefly describe what cloud computing is, the history of cloud
computing and what it entails.

1.1.1 The Evolution of Cloud Computing

In 1990, the world saw an unprecedented connection method, the Word Wide Web,
released by CERN, and used in 1991. In 1993, the first browser has appeared and has been
licensed for use by private companies to access the internet.

In 2002, Amazon introduced Amazon Web Services. This has given users the ability
to store data and handle a lot more work.

In 2004, the official birth of Facebook really revolutionized human-to-human commu-

nication, people could share their private data with friends, which inadvertently created a def-
inition that is often referred to as the personal cloud.

In 2006, Amazon gradually expanded its cloud services, first with the introduction of
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which allowed people to access their applications and operate
interact with them through the cloud.

In 2008, HTC announced its first Android phone

In 2009, Google Apps was officially released

In 2010, companies developed cloud computing to actively improve their services and
responsiveness to best serve the needs of users.

1.1.2 Definition of Cloud Computing

Simply described, cloud computing is the provision of computing services over the In-
ternet ("cloud"), including servers, storage, databases, networks, software, analytics, and
more. and wisdom. Flexible resources and regulatory economics are needed to implement
new innovations more quickly. Typically, you only pay for the cloud services you actually use,
which helps you lower your operational costs, manage your infrastructure more efficiently,
and grow as your business demands.
Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 2
Figure 1 Cloud computing

1.1.3 Some characteristics cloud computing

On-demand self-service:
Cloud computing resources can be provisioned without human interaction from the
service provider. In other words, a manufacturing organization can provide additional com-
pute resources as needed without going through a cloud service provider. This can be storage
space, virtual machine instance, database instance.

Broad network access:

Cloud computing is achieved through standard compute mechanisms, and this feature
helps leverage heterogeneous thick and thin customer platforms.

Resource Pooling:
By segregating resources securely on a logical level, computing resources such as
networks, servers, storage, applications, and services can be combined to serve multiple cli-
ents. A multi-tenant architecture is used for this, allowing several customers to share the same
application or physical infrastructure while maintaining the security and privacy of their data.

Rapid Elasticity:
To satisfy urgent needs, resource capabilities can be elastically provided and released.
When not needed, they can also be eliminated or reduced. This can frequently even take
place automatically in response to business demands. By doing this, the application is guar-
anteed to always have the capacity it requires.
Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 3
Measured Service:
Each person's resource usage is recorded, tracked, managed and reported. Both ser-
vice providers and customers benefit from this transparency. The measurement functionality
of the cloud system is used to track billing, resource usage, and pay only for what is used.

1.1.4 Cloud Service Models

Cloud computing is offered in three different service models which each satisfy a
unique set of business requirements. These three models are known as Software as a Service
(SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Figure 2Cloud Service Models

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a software licensing model in which access to the
software is provided on a subscription basis, with the software being located on external serv-
ers rather than on servers located in-house.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS, or Platform as a Service, is a cloud computing model that provides customers
with a complete cloud platform of hardware, software, and infrastructure to develop, run, and
manage applications without the inexpensive, complex, and inflexible often associated with
building and maintaining that platform in place.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a cloud computing infrastructure that uses a scal-
able subscription model to deliver computing, network, and storage resources through the

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 4

internet. It can scale up or down as needed as it is a subscription service, providing more
flexibility than on-premises infrastructures.

Some of the Top Cloud Services

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft has been at the center of the tech world for many years now. Although Mi-
crosoft entered the cloud wars relatively late, its deep involvement in all layers of the cloud
has propelled the company to the top.

Figure 3Microsoft Azure

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Google is a powerful cloud computing provider. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides
a wide range of services including IaaS, PaaS solutions. This allows users to create business
solutions using a modular web service provided by Google. GCP's multi-layered security in-
frastructure keeps user data protected. In addition, Google Cloud Platform includes a variety
of tools to ensure consistent performance and management, providing flexible and efficient
cloud solutions.

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 5

Figure 4Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

VMware Cloud

VMware is the world's leading virtualization company. The cloud platform provides full
access to data and applications from multiple devices. It also provides an integrated software
architecture from the start and can be used on-site. As a result, businesses can deploy a
private cloud computing environment or as a service from a public cloud computing environ-
ment with simple and uniform operations.

