Microbes in Human Welfare: Solutions

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Chapter 18

Microbes in Human Welfare


Objective Type Questions
1. Which of the following microbe is made up of protein only?
(1) Virus (2) Bacteria (3) Viroids (4) Prions
Sol. Answer (4)
Virus = Protein + nucleic acid
Bacteria = Cell envelope + cytoplasm + nucleoid
Viroids = Infectious RNA
Prions = Infectious protein

2. The infectious agents made up of RNA only are

(1) Viroids (2) Bacteria (3) Fungi (4) Virus
Sol. Answer (1)

3. Identify the parts labelled as A, B, C and D


(1) Head Neck Collar Tail
(2) Capsule Tail Collar Pins
(3) Head Collar Tail Plate
(4) Head Tail Collar Prongs

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24 Microbes in Human Welfare Solutions of Assignment

Sol. Answer (3)

A - Head
B - Collar
C - Tail
D - End plate

4. Microbial colonies
(1) Can be grown on nutritive media (2) Can be seen by naked eyes
(3) Are useful in study of microbes (4) More than one option is correct
Sol. Answer (4)
All aspects are related with microbial colonies.

5. What is the beneficial role of LAB in our stomach?

(1) Causes souring of milk by decreasing nutritional quality
(2) Increases the amount of vitamin-D
(3) Checks disease causing microbes
(4) It produces alkali which coagulate and partially digest the milk proteins
Sol. Answer (3)
LAB checks disease causing microbes in our stomach.

6. The microbe used for making bread is

(1) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (2) Saccharomyces ellipsoidens
(3) Saccharomyces pireformis (4) Saccharomyces sake
Sol. Answer (1)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae – Baker's yeast
Saccharomyces ellipsoidense – Wine yeast
Saccharomyces piroformis – Ale yeast
Saccharomyces sake – Sake yeast

7. Which of the following is traditional drink of some parts of southern India, made by fermenting sap from palms?
(1) Tea (2) Toddy (3) Beer (4) Cashew apple
Sol. Answer (2)
Toddy obtain by fermentation of sap secreted from palm e.g. Caryota urens.

8. Which of the following microbe is used for ripening of Swiss cheese?

(1) Penicillium roquefortii (2) P. camembertii
(3) Propionibacterium sharmanii (4) Streptomyces griseus
Sol. Answer (3)
Penicillium roquefortii – Roquefort cheese
P. camembertii – Camembert cheese
Propionibacterium sharmanii – Swiss cheese
Streptomyces griseus – Streptomycin antibiotic

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9. Production of beverages at industrial scale requires growing microbes in very large containers known as
(1) Digesters (2) Fermentors (3) Dough (4) Concrete tank
Sol. Answer (2)
Very large containers for production of beverages at industrial scale are Fermentors.

10. Find the odd one w.r.t. distilled alcoholic beverages

(1) Rum (2) Beer (3) Brandy (4) Whisky
Sol. Answer (2)
Beer - without distillation
Rum, Brandy & Whisky - by distillation.
11. The chemicals which are “pro-life” with reference to human beings
(1) Are regarded as one of the most significant discovery of twenty first century
(2) Have rarely contributed to human welfare
(3) Are produced by some plants and all animals
(4) Can kill or retard the growth of disease-causing microbes
Sol. Answer (4)
Pro-life chemicals are antibiotic which can kill or retard the growth of disease-causing microbes.

12. Which of the following microbe is the source of first antibiotic?

(1) Penicillium notatum (2) Staphylococci (3) Aspergillus niger (4) Bacillus brevis
Sol. Answer (1)
First antibiotic was obtained from Penicillium notatum (Fungus).

13. The first antibiotic was discovered accidently by __A__ while working on __B__.
(1) A-Waksman ; B-Streptococcus (2) A-Fleming; B-Penicillium notatum
(3) A-Waksman; B-Bacillus brevis (4) A-Fleming; B-Staphylococci
Sol. Answer (4)
The first antibiotic was discovered accidently by Fleming while working on Streptococcus bacterium Penicillium
strains developed.

14. Commercial extraction of penicillin was done by

(1) Alexander Fleming (2) Ernest Chain
(3) Howard Florey (4) More than one option is correct
Sol. Answer (4)
Commercial extraction of penicillin was done by Ernest Chain and Howard Florey.

15. Match the following (column-I with column-II)

Column I (Microbes) Column II (Organic acid)
a. Aspergillus niger (i) Butyric acid
b. Clostridium butylicum (ii) Citric acid
c. Acetobacter aceti (iii) Lactic acid
d. Lactobacillus (iv) Acetic acid
(1) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv) (2) a(ii), b(i), c(iv), d(iii)
(3) a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i) (4) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii)

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Sol. Answer (2)

Aspergillus niger – Citric acid
Clostridium butylicum – Butyric acid
Acetobacter aceti – Acetic acid
Lactobacillus – Lactic acid

16. ________ are used in detergent formulations and are helpful in removing oily stains from laundry.
(1) Ligases (2) Proteases (3) Lipases (4) Pectinases
Sol. Answer (3)
Lipases obtained from Candida lipolytica and fungi.

17. Select the microbe which is the source of ‘clot buster’ enzyme.
(1) Bacterium; Lactobacillus (2) Fungi; Aspergillus niger
(3) Fungi; Penicillium notatum (4) Bacterium; Streptococcus
Sol. Answer (4)
Bacterium; Streptococcus secrete streptokinase enzyme.

18. An immunosuppressive agent used in organ-transplant patients is

(1) Streptokinase (2) Statins (3) Cyclosporin-A (4) Lipases
Sol. Answer (3)
Cyclosporin-A produced by Trichoderma polysporum.

