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1.Which are the elements that make a story?
Ans) Plot, Characters and Setting.
2. Which tense should we use when writing a short story?
Ans) Past Tense

3. Which is the most exciting and thrilling part in a story?

Ans) The climax.

4. What should a short story focus on?

Ans) A single incident and should revolve around the central character.

5. What is a setting in the story?

Ans) The background of the story- the story can happen in a forest or a classroom or in an imaginary place
like a toy land or fairyland.

6. How many kinds of paragraphs are there?

Ans) 4 kinds- Narrative, Descriptive, Expository and Persuasive.

7. What is a descriptive paragraph and a persuasive paragraph?

Ans) A descriptive paragraph is a detailed account of any given topic(person/place/event). It helps the reader
to feel and sense the details written by a writer. The details must appeal to the five senses: sight, taste, touch,
smell and hearing.
A persuasive paragraph inspires and motivates and tries to convince a reader that a particular point of view
is worthy of consideration. Its main purpose is to make an effective argument, to take a stand on an issue.

8. What are narrative and expository paragraphs?

Ans) Narrative paragraphs explains something that happened. Think about a time that a friend of family
member came to you and told you a story of something that happened to them. When write down about that
incident, it is a narrative paragraph.
Expository paragraph- -we give information. We explain a subject, give directions or show how something
happens. In expository writing linking words like first, second and finally are usually used to help readers to
follow ideas.

9 Unscramble the sentences to make a meaningful story.

(i)It was rumoured that an accident had taken place there a long time ago and so people preferred not to
use the track.
(ii) The short-cut was actually a small path, cutting across a rubber plantation.
(iii) I decided to use a short-cut to reach her house.
(iv) But in excitement to meet my friend, I took the path.
(v) I was to visit my friend Suhana, who lived about 4 kilometres away.

A. (ii), (iv), (i), (iii) (v)

B. (iii), (v), (i), (iv), (ii)
C. (v), (iii), (ii), (i), (iv)
D. (v), (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)
10. Give a suitable title to the story.

A. The visit
B. The rumoured short-cut
C. A rubber plantation
D. An accident on the rubber plantation.

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