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This chapter presented all the data gathered in the study. Presentation was done through

the use of table. Analysis and interpretation of the data done after the table presentation.

Results and Discussion

This chapter discusses on the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data

gathered which answer to the question raised in this study.

Table 1: General Feasibility of Tsaang-Gubat Leaves Juice Drink in terms of Taste

Table 1.1 Taste in Treatment 1

TASTE Very Pleasant Moderately Slightly Not

(Treatment 1) Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant

Frequency 11 8 20 9 2

Total number 50 Respondents

of respondents

Percentage (%) 22% 16% 40% 18% 4%

Weighted WM = 3.7 (Pleasant)


With a weighted mean of 3.7 the product in treatment 1 in terms of taste is deemed pleasant.

With 20 of the respondents being the highest and a percentage of 40% answered moderately

pleasant. Followed by a 22% claiming that it is very pleasant and 8 respondents (16% says that it
is pleasant. Two respondents being the lowest claimed that the product is not pleasant, followed

by a 19% saying that it is slightly pleasant.

Table 1.2 Taste in Treatment 2

TASTE Very Pleasant Moderately Slightly Not

(Treatment 2) Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant

Frequency 22 18 10 0 0

Total number 50 Respondents

of respondents

Percentage (%) 44% 36% 20% 0% 0%

Weighted WM = 4.24 (Very Pleasant)


The product in treatment 2 compared to treatment one showed a difference as the weighted mean

of 4,24 indicates that the product in terms of taste is very pleasant. 44% of the respondents (22)

claimed that the product is very pleasant and none of which answered that the product is slightly

and/or not pleasant.

Table 1.3 Taste in Treatment 3

TASTE Very Pleasant Moderately Slightly Not

(Treatment 3) Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant Pleasant

Frequency 19 23 6 2 0
Total number 50 Respondents
of respondents

Percentage (%) 38% 46% 8% 4% 0%

Weighted WM = 4.18 (Pleasant)


46% of the respondents, being the highest answered that the product's taste in treatment 3 is

pleasant. Followed by 385 with 19 of the respondents claims that the product is very pleasant and

none of which answered that the product is not pleasant.

Table 2: General Feasibility of Tsaang-Gubat Leaves Juice Drink in terms of Appearance

Table 2.1 Appearance in Treatment 1

APPEARANCE Very Appealing Moderately Slightly Not

(Treatment 1) Appealing Appealing Appealing Appealing

Frequency 15 16 15 4 0

Total number of 50 Respondents


Percentage (%) 30% 32% 30% 8% 0%

Weighted Mean WM = 3.84 (Appealing)

46% of the respondents, being the highest answered that the product's taste in treatment 3 is

pleasant. Followed by 385 with 19 of the respondents claims that the product is very pleasant and

none of which answered that the product is not pleasant.

Table 2.2 Appearance in Treatment 2

APPEARANCE Very Appealing Moderately Slightly Not

(Treatment 2) Appealing Appealing Appealing Appealing

Frequency 29 18 3 0 0

Total number of 50 Respondents


Percentage (%) 58% 36% 6% 0% 0%

Weighted Mean WM = 4.52 (Very Appealing)

More than half of the respondents with 58%, 29 of them answered that the appearance in

treatment 2 is very appealing. 38% of the respondents claimed that the product is appealing and 3

of them with 6% says that the product is moderately appealing. None of them answered

otherwise regards the appearance of the product.

Table 2.3 Appearance in Treatment 3

APPEARANCE Very Appealing Moderately Slightly Not

(Treatment 3) Appealing Appealing Appealing Appealing

Frequency 27 13 7 3 0
Total number of 50 Respondents

Percentage (%) 54% 26% 14% 6% 0%

Weighted Mean WM = 4.28 (Very Appealing)

With 54% of the respondents being the highest, claimed that the appearance of the product in

treatment 3 is very appealing, followed by appealing with 13 respondents, moderate with 7

respondents and 3 consuming 6% claimed that it is slightly effective, whilst none of them

answered that the product is not appealing.

Table 3: General Feasibility of Tsaang-Gubat Leaves Juice Drink in terms of Aroma

Table 3.1 Aroma in Treatment 1

AROMA Very Fragrant Moderately Slightly Not

(Treatment 1) Fragrant Fragrant Fragrant Fragrant

Frequency 11 15 16 7 1

Total number 50 Respondents

of respondents

Percentage (%) 22% 30% 32% 14% 2%

Weighted WM = 3.56 (Fragrant)

In terms of aroma, the product in treatment 1 with a weighted mean of 3.56 claimed that the

product is fragrant. 32% being the highest with 16 respondents answered that the product is

moderately fragrant, followed by 30% claiming that the product is fragrant and 2% being the

lowest says that the product is not fragrant.