19. The product of Monascus purpureus has been commercialised as

(1) Immunosuppressive agent (2) Blood-cholesterol lowering agent
(3) Clot buster (4) Bottled juices clarifying agents
Sol. Answer (2)
The product of Monascus purpureus has been commercialised as Blood-cholesterol lowering agent.

20. _________ are produced by yeast and act by competitively inhibiting the enzyme responsible for synthesis
of cholesterol.
(1) Cyclosporin-A (2) Penicillin (3) Statins (4) Alcohol
Sol. Answer (3)
Statins produced by yeast Monascus purpureus fungus.

21. Treatment of waste-water is done by the

(1) Photoautotrophic microbes, naturally present in sewage
(2) Chemoautotrophic microbes, naturally present in sewage
(3) Heterotrophic microbes naturally present in sewage
(4) Heterotrophic microbes inoculated in the sewage from outside only
Sol. Answer (3)
Treatment of waste water is done by heterotrophic microbes naturally present in sewage.

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22. In a sewage treatment plant, primary treatment is
(1) Physical process which involves sedimentation only
(2) Physical process which involves both filtration and sedimentation
(3) Biological process which involves formation of primary sludge and effluent
(4) Biological process which involves both filtration and sedimentation
Sol. Answer (2)
Primary treatment of sewage involves physical process i.e. filtration and sedimentation.

23. During primary treatment, all solids that settle forms __A__ and the supernatant forms __B__.
(1) A - Primary sludge; B - effluent (2) A - Primary sludge; B - secondary effluent
(3) A - Activated sludge; B - clarified effluent (4) A - Activated sludge; B - effluent
Sol. Answer (1)
During primary treatment, all solids that settle forms – primary sludge and the supernatant forms – effluent.

24. What are flocs?

(1) Masses of anaerobic bacteria
(2) Masses of aerobic fungi only
(3) Masses of anaerobic bacteria and fungi
(4) Masses of aerobic bacteria associated with fungal filaments
Sol. Answer (4)
Flocs – Masses of aerobic bacteria associated with fungal filaments.

25. Identify the stage of sewage treatment shown below.

(1) Primary treatment (2) Secondary treatment

(3) Tertiary treatment (4) Filtration and sedimentation
Sol. Answer (2)
Figure represents secondary treatment of sewage.

26. What happens to activated sludge?

(1) It is generally released into natural water bodies like rivers and streams
(2) It is completely pumped back into aeration tank to serve as inoculum
(3) The major part of the sludge is pumped into large tanks called anaerobic sludge digesters
(4) It undergoes sequential filtration
Sol. Answer (3)
A small part of the activated sludge is pumped back into the aeration tank to serve as inoculum while major
part of activated sludge is pumped into large tank called anaerobic sludge digesters.

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28 Microbes in Human Welfare Solutions of Assignment

27. What is the composition of the biogas?

(1) Methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen etc.
(2) Methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen dioxide etc.
(3) Methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen etc.
(4) Methane, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide etc.
Sol. Answer (3)
Biogas  Methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen (H2) etc.

28. Identify the parts labelled A, B & C w.r.t., biogas plant

(CH4 + CO2 + ---)

(1) Gas Sludge Dung water
(2) Gas Gas holder Digester
(3) Gas holder Sludge Dung water
(4) Gas holder Digester Dung water
Sol. Answer (2)
In figure; A-Gas, B-Gas holder & C - Digester.

29. The bacterium responsible for biogas production are collectively called
(1) Methanogens (2) Thermoacidophiles (3) Halophiles (4) Cyanobacterium
Sol. Answer (1)
Biogas producing bacteria are Methanogens.

30. The technology of biogas production was developed in India mainly due to the efforts of
(1) IPM (2) IARI and KVIC (3) IRRI (4) ICAR
Sol. Answer (2)
The technology of biogas production was developed in India mainly due to the efforts of Indian Agricultural
Research Institute (IARI) and Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC).

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31. The ladybird beetle and dragonflies are useful to get rid of _____ and _____ respectively.

(1) Caterpillars and mosquitoes (2) Mosquitoes and fruit borer

(3) Mosquitoes and aphids (4) Aphids and mosquitoes

Sol. Answer (4)

Ladybird beetle – Aphids

Dragonflies – Mosquitoes

32. The effective biocontrol agents of several plant pathogens are species of

(1) Aspergillus (2) Baculoviruses (3) Trichoderma (4) Dragonflies

Sol. Answer (3)

The effective biocontrol agents of several plant pathogens are species of Trichoderma. They are very common
in root ecosystem.

33. Biofertilisers

(1) Increase dependence on chemical fertilisers

(2) Are organisms that enrich the nutrient quality of soil

(3) Include potash, phosphatic and nitrogenous organic and chemical compounds

(4) Are used regularly in the fields to deplete soil nutrients

Sol. Answer (2)

Biofertilizers are organisms which fix atmospheric nitrogen that enrich the nutrient quality of soil.

34. The main sources of biofertilisers are

(a) Bacteria

(b) Cyanobacteria

(c) Fungi

(d) Protists

(1) (a), (b), (c) (2) (a), (b), (d) (3) (b), (c), (d) (4) (a), (c), (d)

Sol. Answer (1)

The main source of biofertilisers are

Bacteria – Photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs; free-living and symbiotic forms

Cyanobacteria e.g., Nostoc & Anabaena

Fungi increases surface area for absorption.

35. In paddy fields, _______ serves as an important biofertiliser.

(1) Rhizobium (2) BGA (3) Glomus (4) Frankia

Sol. Answer (2)

In paddy (rice) fields BGA serves as important biofertiliser.

