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                                                          DIARY OF A LEGONITE

                                                                  Page One

Dear Diary,

Being a level 200 student at the University of Ghana is just one of a hell, you are greeted with all kinds of
temptations you can ever think of, but I see myself fighting through these temptations, especially as a
Law student.

Fafa is my name, I am a student of UG, and a resident of Limann Hall, I am much of a reserved girl on
campus, I might be seen in the company of my course mates or Shanty or maybe my roomie….No New
friends please!!!,I am a perfect definition for Introvert.

I am a very pretty girl, and I don’t need a guy to flatter me with those flattering words, I own this sharp
face with brightly coloured teeth to match my lit eyes…Thanks to my Dad, “Am really the chip of the old

Dating is never in my daily routine, I see guys and men as a total distraction, so far as am still in school,

I was always glued to my books back at Wesley Girls….A bookworm they called me, I was never ready to
accept defeat from any of my class mates, being a science student was the best thing that ever
happened to me, All this my idea of guys and my bookish lifestyle led me to the University of Ghana to
pursue my dream course. Law!!!

Am fortunate to share a room with this nerd, Adiya, believe you me, she rarely opens her mouth to say
something!! Adiya only speaks to her boyfriend and maybe me…..

The next person I am close to is my “University Best Friend”, Shanty…This girl is only nice when you
become friends, but until then, you wouldn’t like to piss her off.

I had to swallow a bitter pill before we became friends on campus, since then we have been that close
on campus.

Shanty is in a relationship with this IPS guy, Aluta or whatever his name is, not soo cute, but rich and
welcoming, He is the son of an MP here in Ghana…..Like I care!

So in other words, I am the only girl in my friends cycle that has no guy in my life, I am soo worried, am I
ready for a relationship??...Lord gives me a sign….

Dear Diary, You know, I met this guy when we closed from lectures, He was soo Cute, I wish He were an
apple fruit, I wouldn’t think twice before taking a bite, the guy was soo cute, Yea, am the one talking
about a guy….But seriously speaking, I think I misplaced my phone, and this guy did well by returning it
to me….How good he is, I pray he really is good.
I met up with him after I called my contact number using Shanty’s phone, we met at the entrance of the
Balm Library where He returned the phone to its missing owner, and when our eyes, met…Hallelujah!!

It had to take the usual back slap from Shanty to bring me back to my sane mind, I thanked him and left
without caring to ask for his name or even take his contact, Shanty queried me for that, But I was so lost
in my own dilemma, I don’t know how to do that wai Shanty, I remember telling her that,

Oh really? Then you will marry your uncle! That was her reply…

Am I in love already? Or this is what they called crush? Well whatever that was, I pray I don’t relate..

Am not falling for that guy...No, No guys Pleas

                                                        Page Two

Dear Diary,

Today looks very promising and I can’t wait to make the best out of it, lectures starts at 8:30Am and after
12:00, am so free like a bird, I don’t even know what I will be doing during that period...Sleep? Ah well!

Adiya is home sick and wouldn’t be coming back to the room after lectures, she is going home...I wish
she really is going home, I had a strong feeling the girl is staying over at her boyfriend’s room, Ah well!!
Shanty has lectures the whole of today, there is no breathing space for her at all, so in other words, am
going to be so lonely today…soo so lonely!

I entered the lecture hall and it seem I was the last to come in, thanks the lecturer hadn’t yet come, I
warmed myself near this British guy who suffers from this hearing impairment, and uses this hearing aid
and He can actually know exactly what you are saying by just reading your lips. I wonder how that works,
He likes me a lot, He likes to be called Shark, Yes Shark, the one you are thinking about…Shark. Lol

He has a big problem with shutting up and minding his business, He could pose thousands of questions
to one lecturer, He pisses them off every time, I heard He is related to Jon Benjamin, Ghana’s High
Commissioner to Ghana…

I was outside minded throughout the whole period of lecturing, I don’t actually remember what I was
thinking about, when I came back to my senses, the lecturer was standing right in front of me with this
weird look, He seem to have been monitoring me the whole time, I quickly apologized and faked a
headache which He believed…He knows am always attentive in class though’.

Shark looked at my face some way bi, He knew I was lying, but I don’t really care, I just wanted lectures
to come to an end, I wanted to catch some air outside and free my mind.
The lecturer left before 12:00Am, He had a meeting to attend, Shark quickly spoke in his British accent
accusing me of lying to a Lecturer, and what followed next was a whole lot of reasons why we shouldn’t
lie, I know that already…I told him…

He invited me to have lunch with him, I was so hungry that I agreed without thinking , We matched to
this small restaurant where he bought Fruit salad for himself(He is a Veg),and I asked for a plate of Jollof
Rice with grilled chicken, that was served with Alvaro which we enjoyed, Shark was a good guy, He was
being good, or He liked me or I don’t know…But I thanked him for the treat and matched straight to the
Balm library to catch some reading, Shark went to his hall with this annoying Japanese girl He usually
walks with…

The Library was quiet as usual, I made myself comfortable in a corner and quickly brought out my phone
to read my messages, after that, I flipped it to silence and tossed it back into my handbag, I retrieved my
hand-outs and engaged my mind into a serious “chew and pour” activity…That is how we learn as Law
students…I didn’t raise my head for about two hours of intensive studies until I noticed someone sitting
opposite me, I slowly raised my head and who I saw nearly made my shout, I wonder how long He has
been staring at me, That was the cute guy I told you about yesterday, He was still cute, but more cuter
today, I slowly lifted my head when I heard him say hi, and was good enough to reply him, He spoke in
this American accent I liked, He mentioned his name as Bryan.. The name kraa is cute…Born and bred in
Oklahoma in the US, but parents are Ghanaians, so he is here to stay…..

Oh cool, I’m Fanica Fallu, aka Fafa, Am a Ghanaian, I quickly replied him, I was being nice to a guy for the
first time in my wretched life, yes, but call me Fafa, that is the name I most respond to, He smile
revealing a complete set of this snowy with teeth which I became jealous of, I felt mine was just a darker
shade of white when I saw his, ah well, He was born in US,I was born at Ablekuma, the difference.

After that, we spoke for a very long time, life, lectures and etc. The guy was good, He didn’t even ask to
know whether I was dating or crushing on someone or not, I would have crushed his head if he did.

He asked for my number, I lied by telling him I don’t have my number in memory and also, my phone is
on low battery, He wrote his number on a piece of paper and gave it to me, He told me to call when am
free, I said ok, Liar liar pants on fire, I just thanked my stars Shark was not here to sing this nursery rhyme
to me again.

He asked permission to take leave, I said goodbye after he reminded me to call him, I waved and saw him
vanish among the book shelves of the library, after this, I heaved a big sigh to congratulate myself on a
successful “tete a tet” with a guy, A complete strange guy, A cute one.

I packed my books and went out to meet Shanty who had just closed from lectures, It was getting dark so
we went outside the school campus to get some food, I was quiet the whole time and she knew
something was wrong or right, I was smiling to myself, she asked if a banana has fallen on me or I had
eaten some food I picked from the ground, I burst out laughing and begged her to spare me those jokes,
she okayed and we kept walking towards the basketball court, then suddenly I heard my name, Fafa!!,my
neck refused to turn, I stayed put and tried hard to decode the bearer of that voice, Shanty kept looking
at me and told me he needs some explanation, It was Bryan, He was a basketball player and if I had
known, we would have taken a different route to the hall, I came over and said hi, Shanty did the rest of
the talking and I was spicing it up with smiles and slight laughter, He again reminded me to call and run
back to the court, Shanty quickly turned and looked at my face as if I was the one who killed Jesus, Diary,
Lemme get my phone, I have a call…….I will get back to you tomorrow morning, Shanty is about grilling
me ……

                                                        Page Three

Dear Diary,

I’m back, it was Adiya, she just called to remind me she wouldn’t be coming to the room tonight, hmmm,
I have a strong feeling this girl will definitely be laid tonight. Yes!

Aha, as I said early on, Shanty looked at me direct in the eye and I didn’t need to be a psychic to know
what she wanted from me, Ok am sorry I didn’t tell you about him, I went to the library and then he
suddenly appeared and we started having a convo, and nothing else, I stammered those words to her
and she kept looking me in the face with her bulged eyes like that…

Am not asking for explanation Fafa, I really want to believe that guy engaged you in a convo, and you
didn’t excuse yourself as usual?, I can’t really think far, the last time I checked you were supposed to be
an androphobia, how come, did he use some kind of magic, and what were you guys discussing?, Shanty
said,…I tried convincing her but she still demanded for whatever discussion that went on, I narrated
everything I could remember, word to word, line by line….She sighed a relieve and we resumed walking,
she smiled to herself and I wish I knew what she was thinking, I dared not ask her because she would say

Shanty is a girl I can always be proud of, we are both age mates, but she is very smart and really knows
how to deal with every situation, she’s more of my mother, look like their minds have been synced in a
strange way, Ah well.

