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Universidad EAFIT – La Salle Envigado

Remedial exam - Gateway A2
Grading Period: 4th Year: 2021

Name: _______________________________________________________________ Score: ___________

Teacher: _______________________________________________________________ Date: ____________

A. Write complete sentences with going to. ESA2.1.2.5 Elaboro oraciones simples (interrogativas,
exclamativas, imperativas, declarativas)

1. Billy and George/climb/a mountain in

2. We/not drive/to Scotland this year.
3. Susie/not come/with us to the park.
4. Jacob and Alex got up very late this morning. They/miss/their train?
5. Where/you/put/your new desk?
………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..………..……..……….. /

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of will and these verbs. ESA2.1.2.1 Completo textos y
oraciones breves

be • disappear • not be able to • pass • win

1. I think Megan ……………………………………………… the race on Saturday. She’s really fast.

2. I don’t think we ……………………………………………… ready to present our animal project on
3. A: Sophie has a biology test this afternoon. B: ……………………………………………… she
4. I have to do my PE project this afternoon so I ……………………… go to the museum with you.
5. A: You look worried. What are you watching? B: This presenter says soon lots of the ice in the Arctic.

C. Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs given. ESA2.1.2.1 Completo textos y oraciones breves

Universidad EAFIT – La Salle Envigado
Remedial exam - Gateway A2
Grading Period: 4th Year: 2021

D. Choose the best answers (A, B or C) to complete the email. ESA2.1.2.1 Completo textos y oraciones breves

E. Complete the zero and first conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs given. ESA2.1.2.1
Completo textos y oraciones breves

1. If you mix red and yellow, you ……………………… (get) orange.

2. If you freeze water, it ……………………… (become) ice.
3. His mum gets angry if he ……………………… (watch) too much TV.
4. If I want some information, I ……………………… (look) on the Internet.
5. She always wears a jacket if it ……………………… (be) cold.

F. Complete the sentences with the correct answer, A, B or C. ESA2.1.1.3 Repito la escritura de
palabras de uso frecuente en el aula de clase

1. My dad was stung by a ……………………… when he went swimming on holiday.

A. shark B. jellyfish C. bee

2. There was a really big ……………………… on the wall in the hotel bathroom. It ran away out of the
A. snake B. alligator C. spider

3. We could hear a ……………………… at night when we were camping in the forest.

A. wolf B. scorpion C. lizard

4. We saw some ……………………… in the jungle in India. I love their orange and black colors.
A. lizards B. bears C. tigers

5. You have to put food away in the mountains in the US so the ……………………… don’t try to eat it.
A. bears B. sharks C. jellyfish / 5


A. Read the article about an unusual café. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose
from the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap. There is one extra sentence. LA2.1.6.4
Identifico las ideas principales

A famous Hollywood star visited a café in Edinburgh recently. People took ‘selfie’ photos with the actor and the staff
were very excited because one of the most famous people on the planet was visiting them! But this is not an
ordinary café. (1) ……………………… The café has something called ‘a suspended coffee and food plan’. (2)
……………………… And when a customer visits the café ten times, the café will give a homeless person a free
Universidad EAFIT – La Salle Envigado
Remedial exam - Gateway A2
Grading Period: 4th Year: 2021

meal and a hot drink. We see homeless people every day in the big cities, but sometimes we don’t want to see
them. Maybe we think they are lazy or that they are homeless because they don’t want to work. But that isn’t true.
(3) ……………………… Then they had to sleep on the roads or under bridges and ask people for food and money.
Some of the people who work in the café in Edinburgh were homeless in the past but now they have a chance to
have a better life. The actor had something to eat and gave some money to the café while he was there. (4)
……………………… There are more cafés like the one in Edinburgh. (5) ……………………… So next time you
want to have a sandwich or something hot to drink, try to find one that does something to help people in need. (6)
……………………… .

A Many homeless people had a life like ours, but something happened and they lost everything.
B His visit to the café showed that it is easy to help people.
C It is special because it helps homeless people.
D Maybe there is one near you.
E But it is very expensive for the café.
F Customers can pay for a hot drink or snack for a homeless person to have later.
G Not only because you will feel good, but also because life can be hard for all of us sometimes.

B. Read the article again and choose the best answers, A, B or C. LA2.1.6.4 Identifico las ideas
1. The café is unusual because the customers
A. are famous. B. help homeless people. C. work in the café.

2. Customers can help homeless people

A. after ten visits. B. every time they visit. C. when someone famous visits.

3. Some people think homeless people

A. should stay away from cafés. B. don’t really need help. C. don’t want to help themselves.

4. Some of the people who work in the café

A. didn’t have anywhere to live in the past. B. don’t have anywhere to live at the moment. C. don’t have
enough money for food.


A. Your English friend is coming to stay in the summer holidays. Read her email and then write a short
reply. ESA2.1.2.13 Escribo siguiendo patrones de textos descriptivos (carta, emails, historias,

Hi! I’m so excited. Only three weeks until the holidays. What will the weather be like? I need to
know what clothes to bring. Are there any interesting places near you? What do you usually do in
the holidays? I like being outdoors and doing lots of sport. I can’t wait to see you. Write soon!

In your email write about: • the weather in summer in your country • interesting places
near your home • what you like doing in the holidays Write 35–50 words


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