Ahmad Sanusi - Tugas Evaluasi

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Answer the questions

based the c

listen the conversation carefully, and answer the question!

The conversation is for no 1-2

1. how many person in that conversation ?

a. 1 person
b. 2 person
c. 3 person
d. 4 person
2. What they are talking about in the conversation ?
a. The man want to book a room
b. The man want to have a dinner
c. The man complain something
d. The man wan to find a job
3. Who is the name of the man who want to book a room ?
a. Ririanggara
b. Diamond hotel
c. Ahmad sanusi
d. Muhammad
4. When the man want to stay in the hotel ?
a. Tomorrow night
b. Yesterday
c. Ih the night in the same day he make phone call
d. Next week
5. What room is the man get in the phone call ?
a. Room 303 in second floor
b. Room 3 in second floor
c. Room 2 in second floor
d. Room 300 in second floor

Read the following text and aswer question for no 16/1

Congratulations on your fantasastic achievement, Ricky! Your hard work really got
the project perfectly finished. You are one of the best staff we have. It’s a pleasure to work
with someone who knows how to make a friendly and inspiring work environment, like you.
I’m glad that a position opened up for you that will be a great next step in your carreer.

16. Why is the man congratulated ?

a. A promotion.
b. A Fantastic speech.
c. A good job achievement.
d. A close business relationship.
e. A new branch office.
17. About congratulation dialogue sulit.
a. Ate nothing
b. Ate too much
c. Laid more eggs
d. Was badly injured
18. Choose the correct responses..
A :.....................................
B : Sure. The books are too heavy for me.
a. Let me help you with your bags.
b. Can I help you find something miss.
c. What can I do for you.
d. Let me help you with the books.
e. Would you like any help
19. Read the dialogue and choose the correct responses.

Bagas : May I offer something to drink while you wait?

Bagus : .....................
Bagas : do you want a cup of tea or coffee?
Bagus : A cup of coffee, please. Thank you.
Bagas : You’re welcome.
a. Yes, sure.
b. I’m good.
c. Thank you
d. I don’t want it.
e. Shall I help you?

Text for no 5-9

Fixing the headstone

Once, there were two men walking home after a halloween party. They decided to
take a shortcut throught the cemetery just for laughs. Right in the middle of the cemetery they
were startled by a tap-tap-tapping noise coming from the misty shadows. Trembling with
fear, they found an old man with a hammer and chisel, chipping away at one of the
headstones. ‘holy cow, mister,’ one of them said after catching his breath,’you scared us half
to death, we thought you were a ghost! What are you doing working here so late at night?’.
‘thosefolls!’ the old man grumbled. ‘they misspelled my name!’.

f. How many men were walking through the cemetery ?

a. Two men
b. Three men
c. Four men
d. Five men
g. What make them shocked when they were walking through the cemetery?
a. The serene of the cemetery
b. The darkness of the cemetery
c. A tap-tap-tapping noise
d. The howling of wolfs
h. Who did they find in the cemetery ?
a. A villager
b. Their friend
c. An old man
d. The maker of a tombstone
i. What did the old man do at that night
a. He made tombstone for someone
b. He corrected his name written on his tombstone
c. He was just passing through the cemetery
d. He had judt attended a hallowen party
j. ‘the old man grumbled’. The word ‘grumbled’ in the sentence is similar in
meaning to …..
a. Smile
b. Think
c. Attract
d. Complain

The text for no 10-14

Dear friend,

Are you tired of the dialy grind? Sick of working all hours of the day for little reward?
Tired of having enough money to really enjoy yourself? Well, now there is a way out.

We can show the way to give up work. Sit back and make millions for yourself and
your loved ones on property market.

Albert smith felt just like you until he read our leaflet. Now he drives a sport car
around the south of the france and his wife has one of her own too.

k. Who has proof it?

a. Entrepreneur
b. Worker
c. Albert smith
d. The couple
l. Where does the money come from?
a. Furniture market
b. Property market
c. Financial market
d. Health consultant
m. How is albert smith now?
a. He is poor man
b. He is rich man
c. He is jobless
d. He is kind
n. What does the leaftlet offer?
a. Solve love problem
b. Solve financial problem
c. Solve health problem
d. Solve life problem
o. ‘now he drives a sport car…..’. what does he refer to….
a. Consultant
b. A doctor
c. Albert smith
d. Albert simth’s wife
Text for no 15-17

do you know how to insert a bit in a drilling machine? Please listen to me. before you
touch the drilling machine, check that the power is off.