I parted ways with Shanty but she promised    to come to my room soon, I picked up my room key and
went to my room, I threw myself on my bed to take a quick nap, but something was not right in the
room, I could smell something funny, I started looking around the round and the first thing I noticed was
that, Adiya’s bed wasn’t dressed as usual, her bed sheet was more messed up like someone has been
sleeping on it, I again noticed two disposable cups, I checked closely and realized that, one cup had
lipstick stained on its edges, and that lipstick is that of Adiya…Seriously, this girl is just a she-devil, I
thought she was sick, I checked the fridge and my Don Simon was gone…I prayed myself to a cooled
temper and walked to the washroom to free myself, and guess what I saw in the WC,A stubborn condom
that refused to take part in their sins by refusing to go down the drain after being flashed, I did well by
making sure it flashed, I knew this girl was just some kind of bed hopper, how can you come here with a
guy, satisfy yourself and leave the dirt for me to clean up, what nonsense?, She would come back and
meet me here.

My attention was stolen when I heard someone trying to open my locked door, I knew immediately it
was Shanty, I don’t remember the last time she knocked before entering this room.

She looked and me and asked what was wrong, is she a psychic or what? She seem to know my feelings
by just looking at my face, I explained what I just witnessed and she didn’t look surprise

Look, Fafa, you think Virginity is dignity, or fun or whatever you want to term it...wait till your cherry is
popped, and you wouldn’t really know the essence of being a virgin, She said.

But what was that supposed to mean Shanty, I asked her,

Hey, am not here to give you lectures on virginity or whatever, sit and let’s call Bryan now…

Whaat? Are you crazy, call who? Bryan? What am I going to discuss with him for Christ’s sake?
I asked.

She had taken my handbag and was scoping out my books to look for the said paper that bears Bryans
contact…where is the paper Fafa? She asked.

I don’t really know, I replied

But my answer was soon falsified when the paper magically flew out of my bag and landed right in front
of us, she took my phone and dialled the number, and before I could say jack, I heard “Hi hello Bryan

She gave me a sign to reply, I quickly hanged up the call after I’d taken the phone from her…

Shanty, what do you expect me to tell her?    I asked

No, He will start the convo, He asked you to call, so has must find something you guys can talk about,
after all He is the guy, she relax and play nice….Am here with you Fafa…Shanty said

But you can just pick up the call and pretend to be me, so that I will play along…

Nope, look, He is calling back….

Me: Hello Bryan

Bryan: Ya, please may I know whom I speaking to? No wait, are you Fafa?
Me: Yes

Bryan: Oh Thank God, I thought you wouldn’t call

Me: Oh no, I just charged my phone……”Shanty said something I didn’t hear, I know that was an insult”.

Bryan: I just wanted that tell you how beautiful you are, I couldn’t tell you that in your face, am a bit

Me: Thank you Bryan….

Bryan: I’m doing some assignment now; can we meet tomorrow, after lectures?

Me: Urrmm, Yes……That was Shanty replying on my behalf…I didn’t want to...I eyed her like a pregnant

Bryan: Good, I will give you a call tomorrow

Me: ok

Bryan: See you later, Goodnight

Me: Goodnight

The three minutes call to me was like an hour, I turned immediately to look at Shanty, who just gave me
an impromptu date with Bryan.

Listen Fafa; just give him a chance, he not telling you to marry him, is He?

Just give him a chance, at least you can be friends, who knows, something meaningful might happen…
She said.

I know, but you should have allowed make the choice myself, I would have said yes anyway,…

Shanty teased me and we went back to grilling Adiya, my roomie who used our room as a breeder

Listen Fafa, she has the right to bring her boyfriend here ok; the only mistake she did was taking your
Don Simon without telling you.

Ah, you think, what about the condom? I asked.

“She didn’t hang that on your bed did she, it was in the WC, or do you drink from there, spare me those

Virgin Gospels wai, Shanty said”.

She was making sense here, and I knew I had no reason to attack Adiya when she returns.

It was deeper in the night, I begged Shanty to sleep over

She said she would if only I agree to sleep on Adiya’s bed...

No, am not sleeping on that, it’s soaked with sweats from Adiya and her boyfriend…

And before I knew, Shanty had opened the door and shouted a goodnight; I locked the door, entered the
washroom and took a shower.

I stepped out of the bath tub and viewed myself in the mirror, I saw my naked self and Shanty’s
statement hit me like something I couldn’t explain…”What is the essence of being a Virgin”...

I thought over this as I walked to my bed, said a prayer and forced myself into sleep whiles smiling, But
what the hell was that smile about though’?

Dear Diary, I have a date tomorrow, lets chat later, bye…

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Dear Diary,

I couldn’t feel my back, it ached, look likes my house witches rode on my back to Ouagadougou and
back…..I was just tired from lectures and all school activities….

I went to the washroom and did all things needed there and opened my wardrobe to prepare myself
some breakfast, then I remembered I was out of sugar…oh c’mon...

I quickly opened Adiya’s wardrobe and took a reasonable quantity, after all she took my Don Simon, so
no big deal…

I finished breakfast and was about leaving when I heard Shanty call my name whiles opening the door;
she looked at me and burst out laughing…

Ah, what’s wrong, why are you laughing like that? I asked.

For Christ’s sake you have a date, your first ever date, please wear something nicer than this Dashiki, and
ah…Be sexy for once in your life…

Shanty, but what is wrong with this Dashiki? It’s cool and I less wear it on campus, it was carefully
selected wai, I protested.
Is not wrong wearing a dashiki ok, but wear something; everyone wears dashiki…but not to a date, just
open your wardrobe and let’s get you something to wear…Shanty requested...

I opened my wardrobe and she started throwing my things out one by one until she saw this black dress I
don’t remember the last time I wore that, I looked at her as she did a thumb up sign showing that dress
was ok…I just took it ironed it before going to the washroom to change.

Wow, look at you, you look like Cinderella with a glass shoe, she teased…

Now wear that shoe and let me retouch your hair, after that, you will wear an invisible make up….Shanty

Whaat, that shoe?, Make up?....Why am I going to a royal wedding at the Buckingham Palace or what?

Please, let me just wear this dress for today, am not even comfortable in it, it shows my knees…Ah! I

After fifteen minutes, Shanty looked at me in the eye and told me how beautiful I was, and the necessity
of    making myself appear beautiful, I looked    into the mirror and I felt a bit confident..

Thank you Shanty, I said whiles smiling….

Be gone now, you have lectures in fifteen minutes, Shanty said...

Yea, what about you, aren’t you going for lectures?    I asked.

Nope, I don’t have lectures on Thursdays, so I’ll be here on your bed…

Ok, I’ll call you immediately am ready to meet him,

Call me? For what?

Oh, so that we can go together, or what do you say…

Fafa, you don’t seize to amaze me, look, it’s your date ok, you need some privacy, and this is the time
you need to talk to a guy without me being around you ok…

Ok Shanty, I’m gone, but don’t mess up my room...

Aluta is coming here, and I’ll be hosting him in this room, on your bed, so call me when you are coming.

Whaat, on my bed? What’s wrong with you guys, this room is not a hotel oooo...I cried out loud...

Madam, if the lecturer enters the hall before you, you know the consequence...

I started leaving before she could complete her sentence…

I stepped into the lecture hall and all eyes were on me, the guys, the ladies, the lesbians and even the
homosexuals were looking at me as if I were some kind of alien, I made my way to my seat near Shark
who had his eyes glued to my shoes…

WTF! Fafa, you look so gorgeous, where are you going? Beauty contest, photoshot, or you finally got
your senses back?

Shark, can you please shut up, you making everyone look at me, please...I pleaded...

Ok, so tell me, what are you up too Fafa…? You know you have to tell me before I do my own
investigation, Shark said...

Ok, am going to meet this guy….

Wait!!,guy?, I knew it, I knew you two were up to something, I just wanted time to confirm it, yes, I knew
it…Shark said..

Hey c’mon, you knew what? What two are you talking about, tell me but try to keep your voice low…

“Shark couldn’t keep his voice low because of his hearing disability; his voice is always too loud or too

I saw you with this guy yesterday at the library, Is He that guy?

Shark! Have you been trailing me? You were supposed to be in your room at that time, so how come you
were at the library…?..I asked him looking surprised…

I wasn’t trailing you ok, I escorted Hun Ying to return a book she borrowed from the librarian…So you
see, I wasn’t trailing you, I just chanced on you…

“Hun Ying is that annoying Japanese girl I told you about yesterday”…

Ok Shark, Yes, that’s the guy, ok...But promise to keep your mouth shut about this…

Ok, I promise….Shank said...

So, why are you guys meeting? Shark asked…

You know, Queen Elizabeth II is 91years old, do you know why? I asked...