Figure 5VMware Cloud

Oracle Cloud
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure is another cloud service from computing giant Oracle Corp.
Oracle services are particularly powerful in supporting different jobs. Especially IoT, OLTP,
AI and machine learning.

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 6

Figure 6Oracle cloud

1.1.5 Cloud Deployment Models

Currently, there are four main cloud deployment models in common use.

They are: Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, and Community Cloud

Figure 7 4 cloud computing deployment models

Public Cloud
Public Cloud or Public Cloud are services provided by 3rd parties to users over the
Internet. Public Cloud is built to serve the public (public).

Private Cloud
Private Cloud (or Private Cloud) are services provided over a separate internal net-
work. Businesses can directly manage this “cloud” and use it internally instead of publicly or
the Internet. Private Cloud provides two types of services, Iaas and PaaS.

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 7

Hybrid Cloud
Hybrid Cloud or Hybrid Cloud is a combination of Public Cloud and Private Cloud. This
allows Hybrid Cloud to exploit the benefits of both models for optimal user experience. Enter-
prises will create Hybrid Clouds and share management rights with Public Cloud providers.

Community Cloud
Community Cloud are cloud-based services created jointly by companies to provide to
the community. Community Cloud can be managed by a third party or organizations.

1.1.6 Benefit of cloud computing

Anytime, Anywhere Access

Bringing data to the cloud makes it easy for everyone in the company to access data
from anywhere.

The ability to change quickly

This clearly shows that when businesses need to expand their storage, just a few op-
erations on the system, your storage will be expanded without having to buy any additional
hardware. compared to the previous traditional model.

High security
All activities in the cloud environment will be monitored by a third party and also regu-
larly updated and troubleshooting. This makes the system highly secure.

Updating current trends

Currently, cloud computing is considered as a modern trend, all businesses, including
small and medium-sized enterprises, tend to use cloud computing to apply in their data man-

Cost savings
The use of cloud computing will help businesses reduce about 30% of costs for activ-
ities in the business such as: Maintaining and upgrading computer systems, purchasing soft-
ware copyrights.

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 8

1.1.7 The appropriateness solution

The current problems hungle company is facing:

Since “hungle” stores are distributed across provinces, each province is a separate
establishment and each facility has a different customer data and income.

Therefore, it is difficult for the board of directors to fully manage and track the above
documents. If not managed, it is likely that one day the company will go bankrupt in the near-
est day.

So the solution offered to the “hungle” company was to build an e-commerce website
and deploy it on a cloud server.

The specific process of the solution is as follows:

Create the architectural blueprint for the company to build a system that can dynami-
cally scale to support the company's evolving business model and future growth.

Clearly define the tools the development and operations teams need. Depending on
the choice of tool, the company can choose suitable cloud providers such as: Amazon Web

Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), or Microsoft Azure. AWS is consid-
ered the most suitable choice for “hungle” company Developing an electronic web site hosted
in the cloud. The most suitable tool here is Wordpress. Users can use open source tools to
build applications and save costs.

After successfully building an e-commerce website for the company, synchronize data
between the database and the cloud to ensure that the data is up to date and accurate.

Confirm that the system works as expected using performance enhancing tools, such
as user and permissions editing, load balancing, and security enhancement.

Develop employee training schedules to gain proficiency with the new app.

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 9

1.2 Design an appropriate architectural Cloud Computing framework for a
given scenario(p2)


Figure 8Diagram for ATN


This imagine have device, user, IaaS (icon: install)

Users are the people who visit my store and see the product. They use my store for a variety
of purposes: buy shoes, consult prices, have a good reference (maybe they didn't want to buy
it but still want to see it), or simply come in and take a seat-tired legs. If I sell goods, I need to
convert that user into buyer.


Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 10

This is cloud ATN, cloud has




Application models





Middle ware


In this computing model, all possibilities related to information technology are provided as
"services", allowing users to access technology services from a certain provider "in cloud
"without the knowledge and experience of that technology, and without the need to care about
the infrastructure that serves that technology


Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 11

Data has:


Data analysis

User data

Data includes clauses that reflect reality. A large classification of proposals that are important
in practice is the measurement or observation of a change. Such clauses may include num-
bers, words or images.