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30 Microbes in Human Welfare Solutions of Assignment

Objective Type Questions
1. Identify the colonies labelled as A and B.

(A) (B)

(1) A-Fungal; B-Bacterial (2) A-Bacterial; B-Fungal

(3) A-Algal; B-Viral (4) A-Fungal; B-Algal
Sol. Answer (2)
In figures A – Bacterial colony
B – Fungal culture

2. Match the following (column-I with column-II)

Column I Column II

a. (i) Bacillus

b. (ii) Cocci

c. (iii) Tobacco Mosaic

Virus (TMV)

d. (iv) Adenovirus

(1) a(iii), b(iv), c(i), d(ii) (2) a(iv), b(iii), c(i), d(ii)
(3) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii) (4) a(i), b(iii), c(ii), d(iv)
Sol. Answer (2)
In given figures:
a – Adenovirus
b – TMV
c – Bacillus
d – Cocci
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3. The fermented food of soyabean is
(1) Tempeh (2) Tofu (3) Sufu (4) All of these
Sol. Answer (4)

Tempeh - Indonesia
Soyabean + H2O  Soya souce Food Tofu - Japanese
Sufu - Chinese

4. Dosa and Idli are fermented preparation of rice and black gram. The fermentation is done with
(1) Leuconostoc (2) Streptococcus
(3) Saccharomyces (4) More than one option is correct
Sol. Answer (4)
Dosa and idli by fermentation by Leuconostoc and Streptococcus species of Bacteria.

5. Read the following four statements (A – D) about certain mistakes in two of them :
(A) Dough, which is used for making foods such as dosa and idli is fermented by fungi and algae
(B) Toddy, a traditional drink of southern India is made by fermenting sap from palms.
(C) Large hole in 'Swiss cheese' are due to production of large amount of methane by Propionibacterium
(D) In our stomach, lactic acid bacteria play very beneficial role in checking disease - causing microbes
Which are the two statements having mistakes ?
(1) Statements (A) & (C) (2) Statements (A) & (B)
(3) Statements (B) & (C) (4) Statements (C) & (D)
Sol. Answer (1)
(A) Dough is used for making dosa and idli and is fermented by bacteria
(C) Large hole in 'Swiss cheese' are due to production of CO2 by Propionibacterium sharmanii

6. Fermented beverage with maximum alcohol content is

(1) Beer (2) Brandy (3) Whisky (4) Gin
Sol. Answer (2)
Beer – 3-6% alcohol content
Whisky – 50% alcohol content
Brandy – 60-70% alcohol content
Gin – 40% alcohol content

7. Brewer’s yeast is used for ___A___ of malted cereals and fruit juices to produce ___B___.
(1) A - Distillation; B - CO2 (2) A - Distillation; B - organic acid
(3) A - Fermentation; B - CO (4) A - Fermentation; B - Alcohol
Sol. Answer (4)
Brewer's yeast is used for fermentation of malted cereals and fruit juices to produce alcohol.

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32 Microbes in Human Welfare Solutions of Assignment

8. Identify the correct statements w.r.t. antibiotics

(i) Fleming, Chain and Florey were awarded the Nobel prize in 1945
(ii) Antibiotics have greatly improved our capacity to treat deadly diseases
(iii) Penicillin was used to treat American soldiers wounded in World War I
(1) (i) and (ii) (2) (i) and (iii) (3) (ii) and (iii) (4) All are correct
Sol. Answer (1)
Correct statement are (i) and (ii)
Penicillin was used to treat American soldiers wounded in World War II.

9. __A__ enzyme is used to remove clots from the blood vessels of patients who have undergone __B__ leading
to heart attack.
(1) A-Streptokinase; B-Myocardial infraction (2) A-Lipases; B-Arteriosclerosis
(3) A-Proteases; B-Myocardial infraction (4) A-Pectinases; B-Atherosclerosis
Sol. Answer (1)
A-Streptokinase; B-Myocardial infraction

10. The bottled juices are clarified by the use of

(1) Pectinases (2) Proteases (3) Lipases (4) Both (1) & (2)
Sol. Answer (4)
Pectinase – Aspergillus niger and Byssochlamys fulva
Protease – Mortirella renispora, Aspergillus and Bacillus species

11. Trichoderma polysporum is a source of

(1) Cyclosporin-A (2) Streptokinase (3) Statins (4) Clot buster
Sol. Answer (1)
Trichoderma polysporum – Cyclosporin A
Streptococcus – Clot buster
Monascus purpureus – Statins
Streptococcus – Streptokinase

12. Select the incorrect match

(1) Citric acid – Aspergillus flavus
(2) Clot buster – Streptococcus
(3) Cyclosporin A – Trichoderma
(4) Butyric acid – Clostridium butylicum
Sol. Answer (1)
Citric acid – Aspergillus niger
Afflatoxin – Aspergillus flavus

13. Which fungal extract was extensively used in treating wounded American soldiers in world war-II?
(1) Streptomycin (2) Penicillin (3) Aflatoxin (4) Gluconic acid
Sol. Answer (2)
Penicillin is obtained from Penicillium notatum fungus.

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14. The greater BOD of waste water relates
(1) Increases oxygen content of water (2) Decreases oxygen content of water
(3) The decrease of temperature of water (4) All of these
Sol. Answer (2)
The greater BOD of waste water indicates decrease oxygen content of water.

15. Ganga Action Plan for controlling pollution in Ganges started in

(1) 1985 (2) 1981 (3) 1987 (4) 1989
Sol. Answer (1)
Ganga Action Plan for controlling pollution in Ganges, was started in 1985.