No I don’t, Shark replied with this weird look…

Because she has been minding her business…I said teasingly…Lol.

You can choose not to tell me ok, I’ll know it anyway…No big deal…Shark said

By the way, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is 93years, and he cannot mind his business...What about that?
Shark asked…
I don’t care, I said silently, because the lecturer just ended and started writing some something bi on the
board, I am not ready for any quiz this morning, I have a date and wouldn’t like to be delayed….Tsw!..

The quiz lasted for two hours, I was so bored that I felt like vanishing out if the lecture hall, I signed a big
relieve when He finally asked us to stop work and present our papers, I did that immediately and started
leaving with Shark asking me to wait for him, I pretended I didn’t hear him and continued walking whiles
trying take my phone out of my handbag.

Whaat?,7 missed calls from Bryan?...OMG!,I quickly called his number but it didn’t go through because I
had no airtime, I had to borrow Shark’s phone who heckled me for refusing to wait for her, He gave it out

I again called, but the phone was switched off, I tried again and again, but same result, I returned the
phone to Shark and promised to see him in the evening whiles going towards the library.

I was going to check whether I will find him there since He has been visiting the place, I searched
everywhere and the guy was nowhere to be found…Oh God!!

I made my way out and started walking towards me resident hall, I bought some airtime and kept trying
to reach him, I had to give up though’…

When I reached my room, I tried opening the door but it was locked from inside...

Fafa is that you? That was Shanty asking…

Yea it’s me, c’mon open the door…I said...

Please, hung out somewhere, I’ll call you when He’s gone ok, She banged the door afterwards…

Oh God, where am I going now, wait! Shanty was not wearing her bra, Oh Lawd; someone is defiling my
bed….Ah…What is all this sickness about...

I called Shark and told him I was coming to his room, at least I will get some latest Hollywood movies to
watch…..He said ok...

I reached his room and opened the door forgetting to knock, and guess what I saw!!....

Shark was seriously locking lips with Hun Ying……They quickly separated when they saw me…

Fafa, don’t you know how to knock, “I think Shanty infected me with her sickness”…I told myself…

I apologized whiles looking at his face…

We will talk about this later ok, He said...

You better, I replied….

Diary, My day is just somewhat bad luck today, I will tell you the rest later, but for now, I have to watch
Game of Thrones with Shark and that Hun Ying or whatever…Winter is indeed coming

                                                                      Page Five

Dear Diary,

Hope I didn’t keep you waiting,

Ok, lets continue from where we stopped,...Game of Thrones was a movie we all loved, so nobody
complained, But that Hun Ying kept looking at me as if I were a thorn in her flesh, She was supposed to
be that thorn in my flesh, not the other way round, I know she is pissed off because I just prevented her
from warming her blood....tsw!!

After some hours of watching the movie, I realized Shark and his kissing buddy were fast asleep, and can
you imagine? That    girl was sleeping on his chest as if they have been married for centuries...I’m crying
loud for being jealous errr?...

I heard my phone ringing and I knew it was Shanty, but guess what, it was Bryan calling, I quickly went
outside to pick up the call

Me: Hi Bryan

Bryan: Hi Fafa, sorry but I was out of campus, I wanted to tell you that but you never answered

Me: Oh ok, I thought you were...uhmmm

Bryan: I wasn't pissed of ok, I just wanted us to fixed it to tomorrow Friday, maybe in the night, What do
you think?
Me: Did you say night?

Bryan: Yea I did and is anything the matter?

Me: Oh not really

Bryan: So Friday night? Deal?

Me: Yes deal

Bryan: I will wait for you at the basketball court at 7:00Pm, don’t be late

Me: Ok I wouldn’t

Bryan: Ok, catch you later and stay safe..

Me: Goodbye
OMG! In the night? C’mon, how are we going to do that, where is He even taking me to?

Ah, I couldn't just say no to him, hmmmmm, anyway, let’s wait and see what happens…

I opened the door to Shark's room and there He was staring at my face and smiling,

Shark: I told you I will know

Me: Know what?    Listen, am going back to my room ok, and the next time we meet, you will explain
everything to me

Shark: Explain what?

Me: I don't need to remind you

Shark: Oh that, ok I hear, just promise wouldn’t tell anyone

Me: I promise.

Shark: good.

I left Shark's room and went towards my regular kelewele joint, I got some for myself and Shanty, I was
about leaving when a guy approached me and started flattering me....Like seriously?....He asked for my
number and I gave him my student ID number, after all they are all numbers...He was bored though'...

I called Shanty when I was few steps away from my room; she said the Aluta guy was gone so I could
come in...Hmmm. My room too, am being controlled.

Shanty has been sleeping, I knew the guy left long ago but this naughty girl refused to call me, she
claimed she was out of credit as she made her was to take the kelewele from me...

Me: Shanty, see how tired you look, what have you two being doing here since morning?

Shanty: Sex, sex, sex, and sex....What were you expecting? Bible studies? Spare me that your Chrifey
stuff, I also attended Sunday school some wai.

Me: Sex, C’mon Shanty, you can't be sleeping with this guy like that, how sure are you he is not just using
you? And besides, you could contract dangerous STI's, have you ever boarded to check his STI's status?

Shanty: Fafa, you are right, but we couldn’t control things ok, but don't worry, we used a condom and
hey, this is the third time we having relax.

Me: Used a condom, what about Hepatitis B which can be contracted through sweat?

Shanty: Hmmm, Fafa, look, I hear you ok, I promise to check his STI's status the next time we meet.
Me: you better....And hey, wash my bed sheet with Omo, Parazone, Detol and iron it nicely...

I'll wash it with alata samina...sias3m...She said whiles laughing

Ahaa, how did the date go, did you play along? Shanty asked

No, we couldn’t meet; He had to attend to a situation outside the campus, so He said we should meet
tomorrow at 7:00PM. I said

Pm? Oh this guy got to be kidding me, and where is He planning to take you? Bush canteen? Shanty

I don’t know, but I agreed to meet him, I don’t know what to do kraa...I lamented.

Listen, you better get yourself ready to meet That dude ok, I know He likes you and you must give him a
chance, I don’t know where your heart is situated, but if its where I think it’s supposed to be, let it feel
the beat of love ok...Shanty said...

My Mum loves me. I replied.

Abi you will marry your Uncle Errr? Shanty joked.

Aluta brought me a lot of groceries, I know you are out of groceries, you can keep them..

Shanty thank you, I have been trying to reach mum but she's not picking up...Awww, my babe boo, love
you soo much...I said.

Shanty did well by selecting the dress that will match a night date, I escorted her to her room and come
back to make myself dinner, whiles eating I inspected the groceries Aluta brought to Shanty, they were
just more than enough for me..."But am still taking that money from Mum though"...

I was about sleeping when Shark called

Me: Whats’up Shark?

Shark: Yea, Look sorry you had to see us that way, you know what I mean

Me: Tell me something.

Shark: She says she loves me, but I don't

Me: Love? But do Japanese fall in love too? Lol

Shark: Whatever, but we have been doing this for quiet sometime now

Me: what? You don't love her and you are making out with her?

Shark: I know, but I don't want to hurt her feelings Fafa.

Me: You are taking advantage of her and you know that, do you?

Shark: Yea I do, but what should I tell her?

Me: I’m I your lover calculator?

Shark: I shouldn’t have called you; I forgot you have no taste for relationships

Me: Tsw! Did you guys, you know what I mean.

Shark: Oh no, I swear we have never had sex...

Me: Ok, tomorrow I will talk to her myself ok

Shark: Whaat? I thought you disliked her, how are you gonna do that?

Me: You just wait and see ok, maybe I would just strangle her to death. Lol

Shark: haha, Ok, I hear, goodnight Fafa.

Me: Goodnight Shark.

I hanged up and couldn’t believe I was going to talk to this girl after all this bad comments I have made
about her, Ah well....Japanese people don't bite...

Dear Diary, I think I have to retire to bed now, I have a whole lot of activities to attend tomorrow, plus a
Date, Wish me luck.

Catch you later.

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Dear Diary,

Today, I woke up late, lectures on Friday starts at 12:00Am, so I had the whole morning to myself

After I had taken my breakfast and taken my bath, I went straight to Shanty's room to get vibes on how I
would approach Hun Ying to discuss her weird relationship with Shark.

I knocked on her door and she didn’t respond, which to me was unusual, I turned the knob, and there
she lay on her bed with a blanket covering her whole body

Me: Shanty wake up, it’s almost 8:30

Shanty: Fafa is that you?

Me: No, it’s my shadow, wake up you lazy girl (My hand touched her body and her temperature was very
abnormal)...Shanty, what is wrong with you, is everything alright...your temperature is high.

Shanty: I don't know Fafa, It started this morning, I feel weak and have been vomiting.

Me: Weak? Vomiting oh God! Have you taken any drug, like gotten medication from the pharmacy?