First, you should insert the key in the chuck. Then, rotate the key clockwise until the
jaws are open. Next, insert anti-clockwise until the jaws are closed. Before you use the drill,
make sure that the bit is tight.

p. What kind of text is it ?

a. Narrative
b. Explanation
c. Report
d. Discussion
q. The meaning of clockwise is ?
a. Jam bijaksana
b. Kebijaksanaan jam
c. Berlawananarahjarum jam
d. Searahjarum jam
r. The first tool that should be used is ?
a. Jaw
b. Key
c. Bit
d. Wire

Text for no 18-20

Buggy races

Once upon a time ther lived two best friends, the hare and the tortoise. They liked to
race against each other, but the hare always won.

One day, the hare asked the tortoise to race down to the beach. The tortoise refused,
he said that he will lose anyway. The hare replied in a kind voice that he felt sorry about it.

But the next day, the hare found a way to race the tortoise that would be fair and lots
of fun too. He asked the tortoise to come with him. The tortoise was slowly plodding over the
sand hill towards the beach. Now the two friends can race against each other all day and
something tells me that the tortoise might win this time.

s. From the text above we learn that the hare is ?

a. Liar
b. A kind person
c. A lazy person
d. Funny
t. The hare asked the tortoise to race down to ?
a. The mountain
b. The river
c. The beach
d. The lake
u. ‘the tortoise refused....’.
The underlined word has the same meaning with ?
a. Agree
b. Reject
c. Sad
d. Upset

1. Michael Jackson : where did you go last night, Tyson ?
Mike Tyson : …..
a. I am in a boxing arena
b. I go to hyde park to see a concert
c. I will go to bali
d. I went out with my friends

For question number 2 and 3 choose the best words to complete the tekxt!

Last holiday, I had a vacation to the sea – shore. When I left home early in the
morning, it …..(2) arriving at the seashore. I played with the sand until lunch time.
When I ….. (3) lunch in the restaurant I saw a beautiful film star passing by.

a. Is raining
b. Rained
c. Was raining
d. Rains
a. Had
b. Have
c. Has been eating
d. Has had
Questions 4 to 6, choose the correct option for the numbered spaces!
This month is the rainy season in Indonesia. Yesterday, it …..(4) very heavily. We
…..(5) the sound of the thunder and …..(6) the lightning in the air. It was a
terrible day.
a. Rains
b. Raining
c. Rain
d. Rained
a. Hear
b. Have heard
c. Heard
d. Will hear
a. Saw
b. See
c. Have seen
d. Will see
7. Hilda : we will have a vacation, won’t we ?
Helena : yes. What is your plan ?
Hilda : nothing. What about you ?
Helena : I ….. my grandparents in Lombok.
a. Visit
b. Visited
c. Have visited
d. Am going to visit
8. Aziz : I don’t see your old computer. You’ve sold it, …..
Wina : yes, here’s the new one. What do you think ?
Aziz : it looks great.
a. Didn’t you ?
b. Haven’t you ?
c. Don’t you ?
d. Aren’t you
9. Sari : which of the finalist would be Indonesian idol ?
Rita : I can’t decided. To me, …..of them are good.
a. Both
b. None
c. Each
d. Only one
10. Jay : what about having dinner at ‘mbokdarmi’?
Tuti : that sounds great. I like ‘gudeg’.
Jay : well then, …..at six. I’ll pick up you up.
Tuti : okay. I’ll be waiting for you.
a. Ready
b. Be ready
c. To be ready
d. Being ready
11. Teacher : you’re late again. What happened this time?
Hengky : I over slept, sir.
Teacher : ….. nobody woke you up ?
Hengky : that’s right, sir.
a. But
b. So
c. And
d. Nevertheless
12. This test is not difficult,….. can do it
a. One
b. No one
c. Anybody
d. Nobody

