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Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering


Sanitary Landfill Site Selection Using Spatial‑AHP for Pshdar Area,

Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region/Iraq
Shwana Braim Hassan Manguri1   · Araz Ahmed Hamza1 

Received: 20 August 2020 / Accepted: 7 February 2021

© Shiraz University 2021

Municipal solid waste management is a crucial issue in most countries, especially the site selection process for disposing
of solid wastes. Landfill site selection is a complex and difficult process because it requires multiple evaluation criteria and
alternative approaches to be considered. In this study, thirteen criteria including (rivers, lake, geology, elevation, slope,
agriculture, groundwater depth, power line, roads, archaeological sites, infrastructures, urban centers, and villages) were
considered in Pshdar area which are divided into two categories, namely natural environmental factors and artificial factors.
To identify the most suitable landfill site, an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) was integrated with a geographic informa-
tion system (GIS) to evaluate, manipulate, and present spatial criteria. All maps are ranked from 1 lowest suitability to 10
highest suitability using spatial AHP. The candidate sites were determined by aggregation based on the criteria weights and
categorized to “Unsuitable,” “Moderately Suitable,” “Suitable,” and “Most Suitable” sites. The most suitable sites graded
into candidate site 1, candidate site 2, candidate site 3, and candidate site 4, based on their available areas which are required
to predict solid waste volume for at least the next 15 years. The areas of candidate sites are 15,040,400 ­m2, 3,902,410 ­m2,
2,586,130 ­m2, and 730,462 ­m2, respectively. The better landfill areas can be considered as backup landfill candidate sites.

* Shwana Braim Hassan Manguri
Araz Ahmed Hamza
Civil Engineering Department, University
of Raparin, General Street, Ranya, Sulaymaniyah,
Kurdistan Region 46012, Iraq

Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering

Graphical abstract
Candidate sites in the study area.

Keywords  Geographic information system · Analytical hierarchy process · Landfill site selection · Suitability index ·
Municipal solid waste management

1 Introduction they are a serious source of air, soil, and water contamina-
tion (Şener et al. 2010). Despite having rules and techniques
In recent years, solid waste generation and its siting has for proper landfill management and restrictions of environ-
become an important subject due to the vast growth of mental agencies, many uncontrolled waste disposal sites are
population and industrialization in the developed and unde- still existing (Mondelli et al. 2007).
veloped countries. The developed countries are searching Sanitary landfill is a common way to treat municipal solid
for new sites because the current ones are filled. Currently, waste (MSW) in many countries besides using other tech-
undeveloped countries are looking forward to better manag- niques of waste management; for example, recycling and
ing solid waste. burning. The dumping process is considered a comparably
The different communities have used landfill for sit- low-cost easy way to be executed (Chabuk et al. 2019; Kim
ting solid waste as a common method (Komilis et al. 1999; and Owens 2010; Yesilnacar and Cetin 2008).
Mutluturk and Karaguzel 2007; Wang et al. 2009). Reuse, Many factors have to be taken into consideration for land-
recycle, thermal treatment, and biological treatment are con- fill siting; for instance, expanding settlement areas, reduce
sidered as the first process, and the whole remained waste available areas for landfills, rising political and social oppo-
materials are disposed at landfill sites (Kontos et al. 2005; sitions, paying attention to environmental policy, govern-
Moeinaddini et al. 2010; Ngoc and Schnitzer 2009; Şener mental economic situation and municipality findings, and
et al. 2010). Special attention must be considered for dis- urbanization. These factors are made the process to be a
posal sites of municipal and industrial solid wastes because complex task for local authorities and city planners (Chabuk

Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering

et al. 2019; Javaheri et al. 2006; Lin and Kao 1999; Siddiqui Different methods have been used by several researchers
et al. 1996). for the process of site selection. For instance, (Siddiqui et al.
Pshdar Area, Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, in 1996) in the Oklahoma United States, (Wang et al. 2009)
2019 produced 94 tons of MSW (Hamza and Ahmed 2020). in China, (Şener et al. 2010) in Turkey, and (Chabuk et al.
Currently, there are several open dump landfills randomly 2019) in Iraq are Integrated GIS and AHP for the suitable
distributed over the study area. The selection of these open landfill site selection. (Bilintoh and Stemn 2015; Donevska
dumpsites has not taken environmental, social, and eco- et al. 2012; Jiang and Eastman 2000; Pasalari et al. 2019)
nomic considerations into account. Also, they have not combine GIS and fuzzy logics/AHP for the suitable landfill
got approval from the official authorities. These sites are site selection. (Akbari et al. 2008; Chang et al. 2008; Effat
a severe source for leachate which leads to surface water and Hegazy 2012; Gómez‐Delgado and Tarantola 2006;
pollution and groundwater contamination, emission of Greene et al. 2011; Kontos et al. 2005; Nas et al. 2010;
greenhouse gases, fires, and an increasing number of insects Şener et al. 2006; Shukla et al. 2012) evaluated the suitabil-
around the area. ity of the study area to select an optimal landfill site using a
Pointing to the literature, there are several methods and spatial multiple criteria analysis methodology. Vatalis and
techniques of landfill site selection as cited in (Balis et al. Manoliadis (2002) have used GIS to overlay digital maps to
1998; Bonham-Carter 1994; Dörhöfer and Siebert 1998; find suitable landfill sites in Western Macedonia, Greece.
Ehler et al. 1995; Halvadakis 1993; Herzog 1999; Lukasheh (Al-Jarrah and Abu-Qdais 2006) addressed the problem of
et al. 2001; Yagoub and Buyong 1998). The powerful tool siting a new landfill using an intelligent system based on
for siting landfill is integration of geographic information fuzzy inference. According to Mutluturk and Karaguzel
system (GIS) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) (Allen (2007), the site selection method should be applied in two
et al. 2003; Chabuk et al. 2019; Şener et al. 2006, 2010; Sid- stages. In the first stage, potential landfill sites are identified
diqui et al. 1996; Wang et al. 2009). based on evaluations of geology, hydrogeology and mor-
GIS is the software designed to manage and manipulate phological properties using GIS techniques. In the second
the large volume of spatial data from different sources. They stage, several potential landfill sites are assessed considering
are performed to overlay and advanced site selection explo- various criteria. (Gorsevski et al. 2012) presented a GIS-
ration because they significantly store, process, analyze, based multi-criteria decision analysis approach for evalu-
and display information according to the user’s require- ating the suitability for landfill site selection in the Polog
ments (Chabuk et al. 2019; Delgado et al. 2008; El Alfy Region, Macedonia which is called the ordered weighted
et al. 2010; Kontos et al. 2003; Şener et al. 2010; Siddiqui average (OWA) techniques. (Mahini and Gholamalifard
et al. 1996; Wang et al. 2009). GIS is a low-cost tool and 2006) described a multi-criteria evaluation method, called
extensively facilitates landfill site selection, and it is enabled weighted linear combination (WLC), in a GIS environment
to combine siting techniques of multiple criteria analysis to evaluate the suitability of the outskirts of Gorgan city
(Kao et al. 1997; Kontos and Halvadakis 2002; Minor and (Iran) as a landfill site. Overall, different methodologies
Jacobs 1994). These techniques are used to evaluate the sit- are executed by different researchers considering the study
ing suitability for the entire study area based on the suit- region attributes.
ability index. The main objective of this study is to deal with the bad
The AHP was introduced by Saaty (1980). The AHP is a effects of Pshdar waste disposal site on the district environ-
decision-making technique that analyses and supports deci- ment, and to identify and assessment the most suitable area
sions having multiple and even competing objectives. The for sanitary landfill by using AHP and GIS to analyze the
AHP is used to rank potential landfill areas based on a wide studying area depending on the considered criteria. The cur-
variety of criteria. This technique provides a means of ana- rent paper aimed to find out the most appropriate landfill site
lyzing the problem into a hierarchy of sub-problems that can for Pshdar area with the aid of spatial AHP.
be more easily comprehended and subjectively evaluated
then are converted into numerical values (Bhushan and Rai
2004; Khan and Samadder 2014; Siddiqui et al. 1996). It is 2 Background Information
implemented by dividing a complex problem into several
simpler problems in the form of a decision hierarchy (Erkut Pshdar district is considered as the studying area to the cur-
and Moran 1991). After that, a pair-wise comparison matrix rent research. It is one of the districts of the province of
of each element is constructed. A pair-wise comparison Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq; it is located
matrix of each element within each level is done and later about 153 km East of the Sulaimanyah City directly on the
that can be weighed against each other within each level. The Iraq–Iran border (Fig. 1) (Radner et al. 2017). The most
AHP is often used to compare the relative suitability of a populated urban center in Pshdar district is Qaladize Town,
small number of alternatives concerning the overall process. with five Sub-districts such as Sangasar, Zharawa, Halsho,

Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering

Fig. 1  Location of Pshdar District on the Iraqi map

Hero, and Isewa. Moreover, it covers 215 villages (Minis- area is about 1,495,000,000 m ­ 2, and it is geographically
try of Agriculture and water resources 2019). The whole located between latitude 36° 00′ 46" N and 36° 40′ 47",
population of the District is about 123,179 people (Map of and longitude 45° 38′ 31" E and 45° 99′ 03" E within the
estimated population of Sulaimanyah governorate 2015). range of 600–3000 m from sea level (Municipality 2015).
This rate is about 6.36% of the total population of the Sulay- The amount of municipal solid waste and land required
maniyah governorate. The population of Pshdar district is for sanitary landfill sites in the district has been calculated
140,670 in 2020, and it is projected to reach 158,162 in 2025 as 208,458 kg/day and 75,000 ­m2, respectively. However,
and 193,144 in 2035 according to Iraq population growth there is no appropriate method for district waste disposal
rate which is 2.84% in 2017 (Data 2020). Pshdar district as displayed in Fig. 2, currently open dumping method uses

Fig. 2  Open dumping area in

Pshdar district

Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering

to discard the municipal solid waste of the city. The avail- The digital elevation model DEM file of grid (30 × 30) m
able dumping area is not appropriate and scientifically is was downloaded from the National Aeronautics and Space
not acceptable according to standardized criteria for landfill Administration NASA website for earth data (https​://searc​
site selection. It is clear that this dump site has many bad​​h). The data used to derive slope,
effects on surrounding area and the district environment, the elevation, and river streams obtained from the ArcGIS soft-
most substantial effects are the derived leachate from the ware. The geological map derived from the exploratory geol-
site (Fig. 2.) is mixed with Little Zab River which provides ogy of Iraq with scale 1:1,000,000 from the Iraqi geological
drinking water to the district, because of its topography and survey website (http://en.geosu​rvira​ The shapefile of
proximity to seasonal water stream which goes toward the “agriculture” was obtained from the satellite image of the
River. The leachate derived from the dumping site may pro- study area. The shapefile of archeological sites was created
duce a harmful effect on the environment and human health by consulting with the archeologists and experts in the field.
(Butt and Oduyemi 2003). It produces different environmen- By visiting the sites and surveying in the study area around
tal issues such as air pollution, bad odor, soil contamination, 26 water wells and their depths gained. They imported to
and smoke due to its proximity to the residential area at the the ArcGIS software as a point feature then converted to a
district boundary which is less than 1000 m. shapefile. Finally, the kriging interpolation tool was used to
generate the groundwater depth raster data set for the study
3 Methodology Based on the nature of the available map layers, each
criterion is classified into sub-criteria. Each sub-criterion
It is a challenge to get reliable spatial data in Iraq, especially rated. The existing literature is reviewed in the field which is
in the Kurdistan Regional Government due to the lack of used to rate each sub-criterion. ArcGIS version 10.8 spatial
reliable sources and lack of uses of spatial data. However, analysis tools such as (clip, buffer, overlay, extract, proxim-
for the present study, thirteen map layers were created from ity, reclassify, conversion, and map algebra, etc.) were used
different spatial data sources. The required layers are (rivers, to prepare each criterion and sub-criteria with numbers of
lake, geology, elevation, slope, agricultural lands, ground- steps.
water depth, power line, roads, archaeological sites, infra-
structures, urban centers, and villages) which are divided 3.1 Evaluating Criteria Weights by AHP
into two main groups: natural environmental factors and
artificial factors. AHP was used to establish the hierarchy of landfill siting
They affect the solid waste site selection in the study and the decision hierarchy model of landfill sitting shown
area referred to in Fig. 3. The data have come from different in Fig.  3 in this case. The current study used thirteen
sources, and all the data were saved in the shape of a digital criteria factors in the computation process. The criteria
map (shapefiles). were divided into two main groups which are natural

Fig. 3  Hierarchy model used for

landfill site selection Goal A Hierarchy B Hierarchy C

Rivers (C1)
lake (C2)
natural Geology (C3)
tal factors Elevaon (C4)
(B1) Slope (C5)
landfill Agriculture(C6)
(A) Ground Water Depth (C7)
Power line (C8)
Arficial Roads (C9)
factors (B2) Archaelogical Sites (C10)
Infrastructures (C11)
Cies (C12)
Villages (C13)

Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering

environmental factors and artificial factors that equally

weighted (0.5) in the study. International literature used




to select the criteria.