Shanty: Yea, I took some drugs I had in my bag.

Me: Whaat...that is drug abuse...don't you know is very dangerous?

Shanty: I know...

Me: Have you called your Mom.

Shanty: Her phone is off, and I can't reach my sister.

Me: Oh gosh..."Shanty leaves with her Mom, her parents are separated, but she is still in touch with her
father". Rich Mom though"...No Shanty, get up and let me take you to the hospital...

Shanty: No, I will be fine?

Me: Fine? You just had sex with your boyfriend, and the next day you are sick all over and you think you
are fine...You better get up before I tell your Mom about that...

Shanty: Ok fine....

At the hospital, Shanty did not have a NHIS card, I called my Mom and she quickly came to the hospital,
"My Mom knows almost all my friends" , She paid all the necessary fees and Shanty was asked to go for a
laboratory scan...Then I realized her mood switched immediately..

I quickly gave her a sign to meet me outside...

Me: Mom, I'm going to get some food for Shanty, she has not eaten since morning.

Mom: Ok, you guys should hurry and come, I called your Mom and she says she is in a Board meeting.

Shanty: Ok Ma' Thank you.

We walked outside the OPD building and walked towards the mini mart.

Shanty, you look scared, listen, you have to run this scan ok, is better you know what wrong with you
now, I know you are afraid you might have contracted some kind of STI, or maybe pregnant...But don't
be too judgmental, everything will be alright, trust me.

Fafa, I understand you, what if I test positive to an STI? What will your mother say? Is she gonna accept
the fact that her daughter is a friend to a girl who a sexually transmitted disease? Shanty said with tears
forming in her eyes..
I tried to console her whiles we made our way back to the OPD after Shanty bought a bottle of Vita Milk.

The nurse soon signaled Shanty to follow her, she looked at my face as if she was being led to the
slaughter house, I signaled her to move on with a smile.

Mom: Are you going to tell me what those looks are all about, I have been watching you and Shanty the
whole time, and she looks scared when they mention Laboratory scan.

Me: Oh C'mon Mom, she's just nervous ok.

Mom: nervous of what?

Me: Am I supposed to answer that, am not reading her mind ooo

Mom: You, you sit down and make your mouth "toubeitoubei"

After two hours of waiting, I saw the nurse coming towards us with a white paper in her hand, but
Shanty was not with her, my heart skipped a beat…

Ma: Where is Sharon..."That is Shanty's real name, I wonder where she got Shanty from"…

Nurse: Your friend is being admitted…

Me: Whaat, admitted, but why?

Nurse: She tested positive to…

Me: Huhh? Tested positive to what?

Nurse: Let me speak to your Mom, you stay here

The two distanced themselves away from me, I couldn't hold my chill...positive? Oh God...don't let what
am thinking come to pass...

Mom: Hey Fafa, Shanty needs to rest, let’s go get her stuff, I don't think her Mom would be coming here
anytime soon…

Me: I’m not moving an inch till you tell me what I need to hear, Positive to what?

Mom: Shanty tested positive to Malaria and Cholera, she has two malaria parasites in her body.
Me: I sighed a relieve, but still pretended it was serious, Oh no.

Mom: Come, let's get going, she’s been put to sleep, it will help her recover faster

I sat at the backseat of the car as my mother started driving towards the school, I was lost between two
feelings, a mixture of happiness and sadness, happy because Shanty has no STI and sad because she has
Malaria and Cholera combined...Oh lawd..

Mom pulled up at the car park I went to select things Shanty would be needing at the hospital, I
explained to her roomies she wouldn’t be coming back to the room today...I made my way to my room
to get my stuff too, I would be staying with Shanty till she is discharged, I wrote a short note and pasted
it on Adiya's wardrobe about my where about, after that, and started going towards my Mom's car and
guess what? Prof.Koku, one of the most boring lectures I have ever meet in my entire life was having a
lively chat with my Mom, I quickly hid myself and waited until they were done chatting, I was not ready
to let him know am the daughter of her friends or whatever they are..

I composed myself and entered the car and my Mom started driving back to the hospital.

Mom: Did you see the man I was chatting with?

Me: Yea, you mean Prof.Koku?

Mom: Yes, He was the man who nearly married me...

Me: Whaat? This man? He is the most boring man ever

Mom: I told him you are a law student, and He promised to look for you the next time He comes over for

Me: Oh Mom c’mon, I don't mention my names to lectures for Christ’s sake, you shouldn't have

Mom: Well I did, and I don't see anything wrong with that...

Mom took a different route to prevent us from getting stuck in traffic, we reached the hospital and went
to the ward room where Shanty was, and there her Mom was, looking soo worried, she quickly came
over and gave me a warm hug....

After that, she left with my Mom to pay off all bills, I sat by Shanty and looked at her as she slept

I have never seen her sleep like this, in school, she sleeps as if she is acting some kind of Chinese movie
in her sleep

She looked so beautiful and innocent, innocent paa, her sins can fill the Atlantic Ocean, Lol

She was on drips to help with the Cholera and other liquids I don't know where also connected to her
body...Hmm...Get well Shanty
I dawned to me I had missed lectures, I quickly called Shark and He told me the lecture didn't come, I
explained what happened and promised to update me on campus happenings, I again promised to talk
to Hun Ying when I return..

Fafa, I told her myself and she was cool, I mean I told Hun Ying about it, she looked sad though but we
agreed to be best friends...Shark said.

Wow, you did well...I will get back to later ok, I said...

But something was not right, look like I have forgotten something, Something I was supposed to do
today, I kept wondering, It was 6:15Pm already, and I felt I had to be somewhere, then my phone started

Bryannnn???...I mentioned with awe...

Me: Hello Bryan

Bryan: Hi, am here, are you ready yet?

Me: Urrmmm Bryan…

Bryan: Oh, you will be fine, I promise

Me: Not that Bryan, I mean, I can't make it to you

Bryan: Whaat? But I paid for reservations already? Why?

Me: Oh sorry, I’m at the hospital with my friend, she is not well

Bryan: Ok fine, I think I have to get a different girl and get moving, Bye!!

He said and hanged the call

OMG!! I should have called to explain things to him, He ill think am trying to avoid him, Did He say He
was going to get another girl?...He's got to be kidding me

Hey but wait, If he is going to get another girl, was that supposed to be part of my business?

I’m not in love with him, No I’m not in love with him....

The two mothers came back, but my Mom was preparing to leave, He asked to drop me off at campus
but I told him I would have to stay with Shanty whiles they both go get some rest at home..
Shanty Mom begged me to go but I insisted, my Mom had to come in before she agreed, they both left
but promised to visit tomorrow Saturday.

After they left, I switched on my laptop to stream a movie online, that's when I heard Shanty call out my
name with a faint voice

Hey Shanty, don't move, you are on drips, I said…

Fafa, where is your Mom, and mine? Shanty asked.

They left not long ago, they would be back tomorrow, I’m here to stay with you, I said

What did the report say, I mean the lab report...

You have Malaria and Cholera, I replied

Just that? She asked

Yea, where you expecting a bonus disease? Stop those thoughts and stay low, I will get you some food,
you look hungry, I said.

I could see the lit in her eyes when I told her about the lab report, she was a bit relieved now, but I told
her she shouldn't underrate the danger of Malaria and Cholera, especially if they are combined.

The hospital bed was big enough to accommodate the two of us, I slept near her and we watched the
movie together, she seem ok now.

Later in the night, a nurse came in with some medications for Shanty, she also gave her and injection,
Shanty hates syringes, I do too, every girl does.

After this, I realize the girl had slept in, the drugs are working…

I switched off the lights and continued watching my movie…

Dear Diary, you heard a lot today, you must be tired, Get some rest, I'll get back to you tomorrow with
another daily dose of konkonsa, goodnight…

Yours Faithfully
Dearest Me


NB: Dear Reader, Do you think Fafa should have gone out with Bryan, leaving Shanty with her Mom?...

Your feedback is humbly required.


                                                          Page Seven

Dear Diary,

I was dead asleep until some cool music interrupted my sleep, I wanted to open my eyes but they
wouldn't, but after some minutes ,I was wide awake, but Shanty was not in bed with me..

Hey Fafa you are awake? I understand how tired you are, sorry I woke you up with the music, Shanty

Ah, you were supposed to be sick, what are you doing there? And who took you off the drips? I asked

Well, the nurse did, she said I'll be discharged today when my Mom comes, Shanty said

Are you sure Shanty? I asked

Oh c'mon I am, just get up and stop asking me crazy questions, she said.

I was happy Shanty was gonna be discharged today, I thought we would spend some couples of days
here looking at how weak she was, but I was just happy we will be leaving this place, I hate hospitals!!!
Shanty's Mom arrived at 8:45Am, she told me my Mom wouldn’t be coming, Oh Thank God.