16. All are correct w.r.t. BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), except
(1) It refers to the amount of oxygen that would be consumed if all the organic matter in one liter of water were
oxidised by bacteria
(2) The BOD test is a measure of the organic matter present in the water
(3) The greater the BOD of waste water, less is its polluting potential
(4) Waste water is treated till BOD is reduced significantly
Sol. Answer (3)
Greater the BOD of waste water greater is its polluting potential because higher BOD indicates large amount
of organic matter.

17. The Ministry of Environment and Forest has initiated Ganga action plan and Yamuna action plan
(i) To save these major rivers of our country from pollution
(ii) It is proposed to build a large number of sewage treatment plants
(iii) Under these plans, only treated sewage may be discharged in the river
(1) (i) and (ii) are correct (2) (ii) and (iii) are correct
(3) (i) and (iii) are correct (4) All are correct
Sol. Answer (4)
The ministry of environment and forest has initiated Ganga Action Plan and Yamuna Action Plan
All statements are correct.

18. Secondary treatment of sewage

(1) Removes grit and large pieces of organic matter
(2) Involves shredding, churning, filtration and sedimentation
(3) Does not require aeration
(4) Involves microbial digestion of organic matter
Sol. Answer (4)
Secondary treatment of sewage involves microbial digestion of organic matter.

19. The removal of floating and suspended solids from sewage through filtration and sedimentation is the part of
(1) Primary treatment (2) Secondary treatment
(3) Tertiary treatment (4) Biological treatment

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Sol. Answer (1)

The removal of floating and suspended solids from sewage through filtration and sedimentation is the part of
primary treatment of sewage.

20. Biogas contains

(1) 30% – 40% Methane (2) 50% – 70% CO2
(3) 50% – 70% Methane (4) 20% Methane
Sol. Answer (3)
Biogas contains
CH4 – 50-70%
CO2 – 30-40%
H2, H2S etc – 10%

21. First step in biogas production is carried out with the help of
(1) Obligate aerobes (2) Decomposers (3) Methanogens (4) Parasites
Sol. Answer (2)
First step in biogas production is carried out with the help of decomposers i.e., Methanogens which are
anaerobic bacteria.

22. Identify the incorrect statement w.r.t. biogas plant

(1) It consists of a concrete tank, 10-15 feet deep in which bio-wastes are collected and a slurry of dung is fed
(2) A floating cover is placed over the slurry, which keeps on rising as the gas is consumed in the tank
(3) It has an outlet, which is connected to pipe to supply biogas to nearby houses
(4) The spent slurry is removed and may be used as fertiliser
Sol. Answer (2)
A floating covers is placed over slurry which keeps on rising as the gas is produced in the tank due to microbial

23. Find the correct option (w.r.t. Bioherbicide)

(1) Cactoblastis cactorum (2) Helianthus annus
(3) Phytophthora palmivora (4) More than one option is correct
Sol. Answer (4)
Cactoblastis cactorum (Cochineal insect) control prickly pear cactus
Phytophthora palmivora (Devine) control milkweed vines in citrus orchards

24. Which of the following is included in biopesticide?

(1) Viruses and bacteria only (2) Viruses, bacteria and fungi only
(3) Viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa (4) Viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa only
Sol. Answer (3)

Biopesticides – Virus, bacteria, fungi & protozoa

Baculovirus Bacillus Trichoderma


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25. Baculoviruses are/have
(1) Pathogens that attack insects and other arthropods
(2) Members of genus Nucleopolyhedrovirus that are never used as biocontrol
(3) Species-specific, broad spectrum insecticides
(4) Few negative impacts on plants, mammals, birds, fishes or even on non-target insects
Sol. Answer (1)
Pathogens that attack insects and other arthropods. The baculoviruses are family of large rod-shaped circular
DNA viruses that can be divided to two genera- nucleopolyhedroviruses (NPV) and granuloviruses (GV)

26. Identify the incorrect statement.

(i) Bacillus thuringiensis are available in sachets as dried spores which are mixed with kerosine and sprayed
on to vulnerable plants
(ii) B. thuringiensis are used to control butterfly caterpillars, but leave other insects unharmed
(iii) The toxin of B. thuringiensis is released in the blood of larvae and the larvae get killed
(iv) By the development of methods of genetic engineering B. thuringiensis toxin genes have been introduced
into plants
(1) (i) and (ii) (2) (ii) and (iii) (3) (i) and (iii) (4) (ii) and (iv)
Sol. Answer (3)
(i) Dried spores are mixed with H2O
(ii) Toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis is released in the gut of larvae and the larvae get killed.

27. Which of the following are natural insecticides?

(a) Rotenone (b) Pyrethrum
(c) Nicotine (d) Azadirachtin
(1) (a), (b) & (c) only (2) (a), (c) & (d) only (3) (a) & (b) only (4) (a), (b), (c) & (d)
Sol. Answer (4)
All are natural insecticides.

28. Biofertilisers include

(1) Blue-green algae, Rhizobium, other nitrogen-fixing bacteria and mycorrhiza
(2) Blue-green algae, Trichoderma, Rhizobium and other nitrogen-fixing bacteria
(3) Rhizobium, other nitrogen-fixing bacteria, NPV and mycorrhiza
(4) Blue-green algae, Rhizobium, Bt and mycorrhiza
Sol. Answer (1)
Biofertilisers include Blue-green algae, Rhizobium, other nitrogen-fixing bacteria and mycorrhiza.

