Eval 5 - 8 (2016 - 06 - 21 18 - 29 - 19 UTC)

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Completa con la forma correcta de

los adjetivos entre paréntesis.

G Completa con la forma correcta de
used to y estos verbos.

1. Paul is the (tall)

student in the school! ,'. no! d~lrÍ'k\
~::;: i.>:",<t;"J t r
ru~ ;
< ••
<: "",'"".•
2. Jane is as . (smart) as
her brother.
1. He the piano
3. Harry thinks playing computer games is but now he does.
(AXCltmg) than
2. My dad ... in
races when he was young.
4. My dad is (old) than
3. My fnend
my mum.
colfee, but now he does .
5. Fruit is ..... (good) for you
4. My mum . .. in a
than sweets.
restaurant. but now she's a doctor .
6. This is the .......... (bad) film I
5. We . on a
have ever seen.
farm. but now we live in a flat in the clty.

o Escribe who, which, where o when.

6. .. .. students
Jeans to school years ago?

1. Liz is the girl .......... lives by the

theatre. Q Completa con el Present Perfect Simple.

2. lliked the CD .. .. you gave 1. ...... (be) to London

me. several times.
3. This is the shop ......... we saw 2. My parents .
the painting. (not gol to sleep yet.
4. 1 enjoyed the film ...... was on 3. The film already . . (begin) .
TV last night.
4. .. you ... (read)
5. This is the hat . ....... 1 bought John Grisham's new book?
5. What . . Sally. .. (do)
6. l've got an aunt ...... ............... Iives m with her hair?
Rome. 6. We . .. (not ¡isil)
7. It was the day .. .. .............. we had the my grandmother for a long time.
7. .. just. ... (buy)
8. He writes books . ............... are a new computer.
8. George .. (nOI gol
lo school yet.
o Rodea la opción correcta.

1. You speak English ...... than Ido.

a. good b. belter c. best
2. She used to in a bando
a. singlng b. sings C. sing
3. He has never . . to Paris.

a. be b. was C. been
4. What film did they ...... last night?
a. saw b. see C. seen
5. John is the boy ...... plays football very well.
a. when b. which C. who

6. They were .. ... TV last night.

a. watching b. watch C. watched

7. Billy is ...... Fred.
a. thin than b. thinner than C. the thinnest
8. ...... run very fasl.

a. used to b. use to C. was

Completa el diálogo.
George: Have you ever tasted a pass ion fruit?
Brad: No, (t) .
What's a passion fruit?

George: Well, it's the tastiest fruit in the world!

Brad: Really? Is it more delicious than a strawberry?
George: Yeso It's (2) .

Brad: Is a passion fruit a big, round fruit

~ ?

George: No. it's asma", round fruit that has got dark red skin.

Brad: George, did you use to like passion fruit last summer?
George: No, (4) ................................. , but now
I eat three every day!

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