13. He ….. the office a few minutes ago.

a. Leaves
b. Left
c. Is leaving
d. Will leave
14. Ratih : I’m so sorry. I get a sore throat. So I can’t speak …..
Elsa : never mind.
a. Loudly
b. Politely
c. Slowly
d. Carefully
15. Frida : who is that boy?
Ita : he is my cousin.
Frida : is he? But he looks ….. you.
Ita : no, you are wrong. He is already twenty while I am just eighteen.
a. As old as
b. Older than
c. The same age as
d. Younger than
16. Teacher : who wants to go to the beach next holiday?
Student : ….. does, sir. All want to go to puncak.
Teacher : let’s go there then.
a. Everyone
b. No one
c. Someone
d. Anyone
17. Christ : excuse me, I must go to bed now.
Steve : why? It’s only a quarter to nine.
Christ : well, ….. I don’t want to come late for the conference tomorrow morning.
a. Although
b. Because
c. But
d. And
18. Tourist a : Jakarta is lovely city, ….?
Tourist b : well, but I prefer yogyakarta.
a. Is it
b. Does it
c. Isn’t it
d. Doesn’t
19. Mr.hasan : would you got me a cup of tea, please ?
Housemaid : I am sorry, sir. ….. no tea left. Have only coffee.
a. There is
b. There isn’t
c. There are
d. There aren’t

20. Lani : my father….. to Singapore.

Sonya : how long will he be there ?
Lani : for two weeks.
a. Went
b. Goes
c. Has gone
d. May go
Please, Complete this following teks!

This text for no 1-7

How chocolate is made

Chocolate starts a tree called cacao ….(1). This tree …..(2) in equatorial regions,
especially in place such south America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a fruit
about the size of small pine apple. Inside the fruits are the tree’s seeds. They are also known
as coco beans.

Next, the beans are ….(3) for about a week, dried in the sun. after that …..(4) are
shipped to the chocolate maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the …..(5) to bring
out the flavour. Different beans from different place have …..(6) qualities and flavour. So
they are often shorter and blended to produce a distinctive mix.

The next process in winnowing. The roasted beans are winnowed to remove the meat
nib of the cacao bean from its shell. Then the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground
to make it a liquid. The …..(7) is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter.

a. Three
b. Tree
c. Free
d. Leave
a. Grow
b. Up
c. Grows
d. Live
a. Fermented
b. Save
c. Mix
d. Blow
a. He
b. It
c. They
d. Him
a. Beans
b. Trees
c. Leaves
d. Seeds
a. Same
b. High
c. Price
d. Different
a. Chocolate
b. Liquid
c. Tree
d. Leave

Complete this following sentences!

8. My mother has many clothes in her …..

a. Whiteboard
b. Blackboard
c. Cupboard
d. Kitchen
9. We need a ….. to slices that tomatoes.
a. Gun
b. Knife
c. Pen
d. Pan
10. May I …. Your pen. Because mine doesn’t work.
a. Have
b. Stole
c. Get
d. Borrow
11. We always have a ….. in the morning for make our body keep healthy.
a. Lunch
b. Book
c. Breakfast
d. Dinner
12. Michael Jackson is the most popular ….. in the world.
a. Football player
b. Singer
c. Drummer
d. Pianist

This text is for no 13-17

One day a poor old widow, mbok rondo dadapan …..(13) a golden snail. It was ….
(14) home and put it in a jar. She took a good care of it. All of sudden, unexpected good
things started to …..(15) inmbok rondo’s life. Coming back from her daily fishing, for
example, she …..(16) find delicious food on the table. The house was always clean. When
this went on for several days, she could not …..(17) to find out who the mysterius kind
person was. Finally she peeped through a hole in the wall of her house and all were done by a
golden snail.

a. Keep
b. Have
c. Found
d. Take
a. Stole
b. Taking
c. Having
d. Founding
a. Happen
b. Cause
c. Want
d. Give
a. Could
b. Can
c. May
d. Still
a. Watch
b. See
c. Take
d. Resist