29. Which of the following is not a symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacterium?

(1) Clostridium (2) Rhizobium leguminosarum
(3) Frankia (4) Mycobacterium
Sol. Answer (1)
Clostridium is free-living anaerobic nitrogen-fixing bacterium.

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30. Which of the following is not the belief of an organic farmer?

(1) The more variety a landscape has, the more sustainable it is
(2) The insects that are sometimes called pests are not eradicated, but instead are kept at manageable levels by
a complex system of checks and balances within a living and vibrant ecosystem
(3) For controlling plant diseases and pests, chemicals like insecticides and pesticides should be used extensively
(4) Eradication of the pests is undesirable because they act as food or hosts for beneficial predatory and parasitic
Sol. Answer (3)
The organic farmers do not use insecticides and pesticides chemicals.

31. The symbiotic association of fungi with plants is known as ____which is formed by many members of the fungal
(1) Mycorrhiza; Glomus (2) Mycorrhiza; Penicillium
(3) Lichen; Trebauxia (4) Lichen; Rhizocarpon
Sol. Answer (1)
Mycorrhiza; Glomus (Fungus).

32. Consider the following four statements (A - D) related to organic farming and select the correct option stating
which ones are true (T) and which ones are false (F). The statements :
(A) Produces food crops rich in lipids, vitamins and iron
(B) Uses biofertilisers which increases soil fertility
(C) There is more use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides
(D) Raising unpolluted crops through the use of bacteria, fungi and cyanobacteria
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(1) T T F F
(2) F T F T
(3) T F T F
(4) T F F F
Sol. Answer (2)
Organic farming produces crops rich in proteins.

33. Concept of sustainable agriculture lies in

(1) Minimizing biopesticides
(2) A greater dependance on new crops
(3) Least use of biofertilizers
(4) Using spores of Bacillus thuringiensis for pest control
Sol. Answer (4)
Concept of sustainable agriculture lies in using spores of Bacillus thuringiensis for pest control.

34. Which of the following statement for sewage is correct?

(1) Municipal waste-water, whose major component is human excreta
(2) Contains large amount of organic matter and non-pathogenic microbes
(3) Can be discharged directly into natural water bodies like rivers and streams
(4) It is generated in less quantities in cities and villages as compared to towns

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Sol. Answer (1)
Sewage is municipal waste water, having major component as human excreta.

35. Mark the mismatched pair :

(1) Dragonfly – Biocontrol agent (2) Oscillatoria – Increase alkalinity of soil
(3) Anaerobic sludge digester – Biogas (4) VAM – Biofertiliser
Sol. Answer (2)
Oscillatoria decrease alkalinity of soil called reclamation of soil.

Previous Years Questions
1. Match Column-I with Column-II and select the correct option using the codes given below :
Column-I Column-II
a. Citric acid (i) Trichoderma
b. Cyclosporin A (ii) Clostridium
c. Statins (iii) Aspergillus
d. Butyric acid (iv) Monascus
Codes : [NEET(Phase-2)-2016]
a b c d
(1) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(2) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(3) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
Sol. Answer (2)
Microbe Product
Aspergillus niger - Citric acid
Trichoderma polysporum - Cyclosporin-A
Monascus purpureus - Statins
Clostridium butylicum - Butyric acid
2. Which of the following is wrongly matched in the given table? [NEET-2016]

Microbe Product Application

(1) Clostridium Lipase removal of oil stains

(2) Trichoderma Cyclosporin A immunosuppressive

polysporum drug

(3) Monascus Statins lowering of blood

purpureus cholesterol

(4) Streptococcus Streptokinase removal of clot from

blood vessel

Sol. Answer (1)

Butyric acid is produced by fermentive activity of Clostridium butylicum.

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38 Microbes in Human Welfare Solutions of Assignment

3. Match the following list of microbes and their importance: [Re- AIPMT-2015]

Sacharomyces Production of
a. cerevisiae (i) immunosuppressive agents

b. purpureus (ii) Ripening of Swiss cheese

Trichoderma Commercial production of

c. polysporum (iii) cthanol

Propionibacterium Production of blood-

d. sharmanii (iv) cholesterol lowering agents

(1) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii) (2) a(iii), b(iv), c(i), d(ii) (3) a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i) (4) a(iv), b(ii), c(i), d(iii)
Sol. Answer (2)
Microbes Importance
(a) Sacharomyces cerevisiae – Commercial production of ethanol.
(b) Monascus purpureus – Production of blood cholesterol lowering agents
(c) Trichoderma polysporum – Production of immunosuppressive agents
(d) Propionibacterium sharmanii – Ripening of Swiss cheese
4. What gases are produced in anaerobic sludge digesters? [AIPMT-2014]
(1) Methane and CO2 only (2) Methane, Hydrogen sulphide and CO2
(3) Methane, Hydrogen sulphide and O2 (4) Hydrogen sulphide and CO2
Sol. Answer (2)
In anaerobic sludge digesters, bacteria produce a mixture of gases like CH4, H2S and CO2.
5. Besides paddy fields, cyanobacteria are also found inside vegetative part of [NEET-2013]
(1) Cycas (2) Equisetum (3) Psilotum (4) Pinus
Sol. Answer (1)
B.G.A. are also found in coralloid roots of Cycas for nitrogen-fixation e.g. Nostoc & Anabaena.
6. A good producer of citric acid is [NEET-2013]
(1) Pseudomonas (2) Clostridium (3) Saccharomyces (4) Aspergillus
Sol. Answer (4)
Citric acid – Aspergillus niger.
7. During sewage treatment, biogases are produced which include : [NEET-2013]
(1) Methane, oxygen, hydrogen sulphide (2) Hydrogen sulphide, methane, sulphur dioxide
(3) Hydrogen sulphide, nitrogen, methane (4) Methane, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide
Sol. Answer (4)
Biogas – Methane (CH4), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2).
8. The domestic sewage in large cities [AIPMT (Mains)-2012]
(1) Has a high BOD as it containing both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria
(2) Is processed by aerobic and then anaerobic bacteria in the secondary treatment in Sewage Treatment
Plants (STPs)
(3) When treated in STPs does not really require the aeration step as the sewage contains adequate
(4) Has very high amounts of suspended solids and dissolved salts
Sol. Answer (2)

