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Aubrey Anne Ordonez

BSED 3A Filipino

Module 2

1. Give three roles of assessment. Define each role and give one example each role

1. Diagnostic assessment
- Are pre test they usually serve as barometer for how much pre-loaded information a
student has about a topic. The word diagnosis is defined as an analysis of the nature or
condition of a situation, which exactly how teachers tend to use them.

Example :

A teacher may give a pre-test to determine if the class knows the basic history/culture,geography. The
class respnses will determine where the teacher begins and how much time is dedicated to retain topics.

2. Formative assessment
- Aim to inform teachers to instruct more effectively, they emphasize different aspects.
The goal is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used bu
instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their teaching and by
students to improve their learning.


By asking students :
- Draw a concept map in class to represent yjeir understanding of a topic
- Submit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a leacture.
- Turn in a research proposal for early feedback.

3. Summative assessment
- The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning . summative
assessment are often high stakes, which means that they have high point value.


- Midterm exam
- A final project
- A paper
- A recital

4. Placement assessment
- Are used to place students into course, course level, or academic program.

Example :

Before entering a school who must do a entrance exam to determined what section do you belong.

Enrichment Activity 2: A. Determine the role of assessment in the given scenarios. Was assessment used
for placement, formative, diagnostic or summative purposes? Explain your answer in two to three

1. A group of Science teachers analyzed the results of the national achievement tests given to
Grade 6 pupils. Most of their students obtained low scores in science. They learned further that
their students had difficulty with items about physical and chemical changes, forms and uses of
energy, and motion. They thought of a professional development project that focuses on
introducing pedagogical innovations particularly in teaching the said topics. After two years,
they saw a marked improvement in the performance of their students in the national test,
particularly on Science items about forms of matter, energy and motion.

- formative assessment because in this situation they are given a written examination to
determine the learning progress of a student.

2. For the entire session, a Social Studies teacher emphasized the importance of human rights in
nation building. Towards the end of the period, he handed each student a piece of paper and
posed a question: “What happens if human rights violations go unchecked?” The teacher made
use of the “exit ticket" strategy to see what students have learned at the end of the lesson. The
students wrote their answers to the question and submitted them to the teacher at the end of
the period upon leaving. After reading his students’ responses, he starts planning for the next
- Teacher used a diagnostic assessment to helps identify a students who is a learning
problems, so that the teachers provides a strategy to see what can teacher can do
improved and motivate the pupils to their learning process.

3. Ms. Jimenez suspected that one of her pupils has limited reading skills. To help the learner, she
needed to identify the specific areas with which the child struggles. Is the child impaired in one
or more of the following components: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency vocabulary and
comprehension? To answer her question, she gave the learner an assessment. Upon
ascertaining that the child has difficulty in phonics, the teacher thought of using an analogic
approach to teach phonics.

- Ms. Jimenez uses Placement assessment by given a test to her pupils to determine the
academic or skill level of a student . also identify which the child is struggling is. This
test determine a student’s level of ability in one more subjects in order to place the
student with others of the same approximate ability.

4. Every month, teachers in a private high school give an interim Math test to check on student
progress. Any student who obtains a score below the cut score of 75 is invited to attend a
special class for additional instruction. However, if the student obtains a ‘fail’ score in two or
more occasion, the student is enjoined to attend the special class.

- Is a summative assessment that aims to evaluate student learning. In this situation the
teachers do a evaluation every month just to determine and monitor a student

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