Computing devices are classified according to the means they use to represent data. An an-
alogue computer displays data in terms of voltage, distance, position or other physical quan-

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 12

LO2 Evaluate deployment models, service models, and technologies Drivers of Cloud
Computing and confirm their use

1.3 Deployment model of Cloud Computing

1.3.1 Public Cloud

A third-party supplier manages on-demand computing services and infrastructure in

the public cloud, which is a shared IT paradigm used by several enterprises on the open
Internet. It is not necessary for users to host these services on-site in their own data center;
instead, public cloud service providers may offer cloud-based services such as infrastructure
as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), or software as a service (Saas) to users for
a monthly or pay-per-use fee.

Simple infrastructure administration. Public clouds are a simple, hassle-free solution
since they are handled by a third party. A business does not need to develop its own software
since a third party will do it for them.

Low cost. Pay only for the service you use and there is no need to invest in software
or hardware.

Public cloud networks are extensive

Dependence upon the responsiveness of the vendor

No control over who gains access to the physical site of the data storage facility

Potentially subject to jurisdictional issues, especially when data travels internationally

Dependent upon the quality and terms of service of a vendor

1.3.2 Private Cloud

Private cloud is defined as services provided over the Internet or private intranet to
users within that intranet instead of publicly. Private cloud can also be referred to as internal
cloud. In particular, Private cloud provides businesses with many of the same benefits as
Public cloud - including self-service features, scalability and flexibility - but with more control
and customization support from dedicated resources on a hosted computing infrastructure.


Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 13

Resource efficient as well as cost effective: private cloud service resources are not as
cost effective as resources in public clouds but offer better performance. This also means that
users of this dedicated virtual server have the potential to get the most out of the public cloud
at a cost that is unlikely to be much higher in reality.

More Control: Private Cloud gives users more control over its resources and hardware
than Public Cloud because it is only accessible across 1 organization.

High security and privacy: activities on this private virtual server are not made public,
nor are they available, shared resources from completely separate resource clusters. There-
fore, a private cloud system usually ensures high privacy and security.

Additional skills: for the purpose of maintaining the Private Cloud system, businesses
need a team of highly knowledgeable and professional personnel.

Limited scalability: This type of Cloud is only elastic to a certain extent, specifically the
capacity of internal storage resources is still low.

Limited area of operation: This private cloud is only accessible locally and is difficult to
scale to a global deployment. The cost of buying new hardware to meet the needs of a dedi-
cated virtual server system is a costly service.

1.3.3 Community Cloud

A community cloud is defined as a cloud infrastructure in which multiple organizations

share resources and services based on common operational and regulatory requirements.

Thanks to community cloud computing, privacy, security or compliance requirements
are also better.

It costs a lot of money to use this model.

1.3.4 Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud system combines a private cloud with one or more public cloud services,
allowing communication between each unique service through the use of proprietary soft-


Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 14

Hybrid cloud has the benefit of cost savings because organizations only pay for the
public cloud portion of their infrastructure when it's needed.

With the hybrid cloud, your organization's workloads get on-premises compute effi-
ciency, ensuring maximum workload management.

One of the top benefits of a hybrid cloud is that you get a centralized private infrastruc-
ture on-premises.

While long-term cost savings are among the many benefits, the initial deployment costs
of a hybrid cloud can be high compared to the setup costs incurred in the case of a public

If not chosen correctly, cloud compatibility can become a real nuisance for Hybrid
Cloud environments.

1.3.5 Compare deployment models

Table 1Compare deployment models

Public Private Community Hybrid

Ownership Very easy to set Very hard to Easy to set up Very hard to set
up, the provider set up as your because of up due to inter-
does most of the team creates community connected sys-
work the system practices tems

Ease of use Very easy to use Complex and Relatively easy Difficult to use if
requires an in- to use as mem- the system was
house team bers help solve not set up
problems and properly
establish proto-

Data control Low, the provider Very high as High Very high
has all control you own the

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 15

Reliability Prone to failures High Depends on High
and outages the community

Scalability Low, most provid- Very high as Fixed capacity High

ers offer limited re- there are no limits scalabil-
sources other system ity

Security and Very low, not a Very high, ideal High if mem- Very high as you
privacy good fit for sensi- for corporate bers collabo- keep the data on
tive data data rate on security a private cloud

Setup flexibility Little to no flexibil- Very flexible Little flexibility, Very flexible
ity, service provid- setups are usu-
ers usually offer ally predefined
only predefined to an extent

Cost Very Inexpensive Very Inexpen- Members Cheaper than a

sive share the costs private model,
pricier than a
public one

Demand for in- No In-house hard- No In-house hard-

house hardware ware is not a ware is not a
must but is must but is pref-
preferable erable

1.3.6 Deployment model for company hungle

After the director of hungle company consulted the deployment models and the director
found that Private cloud is very suitable for the company for the following reasons:

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 16

Because Hungle Company during this time has designed a lot of new headset models
to launch into the market for users to refer to, it is very important to keep those designs from
being known to rival companies, so I choose Private cloud because Private cloud has very
high security and privacy, this will help the hungle company to create the best hot product
that no other company can follow.