Few minutes later, a nurse came to discharge Shanty and within some minutes, we were on our way back
to school.

Shanty, your Dad would be visiting you tomorrow, Shanty's Mom said...

How did you know that? Shanty asked.

Shanty's Mom: He called to say Hi last night, And Shanty, there is something I must tell you, and I hope
you forgive me.

Shanty: Something? Ok am listening

Shanty's Mom: You have a sister, but she's with your Dad's sister in the USA, your blood sister

Shanty: Whaaat?? I thought you said I was the only child

Shanty's Mom: Yes I did, but hmmmmmm

Shanty: A sister? But what?

Shanty's Mom: Shanty, her name is Sharrione, your twin sister, sobbing!!

Shanty: Whaat, my twin sister? Mom how inhuman are you, to keep this vital information a secret, how
come we were separated, Fafa, did you hear what she said ?, why are you now telling me this, Shanty
said weeping..

Shanty's Mom: She's back here in Ghana, and stays with your Dad.

Hmm, I couldn't hold back my tears, the three of us cried after hearing such a secret being revealed, but
how could she, after Shanty had grown into her 20's?....Shanty a twin?..

Well, we reached the school and Shanty left me with her Mom, I called her to return but she ignored us,
her Mom gave me some money for our upkeep and left the school in tears.

I made my way to Shanty's room and there she was, she was quietly sitting on her bed with her
roommates trying hard to get her to speak, I told them that was not the right time for conversations, I
left Shanty's room to go refresh myself, she still said nothing.

Adiya is not yet back, this girl must be sick, how can you leave school for that long, Is she even home, she
might be somewhere warming her blood and am here making her my business...tsw!!

I checked my phone and saw a message, it was from Shark, and He wanted me to help him prepare Jollof
rice...White guy who loves Jollof
I took my bath and changed into new cloths and made my way to Shark's room at the ISH, (International
Students Hall), I was about getting inside when I mistakenly crushed into someone...Bryan? I said

Bryan: Fafa, you? What are you doing here?

Me: Oh, I’m going to see a friend here

Bryan: You mean Shark? The guy you've been walking with?
Me: Yes, but do you guys know each other?
Bryan: Not really, we just stay in the same hall

Me: Oh you mean this is your Hall?

Bryan: Yeah.

Me: And hey, sorry about yesterday, my friend was just discharged this morning, I came back to school
not long ago

Bryan: Oh don't worry, and hey I didn't go out with anyone, it was just a bluff...hahaha

Me: Oh ok

Bryan: So can we? Maybe at my room

Me: Room? Hmmmm ok, but can I come with someone?

Bryan: Oh why not, we can watch a movie together

Me: Ok, Let me get back to you, I'll call you when we come around, at 7:00Pm

Bryan: Ok, I will be expecting you.

Wooh, so He didn’t go out with anyone, that’s nice of him, I was so finally relieved, but seriously looks
like am liking him some way bi ooo...

Shark was busily chatting with his friends back in UK through skype, he told me he was very hungry and
wanted to eat only Jollof rice, I got the things ready and an hour time, the food was served.

Shark: How is your friend?

Me: She's fine, where is Ying?

Shark: I have not seen her the whole of today

Me: But have you checked on her?

Shark: Not really

Me: Be nice and go say Hi later ok

Shark: Ok, I will try

After lunch with Shark, I went straight to Shanty's room, she was busy eating the waakye we bought at
the school junction

Me: Herr, so you are eating the waakye without calling me errr?

Shanty: Nonsense, check your phone and see the number of calls you've missed from me

Me: Oh sorry, I’m full though, Hey your Mom gave me this cash, its Ghc1, 000…

Shanty: I don't need her money keep it

Me: You are crazy, its good she told you that now, you never asked why she kept this a secret, and why
she is telling you this now, you were busy blaming her and didn’t give her enough space to explain things
to you..

Shanty: Hmmm, A twin sister, so am a twin?

Me: No, you are a triplet, are you taking the money or not?

Shark: You keep it, am not good at keeping monies, you know it

Me: Yoo, I hear, Ahaa, this evening we are going to Bryan's room to see a movie

Shanty: Whaat? So you have already been introduced to his room? What did I miss?

Me: Oh nothing, I just met him at ISH when I went to Shark's place, so we agreed to meet at his room,
and I asked to come with you

Shanty: Ok, which time

Me: 7:00Pm

Shanty: Ok, will prepare for that...

Me: I’m going to take a nap....I call you when am ready ok

Shanty: Ok, but hey, wear some nice...I mean sexy

Me: Sias3m kraaa

Back here in my room, I couldn't sleep as planned, I was busy going through my wardrobe to find
something I'll be wearing to Bryan's place, I finally settled on this shorts and a polo shirt, I wanted to look
like a tomboy tonight, it was perfect, after all we ain't going to a restaurant or something, Next, I
retouched my hair and did some facial treatments...Was that all for Bryan or what?....

Minutes passed into hours, and I soon found myself walking towards Shanty's room, she was done and
was waiting for me…

Herr, whaat? Tomboy? Hmmmm, Its cool though, Just wait till the Lezzies on campus locate you wai,
Shanty said as we made our way towards ISH,I had called Bryan early on to inform him we were coming
so by the time we reached there, He was waiting for us...

Bryan welcomed us and led us to his room, His roomie was not around so I was a bit relieved because I
was not ready to make another new friend.

Bryan's room was beautiful, Plasma Television, Game Console, Mini Air Conditioner and other stuff that
will attract ladies to guys on a university campus...

We made ourselves comfortable and the movie was being loaded, Bryan was smart enough to get us
some drinks and popcorn, Shanty was quiet, I knew she wanted me to talk to Bryan myself...Wicked girl.

It was the first episode of Game of Thrones Season 7...I had watched it with Shark, Shanty has been
dying to watch this movie.

Shanty: Oh Fafa, you've watched this movie already haven’t you?

Me: Yea I have

Shanty: What about you Bryan?

Bryan: Oh ya...

Shanty: Then, I will like to watch it alone without disturbance, if you guys wanna make noise, go to the
corridor and talk....And I mean you guys should go out now!!!

Fafa: Ah...Is this place your room...See power ooo?

Bryan: Oh, Fafa, let’s go catch some air outside and leave her...

Me: Ok, But where is your roommate?

Bryan: Oh, He does not sleep here again, He packed out

Me: Oh ok

Bryan: Shanty, lock the door with the keys...Don't open until you hear us

Shanty: Ok, Be gone now...

I gave Shanty a weird look and she replied with a thumbs up...I knew she intentionally did that to make
Bryan talk without feeling uneasy...That was smart though...

We spend almost 3hrs of chatting, and by the time we were done, we had exchanged a lot of vital
information about ourselves.

Bryan is an African American, He applied to the University of Ghana because he wanted to stay with his
parents here in Ghana, He is 23 years old, that makes him two years older than I am, He comes from a
rich home, very rich home, and He is single, and a Business Administration student, Level 200....

We had a lot to laugh about, I was bored when we agreed to go back to Shanty, It was a nice experience
with him, I didn’t even realize the time we held hand...I swear I didn’t.

We were about getting in when I saw Shark, He looked at me and just smiled, I was a bit confused, I
called him, but he just kept walking...What was that for?...I will know about that later…

Shanty had finished watching the movie and was sitting down playing candy crush with her phone, she
had eaten all the popcorn and had consumed the grilled chicken. This girl can eat!!!

We asked to take our leave, Bryan asked me to attend church with him the next day, who am I to say No?
I agreed

We said goodnight to each other and a warm sensational hug from him demystified all the mysteries that
had engulfed my whole being...I felt soo refreshed

Shanty couldn’t stop teasing me...

Herr, finally you hugged a guy? She said, but did he propose to you? She added

Oh nooo, so fast like that? c’mon. I replied.

Shanty: Ah, what’s wrong with that, you should have seen your face when he threatened to hung out
with a different girl last night...hahaha

Me: Hey, go to your room, gossip!

We parted ways and went to our respective rooms, I kept smiling and talking to myself Bryan feels like
some kind of new breath to me...I couldn’t deny my heart what was at stake...

Tonight am not going to sleep, I’m going to select the best dress I'll be wearing to church tomorrow...I
can’t miss this.

Dear Diary, today is probably my "our day" feel soo good right now...But we gonna call it a pause
here, I promise to jist you happenings later ok...Stay close...
Yours Faithfully

Dearest Me


NB: Dear Reader, Do you think Shanty's Mom should have revealed the truth to Shanty before she
entered her 20's...?

Your feedback is humbly required.


                                                            Page Eight

Dear Diary,

Did I even sleep last night? I had a chat with Bryan on WhatsApp, we discussed a lot of issues you
wouldn’t like to know...It was fantastic....

