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5 weeks cycle

SD 8 Hours 6 to 2
0 Nitrogen mkp pk tani up to 600 ppm
Batch 1
Ab Mix 600 ppm
Ab mix 100 ppm+MKP pk tani up to 600 ppm

5 weeks cycle
SD 6 hours, 6 to 12
0 nitrogen mkp pk tani up to 600 ppm
cover Batch 2
Ab Mix 600 ppm
Ab mix 100 ppm+MKP pk tani up to 600 ppm

5 weeks cycle
SD 4 hours, 6 to 10
0 Nitrogen mkp pk tani up to 600 ppm
Batch 3
Ab Mix 600 ppm
Ab mix 100 ppm+MKP pk tani up to 600 ppm

5 weeks cycle
SD 4 hours, 6 to 10
Shade cloth 0 Nitrogen mkp pk tani up to 600 ppm
Batch 3
Ab Mix 600 ppm
Ab mix 100 ppm+MKP pk tani up to 600 ppm

6 weeks cycle 7 week
SD 8 Hours 6 to 2
0 Nitrogen mkp pk tani up to 600 ppm
Batch 1 Batch 1
Ab Mix 600 ppm
Ab mix 100 ppm+MKP pk tani up to 600 ppm

6 weeks cycle
SD 6 hours, 6 to 12
0 nitrogen mkp pk tani up to 600 ppm
Batch 2 Batch 2
Ab Mix 600 ppm
Ab mix 100 ppm+MKP pk tani up to 600 ppm

6 weeks cycle 7 week

SD 4 hours, 6 to 10
0 Nitrogen mkp pk tani up to 600 ppm
Batch 3 Batch 3
Ab Mix 600 ppm
Ab mix 100 ppm+MKP pk tani up to 600 ppm

6 weeks cycle 7 week

SD 4 hours, 6 to 10
0 Nitrogen mkp pk tani up to 600 ppm
Batch 3 Batch 3
Ab Mix 600 ppm
Ab mix 100 ppm+MKP pk tani up to 600 ppm

7 weeks cycle
SD 8 Hours 6 to 2
0 Nitrogen mkp pk tani up to 600 ppm
Ab Mix 600 ppm
Ab mix 100 ppm+MKP pk tani up to 600 ppm

7 weeks cycle
SD 6 hours, 6 to 12
0 nitrogen mkp pk tani up to 600 ppm
Ab Mix 600 ppm
Ab mix 100 ppm+MKP pk tani up to 600 ppm

7 weeks cycle
SD 4 hours, 6 to 10
0 Nitrogen mkp pk tani up to 600 ppm
Ab Mix 600 ppm
Ab mix 100 ppm+MKP pk tani up to 600 ppm

7 weeks cycle
SD 4 hours, 6 to 10
0 Nitrogen mkp pk tani up to 600 ppm
Ab Mix 600 ppm
Ab mix 100 ppm+MKP pk tani up to 600 ppm
Sella Strawberry from seed

Sella 1

Sella 2
Bud Induction Trial 1
Method 1 Low Nitrogen Treatment
Method 2 Very Low Nitrogen Treatment
Method 3 Intermittent Darkness Period of 4 days 24 darkness & 4 days Natural Daylight up to 4 Cycles (
Bud Induction seen on 25 June 2022 after application of Miracle Grow nPK (for Fruit)
Leaves are kept at 9 Leaves Maximum at the time of Forcing
no SD treatment was done for the bud induction
number of flower Buds 8-10
Fruits are small when Ripe perhaps not yet Acclimatized, this is the 1st time flowering and fruiting
The ppm of AB mix + Speed Grow Fruit is at 546 ppm at the time of fruiting

Bud induction seen on 13 July 2022 after application of regular AB Mix up to 900 ppm
Total number of leaves at the time of bud induction is 11
Leaf bud Necrosis and also floral Bud necrosis can be seen before the flowers opened
at 900ppm, some flower bud dies due to necrosis (burn) before even opening
After moving the Cup to a lower ppm container, the flower bud grows fine without necrosis
Number of flower buds 10-11 at 16/07/22
due to necrosis in the previous high ppm container, Sella 2 is moved to a 546 ppm container containing AB mix and
Up to 100 ppm AB mix + 100 MKP
Up to 50 ppm AB Mix + 100 MKP
s Period of 4 days 24 darkness & 4 days Natural Daylight up to 4 Cycles (total days 32 days)
containing AB mix and speed gro nPK, the ame as Sella 1 Container
14 hrs darkness 5 hours photoperiod 7 days 24 hrs darkness
cold bloooming blooming lets try
hot not blooming lets try
Korean Strawberry from seed

Korea 1
salicylic aid Nitrogen of 50mg per plant will prevent flowering
200 ppm spray ever 2 weeks lets try AB Mix at maximum 150 ppm
or 20-50 ppm Inside reservoir and mkp up to 250 ppm
lets try under SD Lets try under SD
not under SD Without SD
rean Strawberry from seed

Bud induction first seen on 14 July 2022

Korea 1 underwent High PPM (up to 900 ppm) for a couble of days
Because of leaf Necrosis, it was then moved to SD experiment
just only after 2 days in the SD Experiment container, Korea 1 shows Bud induction
Number of leaves at the time of first visible bud induction is 5 Leaves
Still flowering on 16 July 2022
mg per plant will prevent flowering
at maximum 150 ppm
Merlan Bought From Tokopedia, Packed at 4 June Arrived at 9 June 2022 (5 Days 2