The pair-wise comparison matrix was established to
determine the relative importance of different attributes

concerning the decision-makers in terms of contribution




to the goal. Buffer zones around sub-criteria were masked


by giving them a value of zero which they restricted areas.

Urban center
Finally, the values of the pair-wise matrix were pairwise
compared concerning 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 representing equal



importance, weak importance of one over another, essen-




tial or strong importance, demonstrated importance, and

absolute importance, respectively, and assigned 2, 4,
6, and 8 Intermediate values between the two adjacent
judgments. In addition, if activity i has one of the above


nonzero numbers assigned to it when compared with activ-


ity j, then j has the reciprocal value when compared with

i that they developed by (Saaty 1980). The weight (W)

was calculated for each criterion, and they were normal-



ized to calculate the criteria weight (Wi) of each factor,
see Table 1.



Checking has been done for consistency between the


weightings of criteria resulting from the pair-wise com- Power line
parison matrix. Consistency Ratio (CR) was calculated by
Table 1  Pair-wise comparisons’ matrix for calculating the significance weights of criteria for landfill siting

dividing the Consistency Index (CI) by the Random Index

(RI). In this study Consistency Index (CI 0.05108) and 6
Random Index (RI 1.56) used for thirteen criteria (Saaty

1980). Calculated Consistency Ration (CR 0.0327 < 0.1)





which is acceptable.



After preparing the weightings of the thirteen criteria

from the pair-wise comparisons matrix, the Suitability

Index of Landfill Siting (SILS) for the final output map
was calculated through the multiplying the weight of each 0.5

criterion by the weight of each sub-criteria of each cri-

terion. The spatial analysis tool “Map Algebra” in GIS


software was used for this purpose. The (SILS) calculation

process was as follows:



SILS = (C1wi × C1swii) + (C2wi × C2swi) + (C3wi × C3swi)




+ (C4wi × C4swi) + (C5wi × C5swi) + (C6wi × C6swi)


+ (C7wi × C7swi) + (C8wi × C8swi) + (C9wi × C9swi)




+ (C10wi × C10swi) + (C11wi × C11swi)



+ (C12wi × C12swi) + (C13wi × C13swi),






where SILS: suitability index of landfill siting.


The terms “C1wi, C2wi, C3wi, C4wi, C5wi, C6wi,




C7wi, C8wi, C9wi, C10wi, C11wi, C12wi, and C13wi”



