Rubric Oral Evaluation 3000

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Oral Evaluation Rubric

3000 (B1-)

Grammar (30%) Semantics (30%) Fluency (30%) Content (10%)

Complexity of grammatical Idiomatic expressions- Continuous speech: ease or lack Relevant response to the task.
structures vocabulary from class topics: of it due to hesitations and / or
use and accuracy reformulations Development of the main idea:

Accuracy of key grammatical Support by means of facts,

points: mistakes frequency Pronunciation: accuracy and Need of prompting examples, details.
foreign accent
Mistakes: Intelligibility /
90%- Simple grammatical structures In general, there is suitable Despite hesitations in long The content is relevant to the
100% prevail and L1 influence is use of idiomatic expressions strings of ideas, the exchange task.
little evident. There are and vocabulary from the topics flows with reasonable ease.
attempts to produce more studied in classes. Ideas are generally well-
complex ones though. Prompting might be needed to supported by means of facts,
Pronunciation is clearly give continuity to speech. examples, and details.
Mistakes of key points may intelligible and deviations
still appear though these do are seldom present, though a
not interfere with foreign accent is regularly
communication. perceived.

80%- Simple grammatical In general, there is suitable Despite hesitations due to The content is almost always
89% structures prevail but there use of vocabulary from the lack of language resources, relevant to the task.
are attempts to produce more topics studied in classes. the exchange flows with
complex ones. The influence reasonable ease. Ideas are generally supported
of L! is still evident Though not always successful, by means of facts, examples, and
there is an observable attempt Prompting is rarely needed to details.
Mistakes of key points still to use idiomatic give continuity to speech.
appear though these do not expressions.
interfere with communication.
The pronunciation of
consonants sounds is
generally clear and
comprehensible. Almost no
need to request for
repetitions from the part of
the listener.

Directly adapted from : Jullian, P., Ross P. and Lobos L. (2010) “Rúbricas para la Evaluación de la Competencia Oral en Inglés“ Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de
Letras, Departamento de Ciencias del Lenguaje.
@English UC Language Center, 2015
Oral Evaluation Rubric
3000 (B1-)

70%- Simplest grammatical The vocabulary used is the The exchange flows but there The content is almost always
79% structures prevail mainly minimum required from the are some hesitations due to lack relevant to the task.
influenced by L1. Though lexical repertoire and/or from of language resources.
mistakes appear, they do the topics studied in classes. Ideas are at times supported by
not interfere with Some prompting may be still means of facts, examples, and
communication. The pronunciation of needed to give continuity to details.
consonants sounds is speech.
generally clear and
comprehensible. Little need
to request for repetitions from
the part of the listener.

60%- There are frequent mistakes The lexical repertoire is The flow of speech is disrupted The content is adequate to the
69% of key grammatical points, mostly basic and repetitive, at times due to lack of language task.
which at times do interfere though efficient. resources.
with communication of the Ideas may be supported by
message. Some of the vocabulary Prompting is necessary at either examples, and/or details
revised in classes is used, but times to give continuity to and/or facts.
often inappropriately. speech.

The pronunciation of
consonants sounds is
generally clear and
comprehensible. Some need
to request for repetitions from
the part of the listener is

50%- Mistakes in word order, The vocabulary used is The flow of speech is frequently Contribution in response to the
59% person, number and tense limited and somewhat disrupted due to lack of task is only really relevant at
agreement are recurrent and inefficient. Even high language resources. times.
make the message difficult frequency words are not
for the listener appropriately used or Prompting is regularly needed Some attempts to support with
combined. There is no attempt to give continuity to speech. facts can be perceived, but
to use lexical items revised in linguistic resources are still
classes. insufficient to do so.

Directly adapted from : Jullian, P., Ross P. and Lobos L. (2010) “Rúbricas para la Evaluación de la Competencia Oral en Inglés“ Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de
Letras, Departamento de Ciencias del Lenguaje.
@English UC Language Center, 2015
Oral Evaluation Rubric
3000 (B1-)

The pronunciation of
consonants sounds is
generally clear and
comprehensible, but there is
an evident need to request for
repetitions from the part of
the listener.

49%- Strong interference of L1 The vocabulary is so limited Long pauses are frequent due The content is addressed but not
40% grammatical features makes that makes comprehension to a lack of language resources. really relevant as a response to
the message quite difficult, to the point of code the task.
unintelligible for the listener. mixing and inventing new Prompting is essential to give
words based on the L1. continuity to speech. Few or no attempts can be
perceived to support the ideas
The pronunciation of due to lack of linguistic resources.
consonants sounds make the
message quite unintelligible
for the listener.

39%- L1 grammar interferes badly The vocabulary used is Speech is continuously broken The content requested by the
30% with the content of the limited and inefficient. Even down at the utterance level task is addressed only at times.
message high frequency words are not Not all the tasks/questions are
repeated throughout. answered.

Deviations in the
pronunciation of consonants
sounds interfere badly with
the content of the message.

Directly adapted from : Jullian, P., Ross P. and Lobos L. (2010) “Rúbricas para la Evaluación de la Competencia Oral en Inglés“ Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de
Letras, Departamento de Ciencias del Lenguaje.
@English UC Language Center, 2015
Oral Evaluation Rubric
3000 (B1-)

29%- The task is not accomplished The task is not Speech is disconnected but The content requested by the task
20% due to the lack of accomplished due to the from brief and planned is not addressed.
grammatical resources lack of vocabulary resources utterances.
hindering communication. hindering communication.

The speaker resorts to L1 to The speaker resorts to L1 to

fill in grammar. fill in vocabulary.

Deviations in the
pronunciation hinder

≤19% There is no response to the There is no response to the There is no response to the There is no response to the task.
task. task. task.

Concept Key
L1 = mother tongue (Spanish)
L2 = target language (English)

Directly adapted from : Jullian, P., Ross P. and Lobos L. (2010) “Rúbricas para la Evaluación de la Competencia Oral en Inglés“ Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de
Letras, Departamento de Ciencias del Lenguaje.
@English UC Language Center, 2015

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