And another necessary thing is the cost because the company has just created new
products, so it needs a lot of money to design those products if the cost is too high, it can
cause the company's revenue to go down, choose the line Affordable machine is an important
issue, so a low-cost private cloud is essential for the company.

1.4 Compare the service models for choosing an adequate model for a given

1.4.1 Compare service models in cloud computing

Table 2Compare service models in cloud computing

Basis Of Iaas Paas Saas

Stands for Infrastructure as a Platform as a services. Software as a

services. services.

Uses Iaas is used by net- Paas is used by devel- Saas is used

work architects. oper. by end user.

Access Iaas gives access to Paas give access to run Saas give ac-
the resources like time environment to de- cess to the end
virtual machines and ployment and develop- user.
virtual storage. ment tools for application.

It is a service model It is a cloud computing It is a service

that provides visual- model that delivers tools model in cloud
ized computing re- that are used for develop- computing that
sources over the in- ment of application. host software
ternet. make availa-
ble for clients.

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 17

Technical under- It requires technical In this some knowledge is There is no re-
standing. knowledge. required for the basic quirement
setup. about techni-
calities com-
pany handles

Popularity. It is popular be- It popular between devel-

It is popular
tween developer oper who focus on the de-
between con-
and researchers. velopment of apps and
sumer and
scripts. company,
such as file
sharing, email
and network-
Cloud services. Amazon Web Ser- Facebook, and Google MS Office
vices, sun, vCloud search engine. web, Face-
Express. book and
Google Apps.
Enterprise services. AWS virtual private Microsoft azure. IBM cloud
cloud. analysis.

Outsourced cloud Salesforce, Gigaspaces. AWS, Terre-

services. mark

Benefits Highly flexible and It’s a whole platform No Require-

Helps to work with pre- ments for infra-
scalable Easily ac- ferred vendors like ama- strucure de-
cessible by multiple zon, Microsoft, Oracle ployment, soft-
,SAS, salesforce. To get ware develop-
users custom solutions. ment or deliv-
Save time dependent ef- ery, mainte-
Cost effective forts nance or oper-
Don’t need an internal de- ations
Useful for busi- velopment team to build Follows a fixed
nesses of all sizes Application codes from monthly usage
the scratch billing
Provides complete Highly beneficial for large Requires mini-
enterprises with special- mal iput from
and discretionary ized applications and re- ussers
control over infra- quirements

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 18

Can help slash
harware costs by
50% of more

Limitatons Requires a mature Entails a vendor lock in Hard to do cus-

terms of features tom word-
operations model Does not alow extreme kflows
customizations Creates a de-
Needs rigorous se- Hard to mitigate fromone pendency on
curity stacks plaform to another the service
provider to
Need understanding make any im-
provements in
cloud provider tech- features and
nologies reloability

Requires skill and

competecy in re-
soucore manage-

After considering and making a decision, the hungle company chose the IaaS model

Cloud platform deployment. IaaS is a safer, more reliable, and preferable option for the
following reasons:

The cloud provider will provide the company with a virtual machine and memory, Both
are sized according to company requirements. Basic network included

The cloud provider will make sure the facility is secure, all your information will

saved.Customers can both buy what they need and can buy more as the business grows.

Furthermore, IaaS operates on a pay-per-use model that should fit most budgets. Us-
ers only pay for the use of the server, saving them the cost of investing in physical hardware.
IaaS is very flexible and highly scalable, customers can replace it whenever needed

without losing the initial investment. Because of its flexible scalability, it also helps when cus-
tomers are uncertain about the requirements a new application will require.

Customers have full control over their applications and infrastructure. They can access and
monitor IaaS platforms on their own, without hiring outside experts.