I had taken my bath as early as 5:30Am, that is a record, I took time to steam my face, Pony tailed my
long hair and wore an exquisite make up, You should have seen me today, I took a lot of selfies and sent
it to Shanty, she wasn’t coming with us, Her father would be visiting her today and she has to stay in
school...There might be more crying for her today, hmmmm, she would be meeting her twinie...

I was done dressing, but I couldn’t locate my Bible, only God knows the last time I attended church here
on campus...I finally found it under my bed covered with dust...Lord forgive me, I quickly made my way
to Shanty’s room to see how she was doing, she was busy arguing with roommates, we spoke for some
time and I advise her to control herself when her father comes, after that we exchanged goodbyes…

Bryan had come to meet me and was waiting outside the hostel, He praised my looks and my head
started swelling, I’m blushing already...

Me: Ok, can we go now?

Bryan: Yea, after you

Me: We have to go over there to get a car

Bryan: Hahaha, That is my car packed over there

Me: Whaaat? You drive on campus?

Bryan: Oh ya, I've always been driving on campus

Me: Cool

Within few minutes, we were on way to Action Chapel at Spintex, where his family fellowship, I was very
nervous, the journey to the church was delayed by this annoying traffic jam, He played this cool gospel
song to keep us activated in the spirit before getting to church, we were both silent till he pulled into the
car park of the church.

The church was filled to the brim with worshippers, an usher gave us a seat at the back and I saw that

I made him aware I wasn’t getting up when they call for first timers, I wasn’t ready to stand and face this
huge congregation...For how many reasons?

Worship was spirit filled, I was so immersed in the spirit as if I were a spirit myself...During praises, we
danced slowly as we swayed our bodies from left to right like some kind of zombies..."That is how the
English speaking churches in Accra dance...Slowly like Zombies".

Preaching was directed directly to the Youth, I felt this man was waiting for us, we kept stealing glances
at each other and smiling, Archbishop Duncan Williams taught us how to build a strong relationship
before marriage...Is was motivating, Bless him!!

During offering, I mistakenly dropped my GHS50.00 in the offering box instead of GHS5.00 Whaat? That
was not from my heart...I wish there was a way to retrieve it...GHS50??...Hmmm...well that is another

Service was soon over and we found ourselves outside the auditorium, I saw Bryan walk to some people
bi and there norr kissing and hugging started, He hugged this lady for few seconds, followed by another
kiss, and a hug...Oh Lawd. Wah Riz Dat?

Bryan: Hey Fafa, meet my Mom

Bryan's Mom: Hey young lady, how are you, you look beautiful

Me: I’m good Ma', and thank you Ma'...

Bryan's Mom: Good, Bryan, are you guys coming home with us?
Bryan: No Mom, we have somewhere to go...

Me: Somewhere? He never told me about that

I left him with his Mom and went to sit in the car, He soon came and told me we were going for lunch at
the Chinese Restaurant...I couldn’t hide my joy. I just hope I don’t bite something unusual...That lady she
was hugging is her aunt

Sitting in the Chinese Restaurant was a dream come true, we were served and ate quietly until I heard
him clear his throat...

Bryan: Fafa, Urrmmm, I have to confess this

Me: Confess what?

Bryan: Fafa, I’m in Love with you, and I need you to believe me, I know there is a part of you that likes

I couldn’t talk for some seconds, I quickly excused myself to use the washroom,

He did confess his love for me, I ready for this? I tried to relax....I washed my face with warm
water to feel some refreshment...

Then I saw this post on the wall of the washroom which says. "Let your heart do the listening, not your
head".....I read it over and over again...I felt this happiness in my heart and I knew what it was...Yes...Am
in Love with Bryan....

He was done eating when I returned to my seat, He looked at me with an innocent look...

Me: Bryan, Can you say it again?

Bryan: I love you Fafa...Trust me

Me: I trust you Bryan, you are worth me...and I love you too

I said this with tears building in my eyes, He held my hands tightly and promised to be by my side always

I felt new...

After lunch, we stopped at the Accra mall to do some shopping, we bought some ice cream ourselves
and took some pictures.

We were soon on our way back to school, we held hands as he drove with the other hand, I wish we
were married...Like our wedding day or something...Fafa finally started dating, That is a miracle

He dropped me at my Hostel and I promise to come to his room later in the evening, a warm hug sealed
it for that moment.

I was about taking my keys from the porter when I saw Shanty standing near this vehicle, I called her and
she motioned me to come over.

I nearly shouted at what I saw...The other twin...What?...Blood is really thicker than water...I had to take
a second look to really confirm whether Shanty was really my Shanty...Sharrione was no different from
Sharon, I could see they have had enough tears already looking at their faces.

Shanty: Fafa, meet Sharrione, My twin...Sharrione, this is the Fafa I just told you about

Sharrione: Hi Farrfarr…

Me: The name is Fafa...not Farrfarr, but don't worry. Your American accent. Hope you good...

Sharrione: Yea am good...Nice to meet you

Me: Nice meeting you too, Shanty, where is your dad? And did He tell you something?

Shanty: He went that way with a friend, He did say something... Hmm, Sharrione's foster Mom in the
USA,I mean our aunt was the one who introduced my Dad to my Mum in the USA, she had to sign a
contract with them, And the contract was that, My parents will give her one of their children when my
Mum gives birth, She was barren and needed a child badly, and our parents too were in dare need of a
green card to secure their stay in the USA...My aunty was the only one they knew who could help them
get the card. And she did...she financed their them jobs and rented an apartment for
them, We were born through Caesarean operation which raptured the womb of my mother, she couldn’t
give birth after we were born...So they had to sacrifice one of us...And Sharrione was the one she
chose...she left with Sharrione after we turned one and a half....My Mom was angry and that started the
issues with her and my dad, it went soo worse that my Mom filed for a divorce from a US court, they
soon divorced but the judge told them my Mum will take me home, but my father will have the chance
to see me anytime...

After I turned three, my Mum came back to Ghana with me, and my Dad came later, leaving Sharrione
with her new Mum...So, that was the secret they kept...Sharrione is back, my Aunty disclosed the secret
to her and she went mad, she asked to come see her real parents...

She let her go, all her estates and riches have been given to Sharrione and I, she has a month to draw air
from this world, she has stage three cancer.

So, that is the story.....Hmmmm

That was the first I've heard something like that...exchanging your child for a green card?...Awful...Any
way, you two should find space in your hearts to forgive have to...I understand why they had
to keep it a secret for that long...So you have to really forgive them....Please..

Sharrione was very beautiful, her skin was glowing and her natural hair was long to the waist. "I want
that hair". She was the direct opposite of her sister, Shanty had short hair with an near dark skin, that
was the only way you could differentiate them...or maybe their voice....One has an American Accent, the
other too...Pure Ga accent...Lol..

I left the two to discuss and know more about each other...”I wish I were a twin"...

Reaching my room, I sensed something happened here, some kind of detergent has been used to clean
the room...Adiya is back, her phone was on charge but where is she? She did well cleaning the room

It was already 5:30Pm, I soon found myself preparing to go to Bryan's room, Shanty was still talking with
Sharrione, but this time, their Dad was around. I went over to say hi to him...He has been here a couple
of times so He knows me very well...I told Shanty where to find me when she should incase look for me..

My phone started ringing, it’s Shark.

Shark: Hi, look ahead, can you see me wave?

Me: Oh ya, I’m coming over

Shark was sitting on a bench alone, I went over to him and I could see He looked sad, I was soo not
happy, this guy is sick or something might be wrong somewhere..

Me: Shark, what is wrong with you, are you alright?

Shark: Yeah, I am

Me: Ok, and yes, what was that about yesterday, when you saw me with Bryan?

Shark: Oh nothing. I was just feeling this pains in my ears. If I had stopped, your voices would have given
me excruciating I had to keep walking away from all kinds of noise

Me: Ok oh, you made me worried

Shark: By the way, what’s up with you two? I mean you and the guy

Me: Ok, We started a relationship, I love him...Trust me (His facial expression changed immediately)

Shark: Whaat? You dating him? Fafa. What about me? Do you know how much I love you...I wanted you
to build this love for me, I thought you would. I actually thought you had...why Fafa?

Me: Whaat? What are you talking about, yes I do love you Shark, but we have to remain friends and
keep loving each other as friends. I appreciate everything, but I have to listen to my heart, not my
head...I’m sorry Shark...
Shark walked away and told me to stay off him, I was so broken and felt pity for him, I felt like crying, He
is a very faithful friend I can rely on, but seeing him go was just not a sight for me to see...My mood
changed immediately, but I still made up a face and went over to Bryan's room.

I think He saw me coming because he opened the door before I could knock, we hugged. I refused to let
him go, we continued in that posture until tears came from my eyes....He didn’t say anything but led me
to his bed...”I mean bed"...we both slept on the bed and my head rested on his chest as I continued
sobbing....He knew that was not the best time to talk,....