This text is for no 18-20


Banner is also reffered to as a banner ad, a …..(18) is a typically rectangular

advertisement placed on a web site either above, below or on the sides of the web site’s main
content and is linked to the advertiser’s own web site. In the early days of the internet,
banners were ….(19) with text and graphic images. Today, with …..(20) such as flash, the
banners have gotten much more complex and can be ads with text, animated graphics and
sound. Most commerce-related web sites use banner ads.

a. Web site
b. Banner
c. Type
d. Advertisement
a. Ads
b. Have
c. Not
d. Enough

a. Technologies
b. Computer
c. Text
d. Flash
Look at this picture for question no 1-2

1. What is this place ?

2. Where is the place located (country and City)?
Look at this picture for question n0 3-5

3. Please explain about the picture above ?

4. Find and explain who is the 2 oldest person ?
5. What is mother doing (pink cloth) in the picture ?

Read the text for question no 6-11

Jimmy : Dad, can I go to the movies with tim and the guys tonight?
Daddy : No, you may not. You’ve been twice to the movies this week.
Jimmy : Please, dad. Please let me go. Tonight’s the last night. I’ll do anything you want me
Daddy : Will you clean the garage this afternoon before you go?
Jimmy : Uhmmmm, okay deal.
Daddy : Deal. You can go with your friends but don’t be too late.
Jimmy : I won’t, dad and thanks. You’re the best.

6. What is the topic of the dialog above?

7. Why didn’t Daddy give Jimmy permission in the first place?
8. Did he gives permission?
9. What was Jimmy’s reaction?
10. Who is name the son?
11. What he say to take a permission from her dad?

Look at the picture for question no 12

12. What are they doing ?

Read the Dialogue for question no 13-18

Affandy : Hi, Harry. This is my wife, Anna. And this is my son, Arga.
Harry : How do you do? How do you do, Little Boy?
Anna : How do you do? .
Arga : It’s nice to meet you, Mr…….er……….
Harry : Just call me Harry.
Affandy : What are you doing here?
Harry : I am picking up my wife. She works here.
Affandy : What does she do?
Harry : She is an accountant.
Affandy : Oh I see. How long have you been married?
Harry : It has been four months.
Affandy : I don’t know you’ve married.
Harry : I am sorry I didn’t invite you. We married in Spain. She is Spaniard.
There she is coming. Betty, this is Affandy, my old friend, and
these are Anna and their son Arga..
Betty : How do you do, Every body?
Arga : How do you do? I am glad to meet you, Mrs. Betty
Harry : Why don’t we just go for a drink? There’s a new restaurant here.
Affandy : Thanks, Harry, we’re going shopping. See you later.
Harry & Betty : See you later!

13. How many people are in the dialogue?

14. Who is Harry?
15. How does Affandy introduce her wife to Harry?
16. What is Harry doing?
17. What does Betty do?
18. What does Arga reply to Betty’s introduction?

Look at the picture for question no 19-20!

19. What thing is the picture ?

20. Who usually eat the thing in the picture ?
1. The correct phrase to fill in the blank is....
‘If I study really hard, I....... an astronaut’.
a. Become
b. Come in
c. Will become
d. Will be coming
e. Come on
2. If he had taken the swimming lesson seriously, he could have become a good
swimmer. Means…..
a. He liked swimming very much
b. He was afraid of swimming
c. He succeeded in in become a good swimmer
d. He was not interested in becoming a good swimmer
e. He hate a swimming

This text is for no 6-9

3. Arrange the sentences to make a good paragraph!
1. The populations of the world grows when babies are born
2. The population get smaller when people die
3. So the population of the world is increasing
4. However, more people are born than die each year
5. The world population means the number of people living in a certain place
a. 5-1-2-4-3
b. 5-1-3-4-2
c. 5-2-1-4-3
d. 5-2-1-3-4
e. 1-2-3-4-5

4. Arrange these sentences to explain how to operate a TV set.

1. Press the power button
2. Choose the best program you want to watch
3. Adjust the volume
4. First plug the cable into an electronic outlet
5. Watch and enjoy the program
a. 1-4-5-3-2
b. 4-2-3-5-1
c. 1-2-3-5-4
d. 4-1-2-3-5

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