represent the criteria weightings. The terms “C1swi,

Archaeological sites

C2swi, C3swi, C4swi, C5swi, C6swi, C7swi, C8swi,

Groundwater depth

C9swi, C10swi, C11swi, C12swi, and C13swi” are expres-

Urban center

sions for their weightings of sub-criteria for each of the


Power line



Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering

3.2 Criteria Details and Application 3.2.3 Groundwater

In this research, thirteen criteria have been considered as Groundwater pollution from landfill leaching and transport
a filter to nominate the acceptable location for landfill and of contaminants is one of the main environmental concerns
input as a map which can be explained as follows: about long-term safety from landfill siting; therefore, landfill
sites should not be located in areas with shallow groundwa-
3.2.1 Residential Areas ter depth to protect the groundwater from contamination. For
the layer of groundwater depths in Pshdar district, the Krig-
Landfills should not be located too close to settlement ing interpolation tool in GIS was utilized to shape an inter-
areas, since it is the main source of health problems, noise polation among the available data of groundwater depths
complaints, and aesthetic, bad odors. Furthermore, future in 26 wells. According to international literature, different
construction growth must also be considered in assigning depths have been recommended as sufficient depth between
the place of landfills. In this study, the residential area was landfill bases to the groundwater table for instance (Effat
subdivided into two different layers. In the first layer, dis- and Hegazy 2012) suggested that depth of 110 m from the
trict center and sub-districts were considered and the second site’s surface to the groundwater table is sufficient depth.
layer consists of villages. The reason behind this separation (Ouma et al. 2011; Sadek et al. 2006) suggested 30 m, and
is the requirement of applying different buffer zone distances 15 m, respectively. In this research, depth between 0–20 m,
to the urban center or villages. According to the literature 20–50 m, 50–70 m, and more than 70 m were scored as 0, 4,
review, the minimum distance from urban centers must be 7, and 10, respectively, Fig. 4e.
at least 5 km and 500 m from isolated houses to locate a
landfill site (Al-Anbari and Abdulredha 2014; Chabuk et al.
3.2.4 Power Lines
2016). Buffer zones less than 5 km to the urban center were
scored 1; buffer zone distances from 5 to 12 km were given
Proximity to power lines must be taken into consideration
the highest grade which was 10. While for 12 to 16 km and
while selecting landfill site, a sufficient distance must be
above 16 km were scored as 7 and 4, respectively. For vil-
provided to avoid the high level of voltage power that results
lage areas, buffer zones less than 1,000 m were scored as 0,
from these lines. On the other hand, as sustainable develop-
whereas those with buffer zones more than 1,000 m were
ment, the proposed landfill sites have to have a power sup-
scored 10 (Fig. 4 a & b).
ply source for the recycling industry. A distance map was
shaped around power supply lines, where the buffer zones
3.2.2 Distance to Surface Water
less than 50 m were scored as 0, buffer zones 50–150 m,
150–500 m, and more than 500 m were scored as, 4, 7, and
Proximity to surface waters, such as rivers, streams, lakes,
10, respectively, Fig. 4f.
ponds, water intake points, etc., must be considered in the
sanitary landfill site selection process to prevent them from
leachate or other pollutants from contaminating the area 3.2.5 Archaeological Sites
(Yachiyo Engineering CO 2004). In this study, the surface
water bodies categorized to two categories which are rivers Archaeological sites were considered as one of the most
and lakes: important criteria for landfill site selection. Since several
sites are available in the studying area which are officially
• Distance from Rivers According to international litera- preserved. Therefore, a buffer zone of less than 1 km around
ture (Gorsevski et al. 2012; Şener et al. 2010; Wang et al. these areas was masked and, thus, scored 0. Buffer zones of
2009) 500 m buffer zones were drawn around all rivers 1–3 km around these areas and more than 3 km were scored
as a minimum safe distance to the landfill site. About as 5 and 10, respectively, Fig. 4g
500 m buffer zone was scored as 0, 1000 m, 2000 m, and
buffer zones greater than 2000 m scored as 4, 7, and 10,
3.2.6 Agriculture
respectively, Fig. 4c.
• Distance from Lake 500 m buffer zones were consid-
Various types of agricultural lands are present in the study-
ered around all lakes as a minimum safe distance to the
ing area, which were excluded from further consideration by
landfill site which scored 0. For other distances, buffer
using the GIS database. These agricultural lands have been
zones were scored as 1000 m, 2000 m, and buffer zones
categorized into two main classes, class I farmlands and
greater than 2000 m scored as 4, 7, and 10, respectively,
cropland and class II unused lands. The class I has great eco-
Fig. 4d (Gorsevski et al. 2012; Şener et al. 2010; Wang
nomic value for the district since they are the main sources
et al. 2009).

Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering

Fig. 4  Maps showing suitability of evaluation (standardized) criteria for landfill site of: a Villages; b distance to urban center; c Rivers; d Dukan
Lake; e Ground water depth; f Power Line; f Power Line; g Archeological Sites; h Farm Land; i Geology

Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering

of agricultural and crop production. Therefore, they are not a than 3000 m far away from major district roads were graded
suitable place for a sitting landfill. Class I scored as 0, while as 1. Although buffer zones 1000–1500 m and 2500–3000 m
Class II scored as 10 Fig. 4h. far away from major district roads were scored as 4 (Fig. 5a,
3.2.7 Proximity to Roads
3.2.8 Geological Properties of the Land
In this study, the available roads in the studying area have
been categorized into two categories such as major district The geological data of the studied area determined were
roads and minor district roads. Both types were incorporated based on the series of geological maps of the Iraq scale
into the layer of “roads.” Buffer zones of 1500–2500 m far 1:250,000. The geological map was digitized using ArcGIS
away from the major district roads and 400- 1500 m far away software and converted into a grid map with a 30 × 30 m
from the minor district roads were assigned as the highest resolution. There was some different geological formation
score of 10. While buffer zones of less than 400 m and more in the area; the main formations have been grouped into
than 1500 m from minor district roads were scored as 1 and seven formation groups; Alluvial fan deposit, well-bedded
4, respectively. Buffer zones of less than 1000 m and more limestone, rock fragments, marly limestone, metamorphic,