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 19

The cost of IaaS is higher than Paas and SaaS because of the additional costs that
come with it from requiring additional technical expertise, maintenance and precision devel-
opment in each Class. However, these costs will give customers great flexibility and control
over data. Full meet your needs and customer suggestions, no matter a little more expensive,
as long as As satisfied customers are paying companies.

However, you need to address the security of your virtual machines and applications.

In addition, your company is responsible for supporting all applications, often including the
operating system.

1.5 Programming language

1.5.1 Overview of PHP:

PHP is a server-side scripting language. used to develop Static or Dynamic websites

or Web applications. PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor, before that it stood for Per-
sonal Home Pages.

The advantages of PHP include:

The fact that PHP is open-source and cost-free is its main benefit. It is easily available
for usage with events or online apps and may be downloaded from any location.

It is platform-independent. PHP-based applications can run on any OS like UNIX,

Linux, Windows, etc.

Applications built with PHP and connected to a database may be loaded quickly. It is
mostly utilized because it loads more quickly than other programming languages do on slug-
gish internet connections.

The built-in database connection modules in PHP make it simple to connect data-
bases, which saves time and effort when developing web apps and content-based websites.

1.5.2 Web server

Web server is also known as a web server, which is connected and linked to an ex-
tended computer network. Web servers are installed programs to serve web applications,
contain all the data and take control. The web server can take requests from the web browser
and send the response to the client via HTTP or another protocol.

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 20

1.5.3 Database server

A database server is a computer system that provides other computers with services
related to accessing and retrieving information from a database. Access to the database
server can take place through a front end running locally on the user's machine (for example,
phpMyAdmin) or a back end running on the database server itself, accessed using a remote
shell. After the information in the database is retrieved, it is exported to the person requesting
the data.




Cloud computing, also known as virtual server computing, is a computing model that
uses Internet-based computer and development technologies. The term "cloud" here is a
metaphorical reference to the Internet and as a reference to the complexity of the infrastruc-
ture contained within it.

Local Server as a physical server, when the physical server fails, the entire system
stops working and the hard drive is broken, causing data loss and seems unable to recover.


Table 3Compare Local and Cloud

Feature Local Server Cloud

Method work Being a physical server. Store and operate on Cloud in-
frastructure (cloud computing).

Degrees stability When the physical Cloud technology helps

server fails, the whole the system operate sta-
system stops working. bly, the ability to uptime
Damaged hard drive will
cause data loss, it seems All components are set up re-
impossible to recover. dundantly, and automatically
replaced when broken to en-
sure normal operation so your
information system is always
safe and available 24/7.
Availability sieve All data will be stored Data stored centrally on SAN
on physical machine system not stored on physical
(High risk) server
If one HDD is broken, Data is backed up regularly

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 21

your entire data will be If one physical server fails, your
lost Cloud Server is still stable
Deploying backups is
Probably scalability Complex upgrades be- Can expand or shrink imme-
cause specialized hard- diately when the business re-
ware must be purchased. quires.
The downtime needed Can expand and reduce re-
to upgrade is quite sources with unlimited capac-
long. ity.
Cost It costs a lot of in- Pay only for actual use (CPU,
vestment for the RAM, HDD ... configured on
whole hardware.
The cost can be flexibly
The cost of operating changed according to business
and maintaining the requirements.
system is also very sig-
The cost of deploying
backups (backups) is
Structure server image You must purchase addi- You can easily reset your
again tional devices such as server configuration in a
RAM and HDD in the short period of time.
event of an upgrade and
the addition may cause
unintended risks.
Copy Server Complicated because Simple and fast.
the physical server is
hard to meet this.

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 22


After completing this report, I have learned a lot. I not only haveknowledge of the his-
tory of cloud computing, basic concepts of Cloud Computing, specific properties of the cloud
and cloud deployment model, benefits of cloud computing. cloud, required for Cloud Compu-
ting. In addition, I also choose suitable service and service models deployment models for
corporate hungle. It was a huge success for me. I also give advantages when bus nesses
use cloud computing.

Furthermore, during my studies and research at school to complete this report, I have

capable of developing skills such as communication, critical thinking, analysis, reasoning

and interpretation, and document retrieval. Even though. These skills are very important to

However, due to limited knowledge and time, my report is not in-depth. Shortage

Practical experience also makes me ignore many problems that still exist in the system. I
will try to improve my knowledge to be more successful.

Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 23


Perfomed Student: LE HUU HOANG HUNG 24

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