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REPHRASING PRACTICE 2: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. eae we io. 1". 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. We didn't see The Two Towers because the cinema was closed. ‘She doesn’t understand because you haven't explained the situation to her. ‘You won't get a promotion if your work doesn’t improve. Inever eat octopus because | get sick. ‘We didn't pick you up at the station because you dicin't phone us. ‘The government won't win the elections unless they create employment, MI buy | new computer provided that | get arise in salary. ‘She wanted to buy that picture, but she didn't have enough money. Whenever | make a promise, | keep it. We haven't got any matches, so we can't light a fire. | didn't renew my subscription because | lost interest in the magazine's articles. He was too slow to win the race. I won't go to Rio unless | find a cheap flight. | never sunbathe because | get sunburt easily. ‘She will understand you provided that you don't speak too fast. He won't come for a drink because he's got work to do. ‘She's too young to get'a driving licence. They lost the match because of the heavy rain. Whenever Peter and | meet, we talk about the good old times. Should you see Paul, tell him about the m ting, KEY: REPHRASING PRACTICE 2: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. ae NO go 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 7. 18. 19. 20. We would have seen The Two Towers if the cinema had been open. lf the cinema had been open, we would have seen The Two Towers. Had the cinema been open, we would have seen The Two Towers. ‘She would understand if you explained the situation to her. If you explained the situation to her, she would understand ‘You won't get a promotion unless your work improves. | would eat octopus if | didn't get sick. IF I didn't get sick, | would eat octopus. We would have picked you up at the station if you had phoried us. you had phoned us, we would have picked you up at the station . ‘The government won't win the elections if they don't create employment. MI buy | new computer only if I get arise in salary. IMI buy | new computer as long as | get a rise in salary. IMI buy | new computer providing | get a rise in salary. Hl buy | new computer if | got a rise in salary. ‘She would have bought that picture if she had had enough money. If she had had enough money, she would have bought that picture. If make a promise, | keep it |fwe had some matches, we could light a fire ‘We could light a fire if we had some matches. |. | would have renewed my subscription if| hadn't lost interest in the magazine's articles. | hadn't lost interest in the magazine's articles, | would have rehewed my subscription, Hadn't | lost interest in the magazine's articles, | would have renewed my subscription. If he hadn't been so slow, he would have won the race. He would have won the race if he hadn't been so slow. Hadn't he been so slow, he would have won the race. won't go to Rio if | don't find a cheap flight. If don't find a cheap flight, | won't go to Rio. | will go to Rio provided that I find a cheap flight. | would sunbathe if didn't get sunburt easily. II didnt get sunburt easily, | would sunbathe. She will understand you if you don't speak too fast. She will understand you unless you speak too fast. If he didn't have work to do, he would come for a drink. He would come for a drink if he didn't have work to do. If'she wasn't so young, she would get a driving licence. ‘She would get a driving licence if she wasn't so young. IFithadn't rain so heavily, they would have won the match. They would have won the match fit hadn't rain so heavily. If Peter and | meet, we talk about the good old times. Ifyou see Paul, teli him about the meeting, REPHRASING ON CONDITIONAL SENTENCES AND WISH / IF ONLY 1. Those of you who do not give in their names last week must do so today. - Unless you 2. Those of you who haven't got cars will have to take the bus. - Unless you 3. Ididn’t know anything about it. Otherwise, I'd told you. -ifl 4, Itmay not fit you. In that case, you can return it to the shop. “If 5. You didn’t tell me in time. Otherwise, | might have been able to help. “If 6. You could have had an accident and your family would have blamed me. if 7. Ifyou aren't on a diet, try the cheesecake. - Unless, 8. Danny wants to lose weight, but he doesn’t have any will power. “if 9. Sue didn’t mention the tennis game so I didn’t turn up to watch. “if 10. In my opinion, you should drink low-fat milk. “if 111. You should have a medical check-up when starting a diet. “if 12. | didn’t buy any vegetables so | couldn’t make a salad. “if 13, Paul won't swim in the pool because there is no lifeguard. Providing that 14, Peter gets angry with people who don’t take him seriously. - Unless 15, It was a mistake to go to England in winter. = 1 wish 16. She is so careless! -Ifonly 17. You press this button to stop the machine. hat you must go to the doctor. 