I don’t know what happened, but I fell into a deep sleep, I was tired for Christ's sake, I woke up later and
found him watching a movie...

He had gone to buy some food when I was asleep, we ate together and I told him what brought about
my tears.

Bryan: You have a soft heart, do well to go check on him...

Me: I doesn’t want me near him

Bryan: Call that a bluff, go check on him first thing tomorrow morning, do that before you come here ok?

Me: Ok....I promise

After sometime, I asked to go back to my room, He drove me to my hall and we again hugged, but this
time He spiced it with a lip kiss and said goodbye...I wished it was French…

Adiya was streaming a telenovela when I got in, she said Hi and explained a lot of stuff, but my mind was
too tired to concentrate on what she was saying....

I went for a shower and soon found myself in bed...with Bryan in my heart. And me in his

Dear Diary, the day is over and I need to catch some sleep now...Today I finally did one of the
"undoables" in my life...Am finally dating...Wish my luck in my new relationship

Good night.

Yours Faithfully

Dearest Me

NB: Dear Reader, Is it better you propose to someone you love, if she is not in love with you?...Looking at
Shark's situation.

                                                  DIARY OF A LEGONITE

                                                        Page Nine

Dear Diary,

I woke up late today because I had no lectures, I took time to do all my assignments before dashing into
washroom clean up ,after that, I had breakfast and washed some dirty cloths I had....later, I left campus
to go plait my hair, I have been carrying this hair for far too long, I need a new look...

I came back some hours later and went straight to Shark's room, I had to beg him for some time before
He open his door to let me in, His room was unkempt with cloths and books scattered all over...

But what has come over him, has He taken this too far? I asked my self

Me: Hey Shark, are you gonna look at my face or not?

Shark: I’m not. I thought I told you to stay away from me

Me: Yes, but you still welcomed me into your room, that means there is some kind of humanity left in
you...Listen Shark, It’s not my fault it did not work ok, you told me nothing least you could have
given me a hint, But you did or said nothing....So tell me where am at fault, Is it me falling in love with
Bryan or what?...

Shark: Hmmm...It’s my fault ok, I was supposed to tell you everything in the first place, but I was just
afraid I would have destroyed our friendship, you once told me you aren’t into guys, Remember?....So I
had to keep it to myself..

Me: Yes, I did tell you that ok, but that shouldn't have stopped you if you think you were really serious
about it...I just met Bryan not long ago, He gave me all the hints, I felt wanted by him, so I couldn't deny
him when he confessed his love for me...I couldn't because I love him too...

Shark: Hmm...Am cool with you guys together, forgive me for my behavior I portrayed to you yesterday...

Me: Oh don't worry...But promise me we still remain friends, I’m not ready to lose you

Shark: I promise...I’m cool, Bryan is a cool guy, you deserve each other.

Me: Thank you, Look am going to check on Shanty ok, and there was a revelation by her parents...Shanty
is a twin, and she just reunited with her twin sister yesterday...

Shark: Woow, that's cool, Can't wait to meet her other half...

Me: Oh ya, I'll call you later ok, I’m gone

Shark: OK, close the door behind you

Me: I'll...and hey, clean up your looks horrible

I called Shanty to check whether she was in her room or not, she told me she's outta school to buy some

I then made my way to Bryan's room, I have not heard from him the whole of today and it seem like ages
to me, getting nearer to his room, I heard this annoying loud arguments from his room, He was playing
this fifa game with his course mates, And you know how guys behave when they play this score games,
it’s almost impossible to accept defeat even if you have been scored thousand times...I know Bryan is a
good player, I know

Hey guys, get your asses outta my room, I have a guest...I mean be'll gotta get proper tutorials
before you can win this game...go get yourselves a teacher, Bryan teased them, They were his closest
friends on campus...they took turns to shake my hand, some even demanded for hugs which really
pissed Bryan off....he pushed all of them out and locked his door..

Hey baby girl come here, I've missed you a lot, Bryan said...I walked into his opened arms to receive the
usual hugs, but this time, He was in his boxer shorts so it had a different flavour, A better flavour...You
know the flavour right?...Lol

Me: Have you eaten anything?

Bryan: Not really, just cereals

Me: You think you are okay with that?

Bryan: For now yes, but will eat something later

Me: sure

Bryan: Hey, I downloaded this movie, wanna see it

Me: Ya sure

Bryan reached for his laptop and climbed onto his bed, He invited me and I joined him, It was a romantic
comedy, perfect for a couple....I slept on his chest as we watched the movie silently, there was this sex
scene and he forwarded it, I protested and he played it back, we watched it together with his eyes gazed
at my lips, I knew what he had in mind, so I excused myself to visit the washroom, That was close...

I washed my face and refreshed my mouth with this toothpaste I got on his sink, I can't deny him a
kiss...Kisses aren’t harmful, they don't kill...He is my boyfriend, So I can't say No to his kiss...

I came out and saw him dressed up

Hey, let’s go get some foodstuffs from the mall, I’m tired of eating takeaway foods, you can cook, the
Ghanaian can right? He said

Nope, I can’t, I replied

Oh C'mon, every lady do cook Jollof here in Ghana...He said

Am kidding, let’s go...I said

Bryan soon parked at the Accra Mall and we entered Shoprite to get the foodstuffs
needed...Rice,Carbbage,beef,chicken,spices,etc,whatever,whatever...We also bought some wine, soft
drinks and chocolates....

After that we went to put them in the car and came to sit at KFC for some cocktails, and there she was....

“Shanty, what are you doing here? Hi Aluta”, I asked

Shanty: I should be asking you that, Hi Bryan

Me: You were supposed to be buying foodstuffs

Shanty: Yes I did, it’s in Aluta's car, and you were supposed to be in school
Me: Well, we also came to get some foodstuffs for Bryan

Shanty: Oh ok, Aluta had a scan over there, those nurses are having a checkup, I propose you guys
should go check your bloods, for safety reasons...

Me: How much are they taking...I'll love us to

Shanty: Oh you just give them anytime above GHS5.00 to support the children's unit of the Korle Bu
Teaching Hospital

Bryan agreed we go for the scan, and we had our system scanned for HIV, Gonorrhea, Syphilis and other
Infectious disease

Nurse: Your report is here, can you guys should sit for a minute

We did...

Nurse: I guess you guys are dating, or you are in some kind of relationship?

Yes we are, Bryan replied

Nurse: Good, you have to stay faithful to each other to sustain your relationship, if you really want to
stay as couples till death do you apart, its good you had this test, it will help you wipe all doubt you
might have, if I may guess, are you both virgins?

Bryan: She is I’m not, broke my virginity at 17, I have had sexual intercourse with three different girls
back in the USA, and Fafa knows about that.

Nurse: Good, you must learn to stay with one partner at a time to help you stay away from STI's, so I
have a box of condom for you two, one for each of you, Here you go, Use this to prevent unwanted
pregnancies, and you Fafa, abortion is never an option, If you are not ready to have sexual intercourse,
make it known to Bryan, I hope he understands...

Me: Ok Ma', Thank you

Bryan was good to put GHS50.00 in the donation box, we came to where Shanty was seated with Aluta
at KFC

Shanty: Fafa, you got the box of condoms right

Me: Yes, any problem?

Shanty: Oh nothing, I just wanted to let you know they aren’t balloons or meant to be chewed.

Me: Mtcheeew, we must get going...Annoying girl like you

Bryan and Aluta exchanged pleasantries as we made our way towards the car park

Me: Shanty, why don't you join us here and let Aluta go back to his campus

Shanty: Fafa, that's a good idea, but am going to prepare some food for him at his place, we will come
back here to see a movie at the Silverbird Cinema, and I might sleep over at his place

Me: Alright, but you must come back to school, you have lectures tomorrow

Shanty: I promise.

Some minutes later, we were back in Bryan's room, I left him alone and went to his corridor to prepare
the Jollof rice he has been yearning for, and some minutes later, Food was ready,

I dished the food as he poured us some wine...Woow...What a dinner we were having...

It was getting dark, I washed the place we used for eating and swept his room, Bryan started the Fifa
game, I wanted to play it with him, we did play, He made me score a some of goals before he made my
team look miserable on the field....Lol, It’s not a girl thing you know...They Play games, we watch
telenovelas and soap operas...

Then it happened suddenly, He reached out for my chin and planted this deep kiss on my lips, I closed
my eyes and tightened my lips...But I couldn’t resist, I unfolded my lips and we soon got ourselves on his
bed again, kissing like crazy...I didn't need kissing practice, I watch romantic movies and I see people
kissing, So it’s not a big deal....

Bryan soon broke the kiss, I should’ve done that, not him, He asked to see my off, I told him to stay back
as I was going to see Shark

Bryan: Did you talk to him

Me: Yes I did, I’m going to take his assignment

Bryan: OK, see you tomorrow, I love you, and hey sorry, for what just happened, it happened soo fast
and I couldn’t stop

Me: Oh c’mon, we did that together, I’m not complaining, I’m I?

