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• You are welcome to this Employability Training Program
• Jimreid Consulting is one of the Training Centres engaged by the sponsors of this
Employability Support Program to facilitate this training program
• Since its inception in September 2010, Jimreid Consulting has been committed to
providing the highest quality, needs-based training interventions to its clients and
consulting both locally and internationally.
• We provide quality needs-based learning programs that are geared towards helping
participants achieve their professional and career goals.
• We are driven by our team’s passion for education, training, and development and
>100% commitment to excellent service.
• Jimreid Consulting has a diverse human resource capacity that consists of individuals that
have worked on international, national and local levels with proven track records of
delivery in the education, training and development programs to state, private and non-
governmental sectors.
• Within our pool of professionals are people that have worked extensively in all corners of
Nigeria. It should be noted that our staff and Associates come from a diversified
background including National and Local Government, Business and Civil Society
Statistical Reality
❖ The population of Lagos State has grown from 1.4 million in
1970 to about 21 million today.

❖ People migrate into the state from other States of the country

❖ Many of the migrants into the State are with no prior specific
means of livelihood.

❖ Huge daily influx of people into the State has exerted pressure
on employment opportunities in the State.

❖ The State which generates over 25% of Nigeria’s total Gross

Domestic Products (GDP), is the smallest, in terms of
landmass in the country
Statistical Reality
❖ General unemployment rate in Nigeria as at 4th quarter 2020
stood at 33.3% (NBS).

❖ Youth unemployment (15 -34 years old) during the period was
42.5% .

❖ Unemployment rate in Lagos State during quarter 4, 2020 stood

at 37.14%, higher than the general average.

❖ The unemployment reality in the country portend a grave danger

and as such, needs practical solutions.

❖ Solutions that empower people to be self-employed and even

create employment.

❖ This explains the Employability Support Program of the

Employability Support Program
❖ In a bid to provide solution to the rising unemployment in the
State, amongst other initiatives, the employability support
Program was introduced

❖ The program is designed to

➢ Help tackle the unemployment scourge among the youth
➢ Help the youths to gain requisite knowledge and skills
through vocational trainings
➢ Subsequently, helping them to get job placements
➢ It is targeted at training a reasonable number of young
people to acquire skills in different sectors
➢ These sectors include;
1. Manufacturing 7. Agent Banking
2. Construction 8. Digital Skills
3. Entertainment
4. Health
6. Garment making
Sponsors of the Program
❖ The program is co-sponsored by;
❖ Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF)

❖ United States Africa Development Foundation(USADF)

✓ Established in 2016 to provide financial support residents
of Lagos State for job, Wealth creation and to tackle
✓ The projects of the organisation is funded by the Lagos
State Government.
✓ It also raises funding from various sources including donor
partners, development agencies, corporate organisations
and individuals.
✓ Its focus is on promotion of entrepreneurship through
provision of finance, strengthening institutional capacity
of MSMEs, train and place unemployed Lagos residents in
Sponsors of the Program
✓ An independent US Government Agency.
✓ Established by Congress to invest directly in African
grassroots enterprises and social entrepreneurs.
✓ Its purpose is to foster hope, growth and goodwill in Africa.
✓ Its vision is to empower those who are least served by
existing markets or assistant programs to become part of
Africa’s growth story.
✓ Its mission is to support Africa led development that grow
community entrepreneurs through provision of seed
capital and technical support.
✓ It currently operates in 21 countries, Nigeria Inclusive, but
has invested in more than 40 African countries.
Our Focus Program
❖ This training program is Agent Banking

❖ In 2012, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) introduced the

National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS)

❖ It is promoting NFIS as a key driver for Nigeria to becoming

one of the world’s largest economies.

❖ The goal is to decrease the number of Nigerians without

access to financial services from 46.3% to 20% by the year
2020 and further decreasing to 5% by year 2024.

❖ The access gap of financial services is expected to be bridged

with Agent Banking, a key component of the NFIS.

❖ The Agent Banking Scheme presents an exciting opportunity

for young entrepreneurs (male and female) to participate in
the Banking system.
Our Focus Program
Some Nigeria Demographic Profile:

▪ The revised National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS 2.0) places implementation
focus on women, rural areas, youth, and Micro Small and Medium Enterprises
Our Focus Program

• Agent Banking is a scheme designed to

improve the lives of the unbanked
through access to basic banking
services such as cash withdrawal,
deposits, savings, fund transfer etc.
• The scheme has gained wide
acceptability not only in Lagos State,
but across the country.
• Bank Branches are distanced from
some areas in the State
• Where there are Automated Teller • Apart from banks that are major
Machines(ATM), there are often players in the Agent Banking Scheme,
queues and where there are no OPay, TeamApt, Paga, and MTN
queues, the machines are not (Nigeria’s telecoms behemoth), have
dispensing. emerged as four of the biggest agency
• These has increased the patronage of banking fintechs in the country.
customers to banking agents.
Objectives of the Agent Banking Training
• Provide you with requisite skills for operating as agents
under the financial inclusion scheme.

