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oo ‘e se Bhs % Oe =a chopter B1 — \Vector\vs.'Scalar (8 vs. «ee chapter B2 Wy Vy Sy ty a Uy Vy Sy ty @ chapter B3 — |Newton's|Law FREE chapter B4 |Momentum as chopter B5 chapter B& (Moment Hie chapter B7 [Energy ee chapter B8 —[Projectile|Motion chapter 9 Gravitational|Force chopter B10 Circular|Motion chapter B11 |Experiment/Apparatus w Chapter B Porat aes Herman Yeung Physics Bo Vector vs. Scalar fs vs. tS Wars ee 1+1 AWSM 2 1+1=2 Displacement Distance Velocity Speed 1+1 FSM 2 te SERE g Acceleration Weight (N) Mass (kg) == (N) B® (kg) ‘Momentum : - Energy ee Kinetic energy ne Potential energy Work SBE a Potential difference Temperature 10 sin 30°N + 10 cos 30°N ) er BI to oot Herman) Yeung Physics omy e é@ U,\V,‘S, ‘ta U,V, 8, t,.a Meaning Unit S41 U initial velocity tee m/s ees : A v final velocity e238 m/s eee iad S displacement {#5 m t time A s a acceleration RE m/s* s ae Slope #13 = v 4 Slope #13 = a = | A: inelastic collision JFHEtHHIE (has KE. loss). _Y 7) ~ B Tf 2 objects stick together :_ perfectly inelastic Sy, SMH: SERIE (max. KE. loss) HL | Chapter B4 ~|p.8 ~ Herman Yeung Phusics omy op 0% @ (5) Ve] Chapter B4 ° 2B Eye owe oo Elastic collision *#{#704% (No K.E. loss) | My + M_U, = Mv, + MVz A 1 1 1 SMue +S mue = SMmve + MVE nn (2) ral @), mu, + mu, = my, +m,v, mul, — MY, = MeVp ~ MoU, mu —vy)=m,(Vp—Uy) ssa (3) 1 1 1 1 (2), Smuy +> meus" => mvs" +> mv" mu? + mu," = my? +m,vo" ‘m.u,* — my," = m.v,* ~ mu," m,(u, ~v, ld; +¥)= Me(ve — Uz ve + Ue) by (3), im (Vo — Ue )(u + V4) = me(Ye —Us ive + Ue) (4 +v)=(, +u,) Vp = Uy +Yy —Up - (4) Put (4) into (1), mu, + mu, = my, +m,(u, +v ~u,) imu, + 2mgu, — meu, =(m, +m.) Put (5) into (4), matte, 2m m+m Mm +m vy, = tM +m = Me m, +m, uy Herman Yeung Physics Ee = "1 Friction Ban \Free-body Diagram aR Friction Compensated Runway #(2@8{FRIae ym Friction ER7] friction weight Cosel: atrest #b 1d (1) foe Wo when F< fig, F=F iio fore moss acceleration esan<> initial velocity when F > fo.. (2) moving: fe. willdropalittle (out-syl) aen>: f£.. SweTE (out-syl) Case 2: moving E> 10 mst a Free-body Diagram [antisl (1) Weight 2B T: Tension 3&7) W: Weight = =0: Noacceleration x AE >0: accelerate upwards 4 (abi <0: accelerate downwards Y (F/I earn = 9:81 ms? posn = 1.62 ms? mass ae kg 9: acceleration due to gravity HETINIEIE m/s* eo 4 og 38 0B gro? oe ow Be ook 3 Pop ove 2 oo ° (2) Tension 5&7) D c B A Ta~Te~Te~To Th Te Th Ww Th >Te Te w Ts tension W: weight 9: acceleration due to gravity. HE Wn Chapter B5) y Herman Yeung Phusics P=" a. ‘e se B.yh8 a eo Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: Case 4: Case 5: (3) Lift AEH 2 q lift ot rest FPEHASIE lift move at constant speed at v =10ms* FERLUESH} v= 10ms* lift move downward accelerate at a=5ms* FPEHEI FMR a =5ms* lift move upward accelerate at a= 4ms* FEELING a=4ms? lift is free-falling HERE Sie R-w=0 R-w=0 R-W=-5m R-W=4m R-W=-W > = normal reaction %#(9 52/EFA7 W = weight iS? m = mass of aman BS FAHEE R=W+4m °° ep coh Be. 3 a9 *, (4) Air resistance 2298§87) Fa "ple ‘f Case 1: Thvacuum 2: SRCSRSI 100 KSAT We=mg Case 2: If have air resistance SAS SBA W-F,=ma tt Fi force N a-+we W: weight N mi mass io vt gi acceleration due to gravity ELAN m/s* Ft (Fv) a: acceleration mvs? v: final velocity = m/s werd tine W-F,>0 a>0 = (sW-F,=ma) V > Via Herman Yeung Phusics = -¥ ap oe @ e Co Oo} erence Bolse ORK ° ; 6 os 3. Friction Compensated Runway ¥#(8@##8(FAf38 i f ee sind =p f =Wsino f =Wsin@ R= Weosd R: normal reaction SIVR(FFI2) N fi friction mah N W: weight EE N =o Sewras ap 2 2 wre? og 38 Fs SOs s 22 @ ob? 8 ° onots Pop ove 2 Moment oo Bo his [pw el Fx Nm pivot 584 force 1: F 4 length of moment arm BME: d (1) Equilibrium 37 RABE SR WERSSt 3B = HERSSt ASE In moment equilibrium Clockwise moment = Anticlockwise moment pivot SRA | Fx0.m=10Nx0.02m F=2N Fi force ds length of moment arm 7IHAIEEE m WD Dy Laz, 7 mn w Chapter B6) Palo ies Herman Yeung Physics omy 0, 088.8 é ° (2) Centre of Gravity Zils F pivot 3284 Fx0.2=10gx01 F=59 Fi force a N W: weight =e N Wamg=109 ae ez g 9: acceleration due to gravity S71I08 m/s? d+ length of moment rm DEEETEEE m pivot S35 pivot S24 (3) #ff Component 3) pivot 32845 Moment 7186 = 10 cos 30° x 2 a a a) ww Chapter, B6 Sl oNiAs Beto uae eID op eee eg Oe Se contr 37 Energy Ge Energy Time 5SF Conservation of Energy SESS Power 1138 = Oa Rn AneN Nola aol Work done 1 =Fcos@x10 displacement {1 s= 10m NO work done 3243 "locem °F teas | Area TH = Fxs = Energy Wnty TT Chapter, 87, y Herman Yeung Phusics p= ry y initial velocity Veins? final velocity s: displacement time ecceleration t x 9: acceleration due te gravity y-axis! U=VSINO, A=—G, Vergy =O y-oxis! U=VSINO, A=—G, Ving =O Vina’ — U® = 2as 0? ~ (vsina)® =2(-g)H H- v? sin? @ 29 2, ean x-axis: D=veosdx2x¥Sin@ Vv? 2sindcosa _v* sinza Eg) gi gi x Wi TO NT <3 iii al Lo ColntefoxtUat=t3) Sens Herman Yeung Physics Bo ao @® og s0 Boa we 2g We om Gravitational Force oo Bo sooURA Gravitational Constant A31%#1) W=mg where g-9.8ims? GM p= emg w Chapter BY)

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