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9. Monascus purpureus is a yeast used commercially in the production of [AIPMT(Prelims)-2012]
(1) Blood cholesterol lowering statins
(2) Ethanol
(3) Streptokinase for removing clots from the blood vessels
(4) Citric acid
Sol. Answer (1)
Monascus perpureus is a yeast commercially used in production of blood cholesterol lowering statins.
10. In Gobar gas, the maximum amount is that of [AIPMT (Mains)-2012]
(1) Butane (2) Methane (3) Propane (4) Carbon dioxide
Sol. Answer (2)
In gobar gas, maximum amount is Methane (CH4).
11. Yeast is used in the production of [AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]
(1) Bread and beer (2) Cheese and butter
(3) Citric acid and lactic acid (4) Lipase and pectinase
Sol. Answer (1)
Yeast – Saccharomyces cerevisiae used in production of bread and beer.
12. A nitrogen fixing microbe associated with Azolla in rice fields is [AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]
(1) Frankia (2) Tolypothrix (3) Spirulina (4) Anabaena
Sol. Answer (4)
Anabaena azollae associated with Azolla (fern).
13. Measuring Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a method used for [AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]
(1) Measuring the activity of Saccharomyces cervisae in producing curd on a commercial scale
(2) Working out the efficiency of R.B.Cs. about their capacity to carry oxygen
(3) Estimating the amount of organic matter in sewage water
(4) Working out the efficiency of oil driven automobile engines
Sol. Answer (3)
Measuring Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a method used for estimating the amount of organic matter
present in sewage water.
14. The most abundant prokaryotes helpful to humans in making curd from milk and in production of antibiotics
are the ones categorised as [AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]
(1) Chemosynthetic autotrophs (2) Heterotrophic bacteria
(3) Cyanobacteria (4) Archaebacteria
Sol. Answer (2)
15. Which one of the following is a wrong matching of a microbe and its industrial product, while the remaining
three are correct? [AIPMT (Mains)-2012]
(1) Clostridium butylicum - lactic acid (2) Aspergillus niger - citric acid
(3) Yeast - statins (4) Acetobacter aceti - acetic acid
Sol. Answer (1)
Clostridium butylicum - Butyric acid.

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40 Microbes in Human Welfare Solutions of Assignment

16. Which one of the following is an example of carrying out biological control of pests/diseases using microbes?
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]
(1) Bt-cotton to increase cotton yield
(2) Lady bird beetle against aphids in mustard
(3) Trichoderma sp. against certain plant pathogens
(4) Nucleopolyhedrovirus agains white rust in Brassica
Sol. Answer (1)
17. Which one of the following microbes forms symbiotic association with plants and helps them in their nutrition?
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]
(1) Glomus (2) Trichoderma (3) Azotobacter (4) Aspergillus
Sol. Answer (1)
Glomus fungus.
18. Organisms called Methanogens are most abundant in a [AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
(1) Hot spring (2) Sulphur rock (3) Cattle yard (4) Polluted stream
Sol. Answer (3)
19. Secondary sewage treatment is mainly a : [AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
(1) Biological process (2) Physical process (3) Mechanical process (4) Chemical process
Sol. Answer (1)
Secondary sewage treatment is mainly a biological process.
20. Which of the following is mainly produced by the activity of anaerobic bacteria on sewage ?
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
(1) Marsh gas (2) Laughing gas (3) Propane (4) Mustard gas
Sol. Answer (1)
21. Ethanol is commercially produced through a particular species of [AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
(1) Aspergillus (2) Saccharomyces (3) Clostridium (4) Trichoderma
Sol. Answer (2)
Ethanol is commercially produced through Saccharomyces.
22. The most common substrate used in distilleries for the production of ethanol is [AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
(1) Molasses (2) Corn meal (3) Soya meal (4) Ground gram
Sol. Answer (1)
The most common substrate used in distilleries for the production of ethanol is Molasses.
23. Which one of the following is not a biofertilizer ? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
(1) Mycorrhiza (2) Agrobacterium (3) Rhizobium (4) Nostoc
Sol. Answer (2)
Agrobacterium is used in genetic engineerring.
24. An organism used as a biofertilizer for raising soyabean crop is [AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
(1) Nostoc (2) Azotobacter (3) Azospirillum (4) Rhizobium
Sol. Answer (4)
Rhizobium leguminosarum is gram negative bacteria which fix - nitrogen as symbiosis in leguminous crops
e.g. soyabean.