Fig. 5  Maps showing suitability of evaluation (standardized) criteria for landfill site of: a Major Roads; b Minor Roads; c Elevation; d Slope; e

Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering

lake and volcanic groups. The alluvial and limestone forma- 4 Result and Discussion
tions have a high potential for water adsorption and are not
suitable for landfill sites interim of water adsorption while To detect the most suitable location for landfill sitting,
it is helpful for landfill construction operation. Hence, these all criteria mentioned in this study are considered, and
sites were scored as 5. The other formation based on their the weights of each criterion are determined by using
capability to water absorption and permeability character- AHP and GIS methods. All the layers overlaid with their
istics were evaluated and scored as 7, 5, 0, 1, and 10 for weights in the ArcGIS weight overlay tool, final map of
rock fragments, marly limestone, lake, volcanic group, and suitability based on AHP is generated Fig. 6a. Based on
metamorphic, respectively, Fig. 4i. suitability, the final output map of the land suitability
index (LSI) for landfill sitting was drawn for the study
3.2.9 Slope area which is categorized into four classes as explained
in landfill suitability map Fig. 6b.; 1. Unsuitable sites, 2.
The slope of the Land is a crucial parameter for the con- Moderately suitable sites, 3. Suitable sites, and 4. Most
struction and operation of a sanitary landfill site, it affects suitable sites.
the landscape processes such as soil water content, erosion Eventually, the map of LSI multiplied by the map of the
potential, runoff rates, and subsurface flow. The locations restricted area to avoid sitting in the landfill on the restricted
have a steep slope that is not technically appropriate for areas. It is caused to kick out those areas which they recog-
landfill construction. However, less sloped lands are consid- nized as restricted areas Fig. 7a. The solid waste quantity of
ered as the best for a landfill siting to prevent the transition the Pshdar district was calculated as 93.77 Tons/day, and the
of contaminants to surrounding areas. Since the studying solid waste generation rate was (0.761 kg/ cap-day) accord-
area has irregular topography with a different slope angle. ing to (Hamza and Ahmed 2020). The solid waste quantity
The sites that have slope less than 10% is the most suitable expected in 2035 is 53647.7 tons. The cumulative quantity
(full membership) and those that have more than 35% are not of solid waste expected from 2020 to 2035 is (741,734.75
suitable (full-non-membership). The areas that have slope tons) based on a projected population in 2035 in the district
less than 5%, slope between 5%-10%, 10%-20%, 20%-35%, of 193,144 inhabitants (Data 2020).
and more than 35% were scored as 5, 10, 6, 3, 0 Fig. 5d. The average density of the district solid waste is
(167.60 kg/m3) for non-compacted waste; and the density
3.2.10 Elevation for compacted waste at the landfill site is 663.62 kg/m 3
(Hamza and Ahmed 2020). Then, from the expected waste
The land altitude is similar to the slope which they are the quantity dividing by density, the predicted volume of waste
basic parameters for construction and operation sanitary and expectable volume waste of cumulating waste in 2035
landfill sites. Areas with high altitudes are not suitable for are 80,841 ­m3 and 1,117,710 ­m3, respectively. In the study
landfill sites; the best locations for landfill sites are places area, 3 m depth assumed for landfill construction; therefore,
with moderate height bounded by hills. The digital elevation the required area of a candidate landfill site to include the
model with a 30 × 30 m resolution was downloaded from cumulative quantity of solid waste in 2035 is 537488.95 ­m2.
the NASA website for this purpose. An area with altitude This case study reveals the process of identifying one or
483–600 m above sea level was graded as 10 (most suit- a few optimal sites. All candidate sites based on the natural
able according to region topography), and an area at 600- environmental and artificial factors were overlaid based on
700 m above sea level was scored as 7 (suitable). Areas at their weights and screened by predicted landfill area for the
700–900 m above sea level was scored as 5 (less suitable), next 15 years. Because this process of site selection allows
and areas with elevation more than 700 m above sea level site suitability to be accepted with the maximum possible
graded as 1 (least suitable) Fig. 5c. operational period of a candidate site, it is very beneficial for
future planning. Finally, the best landfill areas were selected,
3.2.11 Infrastructures and they can be considered as the optimal landfill candidate
sites. The better landfill areas can be considered as backup
There are some infrastructures in the study area such as a landfill candidate sites. Based on the predicted area for 2035,
water treatment plant, main storage water tank, electricity all areas were removed smaller than 537,488.95 ­m2 to reach
power station, and university campus. Due to safety and spe- the final candidate areas. The candidate areas were taken
cial needs, a 500 m buffer zone was used and scored as 0. into account with the maximum suitability rank as candidate
And buffer zone of 500–1500 m was scored as 3 (less suit- site 1 (15,040,400 m­ 2), candidate site 2 (3,902,410 m ­ 2), can-
able), while the places with a distance of more than 1500 m 2
didate site 3 (2,586,130 ­m ), and candidate site 4 (730,462
was scored as 10 (most suitable). Table 2 is the summary ­m2) as shown in Fig. 7b.
of the criteria and sub-criteria with AHP weights Fig. 5e.

Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering

Table 2  Summary of the No. Criteria Sub-criteria value Sub-criteria Criteria

criteria used in the analysis scoring weights

1 Urban centers (m) 0–5000 1 0.136

5000–12,000 10
12,000–16,000 7
 > 16,000 4
2 Villages (m) 0–1000 0 0.084
 > 1000 10
3 Rivers (m) 0–500 0 0.136
500–1000 4
1000–2000 7
 > 2000 10
4 Dukan lake (m) 0–500 0 0.137
500–1000 4
1000–2000 7
 > 2000 10
5 Ground water depth (m) 0–20 0 0.204
20–50 4
50–70 7
 > 70 10
6 Power lines (m) 0–50 0 0.017
50–150 4
150–500 7
 > 500 10
7 Archaeological sites (m) 0–1000 0 0.029
1000–3000 5
 > 30,000 10
8 Agriculture Class I 0 0.031
Class II 10
9 Major district roads (m) 0–1000 1 0.04
1000–1500 4
1500–2500 10
2500–3000 4
Minor district roads (m) 0–400 0
400–1500 10
 > 1500 4
10 Geological properties of the land Alluvial & limestone 5 0.059
Rock Fragments 7
Merly limestone 5
Lake 0
Volcanic group 1
Metamorphic 10
11 Slope ( ◦) 0–10 10 0.039
10–20 5
20–30 3
 > 30 0
12 Elevation (m.s.l) 483–600 10
600–700 7
700–900 5
 > 900 1 0.061
13 Infrastructures (m) 0–500 0 0.027

Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering

Table 2  (continued) No. Criteria Sub-criteria value Sub-criteria Criteria

scoring weights

500–1500 3
 > 1500 10

Fig. 6  a, b Landfill Suitability

map and recommended are for

Fig. 7  a Restricted areas and

LSI, b Candidate sites

5 Conclusions At the end of the analysis process, based on the suitabil-

ity map derived from GIS and filtered with all criteria, four
Pshdar district is considered as the study area in the cur- candidate sites have been identified as the most suitable sites
rent research. It is one of the districts of the province of in the district, and these sites were checked on the satellite
Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The research images (2019) of Pshdar district to be confirmed that the
focused on the selection of suitable sites for a sanitary land- sites are appropriate for landfill siting. The available area
fill in the district using thirteen scientific and environmental of each candidate site has been evaluated, the area of can-
criteria with sufficient methodology to evaluate the whole didate site 1, candidate site 2, candidate site 3, and candi-
district area to find the best suitable sites for landfills. AHP date site 4 are 15,050,000 ­m2, 3,900,000 ­m2, 2,580,000 ­m2,
and GIS were used in the analysis process. Environmental and 730,000  ­m2, respectively. These candidate sites have
and artificial factors were considered in the analysis process capacity more than required for dumping solid waste which
including rivers, lake, geology, elevation, slope, agriculture, expected to be generated up to year 2035 in the district (the
groundwater depth, power line, roads, archaeological sites, required area of the landfill site to include the cumulative
infrastructures, urban centers, and villages. quantity of solid waste in year 2035 is 537488.95 ­m2 and the
available area of the smallest candidate site is 730462 ­m2).

Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering

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