Merlan 1 flower induction on 7 July 22

number of leaves as per induction seed date 5
AB mix only 467 ppm at floral induction
PH need to be calibrated
Once flowered and pollinated, it is moved to lower PPM container containin
(Note: No Strawberries at the 352 ppm container Flowered Yet) the Flowere
now at 16 July flower Count at 8, leaves count at 9 leaves

Merlan 2 Flower Induction seen at 14 July 2022

Number of leaves per 16 July 22 = 5 leaves and 1 leaves forming bud
number of flower buds not yet opened seen on 16/07/22 = 3 flower buds
PPM Ab mix only at time of flower Induction 590 ppm
ph need to be calibrated
e Arrived at 9 June 2022 (5 Days 24 hrs darkness)

to lower PPM container containing 352 PPM AB mix

ntainer Flowered Yet) the Flowered Ausy Berry and merlan berry are at higher than 400 ppm AB mix.)
unt at 9 leaves

and 1 leaves forming bud

en on 16/07/22 = 3 flower buds
on 590 ppm
Ausy Bought From Tokopedia, Packed at 4 June Arrived at 9 June 2022 (5 Days 2

Ausy 1 Flower bud Induction on 11 July 2022

PPM Ab mix only at time of induction 489 ppm
ph need to be calibrated
number of leaves during flowering at 16/7/22 = 7 leaves + 1 growing leaf bud

Ausy 2 Flower bud induction at 7 July 2022

PPM AB mix only at time of induction 428 ppm
ph need to be calibrated
Number of leaves during flowering = 7 leaves + 1 growing bud
number of infloresence counted at 16/7/22= 5

Ausy 3 Flower bud induction at 16/0722

PPM AB mix at induction= 485 ppm
number of infloresence 2 (Still very small plant thus small)
Number of leaves at time of infloresence: 5 Leaves + 1 growing leaf bud

Ausy 4 Flower Bud Induction 13 july 2022

PPM Ab mix at time of Induction 485 PPM
ph need to be calibrated
number of leaves counted at 16/07/2022= 7 leaves + 1 growing leaf bud

Ausy 5 Flower Bud induction 18 July 2022

PPM Ab mix at time of induction 509 ppm
PH at time of induction 7.17 (need to be lowered to below 7 because other Strawberries
number of leaves at induction: 5 leaves + 1 growing leaf bud

Ausy 6 Flower Bud Induction 18 July 2022

PPM Ab mix at time of induction 509 ppm
PH at time of induction 7.17 (need to be lowered to below 7 because other Strawberries
number of leaves at induction: 5 leaves + 1 growing leaf bud

Note: The Children of Already flowered Strawberry must be kept at 3 months vegetative state before floweri
All Runner children Plant established and planted in Mid July, shall be expected to remain Vegetative u
All Runner Children Plant established in Mid July, must be Labelled properly and expected to Flower In

Ausy 7 Flower Bud Seen 28 July 2022

PPM AB mix at time of induction 402 ppm
PH at timeof induction 6.98 ppm (need to be lowered)
number of leaves at time of inducion 4 leaves + 1 growing leaf bud
Flower Bud removed for vegetative growth because Plant too small
e Arrived at 9 June 2022 (5 Days 24 hrs darkness)

s + 1 growing leaf bud

rowing leaf bud

growing leaf bud

ow 7 because other Strawberries beside it shows redding leaves)

ow 7 because other Strawberries beside it shows redding leaves)

hs vegetative state before flowering to allow them gain energy and size deposited at the crown.
e expected to remain Vegetative until mid October. In Mid October, they Shall be expected or Forced to Flower and Fruit
roperly and expected to Flower In Mid October.
ng leaf bud
nt too small
Forced to Flower and Fruit
Bud Induction
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Method 3
Method 4
Method 5
Method 6
Trial 1
Low Nitrogen Treatment
Very Low Nitrogen Treatment
No Nitrogen Treament
Low Nitrogen Treatment + Intermittent Darkness Period of 4 days 24 darkness & 4 days Natural Daylight up to 4 Cyc
Very Low Nitrogen Treatment + Intermittent Darkness Period of 4 days 24 darkness & 4 days Natural Daylight up to
Low Nitrogen Treatment + 18 to 20 Hours Photoperiod (Long day Treatment)
Very low Nitrogen Treatment + 18 to 20 Hours Photoperiod (Long day Treatment)
Up to 100 ppm AB mix + 100 MKP
Up to 50 ppm AB Mix + 100 MKP
Up to 100 ppm MKP
24 Hours darkness inside Styrofoam rectangular Chamber
24 Hours darkness inside Styrofoam rectangular Chamber
LED Rechargeable Light Lit after dark until Battery Dies
LED Rechargeable Light Lit after dark until Battery Dies
Effect of Low nitrogen under Normal Days
Effect of Very Low nitrogen under Normal Days
Effect of No Nitrogen and High P & K Ratio on induction
Effect of Low nitrogen under SD Cycles
Effect of Very Low nitrogen under SD Cycles
Effect of Low nitrogen under LD treatment (to specify Genotypes of cultivar whether SD or Everbearing)
Effect of Very Low nitrogen under LD treatment (to specify Genotypes of cultivar whether SD or Everbearing)

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