19. 'm sorry | didn’t meet you at the station. =Ifonly ¢ 20. It's a pity you don’t lke this food. =I wish 21. What a pity Mary didn’t remember to take the camera. ~ Lwish Mary 22. You should tell them immediately. if 23, She should have called her parents earlier. ~I wish 24, I'm sorry but | can’t help. you now. =I wish 25, The computer was stolen because nobody saw the thief, -Ifsomeone 26. | really want you to stop smoking. -1wish 27. He shouts so much, and it’s so annoying! =I wish 28. | didn’t have an umbrella with me and so | get wet. ~I wouldn't 29. I'll call the police if you don’t leave me alone. - Unless 30. In the snowy weather, we don’t go to the school. 1 “if 31. Without Jack’s help, | wouldn’t have been able to move the table. otf REPHRASING ON CONDITIONAL SENT! SH 1. 2: 10. uu. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 24, 2s, 26. 27. . Paul won't swit ONLY: SOLUTIONS Those of you who do not give in their names last week must do so today. - Unless you give in your names last week, you must do so today. ‘Those of you who haven't got cars will have to take the bus. - Unless you have got a car, you will have to take the bus. \ didn’t know anything about it. Otherwise, I'd told you. - If Ihad known something about it, | would have told you. It may not fit you. In that case, you can return it to the shop. = IFit doesn’t fit you, you can return it to the shop. You didn’t tell me in time. Otherwise, | might have been able to help. - If you had told me in time, | might have been able to help. You could have had an accident and your family would have blamed me. - If you had had an accident, your family would have blamed me. Ifyou aren't on a diet, try the cheesecake. - Unless you are on a diet, try the cheesecake. Danny wants to lose weight, but he doesn’t have any will power. If Danny had some will power, he would lose weight. Sue didn’t mention the tennis game so | didn’t turn up to watch. - If Sue had mentioned the tennis game, | would have turned up to watch. In my opinion, you should drink low-fat milk. - If | were you, | would drink low-fat milk. You should have a medical check-up when starting a diet. = If | were you, | would have a medical check-up when starting a diet. / If you are going to start a diet, have a medical... I didn’t buy any vegetables so'l couldn't make a salad. If had bought some vegetables, | could have made a salad. in the pool because there is no lifeguard. Providing that there was a lifeguard, Paul would swim in the pool. Peter gets angry with people who don’t take him seriously. - Unless people take"Peter seriously, he gets angry. It was a mistake to go to England in winter. | wish | hadn’t gone to England in winter. She is so careless! = If only she wouldn't be so careless /wasn’t so carless. You press this button to stop the machine. - If you press this button, the machine stops. My advice is that you must go to the doctor. - If Lwere you, I would go to the doctor. . I'm sorry | didn’t meet you at the station. - If only | had met you at the station. It’s a pity you don’t lke this food. -I wish you liked this food. What a pity Mary didn’t remember to take the camera. =I wish Mary had remembered to take the camera. You should tell them immediately. -If were you, | would tell them immediately. She should have called her parents earlier. = Iwish she had called her parents earlier. Ym sorry but | can’t help you now. -| wish | could help you now. . The computer was stolen because nobody saw the thief. If someone had seen the thief, the computer wouldn’t have been stolen. | really want you to stop smoking. -I wish you would stop smoking. He shouts so much, and it’s so annoying! ~I wish he wouldn't shout so much. 28. | didn’t Have an umbrella with me and so I get wet. - | wouldn't have got wet, if| had umbrella with me. 23. I'll call the police if you don’t leave me alone. - Unless you leave me alone, | will call the police. 30. In the snowy weather, we don’t go te the school. = Ifitssnows, we won't go to the school. . 31, Without Jack’s help, | wouldn’t have been able to move the table. - IfJack hadn't helped me, | wouldn't have been able to move the table.

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