• Provide you with the basic Banking operations skills and

how to operate POS

• You will be trained in financial management and

customer relationship management skills.

• After the training successful trainees have the

opportunity of being st up as agents by deploying and
aggregating them on a single Wallet solution.

• Ongoing support to the trained and established

beneficiaries in the management of their businesses and
nurture them to stability and profitability.
Why do You Need this training
• One major enabler of Agency Banking in Nigeria is the
relative ease of becoming an agent.
• Although, Agent Banking, typically, depicted as
dedicated financial services outlets within communities,
• today, anybody with a shop can serve as an agent
for a bank or a mobile payments company.
• A key success factor in the operation of Agent Banking is
the professionalism with which the business is
• Appropriate training in the Agent Banking art is
important for successful operation and going concern of
an Agent Banking business.
• The success of any Agent Banking business also requires
that it is run with professional touch. It is not enough
and for one to just take on agent banking business just
because, everyone is doing it, it has to be run in a
professional manner
Why do You Need this training
• There is need for the agent to be deep in knowledge and
technicality of the business.
• Many of the existing operators are mostly flouting the CBN
guidelines of the Agent Banking Scheme.
• An Agent requires good knowledge of customer service,
liquidity management, reconciliation and KYC/AML/CFT.
• It is extremely important to appropriately train prospective
operators of the Agent Banking Scheme for it to have the
desired effect on all stakeholders and the economy.
• According to the Helix Agent Network Accelerator Survey in
Nigeria (2014), agents in Nigeria fit three distinct categories;
the tech savvy, the profit oriented and the community
• The ideal agents to on-board for the long-term are the tech-
savvy, who understand the potential of (Distributed File Service
(DFS) and the community developers, who are in it ‘for the sake
of the community’. Profit oriented agents rarely stay active as
the business case is not appealing to them in the short term.
Specific Training Areas that will enhance Skill Set of Agents
• In order to bridge the skill gaps in the Agent Banking
Environment and increase the level of professionalism
in the Agent/Mobile Money Banking for better
performance, sustainability and going concern, this
training will be focused on the following
❖ Agent Obligations
❖ Agent Banking Ecosystem
❖ How Agent Banking Works (Step- by-Step Operations of
the scheme)
❖ Liquidity management
❖ Customer Service
❖ Security/Risk dimensioning and management in Mobile
money operations
❖ Reconciliation
Our Expectations from the Trainees
• Regular Attendance of classes
• Punctuality
• Attention in class
• Active Participation of every trainee
• You are expected to ask questions if
you do not understand what the
facilitators is explaining
• All trainees are to participate in all
assessments, as this will be part of
the basis for certification and setting
you up as agents
Training Time Table
Week Day Morning Session Break Afternoon Session
9.00am - 10.30pm 10.00am - 12.00noon 1.00pm 1.00pm - 2.00pm 2.00pm -3.00pm
On boarding/ Registration Induction Programme Introduction of beneficiaries Introduction of
Monday of Trainees to the training programme beneficiaries to the
training programme
Modus operandi of the Rules of engagement Soft Skills in the line of duty. Soft Skills in the line of
training programme and condition duty.
precedence to the
payment of the weekly
Tuesday allowance at a daily rate
1 of N1,000 and payment
of stipends of N18,00
per month

Roles & responsibilities Benefits of becoming an Agent commissions and

Introduction to Agent
Wednesday of an agent agent opportunities for revenue
Banking and mobile money

Dynamics of money making

Thursday as a mobile banking agent. Business case for Money
making - Agent Banking The mobile money eosysem
Agent obligations Agent obligations

Monday How Mobile Money Works - Step by step guide on How Mobile Money Works - Step by step guide on how
Tuesday how Agent Banking/Mobile money works for agents Agent Banking/Mobile money works for agents
Friday Customer service Customer service

Monday Liquidity management Liquidity management

3 Wednesday Reconciliation Reconciliation
Thursday Examination Assessment of training
Friday Closing Ceremony Closing Ceremony

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