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Solutions of Assignment Microbes in Human Welfare 41
25. Consider the following statements (A-D) about organic farming
A. Utilizes genetically modified crops like Bt cotton.
B. Uses only naturally produced inputs like compost.
C. Does not use pesticides and urea.
D. Produces vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals.
Which of the above statements are correct ? [AIPMT (Mains)-2011]
(1) (B) and (C) only (2) (A) and (B) only (3) (B), (C) and (D) (4) (C) and (D) only
Sol. Answer (1)
Organic farming uses of only naturally produced inputs like compost i.e. does not use of pesticides and urea.
26. Select the correct statement from the following [AIPMT (Prelims)-2010]
(1) Activated sludge-sediment in settlement tanks of sewage treatment plant is a rich source of aerobic
(2) Biogas is produced by the activity of aerobic bacteria on animal waste
(3) Methanobacterium is an aerobic bacterium found in rumen of cattle
(4) Biogas, commonly called gobar gas, is pure methane
Sol. Answer (1)
Activated sludge sediments in settlement tanks of sewage treatment plant is rich source of aerobic bacteria.
27. An example of endomycorrhiza is [AIPMT (Mains)-2010]
(1) Nostoc (2) Glomus (3) Agaricus (4) Rhizobium
Sol. Answer (2)
28. A common biocontrol agent for the control of plant diseases is [AIPMT (Prelims)-2010]
(1) Trichoderma (2) Baculovirus (3) Bacillus thuringiensis (4) Glomus
Sol. Answer (1)
29. Which one of the following is not used in organic farming? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2010]
(1) Snail (2) Glomus (3) Earthworm (4) Oscillatoria
Sol. Answer (1)
 Glomus and Oscillatoria  Biofertilisers
 Earthworm  Detrivores
30. Which of the following is not used as a biopesticide? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2009]
(1) Trichoderma harzianum (2) Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV)
(3) Xanthomonas campestris (4) Bacillus thuringiensis
Sol. Answer (3)
31. Which one of the following proved effective for biological control of nematodal disease in plants?
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2008]
(1) Paecilomyces lilacinus (2) Pisolithus tinctorius
(3) Pseudomonas cepacia (4) Gliocladium virens
Sol. Answer (3)
Pseudomonas cepacia – Biological control of nematodal disease.

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42 Microbes in Human Welfare Solutions of Assignment

32. Modern detergents contain enzyme preparations of [AIPMT (Prelims)-2008]

(1) Thermophiles (2) Acidophiles (3) Alkaliphiles (4) Thermoacidophiles
Sol. Answer (2)
Modern detergents contain enzyme preparations of Acidophiles.
33. Trichoderma harzianum has proved a useful microorganism for [AIPMT (Prelims)-2008]
(1) Biological control of soil-borne plant pathogens (2) Bioremediation of contaminated soils
(3) Reclamation of wastelands (4) Gene transfer in higher plants
Sol. Answer (1)
Trichoderma harzianum has proved a useful micro-organism for Biological control of soil-borne plant pathogens.
34. Probiotics are [AIPMT (Prelims)-2007]
(1) Live microbial food supplement (2) Safe antibiotics
(3) Cancer inducing microbes (4) New kind of food allergens
Sol. Answer (1)
35. Which one of the following pairs is wrongly matched? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2007]
(1) Coliforms – Vinegar (2) Methanogens – Gobar gas
(3) Yeast – Ethanol (4) Streptomycetes – Antibiotic
Sol. Answer (1)
36. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strains have been used for designing novel [AIPMT (Prelims)-2005]
(1) Bio-metallurgical technique (2) Bio-mineralization processes
(3) Bio-insecticidal plants (4) Bio-fertilizers
Sol. Answer (3)
37. A good producer of citric acid is
(1) Pseudomonas (2) Clostridium (3) Saccharomyces (4) Aspergillus
Sol. Answer (4)
38. Which one of the following pairs is wrongly matched?
(1) Textile - amylase (2) Detergents - lipase
(3) Alcohol - nitrogenase (4) Fruit juice - pectinase
Sol. Answer (3)
Alcohol - zymase.
39. Gobar gas contains mainly
(1) CO2 + H2 (2) CO2 + H2O (3) CH4 only (4) CH4 + CO2
Sol. Answer (4)
Gobar gas  CH4 + CO2+ ...
40. Which bacteria is utilized in gober gas plant?
(1) Methanogens (2) Nitrifying bacteria
(3) Ammonifying bacteria (4) Denitrifying bacteria
Sol. Answer (1)
Methanogens bacteria

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Solutions of Assignment Microbes in Human Welfare 43
41. During anaerobic digestion of organic waste, such as in producing biogas, which one of the following is left
undegraded ?
(1) Lipids (2) Lignin (3) Hemi-cellulose (4) Cellulose
Sol. Answer (2)
During anaerobic digestion of organic waste, such as producing biogas undegraded Lignin is remain.
42. A major component of gobar gas is
(1) Ammonia (2) Methane (3) Ethane (4) Butane
Sol. Answer (2)
Major component of gobar gas is Methane (CH4).
43. Microbe used for biocontrol of pest butterfly caterpillars is
(1) Trichoderma sp. (2) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(3) Bacillus thuringiensis (4) Streptococcus sp.
Sol. Answer (3)
Microbe used for biocontrol of pest butterfly catterpillars is - Bacillus thuringiensis.
44. Which one of the following is an example of carrying out biological control of pests/diseases using microbes?
(1) Bt-cotton to increase cotton yield
(2) Lady bird beetle against aphids in mustard
(3) Trichoderma sp. against certain plant pathogens
(4) Nucleopolyhedrovirus against white rust in Brassica
Sol. Answer (1)
Biological control of pests/diseases using microbes is Bt-cotton to increase cotton yield.
45. One of the major difficulties in the biological control of insect/pest is that
(1) The method is less effective as compared with the use of insecticides
(2) The practical difficulty of introducing the predator to specific areas
(3) The predator develops a preference to other diets and may itself become a pest
(4) The predator does not always survive when transferred to a new environment
Sol. Answer (4)
Major difficulties in biological control of insects/pests is the predator does not always survive when transferred
to a new environment.
46. Cochineal insects have proved very useful for the control of
(1) Cactus (2) Eicchornia (3) Weeds (4) Parthenium
Sol. Answer (1)
Cochineal insect (Cactoblastic cactorum) have proved very useful for the control of cactus.
47. When a natural predator (living being) is applied on the other pathogen organism to control them, this process
is called
(1) Artificial control (2) Confusion technique
(3) Biological control (4) Genetic engineering
Sol. Answer (3)
Biological control.

