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Removing items from CUCM – Call Center box and UCM HDS Server

Includes Directory #’s, Device profiles, VM boxes, Agent ID’s

1. Receive term list from HR via Lisa or the EAC.

2. Connect to the CUCA (Cisco Unity Connection Administration)
3. Click on users
4. In the Find Users where section, the first box can be alias. Extension, first name, last name or
display name. I usually select last name. In the 2 nd box it can be begins with, contains, ends
with, is exactly, is empty or is not empty. I selct begins with and the last field is the info. You
enter. Usually Last name.
5. Once you hit enter it will pull up a list of matches. Find the match you are looking for and place
an X in the appropriate field and press Delete Selected. It will then ask if you want to delete the
user, press Yes or OK. Make a note of the Alias, as this will make find the device profile easier in
the call manager.

6. Connect to the appropriate Call Manager, for the example above the user is an Admin user, so I
connect to the Admin Call Manager.
7. After you login go to Device>Device Settings>Device Profile
8. Enter the Alias you noted from Step 5 and enter it as seen below and press enter.
9. Click on the N151481 under name. The following will appear.

10. Click on Line [1] and get the following result.

11. Highlights each Associated Devices profile and click the black down arrow to move them to
Dissociate Devices and press Save. Make a note if there is a profile that begins with SEP or RDP.
These will also need to be removed.

12. After pressing save the Directory Number Configuration will look like this. Notice the
Directory Number Information section has lost some fields.
13. You can now press the delete button and it will ask you the following, Press OK.
It will take you to Find and List Directory Numbers and you will need to go back to the following.
Device>Device Settings>Device Profile and return to the below page.

14. Click on the Alias in the name field once again.

15. Change the Related Links: field to show Dependency Records and press go.
16. You should see the below result.
17. You may also see additional records, if there is more than one result you will need to click on
anything other than End User and delte that profile as well.
18. Close out and go back since there is only 1 entry. Press Delete

19. Press OK.

20. This Profile for this user has been removed. You can now remove the SEP profile that was
listed above.
21. Go to Device>Phone. Enter SEPN151481 as follows, select Find

22. Once you have found the desired result, click the box next to the Device Name and press
Delete Selected.
23. You will be asked the following. Press OK

24. That is all for deleting a phone. Deleting a phone from the Contact Center Call Manager is
almost the same, but you will also need to remove the 115xxxx extension that is assigned to
the phone. You may also have to remove a queue line that is assigned to that phone.
25. You should also access the UC Sites Extension list available on Sharepoint and remove the entry
from the appropriate site tabe for that user.
26. Also, when deleting a Contact Center user, you will need to access one of the 4 UCS HDS
servers and remove the attendant profile.
27. Open a remote desktop session as change the target under properies to the following. C:\
WINDOWS\system32\mstsc.exe /admin /v: The IP address varies between the 4
boxes. I generally dial into or .36. and .36 are genreally the boxes used
by Shore Group and I try and stay out of those.
28. You will be asked to login with the administrator credentials, not your normal AD creds.
29. Once on the remote desktop, click on the Unified CCE Tools application.
30. In the new window, choose Administration Tools.
31. Then open up Configuration Manager.
32. Expand Tools, expand Explorer Tools, Click on Agent Explorer.
33. Press Retrieve to obtain the list of current Agents.
34. We will look at the account of Ophelia Boyd for this task.
35. Look at the Advanced Tab and make note that he is on the Tax team under Desk setting: Tax
36. Minimize this window and go to The configuration manager window and expand the List Tools
tab and click on Agent Team List.
37. Click retrieve to pull up a list of the available teams. Click on 5 available Tax teams and find
out which group see is a part of. In this case Tax_Cust_Svc_2
38. Highlight the user and click remove. Then you can Save and close the window.
39. You can now go back to the Agent Explorer window and delte the user by highlighting the users
account an either press the Delete key, or right clicking and choosing Delete. Press Save and
you are done.

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