Bryan: I’m just saying

Hey am gone, I hugged him and gave him another deep kiss, I left him standing and staring at me as I
vanished from his sight

On reaching Shark's room, I realized the door was partly ajar, I knocked whiles opening the door, Shark,
where are you?
Shark: Fafa, please don't come in

But it was too late, I had entered the room and there they were, stack naked, Shark and Hun Ying...Oh

What is this about, I thought you guys settled your differences, are you guys crazy or what? And Shark,
you did that without a condom? Do you know the danger you too are posing to yourselves.

And you Ying, wait till you get pregnant, if am right, your family members are thousands of miles away
from here, far away in Japan...Can't you just protect yourselves?...I don't blame you two..

Shark, can I speak to you privately? We moved to his corridor

Shark: Look, I’m sorry ok, I have been drinking, I was drunk when she came in, I tried to stop her, but I
couldn't just say no to her naked body

Me: Drunk? Since when did you start drinking again? I thought you promised to control your bad
drinking habit, what happened?

Shark: I know, but I was soo depressed

Me: You know, I can't stop you two, I’m done advising you...I need your assignment

Shark went to get me the book I needed

Me: Hey, take this condoms, we got it after we had a scan, and I will advise you, if you want to continue
like this with this girl, you better go with her for a check up

Shark: Thank you, but sorry you saw us this way

Me: And again, learn to shave...and also lock your door the next time, or else someone might take a
video of you two without your knowledge, Legonites like sex tapes wai

I left him with Ying to continue where ever they stopped, I can't stop them, and that was enough to
make Shark know He cannot still hold any feelings for me...

Back in the room, Adiya was enjoying a hearty chat with his boyfriend on the phone, I gave her some
condoms and a bar of chocolate...Today de3 am a condom distributor...Ikr

I later showered and took some hot green tea, Mom said it’s good…

Then I remembered my kissing session with Bryan, it felt soo good...I wish I had more…

Dear Diary, my eyes are closing by very sleepy, let’s put a full stop here.

Catch you soonest...goodnight...

Yours Faithfully
Dearest Me


NB: Dear Reader, Do you have to spend some time with your partner before any sexual exploits?

Your feedback is humbly required.


Page 10

Dear Diary,

Days weaved into weeks, weeks crawled into months, and my relationship with Bryan had been of
positive benefits to me than I thought.

Being in a relationship I thought was some kind of jail term, but taking a bite from the right fruit would
reveal its best side.

Sharrione joined us as a transfer student from the USA, she stayed at ISH, and soon, guys were hovering
around her like some kind of flies, the girl get no chills...

Shanty's divorced parents came to visit the twins one day...And nobody knew why that happened.

Shanty: Look guys, the last time I saw them together was in a picture my Mum has in her closet, seeing
them together is just strange, I can't think straight

Sharrione: Yea, you hit it right, look like they kinda miss each other

Me: I pray what am thinking comes to pass...

Sharrione: Are you seriously thinking what am thinking?

Me: What are you thing?

Sharrione: What you are thinking
Shanty: Look, you guys should stop this thinking stuff and let me think ok…

Me: Maybe they are tired of being single

Sharrione: I think so

Shanty: Hmmmm

Shark's relationship with Hun Ying yielded positive results, they are dating after all, A British dating a
Japanese?...I want to see how their kids would look like...Lol

Hun Ying is more of a sister to me now, she's soo lovely and caring...I had a whole lot of negative
sentiments about her at first...the "Annoying Girl" thing nu…

Adiya, my roommate broke up with her boyfriend, the dude had been using the girl all this time, that is
the wicked part of guys I hate....They can't eat from their own bowls...

Adiya was broken to the core, which is logically how a girl who went into a relationship with her heart is
supposed to feel, yes, Broken...But she can be repaired...

Shanty and Shampaigne (Sharrione) did well by building the bonds that were destroy some time ago,
they became proper twins, I loved seeing them together, but until I see them fight, they ain't really

Sharrione is just some crazy girl, she drinks beer, smokes and curses guys like anything...That is a perfect
character of a black girl who was born and raised in the USA...and another mind blowing fact about is
that, she does not do men...She is a Lesbian, She has a dildo in her closet...she's not shy saying that....Ah
Well...I got myself a lesbian sister, I hope with time she comes back to normality...I pray

Bryan's parents got to know mine, my Mum and his became friends, my cycle of friends became more of
a family, I just pray we remain so

Bryan taught me how to drive, my Mum owns four cars and I can't wait to make my pick right after

I had had some few misunderstandings with Bryan, not a big deal though, He is always bored when I
refuse to tell him why am quiet..."The fact is, the silence of a Lady means a lot", and that silence is what
pisses guys off...Our misunderstanding is always solved within some few minutes of dawging. He finds a
way to get back to me, sometimes by kissing me or hugging me, Sometimes, I just shadda play stubborn,
He still pampers me...

As simple as that, misunderstanding in a relationship is not all about breaking up, sometimes it needs a
second look, if your partner is caught cheating, that does not mean the relationship should be dissolved,
I don't think you will really breakup with your partner you love because you caught him/her cheating,
Sometimes, breaking up is not always the solution...
People do a lot of crazy things after a break up, some go as far as committing suicides and invoking
curses on their partners, so sickening.

A lady who dates more than three guys before getting married has a big problem, she is qualified to be
termed "A Gold-digger", that's my perception though, It’s something different on the side of guys, they
always have the upper hand, always remember they have nothing to lose when you break up with them,
They always feel they can start with a different lady.

Diary, we did it, Yes, I had sex with Bryan, it was not something we planned to do, but we couldn't stop
what it started.

I went to his room as usual, we engaged in a hearty chat which later drifted into an erotic convo, I started
kissing him, he peeled off his shirt and I my dress, leaving us in our underwear, we did lot of dirty
stuffs...before I got to know, we were staring at each other’s nakedness for the first time, He was a pro
when it comes to romancing a lady, He guarded me but he was not desperate....The music he played
filled the room to prevent our moans from escaping his room....

Before he popped my cherry, He made me assure him am cool with that, I was cool, and I was at the gate
of no return...

He used a condom, and before I knew, an excruciating pain run through my being as he popped my
cherry, I couldn't help but cried out in pain, and later, the pain became something of a pleasure, and
then the glories of all glories engulfed me....We had a couple of protected intercourse in subsequent
days, but that was not our occasional activity.

In a relationship, being a virgin does not make you a hero, being a virgin does not make you a better lady
than your fellow girls who have their cherries popped...It’s how you make it after you are unvirgined..

Breaking your virginity too does not mean you are now a sex doll, you must learn to avoid multiple sex
partners. It’s the major key.

Telling Shanty about it, she looked at me with this crazy look

Shanty: How do you feel after that?

Me: Same

Shanty: How did you feel before that?

Me: Same.

“Good, the whole idea of being a virginity is overrated, our class teachers only advise us to remain
virgins, but they don't tell us what we ought to do if we lose them, that is where the problem is, that is
when we the girls tend to engage in unguarded sexual activities which may lead to unwanted
pregnancies and STI's...If we had a better education on how to keep ourselves safe after popping our
cherries, this problems would have been minimal, but what we see is just bad, Teachers and Parents
prefer dragging us in the mud, forgetting that we are all still the same” Shanty said...

I agree totally with her....If virginity is dignity? What do you become when you are unvirgined before

I’m not a virgin, but I have my dignity, what about that?

I have a friend who is a virgin, but she is the direct opposite of the word "Dignity", What about that too?

I’m still the good girl I have always been, A level 200 student of UG pursuing Law...I mean Law oo....I have
a lovely boyfriend who happens to be responsible, I mean responsible, He did not dump me after we had
sex, but he loved me more...I said More!!!...

My friends, Shanty and Shampaigne, Shark and Hun Ying have endorsed my idea of educating the
younger one's on how to keep themselves safe after popping their cherries...But it’s more of a Girls
convo...No Guys Please.....

Dear Diary, this in your last page, I’m sad I have to close you finally, but I promise to read through you...I

I’m sad though, But we have to call it goodbye here....Love you!!

Yours Faithfully

Dearest Me


NB: Dear Reader, Do you agree with Fafa's advice on "Not being a Virgin", Do you think there should be
better form of education on how to keep ourselves safe once you pop your cherry?

Your feedback is humbly required.

Diary Closed…..

DISCLAIMER: This story, Diary of a Legonite is pure fiction, There is no Fafa writing this, All names in this
story was made up by the writer, The Author, Danny Biitka is a Poet and not a student of the university of
Ghana....Please draw my attention when you see any part of this story being plagiarized, Always watch
out for the unique signature "ҰҨҦӁҸ".
Thank you all for reading....I hope we have been advised...

All Rights Reserved

©Danny Biitka

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