Table 3.2 Aroma in Treatment 2

AROMA Very Fragrant Moderately Slightly Not

(Treatment 2) Fragrant Fragrant Fragrant Fragrant

Frequency 22 18 10 0 0

Total number 50 Respondents

of respondents

Percentage (%) 44% 36% 20% 0% 0%

Weighted WM = 4.24 (Very Fragrant)


With 44% being the highest, the formulation in treatment 2 claims that the product is very

fragrant. 36% of the respondents answered that the formulation is fragrant followed by a 20%

with 10 respondents saying that the product is moderately fragrant. Whilst none of the

respondents’ claim that the product is not fragrant.

Table 3.3 Aroma in Treatment 3

AROMA Very Fragrant Moderately Slightly Not

(Treatment 3) Fragrant Fragrant Fragrant Fragrant

Frequency 25 15 10 0 0
Total number 50 Respondents
of respondents

Percentage (%) 50% 30% 20% 0% 0%

Weighted WM = 4.3 (Very Fragrant)


With a weighted mean of 4.3 the aroma in treatment 3 is deemed very fragrant. Half of the

respondents claim that the product is very fragrant, followed by a 30% with 15 respondents

answering that the product is fragrant and 20% with 10 respondents claim that the product is

moderately fragrant. None of which answered otherwise of the product being slight and not


Table 4: General Feasibility of Tsaang-Gubat Leaves Juice Drink in terms of General


Table 4.1 General Acceptability in Treatment 1

GENERAL Very Acceptable Moderately Slightly Not

ACCEPTABILITY Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
(Treatment 1)

Frequency 13 11 18 8 0

Total number of 50 Respondents


Percentage (%) 26% 22% 36% 10% 0%

Weighted Mean WM = 3 (Acceptable)

The product of treatment 1 in terms of general acceptability is deemed acceptable with a

weighted mean of 3.0; 36% of the respondents claim that the product is moderately acceptable,

followed by 26% which is very acceptable and 22% with 11 respondents claiming that it is

acceptable. None of the respondents claim that the product is not acceptable.

Table 4.2 General Acceptability in Treatment 2

GENERAL Very Acceptable Moderately Slightly Not

ACCEPTABILITY Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
(Treatment 2)

Frequency 23 25 2 0 0

Total number of 50 Respondents


Percentage (%) 46% 50% 4% 0% 0%

Weighted Mean WM = 4.42 (Very Acceptable)

Half of the respondents claim the product in treatment 2 is acceptable. 23 answered that the

product is very acceptable with 46% of the respondents and none of which claim that the product

is not acceptable. With a weighted mean of 4.42, the product in treatment 2 is very acceptable.

Table 4.3 General Acceptability in Treatment 3

GENERAL Very Acceptable Moderately Slightly Not

ACCEPTABILITY Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable
(Treatment 3)
Frequency 27 18 3 1 1

Total number of 50 Respondents


Percentage (%) 54% 36% 6% 2% 2%

Weighted Mean WM = 4.38 (Very Acceptable)

More than half of the respondents in treatment 3 with 54% of the respondents claim that the

product is very acceptable. 36% with 18 respondents answered that the product is acceptable

followed by 6% with 3 of the respondents saying that the product is moderately acceptable.

However, one in each of the slightly and not acceptable option claim that the product is not


ANOVA of the Tsaang-Gubat Leaves Juice Drink in terms of Taste

F-statistic value = 15.04137

P-value = 0
Data Summary
Groups N Mean Std. Dev. Std. Error
Treatment 1 50 3.34 1.1359 0.1606
Treatment 2 50 4.24 0.7709 0.109
Treatment 3 50 4.18 0.8003 0.1132

ANOVA Summary
Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares Mean Square
Source F-Stat P-Value
Between Groups 2 25.32 12.66 15.0414 0
Within Groups 147 123.7267 0.8417
Total: 149 149.0467

Data Summary
Groups N Mean Std. Dev. Std. Error
Treatment 1 50 3.78 0.975 0.1379
Treatment 2 50 4.52 0.6141 0.0868
Treatment 3 50 4.26 0.9216 0.1303

ANOVA Summary
Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares Mean Square
Source F-Stat P-Value
Between Groups 2 14.0933 7.0467 9.7102 0.0001
Within Groups 147 106.6774 0.7257
Total: 149 120.7708

Data Summary
Groups N Mean Std. Dev. Std. Error
Treatment 1 50 3.56 1.0529 0.1489
Treatment 2 50 4.2 0.7284 0.103
Treatment 3 50 4.3 0.789 0.1116

ANOVA Summary
Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares Mean Square
Source F-Stat P-Value
Between Groups 2 16.12 8.06 10.6911 0
Within Groups 147 110.8226 0.7539
Total: 149 126.9426
ANOVA of the Tsaang-Gubat Leaves Juice Drink in terms of General Acceptability

F-statistic value = 15.54949

P-value = 0

Data Summary
Groups N Mean Std. Dev. Std. Error
Treatment 1 50 3.58 1.0515 0.1487
Treatment 2 50 4.42 0.5746 0.0813
Treatment 3 50 4.38 0.8545 0.1208

ANOVA Summary
Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares Mean Square
Source F-Stat P-Value
Between Groups 2 22.4533 11.2267 15.5495 0
Within Groups 147 106.1334 0.722
Total: 149 128.5867

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