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44 Microbes in Human Welfare Solutions of Assignment

48. Which of the following is not used as a biopesticide?

(1) Xanthomonas campestris (2) Bacillus thuringiensis
(3) Trichoderma harzianum (4) Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (NPV)
Sol. Answer (1)
Xanthomonas campestris is pathogenic bacteria that causes variety of plant disease.
49. A common biocontrol agent for the control of plant diseases is
(1) Trichoderma (2) Baculovirus
(3) Bacillus thuringiensis (4) Glomus
Sol. Answer (1)
A common biocontrol agent for the control of plant disease is Trichoderma.
50. Farmers have reported over 50% higher yields of rice by using which of the following biofertilizer?
(1) Cyanobacteria (2) Legume-Rhizobium symbiosis
(3) Mycorrhiza (4) Azolla pinnata
Sol. Answer (4)
Azolla pinnata is biofertilizer.
51. Which one of the following helps in absorption of phosphorus from soil by plants?
(1) Anabaena (2) Glomus (3) Rhizobium (4) Frankia
Sol. Answer (2)
Glomus absorbs phosphorus from soil by plants as mycorrhiza.
52. Which of the following fern is an excellent biofertilizer?
(1) Marsilea (2) Pteridium (3) Azolla (4) Salvinia
Sol. Answer (3)
Azolla is natural biofertilizers.
53. Due to which of the following organism, yield of rice is increased?
(1) Sesbania (2) Bacillus popilliae (3) Anabaena (4) Bacillus subtilis
Sol. Answer (3)
54. Which of the following species does not have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen?
(1) Azotobactor (2) Anabaena (3) Nostoc (4) Spirogyra
Sol. Answer (4)
Spirogyra is alga is not nitrogen-fixer.
55. The biofertilizers are
(1) Anabaena and Azolla (2) Cow dung, manure and farmyard waste
(3) Quick growing crop ploughed under soil (4) None of these
Sol. Answer (1)
Biofertilizers are Anabaena and Azolla

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Solutions of Assignment Microbes in Human Welfare 45
56. Which of the following is a symbiotic nitrogen fixer?
(1) Azolla (2) Glomus (3) Azotobacter (4) Frankia
Sol. Answer (4)
Frankia is symbiotic nitrogen-fixer with non leguminous crops e.g. Alnus and Casuarina.

57. An alga which can be employed as food for human being is

(1) Ulothrix (2) Chlorella (3) Spirogyra (4) Polysiphonia
Sol. Answer (2)
Chlorella – SCP

Assertion-Reason Type Questions
1. A : Curd is more nutritious than milk.
R : LAB present in curd checks growth of disease causing microbes.
Sol. Answer (2)
Curd is more nutritious than milk, in curd LAB is found that checks growth of disease causing microbes in
our stomach.

2. A : After 24 hours toddy becomes unpalatable.

R : Toddy left for a few hours undergoes fermentation.
Sol. Answer (1)
After 24 hours toddy becomes unpalatable because toddy left over a few hours undergoes fermentation.

3. A : Newer antibiotics are required to be produced regularly.

R : Pathogens often develop resistance to existing antibiotics.
Sol. Answer (1)
Pathogens often develop resistance to existing antibiotics so newer antibiotics are required to be produced

4. A : Cyclosporin A is an immunosuppressive medicine.

R : It stimulates activation of T-cells and prevents rejections.
Sol. Answer (3)
Cyclosporin A is an immunosuppressive medicine, it prevents organ rejection.

5. A : Barley, Sorghum and millet are smoother crops.

R : They favour the growth of some common weeds.
Sol. Answer (3)
Barley, Sorghum and millet are smoother crops. They retard the growth of weeds.

6. A : Cheese is one of the oldest food items in which microbes are used.
R : Different varieties of cheese are known by characteristic texture, flavour and taste.
Sol. Answer (2)
Cheese is one of the oldest food items, prepared by use of various types of micro-organisms. Different varieties
of cheese are characterised w.r.t. texture, flavour and taste.
e.g., swiss cheese, roquefort cheese, camembert cheese.

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46 Microbes in Human Welfare Solutions of Assignment

7. A : Baculovirus are species specific.

R : It is very common in root ecosystem and effective against several plant pathogens.
Sol. Answer (3)
Baculovirus are species specific. It is a parasite of insects and other arthropods.

8. A : Statins are product of fermentation activity of yeast.

R : Statins and mevalonate compete for same active site on enzyme involved in cholesterol synthesis.
Sol. Answer (2)
Statins are produced by fermentation activity of yeast. Both statins and mevalonate compete for same active
site on enzyme that is involved in cholesterol synthesis.

9. A : Wine and beer are produced by distillation of the fermented broth.

R : Different types of alcoholic drinks are obtained only by fermentation, always followed by distillation process.
Sol. Answer (4)
Wine and beer are produced without distilation of fermented broth, so they have low concentration of alcohols.
Alcoholic drinks obtained by fermentation and followed by with or without distilation process.

10. A : The chief component of biogas is CH4.

R : Biogas plants are prepared on the foregin technology.
Sol. Answer (3)
The chief component of biogas is methane i.e., 50% - 70%. Biogas plants are prepared on the Indian


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