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A , C, D
Rahona le Th +hvee bvead oncept o P com munity heu +K

1n6 ave he.a lth, nuguh g and commu nty


Rnhona le Commu n'ity Hal+h Nuv4in moh* SonGevns,4ve

hab i t a ion, Promotion of halth and pVevenhon

of di9e ase and di

A ,
Rntiona chaVn Gems hius of Community Health Navsing includes
Pvom hon of heaHh Lnd pvevnhon of dise as4 ave he

o l 4 of pvo f44i6al pvnchCt

mmu niky health nuvzing Pvnhc ComPvheh4iv,

nea, continualand not episo cdiu vi 1a

C.Thev áve difvvent lev1s of cien tle, in divi duals,

amyS and popu luhon vou ps anc +h pvoh honev

eco9yi20thi Pximauy ofth papuluhon as a who

dThe nu4 an d, th &lien+hav vea ev cent ol mOaluhg

d eCi41oh4 l n t d to hinl+h, care ahd hey callabovh

as egual4

eThe nu Vs4 Vetognints th impaut of d i f e n t fautovs

Onhn lth andhay a Ve attv anave n445. of hishe v

lient'sves ahd 4ituaion

Rtional Ruval i4 a ulass cahon of community thut is usually

hall a nd the ocuu pa hon of th peo p l i4 usually

favming,fishing 4hd food ghtheing.

Rationalv the eav ly , clu4si de pini hon of he al+h by+hwovrld.

Hea l+h Organi a h o n w t o ) $44a Vendto wa vd deGv1bi ng

health in 4otinl Rm4 , r a t hev than in me cdi Cal tevm4

n deed ,+he w HO de ¢ine d He alth a4 * 4tn of com p t e

Phy oal, merhahd 4ocial wl-being ah d no+mVe ly*h

abshe of ditea4e ov.infimity"

Rionale. Hnlth is t h Goal of *h« health cav celidevy h y m

and a ba4iu: hman vight

Rajonal: Favtos affochnghen l+h in ludas"poverhy, cu Huv

andenuivonm nt.

Rionn lei 3P's 4tah d ov pVvntion o f: di4ea1,Pvolongn
ifand pvomo io'n-of hva)+h and t cin ythvo uyh

ovgani2ed commanity Pfo (ti

RtiOn Families an d fiends ae majov 4o4 e of inanual,

duin CiGis hrtu ahon5

Rahonal Caltu inclu des many thing4 kilyhelie ps , values and
Cuto m ov vaChle

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